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[Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cover [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] welcome king of kings family we are so happy that you have come to celebrate this enormously happy day of sukkot so let's stand up together as we worship the lord with a new song [Music] foreign [Music] come on [Music] now [Music] hello [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] now [Music] my [Music] hello [Music] [Music] amen amen living water flow out from his throne amen do we believe that there is living water flowing out to this room today amen can i hear an amen amen our god is able our god is great he is an almighty god and we're here to worship him we are here to shout out praise to him we're here to come together in one spirit and bring him all the glory all the honor may his name be glorified in this place amen [Music] he will never fail he is greater than all we seek [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we overcome for the lord our god [Music] god is with us [Music] above [Music] our god is able [Music] our god [Music] he defeated the grave [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah lord you are able nothing is too difficult for you you are our holy amazing god our creator all the earth declares your glory you alone are worthy you alone are worthy [Music] i shall my mess supreme for [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] me [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] you in this place we exalt in this place heavenly father we know that you are stronger you are mightier you are greater this is who you are lord and in our brokenness you are our strength in our sin you gave us salvation in our weakness lord you lift us up in our failure you are the victor lord when we are not you are lord and we thank you for it we acknowledge you in this place heavenly father we acknowledge everything that you are you deserve to be glorified and lifted up high for who you are [Music] we are an altar [Music] home [Music] angels around your [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i will remember [Applause] [Music] we sing hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is wonderful day to come when every knee bounced before your name but we will not date until it dies [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] we say hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] i was lost but he brought me [Music] yes i [Music] he died [Music] [Music] [Music] father's house there's a place [Music] not against [Music] i am you are [Music] [Music] there is a place [Music] there is a place for me yes i am a child i'm a child of god yes i [Music] the words we're am you are chosen you are never forsaken you are exactly who he says [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] he is [Music] there is a place [Music] yes i am yes i am [Music] hallelujah what a glorious god we have can i hear an amen can i hear a stronger amen amen amen let us stay standing cause we're gonna be singing the shema hero israel our god is one amen [Music] oh [Music] we're gonna be hearing uh the pasha of uh this week from a new friend of ours jaime is gonna come up and read to us the power shop this week [Music] good evening everyone it is with great joy that i'll be sharing with you the parasha reading of this week as we come to the end of us of the cycles that there are readings and the beginning of a new one this coming singhatura on monday and tuesday and as you can see in the back of the stage inside we have the torah scrolls they're currently placed in the end in the tournament 33 and later this week we're going to roll them over again to place them in the beginning in genesis first so join me as i read deuteronomy 33 26 through 29 it says there is none like god jerusalem writing through the heavens to your aid and through the skies in his majesty a refugee is the ancient god and underneath our everlasting arms he drove out the enemy before you and said destroy so israel rest in safety untraveled in jacob's fountain and land of grain and new wine [Music] yes his heavens droop do happy are you o israel who is like you are people say by the shield of your help and the sword of your triumph your enemies with cover before you and you will trample on their backs now we're going to genesis first verse 26 through 31 it says then god said let us make man in our own image after our likeness let them rule over the fish of the seas over the flying ridge of the skies over the livestock over the whole earth and over every crawling creature that crawls on the land god created humankind in his image in the image of god he created them god blessed them and god said to them be fruitful and multiply feel the land and conquer it rule over the fish of the sea the flying creature of the sky and over every animal that crawls on the land then god said i have just given you every green pulp gilding seed that is on the surface of the whole land and every tree which has the fruit of life yielding sea there are to be food for you also for every wild animal every flying creature of the sky and every creature that crawls on the land which has life every green plant is to be food and it happens so so god saw everything that he made and behold it was very good so there was evening and there was morning the sixth day now we're going to continue with isaiah 42 verses 5-9 thus says god adonai who created the heavens and stretched them out who spread out the earth and what comes from it who gives breath to the people on it and ruach to those who walk on it i adonai call you in righteousness i will take hold of your hand i will keep you and give you as a covenant to my people as light to the nations by opening blind eyes bringing prisoners out of the dungeon and those sitting in darkness out of the prison's house i am adonai that is my name my glory i will not give to another or praise to gravy images behold the former things have come to pass now i declare new things before they spring forth i announce them to you isaiah 43 verses 1-7 but now thus says adonai the one who created you o jacob the one who formed you o israel fear not for i have redeemed you i have called you by my name you are mine when you pass through the waters i will be with you or through the rivers they will not overflow you when you walk through the fire you will not be born nor the flame will burn you for i am i lie your god the holy one of israel your savior i have given egypt as a ransom ethiopian seva in your place since you are precious to my eyes honored because i love you i will give a man in exchange of you i will bring your offerings from the east and gather you from the west i will say to the north give them up and to the south do not hold them back bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth everyone who is called by my name whom i created for my glory i formed him yes i met him finally revelations 26 22 16-21 says i yeshua have sent my angel to testify these things to you for my communities i am the root of the offspring of david the bright and morning star the ruach and the brother said come and let the one who hears say come let the one who is thirsty come let the one who wishes freely takes the water of life i testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book if anyone's up to them god showed up to him the plex plagues that are written in this book and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of the prophecy god shall take away his share in the tree of life and the holy city which are written in this book the one giving testimony to those things says yes i am coming soon amen god come lord yeshua may the grace of the lord yeshua be with all amen keep your eyes on the screens as we'll see what's coming for the community next week thank you [Music] welcome king of kings family we're excited to have you here with us tonight this is what's happening in our community this week [Music] discipleship season is finally here and we are excited to invite you to join us for this engaging and instructive semester of study classes begin wednesday october 13th for six consecutive weeks and will be offered both in person and online with three dynamic courses designed with spiritual growth in mind there's something here for everyone make plans now to join and we'll see you there following in yeshua's steps we will be heading to the jordan river for a baptism this thursday september 30th for all those wishing to make a public declaration of their decision to follow yeshua you are invited to join us thursday the deadline for signing up is tomorrow monday september 27th to be included on the list contact us at kkcj if you're wanting a time for deeper prayer for a specific area in your life we want to invite you to our deeper connection prayer team directly after service next sunday evening october 3rd it's a safe place to seek god together with a team of intercessors willing to come alongside and believe with you for god's direction and answers you are invited to join the nakhlati shattenu congregational worship next shabbat and experience the joy of the jewish roots of our faith in worship worship begins live right here in the celebration center at 5 00 pm and online at our nachlat facebook page looking forward to seeing you there thank you for joining us we hope you'll find a way to connect in everything that's happening this week please enjoy the rest of the service and have a blessed week [Music] so we welcome you to stand up we're going to do one more song of worship before we enter into the message so let's stand together and worship him [Music] [Applause] [Music] praises [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] as he walks into the room [Music] worships [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sing his [Music] praises praise his praise [Music] there is a sound that changes things [Music] it's time to worship him away my sing his soul [Music] sing his ways is [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't hold it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you sing his praise [Music] sing his praise [Music] just [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] wonderful thank you so much thank you worship team you know we we should just uh thank them because they pulled double duties this week for everybody that got to join us yeah go ahead and say thank you anybody that got to join us on thursday night for the sukkot worship night you were really treated to a time where you could just soak in the presence of the lord so we just want to welcome them and uh say thank you to them publicly as well so thank you guys i know it's tiring but we sure appreciate all of your hard work and your preparation great to see you king of king's family in the house tonight uh it's gonna be a fun night listen this is the celebration of joy right do you remember that from sukkot it's a commandment so i'm gonna make sure you have fun tonight if you don't have fun tonight that's going to be your fault right i'm going to put that that is going to be on you tonight i want to also just welcome you everybody watching around the world kings community live and facebook live youtube and all you guys thank you so much for joining us we have folks and i do want to specifically call out the countries tonight for a reason from austria brazil canada colombia finland france germany honduras india ireland italy israel japan kenya malaysia norway philippines singapore south korea surinam united kingdom united states zimbabwe and those are the ones that gave us the location there might be some of you watching online who didn't give us your location if you could do that just tell our host rachel now where are you from we just want to love on you and greet you why did i want to read those names off tonight as we get started because i'm going to give you a little bonus before we get into the rest of the word of god who wants a little bonus tonight on a holiday amen good listen we mentioned last week that sukkot the feast of tabernacles is a holiday intentionally welcoming the nations of the earth to israel it's part of the whole deal first of all it's a pilgrimage festival it's one of the three times a year that all of the jewish men had to go up to jerusalem but it's a celebration of nations in numbers chapter 29 we are reminded that when the sacrifices for sukkot are made there are 70 additional sacrifices made numbers chapter 29 and those 70 sacrifices are made for the nations on sukkot then in zechariah chapter 14 we learned that any nation at the end of the age that has attacked israel and there are survivors from this war anyone who doesn't send a representative to jerusalem to worship the king yeshua zechariah 14 on sukkot not just any time of the year they must send a representative on sukkot to worship the lord from all the nations if they don't do that they don't get any reign again another nation's tie-in to the feast of tabernacles then revelation chapter 22 in the age to come or like we call it sometimes the sukkot age the last age the tree of life is revealed again and its leaves are for the healing of the nations notice it doesn't say they the tree of life has leaves that healed just israel the tree of life is for the healing of the nations and so again we see all of these tie-ins to the feast of tabernacles now i want to specifically look at the 70 bull offerings the bible is very clear when we speak of this holiday that you bring your regular offerings you bring something extra a free will offering above and beyond so tonight if any of you are feeling led by the spirit or you need to bring a regular tithe maybe you want to bring offering we're not passing a plate tonight there are boxes on the wall you know how to do it there's just little boxes on the wall or give online but look the feast of sukkot breaks down for seven days and then an eighth day sacred assembly and a sabbath and each day we are commanded to bring a certain number of bulls now you say listen pastor this is really old stuff i don't have any bulls there's no temple why are you spending time talking about this i think you're going to like it hang in there with me for just a minute the first day of sukkot you're supposed to offer 13 additional bulls the second day of sukkot 12 the third day 11 4th day 10 and we work our way down to the seventh day and on the seventh day of sukkot we offer seven bulls ah but sukkot is an eight day festival so on the eighth day obviously if you do the math you should offer six bulls but that's not what it says on the eighth day is something different you don't follow the math the math changes on day number eight because day number one through seven adds up to seventy making sacrifice for the nations and day eight you only sacrifice one bull now mathematically that doesn't follow any kind of pattern you know when you were in school and you're first learning math and they're teaching you patterns right it's like three two one three two one three two blank and your first grader has to figure out that they want the answer one because it's a pattern well here's the pattern of the bible starting 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 you would assume six is next but it's not because on the eighth day of sukkot you only offer one bull and there's an answer for that there is a reason for it the 70 bulls if you were curious where did they come from they come from the table of nations listed in genesis chapter 10 right after noah and his family come out of the ark they resettle they populate they multiply they're fruitful and then there's a list in genesis 10 of the table of nations and there are 70 nations listed which is the corresponding number to why on sukkot we offer extra 70 bulls for whom for the nations so why on day eight do we only offer one because day eight represents the new nation day eight always represents something new day seven in creation represents completion day seven on the weekly shabbat offers completion of the week day eight is always the new thing seventy nations existed guess who was coming next israel israel is is the representative of eight it's the new nation that's going to be formed it's the eighth day sacrifice that's why there's only one bull it's a unique nation there's no one else like it do you understand our god is smart our god has so much wisdom and he puts so many puzzle pieces together and it's so fun to live in his house his word is good my friends did you notice today we have the scrolls out anybody love to see the scrolls out the scrolls today are out and they are rolled to the end of deuteronomy why because in just a day or so we celebrate the end of sukkot and the rejoicing of the torah and we say how good is the word of god it is a rich word for us there is so much to learn you will not learn it all in this lifetime i promise why because it's a living word and every time something changes in your life the word of god is able to connect with you in that new area it's a living word not a changing word ah be careful there not a changing word it's a living word now some of you that appreciate or get into numerology you might also appreciate this one that a lot of the rabbis like to go to 70 nations for sukkot day one through seven eighth day one bull represents the new nation of israel it's a unique nation there's only one sacrifice on that day so therefore it becomes the seventy first nation seventy one that's a seven and a one seven plus one is eight oh man they love this stuff right if you get into that numerology you might enjoy some of that reading but god knows what he's doing and he doesn't do things on accident we got a little phrase here king of kings god does not do random and in light of that statement can i take you into the word of god today genesis chapter 1 verse 1 is where we're going to start genesis 1. let's keep in mind that god doesn't do random and we're in a series called more than you think god is doing more than you think he's doing in your life god is doing more in the festival days than you might think he's doing and we've proven that over yom teruah the feast of trumpets yom kippur the day of atonement last week we talked about the possible birth of the messiah and him ushering in the age of peace how that all works out and today we're going to be continuing in sukkot what i want to cover for you today are three foundational statements that are found very early in the word of god three foundational statements that we build our life on we build our theology and our doctrine on some of these things so they're very important to understand god doesn't do accidents god doesn't do random when god does something in order you need to pay attention to it there's a reason he does it in that order there's a reason sukkot is the last festival of the year that seventh festival the seventh festival representing completion right you i've been teaching you this over the last couple of weeks you get it by now genesis 1 1 first foundational statement of the bible in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth so why is that so important well oftentimes we associate the feast of trumpets with the creation that's kind of a traditional thing a lot of jewish communities around the world subscribe to that but it's okay because it's something new something was birthed the breath of god birthed creation we understand but in this statement in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth there's a point that is larger than just the created process and the point that's larger than just creation itself is that in the beginning god that's the foundational statement the very first words of the bible establish god alone that's huge that sets everything else we think and believe into motion that god was there and nothing else and from that perspective friends we get to build our belief system we might even say our knowledge system it's a little bit more than a belief it's a knowledge system that in the beginning there was god god existed god alone existed nothing was created without him therefore anything he creates is automatically in submission to the creator that's why it's so important to understand this foundational element anything that he creates is subjected to him and since there was nothing and he was there therefore everything else was created and is submitted to the creator all the universe everything that was created and yeshua of course is god yeshua was there at creation yeshua is the creator in the beginning was the word and the word was with god the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made through him and without him there was nothing that was made that's yeshua the word of god the word who spoke creation into being it's yeshua himself and everything is in submission to him isaiah 45 verse 23 god says by myself i have sworn my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that cannot be revoked before me every knee will bow before me every tongue will swear it doesn't matter if you want to submit you will it doesn't matter if you want to bow down you will it doesn't matter what the nations want to do they will yield to the messiah you know how we know that because if they don't they don't get rain right right back to sukkot that whole idea of submitting to the creator submitting to the true king is a very pseude-oriented principle and it's not as if god is doing it to be mean he's not doing it to be he's not a bully god is not a bully he's not flexing his muscles and saying well if you don't submit to me if you don't bow down oh you're gonna have it no god is just acknowledging the universal truth that as the creator all things were created by him and therefore they are submitted to him it's just a truthful principle it's he's not being a bully he's telling you the truth and in addition to simply submitting to the creator being the creator gives him the unique position to judge all things he's the only one that has that position he's the only one who is allowed to judge because he's the only one that sits on that throne revelation 20 11 and 12. then i saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it the earth and the heavens fled from his presence and there was no place for them and i saw the dead great and small standing before the throne and the books were opened another book was opened which is the book of life the dead were judged according to what they had done and as was recorded in the books it goes on in verse 15 anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire everyone will submit to god whether they want to or not whether they have believed in him or not are you saying pastor that they're going to acknowledge him they're going to know the truth even if they get sent to the lake of fire absolutely there's going to be a lot of people unfortunately in the lake of fire who know god's truth because they will have experienced it when they stand in front of the throne and they finally realize that lucifer is powerless and god alone is powerful he alone was the creator and they rejected their own creator they are going against the universal principled laws of submission it's not god being a bully people are just ignoring the truth now that is a lot that is a power packed few words in the beginning there was god but that little phrase that foundational phrase teaches us a whole lot about where we're headed in life and in eternity and i ask you to embrace that today that anytime you feel fear you feel disappointment you feel like god doesn't love you you feel distant from god just remember that in the beginning he was alone and he created you on purpose because he doesn't do accidents all things are submitted to him including your problems including the things that challenge you in your walk with the lord they will submit to the creator let me move on to the second foundational statement i told you i was going to give you three tonight we're going to continue in genesis chapter 1. now in this chapter we have the first recorded the first quoted statement that god makes to mankind it's the first recorded statement now why am i really underlining recorded statement because it's not the first chronological statement it's not the first statement ever said to mankind it's the first one recorded i'm going to teach you the difference in a second at point number three but stay with me on point number two genesis chapter 1 verse 27 and 28 listen to this the first recorded statement to man so god created mankind in his own image in the image of god he created them male and female he created them god blessed them and he said to them so here it comes right here comes here comes the first recording of what god wants to tell mankind and he says be fruitful and increase in number fill the earth and subdue it rule over the fish and the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground so when the holy spirit through moses may be written down by joshua but it's right here in the book when god wanted to share what was on his heart for his creation what was on his heart from the very beginning was be fruitful isn't that a isn't that a great thing to know about god's heart that that's what was welling up inside of him when he was sitting there alone for however long that was from the beginning of the beginning what burst out of him was his creative nature to make something and someone to be fruitful you say what does god want me to do be fruitful no no no pastor chad what is he what does he expect from me he expects you to be fruitful because he put all of the tools inside of you your giftings your talents your personality your family your history your experiences all of that has been given to you as tools so that you can go out and be fruitful yeah i'm still not sure what that means be fruitful i don't exactly know how to do it just ask it's hard for a farmer to be fruitful unless he starts to do what better start sowing some seeds that's how you get fruitful a farmer doesn't get fruitful sitting in the barn he's out in the field he's sowing the seed of the gospel he's telling everybody he knows everybody he loves everybody he comes across hey that's how you get fruitful you got to sow some seed some of it falls on good soil some of it doesn't fall on good soil that's not even your problem according to yeshua it's not our problem that it falls on bad soil sometimes our job sow seed be fruitful now that can be in the physical in the flesh we can be fruitful like adam and eve to reproduce children and it means in the spirit that we reproduce spiritual children at the same time that's why we believe so deeply in discipleship shameless plug for next semester coming up in october join us for the discipleship classes find one of our spiritual leaders find one of our elders or our deacons and and say will you disciple me will you walk with me will you challenge me join one of our community groups if you miss something go online go to the academy classes online go to the archives be discipled that's how we make spiritual children so the first foundational statement is in the beginning god he existed alone everything therefore submits to him the second foundational statement is the first recording of god communicating with mankind is be fruitful that's what was on his heart that's what he couldn't contain but i did tell you that even though it's recorded first it's not actually first chronologically turn in your bibles to genesis chapter 2. i'll take you through a little survey here as genesis 1 continues we have the creation story unfolding six days the lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he ceased from work and he rested this is the prayer we say at dinner time when we light the candles every shabbat to designate the sabbath day from the six days of work we say that scripture outlined we learn about god's intentions for the earth as he begins to create he breathes life into everything he speaks about the animals he tells the animals to be fruitful and multiply as well and then god speaks to someone this is always a mysterious verse before we jump into chapter two genesis 1 26 it's a mysterious quotation of god because he's talking to someone then god said genesis 1 26 let us make mankind in our image in our likeness so that they may rule over the fish and the sea and the birds of the air over the livestock and the wild animals over all the creatures that move along the ground there's a lot of debate about what does that mean let us make man there's a couple of different ways you can go with it it's not necessarily something you have to argue but there's some couple of ways you can go with it first of all we know the angelic hosts already existed they existed from some previous creative order i'm going to talk about that in a few minutes it could have been talking to the angels or since god in his own nature is is unified and plural at the same time is it too far to think that god is talking to himself you say that would be really weird that god would talk to himself except that yeshua did it all the time right and yeshua went out to the wilderness to talk to the father and then the holy spirit would descend upon yeshua and a voice from heaven the father would say and you get you get conversation going on all the time not three gods one god multiple expressions of the same god so not sure who he's talking to but we know that that quote is there but it's not to humanity he's not talking to humans because humans weren't created yet so we got to skip over that one because he's not talking to humanity i want to take you into genesis chapter 2. now remember back in genesis 1 when he said be fruitful and multiply he used the word them and god said to them be fruitful and multiply so it leads me to believe that there was a them there was an atom and there was an eve that's a vim plus it could have been really weird if there was just an atom and god said be fruitful and multiply and he's thinking i don't know how to do that how do i do that there's no one here you paired up the animals i'm alone god i don't know what you want from me how am i fruitful how am i supposed to go about this that would have been a really awkward conversation between god and adam so i'm really happy that there was a them there there was an adam and there was an eve genesis chapter 1. but genesis chapter 2 is a flashback right we've heard about creation in general terms now we're going to flash back in genesis 2 to something a little bit more detailed something a little bit earlier that's why i said it wasn't in chronological order in genesis chapter 2 we find that god makes man he places adam in the garden of eden god describes where the garden was how it was watered the rivers that were around it and then god speaks the very first words to humanity now how do i know it was before the first quote i gave you be fruitful to multiply how do i know this next one is before that because remember that was a to them be fruitful and multiply there was a them but the next one we're going to read is to adam alone and it's not until three verses later that it says and then god created eve so now we know that this next quotation we're going to read was to adam alone before eve was created therefore chronologically it is the first quotation to mankind and that's important it's super important to understand the order of god and why he did it this way turn to genesis chapter 2 i'm going to read verse 15 and 16. it appears eve was not created yet verse 15 the lord god took the man and he put him in the garden of eden to work it and to take care of it and the lord god commanded the man before it said he commanded them now it's not saying them it's saying he commanded the man you are free to eat from any tree in the garden there it is foundational statement number three god's first words to mankind of all of the things that were bubbling on his heart for all eternity you know how much was in god's heart that he was waiting to get out my goodness when i get home tonight from service i have four children as you know but my girls my girls have spent all day without me and i promise you the moment i walk into the door i might not even get in the door they might hear me coming down the hall and rattling my keys these girls have got more stories to tell me more things on their heart more things that have been bubbling up all day they do they just they do like this dump truck load on dad when he gets home i love it i just sit there embrace it they're on my lap one's like they're talking over each other who's got the better story dad you won't believe that hush hush they cover each other's mouth i got something better to say and they're just coming at me because there's so much on their heart after being gone from me all day long and then my sweet wife rebecca she always jumps in and she's like give dad a moment to breathe so that i can talk to him and then she'll jump in and hug me and kiss me and say how's your day and all these great things my son he's a quieter one he's a little bit more gentle he waits his turn and he gets praised for waiting his turn which really makes the girls mad that he gets praised for it all the time but if my girls in one day are so full of stuff that they want to say and things they've been thinking about imagine god the creator the creator of words themselves having lived for an eternity long before us how much was on his heart to say and so he has to think about it all right all right let's go through what i could say what should i say what's on my heart what have i been waiting for all this time i'm so full but i'm going to overwhelm adam i got to narrow it down god doesn't make mistakes so he's not going through drafts and throwing them away he just decides the right thing to say and in all of eternity before that what came out of his mouth was you are free that was his first words you're free notice he doesn't start with don't eat from this tree don't eat from that tree don't do bad things he doesn't even start with listen to me i'm your creator i'm your boss he doesn't start with that angle either what was most prominent on god's heart after ages and ages of waiting he creates his child and he says to adam you are free you're free to eat from any of the trees and the eating of the tree is also important but it's not as important as you are free because that's what god is trying to communicate to adam you're free you're not a slave adam i didn't create you to be a slave you're free i created you with free will no go do whatever it is you would like to do subdue the earth name the animals take dominion have kids travel the world whatever it is you're going to do adam go do it but remember from this day forward i've pronounced into universal truth you are free god needs you to understand that tonight that you and i were created free satan is going to try to tell you otherwise satan is going to try to tempt you into thinking other things things like god's trying to hold something back from you god is hiding something from you you can be equal with god no you can't because remember foundational principle number one in the beginning was god you weren't there so you'll never be like god but he's still going to try to sell the lies and it's interesting that one of the things that satan tries to sell us the most is that god enslaves us oh those laws of god they're so binding they're so restrictive you can't even do what you want yes you can you can do whatever you want how do i know that because god said you're free you have a free will god did not create us as slaves he created us free free to eat free to think free to relate free to submit free to not submit free to sing free to learn free to ask we are free i think that's what's so important in this foundational statement the first thing god could think of that he wanted to say about us was you're free and i think that that phrase is just as important as the very last phrase yeshua said before he left the earth again that crucial moment what's the last thing i should say to them there's so many things oh my goodness i've been living for all eternity i have so much in my head i want to get it out to the disciples what do i say i got to narrow it down i'm going to overload the disciples so what do i say preach the gospel make disciples teach him what i taught you and he narrowed it down to something important of a commission that we go and do but in the beginning god alone was there in the beginning he wants us to be fruitful it's why we were created in the beginning he wanted you to know that you're created free now how does that tie into the holidays here because at the feast of trumpets as connected to the creation we learn that we are created free i just taught you that you're created free it was a perfect world that god made and we were put into it and then yom kippur the day of atonement we focus on the idea that now we have a fallen world see we were created free but now we're in a fallen world sin has enslaved mankind and freedom has been lost but sukkot sukkot is the festival of restoration sukkot is the time where there's a renewal of all things the freedom is restored in sukkot created free lost the freedom because of sin restored freedom is restored to mankind that's the sukkot story this year that's why i'm harping on it that's why i'm coming back to it this is also why we we will return in the new heaven the new earth the new jerusalem i created all things new god says and you'll be surprised if you go to read revelation how much revelation looks like the garden sukkot is the seventh festival of god's calendar we said seven means completion perfection rest so code is also the prophetic holiday connected with the age to come that's why we call the age to come the sukkot age we will dwell with yeshua in the new jerusalem and when you read this revelation passage turn in your bibles revelation 21 it's our last scripture tonight revelation 21 verse 1 through 5 look at how many things look like the garden again there's no crying there's no sin there's no pain it says in verse one then i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no longer any sea i saw the holy city the new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband and i heard a loud voice from the throne saying look god's dwelling place is now among his people and he will tabernacle with them he will dwell with them they will be his people and god himself will be with them and be their god he will wipe away every tear from their eyes there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain the old order of things has passed away he who was seated on the throne said i'm making everything new then he said write this down for these words are trustworthy and true look how much is restored yeshua is there again there's no death again there's no more sin just like it was in the beginning there's no more sin there's no crying there's no pain there's no mistakes if you go forward in this chapter you're going to see some incredible things the fruit trees in the new jerusalem period the fruit trees give their fruit every single month not like once a year or twice a year they give fruit every single month it says because i believe that's how god intended to feed the world we messed it up and when we sinned we affected creation animals eating animals animals trying to eat us we're trying to eat them mosquitoes that's sin mosquitoes but even nature itself was impacted by sin trees stop producing the same but in the new jerusalem trees fruit trees produce every month to feed us did you notice in the revelation as you move forward guess what makes a return appearance the tree of life i started with the tree of life didn't i and i told you it's leaves were for the healing of the nations sukkot is a nation's festival then there's this thing called the river of life that's there as well it's such a wonderful redemption story freedom is how we were created you were created free freedom was lost when sin is introduced to the world but god brought us to an age that is renewed again freedom is regained our key phrase of the night god created us free he was saddened by our enslavement to sin but sacrificed himself that we might be free again the three foundational phrases of the night worship team come help me with this in the beginning god existed describing our immediate relationship and submission to the creator father second phrase be fruitful and multiply we were given a grand and very important purpose and third the first statement to mankind chronologically you were free god's intention of how he wanted his people to live was to live free amen and amen we're going to do a worship song just to make sure this is sinking into our spirits and then we're going to do some traditional blessings for sukkot we're not going to light the candles tonight because it's not sabbath yet it is sabbath tomorrow night otherwise we would have lit the candles but we will be waving the lulav and that's wrong so stay with us let's worship for a few minutes i'll come back and lead us in the blessings [Music] so let's stand to our feet we're are to rejoice we are free amen we have freedom in the presence of god so let's celebrate that this is the festival of celebration of god's closeness of his presence and this is exactly what we're going to do let's put our hands together come on [Music] you came to set the captive stream [Music] you came to bring us liberty [Music] my acceptance i am alive to bring you praise [Music] every chain is broken through yeshua where the spirit of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] your blight has covered everything your grace empowers me to win [Music] my pain in my oppression make [Music] [Music] there is freedom [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] dance and see i'm free i'm free i'm free to shout it out i'm free i'm free i'm free to dance and [Music] i'm free [Music] do you believe that today where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom come on every [Music] of the change is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes we are free pastor mike why don't you come on up here and help me for just a moment and as we get into these closing blessings just a a a little bit of a note you might have seen some ribbons outside i just want to explain these for a moment because you're free [Music] we're not saying you have to wear a ribbon it is just an option for you if you want to help communicate to our friends green i'm open to talk closely pastor mike i'm open so i don't see your green one but i'm open to talk to you and hug you and then you're there are red ones red red is not a bad thing it just means i need to be a little cautious there's i you know i've got reasons i need to be cautious today i'm going to wear my face mask i got my red i'm distancing that's all it means okay notice i'm wearing a green one i normally would be in the green section however tonight because i have a trip tomorrow and i gotta pass a test after service you're gonna see me switch to red okay that way anybody in the house tonight feels comfortable that i wore green and red so that no one has to feel left out how's that is that fair everybody wins tonight so just let us know if you want to it's just a just a way to communicate that's all that is we have blessings for sukkot first of all a general blessing for the holiday that we say at all of the holidays [Music] blessed are you lord our god king of the universe who has kept us alive sustained us and has brought us to this season amen it's going to be a wonderful thing to say that blessing in the age to come he sustained us gave us life and brought us to that season [Music] now to the sukkah specifically we say [Music] basuka blessed are you lord our god king of the universe who sanctifies us by your grace and has commanded us to dwell in the sukkah that is the commandment that's why we say it that way and finally this is where pastor mike is going to help us tonight with the waving of the lulav in the trough [Music] blessed are you lord our god king of the universe who sanctifies us by your grace and has commanded us to take up the lulaf pastor mike [Music] before we do the blessings uh i just want to tie in some of the scriptures this was my reading this morning as we come to the end of the cycle of reading my sections are in the new testament in revelation what pastor chad just got through reading and as i was reading it this morning the words leapt off of the page into my spirit and and i didn't know how i wanted to use them tonight or how the lord would want to use them but i prayed god those are those are great words let's let's use those tonight in the service ties right into what pastor chad's message just said revelation chapter 21 yeshua describing who he is and the time frame in which he's standing and he says the scripture says he was seated on the throne said i am making everything new that sukkot newness then he said write this down for these words are trustworthy and true he said this to me it is done i am alpha and omega the beginning and the end describing who he is he's all in all his kingship his lordship to the thirsty i will give water without cost from the spring of water of life those who are victorious will inherit all of this can you imagine yeshua standing there waving his arm to those who overcome will inherit all of this my kingdom and i will be their god and they will be my children revelation 21 so as we do the blessing of the etrog and lulav this is just to demonstrate the lord's kingship his messiahship over all things so we're going to pray to the north the south the east to the west above the earth and below the earth he is lord over all and would you repeat after me each time we go to the different direction he is the alpha and omega the beginning and the end let's do this together [Music] he is the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end let's turn this direction he is the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end is the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end is the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end above the earth he is the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end and finally below the earth you are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end amen yeshua we thank you for being the lord of all things we acknowledge in this sukkot season that you are making all things new that you are king over all things and we submit our lives we submit our marriages we submit our companies our jobs our ministries we submit all that we are before your lordship you are king of kings and lord of lords there is no other name beside you and in this sukkot season we acknowledge and declare you are our king you are the alpha and the omega and we submit our lives to you in joy and in peace and all of god's people said amen amen lord bless you what a great way to end this sukkot season we're so honored to be able to worship together with you we want to remind you if you are interested in that baptismal retreat we're going to be doing that this thursday right after all of the holidays are over but the end date to sign up is tomorrow we need to know if you're coming so we can make room for you in our transportation so let us know here at kkcj and then we want to invite you as you're going out tonight there's going to be a couple different forms one is the reading cycle for this next session that will start on wednesday go ahead and grab one of those if you're interested as well as a little information card to give us information about who you are so we can stay in contact with you go ahead and fill that out we're going to continue to worship for a few more moments and then as we conclude tonight we want to invite you to grab a hold of somebody that you've never met before introduce yourself and build up the body of messiah and then finally we want to worship the lord with our ties and our offerings his ties our offerings just to remind you as we go out tonight there's a couple of giving boxes on the walls on the way out of this room and then one right at the door as you go out as well as a basket being held by one of our ushers let's worship the lord with our gifts his ties and our offerings let's worship am chosen not forsaken i am who you say i am you are for me not against me i am who you say i am i am chosen not forsaken i am who you say i am you are for me not against me i am who you say i am i am chosen not forsaken i am who you say i am [Music] i am [Music] i am who you say i am i am [Music] i am [Music] yes i am [Music] [Music] there is no place [Music] oh god yes i am [Music] amen you are a child of god amen we wish you all a wonderful week we're looking forward to seeing you next week here at 5 p.m shavuot and blessings [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,143
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher
Id: jH30BGvX_II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 32sec (6212 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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