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26 levels eight worlds one lifetime of regret welcome to super alpha red world so I've combined all of my levels to make nice super alpha world starting with the buddy adventure alright and that's the end or the one thing I'm disappointed about this update is that it's it's the final update like I don't know I'm just kind of sad that it's over I just expected much more Mario maker I think the true beauty of this adventure is that I actually might drop it with some of these levels because these are made so long ago oh wait trickshot just pretend I hit that just please please do it for me cuz I don't know I'd love making levels but there's like this other joy just watching someone else experience it but that makes me want to make my own video games because that's what everyone else experiences right and now coop over oh my god I forgot about this level oh god I'm gonna suffer aren't I oh yeah why did the shelter God why would I do such a thing why why would I do that I can probably make this jumping yeah yeah see there you go remember like one of the endings of Death Note were like every person like killed he had to endure like a heart attack the same amount of time so that's what this feels like who else late oh yeah I think a lot of my future levels kind of streamlined a lot of these things cuz like this is just a lot of prep work yeah these doubles we're kind of just like not fun you know what no I'm just gonna swap it there you go cuz the torturous one can be a bonus level yeah Oh hold left hold left see that little indication look at that little trickster I am God why would I do such a thing so I want to bounce off this one it's honestly insane that they let us make our own worlds because this is like a full-fledged game now like just super alpha world on its own there's so much content in this because this will probably take like a few hours and I'm the one who made it I'm gonna die though oh well see that's such a Jew Wow but you had enough time to react not that one though I don't know if I feel good about like even being able to Juke myself out or does that just give me like even more trust issues cuz now I thought I was the only person I could trust but that was wrong huh oh that's so mean why would you do that why would I do that you do all that I mean you die oh my god okay so you got a who does that mean ah oh my God if you wanna like speedrun it you can uh you can knock both out at once god that's what I did when I was designing I'm so sick how do I do it why is my brain so big and why is it so small now and then we go to the first castle also known as crimson flower another speedrun level because in terms of difficulty oh yeah so you got to do this do this and then you got to do this and then there we go easy jump the whole therapy industry is driving because of Arad and his awful levels huh I wonder if anyone's actually had to how to do that 2000 years later you know for no reason in particular how about I just show you like some of the other paths of the level and you know huh that'd be fun you know for no specific reason at all now was the transition looked like before we go on to world 2 Mario flips us off gets in a cannon and says Oh [Music] see recycling jokes gets funnier each time you share them yeah so what this world was made for was all the [ __ ] levels that were just I didn't feel like they should be required to be and then would it really be a dev block level without some [ __ ] like this reeks of that Newgrounds era where nothing is fair and it's on you to figure out why so I feel like you get what I was going for in this world these levels suck so let's just move on yeah you got to go up here which very unintuitive and after after years of studying my levels I understand come on Bowser dying is a staple of the Alpha read levels it has a lot of charm to it for reasons I just can't explain and now here's to the ultimate battle can we do it [Music] [Applause] all the levels like created oh no this is sick oh I did I did it it's over it's over oh that is such a terrifying jump because if you mess up you just die oh my heart literally skipped a beat why why do I do this I do this to my fans but hey at least oh yet you know what we can't be done we do not have the power level to beat them I'm just gonna try and give it come just destroy the floor below him because like that's the only way we can destroy a beast like that so that is part of world too if you want to play all the levels you want a 100% super alpha Idol world that can be a completely separate category let's try and get a page for this cuz that'd be kind of hype honestly I think this level is the reason I should be deprived of rice more than any other level I'll be honest see I was ready for it that the cop that spring is just so awful like that's a jail time kind of spring right there I I don't desert you guys I'm so sorry I think this level is honestly difficult but very clever I am super proud of this level that jump right there that is such a sick job that makes everything worth it I'm honestly feeling mad inspired because of this new update so I'm just gonna trash all these old levels make a completely new world so you know help me help you out let's hit 50k likes that sounds possible and I will put like 50k hours and make a completely new world with all original levels so if you want to stick around be sure sub cuz I'm doing all kinds of stuff and my goal is to enrich your life and make levels that won't completely rot your brain but oh there we go that's what I was looking for let me show you guys a little little treat real quick and let me not mess up on this again I don't think anyone would find this on their own but it's here if you're looking for an extra one up it's I don't know why I do that I just think it's fun to hide them in strange places and then we get another one right there see all three bada bing bada boom you guys wanted to see the sick shortcut I think this is one of the sickest shortcuts I've made because you can even just ignore all of that dude when I saw like speed runs i saw people throwing blocks in here and i was like wow that's so genius why didn't I ever think because I'm stupid that's why okay what's this next level it's a castle so that scares me this is a bomb oh no some affair I think that shows a lot about my level design if even I don't know at times yeah then you got to get right down there and wall jump off of it I mean I can't go back I never really thought about going back cuz usually you just die now that looking back it could have added like some people auction and against to make it to where you didn't have to like go all the way back okay easy does I could have called like coin paths there I didn't really start utilizing coin pass to later but lease like I now understand just how to guide the player more because that's the most important thing but I'm just saying the next super alpha world it's gonna be so much better than that know it die die well no not you not you god no well this America you know what I was gonna ask people to speedrun this and do it for charity but that doesn't seem worth it that doesn't sound worth people sandy at all I'm so sorry for even proposing such an idea that was foolish like I don't know it's like if I murder someone for charity did I do a good deed no no I didn't this is not a good idea man and neither was making these up what was I thinking I mean was it a bad person you murder oh I don't know I guess if we got Hitler playing my Mario maker levels somehow then I guess I did a good deed but I hope I'm not gonna hold my breath okay and now what are you here it says oh thank god so every time a level is not required it's usually because it's bad and just trust me that's surprising if it's bad relative to the rest of the levels what is this Cabela's Big Game Hunter okay this one actually isn't bad it's just you just got to kill all the turtles and that's okay trick castle I think this is one of the sickest levels I've ever made interesting that I would do this yeah I gotta say this is kind of like the Dark Souls Mario maker you know if anything I've learned a lot about level design but playing Mario maker specifically what not to do I was tilting yeah I'll admit that was tilting I I do agree if you guys unsubscribe because of my Mario maker levels I'd really appreciate it if you subscribed again once more because a lot of the people who watch my videos aren't subscribed and I get it now I wouldn't be surprised that they were once subscribe saw my levels and then unsubscribe you know it's completely valid I understand but just realize I'm trying to improve as a human being this isn't that the true quest for life to just constantly improve I would like to make a formal apology to my best friend Joe sniffy for making him play all of my levels on Alpha red plus I exploited his well-being for content and Joe I'm sorry man I get it now I I'm I'll take you out to dinner soon in an opposed corona world cuz I'm just sorry man yeah I really just thought I was making something innovative and I guess long-lasting trauma is innovative I don't know why I've done these things I've done I should have put like just wine 99 1 up level in the middle you know just just as a treat that's definitely going in the next world because this is just cruel and unusual punishment emphasis on the bad they say bad I'm it bad so welcome everybody to my Mario maker Redemption art you wanna know the most cruel thing there's a there's a hidden block right there there's a hidden block you got you gotta climb up it otherwise you get the hidden block what what why why why did I do that that's that's not fun that's not innovative that's that's honestly mentally irresponsible for me to do that it's so I I'm gonna stare in the mirror for a very long period of time tonight I'm not proud um the original tactic was supposed to be much more complicated like I thought you had to pick up this box and then land but I forgot cats can just like climb up here so someone really exploited this level for me I was completely unaware how am I supposed to do this oh I did add an infinite 1up level oh oh I'm having the time of my life it's like I can't even light like normally in smash I can blame like Sakurai why do why did you put that in the game but this is me yeah whatever God look at Mario like I know this song kind of slaps but he's really getting down to it there we go I was jumping way too early oh okay first try easy oh let's go I was so worried about dying miserably because I was such a possibility and but after here you see you just jumped through break this but I saw Clint Stephens trying to put boxes in and like I have no idea what that man was trying to do here I'll be completely honest no matter what I do I'm gonna have to walk into those spikes right it's not gonna push me on top of the blocks and I can't get rid of those spikes that I know of oh I gotta do this [ __ ] again okay oh I did it first right oh look at that's gaming right there I'm proud of this level this that was a damn good level okay unlike you know half the other ones okay fine all don't and those cut off the pet what if I came up without the trampoline you just get soft locked in here yeah this is not a good level at least I made an option own you want this level sucks like this level is bad bad so we're just gonna take this piece which that's how a cheater beats my levels and you know what it gets results so who cares rent alpha oh are you guys ready is not your traditional castle the labyrinth levels have begun you've probably been wondering where have they been and oh yeah this was the first level I ever made in Super Mario maker too so like I don't know the labyrinth will just hold a very special place in my heart so I'm happy to uh well indulge in this for you guys this jump that I'm about to do was the same kind of jump in like the bobomb circuit and it's just done better here just better execution but like oh no no the jumps just got so much better than newer the level is at least I put a jump like that after the checkpoint why why would I do that and that is it for world four and now we move on to the actual challenge of these runs the labyrinth land yep labyrinth alpha was just a preview we got something much bigger coming our way and here comes labyrinth beta oh god oh no I'd be very surprised if I did this one on the first try but I think this is my favorite jump I've ever made oh that's so cool I love that one it gets the adrenaline pumping needless to say like I have made mistakes but I have learned how to make good levels now and eventually I'll make one alright one labyrinth down four more to go next up is labyrinth Kai alright go this way see alright yeah I'm starting to remember this now and by that I mean I'm remembering why I should be terrified like oh god I really they really gave me this power that you know what don't blame me blame Nintendo I will gladly offset the blame towards them alright now we just have to not die submission is successful now it gets move on to the next checkpoint just kidding and now look I'm baby this is exactly the place where Joe and I invented the Sasuke does not say swear shirt on Alfred and you know believe it or not teespring took it down for something called copyright infringement which is a funny word lawyers like to throw around for some reason but the best part about it is that you can now buy it online from scalpers I'd I don't know why everyone decided to steal this shirt that's that we stole but it definitely exists somewhere and I don't know why when I made this I thought yeah waiting that's my favorite gameplay mechanic yo you're saying this all kind of slap to labyrinth Delta if I remember I actually do you think this one's sick what happened I said that before like every single level oh my god I'm being stressed oh oh oh yes now don't choke cuz that's such a possibility yeah I'm just gonna take these hits jump on this don't know if that's the right play Oh would you look at that it's not oh I forgot about this one that's a level isn't it pray pray pray little baby jumps oh yeah oh it's so terrifying every time I do that but oh we take that don't die Mario please it looked so sad break this break this is the hardest part of the level just get this little ground-pound in there I'm just mashing every button I can there you go it's much harder than it looks oh and can you believe that super Alfred world is coming to an end we have one more level it's the beginning of the end it is labyrinth Omega make this chump oh my god why I remember this level why why did I do such a thing a lot of moving parts I mean it's it's a labyrinth you know it makes sense for everything to be this confusing that wasn't that was just bad cuz this one I don't think it's like poor design I'm just like God I'm not gamer enough to get that one no no I disagree wait hold up hold up hold up look at this goodness we have actually made progress oh wait I forgot about this Oh God don't lose here the only zero everything will be for naught no oh wait this sequence is so height if I can do it right oh my god I just might oh wait oh my my first my first try wait if I do this first try oh my god oh that is such a hard sequence eyelid [ __ ] Amelie cannot believe I did the first try that was so clutch oh dude that was Oh I think that's one of the coolest sequences I've ever made and I did the first try that was that was a pause momentarily SMO meant this game this love this part is hard though I think this is a very cool idea to put like right after check oh my god I did it first try - how do I keep getting away with this well that's fine because then you just right up here oh my god am I really about to first try this entire level really this level is so insane oh yeah I forgot this was all misdirection you have this room and you're supposed to figure out what you need but you actually only need the turtle shell see I think that was a really cool design personally and now we just uh yep watch out for that yeah yeah that was just like I didn't know how to under like not have that happen in the game oh well that's that that's it all the first tries were jokes that however was a legitimate first try on the final level I know that I'm kind of shaking I can't believe that I was so clean all the way through oh wow and now you know what happens the final final level this is what everything has led up suit you've seen the labyrinth levels before and they were nothing compared to this are you ready for [Music] the cuphead tutorial thing for all to get this up oh that's a pumpkin let me put that candy some subscribe like the video that you cannot believe I did that because that that was something else Wow please like the video let's what break three million lights and Gary uh get some subscribes let's appoint fifty billion subscribers to date oh I I deserve it I'm just I'm just saying oh thanks for the three hundred dollar donation from who gives a [ __ ] I Love You Man I do it for the fans at all my levels are pretty ambitious because you know my it ended with a tutorial so I want to see if I can find another level as ambitious this one has a lot of likes for reasons I don't understand Oh gotcha she just took all music levels and put them together gotcha this is a no super world this is just a playlist bro I can just go on Spotify and play this game anyway so uh give me your worlds let me play through one of them if it's not gonna take me three hours like this one just leave your code in the Compton's sell me on whatever your world is and be sure to like the video and then i'll make super alpha world 2 and be sure to subscribe because why not you've made it this far also i need to get my little creative or some more drip i'm bowser [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,534,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario maker, super mario, smm2, mario maker 2, super mario maker 2
Id: brurI1jauqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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