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today sunny and I play God's will in Roblox pretty much it's a bunch of mini games kind of like squid game and we have to see who survives until the very end guys I actually can't believe how this ended it's absolutely insane stick around to see what I mean uh melon why is the classroom so messy I think it's pretty clean Sonny do you see this guy who's the teacher yeah I don't know what's going on what the heck DaRuMa game do not move when the face is in the classroom oh when he faces classroom press the button on his back to win 90 second timer everyone dies so this is like squid games get ready Red Light Green Light melon Red Light Green Light let's go oh he's looking oh my god dude that guy was right next to me I thought I was gonna die oh smell it stop I thought I died oh is it me oh I'm alive this is scary oh Sonny this is terrifying someone will press this button though I Believe in Us yes we survived the Roblox Gods dude that guy was terrifying wait what the heck is happening wait we just got put to sleep what is this and friendly the music like yeah you did it what is happening Sonny this mini game is awesome dude it's like squid games there's all these different challenges now for the Arctic Rush sled down a hill full of obstacles and traps use AMD to turn and press e to activate power up yo I wonder what kind of power-ups we have we're on a sled uh I hope I get Rudolph whoa I went so quick I wasn't prepared for that one what's ee wait I gotta get a power up hey yeah I went backwards yikes how did you go backwards sunny I don't know I keep bumping into a lot of stuff melon I haven't bumped into a single thing oh good for you good for you dodge the spiky traps dude I keep I keep losing the power-ups oh I got Inked hey yeah oh I lost the power-ups again let me just uh even got a power up to be honest with you oh I got one yeah neither have I Sonny uh oh that's a spike trap dude this is like Mario Kart this is amazing whoa big jump I I didn't what the heck bro that was supposed to be cool big jump I died oh I know I didn't no no I didn't I didn't oh there's the big jump hit him with a boost oh I fell yo I did a handstand on my sled you're going so quick yo big Power Up finish this is insane bro I landed on top of a house I'm getting bopped I'm getting bopped a lot oh no the Finish Line it's here I just barely made it melon this might be the best game on Roblox in years this thing is awesome bro that was insane I had the craziest finish I went super quick yeah shout outs to God's will this game is awesome by deep fry Studios they know how to make a banger yo some of these noobs aren't gonna make it Frankie guy you're done four stop driving into trees bro he's so wait he's actually gonna make it photo oh yeah this Lily uh guys dead yeah sorry yeah Frankie made it at the last second but Lily yeah goodbye wait why is it caving in on us what's up happening wait why are we bananas what is going on Sunny I don't want to be a banana watch out for the minions they will eat you like banana wait why does this guy say you whoa melon watch out for the teddy bear wait no it's a giant monkey what am I saying it's a wind-up monkey wait he's gonna try and eat us he likes bananas we have to avoid his attacks okay this is gonna be tricky uh yo hey melon can you do this I want the rocket boost how did you do that wait uh pick up Q Dash whoa okay I'm not afraid of this monkey I'm Not Afraid we have to knock the monkey down by using the rock as he spews out you have a rocket I haven't seen any items yet I don't have a rocket no there they are there they are yo wind it wind it ew Crank That soldier boy we actually are wrecking this big old monkey oh he's not happy he's not happy this player's getting wrecked look at them getting symbols yo GG be careful what is that banana zombies no no we need to knock him down again give me this rocket I'm almost dead Sonny I'll handle this melon nope I can't wait we knocked him over wind it up how do we crank it I got it get out of there back up dodge the zombies oh there's some coins wait is he dead I don't know bro he's probably gonna be even angrier yo I think he died no it's a boss battle what yo his monkey head is killing him get the Rockets quick ow oh blow him up melon it wasn't enough Sonny nice work bro it wasn't enough it has to be enough there's no other way give me the Rockets yeah I hit him let's go I'll wind it up got it wait Did We defeat him yeah and you're surfing on a rocket that's epic yep whoa whoa okay it's official best game in Roblox what's happening Sunny don't know we did it let's go what is going on over here I just saw a bunch of smooth what oh there's some race going on I'm getting away from there yeah that's cringe Hey low TV commercial break hey order today I could go for some pepperoni pizza I ain't gonna cap wait breaking news what is going on Sunny I don't know but we have to overcome it melon it's the only way uh-oh is this the monkey I'm scared pick me pick me who do you pick yourself I'll pick myself yes who would be the volunteer whoa wait I got four votes yo melon you're the sacrifice did I die no why yeah look at you up there no I don't want to die I Don't Wanna Die maybe you'll be okay I don't know stack to the top whoa what uh oh uh sunny I have a bad feeling about this just don't misplace any blocks and you'll survive if anyone can do it melon it's you okay how do I do this it's just stack block like the arcade game oh I got this no you're garbage bro dude that's no I couldn't find it you're the biggest L I've ever seen bro you lost it the first possible moment wait can we bring you back to life survive bring him back you will revive in the next game please don't leave hey I got revived but melon you failed us you could have beat that I will next time I can't believe that the first possible chance to lose and you lost listen it was an accident anyways time for musical chairs don't sit on a broken chair melon I won't oh the chairs just scrambled oh you can pick up your own chair really how by pressing e oh good idea I got a chair that's smart this is my favorite song Oh I could push people too no that's a broken chair no no oh yes a real chair yo I face planted but I got in a seat so I'm fine yo she exploded oh no and it all starts again melon yeah I love this song Stay Away give me that chair all right I'll get my own chair yeah get your own chair buddy I will buddy boy I got the best why do I throw the chair just just hold on to it closely keep it dear to me oh time to get in my chair yep I'm good go dude melon we're actually amazing at the video games this guy's dead we're getting a first row seat to his explosion die yo he's hat survive this is terrifying Sonny yeah it's getting creepier ow yeah get ragdolled I gotta run away from them I just smacked people with a trick whoa get in a chair there's one by me I'm good Sonny I'm good ah GG is done there's a seat here I know Julian's done see you Julian yeah vaporized it's getting trickier melon uh uh uh stay away from me Sonny oh a good chair I'll take that Sonny you better get a chair soon I have one I'm just trying to stay away from everyone threw it in the corner oh instant no I'm dead melon there's another chair somewhere it's just you and Gigi I got it yes you survived yo her little head got exploded like a water balloon did we win did we survive I think we did yes oh that was so sketchy Sonny yeah that's pretty close for you right at the final time where some guy hit me and took my chair whoa where are we doors doors doors pick the door that matches the TV look for changes in the eyes and the nose is it just the eyes and the nose I guess so when available press the E key to open a door interesting where's that TV though yeah where is that oh there it is oh boy wait eyes is hard what the heck is happening not cool my my head hurts I ca I can't understand anything I think it's gonna stop and then we choose the door this one is it not this one heck yeah it's definitely the store no I thought there was time isn't it this one I'm getting this one no no why me Sonny why didn't you get in what are you doing it's fertilizer it stank so bad Sunny you died bro you're the only one I'm back alive don't worry oh you paid to win no you have three lives oh oh not this again this gives me a headache this is so confusing yo some guy smacked me are you kidding okay we don't have a lot of time ow ow the eyes need to be looking straight on it's this one no that's not it they're looking straight though but the nose is wrong whatever let me in you are so annoying why the nose was right and now I died because of you thanks Sonny you're so annoying bro and you're so gullible well as my final life now thanks Sonny thanks you're alive melon you're fine bro you're gonna be okay wait there's a spinning thing what is happening don't get lit on fire ah this is too sketchy this is too sketchy ow it's this one melon it's this one I'm just going with the one when everyone went in no who pushed me out oh are you kidding me what the heck I'm dead wait I have one more life goodbye how'd you make it I didn't I died but it said I have we'll revive soon okay we need the one with the eyes far away why are there more obstacles this is so cursed I don't like this sunny I really don't like this headache material what size is it is [Music] if we're all wrong ow why did I take damage somebody exploded that's why there can't possibly be more here oh thank you I did not like that game me neither what the heck that's cursed all the doorways literally cook eliminatory round the past odd potato around and not be the last person with it press G to dive and Tackle other players revives are disabled uh oh Sonny I don't want to have hot potat how is g no no GG you don't come after me I'm just trying to get coins yes yes the coins of course yes it looks like Gigi will be getting that GG yeah I see what you did melano someone's after you no no no wait gonna give it back to me this is stupid just hide oh you're good you're good no I'm not no yes oh that was so close that was insane oh the person with the potatoes AFK I'm gonna save them there's oh I don't mean to give it back to them there we go sonny you got eight seconds left it's fine Q press Q I'm killing the Rainbow Guy give it to him yes that's what you get for having a cool Trail look out Sunny behind you he goes bro I'm gonna say get broad I don't even know what that means oh another one another one's gonna bite the dust melon oh I'm too coded Sonny he's gonna give it back to you no he won't Juke oh that was so close I got those skills I'm hiding I'm hiding I'm scared I'll give it to me I dare you I challenge them bring it on let her give it to you so you can give it back nah I'll just dodge them forever oh oh you want this oh oh you think I'm dead you think you can get me nice try yo so you're gonna be another hot potato oh there is sunny there is do you have it no I'm hiding I'm hiding like a little baby yeah I'm hiding too oh you don't want this heat yeah he thought about coming for me but I'm too skilled for him yes yes stay away from me stay away yes yes Victory melon we're doing it it might be a one versus one showdown between the goats who has it I think that's it did we win I think one person has it right now oh they're in the corner AFK should I save them no what the heck two of us have it uh uh there can only be two sunny and melon will prosper Sonny look out he's right behind you yes whoa dodged him Sonny it's just us two in the final We Are the Champions that was awesome oh uh what's going on why am I strapped to a door I don't understand what's happening here yo I've got the red suit I've got the blue suit red for melon blue for beautiful cause I'm beautiful oh melon it's time for us to fight to the death we're the chosen ones I will show that red is the ultimate color and I will show you that I am way more powerful and goaded and handsome and intelligent and uh yeah all of it you shall see about that one Sunny Sword Play knock each other off the platform in three rounds to win knock back on your hits depend on how large your percentage is whoa It's like Super Smash Brothers press F to block timing a block results in stunning your enemy I will Parry you alright Sunny can I just see how this game works really quick I just want to like figure out how do I move how do I hit yeah let's just test a thing or two and yeah hey how did you hit that get buried you don't want to hit me you don't hit me you don't hit me oh you thought oh oh you thought ow arid oh oh he thinks he's slick he thinks he's slick dodged come on I will beat you yes spam it spam it just hit Just Hits hit come on slap him up whoa come on slap him off how are you not off yet because I'm goaded is there heavy hit I'm too awesome I'm too sick with it no no let's go scoop them scoop him that's one round that's it sunny I didn't want to have to do this to you do what huh yeah you can't do anything I've got 182 percent but I'm still strong how how are you how are you not dead I don't understand Mom mode combo oh I jumped off the edge nice one don't get this game I haven't like hit you hard once nor will you understand it because I'm sending you in to the water yo wobble combo been parried I'm figuring out the game no you're not you're just a simple watermelon how could you you couldn't dream of understanding this level of combat no the likes of which you've never seen be gone Petty hey would you like some petty come on get hit off yes you've got to be kidding I still have one more I've gotta rack up the damage while I can oh but you won't wait what wait did I win oh gotta be kidding no don't do it sunny sunny die what the heck it's had three rounds that was cheating I've secured the dubberton now what's your prize I don't know I'm gonna get free money I think you're in a crazy house this was probably all in your imagination because you know like you'd never be able to beat me for real wait I'm in the end what happens when I open the door what is this why is it all white epic music you won says you're the winner I guess I won this is awesome and if you guys want to win God's will press the like button and subscribe to our channel for more epic videos and click the next video on screen
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 123,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ecxwGpq1XY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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