SUPER HERO Speedrunner VS Hunter in Minecraft

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let's get started we're playing speedrunner versus Hunter the rules are simple see this Stone Idol if I can destroy it then I win but I can't destroy it without a diamond pickaxe that's right JJ if Mikey defeats me before I destroy it he wins yeah yeah oh but Mikey this time I've been training for this I've learned how to use various techniques so do you mind if I use them today oh you trained sure use your techniques in that case I'll change into my training outfit isn't it cool this is so cool what kind of techniques can you use well for example [Music] huh yep what a surprise that's amazing just like this whoa I can make tornadoes amazing still is that all I was just floating here so this is pretty weak sure you can use your techniques looks like I'll be the one who wins this round okay start whenever you want I'm all ready to go awesome since I have Mikey's permission to use techniques I'm ready I'll use this one I'll use the air jump technique it's a jump without fall damage are you ready yeah whenever you're ready all right okay ready stop super jump what huh and then hey Incredible Cool huh I'll catch up to you soon I'll be right there this is incredible oh I can use a variety of techniques like this Mikey's closer than I thought oh well jumping power shoot shoot I'm gonna get you okay again up whoa okay I'm in the trees I bet Mikey can't climb up here he's in the trees but I can stack blocks to climb up after you catch up and stop you what he's still coming [Music] Mikey's coming to get you still I'll keep coming no matter what technique you use yeah win seriously what was that wow what a surprise wait there and again take this ouch this is the air cannon technique hey I can defend no from a distance take this whoa now's my chance to use super jumps you Jesus to escape here I go I won't let you now put some distance between us you won't get away like so not too shabby all right oh this mountain looks like it has something good on top time for another Super Jump oh oh a village perfect and it even has a farm I'll Harvest these carrots just as I was starting to get hungry I find these carrots Yep this is pretty lucky a village in a place like this is there anything else around here well at least I found food huh [Music] for my key yes yes shoot I caught up to you oh I'm here to stop you see there's nowhere to run this is bad it's a steep drop here he really has me cornered you can give up no oh I'm fine Mikey how you see I could do this Zoom what oh no way all right seriously huh mint way down I'm coming for you awesome oh see I used the technique to walk through the air it uses fire to give me a boost really if I use this [Music] I can zoom right through the air I'll catch you I can reach all sorts of places oh a cave all right I'll enter it to find some diamonds once I find diamonds I can make a diamond pickaxe smash the stone Idol and win so far so good since it's going so well there's no need to worry [Music] that hang on zombies I guess I'm out of options it's time to use this technique this fire technique can destroy them all take that it launches fire from every part of my body to destroy them with a massive Fireball all right huh I'd be I beat the zombies I guess you are Your Own Worst Enemy I should be more careful now shoot Mikey found me whoops I'll corner you we're on as fast as I can making a break for it I need diamonds after him I need to fight back with this bring it on well can you get close Mikey it's no use huh that won't work what it has no effect I have a shield uh-oh Fireball wow that's fine I brought water you're kidding this is bad shoot just a little more I need a new technique whoa like this you want that should seal him off okay you can't get away with my shield I'm ready for anything whoa what yes I made a wall for now let's keep making more technique to make walls all right now I need to escape to a deeper place all right here Reynolds Mikey for now I got him off my trail for the time being now I need to find those diamonds without a diamond pickaxe I can't hang on are those diamonds I found diamonds but what should I do about all that lava let's go lower I'll dig my way down okay [Music] whoa wow they really were diamonds nice in that case I'll use a water technique check this out now with this huh maybe a little lower [Music] now I can use this ball of water watch this this way I don't have to touch the lava just touch the water to the lava like so and it all turns into stone or obsidian all right not bad it worked thanks to the water technique I made a bridge of stone and obsidian not too shabby and now I'll dig up these diamonds there are a lot of them here awesome how many are there whoa I found 11 diamonds which means I'll line up some sticks with the diamonds thank you yes I successfully made a diamond pickaxe all I have to do now is destroy the stone Idol which means it's time to leave the cave and go and smash it no Mikey's here he's gonna catch me I'm definitely catching you gotta get up those stairs gotta destroy the stone Idol almost there I have my diamond pickaxe wait it takes time to destroy the stone Idol I guess I don't have a choice I need to take Mikey on I'm gonna stop you your attacks won't work I've got a shield I got you you think so let's fight sure I'll Attack when you attack Mikey all right yes now yeah seriously all right oh that hurt come on I used wind power to blow Mikey away and since Mikey blew away it's time to destroy this I have to smash this before Mikey makes it back up here I broke it ah no yes yes yes Mikey look you broke it I destroyed the stone Idol I lost but that was fun if you enjoyed today's video please like And subscribe bye for now thanks bye bye see you next time if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 3,576,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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