Sunday September 5, 2021 pm

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] some call it progress and we must [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] that's right [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] what a name the name of jesus victory in jesus my savior forever 2 23 in your hymnal tonight let's stand together sing the first and last 223 victory in jesus [Music] i heard an old story [Music] [Music] is please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] amen turn around now shake hands smile and wave at somebody before you're seated as the pastor comes amen good to see you in the house of the lord tonight we appreciate you being here on this beautiful sunday night to be in church to worship our wonderful savior the lord jesus christ if you're visiting with us we're happy to have you if you're here for the first time if you lift your hand the ushers will bring you a card to fill out and let me remind you of wednesday night at 7 30 our midweek service and master club meets on wednesday night now every wednesday night down in the other building the ages from three years to eighth grade and the ladies prayer circle be meeting tuesday night at seven o'clock bring a cover dish and your sunshine sister sunshine sister's gift and then sister kerry mayo will be speaking to the ladies at night and then our jubilee is october 17th through the 22nd with cody zorn and joe arthur and i'll be saying more about that a little bit later on us as you may come we'll receive the tithes and offerings you give tonight as the lord has blessed you amen praise the lord brother rick lead us in the word of prayer our kind and gracious heavenly father lord we come before you tonight lord in that sweet name of jesus the name we that's above all names lord the name they've been singing about tonight lord lord we thank you for jesus lord and what he's done for us lord lord we thank you that you cared enough about us to send your only beloved son to down here to to die on a cruel rugged cross lord to save us from our sins lord lord if there's one here tonight that don't know you in the free pardon of sin lord i pray lord that you touched your heart tonight lord and convict him lord thank you for this choir and sammy jr and musicians lord i pray that you'd bless them tonight as they sing for your glory lord lord be with the remainder of this service tonight lord i pray that you would have your will and way lord for all those that are sick and couldn't be here i pray lord that you would touch them be with them lord heal them according to thy will lord be with our preacher tonight lord lift him up lord give him what we stand most in need of hearing for us in the name of jesus we do ask amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] while walking down a memory lane a path so long ago oh satan came right by my side making me feel low he brought up thoughts of hurt and pain when i had gone astray he wanted to discourage me as a walt along my way he said you're undeserving cause i know just where you've been i have a record of your life when you were bound by sin i know your darkest secrets that you could never tell what makes you think you don't deserve a place with me in hell well i heard the old accuser and this was my reply you're right for all the things i've done i sure deserve to die my righteousness it's filthy wrecks my goodness well it's unclean there's only one thing i can say to what you've said to me [Music] is [Music] now victory was given me when i was born again he washed the stained and simple past and put new life within no longer do i bear the marks that sin had brought my way with happiness and peace of mind praise god i now can say [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is do [Music] [Music] well i tell you it's a blessing to know that your sins are under the blood i was just thinking when we were singing that song i remember my past life the way i used to live i thought i was saved but oh man the devil had me deceived but i am so thankful for that day the lord said linda you're on your way to hell if you don't accept me man i tell you i fell down and i asked the lord forgive me my sins come into my heart and save me and it's never been the same it's just totally different than what it was before and ever since that day it's been my desire to live for jesus and that's what i'm going to sing about tonight it's my desire [Music] it's my desire [Music] to live for jesus oh it's my desire [Music] just to be [Music] like him [Music] though often i failed and i brought him a chance still is my desire to live for him it's my desire [Music] to help someone today [Music] someone who might have failed just to see his way [Music] cause i too was once so lost [Music] his grace [Music] if you could see where jesus brought me from to where i [Music] and why [Music] i don't need your spam it's my desire [Applause] to live for him you could just see where jesus brought me from to where i am today you would know the reason why i love him so [Music] i don't need [Music] cause it's my desire [Music] yes [Music] just to live [Music] foreign and i'm telling you that's wonderful that's one of my favorites because that's my desire tonight if i know my heart and that is to live for the lord jesus christ and i know that's your desire that's why we're here tonight we want to serve the lord you pray for me i've got a little bit of trouble with my allergies tonight but i'm going to turn to the bible and try to read a little bit and say a few words but over in psalm chapter number 52 psalm 52 on page 624 page 624 in the old scofield bible and this is psalm chapter number 52 verse number 8 verse number eight but i am like a green olive tree in this in the house of god and underlined i trust in the mercy of god i trust in the mercy of god forever and ever i will praise thee forever because thou has done it and i will wait on the name for it is good before thy saints you know god gives his children something to rejoice about it's good to be able to bring to the saints of god and remind them of the mercy of god now we have been you know talking lately about all the disturbances that are in this world and all the havoc that is running rampant throughout this world even the united states of america and if you watch the news regularly and you pay attention to everything they say you'll be depressed you'll get to the place to where you may despair i mean it's just no good news anywhere when you look at television anymore but i wanted to remind you of three main things one of them and we talked about it the other night we must remember the name of our god in the midst of it all remember the name that's above every name the name of jesus he's our god and then number two last week we talked about keeping his ways god's ways are right ways everything god says is right god's never never made a mistake and what he said or what he did everything god did is a purpose a eternal purpose and we can't understand it all now but we'll understand it in this week by and by but right here this particular psalm was originally written when doeeg informed saul against david and in verses one through three david brings a a stern and a arraignment of this lie against this line a line tongue and mischief that was demonstrated now to david it was amazing how anybody could enjoy lying and mischief in the face of an almighty god in other words they say yeah i know there's a god i'm not an atheist i know there's a god well you better act like it you better realize that god sees everything you do and everything i do hears every word we speak if you're lying god's keeping a record of all that also so to david it was amazing how anybody could be that you know off in the things of the world but now we all must remember the enemy of jesus christ and his name is satan satan is a real enemy and he never in any age has ever failed to have time to lie he never never ran out of time he's never run out of time to tell a lie jesus said he is a liar the devil is a liar and he lies to god's people he lies to lost people the bible says he's the god of this present world and he blinds the minds of those lost people out there so that they will not see the glorious gospel that could set them free the devil hinders he watches that if he sees somebody getting close to getting saved then he'll try to bombard that soul with everything he has and to divert them from coming to christ he's a real enemy he's a real enemy so we'll never stop he'll never stop until jesus comes and removes his power one day jesus will take his power from him now men who follow satan can do many mighty things i'm talking about wicked people they can do great things in this world you remember over there in verse one he said mighty man mighty man is the same as spoken of nimrod same meaning and he began to be a mighty man nimrod did in the earth the bible says he was a mighty hunter before the lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the lord so here's a mighty man doing mighty things before the lord and the beginning of his kingdom was babel we read about that in the old testament in in genesis now my friend we find that there are many people like nimrod in our world today they're wicked as the devil himself but they have power they have power to form different uh different kinds of agendas and they follow after those evil agendas and have great success in this world but there is coming a day when all of those agendas are going to be destroyed completely and they're going to be left with nothing where they stand at the judgment bar of god god said they'll have nothing no place to stand there by that time their names many of them their names will even be removed from the book of life their name was never entered entered into the lamb's book of life but some that tamper with this word they're not even have their name in the in the book of life it's going to be taken out according to revelation so isaiah described our great victor in isaiah 9 6 he said for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder won't it be grand when the government's on jesus christ want to be grand when the white house will be turned into a glory house everything is going to be belong to jesus he's going to rule this world with a rod of iron and he's going to say to little old sammy k so i mean you go down there and take care of south carolina i mean we're going to reign with him and so that's going to be on this earth it's going to be on this earth before he destroys it we're going to rule and reign with him during that thousand year millennial reign well i don't know what he's going to tell me to do but the bible says we are going to reign with jesus christ when he comes back isaiah said for a child is born unto us the son is given the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name that name that i said let's remember the name of our god his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace what a name you can't find another name in the universe that can even compare with one part of that let all all of you so my friend we found that the mighty men of this world who reject this great one that we're talking about name jesus christ they'll reject him now but they'll utterly be destroyed by him one day these are described in verses two through four uh the thy tongue devises mischief mischief means evil are harmful and like a sharp razor working deceitfully thou lovest evil more than good and lying rather than to speak righteousness thou lovest all devouring words words of destruction oh thou deceitful tongue they've got a deceitful tongue i was so alarmed it made me kind of angry whenever they wanted to read the names of those i believe 13 that were killed in afghanistan our armed services people that are serving in our armed services and nancy pelosi wouldn't even let them read their names in in session wouldn't let them read their names that woman needs to be done away with and i'm going to tell you something the day's coming for her she's going to get hers you wait and see yes sir and the rest of that crowd but boy that and i thought man if i could get a hold of that woman i'd choke her those men that gave their lives for you and me gave their lives so that people in america hallelujah could be free like we are right now and i tell you i i respect everybody in our armed services men and women that go in there and serve like they do and then to have an outfit like it's in washington right now they're not fit to be there not fit to be there you say brett sammy are you politicking fooly on politics i'm preaching against sin and sinners and hell races they got more hell in them than the devil i'm telling you i've never seen such ungodly people in my life and they don't know how to talk and i listen to them and then i get so sick i want to go to throw up a little bit and i just turn it off they make me sick so sick now my friend you can rest assured that these lined tongues and mischief loving lips will be excluded from when god comes to tabernacle with his people and he'll be our god and we'll be his people and we'll be together dwelling together god and you and me that are saved by the grace of god that day's coming they won't be in that crowd there won't be a pelosi in the whole crowd glory i want that name to perish for that name to be destroyed forever this scripture declares that the day will come when god will uproot all of these evil ones and according to verse 6 the righteous also shall see and fear and shall laugh at him the evil one now i sat and meditated the other day on what kind of life is that going to be is it going to be a mockery-type laugh or is it going to be a laughter of glory hallelujah glory hallelujah he got rid of that crowd i mean what kind of life is it going to be i don't know but right here it says they're going to land then it goes a little bit further over there and in psalm 2 and verse 4 he that sitteth in the heavens who's that that's god he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh we're all going to be laughing when pelosi can't pelosi anymore amen you said boy you got in for her hand you waited god gets it in for a son you well he gets through with it she'll shut her shoulders and so my friend all that laughter is going to come to pass and i don't understand it fully god didn't explain it but he did say it and so i believe it the reason he said i'll have them in derision and derision means scorn or disdain or contempt in proverbs 1 26 i will mock god said when your fear cometh fear is coming to the evil peoples of the world i'm rejoicing because fear will never come to you and me will never be afraid and shaken in the presence of god he's my savior he's my deliverer he's my lawyer he's my mediator he's my everything jesus is all in all for you and me and we can rejoice tonight because of that great name that is above every name verse 7 says lo this is the man that made not god his strength but trusted in the abundance of his riches and strengthened himself in his wickedness now this low right here l-o is the same as behold john 19 4-5 pilate said about jesus behold i bring him forth to you he said behold the man you remember john said when jesus came walking that day behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world and verse number 9 i will praise thee forever because thou hast done it and i will wait on thy name for it is good before thy saints saints of god from wall to wall here the name of jesus thrills our soul the name of jesus causes all of us to be elated in our heart and you say well i don't shout we'll praise god if you'd loosen up a little bit you would amen you say well that embarrass me i'd look like a fool you know the devil's told me any a person that loves god you'll be a fool if you shout you'll be a fool if you raise your hand you'll be a fool if you holler amen or glory to god that's the devil line to you why can't we praise god you're not ashamed to shout at a ball game hey you get so out of sorts sometimes you almost faint shouting at a ball game but you can't shout and i'm not trying to get everybody in here to start hollering but if you want to help yourself i'll shut up and let you out till the midnight if you want to but we have a name that is above every name a name that means something down deep in our soul it's not a name that we just have in our mind it's a name that we have in our heart it's down further than just the mind now this psalm tells us how to possess our souls and patience when everything seems to be against us seems like the world's going to hell in a basket right now but we wait on the lord's will and we keep busy carrying on his commandments and his service we're not going to stop and i tell you i just dread the day when any government comes into this church and says preacher you got to shut her down i hope it never comes to that because i've been praying to god about how he would help me handle myself i won't let i won't do i won't get you in any trouble but i may get myself in some so i won't get you in any trouble but i'm praying god give me grace and give me courage to stand up and to stand until i die now i'm ready to die tonight right now standing in this pulpit i'm ready to die and hey if somebody were to come in here tonight and tell me shut this thing down i'd say no right now i don't know i'm gonna change my mind later may get scared but right now i just say no and if i say well you're going to jail i'd say uh-uh uh-uh i'm going to be the first martyr you killed me before you came in jack i'm going i'm not going to jail and if you try to take me to jail i'm going to kill you all right now you got to take your gun out and shoot me cause i'm not going with you if you try to take me i'm going to shoot you how will that work i don't mind dying praise god i'm ho it's over now i go spend the doctors now i'd love to die and go to heaven i can do away with that crowd of doctors and you say you're just bluffing i don't know where i am or not i really don't but that's the way i feel right now that's the way i feel right now so just go ahead and shoot but don't carry me to jail cause i'm not going i remember down when we went down to germany's church years ago his uncle was pastoring steve wakefield and so some of his men they jokes they joked and carried on with a lot of tricks and things and so they had they had gone down to the prophet's chamber on one preacher was preaching up there and uh and it kind of scared him up a little bit and he's by himself in that prophet's chamber and they've jokingly scared him a little bit well they were going to do me that way and steve wakefield said i don't know where you'll do that now they said sam carries a 38 in his briefcase and i s and i heard about and i got up in the pulpit i said yeah you come there messing around that prophet's chamber and i'll shoot you they didn't bother me they didn't bother me at all and then they had a policeman in that church and they had kind of faked an arrest on a preacher down there it faked like i was going to take him to jail and they were going to do me that way and steve said uh you'll have to hit him in the head with a flashlight or something he won't go if he hasn't done anything he won't go i'll tell you that now so you better well just leave him alone praise god i didn't get scared they didn't scare me they may have scared me if they had to come around but that window would have been blown out i guarantee you before it got almost shot right through that window because i was that's my home away from home now i'm not saying all that to boast i'm saying just don't pull no junk on me i don't like foolishness and i don't want anybody coming in this church saying shut her down this church glory to god is almost 55 years old and i've been here every step of the way and i'm telling you i'm jealous for it i'm jealous for it i'm jealous and zealous for this church and if i don't know what i'll do i'm not predicting what i'll do for sure because i don't know but i know what by the grace of god i plan to do and what i'd like to do so we wait on the lord and wait on his will we do his will we keep on serving god whatever they do out there let them go i can't straighten that crowd out but i can stay right here and serve god and don't you think god recognizes this church tonight this church that believes in the book the blood the blessed hole the church right here tonight that honors jesus christ above all names that this church right here believes in the cardinal doctrines of the bible the fundamentals of the faith we all stand in unison right together we stand for jesus christ without apology and don't you know god knows that and hallelujah father i'm doing it for you because i love you i love the father i love the son i love the holy ghost i love the holy trinity the one god and i can't understand it i can't fathom his trinity i can't fathom that you can't nobody else can but i believe every word of it i believe in my god first corinthians 15 58 and i love this therefore my beloved brethren be you steadfast steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord so we do not serve god for naught no sir it's not in vain why serve him because i tell you why we serve him two reasons we love him and we need him we need god so in serving christ a right we need a steadfast mind and a steadfast heart following jesus christ is the path of duty now we must possess an unyielding spirit and you remember in pilgrim's progress there was a character called mr stanfast now our text says i trust in the mercy of god forever and ever standing fast trusting in the mercy of god you know those evil people could take over truth missionary baptist church and destroy this church but listen what about the mercy of god all that evil is coming down to take over truth missionary and god's mercy intervenes pulls it back that's what mercy is he holds back that would destroy us brother let me tell you something let's all let's all fall in love with jesus like we've never fallen in love before with anybody and praise god let's serve him together until we are caught out of here to meet jesus in the air we are and oh and we're on the old ship of zion and we're on the ocean of time mariner counted on his compass and the compass was always right even if the mariner sensed had failed to sense the direction got confused maybe didn't know which way to go but he could look at that compass well you and i have accomplished when you don't know which way to go the holy spirit is our compass we look to him we trust in him we read his word he tells us what to do and i'm going to tell you i pity those that are reading out of these other bibles they there's some good in those other bibles i know that but there's some poison in them also and you know i use that illustration a lot with two glasses of water i got them out of the same faucet and brought them in here i held them up but in one of them i put some dirt i put a little few sprinkles of dirt in one of them and i held them up and i said which one you want to drink after well none of you want to drink after that and had dirt in it all right but it's got the same water this one has same water but it's been polluted it's been polluted so you don't want to drink after this one i'll throw that away i don't want dirty water i want the pure water this bible is the pure water this other thing down here this other thing down here it's got mud in it dirt in it and it's got some good i can read in there same some of the same scriptures as in this one so there's good in this written in here but it's polluted so i'll keep the good water the pure water and brother that's the way god intended now let me say this if god be for us who can be against us we have a name above all names to trust in verse 9 says i will praise thee forever because thou has done it and i will wait on thy name for it is good before saints so then we're saints of god and brother this is for you and for me right here in the word of god it's for you and me the mighty men of this world like nimrod and others they can offer things to human beings and offer them victory and all these other things but they can't guarantee that they'll come to fruition jesus christ promised to give us peace and contentment well that's what happened were y'all saying tonight i sat there and i said lord just help me i didn't want to start crying because i knew i'm already bad and i knew it'd be worse and i probably wouldn't be able to finish anything tonight but i sure were i sure was feeling good i felt better than anything i've ever felt in my life because of jesus christ and he said my peace i give unto you not as the world giveth give unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid and isaiah 40 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount it with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint boy that's victory right there anything you do run walk talk praise god everything's going to be victorious for those that wait upon the lord listen to his word the evil leaders of this world are not justified in their evil words and deeds although they think they are they have a hatred for other people like you've never seen and they try to justify their enmity by lying by line boy somebody said if donald trump were to walk on water they'd swear he couldn't swim they want to blame him for everything can you imagine being blamed for everything you didn't have anything to do with so my friend i listen each week to the big talk from uh israel and america's enemies i want to listen see what they're planning and i hear them chanting down with america down with america down with america i hear them kill the jew kill the jew drive israel back into the mediterranean let's drive israel into the mediterranean many have tried it they haven't succeeded now there's a possibility that some enemy could take america there's a possibility they could destroy this country that we live in that we love so dearly but it's an impossibility to take israel they'll never destroy israel because god's already written in his word all that land is going to be theirs in the kingdom it'll belong to israel literally on this earth now i don't want to be overly optimistic but i have some hope in america still i still have hope in america i love this country and god knows i love this country and when i pray to god i say god take care of our country take care of my country take care of your country you gave this country i know there's evil everywhere but god gave america i'll guarantee you won't get to heaven we'll find out how true this is let me hasten on here my friend listen uh so far we have we have befriended israel that's a good mark for america we have befriended israel when we had a president in there that had good sense we befriended america now when you got a loonie in there he didn't know israel from japan so he doesn't know how to take up for israel and that's where we are he said brother sent me i voted for him that's okay you have a right to that i'm not blaming you not hardly you say you're getting down where you're gonna make people leave this church if you're going to leave over there you should not come tonight because i'm telling you the truth listen just listen turn your tv on and let those guys put that proof out there for you i'm just reading proof i'm not i'm not making up something i've already listened i listened to several different news programs that give us the true information about what's going on in america because i love america i'm not going to i'm not running for anything you're not going to vote for me i'm just telling you now there are still some dedicated christians in america like you like this church there are still churches like this all over america that love this book and love the blood and the blessed hope now they're still my friend these christians that are called the salt of the earth salt is a preservative salt preserves and the reason and i believe this with all my heart the reason god has not judged america yet is because of christians that are still here we're preserving this thing we've got it preserved brother and it cannot rot yet because the salt is still here but when the salt is loose is it savor it's cast out and good for nothing but detroit under your feet but let me tell you something brother we've still got the real thing tonight i'm going to tell you right now if i had to sit down here and have a heart attack and die i want to tell y'all goodbye i'm going to save my savior i'd want to be able to say that listen there's no doubt that god has done an inward work in you and me you couldn't you couldn't be like you are tonight to save your life you couldn't make it up you couldn't invent it you couldn't dream it up there's something that happened to you me when we got saved that transformed us and you know what it was the new birth you know what it was it was the indwelling of the spirit of god that came in the spirit of the lord teaches and guides us along the way and he guides us in right ways every time he causes us to be steadfast and unmovable and we are constant day in and day out in first corinthians 15 58 that i referred to a while ago and i'm closing there he said that we're to be steadfast let's do it now my friend there are three applications applications this message in in verse 52 chapter 52 first of all it affected david personally secondly it shows the evil of this world against the righteousness of this uh uh that is in this world they're against it and number three it shows the final ruination of the antichrist and the antichrist system and all those that reject jesus christ they're going to be ruined they're going to be destroyed and it teaches all of this now we can see the awful hatred of the evil ones in our country right now and they don't have to have a reason for hating us they just lie they justify their hatred by lying lying lying they lie they lie they lie i'll go home tonight and probably listen to some lies just to see how much more lying they're telling but i want to see how much lying they're going to do now i don't watch the news and let it depress me and i get sick of it sometime but i want to listen to how many lies they can tell before we go out of here god's people will be the final winners you hear me and the lost people of this world are going to be the final losers we are going to win the book tells us so we're going to win this thing and the sinners are going to be destroyed and defeated now if you don't know jesus right now i'm telling you you ought to open your heart and say lord jesus come in i want you as my savior i want to be saved and listen he'll save you right this moment he said him that cometh to me i'll in no wise cast out so let's continue to trust in the mercy of god forever and ever i trust he said in thy mercy so let's remember the name of our god that was the other sermon of the night and then the other one was let's keep his ways and then this one deny let's trust in his mercy that he'll keep that evil off of us till we get home let's pray and trust in his mercy let's stand our faith bow our heads and if there's someone here tonight you're not saved you can be saved right now you know and by streaming there may be someone by streaming and the holy ghost has convicted you of your sin i'm going to pray a sinner's prayer now i can't pray you into heaven by my power but i can say the words that you need to say or they're about not exactly it doesn't matter what words you use but i'm going to pray the prayer that a sinner ought to pray if he wants to go to heaven and you pray that prayer from your heart and mean it god a savior right now let's bow our heads and if you're lost or you think you're lost or you don't know you're saved pray this prayer lord god i'm here tonight and i'm listening to your word i know jesus christ died on the cross to save my soul lord jesus i believe this very moment in you as my personal savior and i by faith receive you into my heart right now the best i know how lord i'm asking you to come into my heart and save my soul for time and eternity and from this moment forth i'm trusting you as my own personal savior and i want to live for you lord help me to have the grace and the stamina to be able to serve you a right and let me be able to be faithful to your cause until i go home to be with you in heaven thank you lord jesus for saving my soul now our father we've asked you to speak to hearts and i believe you have and i believe somewhere tonight somebody has listened to this and they're calling upon the name of the lord jesus father you promise to save whosoever shall call you said whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved so we're not we're not talking about man's doctrine we're talking about god's doctrine if we believe your word and accept it wholeheartedly defeat the devil now give victory to these that have listened and i pray that you'll give this church victory and help us to do you
Channel: Truth-Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 13
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Truth-Missionary Baptist Church, truthmissionary, preaching, singing, ministry, TruthMissionaryChoir, Message of Truth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 33sec (3453 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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