Unlimited Data 4G LTE Fast Hotspot | No Contract | No throttling | Up to 20 Devices | Wirelessbuy

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hey guys EBPMAN here would you like to have access to the Internet no matter where you are for all of your electronic devices in your home well today we're going to talk about a mobile router brought to us by Wireless buy that solves that very problem today we're looking at the Nighthawk m1 let's check it out so guys this solution from Wireless buy is gonna solve various use cases if you were looking to have internet access in your home maybe if you have a summer home or a winter cottage that you want to go to or if you're just simply traveling and would like to have a hotspot for business purposes you'll want to check out this video because we're talking about a unlimited data solution that has no throttling for a very low price with a very good router so let's go ahead and take a look at the specs and we'll talk about the use cases associated with the solution from Wireless buy let's get right to it make sure you hit the subscribe button and tap the little bell icon to get notified when new videos become available so now let's take a closer look at the router and all the features before we do the unboxing so what you have here is the Nighthawk m1 gigabit LTE mobile router and as we take a look at the features you're gonna have a router capable of downloading data and uploading data at the fastest possible speeds for an LTE router so this is really good speeds as you can see here you do have an integrated data usage monitor which again because Wireless by is giving you unlimited data with no throttling it's just good to know what your data usage is but you're not gonna have to worry about you know hitting any caps you do have super fast Wi-Fi and the ability to connect up to 20 devices you also have the fact that you can use this on a single charge because it has a robust battery all day especially if you're traveling if you're RVing or if you're you know just out in the park and you want to have internet access in the hotspot for multiple devices you can do that to the actual hotspot also can serve as a battery backup to any devices and that's also a great thing to have it has parental controls and you have two ways of accessing the actual router you could either use the mobile app or you can use your browser going through your app to access all the settings so let's do the unboxing now as we do the unboxing a couple I just wanted to mention is that the internet service is being provided through or via t-mobile and as we take a look at the router this is a really hefty router it's one of the best in-class routers on the market available today so we'll go ahead and put it over to the side and you'll see that after that what we have is user guide so if you're interested in the user guide and then what you have is a power brick and then a USBC cable so you have a modern cable that you're gonna be connecting your router to so now let's take a closer look at the router and we'll talk about all the features that we see here all right so first of all you can see that there's a display where you can see how much data you've used and how many days are left on your plan now keep in mind that Wireless buy is giving you unlimited data with no throttling so this is just a good indicator to so that you can see how much you've used it's also going to show how many devices you have connected now in our home work card cutters so we have no standard television no cable television and everything is coming through the internet so we're talking about Netflix you're talking about Hulu you're talking about all those services Amazon they all work fine with us and one of the neat things about this is that you have two bands on this router so if I press this button once what you'll notice is that it's gonna switch and show you your 2.4 gigahertz band if you press it again it's going to show you your 5 gigahertz man so you have two bands that you can work with now the significance of this is that if you are in let's say a college setting or even in an airport where there's a lot of two-point-four usage and you'll find that anywhere you're gonna find a lot of people in a lot of connectivity switching over to five can make a big difference when it comes to speed I tend to use five even on my phone when I use it as a hotspot that's what I go with so the fact that it has two bands and you can see those two bands is a really good thing now as we look at this side here in the front you have a USB port this USB port is used to charge another device or to do a physical tether I haven't used a tether feature but I have used it as a battery backup to my tablet or my phone and it works really well you'll notice also that you have your USB C port and then you have an Ethernet connection now this easier net connection is an Ethernet in so if you're in a hotel setting and you want to continue to use your router but actually route the internet from the hotel through the router for security reasons you could do that as well now let's say you're in a very area and for whatever reason you're not getting good connectivity one of the things that you could also do with this router is attached an antenna so what you're seeing here are the context points that you can actually connect an external antenna that you can maybe mount outside or you can mount it on on your window with the glass suction cup all right on this side right here you have your power button and that's all there is to it now many of you may be curious as to what kind of speeds I'm getting in my home so let's go ahead and do this so I'm connected to the router I am in speed test and I'm gonna hit go so we're just gonna see what kind of speeds were getting what are our download speeds and what our upload speeds are remember this is gonna vary based on where you live also you know what kind of noise you have in your neighborhood how many devices you have in your house but as you're seeing here I'm getting a hundred and seventeen looks like a hundred seventeen megabits yeah a hundred seventeen megabytes and then from an upload there it goes 17 18 19 and see if it stays at 19 yeah it looks like it's gonna stay at 19 so that's not bad again unlimited data all on this plan it's going to be 117 download for me 19 up it's pretty good alright now for those of you who may be curious about streaming things like YouTube let me show you how that would work so I'm gonna just add my channel now I'm gonna choose one of the most recent videos that I've done and here you see how quickly the video is coming up and is being served and again that's all coming through this router so it's pretty fast we're gonna do is we're gonna go back and we'll try another video just to give you a sense and choose this one on some other bands and you can see how snappy that is we're gonna pause this one get into another video we'll choose this one right here and you'll notice how it comes up and it's going to start playing we'll do it one more time just you can see the speed we're gonna try this mystery box one and you'll notice BAM it's working so very very fast connectivity and again it's gonna satisfy the needs of your home either mobile mobile home or your physical home alright so now let's take a closer look at the app so I went ahead and I logged into the app and there are two versions of this app there's a version that's available on Android and a version that's available on iOS and they both have the same features so as we take a look at the app itself as soon as you log in you're gonna see how much data usage you've used what the session has been like and that's what you see there the actual network as well as your battery level but your plan right which like I said you don't have to worry about that you do have your network name as well as a pastor to that network and then you'll notice at the bottom that you have two bands you have five gigahertz and a 2.4 gigahertz this will support both bands running at the same time which is really important because in your home there are devices that may not support five so having both bands going is important because then that gives you maximum compatibility so now let's go ahead and check the Wi-Fi area so no Wi-Fi area you're gonna see that you have 2.4 gigahertz 5 gigahertz or a dual band in my case I would advise that you have both going because you do have devices in your home they're going to support one or the other yeah so it's this is gonna give you maximum compatibility here you can see all the detail that you would expect in a router but for your primary your secondary as well as some other settings that are pretty standard when you're looking at you know just routers in general you can see your devices and you'll see the device names and then what you could do is go into this little support area so the app is pretty straightforward and very simple so next let's check out the website so we can see where we can find this router so we're here at Wireless bhai's website and you can notice this is the router page and you'll see that the router itself is $219 so that's $219 for this router and then you're looking at $79 a month no contract unlimited data no throttling for up to 20 devices that's great deal what do you think about this router what do you think about the capabilities let me know in the comment area below and as always thanks for watching
Channel: EBPMAN Tech Reviews
Views: 1,844,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unlimited hotspot, hotspot, lte hotspot, mobile hotspot unlimited data, unlimited data, mobile hotspot, best hotspot, mobile wifi hotspot, wifi hotspot, unlimited data hotspot, nighthawk m1, 5g lte hotspot, nighthawk m1 router, Netgear Mobile Router, 4g lte, netgear nighthawk m1, netgear 5g hotspot, hotspot review, how to get free hotspot, verizon unlimited data, 5g hotspot, ebpman, no limit, Netgear, Nighthawk, netgear nighthawk, nighthawk test, netgear nighthawk review
Id: KCrGikV9w3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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