SUPER FAST Unlimited Rural Internet for $40/month!

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hey welcome back everybody to another nature's always right video today i'm going to be dealing with a problem that a lot of us homesteaders have and that is rural internet when we moved into this place we assumed that we might be able to get some decent internet maybe from dsl but when i checked with atnt we were only able to get 10 megabits download and one megabit upload which is horrible for somebody like me who's a youtuber and both my wife and i run our businesses online so we needed to get better internet and after doing a bunch of research online see what other people were doing i figured out that 4g was going to be the best way to go about this so this video is going to be all about how i'm achieving the best 4g signal the service provider that i found to be able to do this you don't actually want to go with verizon or at t so we're with verizon and i think a lot of the other major companies too they put a limit on your mobile hotspot and that's what we're going to be doing in order to get really good internet speed we have a tower pretty close nearby and i get about three bars of 4g inside of the house where we have our computers set up so what i'll be showing you guys today is how i'm going to be setting up a 4g booster and what a booster does is it grabs the 4g signal out of the air it amplifies it and i'm going to take a speed test before and after i do this to show you how much better the speeds are so this is the 4g booster that we're going to be installing it's by high boost and full disclosure they did give me this device and i was actually looking into this sort of solution and they randomly emailed me and said hey would you like to try this so it has good reviews on amazon so i'm excited to see what ends up happening and they did give me a discount code as well for anybody else who would like to order this and try it out so we're going to see how easy it is to set this up i'll show you how i install it we're going to go through the app that they have so that you can find the best signal and location of where to put all the antennas and everything and it shouldn't be that hard to set up and i'll let you guys know what i think about this product at the end as well so i mentioned i'm using a certain service for my 4g and in this area verizon seems to work the best so i found this company called visible and it's and they don't have an upload and download limit on your mobile hotspot but you get unlimited data for forty dollars a month and at t wanted to charge me sixty dollars a month and over a hundred dollars for the install for very slow internet so this is a much better way to go i first tried it out i just ordered the sim card and i put it in our one of our current phones it worked really well so then i ended up buying one of their phones for a hundred bucks so that's like our router and then what i've done is i've mobile hotspotted that connected it to a wi-fi repeater that repeater sends out a signal that my wife and i can connect to and that way we have wi-fi around our home and if you want to learn how to set up a wi-fi repeater if you go buy one online i'll put a link to the one that i used there's instructions on the wi-fi repeater to set that up it's very simple so today i'm going to show you how to set up this high boost 4g booster and then we'll see with the combination of all these different devices what speed i'm going to get at the end so the model i have is the high boost zoom it's a little bit more powerful model they have different models that you can get depending on your needs the area that you'd like to send the signal depending on how much 4g signal you have in your area and just real quickly this is the outdoor antenna they get 50 foot cable the mounting hardware the indoor antenna so that the signal is going to be pulled from the air by this antenna sent through cables the indoor antenna then you'll shoot the indoor antenna towards wherever you want to receive the signal whether you have a 4g router or you're doing it like me with a phone hotspotting and then this is the booster itself that will power it all so now we're just going to work with the things we're gonna attach to the outside of our house this is a one inch pipe that's actually for fencing i had this left over for my greenhouse and just with some couplers you can get this all from your hardware store and i'll be using some one-inch screws to drive in then we'll take the hardware that was provided um and install this onto the roof and i'm gonna pre-set up everything that i can ahead of time by attaching this bracket to the back of our antenna here before i go up on the roof okay and then the final thing that we're going to pre-set up here is hooking up our coaxial line so we're gonna get that on super tight so your kit should come with some waterproof tape okay i went a little overboard on the tape but i've got my mounting screws in here everything's ready to go so now i can just take this box up with me and just bolt it in to the house and then run this wire down to the roof where i'm going to send it through and then the two possible mounting locations for me for this home will be right up at the tip top here or i could put it right here our room where we're doing all of our internet and all that is in un underneath the roof right there and because we have a 50 foot cable i think i'm going to run it to the furthest location which is right here because that's going to give us a bigger distance vertical distance they recommend having a 20 foot vertical difference between the outdoor and or antenna it'll give us a longer distance away and then i need to face both antennas opposite of each other so they don't interact at all and i'll point it towards the direction of the 4g tower and the app is going to give me as well as my phone is going to tell me where the best 4g is so what i've done is we ran the wire down through the roof where there was already a pipe and a little boot that i could sneak it through and then we caulked that to seal it up ran the wire down and through the attic here and into this room and for now i just have everything out on the ground a huge mess so that we can try this out get everything in the right position and then we'll do a nice clean install but here is the router and the phone and then i put the indoor antenna right there and our desks where i'm going to be receiving the signal and running these tests is about 10-15 feet away okay you guys so now i'm going to take you through the phone app we're going to double check that the signal is good from the roof and then we're going to do a speed test using google's b test and this other one so go into ios or the apple play store search signal supervisor app that will open and it's really important that you turn on your bluetooth your wi-fi and your gps i found that that made it reliable for me to log in you're going to click connect via bluetooth and select the device hit done and then it will be connected to the booster and now that is the signal that i'm currently receiving from my roof which is excellent so those are the numbers that you'd like to see and it's showing you the different service provider networks so lte 700 i believe that is verizon cell 800 those are other service providers so if you don't see a very good signal have someone looking at the app while you are up on the roof moving around the antenna until you get a really good signal or if you know where your closest cell tower is point it towards that and keep moving it until you you're getting the best signal possible via the app the reason you're gonna need another person to look at the app is because the phone that's connected via bluetooth needs to be right next to the zoom booster device the black thing and we're going to compare the zoom booster on versus the zoom booster off the router that i'm using where the phone is will all be in the same position so we should get a pretty good idea of how much the zoom booster is helping to increase our speeds so first we're going to try the test with the booster off and see what speeds we get for some reason the google test it keeps getting hung up where it should be finishing and this is like what the average found so we're just going to take that as our average and every single test that i've run wherever i've put the router or the phone different times of day i get different speeds and i think that's just because there's different you know amounts of users using the 4g network in this area now there's different weather patterns the signal varies coming from the tower nearby there's a lot of different variables at play here but i'm trying to take all these tests just right back to back so it's the same time period and hopefully there's it limits the amount of variables we're seeing [Music] other one and now let's try with the zoom boost on and see what kind of speeds we get [Music] so after running four tests boosted for test unboosted we can see the results and i took the average of everything so you can see the total improvement we got about five megabits per second download faster with the high zoom boost and about 14 megabits per second faster for the upload which is huge for me needing to upload videos so that's a huge improvement in my opinion and i just noticed that the internet is consistently better at all times of the day even when my wife is using it as well i'm still able to watch videos even at 1080p and we'll check that out right now i can rarely watch things in 720p if it's just the phone and the wi-fi repeater it doesn't really handle it so that's rendering no problem on 720. let's see if it can do 1080. i've never been able to do 1080 with just the phone wow yep there's the bar completely fine so that's really exciting i'm now getting the ability to watch 1080p video and almost 30 megabits upload that's insane so now i can upload my videos to youtube super easily so i'm really impressed with this device honestly it's uh there's a huge difference so i mean it feels like i almost have cable internet now i mean obviously it's not as fast you know it's not as good for gaming you saw the ping was over a hundred um but i'm not i'm not playing internet games so for me this internet is like can do everything that i needed to do you probably even could play games through visible but it's going to be obviously a lot more laggy if you know you're a competitive player so if you're interested in getting your own high boost cell phone signal booster they actually gave us a really great discount and you get 10 off plus a 30 coupon right now for the next 30 days after the video airs so i'll put the link down the description to the product and the discount code and all that for you so if you're out you know here where there's no really good option for wired internet and you have a good 4g signal then this is absolutely what i would recommend doing i hear nightmare scenarios about satellite and you know the weather gets bad or it's just really inconsistent and it's very expensive for the good satellite internet this is costing me 40 bucks a month using a verizon network they're visible and maybe att is better for you there's other third-party vendors that use the att network that can give you a cheaper price so just do some research on that and i'm sure you could find one for that service provider as well so if you guys have any questions i'll be uh happy to answer them for you this is a little bit more technical with the you know technology side of things than i usually do but this is a super important thing for people who live in rural environments or want a homestead things like that so that's why i wanted to put this out and this obviously really is going to help me with what i do working from home a lot of people work from home now and it's just such a good option being that it's only 40 a month and i'm getting the speeds that i'm now getting so uh definitely check out high boost and thank you guys for watching and i'll see you in the next nature's always right video
Channel: Nature's Always Right
Views: 167,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rural internet, rural internet options, rural internet solutions, rural internet verizon, homestead internet, rural internet for gaming, rural internet 4g lte, rural internet 4g, rural 4g lte home internet, internet rural area, internet rural via satellite, big family homestead internet, satellite internet, internet for rural areas, best internet for rural areas, fastest internet for country living, internet for country, country internet, 4g rural internet
Id: L25p61eFO08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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