Houmous & Green Flatbreads | Jamie Oliver

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So you asked me, what's a brilliant summertime  recipe that you can make without firing up   the oven, full of the good stuff and is really  affordable. So, I've got a beautiful meal for you,   this is bigging up tinned chickpeas a fantastic  source of protein, one of your 5 fruit and   veg a day, and a brilliant-value product that  you can do so much with. So we're going to do   flatbreads with homemade houmous, homemade slaw,  feta cheese, this is a brilliant brunch, lunch,   snack, and when you make this, you're gonna have a  lot of fun doing it. Let's start with the homemade   flatbreads. I've got a bag of spinach, I'm going  to take most of it and put it into a liquidiser Now you can use a food processor if you want.  So the rest of the spinach I will put just over   here and we're going to make a slaw out of this.  We're going to put in here 100g of yoghurt  It gives it an amazing flavour, it makes it really  fluffy. Have a nice little pinch of salt in there   Steal a little tablespoon of starchy water and  then we'll whiz it up, that's what we're going   to make the flatbread out of. Super simple and  it's going to look really, really impressive So literally 30 seconds you turn it into this  vivid green. I'm going to use self-raising   flour, OK. Now, self-raising flour is really  helpful because it's got the raising agent in   there already. I'm going to use 200g and  make a little well in the middle like that. So   get all of that in. Now of course you don't have  to do the spinach but for me using vegetables in   unexpected ways is really, really interesting. Move  it around you can see the flour thickening it up,   kind of turning a bit more doughy, you know, you  can really use this in many, many ways and that's   why I love this recipe. Now feel the dough. If  it's a little too wet, then just add a little bit   more flour, and what you want to have is a nice  elastic dough that's not sticky when you touch it   I get rid of the fork now. Give it a little knead  just for 2 minutes and that is the simplest dough   ever. So we'll let that rest for a little bit. Now,  in our dirty liquidiser we're going to make the   houmous, right, so don't bother washing it up, that's  just going to waste time. In we go with a tin of   chickpeas with about 80% of the liquid. So instead  of using tahini, which you can use of course,   a better cheat is a non-sweetened tablespoon  of peanut butter. It works really, really well   Tahini is incredible but a lot more people  have peanut butter hanging around the house   I'm going to use lemon juice. If you've got a  little box grater or a little grater like this,   use the fine side just to put that lovely  zest. Use every last bit of flavour. So   we're going to go in with one and a half lemon  juice there, I want it to be fresh and zingy   Often you'll see garlic in a traditional  houmous, this isn't traditional. A nice   pinch of salt and a little pepper, drizzle of  olive oil, and that's going to be delicious Have a little taste. Mmm! Just checked the lemon  juice, very happy. And the seasoning, I'm very   happy. And look at this. Silken, gorgeous houmous.  Often used as a dip. There's so much more you can   do with it. It's fantastic with roasted meats.  Obviously mezze, antipasti, that kind of vibe If you wanted to, you could swap the chickpeas out  for other tinned beans. Borlotti beans, cannellini   beans, mixed beans, they're all incredibly cheap.  Look at that, beautiful. Let's get on with the   flatbread. Now, what I've got is a large pan on  a medium-high heat. This is a low-cook recipe   so thinking about nutrition, thinking about cost,  this is under a pound a portion. Take this lovely   dough, cut it in half, into four like that. And  then each one of these four, you can roll into a   little ball. Doesn't matter if you do it badly.  Flour the board. Push it out as much as you can  We're going to make the best flatbreads. And  the crispiness, the softness, the kind of mop-up   ability of a homemade flatbread when you knock it  out yourself instead of reheating something else,   it's different gravy. So roll it out about sort of  4mm. Hot pan, that should cook in like 2   minutes super quick. So what I love about this  recipe is you turn the humble tin of chickpeas   into something exciting. You turn a bag of spinach  into something completely unexpected. So this   is the only cooking that we're doing. It's fast,  it's furious, it's fun and we don't need the oven   on. If you wanted to do this by the way on a  barbecue, brilliant. You have a little stack of   flatbreads and just do them to order as you're  serving your guests, they'll love it. So there   you go, flatbreads done, easy, right? So let's now  do a beautiful homemade slaw, so carrots, apples,   tiny handful of spinach. So you could use a box  grater but if you want to kind of make it feel   texturally more delicious, just peel and don't  stop peeling, right? Then just gather up the   carrot in little layers like a pack of cards.  We're just going to slice it and what you get   is very elegant strips of carrot, beautiful. I'm  gonna do the spinach next and you can use kale,   you can use white cabbage, red cabbage. So that  little bit of spinach, beautiful. And then I'm   gonna do the apples last, and we'll stack it  up again and it's taking that everyday apple   and just making it a little bit more special. If  you put a little lemon juice on the apple, that   will stop it browning. So squeeze on the  other half, that last half of lemon juice,   and you could of course use lime juice, grapefruit  juice, any citrus. A nice little pinch of salt,   a little drizzle of olive oil. Dress this slaw. So  let's put it together. I've got a lovely flatbread   here. Vivid green. I've got the homemade houmous  here. If you like the stuff that's done for you   already, this is going to blow your mind, I like to  make a little well in the middle and then I hit it   up with some of that amazing slaw, just like that,  beautiful. But feta cheese just crumbled on the   top, look at the colours! You know this is good  for you, and it is good for you. And then I'll   take a little bit of that lemon zest, remember the  lemon zest that might have gone in the bin, right?   We took that off and just having a little sort of  sprinkle of that I think is really, really nice Just a little bit of olive oil and, optional, but  a little bit of chilli sauce for me makes my day,   is going to make me very, very happy Healthy, affordable, fun to make and   bigging up chickpeas. So that's a recipe just  like you asked for! Tear it up, mop up the juices It's so tasty. That houmous is so silky and  delicious and although it's not authentic   it is really, really good. If you've got  a challenge or a question for me, simply   put it in the comments box below and check out  TescoRealFood.com for more inspiration and tips
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 111,218
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Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamie oliver, nakedchef, homecooking, cookingram, lovecooking, cookingclass, cookingtime, healthycooking, cookingathome, cookingwithlove, easycooking, vegancooking, homemadecooking, quarantinecooking, cookingvideo, mycooking, happycooking, foodporn, foodie, foodphotography, yummy, delicious, foodblogger
Id: qE0oDyuaTSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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