I Ran 8,345,123 Miles And Becames The Fastest in Roblox RunStar Simulator

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So today we're playing run star simulator so we gotta go here to erase and okay here we go so we got a racist blue I gotta click click click I'm losing I'm losing the race so badly dude click okay auto click around go okay so this is my max speed 40. bro I got owned look at all these people dude they all destroyed me okay so I gotta get faster let me leave the race so to get faster I need to get on oh shoes okay I need to get better shoes oh so the more speed I have I get better shoes Okay so first let's get on the treadmill okay so the treadmill boosts my speed I see and then all there's a VIP treadmill maybe I kind of want to get on that yeah I kind of want to get on that VIP treadmill dude oh wait there's a group bonus too I don't get off and there is look you see what they're going these people are running like Sonic oh okay I got this claim I'm part of the group oh yo what is this it's like Pokemon yo legendary dude I got free Legendary pets dude that's so good okay 5x mode supplier yo that's so good all right guys make sure you guys like this video And subscribe to the channel so let's try now okay so we're running faster and faster now so at uh 200 I can go to the next area already dude I'm going so fast so we got Trails here which increases your speed by a little bit we got pets of rebirths and we gotta shop and we can buy a bunch of stuff oh I'm at 200 let's go next one and I get even faster so should I do the race again I kind of want to race I want to like redeem myself because last time I got owned dude look at me guys I'm actually getting fast you can actually tell that I'm getting a little bit fast now so I can rebirth with wins okay so maybe I should do that um is there any codes in this game so I don't think there's any codes at all because I don't see a code button unless sometimes it's in the shop but no all right one thousand okay here we go so these are the people that I'm actually racing here so all snails printer okay all the way up to the running king that's the final boss that I gotta defeat and then I can go into another world all right let's go in here alright ready guys three two one go oh I beat him I beat him I beat the first guy come on be the second guy yo I beat the second guy yo go go go go run gravy run I beat two people probably be two people I'm actually running fast yo this is great yes yes look at that guy I got fours please nice wait I give me 25 wins dude that was so good okay I gotta do that again I could buy an egg from right here I gotta do that again dude but let's get to before we do it again we need more speed okay so at let's get two thousand at 2 000 we could use the other treadmill and then when you get even faster you know this game is kind of like arm wrestle simulator but it's like way different because you have like a running track it's kind of like race clicker and arm wrestle combined but the race track thing is so different I think I'm racing NPCs right I'm not racing players because how would they be racing whenever I'm ready to race okay so this is 2K so the next area I need 10K okay so I need a huge upgrade from nice area oh those are cold right there Twitter so there's there is codes in this for sure I like to buy shoes too I forgot about that all right let me buy should we buy some shoes so what do the shoes all the increase your speed oh I can equip this one oh nice look at my sandals I got sandals I need shoes dude I need Nikes dude I can't be wearing sandals dude this is not gonna raise my speed I need like actual like really good shoes but there is some people that are super fast and they run Barefoot like they go crazy like they run faster than lions and stuff all right 5K okay let's try to do this let's go back here see these are all NPCs these are not actual people in the game except for this guy but I probably won't see them in the race all right here we go three two one go click click click click click click click click click click come on can I pass this one guy right here bro can't pass this one guys yo I can almost pass this guy dude I'm almost fast enough to be thick oh man bro that guy got so lucky dude that guy got so lucky he was getting nervous bro you know he was getting nervous because I got new sandals I got golden sandals I'm taking that guy out dude I'm gonna train some more I only need a little bit more dude I was so close you guys saw him I was right behind him I was about to catch up to him maybe 7 500 should do it or maybe 8 000 yeah 8 000 should be able to do it okay I think I can beat that guy I think I can do it all right here we go race again here we go guys three two one go can I be the first guy beat the second guy oh that's our guy yo what's up later later Slowpoke later Slowpoke let's go third place third place let's try flap around flap around just like that flop around just like that dude all right we gotta do it again I want to get now I want to get pets from this area right here so our oh I can just Auto raise I don't even have to click all right how fast does this go the auto race it's actually not going that fast oh no am I gonna lose bro do not lose a race to third guy bro are you kidding me right now dude I lost the race I lost our place bro auto race is bad okay we need to click you need to click yourself it's faster or use an auto clicker so you can go faster yeah see if I use an auto click I use max speed dude go get out of here bro get up bye goodbye goodbye all right next task we gotta beat second place it's gonna be pretty tough because I'm pretty sure this guy is like insanely fast and oh erase it again I forgot I'm on a race on okay I need to get some more to get pets too dude look how fast he is he's like double our speed later sir I love passing I just love passing this guy it is great okay we have enough we have enough we have enough we have enough dude yeah he's two minutes ahead of me okay we have enough to get one of these and purchase come on so they can get something good something good Pokemon Leo we got Leo as a Pokemon all right Leo equipped okay 2X dude this legendary is crazy I don't know how I got that so easily from the ideas from the what was it from the group I think yeah okay let's get okay we can equip uh one more pet okay let's do the race again and let's go later later go go go go goodbye sir you thought you were gonna win oh no bro he got it no no I clicked ah dude he beat me by five seconds no no that was unacceptable go you ain't beating me this time I'm going full speed I just had a lot of water dude I'm gonna go I gotta go to the bathroom you can't beat me when I have to go to the bathroom all right let's go okay we beat this all right nice okay so we can buy another pets so now it's full on training now we're just gonna train the whole time to do this okay let me get this oh nice we got a rare and let me equip this and then now let's just train like crazy okay we do we need 10K for this can we get new shoes uh no we can't get new shoes all right let's just train like crazy now now I'm training really really fast and I also got new shoes guys check it out we got Nikes over here these blue Nikes and we can go to the final treadmill 50k to get in this treadmill but we get insane amount of speed like we get almost 1K every time so let's get uh 60k now let's go race again so we have a lot of speed compared to last time so I am ready to dominate dude I'm gonna dominate all these people ready go all right come on come on the second guy yo I passed him second place second place dude four minutes do this kind of in two minutes yo that guy is crazy wait I gotta find him a few more times I can get a better pets all right let me go again let me go again I think I can beat him I'm gonna auto click right from the beginning dude there's no way he takes off like the flash bro as soon as it starts he's halfway bro is he hacking do you guys wait wait do you guys see this dude that guy has to be hacking bro he has to be hacking right look at this three two one go look it starts he's halfway already bro how is that even possible he's so fast I can't beat him dude maybe if we get better pets that's the only way okay so there should be enough let's get some pets we need to get three of these okay give me some good pets dude we're gonna need some really good ones okay shark okay nice uh give me something else give me something good another shark okay dude that's the most common bro give me something good I keep saying give me something good to do it another shark of course all right are these sharks actually good though uh wait five eggs okay oh I can equipped dude this Crystal is literally still my best pet I can't believe it this whole time it's still my best pets so this gives me plus 30. what does this give me oh VIP gets plus 30. so you can get to the max one by just going to the VIP right away okay let's train here for a little bit until we can beat that guy I finally figured out what this game is missing compared to arm wrestle remember the free rewards you click it and based on play time they don't have heavy here they should add that I think that would be good all right we're at 500k you know what I haven't even upgraded my sneakers for a while I should probably do that uh yeah equipped this bro I could have gone double my speed with my new Nike's dude look at this my new Nikes now I can buff my dude this would have been so much faster why wasn't I using this dude this is so much better okay let's try to race you think I think this is gonna be enough 500k I think it might be enough let's see it does say I need 900 recommended but I'm gonna try anyways we're gonna try okay guys here we go oh he's so fast but I'm catching up I almost got up bro stop flexing I almost caught up to you bro look at me I'm 10 seconds behind dude oh man I I like literally caught up to him all any 15K wins go next World bro wait wait I'm gonna turn on the auto clicker I think with the autoclick into it go go go go go go go go go go yes yes [Music] bro I am legit the fastest player bro I beat him I beat him we did it we have done it yo let's embarrass him again with the auto clicker I can do this let's see where is he oh he's right there dude goodbye wait that is like it goes like a flash I can't even see myself past him dude it just happened so fast all right now we can actually go to the next World the West world all right let's go in here all right this is a brand new world here is this the last World okay so this is the final world here and then we got all new exercise machines okay we got running boots so I currently have this one right here okay that helps me a lot oh this is Adidas I think this might be Adidas so the Nike's over there at the end and then new treadmills a gold machine and then can I spend my money oh I can spend my money I'm gonna save up for this one I think yeah I'm gonna save up so can I be oh I have to fight you'll have to fight little animals can I actually beat animals dude I am gonna beat this turkey slash ostrich right here let's go dude the cactus is the fastest which is kind of crazy here we go oh I'm so slow bro I'm so slow look at this Chihuahua it's like destroying me bro I'm so slow no no oh no no no no I'm so slow why look at me struggle dude I'm so oh man I gotta Escape oh I forgot about Trails dude I forgot about this size 15K I can buy this one right here 20 so that increases my speed a little bit all right let's do these uh these ones right here so I remember if I did the VIP one I can get almost the best one yeah the VIP one is not the best so actually this game is pretty good because it's not paid to win because the VIP is not the best like I can go to VIP at 120 but the free to play one can go up to 200. so you probably want to do free to play but first let's get a head start what am I saying to get a head start I'm gonna go on the VIP one so I get more speed so I need at least 2 million speed to just beat the first guy that is kinda crazy okay we're at five million speed let's do this okay let's get new shoes we need new shoes okay let's equip this oh six million people could have got new ones but I'm also gonna buy a new Trail I kind of want to buy this one I'm gonna buy the Rainbow Trail for Robux it's literally not the best trail which is what I like about this game the Roblox stuff is not the best all right we got the uh rainbow Trail now let's see if we can do this guys let's race all right here we go we need better we need better pets dude go oh we're gonna be this guy oh this guy's going down a little Chihuahua guy you're going down okay we gotta face a dinosaur throw the dinosaur right there we're gonna catch up to him bro come on come on dude we're run faster than 5 million and I'm still this slow can you believe this can you believe this bro I'm still so slow dude I got owned by a turkey bro all right let's see oh I got 15K for that okay nice um let's buy okay we gotta find better pets I think I'm gonna wait I gotta save up more okay so this rainbow Trail actually didn't really do anything like it's supposedly to make me faster but it says 100 speed but I didn't get anything I don't know it didn't work okay let's go with six million we gotta get more speed all right go oh wait it buffed it worked okay so it updated okay 100 so remember I was at five million now I'm Suddenly at 8 million so it didn't work oh okay okay nice all right we gotta get to at least nine million or like 10 million when can I use okay 11 million is that treadmill this one is still better I think it like uh 26 million bro 26 million how am I ever gonna get there I think I got a rebirth in this game I think we just have to dude this zone is hard okay first Zone I would say it's kind of easy second Zone impossible it was only for the top up speed Stars dude including me dude I'm the top Speedster alright nine million dude okay let's go check it out if we can buy the shoes the thing is when you have the trail it's kind of confusing to know if you have enough see I still can't I don't know if I have enough because the trail confuses how much I have but let's do the race again and let's see how much I can do this can I beat the dinosaur I have to be this dinosaur bro I can't get a bro dinosaur you're gonna get rich bro you dumb lizard you dumb lizard you dumb lizard you're gonna be fossil if you're gonna feel my car bro you're gonna feel my car are you gonna be fossil fuel for my car later you're just oil bro getting old okay there you go so we made it into fourth place okay this is great okay so we're getting a little fat would be Lizard Man gravy Catman has officially beat lizard man all right let's keep doing this I need better pets dude we need more let's buy new pets uh let's go we can't afford this one but I think it's better we buy a bunch of these ones right here because then we could probably combine them or if we're lucky we can get like a rare one I really want this one though or this one three million that's gonna be crazy all right well let's just buy this one right here all right let's see if we get lucky I'll triple hatch any triple hatch all right triple hatch okay here we go hatch okay oh I like how the coin goes vending machine all right that's cool oh wait did we get something good I think we got something good I can't even tell um okay epic okay nice all right triple hatch not enough wins so we run out of wins okay one more and oh legendary yo wait what did I just triple hatch with one wait I'm stuck in the screen wait bro bro I'm stuck yo I'm stuck in the screen I can't click that was so weird I had to re-log dude that was really really weird but now let's check out our new pet so quit the best and these are my best pets now but what I can do is I can make this one big so that should be my best pen now because I'm a big one and then maybe I can make this one big too okay no I can't so oh 30 multiplier okay 30 multiplier what about this one okay 31 and then this one I can't click okay 36. all right that's really good so I guess let's keep racing okay how much can I use this I can't use this yeah it's okay and then can't you have no shoes yet uh still can't click this one even though it says I have nine million speed I still can't grab this the trail really makes it confusing for people so this took literally forever they really need to rebalance the second Zone the first one is so easy and in like the second zone is literally impossible I don't know and they have a like they have a serious balancing issue but now guys we finally have eight billion speed it's time to do the race time to beat all these animals show them the real topic animals live King there's a new king of the jungle his name is grab a cat man all right so we beat all we beat the turkey and the lion our next goal is to be the cactus all right super Cactus you're going down okay so I'm gonna try just clicking myself and seeing that freaking beat him and then if I can I'm gonna turn around on a flicker come on oh yo I almost got up to it bro I almost got up to it dude that was so close dude 10 seconds behind 10 seconds okay now we're gonna do the auto clicker okay auto click click faster than me so I'm turning it on and here we go go go go go go go oh I passed yo I didn't even see it I passed in the last second bro I beat the cactus by three seconds I beat him by three seconds let's go we finally beat this Zone which is like impossible we are officially the fastest all right guys I'm in the video If you guys enjoy smash like subscribe and I'll see you guys next one goodbye
Channel: Gravycatman
Views: 312,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravycatman, roblox, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, no cursing, commentary, playthrough, gaming, video games, lets play, funny moments, grumpygravy, roblox roleplay, game, roblox online game, roblox channel, robux, Roblox games, mining simulator, lets play roblox, simulator, treasure hunt, roblox simulator, best pet, cat, pet simulator, roblox biggest, roblox noob to pro, roblox gaming, gravycat, gravy
Id: Df2o7bSLZMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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