Why I can't recommend MOFI anymore

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this is something that i've recommended to over a quarter million people in the world but i can't anymore and there are some small reasons why i can't and there's some big reasons why i can't and some of these reasons actually pushed me to create my very own device and i'm gonna share that with you today as well hello my name is nick from weeknd explored and you've probably seen my mophie video it's one that i shot back in 2018 back when we had about 20 subscribers and the whole reason that i shot that video is because i met countless people on the road that i invited into my camper and i showed them the setup i said here's my mophie i have it wired like this i have it going up to the roof i showed them every single piece and i thought to myself why not just shoot a video and explain the whole thing and like i said it's been viewed by over 250 000 people i believe i was one of the very first people that shot a video about the mophie and it was a great device it was one of the the first devices that allowed people to have a good connection on the road but as of recently there have been some things that i have been able to overlook before in the past but now as time has gone on i can't overlook them anymore so i shot the video for the movie back in 2018 and one of the reasons why i can't recommend it anymore is because it virtually hasn't changed since then it's been almost three years since i put that video out and in technology three years is almost a lifetime so there's a few things with the mophie right now that are just plain outdated the first one is the mophie only has 2.4 gigahertz wi-fi and with 2.4 gigahertz wi-fi you have a speed cap some people say that speed is 300 megabits but i honestly have never personally gotten a speed faster than 60 megabits with the mophie and i believe that has something to do with the congestion of the 2.4 gigahertz band wherever we're at so picture yourself you drive into a campground and you pull up your computer your little wi-fi list there and you see all of these wi-fi devices many many of those are on the 2.4 gigahertz spectrum they're essentially clogging that spectrum so it really limits the amount of speed that you can get from the mophie now one way i was able to overcome some of the slower wi-fi speeds is to plug directly into an ethernet port but on this device the ethernet ports are limited to 100 megabits now you might be saying dude 100 megabits fast enough back in the days when you weren't going to get a hundred megabit connection from lte it didn't really matter but nowadays i've been seeing speeds of 150 up to 220 megabits from the towers and why have the device that you're getting it from limits you to a hundred so those two things have to do with the hardware inside the mophie itself another thing that has to do with the hardware is there's not a lot of memory inside here or the the brains aren't as big in the mophie but those things i was able to overlook because it did work pretty well but there was one thing that irked me time and time again and when you pile all of those on top of each other it just becomes something that i i can't recommend anymore and that is the software inside here in order to explain this let me tell you a quick story a few years ago i wanted to bring this mophie to canada and i wanted to use a google fi card inside here so that i just pay one bill and it works in canada or works in the united states i expected to be able to just pop the card in here and have it fire up and do all the normal things but i had to go through such a process in order to get this to work that i was going to do a whole video about how i did internet in canada because it was so difficult to get it to work i couldn't even shoot that video because i could not recommend anybody try to do what i just did it was to the point where i had to find the backup file of the mophie and put it back on it to reset it back to a spot where it was because i just could not get it to work and i i programmed things right for a living so i thought if i had trouble with the mophie and the software i know a lot of people would and i had a chance to talk to a few of the people that watched my video on youtube they purchased it and they sent me a message they were having trouble with the software themselves so after i interacted with a few people one of the things that i heard more than a few times was that the software was really difficult to work with and i totally agree so that along with all the hardware limitations just made it so that i could not tell people to go out and get a mophie i actually had high hopes that mophie was gonna take care of their software issues and get something out that was really state of the art they had a chance to but i believe they really missed the boat on that which is okay because when i went to look for something to take the place of the mophie something that i can recommend to people out there i couldn't find anything that was going to work really well for people that wasn't terribly terribly expensive so that led me to create a device of my own and i want to introduce you today to the insti connect 4g this one right here this is the router for the nc connect now in order to show you the whole thing uh i should just here let's let's head over here for just a second let me pull out my phone let me get my camera working all right let's go check it out right i want to show you what i've been working on let me just shut this off we've been home for a few weeks now from the arizona wide open wi-fi tour and i've since moved in to the shed here and created a manufacturing facility for the instit connect device you see those printers right there those 3d printers have essentially been running 24 7 and ever since we've been back from arizona and oh i got some big news too we're going on tour again i'll share that with you in just a sec all right but here's my uh prototype area and i want to show you this is this is the instinct connect device my idea with the instaconnect device was to create a full system that included everything you needed because one of the things that i talked with a lot of people about when i recommended the mophie is they had questions about the wiring and they had questions about the antenna and even that special mount that i made for the antenna in order to get them at the 45 degree angles there were a lot of questions and i felt that that was the hardest part of the whole setup and i thought if i could create a system that checks off all of my wish list for internet on the road and made it super easy for anybody to install on their rig or on their cabin or wherever and be able to get the best signal possible then that was what i was going to create and that's what we're putting together right here with these 3d printers you can see we got a bunch of angel wings right there we have our shipping department right there there's a lot of things that are going on this has been a lot a lot of fun to be able to be a part of and it's been really neat to be able to share this with you i've never done anything like this but it's been a great learning experience and just i'm super excited with how it's working too if you see the prototype that i have here this is essentially the nc connect device we have the angel wings which you which you've seen before and then we have the data cable that runs into the insta-connect router this router has a big brain it has lots of memory to it and we specifically designed it to have a big brain so that it could have really good software that will help you lock onto the perfect bands and the perfect towers and i'll show you that a little bit more in a second but here's the the modem so this is the whole system right here and it's going to have an optional mount too i 3d printed the mount which this is mounted on when you buy an nc connect system you'll get the router you'll get the modem you get the angel wings you'll get the wire you'll get everything you need to set this up now there'll be an option to buy a mount just in case you have your own mount or if you want to put it on your ladder or something like that you can definitely do that but the way i designed this as you can see here the 45 degree angles on this antenna and even the way the antennas are inside the 45 degree i tested each individual way they could be i tested the wires right here the length of the wire if you've ever seen one of those um dream catcher things that they have some people have hanging from their mirror this is something very similar to that in that the it's designed to catch a signal and just you can see how it like a signal just flies into it it's like boom and it gets it uh and it just picks it up it's super super strong but it takes that signal brings it into the modem and that modem turns that signal into data passes it down the cable and this cable here i wanted a cable that was super easy to if you want to drill it through the roof you drill it send one wire up to your roof and that's it or you can put this wire right outside your window which is how we did it when we were on tour so we're going to be doing it a couple different ways when we go on tour again and i'll tell you more about that in a second but that comes down here into the router we have a plug-in that you can plug it into the wall or you can wire it directly into 12 volts that's why it has this unique little plug-in port one of the issues that i had with the mophie is that i'd like to keep it running while we drove so that we had a wi-fi connection inside the car and sometimes when it would hit a bump the the plug would actually jostle in there and it would shut off the connection and it would take a while to reboot and everything this takes care of that you can wire it directly into your coach makes it super easy to install that's really what we're going for so as you can see the main reason why i can't recommend the mophie anymore is because i'm building a device that i believe is much better much more powerful and has the ability to get much much faster speed so when you're out on the road and you're sharing your connection with your family or when you're sharing your connection with those who you travel with you have plenty of speed to share i can almost guarantee that wherever you are you will be the one that has the fastest signal because you have perfectly designed equipment to give you the best speeds that you can get on the road if you're interested in grabbing one of these i'd love to be able to work with you head over to instaconnect insty connect.com you'll see scroll down the page you can pre-order the 4g modem i'm going to start shipping these 4g modems within a few weeks a couple weeks from now and uh the 5g modems is something that will be shipping late spring very early summer just to let you know what's really neat about this system too since we're building it in a modular fashion if at any point you decide to upgrade to the 5g model you'll essentially be changing out half of the system so you'll go from this modem to one that has four connectors and you'll go to a quad angle wing setup but your router will stay the same the software that you get used to will say the same oh by the way talking about software let me get you back over here i want to show you something so as you remember i talked a little bit about the mophie and the software inside the mophie and how i was essentially frustrated with it well i decided that in order for this system to be the best or essentially the secret sauce of the system it will be that the software is going to be unmatched right so i thought of all the neat things that i would want to have in software and i put it inside the instaconnect device this is the insta-connect dashboard and you can see right away that you get all of these indicators on what's going on so right there i have an 80 percent signal with a t and if you scroll down a little bit more you can see i have a visible card in there as a backup and if i hit that little power button right by my thumb it would the system would switch the sim cards and allow me to connect through visible instead of a t and t but you can do all kinds of neat things like see this right here where it goes into the oh got to put in my password hold on it goes into what we have the band scan and lock so right here you can see all the bands that are available to you not only bands the insta-connect will be able to lock you on to additional towers so if you happen to be in a spot where you have a good signal but the tower is very congested you can come into your system right off your phone and you can find another tower click on it and see what kind of speeds you're getting oh and by the way if you want to find out the speeds that you're getting you just head back to the main screen there and you scroll down a little bit to the speed test and you just click that and it'll give you your very own speed test right there inside the system so you can switch bands you can do all the stuff you need to i'm getting a pretty good speed right there 84 off at 80 percent signal on att pretty sweet the nc connect system i designed it to be super easy i designed the antenna to pick up a signal the best that it can in any direction so you don't have to fool around with it and i designed a system that is super easy to use from your phone so one of the things that bothered me about the mophie is that when i get to a new spot and i would want to check the signal if i want to check what kind of bands are available to me i had to pull out my laptop and go through it because it just wasn't mobile friendly and i had high hopes for them i thought you know they'll probably do some work on this and really try to dial in their system um unfortunately they didn't but that's okay so it just led me to one of the neatest projects that i've ever been able to work on because i love the road i love being on the road somebody once asked me nick what do you really love to do and i said you know what i love to travel but i love also to find internet i just i love to do it antennas routers wires things like this is just i think is the neatest stuff around and so what better thing to do if you love to travel and you love to find internet well to help people just like you who love to travel or love to go out and explore but be able to find the best internet you could possibly find that's why i'm having so much fun with this project but it's time now to get it out there to people who want it so if this is something that you're interested in maybe the system that you have right now just isn't getting you the best internet that you could ever get head over to instaconnect.com instyconnect.com scroll down the page you'll see a spot where you can pre-order i'm hoping to get these out in the next couple weeks i have everything possible that we need to i have a batch that's pretty much ready to go out and i'm getting those out to the people who have already pre-ordered if you pre-order now i'm planning on getting these out to people once we come back from our second tour on the wide open wi-fi tour the boys and i are heading down to florida to do some installs to talk specifically about the institute system how to install it uh what it looks like we're gonna be switching bands we're going to be testing the four major providers again in in florida this time though i promise to have a little bit more a-roll footage on the tour uh one one bummer about the tour in arizona is that i took a bunch of a-roll on my gopro camera the boys and i stopped to get a cool picture on this overlook i set the camera down took the boy's picture and i said all right let's go we head back to the van i forgot the gopro right at that overlook we realized it about 20 miles down the road we turned around drove back as fast as we could when we got there the gopro was gone uh that was a bummer but the bummer of it is that i lost a lot of a-roll footage where i was telling we were at a spot where the wi-fi was so congested that the 2.4 gigahertz just didn't work it was a good example but i lost that and uh you know there's just a lot of things that i wasn't able to uh to get back this time i'm going to keep a close eye on my cameras so that we can get some good a-roll footage out to you and if there's something that you'd like to see on this specific wi-fi tour drop it in the comments below love to be able to respond to those questions i'm glad to have you along here we're going to be doing an install if you happen to be in florida drop a line down below and say nick i am here if we're nearby maybe we'll stop by and you can see it firsthand and see how it's working i'd love to be able to share any kind of info with you thank you so much for watching thanks for hanging out with this whole thing uh let me know where you're at right now let me know if you have any questions on wi-fi on towers on all of this stuff and i'll definitely do my best to answer those thanks much head over to instaconnect instyconnect.com if you're not ready to pre-order one click on the button for more information you can hop on the email list for the insta-connect system i'm sending out messages and just kind of giving updates on how things are printing here and how things are going i'm going to try to do some behind the scenes stuff for that through that list as well so head over there if you just would like some more information instyconnect.com we're going to be leaving in a few days and so i will keep you posted on all of that oh also i'm going to try to be doing some more stuff via instagram as well so if you would like to link up with us on instagram head down below into the description you can see the link to our instagram page as well thank you so much hope you're having a wonderful day and i will talk to you soon bye-bye [Music] [Music] anyway if you guys want good wi-fi check out to the ceilings [Music] awesome [Music]
Channel: We Can Explore It
Views: 48,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOFI, RV internet, internet on the road, we can explore it
Id: i9gXVw-IchY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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