Sunday Service - How to Overcome Brokenness

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at this time if you have your Bibles go with me to the Book of Psalms The Book of Psalms chapter 34 and verse 17 Psalms 34 and verse 17 I I begin to recognize something and this is something that's so so very important it's the fact that we are living in a broken world with a whole lot of broken systems we are living around a whole lot of broken people and there's just a lot of things that are going on that we need to understand and so several weeks ago I began to minister to you on the subject of brokenness and how we need to begin to overcome brokenness and I got some some things I saw people were saying well I'm not broken well I got to make sure you understand it that no one makes it through life avoiding brokenness and that just said to me that a lot of people just don't understand what brokenness is and what brokenness is all about you know I've broken pencils in my life I've broken Christmas ornaments when we used to put the little ornament on the civil tree and drop it and it broke you know I've experienced broken promises I I broke my collarbone one time I've had broken friendships I've had broken dreams I've had a broken heart and I felt fevers break after you know being on my body and and after shivering and and and since that that my will I've seen that broken after a long internal struggles hurt tensions and whew silence break I've heard softened and and gentle or loud or angry voices break you see there's a whole lot of ways to be broken and from our souls to our fingertips brokenness is woven throughout all of our human experiences so the meaning of brokenness in the Bible it's deep and it's rich it's varied but closely related to all sides of things that are going on and yet I don't want us to get to a place to today where we are using brokenness as a like a cliche some people use the word brokenness to kind of demonstrate their spiritual deepness other people use the word brokenness as an excuse or a crutch to to be where they are or to stay where they are I don't want us to do that I want us to find out the real meaning of brokenness and to see God's commitment and God's plan for our life where brokenness is concerned and is it gonna last always because I guarantee you people who are dependent on systems those systems are broke people that are dependent on certain areas of government to help you they're broke you're dependent on other people we're living in a broken world world we're surrounded by people that are broken you know during the time of shelter-in-place abuse going on in relationships and with people because they're broken because when you're broken you may display the fruit of selfishness you you may display the fruit of being mean and there are all kinds of things that happen your your defensive because of your broken this year your critical because of your brokenness there are a lot of things that are going to be demonstrated because of your brokenness you have negative assumptions about other people because of your brokenness you keep the score because of your brokenness there's an issue here and we need to deal with that issue and so as we begin let's look the scripture in Psalms 34 17 through 18 because God is committed to walking with us where brokenness in our life is concerned and I believe and many may not believe with me today but I believe that brokenness may be a bridge where you can see promotion where you can finally get to the place where you need to be look what he says here in Psalms 34 verse 17 as we began to talk about today overcoming brokenness he says the righteous cry and the Lord heareth and delivers them out of all their troubles so you got to understand you know even though you're a Christian you're gonna have trouble if somebody told you that you know now that you're saved you're not gonna have trouble now you're gonna have trouble he says the Lord is near or not unto them that are of a broken heart so here's God's commitment that if you have brokenness in your life God says I'm near you but then he also says and he saved it such as be of a contrite spirit so brokenness may come in your heart but at the same time a repentant or contrite spirit could be the results of that verse 19 verse 18 he says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivered him out of them all so many if you're righteous many are the afflictions of the righteous but God's promise is he will deliver you out of every affliction he will deliver you out of everything that you've gone through he will deliver you and that's the good news today that God has made a promise to deliver you out of your brokenness so I want to really deal with the first part of this message the real Bible meaning of brokenness let's look at what it means so to be broken it means having been fractured or damaged no longer in one piece no longer in working order that's literally what it means fractured damaged no longer in one piece not feeling like you're in working order previously I defined brokenness as the flawed condition of humanity that creates a tendency or propensity for people to hurt themselves and for people to hurt others you know one of the facts of being human that I've discovered is that we don't always get things right the Bible says in Romans 3:10 for we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God but now notice brokenness in your life that maybe you've never dealt with before maybe it's never been resolved before may infiltrate your relationships and like I said before a lot of things you do a lot of things about your character you know being mean being selfish being defensive all those things may come because that brokenness has never been dealt with and it has infiltrated your relationships now please understand this you will not be able to see progress in your life above the level of your unresolved brokenness you're not going to see progress in your life above the level of your own brokenness so this is so very important and I believe that over the next few weeks we're gonna learn some things and like I said before no one makes it through life avoiding this area of brokenness so let's begin this way I want you to think about this statement if God allows brokenness if he allows brokenness in your life he's going to use it if he allows it he's going to use it he's going to bring good out of it he's going to bring us through it so if brokenness is there he's gonna use it he's gonna bring good out of it and he's gonna bring you through it God works through our brokenness I believe to make us whole I believe that ultimately what God wants is for us to be whole and he will work through brokenness to bring you to that place of wholeness I'm reminded of David in 2nd Samuel chapter 12 verses 1 through 12 I won't read all of it but David and 2nd Samuel was confronted by the Prophet and in this situation David began to experience what I call later on self-inflicted brokenness he was responsible for you know committed an adultery with a man that was in his army Uriah and having Uriah killed by sending him to the front of the lines and man it was it was something so Nathan the Prophet showed up and told David about this story in a parable and David responds like this in verse 5 and David's anger was greatly kindled against the man and he said to Nathan as the Lord liveth the man that hath done this thing shall surely die and and he shall restore the Lambs fourfold because he he had no pity and then in verse 7 and Nathan said to David you're the man thus saith the Lord God of Israel I'm known as the king over Israel and I delivered the out of the hand of Saul and I gave thee thy masters house and thy masters wise into thy bosom then I gave me the house of Israel and of Judah and if that had been too little I would moreover have given unto these such and such things wherefore thou has despised the commandments of the Lord to do evil in his sight thou has killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword has taken his wife to be thy wife and I had slain him with the sword of the children of Amon now as a result of this in Psalms 51 verse 17 Psalms 51 verse 17 David was so oh man so broken he was so broken because of his own sin that verse 17 says the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit a broken and a contrite heart O God that will not despise he was so broken but I want you to notice that that brokenness turned him turned his heart into repentance he he he had a contrite spirit and and I began to ask God what is a broken heart where does a contrite spirit listen to me those who have a broken heart and you're really broken before God those who have a contrite spirit are willing to do anything and everything that God asked of them without resistance or without resentment now the sudden you're ready to this go God's Way we ceased doing things our way and we learn to do things God's Way instead when you've really experienced a broken heart let me show you what the Bible says look at some 3418 in the NIV Psalm 34:18 in the NIV well brother dollar are you saying that it's there's some good that can come out of brokenness well the deal is is is once he was broken he fell in a will of God for his life the deal is is that somehow brokenness can can allow you to land in the right place I mean God desired for you to go down this road to do this to accomplish this but you ignored them you wouldn't paying attention to them and now all of a sudden when brokenness shows up in your life could it be that that now now you have landed in the arms of God and now you're ready to trust God now you're ready to turn to do what you know you're supposed to do you're no longer resisting you're no longer in resentment david was no longer gonna resist god he was no longer gonna gonna be in resentment when he was broken the next thing i see his david he sinn after that he was willing to do what God had called him to do look what he says in Psalms 34 and 18 he says the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and he saves those who are crushed in spirit he's close to the brokenhearted and he saves those who are crushed in spirit let me let me show you a couple of scriptures here Isaiah 57 verse 15 in the New Living Translation I was there 57:15 in the New Living Translation I believe that something happens as a result of brokenness I look at brokenness in them in my own life and how how I landed in the arms of God and how I wanted to do what God wanted me to do how I was wanting to hear God's plan for my life how I was wanting to carry it out look at what he says in verse 15 the high and lofty one who lives in eternity the holy one says this I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble he says I'm there with those spirits who are contrite and humble you see I believe brokenness will cause you to have a repentant heart I think brokenness in in it's in its way and God using it can use it to cause you to change your your mind and change your direction and the whole time you've been doing what you want to do and now brokenness shows up and you're no longer really interested in doing it the way that you've been doing it in fact I looked at st. John chapter 12 in verse 24 I never thought about this when he talked about a how important it is for a seed to die but look at this John chapter 12 verse 24 because I really believe we have to die to self reliance I really believe that God can use brokenness to deliver you from self-reliance and self preservation and and all the things that concern self I mean what do you do when you're broken and things around you are broken and relationships are broken and that's where the whole world is right now they're still trying to trust everything else except God you know I heard this lady other day says well I did I defeated Kovac 19 and she was glorifying herself I mean I'm thinking well King Jesus get a little less glory do you actually think you did this all by yourself when some people do that's what human humanism is all about it's about what you can do through your own ability and so I mean what is it that you have to go through to finally get to a place where you recognize that it's God that that's good to me that is God that delivers me that's God that brings me out of these situations you know I look at the scripture says verily verily I say unto you except of corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit and I just heard this in my spirit that you know when when brokenness occurs and when people allow the death of self-reliance to show up that they'll bring forth much few fruit and I believe and this is why I don't believe that anybody will live on this planet without experience some type of brokenness in your life because I believe that it's that things need to grow I believe that there's fruit that you need to bear and and so as I speak about these things and I'm talking about this now it becomes very important to really define it because if you're listening me right now if you're looking at what I'm saying through through the wrong lens or through the lens or you're understanding that you got from school or you're understanding you got from the psychologist or you're understanding that you got from your friends concerning brokenness then you're not gonna see what I'm seeing right now so I want to spend the rest of my time dealing with the Bible meaning I want to give you five definitions of brokenness from the Word of God that is the lens that we need to see this through definition is from God's Word the lens that we need to see this through so the first definition I call this first one self-inflicted brokenness self-inflicted brokenness well what does that mean this kind of brokenness is inward this kind of brokenness this is a contrite spirit over our own sinfulness a contrite spirit a repentant heart over our own sinfulness which leads to I believe it will lead to humility it'll lead to surrender it will lead to godly repentance I'm talking about self-inflicted brokenness I'm talking about your broken because of the sin in your life you're broken because of of the things you know you do you know it's painful to look into an honest mirror and see who we are that's painful to look into an honest mirror and recognize who you are to recognize why you're looking at an honest mirror what we've done as people who are capable of horrible things looking in that honest mirror and yet we have to experience this personal brokenness personal brokenness because we see who we really are wins last time you looked in the mirror and and you see that you are a liar well the last time you're looking at mirror and you see that you are a selfish person that you see that you are a deceptive person that you see that you have done things to hurt people and wounded person looking into that honest mirror because I believe that when you do that then that that's gonna lead to humility that's going to lead to surrender that's gonna believe to godly repentance I believe that when you finally see that and you see that personal brokenness there's gonna also be an opportunity for restoration and for us to authentically enjoy our relationship with God again self-inflicted brokenness that's what David went through self afflicted brokenness sitting around like he had done him not done that nothing he should have been on the battlefield but he's on the balcony lusting and had a spirit of adultery with another man's wife and then he set it up because he was king to have her husband deliver it and then he's sleeping with his wife and it's just kind of carrying on won't look at himself and then the day came where the reflection came through a prophet and he saw himself a song the sin and it broke him and yet he ended up praise God in the hands of God and that brokenness led to restoration that broken and led to humility that that brokenness led to godly repentance David a man after God's own heart and and while we're there self-inflicted brokenness you remember Peter in Matthew chapter 14 66 and 72 when Peter denied the Lord three times he denied the Lord three times and after declaring there's no way I'm gonna deny you Lord and he had to take a look and he's had to see the man in the mirror and that brokenness led him to a repentant place a place of humility a place where God could really use him like never before I'm believing God that today maybe you will find an honest mirror so that you can look into that mirror and allow self afflicted brokenness to bring you to a place of wholeness self afflicted brokenness to bring you a place where you can can be restored in that right relationship with God amen you know I I'm so I wonder about people sometimes because you know folks they don't recognize how broken they are there's some of you who are watching me right now that you're so broken that you can't even recognize the signals of a toxic relationship so broken that you think well something's wrong with you and that's why you know the relationships not working time and time again know the problems not with you the problem is is you're not recognising those signals of a broken relationship in other words there are signals that'll let you know when it's time to let someone go in a relationship but you won't pay attention to it I mean real quick I don't have time to deal with the whole thing but number one when when you're when your partner expects or wants your lover or whatever you want to call them if their expectations don't match your personality man you need to let that go number two when your lover or whoever shows inconsistency to you that's a sign and a signal this is going to be a toxic relationship you need to let it go number three when your lover always destroys the trust you give you're giving them trust and they always destroy it that's a signal you need to let them go number four when your lover never appreciates you that's the signal it might be time to let them go number five when you always have to sacrifice your happiness for them that may be a sign that you need to let them go number six when you never have a chance to talk that's another signal and you're not paying attention to it number seven when your relationships exhaust you I mean it's exhausting to be in a relationship with with some of those people that's a signal and I'm telling you it is so important for you to look in the mirror one then just say man look at me I'm deceived I'm broken I'm so broken that it's now getting involved in my choices in my relationships and I'm telling you to use brokenness as a crutch you know you just you know every time you look around you you know I'm using brokenness so I can get self-pity and I'm using brokenness I can get somebody to feel sorry for me no no no I'm saying I'm saying to have a reality break go find that honest mirror and look at it and realize who you are and let brokenness and your deliverance from it bring you into a place of accomplishing God's will for your life number two the second definition of brokenness is is I'll put it like this number two broken people break people broken people break people you know it is absolutely true that hurt people hurt people our intentions listen to this our intentions are speech and our actions they divide they separate and they damage other people that's right your intentions can damage other people your speech can damage other people your actions can damage other people what I did intend on doing that yeah but it happened well I was saying that what I meant was no but it happened yeah but that's not what I was trying to do yeah but it happens your intentions your your speech and your actions can separate and damage other people I mean if you're broken you may find that that's happening a lot they're broken people will sometimes have intentions that always end up breaking other people they're broken people who won't deal with their brokenness and won't see it they'll say things in a way that they end up damaging other people they act in a way that end up damaging other people see we've all been on both sides of the coin but we can all probably think of times we've hurt others and were definitely found ourselves as victims of another person's sin I mean I found myself victim of another person's sin I know you have found it yourself victim of another person's sin as well and so it's important for you to understand that even like David I believe in Psalms 55 how David had grief over over his close friendship and how his French friend its betrayed him even I'll close David enseƱa and-and-and-and-and in Saul's son were Jonathan and and how it must have felt the hurt that have come because when you are broken broken people break people so that's a reason to get over that number three number three and this is so significant to where we are today broken by a broken world your Brio can be broken by a broken world with all the things that have been going on with the the coronavirus and shelter in place and people dying and the fear you can be broken by a broken world here's one thing I want you to understand no one gets through life without feeling the brokenness of this world no one gets through life without filling the brokenness of this world if you have ever gotten a shocking phone call if you've ever suffered an intense physical sickness ever been told that you have cancer and it's a problem if you've ever lost someone that you deeply love you know what I'm talking about you know how broken you can you can be when a loved one's loss or when somebody says you got an incurable disease or or when you you've you've got a shocking phone call of something that just calls you to break out in a cold sweat you know what I'm talking about and if you've not yet encountered any of these life circumstances that brings you to your knees let me tell you let me assure you you will so let this not bring you to fear that's not what I'm trying to do but but but but let it direct you to look to Jesus who has overcome the world and who will take care of you I'm just trying to show you the reality of the world I don't want to be so spiritually deep that you think that this is not available there's a lot of hurting people right now there are people who were not there when their loved one died I know a lady whose husband died and they cremating and she never even gets in before he left that's brokenness that comes from a broken world and yet I want to encourage every one of you who have been broken by this broken world that jesus is alive and he's ready to need you and to heal you and to put you back together again the good news about brokenness is that you have a broken Savior who understands your brokenness and I tell you what he can heal you and mend you and make you live again you know in the book of lamentations if you want Bible references lamentations chapter 3 the Prophet was grieving over suffering and loss he grieved over the sense of loss number four the fourth definition of brokenness I call this the beauty from broken lives what are you saying that there's something positive there's some beauty that comes from a broken light absolutely I believe ladies and gentlemen that the greatest shaping of one's life may come from struggles that we experience I know in my own life that it was it was the struggles that I experienced that that motivated me that that pushed me that that taught me that impart impart wisdom to me it wasn't you know that I set on to the greatest preachers and and I was around the greatest revelation now that that wasn't the thing that shaped me it was it was because of that struggle that shaped me it was because of that humiliation that shaped me it was because of that shame that shaped me it was because of that guilt that shaped me it was because of you know sometimes just being so hurt and brutalized in public that shaped me it was because when I thought I had friends that really loved me they turned their back against me it was all of that that shaped me because of our God God is a redemptive God hallelujah and so counter-intuitively to the way we think he will always take our brokenness I believe and he will bring new life and he will bring beauty from it and I prophesy that to you that God is going to bring new life out of your brokenness that God is going to bring Beauty out of your brokenness I mean there were times where I didn't want to live anymore there was times where I wanted to blow my brains out there was a time where I had a gun sitting about you know arm's distance from me trying to consider what do I want to do but God brought Beauty out of that brokenness God brought ministry out of that brokenness and one of the things also began to recognize that even in the book of Hosea where God prophesies how he'll redeem our broken people and how he will lead them from sinfulness to healing no no no we're not using brokenness as a crutch I'm trying to show you what God can do with it because number five this definition of brokenness number five we have Jesus who was broken for broken people we have Jesus who was broken for broken people you see the brokenness of Jesus makes the worst of life bearable the brokenness of Jesus makes the worst brokenness in your life bearable why because we're forever known we're forever held we're forever loved and understood and befriended in our brokenness and whatever-whatever entangles our life Jesus has got our back Jesus comes near because he's been there Jesus understands he's been touched with the very feelings of our infirmity you no longer need to bear anything that's breaking you alone you never have to bear anything that's breaking you alone I don't know what this pandemic is doing and I don't know the brokenness that it's brought in your life but you're not alone you don't have to bear this alone what you can look forward to is the awesomeness that is going to come out of whatever brokenness you're experiencing I mean you look at Jesus in mark chapter 14 verse 32 and 42 here's Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane sweating blood the Bible talks about it being agony Jesus's agony in Gethsemane where he began to sweat blood where he began to sense in his soul depression and agony in his soul and yet this broken Savior yet this broken say Savior sits high now on the right hand of God the Father all my hair this is the one that you have going through everything with you and then in Matthew 27 verse 45 through 46 and Hebrews chapter 2 9 through 18 you see the despair of Jesus on the cross you see him being whipped with a count of nine tails you're seeing him gasping for breath to be able to breathe you see him dying and giving his life up no man could take it you see him going to hell for three days and three nights but all praise God on the third day out of all of that suffering out of being whipped with a cat-o'-nine-tails out of being crucified on a cross of Calvary I'd have been beat with a cat-o'-nine-tails them whipped and and and and picked that and made fun that mocked on the third day he got up out of brokenness and he was raised to heaven and he's now seated on the right hand of God the Father Almighty and I want to prophesy that thing to you right now that you're getting ready to be raised out of your brokenness you're getting ready to be raised out of your mess you're getting ready to be raised out of all of your suffering praise God I'm telling you in Jesus name there's no way you go through all of this suffering that some of you have gone through and not be raised to the restoration and the newness that comes because you have a savior that's working with you and all is well so I say to you today that our brokenness is not pointless on the contrary it's worth something of immeasurable value it'll drive us farther into the heart of the one who makes us whole that's my prayer that your brokenness will drive you right into the Heart of Jesus the one who makes you whole yeah I got so much I want to talk about when this subject can and there's some there's some things that you need to know about this broken is there's so much to talk about where this is concerned and I've got you know six facts about brokenness I want you to know and I've got a few minutes left so take good notes here because I believe right now there's an anointing in your house right now there's hope in your house right now there's an encouragement in your house right now God is perfecting everything that concerns you and I don't care what happens I don't care what it looks like I don't care who called you and said you don't have a job anymore Jesus is your supply house and he takes care of you here's the first fact about brokenness brokenness is a tool in the hands of God I believe that I believe brokenness is a tool in the hands of God's now it's painful but God supports and God will provide the strength that you need to keep going what you're going through right now it's painful but God does got you you see the amount of pain somebody says well how long the lessons I'll talk about in a minute but the amount of pain you experience in times of brokenness will depend on what is being broken and how long that thing has been a part of your life semester this is really painful what the thing I want you to pause and say well how how long has this been a part of my life how long has jealousy been a part of my life how long has selfishness been a part of my life what is it that is being broken in your life so here's what I believe I believe that the amount of pain that you experience in times of brokenness depends on what is being broken and how long that you've had it in your life I believe it's going to be over with soon ladies and gentlemen here's the second fact I want you to know God has given you his promise concerning brokenness I read that first scripture to you in Psalms 34 that's God's promise concerning brokenness where you're concerned see when when brokenness is allowed in our lives it will break your self-reliance so you can see and experience God's love for you now I don't know if Ida preached this 20-some years ago 30 years ago but you know it became very hard to deny as I begin to see the own brokenness in my life as I began to go through life's challenges and I'm like well praise God something's happening something's got my attention and I'm really stepping out on some things tonight to teach one today to teach what I'm teaching brokenness will change and prepare you for future service I see that in my life it'll it'll change and prepare you for future service had I not gone through some of the humiliation humiliating things that I've gone through in my past that I've had not gone through it I wouldn't be ready to preach the gospel of grace I wouldn't be ready to stand boat on God's Word I wouldn't be ready to walk in deliverance from people brokenness will change and prepare you for future service so the consequences of sin which they are there are consequences for sin I please understand that sin has consequences somebody says well I'm under grace I don't have none oh yeah whether you're under grace was not sin still has consequences and they seem heavy at times but God has made a decision that each one of those consequences he will sweep away he will remove the garbage he'll remove and remove the junk and he'll bring glory to his name I tell you all the stuff that people are going through right now God's got his bro mountain God's got his broom out man and he's getting ready to sweep away coronavirus he's getting ready to sweep away debt he's getting ready to sweep away fear he's getting ready to sweep away frustration all that stuff's getting ready to go because God's with the brokenhearted number three God always sets limitations on times of brokenness in other words brokenness has an expiration you're not always going to go through this it's kind of it's kind of its kind of really important it depends on really you know are you ready to kind of go where God wants you to go and do what God wants you to do cuz I know some people who just lived their life in a circle they go around in circles they come around the place that God wants them to be take a right and they go back around again and then come around that place again take a right to go back around again and and and and even brokenness is trying to miss that Circle up listen to me very carefully here it may seem like brokenness will continue forever but it won't let me tell you that that's what I want you to be encouraged it won't continue forever brokenness stops at the point where your spirit yields to God's will at the point where your spirit yields to God's will I remember brokenness in my life where God was trying to call me to the ministry and it just seemed like that way for one place of brokenness to another place of brokenness until I just said yeah I'll do it and and it just went all over with but that that circle was over with I believe that something stops something something happens when you say okay God out yield and I'll do what you want me to do because here's one thing that I know that's true about God he will never allow brokenness to crush you he will never allow it to come but he won't allow it to crush you brokenness will not crush you number four let me move on I can stay there forever number four God uses brokenness to deepen your understanding in three ways here here are three things you're gonna understand if you if four when you go through brokenness you will understand these three things number one you will gain a new perspective of his mercy and his provision man when you go through brokenness you have a whole new perspective of God's mercy the mercy of God were here you know the the the the bad you deserve you didn't get wow what could have happened what should have happened what what would have happened all those things when you go through brokenness God uses brokenness to deepen your understanding you have a whole new perspective of his mercy you have a whole new perspective of his provision you look at your life and you knew you should have died that day you knew something should have happened that day but it didn't the second thing you'll begin to understand as God uses brokenness to deepen your understanding in these ways number two you have a more complete comprehension of yourself you have a more complete comprehension of yourself there are things about you that you know some reason you don't think is true about you and when people try to tell you that you you you don't receive it and when they tell you that part about yourself you'll say to them well that's just who I am if you don't like it get away but I tell you what brokenness does brokenness will give you a complete comprehension of your self brokenness will cause you to open your eyes up and look at yourself and you'll see things that have always been there but you you haven't been able to receive those things that have already been there and then finally your compassion and understanding of others suffering will develop you become more compassionate and more understanding when people are going through things your brokenness makes you more compassionate to what other people are going through the brokenness you experience will bring about a better understanding and you'll be even more understanding to what other people go through I mean to tell you man that's so so so very important number five I apologize for it but I want to get you as much as I can out getting as much as I can now number five God will never ever desert you so if you've gone through brokenness if you're going through brokenness if you experience something like that God will never desert you God uses brokenness to reveal your need for him and I pray that is what Kovac 19 is doing that it is revealing your need for him why do you keep looking for help in all the wrong places what else has got to happen before you open your eyes and realize I need you Jesus and brokenness God uses it to reveal your need for him you need the fellowship you need the love of family and friends but only Jesus Christ can meet all of your needs perfectly and completely you know they got this thing that we're gonna all get through it together yeah I need to go through things together with you and yes I need family and friends but there is something about Jesus Christ who can perfectly meet all of my needs there's something about Jesus Christ who can completely meet all of my needs and so I'm not gonna say well I'm the I'm going through it together with you yeah I go through it together with you and in Jesus but I'm not gonna leave him out because we need him you need him I don't know what your philosophy is miss and I don't know what your friends have been saying I don't know what you learned in college or in school but there's one thing I can guarantee you I don't know what has to happen for you to believe this but something's gonna happen one day where you'll finally fall on your face and say lord I need you something's gonna happen in your life where you know maybe you're famous and maybe you're awesome and maybe you know the whole world loves you but I'm telling you right now that whole world can let you down systems will die God knows how to bring everybody to that point every knee will bow every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord and you better believe me something it's capable of bringing you to a place where you can say I need you and once you've gone through brokenness and once God's delivered you out of brokenness it's I need you every day I need you every day I don't just need you when I'm in trouble once you realize that brokenness brings you to a place where you so depend on God will you say God I need you every second every minute every hour everyday every Christmas every Thanksgiving I need you and you begin to walk with Him knowing that you need him all the time oh my goodness I just think about the number of times I could have been dead the number of times I was supposed to be dead the number of times that it was supposed to happen but it didn't happen why cuz different God is committed to people who are going through their brokenness to make sure they land in his arms to make sure they land in his arms I think that's the real power of brokenness it's where you land and when you can land in the arms of God then you see the power and the really the benefit of going through brokenness number six God is patient throughout the experience of brokenness God is extraordinarily patient he knows all about you where you've come from how you got there he also accepts and loves you unconditionally you you're not hiding anything from him God knows you he knows what you've been doing in the booth in the back in the corner and in the dark he knows every lie that you have to tell to keep up the false image he knows you he knows how you got there and yet he accepts you he loves you unconditionally and he is extraordinarily patient with you knowing that somehow you will arrive at that will of God for your life he also knows how long it will take for you to grasp the wondrous freedom that is in your life that you have in faith in his son he knows God knows are you serious you might think well you know I've been going through this for 10 years and and it ain't none change yet God knows how God knows exactly how long it's gonna take and I'm telling you some some of you right on the brink of change some of you are right on the brink of walking in the will of God for your life some of you were right on the brink of throwing that that little bottle away some of you on the brink o of throwing that that's sexual addiction away some of your honor on the brink it's about to happen you can sit sit you can feel it you know that you know some of you're in tears right now I'm preaching to you I mean it seems like I just been in your house all week that's the Spirit of God and yet I'm preaching to you in a dome with all these empty seats and the Spirit of the Lord can still touch and reach you right where you he knows the end result of brokenness in your life and he is committed to you experiencing all of the blessings he has for your life he knows God already knows the end result he's committed he won't let you down listen to this and I now close here I'm almost there God's ultimate goal for brokenness his spiritual victory his ultimate goal is spiritual victory the Lord had one thing in mind for brokenness that the Apostle Paul experienced and that was spiritual victory can you imagine when Paul looked into that honest mirror and he looked at all the people that that he harassed that were murdered that were killed he looked at Stephen who was stoned to death and then he was broken down on the road of Damascus lost his sight couldn't see but God knew the whole time it was spiritual victory that he was after you will soon discover that only Jesus Christ can take your weakness and turn it into strength turn it into hope and turn it into honor and I believe that's happening right now the question is will you trust Jesus to change your life will you trust Jesus to change your life Wow I'm not afraid anymore and I used to be full of fear and I don't even think I have fear I can trust God in the time of a pandemic and a time of all kinds of threats all as well because I serve a true God and God has the same objective for every last one of you victory victory don't panic don't give up don't cave in don't sit around worried and stress God's got you back now you trust him yeah every time fear come to try to invade your thoughts you take authority over those thoughts and you trust them I will trust in the Lord I will trust in the Lord no matter what happens come what may God will take care of me whatever may happen next God will take care of me so don't you worry don't you fret God has never failed you yet so this afternoon have a flashback and praise God for what he's already done in your life let us pray father we thank you for this word we thank you how it has ministered to us we thank you how it has changed us we thank you how it has encouraged us and we thank you that you will never leave us nor forsake us go into every home touch every life touch the world change this nation touch my partners and friends and I declare all is well in their house I declare that out of everything they go through victory victory victory is what will be revealed I shall grace grace that every mountain be reduced to a plateau and that all as well no more worries no more frustrations stress you get out of my house [Music] God will take care of me I praise you for it right now and Jesus mighty name in fact if you're there right now and you've never you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life listen to me right now say this prayer up to me Heavenly Father come into my life save me and father I used to be a sinner I don't want to be a sinner anymore I want to be a saint save me I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I accept him in my heart and declare by faith that I am saved in Jesus name a man now if you just prayed that prayer of salvation with me today I want you to text the keyword I'm saved that's one word I'm saved I want you to text that to five one five five five provides your name and your email address and I'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today if you just got saved text the keyword one word I'm saved two five one five five five you can provide your name and your email and I'll see you at send you a free ebook to show you how to take the next steps in your life as a born-again Christian praise God when it's time to offer to all to worship God with our offerings if you go ahead and get your text information out and they're gonna put the information on the screen there are four ways you can give today you can give by texting world changers space and your amount to seven four four eight three or you can call the number on your screen eight six six four seven seven right there on your screen and you can also go to Creflo Dollar ministries org and give online and some of you are like well can I mail it in you absolutely can the address is on the screen 2500 Burdette Road College Park Georgia 303 four nine you're giving has never been so important as it is today and I thank God that we're not giving to get we're not we're not giving for to try to get victory victory is already given we use our faith to take possession of it we don't give to get blessed God's already blessed us we use our faith to take hold of it so why do we give we give as an act of Honor to what God has already done we give because he's already blessed us and we want to say thank you Lord we give out of gratitude we give out of appreciation we give because our giving causes us to remember how God delivered us how he delivered us out of brokenness how he delivered us out of sickness how he deliver us out of debt death we give as an act of honor honor the Lord with your substance I'm telling you man so that's that's what I'm excited about I'm talking to some of you world changes some of you who go to the church here I talk to you and you're talking about well pastor I don't wait until time to give some time I'm praying and I'd stop in the middle of my prayer and text something because we get we got an understanding of worshiping God with our finances because we it without God we wouldn't have them without God we would have a job without God we wouldn't have the means to do anything and that's the key to people who are wondering about your financial future just throw it over on God and worship God with what you have the woman with the widow's Mike she came in and worshiped God with what she had begin to just you know it's all about him you just take this time and worship Him and then right behind you honoring God all these other things shall be given to you just take the time step away from the fear of it step away from the fear of lack and just worship God with your finances because the Bible says all things come of thee O Lord and up not own have I given thee you're only given to God well he blessed you with in the first place let's pass that heart test now let's let's worship God just for a moment if you're giving with your phones or whatever lift your hands up just God we thank you we thank you for the blessings of God in our life we thank you for the word of God that we do we lost our mind a long time ago if it wasn't for the word we thank you for the peace of God we show appreciation to you enabling us to be able to give thank you for what we have thank you for healing us taking care of us providing for us we give you praise Lord we remember every time you delivered us we remember every time you healed us we remember how you take care of us and now we bring our offerings to you now and as the Magi did when they found Jesus they fell to their knees and they opened the Treasury and they begin with the treasure begin to worship Jesus we do that now in Jesus name eight men praise God take your phones and go online or call the number and praise God we think that God that everything is meant and Jesus is Lord and and TAF is my wife and she's coming out here and help us out a little bit all things all things be made available to you you do not be afraid of lack in fact I curse slack I curse slack in Jesus name you will not be in lack you will not lack for any good thing God supplies all of your need he is your supply house and we speak blessings over your house in Jesus name you will not lack in anything in the name of Jesus amen and amen we got a few announcements just closing out service today and want you to be aware of the new and improved app Creflo Dollar ministries just released a new app and you can watch all the live services on our 24 hour network and pass services on your smart TV you can visit your app store and search Creflo Dollar ministries and download the new app now available via Roku Amazon fire stick and Apple TV the old app is expiring and we want you to be sure that you don't miss hearing the Word of God and all the things that are available on the lap on the app so be sure to download it today and for more information you can visit Creflo Dollar ministries or are you going to do the encouragement this week yes I am starting I'm gonna do it Monday morning at 10:00 Tuesday morning at 10:00 then we'll do Bible study at 10 o'clock and then I'll do it again on Thursday at 10:00 Friday at 10:00 yeah I'm enjoying them yeah so be sure to log on 10 o'clock every day as Creflo just mentioned it'll be live on Facebook and then after that or before that we have our daily prayer calls which are at 6:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. and so you can join those prayer calls every day throughout the day you can log on to every call that's taking place we're just trying to utilize the technology and maintain the connectivity we are we are in this with you you you and Jesus we're all in there together and we want you to stay consistent because consistency is the key to the breakthrough we're not just gonna do it one week two weeks we're gonna drive coronavirus and they devil completely out of it and we're in this thing until the job's done yesterday men and then we also ladies I know I don't know about you I'm already thinking about Mother's Day coming up praise the Lord I already been talking to my children about it so we do have lemon bliss that will be virtual I know many of you work hard at being a mom I know I do and you're cooking and you're cleaning so we've tried to utilize the technology as much as we can and utilize the opportunity to still celebrate that weekend granted that we may still be sheltering in place so it'll be virtual and absolutely free it'll be Saturday May the 9th at 5 p.m. they'll be prizes and special guest appearances it will be online for all the details you can text lemon bliss to five one five five five or you can go to my website and last but not least we've been having these Thursday night ladies night events virtual as well we had Stacia peers couple weeks ago this last Thursday was dr. Jackie Walters so this week is dr. Caroline leaf she is a neuroscientist and she'll be talking about mental health how we can live stress-free dr. DeeDee Freeman we're just going to have some fun it's light it's an opportunity for us to connect and just really maintain as much as we can the community that we've developed over the last 30 years right so we are just thankful for you tuning in and know that we miss you we're praying for you we know that as Creflo has taught this morning we're doing our work at home to maintain the level of wholeness and not to get in toxic relationships or bring toxicity in our own lives we're not going to look to the Past we're gonna look forward we're going to be present in our relationships present in our homes and learn through God's Word to be the best version of ourselves as we go through this together and as we come out of this together amen that is it well guys we love you so much and you know be encouraged and stay encouraged continue to set some goals come out of this better don't come out worse I decided I'm not gonna come out 300 pounds you know so I lost about 8 pounds come out better not worse don't come out bitter come out better and give God praise and worship for everything well now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the Almighty God be glory Majesty Dominion and power both now and forever be blessed in every way every single day and to God truly be the glory it's in his name we pray and all that agree you know the Spirit of God just told me I plead the blood over your house I plead the blood over your I plead the blood over your finances I plead the blood over your employment wherever the blood has been released Satan cannot touch and Father we thank you for that in Jesus name Amen god bless you everybody god bless you we love you I pray that the message you just watched that it really blessed your life and I want us to stay connected so you can continue to grow and flourish into God's best for your life visit us online at Creflo Dollar ministries org for the latest conference updates partnership information and global missions campaigns we are sharing the gospel of grace all around the world and none of this would be possible without god bless you remember understanding grace you'll be empowered to change [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 110,517
Rating: 4.880897 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: h2dqNo-_1HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 8sec (4088 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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