Sunday Rebroadcast 03/21/2021 "Close The Door" - Keith Moore

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so good morning family hallelujah it's a good day thank you father it worship is lord we bless your name oh hallelujah glory to god [Music] every know the lord he is [Applause] [Music] is into his course with praise [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] that's the truth amen [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] honor you hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] standing and believing i can do [Music] i'm giving everything [Music] [Music] i know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus thank [Music] please [Music] every step i take [Music] everywhere [Music] tell me again i put my trust in you [Music] i put my trust in [Music] is [Music] is [Music] him each day [Music] praise you praise you the victory [Music] always always when it looks [Music] when it looks like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] always in jesus name [Music] i don't let it get me down [Music] always in jesus i always win [Music] always in jesus [Music] praise you praise your praising oh we worship you jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] let all he wraps himself in lines to [Music] [Music] sing with me [Music] h2h [Music] by the [Music] is with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is our god [Music] is how great is how great is stand with me [Music] is thank you lord it's the name of [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] the name above what all names [Music] we're told to pray for everybody in authority kings everyone we don't have a king but we have president did you know it is written you shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people did you know it is written that and we know we've got issues and things that are not right in the country but i saw the more reason why somebody needs to be in faith is that right instead of just talking the problem somebody needs to be believing god [Music] and when the church is involved and believe millions of believers are involved it's bigger than one man or a couple of leaders god will do things in spite of on behalf of his church the scripture says the heart of the king is in the hand of the lord and he turns it do you believe that that god turns it and this can be beyond the individuals involved they'll they can just wake up one day and decide they're going to do something and not know why huh we need to be not just knowing that can happen we need to be expecting that to happen come on lift up your voice say father god we lift up to you our president our leaders the the congress the senate the house our governors our mayors their hearts can be turned by your power by your hand for our sake for the church's sake turn their hearts to do your will to do what is good and what is right and what is best for your people your church for the country we ask it in jesus name oh thank you lord in that name in that name above all names in that name will somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord it's the name [Music] is it's the name oh hallelujah how many expecting some things to happen yeah so don't agree with everybody that's just talking down talking negative no you need to say no we pray we have prayed the lord we we know it was his will what we prayed we know it hurt us we are expecting expecting are you glad to be in church on a sunday morning oh it's a good thing it's a great thing smile and somebody close by wave at them wave at the cameras we got a lot of people joining us that way let them know they're around friendly people nice [Music] people [Music] good morning how's everybody this morning yes it's a great morning god is good it's good to us yes well welcome do we have any first-time visitors with us this morning good morning welcome welcome welcome anybody else you can wave your hand or stand if you'd like hi welcome welcome welcome online welcome in sarasota we're so glad everybody's joined us this morning it's a good morning i'm waving at you too love y'all out there we got a great big wonderful family yes we do it's good to be together yes i'm so thankful yes so wonderful well just uh one announcement this morning uh here in branson starting uh tomorrow monday morning through wednesday they're to be transplanting plugs that's baby plants i think that's right so he was telling me i think that's correct baby plants and so they'll be working in the greenhouse out here behind the church from starting at 8 30 till noon each day monday through wednesday so if you're available and like to help you can just show up at the greenhouse any of those days and they'll put you to work yes working for the lord it's a good thing well do we have any birthdays or anniversaries you've celebrated oh wonderful okay i'm gonna check up here too okay all right 29. happy anniversary happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday yes how many 27 happy anniversary wonderful happy birthday back there and then uh oh i can't see that number 38 happy anniversary wonderful 25 happy anniversary uh oh four there we go i couldn't see the bottom happy anniversary oh wonderful happy birthday happy birthday back there all right i don't wanna miss anybody okay well let's take a look at our sister hi family we sure love you oh there's a birthday happy birthday yay we sure love you guys anybody else birthdays hi i'm not seeing any all right well happy birthday happy anniversary everybody if you're celebrating out there and tv land internet land all that kind of land eat cake celebrate yes wonderful now i've got some really good testimonies for you this morning all right this comes from virginia said lord bless me with an excellent report when i visited the doctor last week all my blood tests and lab reports came back excellent thank you lord and thank you to more life ministries for praying with me praise the lord and then this one they said we just started attending i'm here in branson at faith life and vision sunday was our very first sunday we had made our vision lists which included what we want to give into the kingdom and we were so excited to give our first tithe knowing and expecting god to bless us yes as my husband and i work for the same company as caseworkers we receive news that we have eat or we each will be getting a three percent raise that's extra six percent for our family god is so good yes and then this one comes from florida said over the last 30 years the lord has blessed us to buy over a hundred homes which we rented or owner financed to people who could not get a bank loan last year during the pandemic we were blessed to sell 15 of our property which were which were not producing revenue and we also have eliminated a hundred percent of our commercial loan debt glory to god last year god blessed us with a personal home sold by owner at a hundred thousand below appraised value god is now blessing us with investment properties in florida in 2020 we were able to sow more than our income was before retirement we were blessed to help a minister during greater faith to find and buy a home in sarasota below market value so he and his wife could move there and god has brought us through health challenges financial blessings into the best year we have ever had we are seeking his kingdom first and all these things are being added to us and we are so thankful for the good teachings and foundations on the word of god we have aren't me too so thankful and this one says thank you so much for your faithfulness and ministering the word of god through your ministry we learned that it is god's will for us to be debt free four years ago we had considerable mortgage debt and two unreliable old cars that needed to be replaced we made a decision to receive what we needed by faith followed the leading of the holy spirit said the confessions with our church family and the lord is faithful extra came in from many different unexpected places and this past week we paid off our mortgage nine years early and are completely debt free glory to god and not only that but over the last four years we were able to pay cash to replace our cars with two nearly new vehicles the very best part is that we were able to increase our giving and sow more into the kingdom of god in 2020 than in previous years this is the first month we've ever had without mortgage or rent due instead of sending money to a lender we are gladly sowing a check into the ministry as a thanksgiving offering to god praise the lord yes and this one's so cute says this comes from georgia said i'm from marietta georgia i'm sending this praise report to let you know how much faith school and your services have increased my faith and understanding i had to put down a lot a lot of holy cows because i could not find them in the word i see the thief sly ways of trying to manipulate me and others and at times it is so funny the methods he uses so i'm considered i'm considered an essential worker i have not missed a day of work my tithe and seed giving has increased over 50 percent these past years i love giving and laugh hilariously when i see how my father loves and blesses me my family church friends and especially you thank you so much isn't that wonderful let's stand up and thank the lord this morning he's so good father we love you we're so thankful lord we give you all the glory this morning all these wonderful things good reports father blessings and and healing good healing reports father you are doing so many great things and we give you all the glory and honor this morning and we're just so grateful to be a part father and get to see these wonderful and hear these wonderful things that you're doing and we just love you in jesus name we thank you amen thank you lord thank you lord well you know what we're about to say now right what he's done for others he's doing for me now do you believe that are you just just saying it well the lord's no respecter of persons and he never changes and so if he'll help one of his kids gets stuff paid off and get ahead and increase then he'll help anybody that'll believe him so say it out loud what he's done for others he is doing for me and greater things than these shall we see all the glory all the glory all the glory be to my good god oh father we thank you we're rejoicing with those that are rejoicing in the good things that you've done for them and we're expecting a whole lot more we thank you for it in jesus name thank you lord amen you can be seated well it's obvious that it doesn't have to be a perfect year for the lord to do good things for his people right you you see it you see it would you look with me in mark the 16th chapter they'll put it up on the screen as well mark 16 15. um if you were here friday night you you know we had brother danny gokey and his team here and man they did a great job and it was just a wonderful time and um we uh we ministered to them with a strong offering and they were excited about that and thrilled and happy and then i think they tell us that uh you guys that were here went back and cleaned out all their stuff and so they were this they had not been able to have uh concerts and meetings you know for months and months and so they were really happy to come and be able to have this and do this in in mark 16 15 this is the great commission a lot of people have relegated churches to basically humanitarian organizations and emphasize that natural things are the most important but the greatest need of human beings is spiritual you gain the whole world and you lose your soul what have you done and so it's wonderful to be able to help people in need feed people clothe house that's great but that's not the great commission is it the great commission is what go go you into all the world and proclaim the gospel the good news that's what brings salvation oh hallelujah the gospel there's no amount of money that can save you there's no amount of good works that can save you it's the gospel how many thank god at some point you heard the good news oh hallelujah you heard the good news you believed it you received jesus and here you are today hallelujah here you are doing good going on strong for god well that is the great commission and when i knew that danny uh gokey was coming and his team um i i was reminded uh we had a conversation though it's been a few years ago they were at the one of the flora florida meetings he and his his wife and and we're just getting to know them and i encouraged him you know that the lord would give them everything that they need to do the ministry and so uh he got stirred up about it and a day or two before he came the lord reminded me that they would be needing a bus and so i called him and i just wanted to hear him tell me before i said anything i said what are you believing for he didn't hesitate [Laughter] in the ministry he said a tour bus he said they've rented for years and you know it's it's not cheap to rent and at some point you you could be buying and so um uh i had a witness that uh us as the churches and ministry should get involved and sow a seed toward this and we talked about it some friday night put up if you would um oh it's a third john third john 5. uh it says beloved you do faithfully whatever you do to the brethren this is the third epistle of john 5th verse and the strangers which have borne witness of your love before the church whom if you bring forward on their journey after a godly sort you do well the the rsv says you'll do well to send them on their journey as befits god's service in a manner worthy of god others say the whis translation says it like this it says you're doing well to provide with the necessities of travel well what's the great commission go and like we mentioned friday night there are two main flows of ministry there's the flow of people coming to like the church like today but then there so many people that don't go to church and don't even think about it and don't know anything about it there is the ministry of flow that goes to them outreach evangelism and you know just not long ago we stood up here on vision sunday and one of the things we released faith for was outreach is that right opportunities and outreach and so i believe this is one of them because they uh they go to places and see people that we wouldn't see in multiple lifetimes and that's a good thing and highways and byways right and this goes on to say um the amplified says you'll do well to forward them on their journey in a way worthy of god's service well that means not just scrape by a get by how many like this this sound uh in a manner worthy of god huh in a manner that that's worthy of god's ser you know service his ministry well when this came up to me i just i began to look a little bit i don't know anything much about these buses but i saw that the top one that the entertainers use is the prevost and put up if you would i believe we have there's one that's actually a brand new one there and they are top-notch and this one just keeps cycling through uh it's got a couple of lounge areas and it actually seats 12. that that's the sleeper bunks right there six on each side and um because what what those guys did the when they came this this one actually has a shower and of course an engine you know that helps get you down the road you know i knew some of you'd want to see the engine you know [Laughter] it's got a good powerful diesel engine good allison transmissions yeah yeah i knew some of you'd want to know but you know like those guys they couldn't have ministered to us friday night uh they were in the studio all that day before and that evening they got on the bus that they rented and drove all night to get to us and right after they were through here they left drove all the way back that night slept on the bus and some of them caught an airplane five or six the next morning going somewhere else that's how you do when you're on the road like they are and um so anyway i believe that we should be involved in this and that we should sow a seed so uh um our regular things are in great shape our go supply our word supply uh and and you can give your regular giving today but also if you want to put something into the bus project designate it just put a tour bus tour bus if you want something to go to that so ushers would you wait on the people you want to give by cash or buy credit card this morning hold up your hand for an envelope for cash giving credit card giving giving by check make it out to flc that's faith life church and just if you don't designate it it'll go into the church the general operations of the church a substantial portion of it will go outside our walls but if you want something to go specifically to the bus then designate it put tour bus or part of it for tour bus put that and we received an offering friday night towards this and i'll let you know how it's coming along in the days to come but i believe we should be a substantial part and the lord quickened to me before i got up just a few minutes ago that every seed produces after its own kind and that the lord had quickened to us a few weeks ago about new vehicles you know there are multiple reasons why the lord that would have us do this of course it's going to help them benefit them but then also there should be a harvest right and so i i'm confident that the lord is setting us up for and this is this is top notch this is top of the heap when you're talking about tour buses and this kind of stuff this is the top and so um and i'm not saying that's the bus they're getting they haven't settled on the exact one yet but it's it's going to be close uh so anyway we're in the early stages of this i put it like that but you you sow and help somebody do something on a high level after a godly sword and phyllis said danny texted yesterday and said he was so excited about this he could hardly sleep he just he just they are they're stirred up well you don't see this all the time you know a lot of people they just they rent their whole career and that's it and but the lord's demonstrating some things he's showing some things and of course that'll come out in the ministry hallelujah and then everywhere they go uh he gives an altar call every everywhere he goes he gives an altar call a lot of some folks don't thank god and so you and i will have a part you know this is good this is good and and and we get to reap top-notch new equipment new vehicles do you believe it or not that's just how it works next thing you know there'll be shiny shiny everywhere out in the in the parking lot is that right we've already got some but it it's happening can you see it's happening it's happening the lord said it was happening a few weeks ago and now we see how it's happening praise god if you need an envelope raise your hand real high and if you're writing make a check out to flc when you're ready you can stand if you're still writing just take your time and and then stand let's release faith we released faith friday night for agreeing with with danny and their team for everything to come in to do this so i know a lot of you weren't weren't there so you can join us in faith right now hold up your offering hold up your hand said out loud father god you are our source there are many channels but only one source and you are more than enough there is no lack no scarcity in you you are the god of abundance the god of increase the god of more than enough we claim more than enough out of the world coming into our hands their hands so that there is more than enough to secure this equipment and to pay for it and we thank you for it in jesus name and we lay hold of a harvest of like kind of top-notch after a godly sort of the best equipment and vehicles we claim it in jesus name satan we forbid you to interfere with this we bind you in jesus name ministering spirits angels go influence and work and cause it to happen we thank you for it lord get glory to yourself in how this comes about in jesus name amen praise god you happy about it glory to god you can be seated ushers wait on the people [Music] he always looks after me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my god [Music] is god praise god how can you tell if you're in faith you get excited you get excited with anticipation and expectation hallelujah well father we thank you so much you are so good to us and all of us agree here in sarasota and everybody joining us online we agree together as touching this asking you for the anointing that teaches that guides us into all the truth that reminds that reveals even shows us things to come ask we ask you for answers and for all of us that our eyes and our ears and our hearts and minds can see hear and understand and receive and we purpose to show respect to what you say and do and not be hearers only but to be doers to implement and put into practice what you tell us and show us to be obedient children and as surely as we do that we know great things will happen because you always watch over your word and perform it and cause it to come to pass in the lives of those who do it we thank you for that in advance in jesus name amen praise god you can be seated if you go please to ephesians the 4th chapter i tell you we are so blessed that the blessed people call us blessed aren't we well i i feel that way and i have evidence to back it up too ephesians 4. we've been on a subject when i've been with you for quite a while now called no place for the devil how many think that sounds good no no no place and it's based on the scripture here in ephesians 4 if you would look ephesians 4 and verse 25. it said wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbor for we're members one of another be angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil verse 28 let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor or working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needs so we're told that we're not to give place to the devil how many believe the bible is the infallible word of god well then it you know it's true so there must be a devil right or he wouldn't tell you not to give place to the devil and it must be true that the enemy cannot just take place indiscriminately but place must be given whether ignorantly or knowingly place must be given and we are told not to give the devil place which means we can right we we can prevent that we must have the authority and the ability to disallow the enemy from having place in our lives what would it look like when the devil has place what's what would be going on what would be happening well we know what he does when he has opportunity jesus said the thief doesn't come unless he comes to steal to kill and destroy so does the devil have place in people's lives today do we see evidence of destruction and stealing and killing and devastation in the lives of people today including christians lives look with me if you would in uh first peter continuing to talk about this first peter 5 and verse 8 they'll put it on the screen for us first peter 5 8 says be sober be vigilant we might say be be awake and and watchful on guard why because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour so are we told as new testament christians that we have an enemy who's seeking to hurt us who's seeking looking to to do damage in our lives seeking whom he may devour so again you can see he must not be able to just go destroy whenever whoever he wants to because he is seeking to find who he can whom he may devour and what are we told verse 9 whom resist steadfast in the faith now every word is significant of course but uh resist and don't just resist and quit resist and keep on resisting if the enemy tries to mess with you today i wish i could tell you that if you'd resist him it'd be over but he he'll come back he'll try it again and try it again and if he if he tries to do something in your life 50 times what do you got to do you got to resist 50 times right you don't get tired of resisting and just give in because then you gave him place you gave the enemy place what's he going to do when he gets placed he's going to steal whatever he can he's going to kill whatever he can he's going to destroy whatever he can should we take these things seriously well listen to the language back look at it again verse eight be be sober and be vigilant don't don't be in a stupor don't just be uh you know acting like nothing's going on you're not afraid of the enemy but you're not going to be dumb either you know he's always looking to try to get to you to try to hurt you so you got to stay on your toes spiritually and we for uh previous weeks we we camped out in ephesians 6 there where the lord told us to put on the whole armor of god right well you know if you don't have an enemy trying to attack you you don't need all this armor but apparently we do and thank god we have it go with me if you would to the book of james and the fourth chapter now if we have been born again and we are children of god and if we got the whole armor of god and if we've got the authority in the name that is above every name and if the greater one lives inside us how can it be that the devil is still stealing killing and destroying in the lives of christians believers how how can that be y'all are too quiet well is it going on or not it's happening well how can that be though when we've got all of this well two big things this covers a lot of area we see it right here in james he said james 4 7. submit yourselves to god resist the devil and he will flee from you now this is big every word here one reason why many christians are experiencing the devastating work of the devil in their lives though they're saved got the armor got the name is they are not resisting him you've got many church-going people they act like there is no devil they are not resisting him they they don't even they're not even aware when he's saying things to them when he's doing things to them that it is him and in a lot of churches it's even taught that these devastating things are somehow from god and the mysterious well if you think it's god you're not going to resist it if you don't think there is a you're not going to resist what you don't even sure exist so we you've got millions of christians that are not resisting the devil and that is a reason big reason why even though they have the armor they got the name they got the authority they got the greater one still the devil is invading their life and they are either ignorantly or partially knowing giving him the space because they're not putting their foot down they're not commanding it to stop they're not resisting it in jesus name they're just saying well whatever is to be will be and we don't know why god allows all these things well he's allowing what you allow whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose or allow on earth will be loosed or allowed in heaven no our responsibility to resist the devil come on say it out loud everybody i must resist the devil see god's not going to do that for you he told us to do it and we can't keep pleading with him to do what he told us to do he's not going to change and say okay forget what i said we'll do it your way no thank god no no because what he says is right and what he says works said out loud resist the devil tell me what will happen what will happen he will flee from you but you got he's not going to flee if you don't resist you have to resist and that's the language that you you see in ephesians 6 uh stand against withstand having done all stand and the implication is stand against and it's resist resist resist when it comes to the devil be on your guard be on your watch and when you get the first hint that it's him you go into resisting mode no no no shut up get out no i bind you i forbid you no no resist resist you do it on monday and tuesday and wednesday thursday friday saturday and yes sunday too [Laughter] did you hear what peter said resist him steadfast in the faith you got to stay with it stay with me and we we've kept them that quite a bit and if you haven't heard this we are i don't know quite a few sessions into this now it would behoove you to go back and start with us from the front because we're basing this on what we've already gone over but let me ask you a somewhat disturbing question what if you resist the devil and he doesn't go [Laughter] has this happened has this happened yes yeah yeah yes it has you know it has so what's what's up with that was it i said two big two big reasons why christians who have authority armor and greater one are still getting devoured by the enemy one was what not resisting here's another big one back up to the first part of the verse oh come on can you see that the first part of the verse what did it say the under the understood subject here is you and again you you resist the devil and he will flee from you but that wasn't what he led with that wasn't what he started with what did he start with you submit yourself to god why would he say that and why would he preface resisting the devil with this why because if you're not submitting to god what are you doing huh if you and and this has to do with light that you have james you know said this is james uh just at the end of the chapter here what is it 17 just drop down there and look verse 17. it said therefore to him that knows to do good and does it not to him it's sin now why would you say it that way because it has to do with what you know and why would it say to him it's sin isn't it just sin to everyone no it depends on what you know it depends on what you see so one good definition of sin is violation of light violation of light violation of what you know either what you know to do or you know to not do if you're not submitting to god that means you know something of him and from him that you have decided not to comply with not to do does that affect you resisting the devil yeah why that would create a scenario where you might tell the enemy to leave and he does not why because you've given place to him he knows it and he knows you know it and he knows you're listening to him and so he doesn't have to listen to you can you see this friend he knows you can't hold on to something with one hand and say i don't want it can you see that with the other hand it doesn't work you can't use something you know you want to help your children with this as well as yourself you can't if you're going to pretend that you're sick so you don't have to go to school or work and then turn around and pray to be healed doesn't work you can't lose what you use if you're using it for self-pity to get some money out of something you know you you you won't be able to turn around and say i'm believing for this no you're not no you're not you're deceiving yourself and you can't say i'm resisting the devil when you're being defiant with god because you can't and if you'll notice in ephesians 4 he mentioned three things in connection with not giving place to the devil he mentioned lying remember that he mentioned anger and he mentioned stealing well see how many would agree that would be giving place to the devil if he come you know you're in a situation where you've messed up you're embarrassed you're ashamed you're scared you don't want to tell the truth well the enemy has an alternative if you don't want to tell the truth he will bring you a story an account a an all alternate response that is untrue and that's the only place you can get that you can't get a life from god you can't you can't get a false hood from god so if you want a falsehood to try to help bail you out of this situation or save people from knowing how you've messed up or whatever there's only one place you can get it and the devil is glad to provide it to you but he's going to want something in return you in order to take the lie you've got to not submit to god because he commanded you not to lie is that right you've got to ignore him and you've got to yield to the father of lies well then when you turn around and tell him to go he'll laugh at i you this is what he did to adam and eve can you see that he's offering knowledge and being like god's but what he wants is total control over the earth and they gave it to him and so he's doing he's been doing this ever since and he is he never comes obviously he's very very subtle crafty tricky and the only way to be safe is you got to make up your mind i'm going to submit to god when he tells me you don't lie you don't lie period no matter what everybody's not with me on that huh how many understand if you lie you hide you cover you deceive you have given place to the devil what's he going to do with that place it won't be good i said it won't be good not for you or for the people around you anger the wrath of man doesn't work the righteousness of god anybody can get angry but what was the commandment even if you're angry don't sin and don't hold on to it don't let the sun go down on it what does that mean you got to get this under control within the next few hours at the maximum you cannot hold on to your anger and your rage day after day week after week that that's how people become murderous but can you see what happened how does it get to the point where somebody you know gets to the point they want to go shoot somebody and take their life away they gave place to the devil back here maybe sometimes months or even years ago with this anger and they just nursed it and let it fester and let it swell and grow in them and just get the lord commanded us you cannot do that you don't hold on to this pass sundown you've got to get it fixed today oh come on can you hear that or not you must get it fixed today yes sir i want you to say it out loud you must get it fixed today yeah but they did and yeah but i'm gonna say none of it's gonna fly with god he said you've got to get rid of it by sunday yes yeah but yeah but yeah but that ain't gonna cut it with him now this the reason i keep emphasizing this this is what has happened people did things christians and didn't get it fixed they lied they deceived but didn't repent over it didn't get it fixed and somebody said yeah but that was a long time ago yeah but if your heart's still the same today that ain't the past even though it happened in the past if your heart's still not right about it and it's still not fixed it's not the past people did things they knew they shouldn't have done they never acknowledged it never repented over it in these cases you can have an open door to the enemy and he won't leave and once he gets access unless he has to and he knows as long as you're giving that place he doesn't have to are you all okay what did the scripture tell us neither give place to the devil how do you close the door anybody interested in this how do you close the door and keep it shut go with me in a second excuse me ii peter yeah that's right ii peter the third chapter and let's look at this you believing with me this morning we getting answers second peter the third chapter in the ninth verse he said the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering toward to us word not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance these are magnificent words and statements do not accept that it is ever god's perfect will or pleases him for anybody to be destroyed now there are all kinds of scenarios where the enemy will try to convince you of that or try to say that or leave that impression it is not true god is not willing that any should perish true or not true how many not any he's not willing that it is not his will well if it's not god's will that people perish and he's all-knowing and he's all-powerful then that means nobody's going to perish right well you know people are perishing people are perishing physically emotionally relationships financially people are perishing spiritually they're dying lost are they okay are they going to be okay yeah but it's not god's will how can it be the god who knows then from the beginning who's all-knowing who's all-powerful and it's not his will that they perish but that they perish anyway how can that happen free will we really have it i said we really have it to the point where the almighty will allow us to do that which is totally against his will totally contrary to what pleases him he's allowing human beings to do this all over the planet but it does not it's not his will so what's the solution what can prevent me from perishing read the phrase re read the verse god's not willing that any should perish but what prevents the perishing but that all the same group all all not willing that any should perish well that's all but that all should come to repentance yes oh repentance is one of the greatest words you have ever heard in your life it is the gift of god and it's it's sad that some groups today are are speaking slightly of repentance and have reduced it to something less than what it is i've heard people say well all that means is you know changing your mind no honey child it means more than that it does include that but with the lord it's always about the heart always about the heart and repentance is a change of heart that results in a change of mind and word and deed if there's no heart change there is no true repentance no matter what was said and done you know you can you can cry and use up a whole box of kleenex that doesn't mean you repented you may just be upset that you got caught doesn't mean you repented you can feel bad and harbor condemnation for for three years doesn't mean you repented the lord doesn't want you in condemnation he doesn't want you ashamed he didn't want you embarrassed but you have to repent or that's wise you don't access grace some people are leaving the impression that with grace you don't even need to repent other than just changing your mind that everything's done but it's that's not true i said that's not true and this it's no wonder why that is trying to be woven into the church because repentance is the devil's worst enemy can you see this because if you repent no matter how terribly you've messed up and what kind of hook the devil's got in you and what kind of place and what kind of doom and destruction is hanging over your head and you got you know 500 demons just licking their chops ready to tear your life apart if you'll hit your knees and repent it's gone repentance is just the greatest thing you ever heard about how did you get born again how did you get born again you acknowledged you're lost you're not okay right you need jesus right you acknowledged i can't be my own lord and you received him go with me to second timothy the second chapter second timothy two we just got through seeing that god's not willing that any should perish let that get cemented in your mind and heart not any anytime you see people perishing being devoured being consumed being destroyed you know without having to know anything else you know it's not the will of god are we on the same page with this you see somebody being destroyed you know it's not the will of god you know it but how to get out of it especially a believer who's already been made more than a conqueror and given the armor and given the name and and yet they got all this problem in their life and all this destruction in their life getting worse year after year how do you get that fixed how do you get it fixed not by pretending you didn't make a mistake not by hiding come on can you see that lying deceiving covering harboring anger and grudges and can you see that because that is continuing to keep the door open and give the enemy place and access you'll never get rid of it you won't get it fixed unless and until you repent you repent somebody say repent repent repent in second timothy and the second chapter second timothy 2 let's see let's start about 23 up here 2 23 or so second timothy 2. he said foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender strifes there's a lot of stuff you should not talk about there's a lot of conversations you should not participate in verse 24 the servant of the lord must not strive but be gentle to all apt to teach patient in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves you ever heard the saying they're their biggest problem that's it right there they are opposing themselves you already got an adversary the devil opposing you you don't want to join team on his team against yourself that's just really dumb in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if god per adventure will give them repentance i told you it's a gift give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth tell me what the truth will do for you child of god oh but you got to acknowledge it huh if you lied if you stole if you hurt you did it you need to acknowledge it you don't need to live in condemnation about it but you need to get it fixed how do you get it fixed maybe you can't you know make somebody like you that you have hurt that's not what we're talking about but you at least need to acknowledge it that's what first john 1 is talking about if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we say we hadn't sinned and you got to back up in the first part of the chapter if you're walking in darkness and you say you haven't sinned you're calling him a liar and the truth is not in you we cannot just cover things and hide and pretend like they didn't happen because even if it happened long ago if your heart's still like that that's not the past this is the present can you see this child of god and if there's access given to the enemy he's not going to leave unless he has to and as long as you're using deception you're using anger you're using unforgiveness you're using stealing you can yell and scream at him all you want to he'll laugh at you can you see that why because you're not submitting to god you're yielding to him and he knows if you're yielding to him he doesn't have to yield to you he knows it he said in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if god per adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth you know a picture of this is the prodigal son remember the story about him he uh he took his inheritance he left home he left the father left everybody he went and blew it all on partying the scripture said riotous living that's bad partying that's he's doing all kind of stuff he ought not be doing and then when he ran out of money his friends were gone too and the only job he could get was feeding pigs man he has fallen low and he's in such bad shape he's looking in the pig trough thinking well that looks pretty good that ain't that bad maybe i could clean that he's so hungry and the bible said he came to himself huh he came to himself what does that mean is that acknowledging the truth he came to himself and he said i'm going to paraphrase a little bit he said what am i doing at my father's house they got plenty of food i mean all the staff and employees eat good and what am i doing out here i know what i'm going to do i'm going to go home i'm going i'm going to tell the father father i've sinned oh can anybody hear this or not should we take the words of jesus seriously what did he say i've sinned against heaven and before you do we need to make things right with people as well as god well if you have done wrong against them yes yes i know it's embarrassing i know it's inconvenient but yes remember what the lord said one time he said if you're bringing your own you give to the altar and you remember that your brother has something against you now that's not you got something against him he's got something against you let's say don't give yet leave your gift go be reconciled to your brother then come and give your gift why because these things undermine your faith and if you're not doing it with the right heart and right faith you won't be blessed so you postpone your giving until you get this fixed did the lord jesus tell us to do that or not he did how about mark 11 23 and 24 and 25. let's say 25 yeah 25 verse 24 jesus said what things serve you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them verse 25 and so he wasn't through talking when you stand pray and do what forgive why bring that up now in the middle of this wonderful faith principle why bring that up why can't can it affect your faith what he's talking about here your outcome your result when you stand praying you know it he he's saying he hasn't changed subjects while you are there praying saying i believe i receive while you're doing this be sure that you forgive if you got anything against anybody that or so that your father which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses well what's that got to do with anything verse 26 if you don't forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive you your trespasses we got people that don't even believe that anymore yes that's true well how can you say i'm big on verse 24. [Laughter] that's for me that's for me verse 25 no that's changed that was just for them it doesn't work that way brother kenneth hagin senior who's in heaven now my father in the faith and influenced many of you too i know he said uh uh he said if i uh if my faith and my prayers weren't working this would be the first place i'd look forgiveness i'm quoting him he said i refuse to allow the least bit of ill will a hard feeling in my heart against anybody about anything now here's a man you could call an apostle of faith right and what does he know about faith you cannot have violation of the love command you cannot have violation of light why because if you give place to that ill will and that anger and that grudge you have given place to the enemy can you see that he's the one involved in all of that and you're being defiant because your father god commanded you to forgive and not even stay mad about it past the sun going down didn't he did he or not should we take the lord seriously when he tells us to do something why because any degree of defiance and disobedience is opening the door to the enemy and inviting him in and we know in our hearts and minds we don't want to do that we know what he's going to do when he comes in he's going to hurt you all he can take you out prematurely if he can but good news good news good news repentance is available right now forgiveness and washing and cleansing streams uninterrupted from the mercy seat and the throne oh somebody say thank you lord but it must be received and if you hadn't done anything there's nothing to repent over if you're not going to acknowledge you even made a mistake there's nothing to receive forgiveness for can you see the problem that's why you must acknowledge and confess not to stay in condemnation you want to get you get past that quick as you can but you have to acknowledge it confess it that's why and you got to mean it from the heart or there's no repentance go back to second timothy second chapter 25 he said in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if god per adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth keep going and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil now we've got every reason to think he's talking about believers here he's writing to believers if they're not a believer this is not their biggest problem their biggest problem is they need to get saved right so there's an implication that they are he's talking about believers he's been talking to believers he's been talking about believers throughout this whole book so this is somebody that has been taken by a trap of the devil taken captive by him at his will so now the enemy's will is being accomplished in their life and they they stuck their foot in a trap they they let him trick him how do you get out how do you get out child of god huh and acknowledge the truth the truth will make you free and that when you really do it from your heart you meet the the love the power the forgiveness the cleansing the work of the holy spirit and you are empowered to recover yourself nobody has to deliver you or you know pray over you even you just doing that recover yourself out of the snare and the trap what happened you shut the door you shut the door on the enemy he has no more place in your life no more freedom to operate your foot is out of his trap and his will is stopped in your life and tell me what affected it repentance and acknowledging the truth oh can you say thank you lord oh praise god just lift your hand and thank him for a moment lord we thank you thank you so much thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh we thank you father oh we thank you father thank you father yeah brother brother hagin whom i know knew something about faith and now he knows even more he's he i'm quoting him he said if my faith and my prayers weren't working this is the first place i'd check he's talking about mark 11 24 he'd check verse 25 right but why the lord put them together they actually wasn't written in verses it's one flow he said i refuse how many think this is good good counsel good advice i refuse to allow the least bit of ill will or hard feeling in my heart against anyone you got to make up your mind or you'll give place to it because people can do and say some ugly stuff huh yeah they can but i mean when they nailed jesus to the cross what did he say father forgive them they don't know what they're doing you reckon jesus operated that way he didn't allow the least bit of ill will a hard feeling you know he did you see it he's our example that's not just the right thing to do and a nice holy righteous thing to do it is necessary for you to stay safe it's necessary for you to keep the doors closed to the enemy it's necessary for your faith to work can you see it child of god look with me in closing i think no guarantees but uh first timothy 4. you're there close by but just back up a little bit to first timothy 4. if jesus has already paid for all the sins of the world and it's not god's will that any should perish and jesus has already been judged for those sins paid the price and rose from the dead triumphing over it then how can somebody wind up dying lost and going to hell see there are people that'll try to tell you perversions and distortions of grace that basically it's all been done no matter what you think or what you don't think or what you believe well if that's right then everybody will be saved because he has paid the price and if if you if it's not based on anything you do then everybody will be saved but that's not what the bible teaches the lord said there's few that be saved didn't he and there's a broad way that leads to destruction and many that are going down that path off into destruction well what how can that be listen to this in first timothy 4 10. first timothy 4 10 therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust everybody say we trust we trust in the living god who is the savior of all men that's not a period i said that's not a period especially of those that believe now why would you say that is he the savior of all men or not yes and no is jesus the savior of all men or not yes and no he's the only savior available to them right he has taken on their sin and paid for it already but is he their savior are they saved no unless they receive him unless they believe especially of them that believe that especially could also be translated most of all or above all above all those that believe and it is true that as a believer any mistake or failure that you might do the lord has already paid for it you might say well what what do i need to repent for well why does anybody need to receive jesus for can you see this you need to do it for your own sake yes the work is done nothing else needs to be done it's done that doesn't mean you've received it when you violated light your heart will condemn you not the holy spirit your heart will condemn you because you know what you know you know what you did and what you shouldn't have done you know you can play games about it but in your heart you know and if you know god knows is that right he knows and how can you get rid of that condemnation not by pretending it didn't happen oh come on can y'all listen to me or not not by pretending it didn't happen that doesn't work what do you got to do repent oh somebody say repent it should be music to your ears child of god repent it's a gift i said it's a gift don't run from the lord he already knows don't try to hide are you kidding you can't hide anything from him what do you do you run to him you run to him and you don't wait till later and you certainly don't wait five years while the enemy chews you up what do you do immediately immediately when your heart bothers you you run to him you acknowledge it you say father i missed it i've sinned you know it i judge that it's wrong and don't wallow in condemnation receive forgiveness receive cleansing and washing receive the righteousness of god but you've got to receive it well if you didn't miss it there's nothing to receive there's no reason to receive and and if you sinned against somebody hmm go to them tell them ask their forgiveness and whether they forgive you or not you've done what you need to do can you see this and you don't have an open door you don't you're not giving the enemy any access the gift of repentance the acknowledging of the truth enables you to recover yourself out of the snare and trap of the enemy oh does it sound good does it say and so you can get free and you can stay free hallelujah and then child of god then then then when you know god knows and the devil knows that you are not in disobedience your heart's not bothering you you are submitted to god you are yielded to his word you're walking in the light that you have now child of god you in a place of authority you got every right to say devil shut up get out of here and he will flee there's no ifs ands and buts about it he's gone he's gone before you get through saying it because he knows that you know you know that he knows i'm not playing with you anymore we have shut the door you're on the outs and god is in hallelujah submit yourself to god resist the devil and he'll flee from you stand on your feet everybody oh thank you lord thank you lord oh thank you lord lift up your hands lift up your voices say thank you father oh father we worship you oh thank you lord [Music] hallelujah let's sing that what can wash away [Music] what can't make is [Music] hallelujah just close your eyes if you would [Music] there's no reason to wait another minute to repent if anything's been bothering your heart there's no reason to wait it'd be a mistake to wait right now in your heart anything that you need to make right with god you say father i i confess that i acknowledge that i don't hide it i don't cover it you already know i confess that mistake i confess that that failure i knew better than that i shouldn't have done that i knew i should have done that and i didn't do it i confess it i acknowledge the truth [Music] and everybody say i receive complete forgiveness i receive total cleansing and washing by the blood of the lamb i receive the righteousness of christ oh hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh thank you lord thank you lord keep singing guys makes me [Music] hallelujah all to workers would you come to the front hallelujah now uh if you need to repent to people be willing to do it be willing to do it if you did something against them you want to repent to them you have to humble yourself it's not fun i know it but don't leave an open door to the enemy don't leave any access for him ask the lord to show you how to do it and he can prepare them before you talk to them help them to see and hear it the right way and it's not the end of the world you'll be okay you'll be better off than before hallelujah we don't know who's in the rooms or who's watching online but if you've never received jesus as lord of your life that's the biggest thing and we'll all confess him together right now and if you haven't done that do it right now out loud with us from your heart say it out loud father god i believe in you and in your son [Music] jesus i believe he went to the cross he paid the price for all my sins he was judged in my place [Music] for me and you have raised him from the dead he's alive right now king of kings lord of lords soon to come again jesus i receive you and everything you have done for me i confess you as lord over my life thank you for saving me i will follow you all my days hallelujah singing again [Music] oh hallelujah it is such a joy to be your pastors and be with you and minister to you it's just it's just wonderful and i i know better than to brag on you to other people but sometimes i had to check myself because you you just do a lot of things right you work you serve you pray you believe you give you i believe the lord is pleased with what's going on hallelujah well have a wonderful day and rejoice in him as you go let's sing about the blood as we do [Music] [Applause] is [Music] precious is [Music] [Music] do [Music] you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 4,943
Rating: 4.941606 out of 5
Id: lXeHabG5j_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 22sec (7282 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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