Salad Megamix | Jamie Oliver

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okay food tubers a zero fat gorgeous amazing salad dressing and if it sounds too good to be true then let me show you how to do it but before we do this let's just have a comparison french dressing if i had a pint of french dressing okay we're talking well over 3000 calories this dressing that we're going to do 300 calories and everything that's going into it is really super healthy and gorgeous so we're going to put 500 grams of organic fat-free yogurt in there go in with a good pinch of salt a pinch of pepper two teaspoons of english mustard [Music] i'm going to go in with some nice herbs pull the stalks off that's green and purple basil but you could go cilantro or coriander i'm gonna go with a little garlic now this dressing will last as long as the date on your packet of yogurt okay so it normally has a week or a bit more on it um the minute you put garlic into it it just kind of goes off sort of quite quickly so i'd only have it for a couple of days if you want to have it for longer just don't put the garlic in and then you could have some cayenne pepper or a little chili and then i've got some nice vinegar here some cider vinegar some white wine vinegar or even some lemon juice so i'm gonna go in with about two tablespoons of vinegar all the equivalent in lemon juice if you are gonna use lemon juice remember you've also got zest on your side as well so you can choose either vinegar or lemon juice or have a little bit of both okay so i'm simply going to whiz this up [Music] oh that's good all that is good that my friends can go in the fridge let's just dress a little bit of salad you can see it's got that lovely color of the basil i love dressings i love french dressings i love olive oil god you know i love olive oil but you know it's nice to have a trick up your sleeve for zero fat that happens to be healthy and gorgeous [Music] god bless you [Music] we're gonna do a beautiful version of a ward off salad okay this is a classic salad from the waldorf hotel in new york i'm still going to honor and respect the sort of basis of the salad but i want to take it on a bit i want to express myself with roasted grapes that healthy dressing i absolutely love it as a starter as a side salad amazing with a roast chicken and roast potatoes first up the classic part has to be the grapes so get yourself some lovely grapes so salt and pepper olive oil and a little squeeze of lemon juice so dress it like a little salad the original recipe had beautiful fresh grapes i want to get caramelization sweetness i want to get another vibe going on the rest of the grapes in that seasoning this is in the wood oven about 180 degrees for about five to ten minutes see how it's starting to just shrivel up and see that little red juice we're now going to go in my nuts back in what i'm going to do next is celery peel off the worst of the stringy bits so i use a speed peeler to do this normally people hack this end off and throw it in the bin but this is like the crown jewels this is what the italians go mad for i'm going to just keep this heart i'll come back to that with the stalks here slice them up nice and delicate the heart of the celery is often the part that everyone throws away look how beautiful that is guys and the flavor is crunchy and fresh and really clean finely slice those hearts gorgeous we've got romaine lettuce take the first half because it produces gorgeous little cups then i'm going to finely slice the middle part and then i'm going to cut this part in half just like the celery i'm going to do this for four people don't want to make a nice big salad sorry about the noise it's mating season i'm at home in essex springs come sun's out it's like dr doolittle's love pile around here every corner you turn there is an animal at it so the original ward off salad dressing was mayonnaise-based i'm gonna make something with the same vibe with better flavors more dynamic flavors so a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil twice as much organic yogurt go a nice teaspoon of english mustard season it with salt and pepper it's quite nice with a little squeeze of lemon juice it's going to be a really nice little dressing it's a lovely color i can hear this stuff going off in here those grapes are phenomenal look at that tarragon i've got here chop up the tarragon get it in your dressing mix up that flavor in and on top wonderful we'll take our grapes off the vine take some of these nuts as well focus in on my nut speed and then just crush them with your hands there's the animals they're getting excited i'm getting excited it's all kicking off here in essex and then the golden bit this juice it's almost like a natural sort of grape balsamic vinegar don't don't waste any of that i've got my nice apple cut it even thickness i'm just going to slice this up the other way into matchsticks in we go toss it up gorgeous colors wonderful textures so i've saved back a couple of these grapes just to put on top a beautiful simple reinterpretation of that great classic salad but with roasted grapes that healthy dressing i mean this isn't all for me obviously this is for four people but you know i'm just gonna hang out and eat my funky little water celery that is really good the roasted grapes gives incredible sweetness and it works so well with the nuts and the tang of the dressing and the crunch of the apple and the celery that is a mighty seller please please give that a go very exciting until next time take care guys bye and from all the animals bye hello you lovely foodtubers mr oliver here today we're gonna do the ultimate tomato salad you could fold it through a lovely omelet you could put it through a risotto so it all begins with the tomatoes obviously you know the plums and the traditional reds are the more usual fare but if you look down the farmers markets and good supermarkets you'll see a whole range of beautifulness look at that look at the colors so this is a very very exciting little world what i want to do is show you how you can get the most flavor out of your tomatoes you can slice some which is absolutely lovely you can also just clank some up into quarters or little eights like that now once you've sliced up your lovely tomatoes there is a important ingredient that really makes it the very best it can be and that's mr salt so we're going to put them into a bowl season from a height not because we want to look cool but because we want to get an even seasoning of the salt give them a little toss up as you go and we give them a good seasoning there now immediately that's going to really transform that tomato sometimes chili flakes oregano dried oregano is gorgeous i'm going to keep it nice and clean today i want to put a little bit of acid in there now you can go vinegar or you can go lemon juice whatever you fancy so i'll put a little lemon in there and that's just to balance the oil i'm about to put in now i'm using really good extra virgin cold pressed olive oil you get what you pay for this is the stuff you don't want to cook with it's just for finishing it's absolutely gorgeous and again we have a little toss like this and we just leave this for a couple of minutes so at that point we'll think about plating up so i'm just going to pour that over lovely colors lovely natural juice coming out what i like to do is when it comes to the basil um you know try and go for the wrinkly leaves they're more intense in flavor i use the bigger leaves for cooking and the smaller leaves for sprinkling one thing i love just to do now is just a little balsamic little bombs in and around such a lovely combination and then because it's me a tiny little flick of chili run my knife down the length i don't want seeds in the story because it's too intense and i'm just going to finely slice that chili get your chili and again from a height we're just going to sprinkle this in and around absolutely gorgeous so there you go guys a very very simple but delicious tomato salad you'll get mega flavor from that you could take this or leftovers of this and scrunch it into a pizza into a pizzetta you could chop it up and put it on a bruschetta um you could you could you could um you could put it with spaghetti okay there's so many things you can do so take care bye what up foodtubers okay so today we're going to be doing a beautiful super food salad yes you heard it right something that fills you up something that you love that's delicious that's super nutritious that's what a superfood salad means loads of great veggies it's a perfect little salad that we're going to do something exciting and to do it with me jim chapman's back everyone hello yes that's a nice greeting great response i need you guys at my house there's a cheer as i wake up or something we have some seasoned boiling water in here we're going to go in with a nice handful of quinoa it's gonna triple in size okay uh and above it we're gonna put a basic colander and we're gonna steam some greens cool first up a lovely broccoli so all i'm gonna do is slice this up like so so are you a salad man jim yeah i love a good salad actually what's your favorite salad thus far i'm a big fan of like caramelized things in a salad if there's just loads of leaves i struggle through yeah i can't be bothered yeah but think about how happy your bowels would be yeah my bowels are usually quite happy i get a very varied diet lots of greens and lots of fiber in my in my diet so my bowels are usually happy so there you go i heard it here first so in the colander we have the roots here this normally ends up in the bin but it's delicious i don't want to cook this broccoli too much just literally take the hardness out of this um so lid on top steamy steamy sweet potato don't waste your time peeling it most of the nutrition is around the skin minimal olive oil just like a couple of teaspoons in there like that we want to season it up a little bit of manpower great don't let me then chili a little bit of salt and pepper goes in there and then um yeah well you could just sort of do that or just dump it just dump it like yeah yeah nice yeah that's good this is ground coriander and then just a little pinch of cinnamon so these go in the oven i cook them for about 45 minutes the quinoa is still cooking so this here we'll just take that off and we'll let that cool down nuts do you like nuts yep i'm not a big fan of brazil nuts okay there's a lot of them in there so brazil nuts and walnuts are particularly good remember that really lame way you started bashing up the spices that's the appropriate name okay so this quinoa is cooked now this had about 20 minutes i'm just going to drain that i'll come back to that in a minute so fruit guys avocados really really nice also pomegranates i want you to cut that in half nice look at that hold it in your hands like that okay and then i want you to spank it but there you go easy enough really easy show them what you've done i did that so now we're going to do a different technique my friend just squeeze squeeze so we're going to use the pomegranate juice to make a beautiful dressing and it's just amazing color so we're going to whisk in some lovely olive oil about equal quantities of olive oil to the pomegranate juice so whisk away my darling we're going to season it with salt pepper lovely lovely lime you know i'm going to go with balsamic because it works well with the pomegranates i'm going to get you to roughly chop that so it's time to bring it all together my darling um chris you like chilli i do i like i like a subtle heat so i'm just gonna finely slice this chili and coriander goes in we'll go in with the broccoli we've got our lovely quinoa that goes in as well you can pour over your dressing now jimbo get in there and twiddle your fairy fingers and dress uh if you want to use it feels great if you want to use some of these herbs and stuff like that you can go in with that no problem at all jim has done an amazing job with the nuts sprinkle half indeed okay that's going to give it some sort of crunch some sort of smokiness feta cheese is one of the most fantastic subtle sort of seasonings this is going to be great this is enough salad here easily for sort of four to six and then the lovely hot sweet potatoes let's put in most of these get yourself a nice big platter nice so i'm just going to put a few other sweet potatoes around it avocado's really really good but you don't want to have too much of it sprinkle some pomegranate please so i've done your little plate here lovely thank you so lovely people that was the jim chapman and jamie oliver super food salad i hope you like it and hopefully i think it tastes good oh my gosh really good honestly i'm not just saying it because we bonded now it's a really good salad well done oh thank you hi guys okay so we're gonna make the most incredible potato salad potato salad is the best but many of us get them from the supermarkets i don't think they're very good so real deal potato salad the flavours are phenomenal and the textures as well and i'm going to show you them three ways almost like an evolution of this very very simple simple salad here we have got new potatoes boiling always put the new potatoes into boiling water as opposed to cold and bringing them up this preserves the flavor and the nutrients so these have been cooking for about 15 minutes you can sort of tell when they're cooked when you get them out and you can just squash them lovely let's drain these cut them up into little quarters if some completely break up and sort of smash into almost like potato snow that's fine because it will make your dressing more interesting so don't be worried about that gorgeous extra virgin cold pressed olive oil season with some salt and pepper and we're going to go in with some lemon we don't have to waste the skin if you've got one of these little fine graters give it a few little swoops of the lemon skin no bitterness there at all just pure flavor and then the juice going in often when you flavor things when they're cold it just sits on the outside because it's hot you know whatever you put in now will go in to the actual veggie so this is beautiful so with our bowl we'll give it a nice little toss and that is your basic salad then we're going to add our flavors so some chives parsley a little bit of mint we'll roll it up almost like a kind of herby cigar we'll just finely slice it the best we can chives have got that very delicate onion smell very gentle this is rock chopping you can easily do a great job by cross chopping and that's the simplest safest way just grab your hand flat like that and just go through it into the potatoes right there we'll have a little taste really happy with that as it is gorgeous but we can take it on a little bit okay so if you wanted it to be a little creamy you could just slap a load of mayonnaise in there but to be honest mayonnaise is nice but i prefer really good quality yogurt and it will give you that creaminess so two or three tablespoons of yogurt and just toss it up that's perfectly lovely but i think we could add some flavor to that as well english mustard for me a teaspoon is the way to do it it just gives it a really nice hum so i'm really happy with that but there's more we can do get two or three rashes of bacon smoked it has to be smoked and just finely slice the bacon and in a matter of minutes you can get them super crispy so the fat will render out of the bacon crispy and golden get the bacon out and let this cool down that's going to give an amazing crunch and then that fat is just absolutely gagging to have bread crumbs cooked in it so crispy bacon bits crispy breadcrumbs another level this is a really really delicious thing to do so there are our crispy bacon bits we'll just sprinkle those over the potato salad smokiness little crunch little savory breadcrumbs over the top it should sizzle and you've got all the lovely flavor from that bacon in to breadcrumbs delicious good flavor clean crunchy soft so really really nice love this on picnics barbecues serving it with roasted meats so there you go potatoes out of three ways enjoy cook it love it and see you next time take care hello you lovely people okay we're gonna do a lovely little lunch supper dinner uh it's a brilliant way of getting five of your five fruit and veg a day in one meal grilled blackened dressed delicious vegetables in a wrap with couscous feta cheese it is gonna melt in your mouth and be delicious and it's a real pleasure to make so first up over here look at all of that color that's what it's all about so just put your veggies on here onions just peeled aubergine peppers tomatoes courgettes also i'm to put a couple of chilies on here so we're going to char these bad boys up when you kind of caramelize those natural sugars from within all of these the flavors start to change and become sumptuous so you're adding smokiness and toastiness if you're wondering what this thing is i'm cooking it on by the way it's a cool little kind of ring which means you can sort of start a bbq anywhere these two dudes that i've never met before sent it to me in the post richard and glenn from clacton of course you could do this in a large frying pan on a high heat just a dry non-stick frying pan turn them over you don't have to rush it these have been going for about seven eight minutes sometimes it might take a little bit longer we're using couscous here whole wheat couscous that trade up from the white couscous to the whole wheat it's brilliant because you get more fibre and that's definitely one of the things that benefits all of us so i'm just going to cover couscous with about one centimetre of boiling water i'm going to put a pinch of salt in and just put a plate over like that and that'll naturally just fluff up another way of getting a huge amount of nutrition is nuts so i'm using hazelnuts and sunflower seeds just a little handful of each a nice teaspoon or a pinch of oregano great for flavour a little pinch of cumin just a little kind of hum of savoriness there dried chili fennel seeds fantastic so what i'm doing here is i'm just toasting up these nuts and seeds and spices to wake up those flavors and essential oils and it's going to make it taste so truly amazing so i'll put those into a pestle and mortar now smash them up the natural oils will come out and this becomes a wonderful sprinkle that you can put into your salad or into your wrap we've got a nice mixture of fine and then coarse our couscous is done we don't have to do anything else to that we've blackened our veggies here you can feel that that's soft the tomatoes are gorgeous look at that juicy they are peppers onions and the chilies pull off the skin get rid of any kind of blackened bits and if you just kind of run your finger along them they'll just sort of slide off like that same on the peppers we'll pull out the stalk and the seeds of course some little char bits are absolutely delicious it's flavour there too look at the amount of natural juice that's coming out the bottom really nice kind of like a natural dressing let me just hack everything up sure there was an easier way to do this i made that quite hard for myself use a knife and a board i don't know what i was doing look basically there's nothing technical about this you just want to hack up the veggies look at the colors get your veggies in there dress it with some nice olive oil about two tablespoons we'll hit it up with some vinegar works really really well about a tablespoon season it and choose a herb like mint really really good tear it up and then mix it up and you create this beautiful seasoned veg you know you could put that with sliced potatoes and sort of do a potato alforno you could put that underneath fish and roast it so it's a really fantastic preparation of vegetables the way to finish this dish is to get a nice little tortilla straight on the barbie heat up the tortilla just on one side really let's plate this up we've got our lovely tortilla just heated up steaming beautiful fluffy couscous it soaks up all those flavors from this beautiful veg greek yogurt here and there a little bit of chilli sauce and then the lovely nut and seed sprinkle really really good last but not least feta just a nice little sprinkling of course you can use a knife and fork but i like to just roll it up and get it in my gold because it's quite messy sometimes what happens when i do this is get a tea towel put it over your head so no one can see you so i'm getting a bit insecure now so see you later guys
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 328,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, tasty salads, salads, salad dressing, easy salad, healthy food, healthy recipes, vegan, vegetarian, food inspiration, summer food, quick salad, lunch ideas, dinner ideas
Id: O3_LJh7ifDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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