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all right goats we're back in Roblox with a crazy Simulator game we're dropping the biggest basketball dunks you've ever seen it's a race to see who can reach the castle at the top of the world first and then the loser must pay out 5 000 Robux we can upgrade our dunk power with pets and some pay to win cheats comment who you got winning the dunk competition team sunny or team melon let's get golden hey melon check it out bro I'm gonna absolutely break your ankles and slam come on we'll see about that one Sonny yo crushed it yeah you slam dunked that baby zero stud basketball check this out Sonny yeah let's see how many wins 50 studs here we go let's go no way you actually made it up there that's it I need more power yes so much power I feel it flowing through me I've unlocked the next hoop let's go boom [Applause] chill chill I'm getting big wins melon big wins Big Dreams dribble up yeah well check this out Sunny yeah what's that next to oops up check that out whoa how did you get that high up already what is your power level just call me to go baby no way hey yeah you claimed this dude you got a free gift and do you have a pet already or something no but I am opening a pet now yo I got a mythical no way you've got to be kidding wait how rare was that that was 1.5 oh my dude I'm actually goaded I'm actually goaded he thinks he's goaded guys I'm gonna get the Galaxy pet please please please oh I got a bunny rabbit and let me just Farm some more wins real quick yeah get my gift in five seconds melon then I'll also have more power yeah what are you doing yeah yeah yes yes give me this gift give me that give me that scrap up boom all the way up dunked dang it bro you actually caught up to my power yeah all I had to do was literally just claim the free gift yeah open this up give me something cool and another bunny rabbit you know what that's still 12 twice that's pretty rare I'll take a free 500 wins how did you get a free what why sorry don't worry about it I'm just dunking out here how long were you afking this game no I literally haven't been Sonny it was just the um yeah but you you're you're a minute ahead of me bro you were in here for a full minute maybe you are an absolute hack sore it's okay I have more power than you you scrub how do you have more power than me because I'm so much more powerful obviously I got them dunks bro that doesn't even make sense how is that even possible because I'm more skilled at basketball bro check it out from the three-point line he approaches he's gonna go huge unlocks the next hoop and jump oh I'm making big Power now let's go wait I have an upgrade available what does that even mean don't go to the upgrades there's no reason for you to do that Sonny oh I'm doing it I'm gonna shoot these upgrades right here oh 70 wins by that Sunny there's no reason you would need to do that I already did it I don't even know what it gave me I wasn't even paying attention I don't know what it really gives me either to be honest with you sonny but I did it but I'm gonna jump higher and dunk for more W's yo so many wins yeah well I'm dunking one hoop above you sonny wait crowns now drop I think that's what the upgrade did crowns now drop what do you mean oh they're everywhere whoa how many wins does this give you yo it gives you heko wins and I've unlocked a new hoop let's go upgrade Power It Up Guys I'm gonna save up for 4 000 wins and buy a new pet a stronger pet whoa I dribble faster too how do you dribble faster I think do oh I'm awesome let's go let's check this out 1.5 K to a couple dunks unlock this right here let's open this bad boy up I'm getting a buddy yeah nice bunny wabbit I got two of them yeah but it was from The Good Egg yeah be quiet I don't want to hear it guys I'm gonna grab the auto collect magnet a little bit of pay to win never hurt anyone and I've got lots of Robux so let's do it yes look at me absorb it all so much Power Sonny are you still so weak what do you mean weak dude you have 11 000 power whatever I'm getting this upgrade and then I'm gonna just do another dunk real quick hey yeah you think you're tough guys it's time for me to get more overpowered times two power a little bit of Robux spend that hey melon first one to the castle wins why not first wanna dunk contagious poop yeah I'm pretty sure that's at the castle isn't it oh yeah let's do that oh dude we're not even nearly in the clouds this is gonna be crazy yeah guys I'm gonna have to do some pay to win if I want to uh pull ahead hopefully he doesn't see this let me just buy this egg really quick melon you're so pathetic you only have eighteen thousand power bro how do you have 31 000 that makes no sense I've been absorbing a lot of strength okay guys I need to equip my best pets right now I should be extremely powerful he's trash what the heck pets dude I paid 300 Robux and it only gives me 2.5 x that is garbage that is trash hey melon I have 13 000 wins I'm almost getting another upgrade uh guys I'm gonna need to do something here I'm gonna need to do something almost get more powerful I think it's like 25 000 wins and I can get another upgrade tier this is gonna be so good I need to Auto collect plus 2X wins hey I already bought both of those you scammer you probably bought 2x power too didn't you wait there's two x wins I only bought double power I need to get two x wins give me this give me this give me this give me this I need more wins I'm acquiring it for 399 Robux I accept my fate the Pay to Win takes over I can't control myself the Robux I let them flow through me I need to get more powerful oh this is easy now yo look at this and then I go over here get a casual upgrade boom tier four uh what did you do the next one cost 170 000 wins bruh oh yeah I need to get 24 000 wins too pretty badly no 200 000 or 170 000 or something yeah but I mean I don't have as much power as you sonny although I am catching up dude I'm actually dunking like a maniac here I get so many wins off of this yo this is crazy bro I'm gonna get an epic upgrade absorb the strength absorb the power hey Sonny I'm catching up you think you're catching up but you're actually not catching up are you sure about that wait you have six pets I need pets oh wait you're right I'm not catching up I am passing you out I only have three pets what are you talking about Sonny what okay I need pets let's go oh 299 Robux for whatever this is uh before I do that let's go to the shop really fast and there's got to be something here about luck yep super luck oh that's expensive I don't want to buy that guys I'm gonna buy this to pull ahead from Sunny this is the ultimate egg give it to me 500 Robux something good give me give me that I don't know which one I got did I get the good one I didn't get the good one but it's whatever and now with my extra luck I should acquire a more powerful pet yo golden parrot good for you sonny yes it's equipped 2.62 that's it hey sunny I made it to the clouds how does that feel wait what how are you so far up uh oh wait hold on let me get this upgrade really quick go I just bought one of them bro that makes no sense whatever I'm spending some of my wind power yo the feet but really trash stop giving me fish I want this guy how are you so powerful you have a million dunks power that's it I got a polar bear I'm happy with that melon I'll catch you oh I'll catch you oh yeah I'm sure you'll catch me Sonny oh shiver to me timbers I'm so scared yo keep your shiver Timbers yourself going up I need this dunk I need this dunk yes 100K wins I'm almost at the cloud yes and million win let's go he's not capping I've unlocked a new level of power that's not fair how is this even possible yes 20 million wins that's it unlock it tier five maxed out in this world and now I think I might be strong enough to reach the clouds please let me up yeah yes well good for you son you made it all the way up here are you here too oh yeah I'm here don't worry ooh Cloud chest let me claim it I'll take this thank you let me just continue to dunk fine a million wins for this upgrade wait that's a lot for you hold on let me see oh never mind I get so many wins each dunk I'm actually nutty now yeah I get 150 million wins hold on let me uh yo frenzy holy crap dude I'm getting crazy strong this is not fair melon why are you so powerful I don't know what happened Sonny I am like goaded right now hey we both got a frenzy though wait no the frenzy starts in five seconds 1.5 upgrade quickly and time to get crazy bonuses melon I jump higher than you you do not jump higher than me dude don't even try Oh I thought I did it's not even close see ya why are you so much more powerful than me that's not cool and I have a billion wins now let me just got the final upgrade here and I will now rebirth because I can rebirth what hold up let me get this I don't even have enough wins I need 50 million that's it guys there's got to be something in the shop I can use to pay to win all right guys let me just hit a quick rebirth uh here we go and remember sacrifice all of your power that's not worth it gold two that's a lot of Roblox but it's probably worth it do it do it oh I want to get to the next Zone golden shark is it even good 2.9 yuck yes I can almost get to the next level let's see pets quit best bro that's trash melon what is that pet you have that's really cool I don't know what you're talking about how are you so much more powerful you're in the billions I don't get it oh I only have a 1.5 000 wins bro I don't understand what you're doing I got a golden bat where did all my power go and wins bro what just happened did you spend it all did you rebirth did you you rebirth you actually rebirthed I didn't mean to reverse [Music] this is not good bro I'm so weak now let's go I have a chance there's always a chance I need to go down and get the previous upgrades upgrade me yes yes soon I will access the moon but for real melon how did you get so uh far ahead before I don't know sunny but now I feel feels so weak what did I do give me these wins give me these wins I need all these upgrades you might actually beat me now I hope so but I still need to find a better way to pay to win here oh that's a lot that's also a lot of Robux I can surpass you once again I mean you could certainly try no I will I will Sonny each dunk I gain 80 million wins that's good for you sonny good for you and now I'm gonna upgrade maxed tear oh I need another win dang it now I can do it I need this upgrade there we go I've completed the first set of upgrades bro how do you know all these secrets I don't know anything Sonny merging the merging Center get over here I found it this is where I can make my pets more powerful combine the fish combine them all well that was it that was kind of underwhelming yes I'm gaining back the millions of wins per dunk oh Sonny I've already made such a comeback and I'm 50 stronger than I was before wait rebirth is that good yeah there's something like that honey dude this is not good for me let me jump up multi-hatch it's the only way and I need a lot of these yes three devil bats come on give me a new pet dang it I want something awesome yes discoveries have been made back to dunking punk what are you eating I don't care about it it's fine soon you'll be eating my dust I'm sorry about that Sonny I can almost get to the moon I want to be there in no time don't you worry yeah but I'm gonna get better pets than you will you though will you really oh I shall indeed dunk it look at how high I jumped man aren't you jealous of my Power Sonny I will be there shortly big dunkage come on Farm These winds okay now it's time for me to charge these up I'm gonna store all my wins to shop at the next destination I need 600 million wins okay sonny I've Audrey caught up pretty much yeah yeah yeah keep talking that smack there we go now I will get very powerful wait how are you getting that many billions of wins that oh wait you don't have that much power okay I was I was getting confused yeah I got a lot of power what do you mean I don't want anything you do buddy let's see what do these upgrades cost 3.6 billion I guess I could put the first one in and what about these eggs eight billion per egg oh no I'll buy one at least the legendary space dribbler equipped best it's not even the best it's garbage all right guys I'm gonna do something devious to secure this win let me go into the shop I'm gonna get this is there a Super Lucky somewhere uh they're super lucky are you oh my dude is that worth it 1500 Robux look at all this guys the space chest grabbing it ew I'm rich I just unlocked a new hoop check how many wins it's gonna give me each time I jump whatever melon's doing is the wrong strategy I'll be at the castle in no time all right guys I'm gonna buy this luckiness I'm gonna go back down and purchase this limited edition op boss cat egg check this out I'm gonna come over here to the upgrades purchase the next upgrade come on oh dude I don't think I got the good one I need the Galaxy then I'm gonna buy three space eggs at a time yes come on give me the Galaxy 20. dang it whatever I'll equip my best pets and now that I've acquired a lot of these space eggs I'm gonna go merge them where's the merger we're gonna need a merger here we need a merger deal we're gonna need a merger here we're uh actually gonna need one yeah melon you heard me loud and clear now where's that merger Sonny how much uh how much do your uh pets give you not a lot clearly but soon they shall I am visiting the merger yo what is a space chest yo yo Sonny I got so much power now the ultimate merge was that worth it I don't think I collected these chests 190 000 power that's nothing where are my good ones space bats space strikes is that it okay yeah I think I might have trolled myself a little bit how much do they give you sonny this isn't doing a whole lot knocking a cap but they've been merged I only get 7x and now I should activate my best pets and then I will go to the shop where's the thing that lets me buy more pets yeah this is what I've needed the whole time this is the way okay and now with this ultimate ability I'll have six pets boosting me to two million power per dribble bro how much did I give you melon thinks he's good yeah not much how do you even check on your pets I have 3.3 2.5 1.95 2.2 2.9 2.6 oh you bought that thing hold on let me buy one of those too let me uh no no no no uh let me see where's the plus equips let me just buy that really quick you are cringe wait why do you have so many black cats uh don't worry about it don't worry about it whatever I get so many wins per dunk buy that one and now I quit best and what I only get a million power per click I get five million you noob how I don't understand oh I didn't do upgrades that's why yes I am going quick with it to the next hoop I'm gonna be at the castle in notes notes million now sunny I completely forgot about upgrades guys comment down below who you think's gonna reach the castle first dude this is gonna be close this is gonna be so close I don't know bro I gained 400 billion per dunk yeah that's fine I gained similarly oh Sunny my upgrades I'm gaining 37 million a click are you kidding me let's go I need that badly no I need 4.7 trillion for the next upgrade dude your pets are overpowered yes I shall be the ultimate dunk Master not good this is not good and I still have one upgrade left yeah same I think you're gonna beat me because you're broken pets I don't know what you're talking about my pets aren't broken yeah how much do they give you you asked me about my pets what about yours um I give me let me see 5.177 what 2.5 not cool bro just a casual Casino not cool bro and I'm about to get four trillion yeah I'm about to give up I think you win and there we go maxed upgrades maxed everything 94 trillion a click trillion that's not true no billion million sorry a million yeah yeah you're so cap I'll at least get the maxed out upgrades but I don't think I'm gonna beat you to the castle next hoop I'm almost there I only need 26 billion 38 billion for the next one sure oh maxed out there we go my power level grows uh what color are you dunking on I'm dunking on the I'm on pink I'm on the blue that's the Scion blue yeah I get it melon you cheated and you're gonna win I don't know you're talking about I only have triple your power yeah very fair I gained 31 million power per dribble I gained 94.38 yeah nice exactly triple and then hold on let me see I now advance to the green Duncan take all the time you need you cheat I'm not cheating you're the genie you're you're being being cheater like what am I supposed to do about this give up and submit fine if the viewers press the like button right now I'll give up wait actually No One's Gonna want me to give up melon they're gonna want me to persevere keep to my dedication and motivation youth become the best dunk Masters ever yeah keep on trying Sonny I believe in you I'm on the blue Hoops now I can do this guys maybe there's something in the pay to win that I can use uh this maybe please I hope am I dunking on now I am dunking on oh I'm one away let's go are you kidding me and let me just suck all these Stars up I just tried to cheese you with a last second upgrade but I don't think it's enough and I sucked everything down there and now I should be able to make it to the castle let's go good luck melon It's the final jump now let's go let's go sonny I made it all the way to the top let's go curse you because you got to the castle before me I owe you 5 000 Robux let's go profit baby I only spent four thousand nine hundred and ninety nine you're kidding you spent 4 999 Robux for real probably then that means we're brokeys so guys please subscribe to help us out we might never financially recover from this and clicks video on screen
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 334,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RF0Yw4PabPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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