Becoming the STRONGEST in LEG LIFTING Simulator Roblox

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it's time to get strong lift those weights never Skip Leg Day that's what we're doing today it's leg strength simulator we're gonna spend so much Robux to get the strongest most bulky legs in the game can you press that like button to help power us up let's get coded Sonny you've been skipping leg day boy look at them Twigs yeah look at your Twigs bro you got chicken legs what are you talking about what do you I don't know what you're talking about I'm uh uh how do I even work out how does this thing work yeah let me lift let me get big I'm too weak I'm actually too weak I'm weak what the heck wait I'm kicking these safes bro open up open up wow I'm literally stubbing my toe uh then how are we supposed to train sunny it's time to push a Stick Dude the stick is crushing me dude the stick is stronger than I am how terribly weak are my legs this is crazy it's time for us to work out and get the biggest strongest legs in Roblox you're right Sonny let's do this Sonny I've almost opened the safe four three two one and I got nothing from it no you got coins how many Millennial coins what am I gonna do with that I don't know Sonny I'm doing it I'm getting jacked wait where are you melon I'm lifting all the weights oh I'm so powerful um oh this is where we start here sonny get this is my why are you in my place yeah there's room for two here bro I'm boosting my strength up so I can defeat a stick it's really there are there isn't room for two Sonny I'm gonna be honest with you no there totally is I'm literally in this with you we're doing it together oh Sonny that's it I almost have 50 strength and once I get 50 strength I'm gonna beat that stick up let's go yeah yeah I got over 50 strength this is nothing to me I need to get to 200 power stick you're going down let's go what did it do they gave me five wins and with these wins uh I don't know what I can do with these wins but I'm gonna figure it out you could buy pets and stuff I bet yeah I can buy this egg if I get 30 wins so let's do that let's just Farm it up yeah and I'm just gonna check something here in the old shop uh two times this two times that uh where's the extra strength buff I wanted a two-time strength multiplier dang it now give me this egg here we go give me something good I have a 2X combo now melon and whatever Sonny I don't care Get Wrecked yeah so cool of you soon I can access the next level of weight lifting yes I'm a dog I'm bringing out the dog my legs they're getting juicy yo chill Sonny I can't chill but my legs are gonna get thick my legs are getting a little bit bigger I won't lie yeah do you have a pet already yeah I might no way all right I have 250 strength it's time for me to farm some wins up yeah I'm just gonna get to 200 strength and train these bad boys yo I could crush these safes now I do so much damage not the big safes though just the small ones melon what egg did you buy I bought the basic egg and what did it give you uh it gave me a kitty a kitty okay 80. 1.5 x strength it's all right and now Sonny I'm battling the stick don't talk to me I'm sorry I'm sorry it's time to grind up to 800 power yeah is he giving you a good multiplier your pet no oh I'm gonna get there what does your pet do then uh then your beeswax ah whatever I'll buy my own pet I don't need to listen to your type of shenanigans let me just get two pets actually cause two is better than one yep there's that we'll hit up the old shop ski and let's see here uh golden magic eggs we'll get both the times to luck is taking too long I need to do some pay to win and we'll get the golden magic egg yeah that's how it works and why not some Diamond eggs that sounds pretty cool I can't buy any pets bro how am I supposed to auto win by farming up some stuff and then doing the pets duh dang it not really sure what these coins are used for yet you'll find out one nation what do these cars maybe coins no what uses coins maybe it's the teleporters you can use coins in the fourth world oh so once we unlock the samurai Village we can spend our coins but that's gonna be tough yeah sunny I don't know if we're gonna make it there I'll be honest it's okay I'm opening two eggs here and they're gonna give me something really good legendary piggy pet first try bro what's the multi on that I'll let you know after I open another one and a kitty cat dang it uh the pig is times five and the cat is 1.5 bro 5 is op are you kidding me time to train plus 7.8 every time all right that's it that's it I'm gonna need to do some pay to win myself uh let's do uh Diamond magic eggs five percent ten percent bro what is this oh two times power I need this I'm gonna buy this 2x look wait is there better luck no I'm gonna buy the 2x luck yes two times the training speed now that's how you pay to win where is that oh 2x training speed I need this then also my legs are getting so strong so quickly I have over a thousand power now give myself the diamond magic eggs 250 Robux and it's time to grind to 800 power yeah I have 1.5 000 power already what the heck you're so powerful yeah I'm gaining 20 every lift that's it I need to go press this log really quick 2 000 leg strength let's go soon I'll be able to defeat all of my enemies and by that I mean all of the different types of logs come on give me something good oh I got the kitty again are you kidding me yeah let me just take on this level two Bush easy plus 50 wins plus 50. no way can I take this on even though I'm weaker hey I can let's go I already have 300 wins what can I buy Justice eggs honey this is the only egg in this world just this egg okay how do we unlock the next World what do we need bro we need level five and eight thousand trophies finally I got the piggy that's it I'm buying triple eggs it's the only way it's the only high oh I just realized it's that click combo thing I probably should have been grinding up yes get powerful get powerful golden dog I hope that's good I got excited for nothing probably Sonny I'm gonna give you this tip so we can both become powerful together if you check the events if we defeat the forest World level 3 we get one of these epic pixel eggs what's an epic pixel egg I don't know but it looks pretty strong well I'm gonna go to my pets and hit equip best yes my diamond kitty golden dog and well just the pig because the pig is already really good back to lifting yep Sonny how many powers do you have I'm getting 50 power every time what the heck I'm only gaining 15. my pets plus my Wombo Combo don't forget to spam click dude oh you can spam click you see in the bottom left it says click to get a better combo mine's at 1.6 oh what the heck I didn't even know that but then it goes away it's like they only last for two minutes at a time dang it bro I'm at 5 000 strength and climbing I'm gonna go big yeah I'm checking this event out now you're right what does this mean we just have to defeat the level three Forest here and we'll get an OP egg nice that's what we need hopefully we get really lucky with it too and get one of those rare ones that's why I brought 2x slack yeah same here dude what do you think I'm stupid bro I'm only getting 27 strength yeah I'm gaining 37. it's a little higher not that much but I have 8 000 now I think I'm gonna go defeat the boss until the next click multiplier all right Sonny do that and you'll unlock the quest egg oh you're right let's go dude this thing is going down this thing is going down whoosh plus 150 wins oh this is good melon this is very good I'm grinding so many wins I'm gonna have so many epic pets I think I could probably beat him with 6 000 strength hold on yeah 1.2 K wins already soon I'll have 8 000 wins and unlock the next world seems pretty easy hold on hold on I need this oh I'm way stronger than this thing yeah dude we're destroying this bush our legs are strong yeah so she needed to defeat him one more time and I get an egg let's go okay give me something good pixel doggy I'll take it oh I could press three here and open three at a time I got two pixel doggies I got legendary pixel bunnies oh I know they're better dang it yes golden dog times 180 bro yo these things are nuts 260. 260 and 270. okay time to train let's see how much we get plus 2 700. yeah bro I'm getting crazy strength yeah melon our legs will be powerful in no time I need to grind out some more of those eggs yeah not a bad idea with my newly acquired strength I think I could even take on level five probably but what's the point we need to get more of these eggs and then become stronger and craft golden eggs and then craft Diamond eggs no way you're a genius melon you're a genius I'm gonna join their group so I can Auto Train let's go and now I'll open these eggs come on give me some good games I'm good another pixel doggy can I please get something that's not the most common thing ever out of these things please no you just want to I paid for 2x luck this makes no sense unlucky melon I'm just rejoining the game really quick hey pixel bunny let's go oh I can just get one more pixel doggy then I can make him golden he don't have a golden one pathetic you have a golden one Sunny you're so mean I'm Auto trained wait that's not what I wanted to Auto you can't use both wait wait wait wait there we go Auto farming there we go now I go into my pets I will craft and then I will equip yes yes I'm unlocking so many event eggs right now melon same here sunny I think I'll save up till I have at least 12 event eggs plus I'll have over 8 000 wins by then and be able to access the next World and then I have two more event eggs please give me something that's not a dog okay I'll take another pixel bunny wait melon the other best way we can get more powerful is if you go here and you do two pets equip I'm gonna buy that so you can have two extra pets always available yo that's actually really smart Sunny let me go do that too I have 15 events takes time to open them up okay average ones I got a golden dog I want to get one of these really rare ones that would be cool but I don't understand it's so hard to get them yeah you're right we do have triple luck though or whatever we paid for come on give me something rare dude all I've got him was the bunny the bunny was the best thing I got yeah I just got a golden Bunny at least but I really want to see one of these super rare guys oh Diamond doggy no way that's it crafting all my pets and equipping the best ones 390 390 270 270 and 270. 390. what pets do you have it's the golden bunny you have golden bunnies are you kidding me yeah I'm pretty awesome I know time for me to weight lift this get some wins going melon I think I'm gonna go see what the next world looks like same here hold on I'm just punching some safes in let me just train a little bit to get a Little Bit Stronger you know how it'd be I'm pretty sure the next World will be way better training how do you get to the next world click it you go to the teleport and now I have access because I'm awesome teleport 20 000 power I have 200 000 as if I care oh I'm only gaining 12 000 strength I thought I was getting even more than this before like thirty thousand oh I gotta beat the last guy I haven't even beaten the last guy yet here we go and there we are yeah one more and we good and Melody in the Viking world you get two eggs at a time for defeating a level three boss wait really but I require 320 000 power that's nothing I have over a million already oh wait what yeah oh wait there's a combo train and spam click build your combo up sonny how much do you get per thing only fifteen thousand what I only get five thousand yeah I thought the last World we were getting even more than this it's okay I will farm and become too powerful yes listen to that Furious clicking I would have the most powerful combo in Roblox I will get the most leg juiciness you've ever seen yo chill Sonny I don't have any chill all I have is leg muscles you can see the veins bursting out of them [Music] this guy then egg I think I'm too strong for my own good honestly I have four million leg power bro that's crazy oh it's a lot of clicking on my hand hurts 20 seconds my hand really hurts I could do it come on come push I need you oh I made it I can rest my hand hurts 33 000 a lift that was nice nice bit of training oh my hands actually cramped my fingers are freaking out uh polar bear only time six dude these eggs are true yeah the event eggs are really good I'm gonna grind up some power and head to the next World Sunny yeah you do that I have six and a half million power I don't understand how you're that powerful yeah you do you know I'm awesome admit it no I I don't I that's why I said I don't know how you're that powerful I'm just farming up some coins from these safe snow and maybe just maybe I'll consider defeating all of these bosses they're so pathetic and weak let me just take out the elephant really quick yeah you're dead and You're Dead Again by dead I mean lifted oh let me just lift this really quick wait melon are you in the third world not yet but I could yeah I'm gonna go to the third world see you sonny wait what wait for me I'm just farming up some event eggs no wait I need 30 000 wins oh now I'll defeat this elephant like it was nothing oh 30 000 wins I've got that easy you already have 30 000 wins 40 40 000 wins actually to be how are you getting so many wins dude I'm just Auto auto battling them whatever I'm off to the desert so yeah I 50 000 and I'll join you in the desert right now wait cancel the auto training let me out I was close I almost got stuck forever Prestige gives a hundred thousand power after rebirth okay I'll take that yes yeah yes what are you doing are you okay instead of your beeswax sunny all right well I'm gonna train on this thing see what she gives me now only nineteen thousand see it's not even that good you only get 13 000. yeah I need better pets let me leave The Hot Spot unless I can train and open pets I can oh that's awesome come on give me one of these rare pets finally open them all another golden Bunny at least that's good yep I'm about at a million strength and we'll leave the spot whoa they're actually getting strong now Sonny maybe to you I've got 10 million strength basically yo my last three event eggs don't let me down don't let me down they let me down as usual how do you get diamond pets Sonny you just have to get lucky the five percenter but can you craft golden pets into Diamond pets I think if you get five of them you can well I know my best Pet's equipped 390s and one Diamond doggie at 360. almost at 10 million strength what are you at oh 1.5 million you know what Sonny I've had it with you I'm going back to this world wait why no reason okay guys check this out I'm about to farm up some rebirths rebirth rebirth I think I have to do this twice though oh I'll actually have to do this three times I'm gonna get myself a lot of event eggs here melon I get three eggs every three wins now yo chill Sonny just have to AFK this a little bit and I'll have some Diamond overpowered pets I need 8K to rebirth dang it might actually have to do some training yeah let's get jacked real quick if we get to 400 000 strength we should be able to take out the elephant like he's nothing how many event eggs do I have 21 already make it 24. I'll get 30 event eggs and then we'll see what we unlock okay a rebirth one more time and then I'll have some rebirth Stars which I can use to buy extra pet equips I need something better than these rebirth check this out guys I head over to upgrades and let's buy this oh wait that's terrible one more pet equipped starts dude I need eight this is trash are you kidding me what are you trying to do melon nothing Sonny this is actually so stupid I'm opening 30 event eggs maybe I'll get one of these ultra rare pets finally I'm just gonna buy this whoa golden bunny I want the owl just give me the owl I think I'm Gonna Cancel the dogs I don't want any more dogs only bunny rabbits are better I need to do some training three dogs deleted trash Diamond dog just got deleted that's kind of sad now let's enter the next World I have one Diamond bunny now yes dude you're crazy I will defeat the pyramid and access the fourth world I'm gonna find out what you spend coins on I'll be there in no time Sunny just uh let me Farm up six million strength I've made it to the promised land and I just beat these up whoa those things are tanky I have so many coins 50 000 what do I do with all this let's see coin shop where are ya auras oras must cost coins no way okay this is actually awesome what is it sunny I'll tell you when I have 300 000 coins okay it actually isn't even that good it gives me plus 10 wins but it looks cool that's lame bro Sonny I bet you all defeat that boss in the next World before you can whatever I'm just examining all the auras don't be such a bully bro some of these cost so much a hundred Bill 225 billion is the final Aura it looks so cool though it was made for me it's a giant Sun I can make it to the 2x combo there we go I made it I'm happy whoa that's so far away never mind I'll just hang out in Samurai Village for a while okay melon whoever can defeat level 5 in Samurai Village and unlock the next area called the town wins you've been taking a different strategy so this should be interesting I need to get to this next level quick I'm trying to unlock this Aura for 300 000 coins it looks really cool okay just a couple more safes to kick in and I'll be able to get the 10 boost and look cool most importantly looking cool all right how much wins do I need to get to the next World a hundred and twenty thousand ketchup melon I'm getting my aura yes buy it buy it I look so cool wow good for you sonny time to get my combo up I get 34 000 strength each lift how about you oh what I only get 11 000. okay you are super weak dang it Sonny I think you might win this one yeah I have a hunch as well now I get 50 what are you doing I'm getting my combo up look bro you're going crazy I'm going Circle mode I'm going sicko mode dude I'm actually so weak compared to you this is not good did you buy a double strength and double training speed yeah it's just your pets are so much powerfuler than me and that'll do it dang it sunny you should press rebirth yeah you think that's a good idea I think that's a great idea yeah I'll press rebirth once I get to the town uh oh chill Sunny chill I'll keep auto training while the combo's active I only need 18 million hold on I can probably beat him right now wait what are you doing yes yes melon what have you done nothing nothing guys there's a chance there's a chance I can actually win I don't understand what you're doing keep pushing wait Sonny I beat this guy before you wait I won no you didn't you don't have enough wins to access the next area but I beat him before you beat him no but if you gotta get to the town bro I have way more wins than you no that wasn't the rules all the rules was beat the final boss and go to the town I said it loud and clear no no it was just beat the final boss I don't know what you're talking about comment down below if melon's capping I'm not capping okay fine comment down below if melon has a terrible memory that might be true I'm so close to 800 000 wins then I can acquire the town claim victory and remember bird how much more wins how many wins are you getting per push 22 000. dang it bro what does the rebirth even do oh that's terrible the rebirth is so bad it gets better Sonny chill oh yeah it only costs 50 wins wow we probably should have rebirthed a long time ago yeah but now it's kind of too annoying to rebirth now melon look at me look at me where are you uh give me five minutes then I'll look at you no no just just look at my aura tell me I'm pretty you're so pretty funny thanks wait that is so cool though what the heck I know I look pretty awesome I know and it's time to unlock the chat it worked I made it I'm in town now dang it sunny hey goats press that like And subscribe button for more awesome simulators and comment down below if you want to see us beat the rest of the levels let's go
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 56,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AWbLDZk2k8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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