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thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] she [Music] [Applause] she [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] we celebrate together this week the festival of leather bread we have a good friend with us tonight i should be she's gonna help us start things off as we sing praise to the lord [Music] so join with us [Music] is [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes god we do we celebrate you tonight [Music] you are worthy of praise we want to declare your goodness we want to call ourselves to awaken to your goodness forget not your benefits polarize my soul [Music] no longer [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] though i won't boast but in the cross is [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes hello all of this for your glory oh all of this for your glory [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] but i woke up to see the lights we thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] for your glory [Music] [Music] before i spoke a word you were singing you have been so so good to me [Music] before i take a break [Music] oh [Music] oh it chases me down [Music] [Music] never ending greatness [Music] when i was your fault still your love for me [Music] you have been so so good to me [Music] [Applause] oh you have been so so kind to me i don't deserve it still you give yourself away god [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] coming after me no mountains [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah we thank you tonight yeshua we thank you that you endured the cross for our sakes thank you that you didn't give up but you fought for us [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] when i [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll be too [Music] me i'll [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] me is keep me i'm [Music] me for me me [Applause] [Music] in life [Music] i say i [Music] am [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] hallelujah we remember the words of john the baptist he said behold the lamb of god who comes and takes the sins of the world you sure we look upon you tonight we look upon you the source of our salvation the source of our freedom [Music] for god you brought your people out from the bondage of slavery in egypt but yeshua you brought humanity out from the bondage of sin [Music] of deliverance from my enemies till all my fears love no longer [Music] [Applause] [Music] fear [Music] foreign [Music] you have chosen me [Music] my face i am the child of god [Applause] [Music] i am a child of god [Music] [Music] yes i am [Music] you took me from captivity [Music] now i can say i'm [Music] [Music] can see a yes of freedom lord is [Music] for me lord you rescue me foreign [Applause] is [Music] foreign [Music] i am a child of god [Music] foreign of god can you just thank you tonight just thank you we thank you lord that i am a child [Music] i am a child [Music] is [Music] [Music] there lord for your kingdom is forever whenever you may be seated we're going to welcome kayla to come and read this week's marisha how are you kayla thank you hello everyone welcome um my name is kayla moochnick and i get the honor of reading the word of god tonight um and it's called the parsha and this is the parashah reading for the week so let's dive into the word of god tonight starting off with leviticus 9 1-4 now it happened on the eighth day that moses called aaron his sons and the elders of israel then he said to aaron take a calf from the herd for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering but without blemish and offer them before adonai you are to speak to bene israel saying take a male goat for a sin offering along with a calf and a lamb both yearlings without blemish for a burnt offering plus a bowl and a ram for fellowship offerings to sacrifice before adonai along with a grain offering mixed with oil for today adonai appears to you from the haftarah ii samuel 6 14-22 meanwhile david was dancing before adonai with all his might while he was wearing a linen ephod so david and the entire house of israel brought up the ark of adonai was shouting and with the sound of the shofar but as the ark of adonai entered the city of david saul's daughter michal looked out of the window and saw king david leaping and dancing before adonai so she despised him in her heart they brought in the ark of adonai and set it in his place in the midst of the tent that david had pitched for it then david offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings before adonai when david had finished offering the burnt offering and fellowship offerings he blessed the people in the name of adonai spout then he distributed to all the people to the whole multitude of israel men and women alike to everyone a loaf of bread a cake made in a pan and a raisin cake then all the people departed each to his home david returned to bless his own household but saul's daughter mikhail came out to meet david and said how the king of israel distinguished himself today when he uncovered himself today in the eyes of the slave girls of his subjects as any vulgar fellow would shamelessly uncover himself it was before adam and i david said to michal who chose me instead of your father in all his household appointing me ruler over the people of adonai over israel so i danced before adonai and will dishonor myself even more than this and will be low in my own eyes yet in the eyes of the slave girls whom you mentioned i will be honored and from the brit i'll be reading hebrews 7 1-3 i'm going to read it first in english and i'm going to attempt to read it in hebrew [Music] for this melchizedek was king of salem cohen of god most high he made abraham he met abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him and to him abraham apportioned a tenth of everything first by the translation of his name he is king of righteousness and then also king of salem which is king of shalom without father without mother without genealogy having neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like ben elohim he remains a cohen for all time so now i'll read in hebrew zedek [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo this is the word of god so we will turn to the announcements and see what is going on this week at king of kings welcome king of kings family we are excited to have you here with us tonight let's take a look at what's happening in our community this week [Music] king of kings community jerusalem wants to wish everybody a blessed passover we pray that god will continue his work of freedom and salvation in each of our lives as we reflect in this season on our passover lamb yeshua and his sacrifice for us we want to thank you for your continued and faithful giving of the lord's tithes and our offerings during this season every time we give we align our hearts with god's heart of giving and of sacrifice you can easily give online today during the service by going to our website at kkcj and clicking on the gift tab there are a couple of giving options as well as direct deposit information and an address for sending checks may god bless us as we align our hearts with his discipleship season is here and we're excited to invite you to join us for this engaging and instructive semester starting wednesday april 14th for six consecutive weeks designed with spiritual growth in mind there are three unique courses available to you to choose from first developing a life of prayer how to make prayer central in our journey with yeshua second bridging the testaments we'll examine some of scripture's more difficult passages and how uniting both the old and new testaments can reveal god's amazing truths and third israel crossroads of history and prophecy an exciting look at reporting from the front lines of israel's history for the past 20 years and how prophecy is unfolding right before our eyes with something for everyone you are invited to come study with us for more information and to get registered for these classes write us here at kkcj after a year of gathering restrictions and not meeting in person we are excited to have a few different options that will allow us to begin gathering together here are a couple of ways we can connect in person number one if you have not received the covet vaccine or aren't comfortable sharing that information we have three different purple badge venues in our jerusalem campus to host small gatherings of up to 20 people each which keeps us within israel's current gathering guidelines number two if you've received the covet vaccine and are comfortable gathering together in public we will be opening our celebration center where we'll be able to host up to 120 people in person with proof of their vaccinations via the certificate or the green pass phone app due to regulations you are required to pre-reserve your seating for either the purple or green venues via email in advance of the meeting to reserve your sitting for a purple or green venue and to join us for worship in person please write us here at kkcj we're looking forward to seeing you again and worshiping together here in jerusalem [Music] thank you for joining us we hope that you'll find a way to connect with our community this week now let's rejoice as we celebrate the lord together tonight well welcome king of kings family so happy to be with you again today and this is a very special day as many of you might already know this is passover so we want to say we want to say happy passover holiday to all of you we're so happy that you honored us by connecting and we want to honor you by bringing you the word of god today we was a lot of depth here in the passover season get with your community group see what they're all about let's learn a little bit more about these god-appointed times one thing we do traditionally as we move from a regular day of the week to a holiday as we thank the lord for his appointed times we say elohim blessed are you lord our god you're the king of the universe who gives us life who sustains us and enables us to reach this season so again to everybody let's dive into the word of god in just a few minutes and and really let him bring richness of the holiday now we know that we're starting with passover and now we're also entering into the matzah this is the week of unleavened bread and just a few days from now we will be connecting with the bikolim the first fruits as paul said yeshua was the first fruits from the dead we call that resurrection day so we're excited about what god is doing uh through these feast days of the spring and we trust you're getting deep revelation here as well i don't have any new regulations to to report from the israeli side so thank you everybody who's joining us in the house tonight those of you watching online welcome kings community live facebook live youtube those watching on archive for the website we welcome you to jerusalem and king of kings community listen we're open come visit there's no substitute for being in the room together so come back to the sanctuary we have lots of options whether you're purple badge whether you're green badge whatever you need to be we've got you covered we just want to make space for god's people when they want to worship together come back and join us we're open we have options for you we also have some wonderful classes coming up you're going to get more details on our discipleship semester starts april 14th also we have some academy classes coming up soon and we want you to connect so here's the best way to do that go to our website make sure you sign up for that newsletter so you're not left behind in anything okay so we're ready to dive into the word of god now and i i want to let you know that each year we study through the feast of the lord and this particular year i didn't get very far it the lord through the holy spirit really captured me very early on i was in exodus chapter 3 i barely got into the passover story exodus chapter 3 verse 3 and this is what grabbed my heart it says so moses thought i will go over and see this strange sight why the bush does not burn up so what are we talking about what's the context well moses has left egypt he's been in the desert he's been in jethro's family for a while he's become a shepherd and he saw the bush burning as he was tending to the flock and seeking out one of the sheep now when he saw the bush he went over to it and the first thing that amazed him was that the bush did not burn up and he pondered and he wondered why and that's why i stopped and i thought well here's moses and he doesn't even understand why the bush is not burning up so i gravitated toward that i really wanted to focus on that i meditated just stayed quiet for a few minutes and i said lord what's going on here what are you displaying about yourself and i feel like the lord had given me this word he said i don't deplete that means i don't get smaller i don't run out i you can get something from me but i'm still as full as i was before i don't deplete i was reminded of this in the the gospel of matthew chapter 14 verse 19 through 21 where yeshua feeds thousands of people we believe probably over 10 15 000 people based on the text let me read it to you let's read that passage from matthew 14. it says in yeshua directed the people to sit down on the grass taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he gave thanks and he broke the loaves then he gave them to his disciples and the disciples gave them to the people they all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over the number of those who ate was about five thousand men besides women and children so five thousand men plus their wives plus israelis have a bunch of kids so we know probably 10 15 maybe 20 000 people he fed and he didn't get smaller he actually got bigger he would take the loaves and the fish he would break it and bless start handing it out they had more in the end than they started with the bush is burning that moses sees but it's not burning up because of one of the principles of god that he doesn't deplete he never gets smaller he never runs out what an incredible message we need to grab hold of today in these trying times and in this special season of passover that god is more than enough second corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 it says god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work hopefully you caught several of those words the first word used was abundantly he will bless you abundantly so that in some of the things no it says in all of the things some of the time no all of the time some of what i need no all that you need then you will abound with every good work you see god is more than enough and this is what the israelites experienced coming out of egypt that's why friends hopefully you joined with us in the passover seder meal with your family or community and you sang the dayenu it would have been enough god if you had just taken us out of egypt that would have been enough or if you had just given us uh freedom from slavery that would have been enough or what about rescuing us at the red sea that would have been enough what about the sabbath thank you what a gift that would have been enough and god says yeah but i'm not just enough i'm more than enough you ever wonder why we're not just conquerors we're more than conquerors because we're made in his image we're children of the king we're co-heirs and if he's more than enough then we're more than conquerors because we're like our father so we've seen the dayenu because it's not just protection from plagues but it's new life it's new land it's new people it's new law it's salvation the holy spirit there's so much that god keeps pouring out and i want you to grab on to that this passover season and when god was delivering us from egypt and he he was calling down the plagues i want you to think about this it wasn't difficult for him you see i don't want us to have an impression that when the enemy attacks somehow god has to fight really hard to defeat satan when in fact he doesn't have to fight him hard at all it's not hard for god to break his people out of egypt it's not hard for god to cover his people and and protect them from the plagues god is the god of more than enough you will have abundance you will have it all things all times all you need and what the israelites needed was god to rescue them he destroyed the gods of egypt when he was giving the specific plagues god doesn't do random the plagues were not random they were specifically designed to defeat the gods of egypt we had a community activity recently and and ann hilsden was sharing with us some of the names of the gods of the egyptians the god of the nile river or how about isis or how about ra the god of the sun you know the god of health isis was the god of health which is interesting why god brought the boils that isis could not heal interesting that he was attacking these false gods because he's more than enough to deliver his people but god had been doing that and god continued to do that to show his people that he was what they needed it wasn't just that he destroyed the gods of egypt through the plagues i'm reminded of first samuel chapter five there's another god there's another idol and elohim destroys this one let me read it to you it says in first samuel 5 after the philistines had captured the ark of god see they came and they stole the ark of the covenant they took it from ebenezer to ashdod then they carried the ark into dagon's temple this is the false god called dagon they carried it into dagon's temple and set it beside dagon the false god and when the people of ashdod rose early the next day there was dagon fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the lord they took dagon and put him back in his place so basically there's the ark of the covenant there's this false statue that must have been very large and during the night our god pushed over or caused the idol to fall down and to bow down in front of the ark of the covenant what an amazing story he's the god of more than enough it's not hard for god to fight our enemies hear me on that it is not hard for our god to fight our enemies he can do it all day long they kept putting another god in front of him he kept putting another plague out there how about this god well he would give another plague what about this idol well he'll bow down it's not hard for god to destroy our enemies and we need to grab a hold of this promise because god is the one we run to god is the one we need to call on through the blood of yeshua of course i was reminded as i said it out loud you know god can do this all day long my my children love some of the superhero movies and in one of the superhero movies this one guy he's fighting the enemy and they're punching and they're fighting and they're fighting for you know good and for justice and and this one uh soldier he beats like a hundred bad soldiers and then they bring another wave of of another hundred soldiers at him and even though he's been fighting for a while somebody says hey are you getting tired and he says no i can do this all day and i was reminded of our god who who that's how he presents himself to all of our enemies he's been fighting for us and they send another enemy and another deception and another sickness and you know whatever it may be another bondage another addiction another pain another disappointment and god says listen i fight for my people i'll do this all day long take that with you today it's an encouragement because in the same way that god can keep destroying our enemies and he can keep fighting the evil one he can keep corrupt leaders where he needs them or remove them if he wants you know he can continue to keep his covenants he can continue to keep loving his people and this is really where i want to go for the next few minutes of encouragement this idea of god being a covenant keeper being a covenant god who will love without end who fights for his people and he can do it all day long no matter what the obstacles thrown in front of him are listen there are some words we use as we try to describe life around us and we don't always choose the perfect words but but sometimes we choose words and sometimes these words are made up words because we're trying to express something that there's not already a word for and so sometimes we make up words but they fit let me give you a few examples there's a word we use at king of kings called volintold it's a combination between the word volunteer and you've been told so when you've been voluntold it means you've been told you need to volunteer so volunteering is supposed to be by your choice but we're telling you hey guys we need help would you please help us we're telling you to volunteer so it's being voluntold another word and i want to give credit to pastor kurt veterling who was formerly on our team for using that word i remember carol ketchum used to use this word a lot called prepared now you've heard of the word prepared but this is a different word this word is called prepared it means to be prepared by praying you become prepared by praying to the lord carol used to use that word me and my wife we use the word for some of our children when they were going through those squirrely seasons they were out of control they needed to be disciplined they needed boundaries they were acting their attitude was nasty we came up with the word that we called spaz nasty it means they were being and their attitude was nasty all at the same time we would call it stop being spaz nasty well there's another word i want to introduce to you today it's it's probably not a real word but it really hits the nail on the head of our god and it's a word called stick-to-itiveness it's not easy to say if english isn't your first language stick-to-itiveness it's a combination of the word sticking to something and the essence of continuing to do that it's not just sticking to it once but always sticking to it so somebody is you know exhibiting stick-to-itiveness when they have the ability to stick to a principle regardless of the obstacles that are in front of them you might remember several months ago pastor mike mentioned in one of his sermons how sticky god is that he he has the ability to stick with us through our hard times well this is how god keeps his covenants that he keeps giving he keeps protecting he keeps loving he's a he's not a god whoever depletes he never gets smaller he only continues to give out of his great love nehemiah chapter 1 verse 5 mentions this he says then i said lord the god of heaven the great and awesome god who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments you see to god love is a covenant to never be broken as a matter of fact god keeps his covenants when his people break them god never breaks them we do but he doesn't that shows part of his stick-to-itiveness the ability to stick to a principle regardless of the obstacles that you face god sticks to the principle of covenant even when the obstacle is his people us breaking the covenant this was certainly on display regarding the deliverance of the jewish people out of egypt you know they were calling on the name of the lord and god was remembering his promises and his covenants to the patriarchs he was remembering his covenant to abraham when he came and rescued the people of israel out of egypt daniel chapter 9 also grabs a hold of this stick-to-itiveness of god's love he says i pray to the lord my god and i confess lord the great and awesome god who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and who keep his commandments so the prophets and the patriarchs they picked up on this ability that god grabs a hold of a principle and he's tenacious you know he has a a lot of perseverance that he will see us through whatever we need and he fights for our enemies without getting tired and he can do this all day long so not only can god fight our enemies without getting tired he can keep his covenants despite our failures but god continues to love us even when it seems like we should not be loved psalm 69 13 but i pray to you lord in the time of your favor and your great love o god answer me with your sure salvation first john chapter 3 verse 1 see what great love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of god and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him and romans 8 38 very famous verse for i am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of god that is in yeshua the messiah our lord you see god's love it's it's a constant he has a lot of stick-to-itiveness we fail him but he never fails us we break covenant but he doesn't the enemy keeps fighting but god keeps resisting the enemy sends the next idol and god keeps protecting you see god has this ability to do it all day long he's very tenacious he has stick-to-itiveness that's a good word for us today now we know that god doesn't give up we know that god doesn't write us off in our weakness as a matter of fact if you're already a believer in yeshua today you know that god did not abandon you in your time of weakness if you are not yet a believer in yeshua and you're watching this today i want to encourage you you have one person who will never ever leave you and that is our father god in heaven and his expression of his salvation in his son yeshua it's one god it's not two people it's one god but it's the god of heaven becoming our blood atonement on earth our passover lamb if you will here on earth he didn't want to leave that to someone else because he's so connected to his creation he didn't want to leave that task to someone else no one else could measure up we needed god himself and that's what we have in yeshua the passover story of taking the lamb and putting the blood on the door being rescued out of slavery walking through the waters of the red sea being at mount sinai as a free people but receiving the law of god all of that is really the microcosm of the bigger picture which is the salvation plan of god that we were saved by the blood we were we were redeemed from sin we're no longer slaves we're no longer in bondage we we came out of that lifestyle because of the blood we were protected then we found ourselves going through the waters that's the immersion or the baptism that we that we face as new believers we left one land and we encountered through water a new land we were no longer in egypt anymore after that water we don't go back to the land of slavery but we find ourselves submitting to god at the mountain receiving the torah the law of god and this is the plan of salvation explained through the passover story but he never writes us off in his weakness as a matter of fact it's the opposite romans 5 verse 8 but god demonstrates his own love for us in this that while we were still sinners the messiah died for us you see remember god delivered the jewish people while they were still slaves he didn't wait for them to free themselves and get their act together and and build a great nation and to be the star of the show and then come to them and say oh now you're my people because of what you've done you've done such a great job you you've cleaned up your life you've set yourself free you've you've put everything in order now you can be my people no that's not how it worked they were slaves they were in bondage they didn't have a way out they called on god and he rescued them and that's how it is for us that we didn't clean ourselves up we can't take away sin dirty hands because of sin can't wash clothes right the hands have to be clean and the only hands that were truly clean were gods god didn't call on the israelites because they were so mighty he called on them because they asked him to he delivered them because they called on his name let me give you one of our key phrases here today god deals with every roadblock put in front of him or in front of his people in order to accomplish his plans god deals with every roadblock put in front of him or his people in order to accomplish his plans what does that mean that means it doesn't matter what satan throws at us it doesn't matter which idol it doesn't matter which plague is in front of us it doesn't matter which sickness or challenge or trial it doesn't matter because god can do this all day god has stick-to-itiveness god never breaks covenant he never stops loving he never stops giving and every roadblock that's put in front of god or us he deals with it we don't have to deal with it we tell him we need his help and he deals with the roadblocks to accomplish his plan let me give you some examples from the exodus story when we first see the people of israel in slavery they don't even have a leader but god sends them moses the roadblock was they didn't have a leader how could we come out of egypt how can we be delivered we don't have a leader god says not a problem i'll send you moses so they say to pharaoh let us go and pharaoh says no i'm not letting the children of israel go so god says fine not a problem you want to put a roadblock in front of me i'm going to destroy your gods here are the 10 plagues so you said no they're not free great take the 10 plagues no we have no protection from the death angel the tenth plague is coming what do we do that's the roadblock that's the challenge god says i've got this i'm sending you the theology of blood atonement the innocent lamb will die and the blood will save you from the tenth plague we we didn't have protection so god gave us protection we were trapped at the red sea the army was behind us so he gave us the pillar of fire to protect us during the night our people rebelled and so god chose the levites to be our spiritual leaders see every roadblock is met with a solution we didn't have any water he gave it to us from a rock we had no food here comes the manna we have no protein here comes the quail god sends everything we need that was the verse i read you earlier abundantly in all things at all times and in every situation you will abound god can do this all day we didn't have any money we didn't have any valuables so the egyptians gave gave us theirs whatever the roadblock you're facing today listen to me friends god has a solution for this if you ask him and you let him he will deliver you as well god can do this today he wants to address every situation in our life let me give you the second key phrase today god will address every situation with a solution if we ask him and we let him i'm gonna read that again because i want you to catch all the components of that statement god will address every situation with a solution if we ask him and we let him see it doesn't doesn't really fall into god's formula for you to ask him and then try to do it on your own that's an abraham problem that's a that's an abraham sarah isaac should have been the solution but abraham talked to god he had the problem he had the solution coming through the promise of isaac but he didn't wait he didn't let god and so he he he developed this hagar ishmael situation when it was supposed to be the sarah isaac solution to the situation god will address every situation with a solution if we ask him and let him and you can go back through the bible i love to look at patterns how the patriarchs waited on god how they let god deliver them in every situation that they were in need of joseph was in the dungeon so god delivered him shadrach meshach and abednego we're in the fiery furnace so god delivered them daniel was in the den of lions he was delivered david was running from his own son at the point of death god delivered him putting back on the throne why why does god do this because the people of god don't waver from their faith in god's realities now the israelites didn't quite have that luxury because they hadn't seen his realities yet but once they did once they saw the deliverance and the plagues and the and the blood and the death angel and the water open and manna from heaven and the law of god they they had this choice they had the choice to say yes to god and they did that in exodus 19 where god said to them here's a choice i set before you today i'll be your god you'll be my people but here's the agreement and since that day friends when israel said yes god has never forsaken his people he has never forsaken the jewish people we have such a specific calling a blessed calling of god the nation of israel to bring the light of yeshua to the earth that's our calling that's the calling of the jewish people to bring the realities of yeshua to this earth and we will see that happen king of kings wants to be part of making that reality happen according to romans chapter 11 but the people of god in the bible they don't waver in their faith of god's realities because they know and they've seen that god will in fact deliver we were slaves god sent a deliverer pharaoh said i'm not letting you go well he got the plagues we didn't have protection from the death angels so we had the blood theology given to us by the innocent lamb foreshadowing that of yeshua for us we were trapped at the red sea not a problem you have protection with the pillar of fire what do we do when we when we have the red sea in front of us well god's gonna open that door he's gonna open that water okay well what if the the enemy army follows us through the red sea another obstacle another situation another challenge not hard for god he has a solution for it if you ask him and let him so the armies of egypt follow after the israelites through the red sea and what does god do he closes the sea on the egyptians you know that was kind of the formality of saying your old life is gone not only is your old life gone your old sin your old slavery your old bondage the way of doing things your old culture that's gone but your enemies are being destroyed as well if it takes a plague it takes a plague if it takes the red sea closing on the egyptians then that's what it takes if it takes god knocking over dagon the idol so it bows down to the ark of the covenant so be it god will he has he is and he will defeat your enemies and deliver his people and we learn that at passover we can go on water from the rock man from heaven quail from heaven you know we had no land so god gave us the good and fruitful land of milk and honey here in israel we had no government so god gave us the torah which is really the governing documents of israel it's the constitution of israel we had no government so god gave us one let me close with this challenge friends during this passover season what situation do you need a solution for what is it god wants to hear it god already knows what it is he wants you to say it he wants you to confess it for him what situation do you need a solution for are we going to ask god to help us and then let him help us james 4 verse 2 you desire but you do not have so you kill you covet but you cannot get what you want so you quarrel and fight you do not have because you do not ask god in our closing verse today john chapter 5 verse 14 this is the confidence we have in approaching god that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if you know anything about the passover story you know that that's where it started that they were slaves in egypt they cried out to god and the verse says that he heard their cry same thing john says that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us was it god's will for his people to be in slavery no so when they called upon him he heard their cry and he moved on their behalf he delivered them friends is it is it god's will that we're stuck in sin no so as we call on him he will move on our behalf he will hear our prayer and he will deliver us so as we now are in passover we know that we have a week of unleavened bread ahead of us i want you to really take it seriously this week of unleavened bread to get the sin out of our life to get the leaven out that poisons everything else because god wants to hear your prayer and he wants to deliver you so let's let him do it right for every situation god has a solution as long as we ask him and we let him this unleavened bread season let's let god take away our sin which is according to his will and he does that by the blood of yeshua the messiah the perfect passover lamb reminding us that the original passover although it was an incredible story it was really the foundational pattern for salvation itself we were slaves to sin god protected us and bought us with innocent blood he delivered us out of that slavery to a new life we went through the waters of immersion at the red sea like we do today we go through the waters of the baptism we leave old egypt we're in a new land now we can't cross back and we find ourselves submitting at the mountain of god to his authority his kingship and his loss can i pray for you today please receive this as an impartation father in the name of yeshua we want to thank you for your god appointed times we want to thank you for the passover and all that it means unleavened bread and all that it means we want to take it seriously when we come before you knowing you want to hear our prayer and you want to move on our behalf so thank you for the words today help us to look forward to this week of unleavened bread and even to look forward to the next holiday that we want to talk about which is first fruits the resurrection of yeshua our messiah thank you lord that we have a great week full of meaning connecting with friends and family sharing your light sharing your truth giving you glory and all we do we pray today in yeshua's name amen and amen thank you so much for being part of this word today shirt with someone else online thank you worship team for guiding us and getting us to this point thank you to our readers who read the parashah and those that read this week we thank you so much and again stay connected with us we have so many things coming up whether it be discipleship class or the academy ongoing community groups please stay connected be part of this community in a real and rich way happy holidays and happy passover thank you pastor chad we're gonna close the song we did earlier we're gonna awake our soul [Music] arises sing for what he's done [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that same [Music] has no hold on [Music] is foreign hello [Music] all of this for your glory [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for i was dead in sin but i woke up to see the light [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] amen what a great great word thank you pastor chad thank you for that just that positive reminder that god never fails he never leaves us and he never forsakes us that he's got stick intuitiveness listen to these words that god speaks to us out of the book of isaiah god speaking to his people and to us so do not fear for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you and help you i will uphold you with the righteousness of my right hand that's a picture of god's deliverance and i just want to encourage you pastor chad gave us some homework this week that thing that we're fighting against right now that's fighting against us maybe it's a fear maybe it's a sin maybe it's a relationship problem invite god into that situation and let him prove himself faithful to you this week as we walk through this passover week celebrating his deliverance in our lives let's allow him to do that great work of deliverance fully in our hearts and in our lives and so god we ask for your blessing upon your people this week strengthen us as we trust in you as we put our trust in you our jehovah our god our deliverer and we pray this in yeshua's name amen well we hope that you have a great week for our jerusalem family we just want to ask you to save a date a couple weeks we're going to be celebrating israel's independence day yomatsuma ut it's the 15th of april put that on your calendar we're going to have a picnic together we'll give you more details but put that on your calendar we're looking forward to celebrating that with you have a great week we love you and we'll see you again here next week on sunday resurrection sunday lord bless you [Music] um [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,777
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher
Id: LMp80EFIf-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 10sec (4870 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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