Super Easy 5 MINUTE Shoe Shine

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for all of you ladies and gentlemen out there grew up busy hectic schedules and don't think you have time to keep your shoes boots or high heels looking great well this episode is for you stay tuned because we're going to show you the five minutes shoeshine welcome back to our Channel today we're going to show you the five minutes shoe shop for a lot of folks you know we're all busy we have Technic schedules with kids would work with defense after work on weekends and shoes one of those things that always seem to be neglected we're in the shoe industry and on a weekly basis we get folks that come into our shop and say hey you know what I just don't have time to shine my shoes in or I don't know how to shine my shoes I have a surprise - how many folks we you know encounter every week that that say that and beyond the truth isn't like we tell them there's really not much to it I mean a shoe shine may look intimidating a lot of folks are so afraid they're going to to ruin their shoes or the leather when they start shining they're on their own but really there's nothing to it and believe it or not five minutes is really all you need to just give it a basic shine and that's really all your shoes are needing you know you got a pair of shoes here a pair of Tabuk new york leather loafers and this gentleman brought these shoes in to us he wanted to have some repair work done and he wanted to have these shined up and as you can see they are very scuffed up and they have not been shined or polished for quite some time so that's what we're gonna take care of today so to start off everything you see here is basically all you need to do a quick 5 minute shine depending on how often you wear your shoes really depends on how often you need to polish them if you're someone that only has one or two pair of shoes and you keep them in your rotation and you're wearing that same pair of shoes you know several times a week well then you're going to get scuffs on them a lot faster than if you have you know five or six pairs that you're rotating in and out so really depends on how often you think they need to be polished the other thing when it comes to just a quick five minute shoe shine we we get folks that ask what should I be using wax should I use cream and I'm a big firm believer in cream why because cream has a lot more color pigment in it than a lot of wax does it also has a lot of conditioners and natural natural natural conditioning products in there that are great for your leather to keep it soft and supple so that's why I recommend to folks when they come into our shop just to buy shoe cream if you're just eating something day if your shoe make it look great give it a little bit of shine and you're out the door and that's what we're going to be using today all the products here you see can be found on our website and are readily available we have found a color here that is a pretty close match to this pair of loafers that we'll be using for the uppers and we've got a dark brown here that we will be using along the kill block a lot of folks neglect the heel block here and along the the edge of the soul and that emotions those are leather and they need to be polished as well so to start off always like the shoe trees in the shoe it just is going to help to pull that shoe make it a little more hot so that we can polish them better if you don't have shoe trees get some but you don't necessarily have to have them when you're polishing your shoes but it does help first thing you're going to do you're just gonna brush the shoe off quickly just to take off any excess dust [Music] and if your shoes are really dirty then probably take a little long in five minutes you're gonna want to use some sort of cleaning saddle soap or a cleaning lotion just depending on how dirty they are but for most folks just brushing them off will be fine now I have an old rag here that I like to use now you can use a dollar a little horse hair topper when you're putting on your shoe crane believe it or not you can use your fingers I've done that a lot or you can just use a little shoe shot and rag like this this is an old t-shirt that's we tore up what you're going to do is you're just gonna take a little bit of cream it doesn't take much and you're just going to begin working that cream all into the leather [Music] and you can see while I'm doing that how much color is already being put back into this shoe that has been missing for quite some time you want to work on any of those places where you have scuffs or where the color is really missing [Music] now some shoes that you'll find you have a lighter color stitching on it you know some of this is ditching you see along here along the shoes then what the the color of the shoe is so you may have like a dark brown shoe like this with maybe a light brown stitching or a white stitching and if you have that that I really recommend not using a shoeshine dollar but again using something like this where you can use your fingers and you can really work around that white stitching and if that makes you a little intimidated to do that or you know you don't want to get anything on that white stitching then what we will do a lot of times here shop is we will use the dark color pigment or cream along those places like the toe and the back of the shoe and then we will use a neutral color cream around the rest of the shoe so the neutral cream does not have pigment on it and it won't color those digits there we go on that one it's gonna work the cream into this you know and let that one dry to a haze and again you can see I'm not having to be super delicate with this shoe it's nothing to be you know afraid of when you're using shoe cream on your shoes it's not gonna hurt the shoe I'm just working it all into it [Music] you can see it all fast this go so if I'm sitting there I always enjoy growing up polishing my shoes on the weekends it was just it's kind of one of those things I've always enjoyed doing it's kind of therapeutic and relaxing while you sit there and you're watching golf or sports on weekend or whatever you're doing just pull out the old shoeshine kit and whatever shoes need to be done and like I said it doesn't take long at all to say I've already polished shoes it's as simple as that know what I'm going to do is that use this dark green here along the soles of the shoe and along the hillock I'm just want to work that and real quickly just like this [Music] all right just like that that tellurium again sorry for the phone we do film here at our shop and a lot of times we have to fail them during the hours that were open so every now and then you will hear the phone ringing all right that's all there is to it it will tell area right there now after that we're gonna do is you're gonna take a horsehair shoe brush preferably a very high-quality shoe brush you'll find a lot of cheaper ones out there and it doesn't take long for the hair bein falling out so you want to make sure that you're getting a very high-quality one this is a severe brush that we carry here on our in our shop and online and all you're gonna do is [Music] just run it all over this shoe you can see as I do that it's already bringing out the shine [Music] [Music] right you can see that took me through no time at all to polish the shoes it was simple as I said [Music] all right now if you buff those off what I recommend doing is taking a cotton chamois or a t-shirt or some sort of soft rag and lightly rubbing over the shoe now especially with these severe products that we carry the pigment is very strong and sometimes after you shine your shoe and you've brushed over it it does leave some excess residue on there and you don't want that coming off on your pants so you can see there [Music] but after you've done that I said you just rub over lightly and what that does it brings out the shine to the table so pulls off any of that excess so it doesn't get on here your pants leg [Music] all right so you can say they're pulled it off and that's it that was less than five minutes the shoes are done look how much better they look all of those scuffs that we had up here on the toe were gone disgust by here the heel block top color back in them and it looks like it brand-new shoes [Music]
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 279,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #allenedmonds, #shoeshine, #saphirshoecream, #saphirwax, #easyshoeshine, #bestshoeshine, #shoecobbler, #shoerepair, #hangerproject, #fastshoeshine, saphir
Id: 6mdTKG1aFSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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