How To Clean & Condition Your Thursday Boot Captains (Smooth Leather) |

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen so today we are going to be polishing up a pair of our Thursday boot captains the smooth leather it is a brand it is a style that we get asked about all the time in our comment section a lot of email sent to us asking hey what color should I be using what should I be doing to clean off my Thursdays well today we are going to show you step by step what you need to be doing and if you don't own Thursday boots that's fine this tutorial will apply to most smooth skinned boots or shoes so let's go [Music] alright so the first thing you guys want to do is just remove your laces if you're just gonna do a random clean every now and then it's not really necessary but I don't think these boots have been cleaned in quite some time and as you can see up here on the tongue it's missing a lot of the color pigment so we're gonna put a lot of that back in there as well so in order to do it the laces have to come out all right so you can see all of the dirt and dust on here this has got to go so the next thing you want to do is just make sure you have a good horsehair brush or some type of rag that you can lipe over and brush this off to get as much dirt off as you can okay guys so one of the things that I want to mention is when you are dusting off your boots you always want to make sure that you're also getting down in this welt line area so the welt line is where you're gonna see your stitches and a lot of times you'll get dust and grime that'll sit down in there and you want to make sure that comes off so make sure you're rubbing your brush inside that as well and they also have little welt brushes like this one here that are made for getting down in this area and if you don't have one of these you can also use a toothbrush it does the same thing all right so as you can see just brushing these boots off did a good job it got off most of that surface dust and that's what we were looking for now if you wanted to follow this up with some saddle soap or some leather shampoo you could do that if you and that would help to you know get any excess dirt that may be sitting down in the pores of the leather it'd help get that out but these are in pretty good shape so what we're going to do is just take a wet rag like this we're gonna spray some water on it just to make it a little damp and we're just gonna rub over the boot and again that's just gonna pull off any remaining excess dirt or dust and again don't forget to wipe down inside of this wet line as well okay you want to make sure that you're getting the tongue that nice and white down make sure you're getting along these Hill blocks as well because you can see that there's a lot of dirt on this hill block just from everyday where we want to make sure we get this off okay so the boots are nice and wipe down they are ready to be hydrated if you're not hydrating your boots make sure you're doing that all leather needs to be hydrated on a regular basis so that it stays nice and supple and doesn't dry out I'm going to use Saphir renovate or in this case it has a lot of oils in it and the leathers that they use on this type of captain boot it's sort of a little bit of an oily fill to it and that way I just want to make sure that those are replenished so let's get this at it okay in this case I'm just going to use a rag to apply this cream but you can also use a brush you could also use your hand with a glove there's a lot of different things you could use to apply the the cream and/or the conditioner and you just want to begin working this all into the leather and a little bit goes a long way guys so you don't have to use a lot if your boots are extremely dried out you may find that the conditioner is quickly absorbed into the leather and if you find that it needs to have more added you're fine to do that you know conditioner is not gonna hurt the boot or the leather so feel free to add as much as needed to the leather so this boot is just about done I've added the conditioner all over it but as you can see there are still some scuffs up around this area of the toe and the conditioner is not going to quite cover that up if this is okay to you and you want to leave it like this and you kind of like the beat-up look you're good to go from here you can stop wait wipe over it and you're good to go but I want to make sure that these scuffs are kind of covered up and make this boot look a little more neat hey guys if you're enjoying this video please give us a big thumbs up it tells YouTube that you're really enjoying our video and it helps our to grow also click that subscribe button because not only are we doing Thursday boots today but we have a lot of different brands that we're going to be bringing to you in the weeks and months to come so you definitely want to make sure you subscribe to that channel also hit that little notification bio so that you're notified every time a new video hits so let's get back to it okay guys so after I've added the conditioner I've allowed it to penetrate the leather and sit for about five minutes now what I'm gonna do is take my horsehair brush again and just buff over the boot and like I mentioned before you kind of want to keep that beat-up look then you're good to go okay so this color leather is a bit of a burgundy color to it so what I'm gonna do is use the burgundy severe cream again guys it doesn't have to be severe it can be any other brand out there I just want to make sure that you're using good products and again notice that I said cream and not wax you don't want to put a wax on this you want to make sure that you're using a choux cream that has a bit of a color to it and that's going to put the pigment back into it so again I want to take my rag just gonna take a little bit of this and I have to be careful same thing if you have a pair of these or if you have Wolverines or any other type of boot that has white stitches along there you want to make sure that you're being careful when you apply this cream because the color pigment will color those stitches so we're just going to be carefully put this on the toe and just continue to rub that cream all into the booth and it's going to put the color right back into that leather okay so the cream is on here I'm giving it a few minutes to dry you want to make sure that that cream really soaks into the boot or the leather and it has enough time to dry to a haze so while that's going on I also like I said I wanna make sure these look brand-new so as you can see the hill block here is really scuffed up and coloration is missing from that so what we're going to do is I'm going to go with a brown shoe cream you can also use Hill edge dressing if that's your thing I just find that shoe creams do a really good job and I prefer them over a lot of bad dressings so what we're gonna do again take your rag and just like you did with the boot you're just going to work that into the hill block and as you can see where that scuff laws it's now gone so after you've given the cream enough time to dry again you're gonna take your shoe brush buff these off until you bring out a nice shine okay so these are just about done I have buff these off now the last thing that you'll want to do you can either keep your boots like this normally on a smooth leather boot or shoe you would add wax as a protect it against you know water dust and whatnot but for most of us wearing boots we don't want a high glossy shine on those the next layer of protection that I would add is just some waterproofing spray so on this one we're going to use the Saffir and Boulder spray again it doesn't have to be this brand just there's a a lot of different waterproof errs out there but you want to make sure that you're getting a good spray on these shoes because that will repel a lot of the water dust whatnot from sticking onto your boots okay adding the spray is relatively easy you just want to hold it about eight inches away and you're just gonna give a light mist all over the boot you're gonna allow that to sit for about 10 to 20 minutes that's all it takes then you're good together okay guys so these Thursday boot captains are ready to go I think they look a million times better but before I show them to you just as a reminder if you're looking for any of the products that we used in today's tutorial please check us out at Potter and sons comm I have the link down below you can also find anything you may need for your shoe care needs such as shoe trees choux creams few brushes whatever it may need you can find it at Potter and sons dot-com and also if you sign up for our newsletter you will get 15% off of your first order so please check us out okay guys so as you can see these boots in the beginning have been through a lot and been cleaned in a while they've gotten a lot of scrapes and scuffs a lot of dirt and dust on them and now we cleaned all of that off we conditioned them really well we use some shoe cream to bring the color back to it and then we just sprayed them off with some waterproofing spray and that's gonna help prevent you know any rain from you know soaking in the leather and he does from being absorbed in faux leather and they are ready to go alright guys so that just about does it again thank you so much for joining us we appreciate you stop and buy and until next time have a great day [Music]
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 177,509
Rating: 4.9814315 out of 5
Keywords: #thursdayboots, #howto, #bootcare, #shoerepair, #saphir, #shoeshine, #thursdaybootsandshoes, #shoecare, #diy, #leathercare, #thursdaybootscaptains
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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