Super Green Falafel | Friday Night Feast | Jamie Oliver

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We're going to make the most incredible super  greens falafel. This is a vegan dish with   flatbreads, homemade hummus, salad pickles. I want  to celebrate veggies with a meal that you feel   excited by. So it all starts with this chickpeas.  So let's just talk hummus. Let's take something we   know but do it better. So in a food processor  I'm gonna put these chickpeas and the juice   and I'm gonna leave about four tablespoons in  here, forget this. Then we're gonna go in with some   basic seasoning and then half a garlic clove, some  nice olive oil, a nice couple of tablespoons and   then we're gonna go in with peanut butter that's  not classic right the classic is tahini. I'm just   showing you that you can use peanut butter, right,  unsweetened by the way. Let's take a lemon full   of life. Let's not waste the zest and then let's  get some juice in there. Whizz it up and let's go   You can keep it chunky or you can keep  going to make it really beautifully smooth So look at that really beautiful, very  very, quick to do. So make a little well   of good oil in there which is peppery  and grassy and then you can take   you know a few bits of parsley and sort of  embellish it. So first bit done, second bit   I'm going to take two tablespoons of  the chickpeas and put them into a pan   You can inflict flavour on this in any way you  wish to. You can get smoked, sweet paprika, delicious.   This is ducker right which is a blend of nuts  and spices and herbs. So look at this these are   little flavour bombs. So on our silky smooth hummus  this is what this kind of little journey is about   Next our little falafel right which is kind of  more like a fritter so in this same food processor   right I'm going to add the rest of these  chickpeas. What we're then going to add to that   is 150 grams of frozen peas. You've probably got  this in your freezer right now you've probably got   chickpeas in a tin somewhere lonely in the back  of a cupboard right let's have a party get him out   We need to bind it so two tablespoons of  self-raising flour. We're gonna flavour it   with some fragrant things. So I want a bunch of  mint. The next ingredient is a little kind of   surprise ingredient. This is pickled or preserved  lemons you can get them in the supermarkets Now inside these little lemons you'll see  there's often a few pips, squeeze them out   You can pulse it and then we're  going to shallow fry it, delicious   Look at this I mean it is the most incredible  green colour. So we're going to leave this over here   Now I want to show you how to make salad pickles  right. I'm going to take half of that pomegranate   and I'm going to squeeze it onto our plate here.  Then we're going to hit it up with an acid. So   about equal quantities of vinegar we want it to  be pickley and of course if you wanted to put   a little bit of nice olive oil in there, beautiful.  I'm using a red onion from a height just sprinkle   We can take a chilli right we're talking about  colour and flavour. Guys look let's have you in   the party hello welcome to the party. Let's take  a cucumber right. So you can slice this up any way   you want it's about texture, look, feel, fun and  then carrot you could use a speed peeler. This   is a fantastic way to just shave your way into  something that's very beautiful. Take a little   bit of a mint giving it a little twist and  then we've got this half of the pomegranates   and spank. Boring, no way. I mean look at the plate  it's beautiful so how can it not taste beautiful   Now it's time to cook our little falafel. So a  little bit of oil in the pan and we're going   to take a spoon of our mix get it gnarly and  golden and then when you bust it open green   Get your spatula over and turn it. If we take a  little bit of cumin it's going to toast up it's   kind of gets smoky. Now we need the edible plate,  the bread. This is from a Turkish restaurant. Just   absolutely beautiful and you can just warm these  up and they're fantastic. You can tear them up   what a joy. Bash up some pistachios for extra  protein and texture. Look at that I mean look   at the colour. Add a few dashes of chilli sauce  to a bowl of soya yogurt for ooziness and a   kick of spice. Enough talking, let's plate this  up. We're going to take our base, our foundation   Hummus, we're going to get some of these  beautiful pickles and just let that rain down   and then we're going to take some of these falafel pistachios, a bit of a sprinkle up. Get some of our  chilli it's going to just give it a nice moisture   and if you want to finish with  a few herbs, but that my friends   it's like a painters palette it's full of colour Hallelujah, there's so many flavours going on there.  It's creamy, it's hot, it's tangy, it's crunchy   It's got that comforting fritter  but it's so full of flavour, delicious.
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 141,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, nakedchef, jamie oliver, vegan, veggie, vegetarian, how to, lunch dinner party, dinner, family, easy
Id: 5Qsnmi7aaP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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