How to Get Cheap Internet in 2022

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what's up YouTube is Chris and I'm back with another video this is kind of a continuation video from the budget in the expense video I told y'all in one of those videos I don't remember probably the expense one that I will make a video explaining how to get good deals with your cable and internet and this is that video so let's get into it alright the first thing you want to know is no cable or Internet company needs your social security number okay it's it's 2019 right now but even ten years ago they started the Segway out of that and of course they don't let you know that because if they have your social security number they can get you on the hook for passive balances or equipment that wasn't turned in I can't tell you how many times I've seen customers who have turned in their equipment and three or four months later they might check their credit and find out that a cable company put on their credit report that they owe them a thousand dollars because they didn't turn in a box look don't give these companies our social security number you don't need it to get a good deal now ten years ago they might say oh well if you do the social you know give us your social and signed a contract we'll give you a good deal but that is not the case anymore it's a whole lot more competition out there you don't need to sign a contract you don't need to give them your social security number so don't do it it's not gonna make the bill any cheaper okay and if a sales rep insist itself no no thanks well I'm gonna just go somewhere else there no thank you look these people work on Commission unless they are new and are dumb they're gonna just say okay don't worry about it and they'll make something up okay trust me you don't need to give me your social and you don't need to sign a contract you're your goal with almost anything dealing with finances in life you want to make sure you can be as free as possible have as many options as possible you want to make sure you can get in and out of things you know when you want to and when it's convenient for you so don't lock yourself in don't give me your social don't sign a contract the next thing you want to do is always stay in a promotion now all of y'all familiar we first signed up the thing is cheap usually if you're getting a triple play and it's don't get triple plays but the true play starts off it's $89.99 then the second year it might go up twenty or thirty dollars then after that it's $200 and then it seems like it goes up incremental II every month so the way you stay inside of promotion is this some of you live in areas where the competition is fierce like if you're in the DC area for example compared to Atlanta and DC if you're in a DC area you have Verizon and you have Comcast all right you might have other ones but those are the two heavy hitters okay between those two you can get good service so let's say you start off with Comcast first get Comcast and a year let you have full year a year later the contract I mean the promotion expires and then the rate goes up cancel cancel them don't be afraid to blow your nose it's too hot first of all they might send you to open to the retention center and they'll reduce your bill it won't be with promotion rate was but they'll reduce your bill depends on who you get but if no one's really trying to work with you when you call the cancel cancel that thing and then get comp arising as soon as you get off the phone now have them come hook you up now let's say you hate Verizon and what what you can do then is keep Verizon for 30 days all right keep it for 30 days and then you'll be completely out of Comcast system and every company's like this it takes 30 days to completely close your account out and then you can go back and stop back up forward again under your same name and it would be a brand new promotion and if they try to give you a hard time that you they shouldn't put it in someone else's name like I said you don't have to give me your social security number and you'll have to sign any contracts so you're mean you could tell me your name is Jim Bob it doesn't matter you know as long as you make that first payment you know it won't matter so you put it in someone else and it will put in a a roommates name a spouse's name but you use their maiden name something like that you could do that that's that's actually worst case scenario now the best case scenario when the promotion is up you can just cancel and then call back the next day and then put it in a different name and that happens all the time you gotta think about apartment complexes or even when people rent houses what happens when that person moves right someone usually moves them right behind them so names changing immediately like that is not anything new in fact if you know your promotion is about to end you can even call and it bad to say hey I'm gonna be moving to this address and I need to set up service they'll say well their services there already but they can put you in the system still so when that person moves out you know the technician is there the same day to hook you up so you don't really have any downtime so there's a number of ways that you can work it out I don't say you're in Atlanta and you have Comcast well you won't be able to get spectrum now but charter is not an area those that cable companies in the South don't compete with one another so if there's a charter area comcast won't go over there if it's a Comcast area which pretty much all of Atlanta's Comcast charter doesn't go into their territory they just feel is cheaper to not compete with one another so it gives each one monopolies on their area so that that doesn't really help the customer much but one thing AT&T is everywhere down there just 18 has the absolute slowest internet they go around Santa they have some you know something fast now maybe I don't know but 18 T was not usually the best ever in Atlanta so so but you can always get AT&T and again you can do the same thing even if it's 18 C's dramatically slower I mean you can bear with them for 30 days and the cool thing about that is every company has a 30 day money-back guarantee so if you cancelled in the first 30 days you get all your money back I mean it's late fees I can give a hundred percent of all your money back so that's one little way you can kind of hack the system all right another way to save on your cable and internet is to never their equipment you don't want to get their equipment because it's inefficient its inefficient it's old and it's expensive you're paying $13 a month and after you after a year you've paid what a hundred and fifty six dollars for the whole year for them to just to rent their equipment you could take 156 dollars and buy your own modem and router and it'll perform flawlessly you might notice that after you get your own equipment the Internet is faster and it runs smooth you have less cut outs so that's two reasons you don't want to rent their equipment it'll be your internet will run better and it's less expensive not only that if you have Comcast and let's say you you're you know your promotions up and your switches to another company you can use the same modem and router for the next company alright so you know you'd want to make sure you buy your own equipment you just go to Amazon they're really inexpensive and you can get a brand new system another thing you can do to reduce your cable internet bill is to never get triple plays first of all pretty much everything that's on cable is on Netflix Hulu and Amazon Prime so it's cheaper to just get Netflix Hulu and Amazon Prime and I don't even have Hulu I just have Netflix and Amazon Prime is cheaper to get those two than it is to pay for even the cheapest cable package the thing you really want to focus on is Internet you really don't need more than a hundred megabytes per second which is I know charters basic package and I the last time I had charter in Atlanta I spent $42 a month it was because I had my own mode of my own router and you know I know I just think inside of promotion there was no credit check and give them no social security number also don't get their alarm system look but they won't tell you it is all someone has to do is cut your cable and I mean the cable knives are not hidden outside your house it on the side of your house the cable is gonna know I gotta do is come and unscrew or just cut the thing and you don't have an alarming well it might still make noise but it's definitely not calling anybody and also ask for the phone I mean 2019 you might still need a house phone older people love that house phones but one alternative to house phones is an umma we use them for years with our daughter when she you know was like 10 11 she might stay home for a couple hours by herself because we would have work or whatever we wanted her to have a house phone cuz she didn't have cell phone and all you got to do oome is really cheap we have to buy their equipment which is like maybe 80 dollars 80 the Pens if you want the highest end model things like $120 then either that is free you have to pay the taxes every month which is like three dollars or so you can just use that to replace your your home phone and with all that said let's do the math so if you get the internet Oh 100 megabytes per second that's $42 get Amazon Prime if you break that down so $120 a year if you break that down that's $10 a month Netflix is let's say you got the middle tier Netflix that's $13 a month now let's say you are getting Hulu 2 and you get the one that still has commercials it's $8 a month you add the oume $3 a month and that's a grand total of 76 dollars per month and that is probably way cheaper than anything you have that's cheaper then the cheapest triple play with someone else and if you want to even add an alarm system that I usually get a ring or something like that something that doesn't have a monthly subscription and then again that's free so you can have your whole quadruple play for $76 a month and that's it if this lot of videos have you found this video helpful go ahead and punch that like button that was a weak punch a ham whole lot of different distractions right here I swear my wife just keeps like walking by the door if you want to come man out what's going on out there so just had me all over the place but anyway hopefully hopefully this is helpful and I'll catch you guys next video [Music]
Channel: Tool Deals
Views: 177,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap internet, how to get cheap internet, best internet, how to get cheap cable, best cable company, internet, wifi, cheap, no contract, save money, router, how to save money, saving money, money saving tips, how to save money fast, ways to save money, how to budget, money saving hacks, budget tips, budgeting, saving money tips, easy ways to save money, save money fast, how to save money with low income, how to budget and save money
Id: wxbA_8B-7h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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