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[Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] welcome to king of kings we are so happy that you are with us tonight we are excited to be worshiping together with and please let's enter his sports with thanksgiving [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] know [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] shall we rejoice [Music] every season you are still god i have a reason to say i have a reason to worship [Music] i have a reason to worship all of my light is every season you are still god i have a reason to say [Music] is [Music] i will bring praise [Music] [Applause] victory [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is no other name that brings us deliverance hallelujah yeshua we thank you we thank you that you died on the cross and we thank you for the power of resurrection that raised you up again lord and we thank you that that same power is alive and working in us today lord father we want to remind ourselves of what you have done and what you keep on doing in us we thank you for the cross we thank you for what you did and we thank you for what you keep on doing lord we thank you that we can walk in that salvation through the power that is in the name yeshua and we declare that power today we declare that power over our lives we declare that power over our families we declare that powers [Music] hallelujah [Music] his hands his feet [Music] they laid him down in joseph's tomb the entrance sealed by heavy stone messiah still [Music] [Applause] [Music] god oh praise his name [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] is [Music] for the the reasons of the lord forever will see my blazing sun shall pierce the night and i will rise upon the saints my gay strength speaks on yeshua's face [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye m [Music] [Music] is [Music] will forever [Music] oh praise his name forever [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] the word [Music] but the cross has [Music] the cross has [Music] is [Music] [Applause] the savior has come with [Music] life [Music] [Music] we believe the crush [Music] oh there's no one stronger [Music] nothing [Music] all the power of the glory [Music] there's nothing stronger nothing higher nothing greater than [Music] [Music] there's nothing stronger and nothing higher [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the savior [Music] the crosstalk [Music] he's [Music] is [Music] we thank you that the cross has the final word we declare it lord that the cross is what dictates what's going to happen with our lives the cross is what dictates what is our future nothing else but the cross hallelujah hallelujah we praise your holy name we bless you in this place may your name be lifted up high hallelujah [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh amen i want to invite pastor mike here to share the pasha of this week the torah portion of this week with us amen yeah god we embrace the cross where you do your best work where you set us free and we thank you that even in this season we can continue to die to ourselves as we embrace the cross and look more and more like you yeshua thank you tais and brigitte what a wonderful opportunity just to worship the lord to put him first in our hearts to keep before our eyes the truth of who he is and who he's called us to be in this day in this hour we're going to continue our worship as we look at the parsha reading from this week so go ahead and grab your bible if you want to look at a hard copy or a digital device we're going to be looking at the book of genesis chapter 24 verses 1 through 6 and 61-67 now abraham was old advanced in years and adam and i blessed abraham in everything then abraham said to his servant the oldest of his household who managed everything that belonged to him now put your hand under my thigh so that i may make you take an oath by adonai the god of heaven and the god of earth that you will not take a wife for my son from among the daughters of the canaanites among whom i am dwelling on the contrary to my land and to my relatives you must go and get a wife for my son isaac but the servant said to him suppose the woman were unwilling to follow me to follow after me to this land should i then have your son go back to the land you came from abraham said to him see to it that you don't return my son there adonai the god of heaven who took me from my father's house and from my my native land and who spoke to me and made a pledge to me saying to your seed i will give this land he will send his angel before you and he will take a and and you will take a wife for my son from there if the woman is not willing to follow after you then you will be free from this oath of mine nevertheless you must not return my son there then forward to verse 61 through 67. then rebecca got up with her maids and they mounted the camels and followed after the man so the servant took rebecca and departed now isaac had come from visiting bear le hai rohi and was living in the land of the negev isaac went out to meditate strolling in the field at dusk then he lifted up his eyes and saw behold camels were coming rebecca also lifted up her eyes and saw isaac then she fell off her camel and said to the servant who is that man there who is walking in the field to meet us the servant said he's my master so she took the veil and covered herself then the servant recounted to isaac all the things that he had done and isaac brought her into the tent of sarah his mother took rebecca and became and she became his wife and he loved her so isaac was comforted after the loss of his mother next the haftarah portion out of 1st kings 1 verse 1 and verse 5 through 10. now david was old advanced in years though they covered him with clothes he could not keep warm el adonaia idonija son of hageth exalted himself saying i'll be king so he prepared for himself chariots horsemen and fifty men to run before him his father had not scolded him at any time by asking why have you behaved this way he was also very handsome man and he was born after absalom so he conferred with joab son of zariah and with abiathar the cohen following adonijah they supported him but zadok the cohen binaya son of jehoiada nathan the prophet shemai and rei and david's mighty men were not on adonijah's side then adonai just sacrificed she boxing and fatted cattle by the stone of sohelith which is beside in rogel and invited all of his brothers the king's son and all the men of judah the king's servants but he did not invite nathan the prophet baniah the mighty men or solomon finally the breed kharasha the book of matthew matthew chapter 1 verse 1 through 17 the genealogy of yeshua the messiah the son of david the son of abraham abraham fathered isaac isaac fathered jacob jacob father judah and his brothers judah fathered perez and zara by tamar perez fathered hezron hezron fathered ram fathered boaz by rahab boaz fathered obed by ruth ode bed fathered jesse and jesse fathered david the king david fathered solomon by the wife of uriah solomon followed rehoboam and rehoboam fathered abijah abajah fathered asa and asa father jehoshaphat jehoshaphat father joram and joram fathered uzziah uzziah fathered jotham and jotham fathered ahaz ahaz fathered hezekiah hezekiah fathered manasseh manasseh fathered ammon and among father josiah and josiah fathered jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the exile to babylon after the babylonian exile jehonaya fathered sha'itiel and shaitial fathered zerubbab zerubbab fathered abihud and abihood fathered eliakim and eliakim fathered adzor and adzor fathered matan matha and fathered jacob and jacob father joseph the husband of miriam from whom was born yeshua who is called the messiah so all the generations from abraham to david were 14 generations from david until the babylonian exile are 14 generations and from the babylonian exile until the messiah are 14 generations god we thank you for your word in your faithfulness to keep it as we've seen in these scriptures and as we see it playing out in our own lives god we ask that you would be exalted in us and through us in yeshua's name we pray amen well we have lots of things going on in the community and we want to just have a quick look at those and give you some ways to be able to connect this week let's take a look [Music] welcome king of kings family we're so excited to have you with us tonight here's what's happening in our community this week moms to moms a community group where our moms can be encouraged equipped and empowered continues to meet both in person and online throughout the month for all of our moms living in jerusalem and israel for more information about moms to moms and how you can connect with the online or in-person groups write to us at cg if you are looking for a unique and compelling time together with other believers in god's word you are invited to join our ongoing discipleship classes which are still meeting online all are welcome for more information about this semester classes and how you can join write to us at kkcj at if you have not seen our new website go check it out at while you're there take a moment to sign up for our newsletters and stay well informed the king of kings community jerusalem newsletter is a focused communication to our local king of kings jerusalem family while the king of kings ministries newsletter highlights the king of kings network come visit at and see what's happening let's worship the lord together now as we bring the lord's tithes and our offerings to him as we continue with our service today feel free to give online during the service by going to our website at and clicking on the give tab there is a lot of great information there for giving so take a moment to check it out may the lord bless each of these gifts and everyone giving today thank you for joining us we encourage you to connect with us with all that is happening this week please enjoy the rest of the service as we prepare to receive god's word have a blessed week and good evening kia king's family again we are so glad that you're with us tonight uh wherever you're joining from if you're here in jerusalem and israel we're glad to have you and tonight we we get the news from our team that we have 30 countries joining us online tonight let me just read some of them argentina austria brazil canada chile colombia czech republic swami finland france germany guatemala india indonesia ireland japan lithuania mexico netherlands norway philippines poland singapore slovakia south africa south korea spain switzerland the united kingdom and the united states to all of you we welcome you tonight we're so glad that you can join us we're so glad that we have the technology and the ability to share with you what's happening what the lord is doing here with our community here in jerusalem so welcome tonight i send greetings from pastor chad who is traveling in the united states at the moment he sends his greetings he's representing our ministry meeting with partners and meeting with uh connected ministries of our family of ministries in the united states so pastor chad we love you and we're grateful for you and he sends his greetings to all of you tonight um i want to just give you a quick update on what's happening for those of you that don't live in israel uh this past week we we got some great rains here in israel and jerusalem specifically and after a long dry summer rain is a beautiful thing i didn't quite understand that i grew up in florida and it rained all the time so i didn't quite understand the blessing of rain really until i moved to israel and you go through the entire summer and it's dry and it's dusty and then all of a sudden the first rains come and it cleans the air and it cleans the dust out of the city and it's a beautiful thing so we thank god for his blessing in that regard and we expect more rain in the coming days but we do thank god for pouring out his blessing on the land in regards to what's happening in restrictions nothing really has changed at this point the restrictions are still in place on meetings so we're limited on our numbers still but we hope that the trend of reduced cases will continue to stay low here in israel and that will see things open up again in the near future so tonight we're going to continue on in a series that we began a few weeks ago actually the pastor chad began for us we're talking about magnetism so we're going to get right into it tonight and we're using this idea of magnetism to help illustrate how god is actively working to draw us to himself and you may remember we talked a little bit about this idea a few weeks ago in fact one of the basic laws of magnets is or magnetism is when you have uh magnets that are opposite poles they're attracted to one another and so god is shaping us and and drawing us to himself and we said actually um if if the poles are the same that they'll actually repel one another when you try to push two magnets and we talked about how when we allow pride to step in when we want to step into god's role in our life if we want to be that that we try to be him that it actually is like a force that repels us from the spirit of god from god and so we're going to continue on now last week pastor mike brought a wonderful message about relationships and he talked about relationships and he gave us two um two key components of relationships he first said the first component was proximity or closeness or being close to someone and being close to god and the second one was communication and he showed us how prayer actually combines both of these two key elements of relationship in in bringing us close to god and also drawing us in communication with god and he explain why prayer is so critical to be active in the life of every believer in fact he said it's not an option prayer is not an option for us as followers of yeshua tonight we're going to pick up off that idea you know as we're preparing sermons i'm i'm looking at where we're coming from and where we're going into our topic and as i was kind of looking at pastor what pastor mike presented last week i was looking at a few resources and i found a book it's titled what if i don't desire to pray and it's by john and john if you're watching this at any time in history i'm apologizing now for mispronouncing your name john amuchwa um i believe that's correct john anwachekwa and he says this in the forward of the book actually he says our prayerlessness isn't rooted in a lack of ability but in a lack of desire our prayerlessness isn't rooted in a lack of ability in other words we do not lack the ability to pray but it's in our lack of desire and that lack of desire gives us a glimpse into something that's taking place within each one of us and that's what we're going to look at tonight it's what's happening within us is that the nature of our flesh would desire that a relationship with god would be at our convenience let me say that again that the nature of our flesh would desire that a relationship with god would be in our convenience in fact our flesh would desire that all relationships would be at our convenience when i want to be close when i want to receive attention or affection when i want to communicate with you as i was thinking about this i was reminded of uh something a good friend of mine from finland if you're watching tonight go bless you there in finland and for those of you that are joining us from finland this finland tonight this joke will make sense but he told me a story one time now let me set this up that at least generally i'm going to use general terms finnish people are not necessarily known as being people of many words they don't use a lot of words especially finnish men they don't speak i think actually they would look at someone like me who comes from america and say man that guy talks a lot but so he told me this story once he said there was a finnish couple that got married and after they've been married a few years the wife looks at the husband she says sweetheart how come you don't tell me that you love me anymore and the finnish man looked at his wife and said dear i told you i loved you on our wedding day if anything it changes i'll let you know and this is the shortness of words now again our flesh would desire that our relationship with god our relationship with other people would be at our convenience on our terms and in fact that is why i believe that the greatest of the commandments and we're going to look at this in a second that the great of the commit greatest commandments deal actually with this issue and in matthew chapter 22 this is going to be our verse passage tonight it's recorded in the gospel of matthew chapter 22 and beginning in verse 37 and in this passage uh yeshua is being questioned by the leaders of the pharisees and the scribes and one of them stands up and says master you know what is the greatest commandment and here in matthew chapter 22 and verse 37 yeshua replies he says he said to him love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind this is the greatest and most important command the second is like it love your neighbor as yourself all the law and the prophets depend on these two commands so if we really look at what this is getting at that these two commands are asking us to put priority and to put effort into our relationships first with god and then with those around us not to be at our convenience but to be proactive to be there is there is no clause in this that says love the lord your god uh when you feel like it it's it's asking us to be proactive it's asking us to put priority that's asking us to put effort and that brings us forward to our first key point for this evening and our first key point this evening is this the spirit of god that dwells within us desires to draw us closer to god the spirit his mission is to help us reform our desires so that they mirror the desires of god and to empower us to serve god effectively and so tonight we're going to be looking at this mission of the spirit of god in us and what his mission is in us now let me read that again it's to draw us closer to god we're again we're dealing with magnetism how god is drawing us to himself so the spirit of god in us is is drawing us closer and his mission is to reform our desires so that they begin to mirror the desires of god and to empower us to serve god effectively to align our thoughts with god's plans and purposes to line our actions be at his service now part of this alignment process for us is to learn to view relationships not merely for our own benefit or to view them as that's something that should just be at our own convenience this past week in our discipleship class uh i was teaching in one of the tracks with pastor vako on hearing from god and this the text we were looking at was from a book by dr henry blackaby called experiencing god and our topic uh this past week was god's purpose not our plans and in this section and i want to just share with you a portion of it dr blackaby said this he said when god starts to do something in the world he takes the initiative to tell someone what is what he is doing and out of his grace god involves his people in accomplishing his purpose god is at work in our world and he has invited us to be a part of that work with him now you've heard many times from this platform pastor chad says we have a god-created destiny we have something that god has purposed for us god has gifted us to do in service in in cooperation with him and what dr blackaby is saying is every time and he we're going to list a couple examples here that god was about to do something in the earth he spoke to people and he gives these examples he first says when god god warned noah when he was about to bring divine judgment on the earth through a devastating flood that's in genesis chapter six when god prepared to obliter obliterated the debased cities of sodom and gomorrah he revealed his plan to abraham that's in genesis chapter 18. likewise god approached gideon when he wanted to deliver the israelites from the oppression of the midianite nation this is in judges chapter 6. when god was preparing to send the long-awaited messiah to the earth he told a teenage girl mary that's in luke chapter one god appeared to saul on the road to damascus when he was about to send the gospel message to the gentiles around the known world in acts chapter one that's recorded and the point here is this and this is our second key point tonight is this the most important factor in each of the situations that dr blackaby mentioned there was not what the individual wanted to do for god the critical factor was what god was about to do and we often get this backwards how many times do we say god this is what i'd like to do for you god this is what i'd like to do for you and god is saying wait i already have something that i'd like you to do i already have something that i'm at work in if we consider the majority of scriptures it is the story of god at work in the earth and bringing people into alignment with his plans now realigning our thinking is in this way is not something that just happens easily there's a struggle that's taking place and we talked about this a little bit at the beginning there's a struggle that's taking place within each one of us so the apostle paul addressed it this way in the book or actually in his letter to the romans in the letter to the romans in chapter 7 beginning in verse 18 chapter 7 of romans verse 18 paul says this for i know that nothing good lives in me that is in my flesh for the desire to do good the desire to do what is good is with me but there is no ability to do it for i do not do the good that i want to do but i practice the evil that i do not want to do so paul here admits there's a struggle that's going on within him within each one of us we we desire to do good but our flesh wants to take us in a different direction so there's this internal tension we talked about this before and so what's happening here is we have this conflict and yeshua knew that we would need help in overcoming this eternal struggle as god wants to realign us realign our thinking realign our actions realign our will with his purposes rather than saying this is what we want to do that he wants to rely us realign us with what he is doing that we would need help with this and so yeshua and speaking his to his disciples knew they were going to need help and in john chapter 16 yeshua is beginning to speak to his disciples about what was going to happen to him and that he would be going away and in verse 7 of chapter 16 of the of the gospel of john it says this it is for your benefit that i go away because if i don't go away the counselor or the spirit of god the holy spirit will not come to you if i go i will send him to you so yeshua knew we were going to need assistance and in fact he believed so strongly in our need for the holy spirit that he said it's better for you if i leave when my work here is finished it's better for you if i depart and then i can ask the father to send you the holy spirit and in fact he did the coming of the holy spirit at shavuot was actually an answer to yeshua's intercession on our behalf he asked the father to send us his spirit it was the fruit of his purchase the purchase that was made by his death and resurrection tonight in our worship time we we gave honor and glory to yeshua for the work that he accomplished at the cross the cross has the final word the cross in his his victory over death his resurrection enabled him to intercede on our behalf and say father send them the holy spirit they need your spirit within them so the spirit was said to be our partner to help us in overcoming this opposition of our flesh to be realigned spiritually with god he came and he lives in us to help us focus on god's purposes not our own plans he lives in us to help us see things from god's perspective rather than from our own distorted human view you see our flesh would desire to put god in our box into our plans to be available in our convenience and really at the root of it all at the root of it off we really really dig down deep and get to the root of it all put god under our control and the spirit of god dwells in us and lives in us to help us overcome that part of ourselves i was thinking about times when we feel like we have lost control this is not something i i think that we we a feeling that we enjoy or a feeling that we lean towards i don't think any of us likes to feel like we're out of control i was was reminded of something that happened uh about four or five years ago um it's funny now it wasn't funny at the time but it's actually funny to remember it now my oldest son kenton was in a sports class in town and it was in winter time it was cold it was drizzly rain outside and we were we had gone to his class we were returning home and that time we lived in arnona and i had him and his little sister in the car and this car was a gift to us but it was beginning to have electrical problems and so we were driving home after his class did i already say it was cold and it was wet outside and we come to this intersection if you know jerusalem david remez there's a roundabout right in front of the first trade station so i come to the roundabout and i stop because someone was crossing the intersection of the crosswalk and the car stops and dies i turned the key there was absolutely nothing happening no sound no nothing it was the car was completely dead so your your mind is okay what am i gonna do so you're looking at options how i'm going to do this and the vehicle directly behind me was nothing less than a jerusalem city bus so it took about 30 seconds until he was ready to begin honking his horn at me so i put my emergency flashers on and i looked across at the other side of the of the roundabout and there was an entrance to a parking lot so i thought wow if i could just get the car to that side i could get it off the road and we could move to the next phase so i had flashers on i roll down the window get out of the car i get the car moving push it around get it off the road and i get back in the car close the door and i sit down and i think okay you know crisis averted we can move on to calling my wife let her know what's going on and call the the service the true truck service road assistance team um so i look down and i think okay where is my phone and i didn't see my phone so i asked my children in the back do you have my phone you know they're in their car seats delay daddy give you his phone no we don't have your phone and then life kind of went into slow motion have you ever had this experience where life all of a sudden kind of goes into slow motion and you like this realization of terror starts to come over you and i realized in that moment that when when i had stopped i had set my phone on my left leg to try and assess what was going on so what it i thought might have happened is when i got out of the car the phone fell into the road so again in slow motion i'm turning and i'm looking back and i'm thinking oh no so i get out of the car i tell the children stay in the car daddy will be right back i i walk over to the other side of the roundabout and i see my phone laying in the road in the middle of the crosswalk and i'm thinking oh no so i i walk pick up the phone and i look at it and it looked as if basically the bus that was behind me had rolled over it with all four of its tires as it went past slowly the phone was destroyed and this is when i realized that i only knew one number by heart i had only memorized one phone number it was my wife's number but that was only so now control is is leaving me in in in groups okay i i have no car i have no phone and i don't even know other than my wife's number who to call so i i take my children and i go into one of the restaurants there at the first station the people were very kind very nice and i said can i use your phone so they let the kids sit down there and i was able to use the phone and of course i'm calling from a phone number that my wife has never seen before so of course she's not gonna answer the phone so then you know i know she wasn't sitting at home going oh my husband's calling this is gonna be fun i'm gonna make him wait i i know that isn't the truth but that's how it feels when you've lost control of things you're frustrated and and so i had to call a few times finally she answered and the end of the story is fine okay she was able to come a friend of hers was able to bring her take the kids the tow truck came we were able to get the car to the shop my point is as we lose control it's it's not a pleasant feeling typically for us that moment wasn't pleasant i wasn't sitting there going this is so great i just love when i lose control i love when i feel like i have no way to nothing else that i can do it's not a pleasant feeling i believe part of that is because we there's in our nature we're we're created to survive okay we're created to to survive we're created to to to live to to find the way to survive and that nature sometimes works against us in surrendering control that's what the spirit of god is in us to help us with it's one of his key missions now this morning i was reading with our children we've been reading in the the book of luke and we were in uh luke chapter 20. and we were reading a story and it hit me this morning in relation to this that yeshua's in and the parable that he shares is really getting at the same heart and i want to just share kind of generally what this is so yeshua is teaching at this point in luke chapter 20 he's teaching regularly in the temple and people are starting to come and listen he's made his entrance to jerusalem he's teaching and the religious leaders come to him at the beginning of luke chapter 20 and they say this uh by what authority are you doing these things who is it who gave you this authority and yeshua asked them a question back about the ministry of john and they're kind of they they're afraid to answer so they don't really give an answer because they're afraid that if they say one thing then he'll trap them and if they say another thing the people will steal them so they don't really give an answer and so yeshua then says well i'm not going to give you the answer but i'm going to tell you the story and he tells a parable about a landowner that owns a vineyard and he says this landowner had planted a vineyard had this lovely veteran and he goes off and he he leases the vineyard to tenant farmers and the harvest comes and he sends a servant to collect some of the fruit from the harvest it was to bring back now we have to assume because it's not presented the story but we have to assume that was in the agreement that when he leased the land to them that part of their return would be to give back to him some of the fruit so he sends his servant they arrive at the land and the farmers basically mistreat him and beat him up and send him back he comes back to his master and the master is like okay well i'll send another servant so he sends another servant and the same thing happens they mistreat him they beat him up and they send the servant back to the landowner so the letter said leonardo says to himself what what should i do and he thinks to yourself well maybe i'll send my son maybe they'll respect my son if i said my son is my heir maybe they'll respect him so he sends his son and as the sun arrives to the vineyard the the farmers the tenants say ah here's the air let's do this if we kill him then there'll be no air and actually the land will become ours and that's what they do and he says to them what do you think the response of the father is going to be towards that and yeshua really points to himself as the sun in fact he continues on and he talks about the the the cornerstone the that was uh becomes the the chief stone he likens himself into this parable but at the root of this what what he's getting at with these leaders is he's saying you are more concerned with being in control you are more concerned you come to me and say by whose authority and really what they're applying is look we didn't tell you you could do this and he said you are more caught up and concerned with being in control that you don't even realize what it is that has come to you this is tragic but this is what the spirit of god is in us to help us with and so tonight i want to continue on because we've already read from romans and i want to look a little bit further on in romans in romans chapter 8. paul gives some clear instruction about this what the spirit of god is doing in us and it says this this is in romans chapter eight beginning in verse five romans chapter eight verse five for those who live according to the flesh think about the things of the flesh but those who live according to the spirit about the things of the spirit for a mindset of the flesh is death but the mindset of the spirit is life and peace for the mindset of the flesh listen to this is hostile to god because it does not submit itself to god's laws for it is unable to do so those who are in the flesh cannot please god you however speaking to the believers or not in the flesh but in the spirit since the spirit of god lives in you you see the problem of sin is us in us is that it sets us up to be in opposition to god in fact in verse 7 there he said it's it's this the flesh is hostile to god is unable to submit itself to god or his laws because it ultimately ultimately wants to be in control and he says but that's not you you're different because the spirit of god lives in you and he's able to work in you and help you to release control paul reminds us that this is what the spirit is in us that if if we're living in the flesh then then we are we are living unto death but if we're in the spirit we live a life full with peace now it's possible and i want to make one more point here tonight it's possible for us even as believers even having the spirit of god living in us to still live in a self-oriented flesh-guided way even even with god's spirit it's gonna be in us paul says this is an ongoing struggle he admits it of himself he admits that this is an ongoing struggle even in himself this is our final and third key point tonight and our final key point for this evening it's this we shouldn't be focused on how much of the spirit of god we have but rather on how much of ourselves we have surrendered to the spirit of god how much control have we surrendered to the spirit of god god desires to use us again god has plans he has desires for us and he desires to use us in cooperation with his plans to bring truth and life to the world around us we should be praying god use us to accomplish your will in the earth and we need to make use of the spirit that's in us to put to death this battle the deeds of our flesh this is what we owe yeshua for sacrifice to sacrificing his life for for interceding on our behalf and asking the father to send us the holy spirit the spirit of god first corinthians chapter 12 paul writing to the corinthians in first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 11 he's speaking of spiritual gifts and he says this but the one of the same spirit is active in all of these distributing gifts to each person as he wills distributing to each person as he wills spiritual gifts are given freely to us by the spirit based on our acceptance one second here based on our acceptance and alignment with god's heart so how do we know if we are surrendering control of our lives to the spirit of god well it's really based on the gifts is it based on the gifts that we've received and this is really what paul starts to get into in his letter to the corinthians is it is it based on the gifts that we receive no he teaches us that the evidence of the spirits working us in our release of control to him is actually the fruit that's produced in our lives in galatians chapter 5 he says this galatians chapter 5 beginning in verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faith gentleness self-control against such things there is no law now those who belong to yeshua the messiah have crucified the flesh with its passions you hear the same theme over again it desires since we live by the spirit listen to this we must also follow the spirit since we live by the spirit we must follow we must submit control to him we must surrender to his direction and leading in our lives and the outcome of this surrender is an abundance of love joy peace patience kindness goodness faith gentleness it's self-control the the thing that we see growing in us as the spirit as we surrender control to him is this fruit of god's spirit growing in us now it's interesting to me as i look at things in our world and i look at media and it's it's interesting that these traits that paul lists out as the fruits of the spirit actually in a lot of ways in our world today are viewed as weakness it's it's odd to me that the world would look at these traits as being weak well a person that's strong goes after what they want they take what they want they fight for it they they go after it they uh you know again but it's it's my will what i desire what i want i want to be in control and god says wait a minute let me be in control and guess what if you let me be in control of your life my spirit will begin to produce joy love peace patience kindness goodness faith gentleness and self-control that's why we are considered as believers the apostle paul says don't be surprised when when uh persecution comes not because that's uh to be desired be because you're gonna stand out in the fallen world like a like a thumb you're gonna look different because the world is gonna look like something different and you're gonna you're gonna be noticeable with these things developing in your life and again in his letter to the corinthians in both chapter 12 and 13 paul is dealing with an issue with the believers because they're posturing themselves and trying to gain authority and control based on the gifts that they've received well i'm an apostle well i'm a prophet on this and they're trying to posture authority based on the gifts and then he comes back to them and he says listen he said desire gifts that's great and this remember we read the spirit gives them as he wills but he brings it back to this he said if i don't have love if i don't possess the fruit of the spirit love and growing measure of my life if i prophesy i'm a clanging symbol i'm making noise and he divides love into that passage as being patient kind it does not envy it does not boast it is not conceited it does not act properly is this sound like anything that we just read it is not selfish it is not provoked it does not keep a record of wrongs love finds no joy and righteousness but rejoices in the truth it bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things so remember it's not about how much of the spirit of god we have or what gifts we have received from him because he gives those freely and willingly as we align ourselves with god's purpose rather it's how much of ourselves have we surrendered to the spirit of god this is what's important because he was given to us to teach us how to live this way how to surrender to control how to step away from death from the way our flesh would lead us into to move towards god and to his desires to realign our thoughts and our desires with gods so in light of this is closing tonight what questions should we be asking ourselves i would say this if you're in a time in your life and you're not sure god where where do you want to use me if if you feel like in your life you said but god i want to do this i want to do this for you i want to do this for you and you and you've never really stopped to say god what do you have for me what are you doing in the world that you want me to be a part of i would ask you to ask that question align your desires ask the holy spirit in you to help you align your desires with god's desires with his purpose for you not what i want to do for you god but what you want to do through me i would ask us to consider how much of our lives we have surrendered to the direction of the holy spirit and how we know that i believe is do we see the fruits of the spirit growing in our lives do we see love joy patience gentleness kindness self-control do we see these kinds of things growing and developing in our life and if not then ask the holy spirit holy spirit i want to see these fruit in my life help me to learn to give control to you to give control to your direction in my life let's pray tonight hallelujah yeshua we thank you for your work on our behalf which enabled the father to send us the holy spirit the spirit of god your work in us is to align us with the desires of the father in his work here on earth spirit of god empower us to serve effectively in our colleagues for the glory of the father for the good of his kingdom and father we thank you tonight for your great love for us we thank you god that you give us all that we need to live that are full of life lives that are full of joy lives that are full of love lives that are full of peace we thank you for sending your spirit to us to help us to be full of these things in our life tonight again spirit of god just continue to work in each one of us we pray in yeshua's name amen [Music] the cross has the fine words [Music] the fireworks [Music] a is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the savior has come with the morning light the cross has the blind world [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] there's nothing stronger [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] nothing higher [Music] all the power [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what a great message for this season that we're living in uh just speaking with my wife this week how all of us have lost control because of the situation that's going on in the world around us none of us have that same control that we used to have so god has given all of us a great practice field if you will to learn to let go to learn to trust him the good news is that our master yeshua has set that example for us his word tells us that he came to be a servant and to serve not to be served and he didn't just choose that attitude so that he could be the king he chose that attitude because he knew that the end goal would be the cross and it would have the final word of giving us freedom and relationship with him so god we thank you for the gift of dying to self thank you for the cross and your example of laying your life down serving serving us giving yourself away and god we ask that you'd give us that that power that ability that grace to let go to trust you to let go of the control and the power and let you be god in our lives so god i pray for each one of us that are struggling in this area give us new grace today give us new grace to to live through this season in this great practice field that you've given us that you would show us how to be more like you in yeshua's name amen well we love you and we're just so thankful for you thank you for your prayers for us we continue to pray for you we're looking forward to being together as a family physically and for all those that are joining us from abroad lord bless you have a great week and we will see you again this here this time next week for those of you that haven't plugged into the discipleship classes we still have a few weeks left you can still jump in it's not too late look forward to seeing you there have a great week we love you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,516
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher
Id: Sl3efIt4a90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 2sec (5342 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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