How To Setup Unlimited 4G LTE Data WiFi Hot Spot Router

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hello fellow youtubers it's slouch alabama back i haven't made a video in a while it's been crazy years you know with the code and everything but i've been doing great been trucking uh business is good hope everything's well with you guys anyways what i want to talk about today i want to show you how to get unlimited wi-fi internet anywhere in continental united states and this is something that's relevant for everyone truckers like myself voters our viewers anybody living in the rural area where you don't have broadband access millions of americans outside of large cities don't have affordable or high-speed internet for that matter available to them so i'm gonna show you how to get unlimited truly unlimited wi-fi or ethernet doesn't matter but data plan how to set it up how to get the router how what it looks like and i'll have the links below to the router that i'm going to show you um from the vendor that i purchased it from and let's go from there i apologize in advance for background noise that's my apu running i'm near billings montana it's almost 106 degrees out here so gotta have air conditioner in the truck but uh many of you travelers truckers anybody you know we have a lot of devices now laptops ipads smart tvs printers things like that they all need connectivity and they all internet work and one of the biggest challenges i've had in the past i've used the hotspot tethering on my iphone i use the verizon jetpacks they all lacking one critical feature is that they're not truly unlimited plans uh with the tethering um on the iphone you may you may be you may have unlimited data playing with your phone but the data that you actually use for tethering is limited in case of verizon for example it's 15 gigabytes of tethering and after that it's uh it's throttled it goes down to very slow speeds it's practically unusable 18 t's same way and all the major carriers do that so here's how i got around this issue and let me show you um i've purchased and installed this um it's called gli net uh x 750 4g router 4g lte and what it does is uh it takes a sim card that you pre-activate and i'll show you how it looks and basically it receives the 4g signal in these antennas and gives out the wi-fi hotspot the 5 gigahertz and 2.4 gigahertz for everything that's here as you can see my tv is working well i can watch 1080p hd videos i can download stuff on my laptop i can upload youtube video in fact this youtube video will be uploaded using that and this device fairly small i mean i uh it's about size of my palm really very easy to move around so you can take it to your rv take it to your boat take it to your cabin whatever hell a lot of people uh use this as their permanent internet connection at home especially in the rural areas and you can connect external antennas they go out and get a higher signal boost to them you know put it on the mast but in my case this is more than enough anyways let me show you the configuration and how it works and we're going to switch to my laptop well i dismounted the gli net router itself like i said it's a fairly straightforward it's got the usb you can actually tether a phone to it and use your tethered phone and it'll uh retransmit the um wi-fi from your tethered phone so there's a number of options but the the main thing you need once you purchase it you need to get a sim card and the sim card is installed here now where do i get these sim cards um i buy uh sim card kits like this uh walmart uh rite aid i mean they they sell them at every retail store but they're about dollar or so they're not activated but like this one is for t-mobile i have another one for verizon reseller uh page plus it's actually what's in here right now in essence you buy this card and you install the sim card in there and well before you install it you have to activate it now um all these carriers they do not allow uh you they don't want they don't want you to to use the um router or any kind of jetpack device any sim cards and they you know they'll ask you for imie number which is basically an identity unique identification number for each wireless device it's on a 4g lte network now the way you get around that you basically use a burner phone to activate that my case i have my old iphone s and what i do is um once i'm ready to activate the sim card i take it out and i put it my old iphone turn it on and then i call their customer service or go online uh it depends on the carrier and i basically tell them that you know i want to activate the sim card on my iphone now these are all prepaid plans so there's no contract uh with the verizon resellers like page plus there's like a 50 plan unlimited data again for the phone same with the um t-mobile there's one for t but but in essence you get a data plan that's compatible with the iphone or something like that or if you get the samsung or android device that's fine too it doesn't really matter what you need to do is you need to activate the sim card using a phone make sure everything works um you know you can speed test it right off the phone you can paint you know you get the phone number or whatever so once that process is done and the sim card works well here you take it out of the phone and uh you know in case of iphone the sim the sim port is right here you just put little paper clip or sim extractor you push down and you yank it right out and that's where the sim card is hiding so you yanked it out you have this sim card that's activated you install it in the back of your router right the sim card slot and you close it up next step you're going to need to configure this router this particular unit like many of them and i will and please check out the link below i will have exact exact unit where i bought it from the same vendor on amazon but uh in essence they all run variations of open wrt which is a open source um protocol or open source uh firmware for these routers and they're fairly standard the different vendors add different interfaces to them but in essence it's the same thing in this particular case i actually flashed this router with a custom firmware which i got it from the project rooter golden order but i'll have link below again for that one because it specifically has more debug information and things like that it's a enhanced version of open wrt specifically for 4g lte modems and such so but you don't have to do that they could and once we get in the configuration screens they'll be somewhat similar to its native firmware that comes with a gli net so it works either way in my case i like more advanced features in there um like uh band locking and other things you know there's more advanced uh stuff that that really out of scope of this particular tutorial but eventually i may make one more targeted towards advanced users how to configure vpn and then other things but um in this video i just want you to introduce the concept that yes in fact you can get unlimited internet connection anywhere in the united states in canada um in your truck in your boat in your rv in your cabin in your house for that matter and it doesn't have to be super expensive so let me get the screen capture software going on my laptop and then we'll switch over to actual configuration screens and i'll walk you through the rest of a setup process to get this uh router working with the actual 4g carrier so so assuming you got here the router you have a sim card and it's activated you have the sim card plugged in and everything seems to be powered up the next step is to configure this router so we open the web page and we type in the default ip address um that's the standard ip address uh you may want to look at the i at the manufacturer instructions if you're using default uh firmware but i believe that's the actual uh default address regardless take a look on the back of a box or something that should be in there first time you put it up it's not going to have password set it's going to take you through the setup wizard kind of uh one two three step you that's where you're gonna set your password so in my case the router is already configured so i'm just quickly going to show you the interface you want to go to next so uh once we logged in it just presents your basic overview here um you can see um various information that's pulling up your utilization what networks are active what's connected right now um your wireless status you know like basically summary uh page in essence showing you about your router overall um so let's go and uh take a look what it takes to actually configure modem so uh we're gonna go modem and uh connection profile now this is the where you have to set what's known as apn that's a basically text string that allows you to uh connect to the cellular tower to to the 4g lte carrier depending on what sim card you have now this particular apn setting i have here is specific to page plus network which is the verizon reseller you have to look it up for your specific carrier so uh the best way to do that is just open google and uh you know we're just gonna go on google and type in uh apn for uh verizon right and uh yeah right here that that's that's what you need so you'll copy this um you're gonna go here and you're gonna paste it and uh depending on the like i said it's gonna change um if it's uh let's see t-mobile boo there we go you know you're just gonna have to do a little bit of research here uh there's a great resource on uh it's called lt hacks forum and there's also a facebook group in there great guys on there i'm on there um you know if you have any questions i just but you can then that's readily available information oh yeah i typed in t-mobile for verizon no we need uh apn for t-mobile i can't type today guys i cannot type all right so yeah i mean that's right there fast so most carriers publish this it's either reddit you're gonna you're gonna come across something like that um yeah so if the if you got the t-mobile uh sim card in there that's activated this is the apn you want like i said each carrier is going to have its own unique particular apn string other than that there's really nothing else you need to set here there's a plethora of settings i wouldn't worry about it this is leave it all default unless specifically instructed to do so but that i haven't you know um in most us carriers this is all you need to set so once that's set uh you you save and apply it's probably best idea to to go on a system and just do the full reboot and once the router comes up you connect to this page and you can go and take a look at the debug information this is a real time it shows the serial communications between uh modem and the router so you can actually see the output then as it negotiates the what band to use and what's not and if there are any errors you know that's going to show all that information so um network status provides quite a quick overview like in my case i'm connected uh i have a signal strength of 87 percent where i'm at right now and uh we're connected to band 2 and we're in the verizon center of course channel 700 and basically that's it so once it's up you have the uh basically your wireless lan interface is already connected the only thing you may want to do is um adjust your network settings um you you need to go through your wireless setup and make sure you rename your hotspot names enable disable depending on what radios you want to use whether you're going to use 2.4 yards five years or both um that's up to you that's this is where you can figure it and then one final thing you have to remember is that you gotta set what's known as uh ttl ttl setting stands for time to live it's an essence of value each packet of information that's transmitted over to cpip network and every time a packet traverses another hop like a router or something like that um value is deducted so uh by setting a specific ttl value you're in essence uh fooling a carrier to think that the data that you're using is internal to the phone because remember we activated the the sim card on your phone right carriers generally do not want you to use routers or consume the data so they restrict uh tethering uh and the way they restrict tethering is that they have internal ttl to the phone so the data that you use on the phone like opening an app like youtube and watching it on your actual phone the internal ttl for the phone will be different than ttl for tethering some other device so what we're doing here and we mimicking the actual ttl setting on the phone in this case uh a verizon for example expects a dtl of 64. so what's happening here is that all the data leaving our router going outside of our our local lan local network to the to the internet uh every packet is a mark with ttl of 64. that basically signals to the carrier like a verizon or whatever it may be that that you that you're just using your phone data instead of tethering because again the sim that you activate may not even have the tethering feature and it's just simply not going to work or if it does it's probably limited to several gigabytes and then you run out that's going to stop working it's going to get really slow so it's important to know the ttl value now each carrier is going to have its own slightly different one but in my case like i said 64 works well some people said 65 i believe att but you're going to have to research that part now again this is a project router it has the actual ttl settings interface where you like nice gui interface where you can just type it in but if you don't have that like for example uh glinet uh defaults firmware does not have this the way you you know you can still use that you just go in the custom rules you'll have that tab in there and you just you put this uh these two lines in there and i'll have that in the description it's basically same thing just when you when you when you click set something here it just writes these custom rules it's what it does is uh adds the uh to the ip tables it adds the specific value that it needs so it just tells the uh router all out outgoing packets overwrite the ttl settings on them to 64 or whatever it may be so um so once you set this you save the settings reboot the router one more time and at that point you should be set to go you should once it comes back up give it a two three minutes you may want to watch the um you know the modem debug once it's connected and everything you should have wi-fi and that's where you you would go into your laptop and you would connect to your whatever name for your hotspot is so yeah as far as data speeds well that that will vary uh depending on location you're at uh good time of day it's based on congestion type of carrier you have because some sim cards have higher priority than others for example verizon if you get the post paid plan like just directly from verizon you'll have higher priority for example than page plus but it'll be more expensive so there's number of reasons um in my case this is page plus it's de-prioritized meaning uh direct rising customers get get more uh get higher priority on a network so if the network is congested in this area let's say i'm a i'm a near billings montana right now fairly rural area but it's a truck stop so there's a lot of people in the area kind of you know with the phones doing their thing um network may be congested and so i'm gonna get certain speed but then after midnight it's gonna get better so but let's take a look what i'm getting right now it's approximately 5 p.m uh mountain time and uh um just see what happens here i have no idea what i'm gonna get so yeah i mean i'm definitely prioritized because i can uh i have the actual verizon proper on my phone that i'm getting 16 megabits download but it's still plenty enough i have seen it as high as uh 56 uh megabits per second in some areas um usually like after midnight or during the day before everybody starts parking and then checking their facebook and downloading all the stuff that people download but this is still more than plenty of bandwidth to for example watch 720p videos on youtube and so on and remember that we basically networked all our devices now so we can use things like chromecast we can just like any you know like you can share printer over network you can have uh media server available so this that's what that's the reason you want the router instead of having uh a tether to your phone because you can you have unlimited amount of devices and type that you can share it with and you're not limited to one device one phone or anything like that anyways guys i'm gonna have the link to this router and uh i'll have the uh ip table so you can just copy paste it into your setup and thanks for watching my videos and i'll see you soon guys
Channel: Slavka Alabamka Trucking
Views: 92,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4g lte, unlimited tethering, LTE router, GL-X750
Id: o5LsEhYlVBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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