Keith Moore The Power of the Tongue Pt 4 Words That Edify

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I didn't bring a Bible we this morning hold up your hand real high the ushers got extra Bibles we'll be glad to let you use one of ours let's be turning to two openings James three and proverbs 18 James three and proverbs 18 I have a sense in the spirit that uh this debt paying off house paying off there's time for folks to reap amen and that air the first quarter of this year has come and gone a lot of debts paid off houses paid off vehicles paid off lands paid off somebody say so be it so be it so be it now faith doesn't have to see how hmm you can be in debt over your head and don't know how you're gonna make a payment much less pay it off but it's faith to go ahead and say it and we're talking about it is you know keep your mind on it not you know 24/7 but on a regular basis everyday in these this week and next week and the next this is say it out loud and decree it get it in your mouth and remind yourself of it that this is happening I'm reaping harvest off of good seed that I've sown and we're getting caught up and we're getting ahead and we're paying off all of our debts we're paying all our bills I'm talking about actually believing it and how would you know if you really believe it you get excited about so I'm telling you this is something that you want to jump on with both feet and you want to say yes that word is for me that's happening for me now we stood up here what was it last week and we read that passage from Joel I don't believe that's just something I thought up hmm it's the word of the Lord read it right out of the Bible and I believe the Lord is quickening it to us for this time and this season that his the blessing that we've had will keep but he's going to add additional blessing to that coming at the same time I mean that's how it what you had plus new that'll catch you up now that'll get you ahead that'll bring you from lack to excess to abundance and then he talked to to us about restoring didn't he restoring the years that had been consumed and lost said out loud that words for me that word is to me that word is for me that word is working mightily in my life hallelujah thank you lord thanks be unto God who always causes us to triumph gives us the victory praise God did you find James three proverbs 18 how many were here a Friday night by the video link great I meant to say hi to you but you know a lot of times you get something in your mind but then when you get to going in and your spirits focused on something all that's out the window and that's okay because we need to focus on the main thing but uh I know a number of folks drove over as well but man I could sense you with me then I'd like to just take you everywhere like that that'd be wonderful and then it got me to thinking you know about the the connection you know we have technology in our days that previous generations did not have and I know people say well why would you come together and sit and watch a screen you know wine just not watch it at the house well be the same reason is why we didn't just have cyber church today I could have stayed at home and preached in front of the computer you could have I could have preached from the bed I could have just sit there in the bed in pajamas and just stuff and you could have stayed into bed and watch the computer would it have been just as good is it really need full does it really make a difference for us to get up do what it takes to get ready traveling it here and get in the same room around it the scripture said don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some back then people were laying out and not coming and gathering together no we cannot achieve the corporate anointing in the same way as we can coming together when I'm you know 2 3 5 20 feet from you and your two feet from the God front of you or behind you your faith your presence us coming together one mind one Accord it makes a difference it does and so I was excited about the difference that it made both with those that came over and those that were here and so thanks be unto God we're joined together and we're coming on up and moving forward in James the 3rd chapter in chapter 2 excuse me verse 2 chapter 3 verse 2 of James he said in many things we offend all if any man offend not in word the same is a perfect man and able also to bridle the whole body Young's literal translation says if anyone inward does not stumble this one is a perfect man able to bridle the whole body is it true if you control your words you can control your entire body I got three or four nods I didn't write this NIV says we all stumble in many ways we have if anyone is never at fault in what he says he is a perfect man not perfect here does not mean flawless it means fully developed grown-up mature and fully developed and this is one of the big indicators of where you and I are in our spiritual development whether we are infants spiritual babies or whether we're growing up or whether we are fleshy flesh ruled our carnal or whether we are spiritual how much do we miss it in what we say this reveals us this shows us you don't have to be a spiritual person doesn't have to be around somebody very long to find out where they are spiritually they'll tell you or you'll tell other people either way but how would you know that you're really developing and you're really becoming more spiritual then you go days and not miss it and what you say you'll go weeks and not miss it in what you say is this possible forest friends it is the scripture said he that says he abides in him in Jesus ought himself also so to walk even as he walked how long would Jesus go and not miss it in what he said month after month after month right year after and not missing what he said and he's not doing that as God he's doing that as a man anointed by the spirit and has he not anointed us with the same spirit didn't he tell us if we'd believe on him the works he did we'd do also didn't he say that then it is gloriously possible for you and I to get a hold of ourself after all who's making us say what we say huh who's making you say the words that you choose to say no we the lord has bought us and paid for us and given us this freedom both by creation and redemption he has made us speaking spirits like himself giving us the ability to choose what we will believe and choose what we will say an old friend in that ability is the ability to create and to change and to rule and reign in life by Christ Jesus can you say glory to God he said if you don't miss it in what you say you can control your whole body he went on to say just like the horse is controlled with the bit in its mouth just like the ship though it is so big and driven by huge waves and fierce winds it can be totally turned around with that small rudder and he went on to say just like what that bit is to the horse's mouth what that rudder is to the ship your tongue is to your life if we're writing today you might say the tongue is the steering wheel and so if you can control your whole body that means you can speak changes over your kidneys over your lungs over your glands your bones your joints you never want to say my arthritis is acting up how many what I'm saying what if your joints are swelled and painful well you can come in on it or you can change it come on are you listening to them your words you can remark or remake oh that was worth you combing your hair and coming to church is gone right work when the Lord speaks we read in the songs he said it and it was done he commanded and it stood fast every word the Lord commands comes to pass doesn't it 100% he speaks no idle empty non-working words and he told us not to either didn't he didn't he warn us about speaking idle words would have to give an account form that's what that word idle means is non working we need to put our words to work quit saying a bunch of lazy that's it so these words are either detrimental they're either hurting us or they're just lazy and empty either way we need to give them a kick and stop saying the detrimental and put our words to work what does it mean put your words to work make them work for you instead of against you why would you say I have trouble with this that's a weak area of mine I can't do anything right I guess I'll never I guess we'll never have why would you say it because you absolutely don't believe the Bible that death and life is in the power of the tongue but I believe I'm not talking to unbelievers in this church with the faith sign on the front come on now this huh turn to proverbs 18 proverbs 18 and 20 what did it say a man's belly will be satisfied with what not not just the sweat of your brow that's good to be diligent it's good to be a hard worker but that by itself is not enough then you know there's people that's been hard-working folks their whole life and been absolutely poverty-stricken their whole life working hard you can work three jobs you can work yourself down and many people that are hard workers that's a good thing but they don't realize all the while they working so hard they're talking against their self our poor man can't get ahead you know like I take one step forward and get knocked back three just just by the time I get the paid for you know it breaks or this is and then it realize they are undermining their hard work their effort don't tell me how you'll eat good how you going to be satisfied with good words coming out of your mouth with the fruit what your mouth produces and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled we should never talk decrease we should not talk staying the same we should always talk increase your life your relationship your finances our church our ministries our businesses we're coming up don't let anybody tell you you can't right now because of the economy this or that or because of who's an officer who's not an officer no you can now right now this year first quarter this year first weeks and first month you can hit this thing with increase so that like we're coming up right now we're increasing in every good thing now if you believe that it releases something in your life if you don't believe it it's just empty you're just like a parrot repeating something that I said or somebody you know Polly wants a cracker Polly wants cracker pretty bird pretty bird and some Christians confessions are nothing more than that that's all it is because it's not just you will have what you say hmm you won't have everything you say you must believe what you say what did Jesus say if you'll believe in your heart if you'll not doubt but believe in your heart so this must be essential to the process and that's as they say where the rub comes in believing it but we got the answer for that too if you're believing is not where it needs to be how can you get there so then faith comes by hearing hearing by the anointed work which is why you need to read that chapter every day why you need to be in church we need to come together and believe for utterance why because the words of the Lord are not just informative there's power in these words to come give us the ability to believe and we get to where we can believe something and say it it will affect change in our life come on do you believe it sometimes people so I said this and I said that none of it worked well you didn't believe it ya did no you didn't ya did no way no how you did not I know because you just got through telling me it didn't work if you believed it you still be believe in it some things take longer than a day or two longer than a year or two it's one of the most amazing things about God know everything he says comes to pass but not by tomorrow or even next week man he'll say a thing speak it through his prophet speak it through an angel he'll say it into the earth and it may go a thousand years and look like it's never going to happen you don't awake this morning but will it come to pass there's some things right now that he has said it looks like there's no way no how but just how many believe it will happen you just what's he say it will come to pass everything else he has said has come to pass and these will - a hundred percent of what he commands and decrees comes to pass what percentage of what you say comes to pass hmm to 2% less 11.6 what percent of what comes out of your mouth comes to pass but first of all it takes my major mind renewal for us to even realize that words are for more than just communication what do you believe happens when you speak well people find out what I think people find out how I feel people find out what I want if that's all you believe ever happens then that's all that happens because that's all you believe I said it they heard it they understood now they know that's it but the Lord doesn't just speak to Express he didn't look out over the darkness on the face of the deep and said Maya that's dark he didn't just comment on it you know on a scale of 1 to 10 that is 10 darkness that is he doesn't just remark about it he doesn't just come in on it he used his words he sent his word to change it didn't he are you and I made in his likeness and image are we made speaking spirits can we use words for more than just expression for more than just communication can we use our words to change things it is a glorious truth what did verse 21 say here death and life are in the power of the tongue it's very important that you take a moment and decide whether you believe that or not is this true or not death and life are in the power of the tongue because people get I know from experience some folks get annoyed with some of this kind of teaching and then all you know that watching every words you say that just just puts me in bondage if you say so it could set you free by choosing the words of freedom does it matter what you say how much does it matter life or death according to the scripture and not one isolated verse there are so many verses that talk about this we've already covered many in this study death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof what does it mean well if you love to talk whatever you love to talk that's what you gonna have you're going to eat the fruit of it you talk death you're gonna have death you talk broke and pouring and lack you're going to have that you talk failure and inability insufficiency you'll have it you know it is it is a highly developed thing for poor folks to talk about how poor they are isn't it I mean it's just it's just a common topic of conversation about you know how hard times are and how soon did you hear about so-and-so and what happened to them and and yeah and and how this has gone up and so high and so on so lost their job and how bad it is well if you if you love to talk about that what are you going to eat you're going to eat the fruit of that but even if you've experienced some trials and challenges and lack all the more reason to talk increase isn't it - don't let your words loud lounge around and be lazy yeah anybody can say what it is that's right why is it always bad I just call it what it is I just call it like it is what it takes Joe Center can do that takes no faith takes no effort that's letting your words just lounge around and be lazy and go it is what it is it just is it's bad and it's bad and yeah let's sing some blues get drunk feel sorry for us that huh you could put your words to work you could get up you can say outwards stand up you got a job to do so here we go things are getting better things are turning the Lord told me that I could turn around my life with my mouth he told me just like a bit in the horse's mouth just like a rudder ownership so here we go I'm getting a hold of the steering wheel I'm saying my life is turning around my life is coming up my life is getting better and you need to set when you got not one idea how it could be not one clue how it could be everything looks like it's only going to get worse it takes faith to say that when it looks that way but with the Lord nothing's too hard that's all he needs somebody that will agree with him and quit instead of speaking against what he said agree with him if he says all things are possible what should you say all things are possible if he said you're more than a conqueror what should you say I'm more than if he said you can do all things through Christ what should you say I can do I can do it if he says all your needs are met what did you say all my needs are met just say what he said so simple Ladas don't know if I'm uh making he didn't say that you have gotten away from him you can't find any scriptures where he told you you might not make it now you know you writing your own scrip only say what he said he said by my stripes you were healed he said with long life I'll satisfy you show you my salvation didn't he say he said I redeem your life your youth is renewed like the Eagles man it's hard getting old I tell you what getting olds not for the faint of heart man who can't remember anything anymore feel like 40 miles a muddy road man you know it's getting old business and everybody laughs about just think that's okay to talk like that we got to be nuts to talk like that because you got aging and the curse of the earth and all this stuff to deal with is well why would you take your words and shoot yourself with them why would you do that and just make a challenging situation twice as hard if you get the feeling old and get the feeling some symptoms here and there it is time to put your words to work for you don't just comment on the situation change the situation don't just remark this about the situation remake the situation it is in our power life and death is in the power of our tongues it's time to get up and say my youth is being renewed my latter days will be greater than my first I mean the outward man might be growing older but the inward man is renewed day by day the Lord is my strength I will go in the strength of the Lord my god I'm strong in the Lord and in the pot now if you talk like that and you believe that will that not change you the Bible says that has the power to change your whole body change your mind never should you grab your head and go I did I can't think straight what is wrong with me I can help you with that and tell you what's wrong with you one of the big things is right under your nose what is wrong with me I knew I can't think I can't if you say so if you feel symptom of challenge like that what's it time to say thank you Lord I have the mind of Christ God didn't give me a spirit of fear I do not have a spirit of fear or confusion God's not in confusion gods in me so confusion is not in me he's made me of sound mind and heart he's made me of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord I'm bright and sharp by the anointing on you thank you Lord you bring everything to my remembrance that I need to know and see and do do you have to feel that way to say that it's all the more important that you said when you don't feel that way put your words to work can you say amen amen means so big go to numbers please this morning numbers 22 very enlightening passage here the Lord brought to my remembrance I see it in a different light numbers 22 the Bible said in verse 1 if the children of Israel sit forward and pitched in the plains of Moab and balak the son of zippor saw that Israel had done to the amirite they had defeated them destroyed them and more I was so afraid of the people because there are many more was distressed because of the children of Israel and more upset to the children of Midian now so this company lick up all that around about us as the ox licks up the grass of the field is this helping them or hurting them that's what they're saying about their enemies man they're going to come in here and destroy us they're going to mop us up they're going to mow us down like a cow eating up the grass duh don't help your enemy destroy you don't do it so what we're saying a few moments ago no weapon formed against me will prosper greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world no enemies going to come in destroy my life destroy my family no no destroy our business consume our finances not gonna happen no no because the Lord keeps me he protects us he sustains us put your words to work for you well uh Balak the king he sent messengers to Balaam and he called him and said behold look there's a people that's come up from Egypt and they covered the face of the earth and they abide over against me come now I pray you and curse me this people now curse doesn't mean cuss he's not saying come here and call him some names you by Kenny bike bike right folks uh-uh no no he's mentioning cursing versus blessing and most of the church world only thing they know about blessing is if somebody says I chew and they go bless you god bless you and it doesn't mean one thing it is and it's one of those pretty bird it's eating it was never supposed to be that way from the beginning the word of curse is a word that ministers death and weakness and obstructs and stops the word of blessing empowers enables to succeed and win and increase and multiply and religion has reduced this to would you bless us and some little something is said or are something done and it's more of it's more like a heathen incantation or our hocus pocus it's sad what these things have been reduced to but what that what we're about to see is this man this King knew that this man had developed inability to speak notice he said come and cursed me this people because they're too mighty for me he doesn't feel confident in taking them on militarily he needs some help and so he goes to somebody to get him to talk he says ah I want that he whom you blessed is blessed and he whom you cursed is cursed now what wot means no other translations bring it out like this I have known that he whom you blessed what is it happens when Balaam spoke blessing over somebody or a family or a group it happened when he spoke curse they wouldn't be able to succeed they wouldn't be able to success and it was it had happened prominently and so many times that people knew it when Balaam says it it happens and it was so well known that the king was willing to pay any price if he could get him to say something negatively over his enemy if he could get Balaam to say that they would not be successful that they would not win in battle that they were not blessed they were cursed so he sends his own voice and he sends his rewards because he says I know this is the king talking how many understand a king with his military might all his by today's standard billions and billions or trillions this is a kingdom this is a nation why is he going to a man a spiritual man trying to get him to say something so this sounds strange to our ears today but from the beginning it's always been this way God is spirit and he speaks and things are done he has made mankind including you and me in his own likeness and image speaking spirits and though most of the world lives and dies and never has a clue who and what they are must let's operate in it there have been a few throughout the generations that learn how and that learn the power of what you say and develop in it to the point where when they speak blessing it's blessed and when they speak cursing its cursed when they loose it's loose and when they bind it is bound Balaam had developed in this and he had exercised enough in it until people knew they knew situations where he had spoke over this and man it happened and he spoke over that and it happened to the point where when the king is concerned for the continued existence his whole kingdom that's where he goes confident that if he can get this man to say the right things on his behalf he'll overcome so verse seven the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian they came with their rewards to Balaam and they spoke to him the words of Balak and verse eight notice what Balaam did not do he did not start talking they're offering him millions of dollars they're offering him houses estates chariots huge sums of money so why did he just say sure what you want me to say I'll say some stuff for 10 million you know it what you want said mm-hmm no what do you say he said stay here tonight and I'll bring you word again as the Lord speaks to me I'm gonna have to go see what I need to say now here we see a big revelation of how he got to the place where he got in his words hmm he didn't just remember we read in Psalms what is it Psalm 12 where they said our lips are our own who is lord over us that means I say whatever I want to say yeah you can and your words will be weak and meaningless and powerless all your life but if Jesus is your Lord you can say my lips are not my own and so I'm going to discipline myself in every episode of life to go to him and let him tell me what I should say I'll come on are y'all with me and Balaam had disciplined himself to the point that when he spoke it happened so much so that Kings we're willing to pay him any price to come say things that they won't said because they know it'll happen he said well no you stay right here I'm gonna go sit I'm gonna seek the Lord so he went and the Lord came to Balaam he said what men are these with you I don't think he said because he didn't know he and Balaam said that's bailiffs boys he sent him and he told him what he had said verse twelve God said you will not go with them and you're not to curse these people because they are blessed what's he telling him you can't say what he wants you to say no can't say him so he went and told him he said you need to get back to your house because the Lord won't let me go with you and they went back and told the king they said he refuses to come and bail look I'm sure was indignant he's the king he sent more princes more and more honorable and they came to Balaam and they said thus says Bailey let nothing hinder you from coming to me for I will promote you to very great honor I will do whatever you say to me come I pray you and cursed me this people now I want you to see how much a heathen King valued his words do we need mine renewal in this area so we've become a generation of chatters and yeah kurz and foolish talkers and words mean nothing but surely if a man not even born again in the New Covenant can develop to this point why couldn't a child of God what couldn't a child of God in today's day and age develop the same discipline and have the power on their words come up and Balaam answered and said if bailant would give me his house full of silver and gold i cannot go beyond the word of the lord my god to do less or to do more i can't say it i can only say what he says old friends we all awake early this is how Balaam's words got so powerful because he only said what he heard the Lord say to him to say would the Lord tell us what to say in every part of our life but so many times folks won't wait on him they just say whatever they feel they just said whatever thoughts come across or whatever whatever other people are saying but if we're having trouble challenges attacks in in relationships and money and whatever it is if we just step number one button your lip don't death and life sin the power of what I say you're hit with an attack with a challenge with a bad report it's critical what happens next what comes out of your mouth can make the difference between living and dying what should you do what should you and I do what should we do we should seek the Lord we should check our heart we should say Lord what do I say what do I say about this what do I say at all if you've been feeding on the word for years come on if you've been putting his words in you for years it's in there he'll bring it right up to you it might be something from this verse and something from that verse or it might be something from this but he'll put it together and it'll be exactly what needs to be said in this situation this moment in time and when it comes up in you you'll know it oh that's it that's it that's it and when you say it it won't just be a comment it will affect change in your situation but see people have learned faith principles and authority in Christ principles and so something comes up and they just yield to panic a starlet in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus and then undo this and we rebuke when we abandon and we do this and nothing happens it's just dead in empty and no one and people go away well I why didn't that work learn this principle now I'm not necessarily saying that you gonna have to wait a long time to find out what to say you might but if the Lord knows you need it right now he'll give it to you right now it'll come up he can come up in a split second but the important thing is that in all of our ways we acknowledge him and don't and don't just use our own words and don't you say whatever we think we want to say we look to him and say what do I say what do I say Lord what I say about this show me what to say I think that's what the master was doing when they came and said you know this woman taken the act of adultery law says stoner what do you say he didn't answer he stooped down started writing I believe he's looking he's operating as a man I believe he's looking and checking and the Bible say this went on for a little while because the Bible said they kept pushing him about it and and trying to make him answer them and and he didn't I don't know how long it went maybe minutes in a situation like that a few minutes to seem like a long time but eventually I believe he's I believe he smiled he stood up he said he this without sin among you let him cast the first stone stooop back there changed everything how many of the wisdom of God was in those words and the compassion of God was in those words and the Grace and the goodness of God was in those were there was so much it was the perfect thing to say wasn't it now instead of them being on the offensive instantly they're on the defensive and I thought oh I'm not going to the first rocky though the first rock man man that people are looking at Alette you better not pick up a rock I know you you better not pick up a rock is there a perfect thing to say in every critical time of life and in every situation could we speak life instead of death could we speak faith instead of fear and panic could we speak peace instead of confusion but we'll have to look sometimes we'll have to wait they came and they offered him more and more he wouldn't do it ah verse 37 Balak said did not not earnestly send to you and call you why didn't you come to me am I not able indeed to promote you to honor he's the king he's used to people doing what he says what he says and he can't get this guy to say what's he wanting to say why would he care so much that this man says something he says because I know if you curse them they're cursed Balaam said I'm come to you have I not any power at all to say anything the word that the Lord puts in my mouth that shall I speak I think everybody will say that right now say right now the word that the Lord puts in my mouth that I shall speak amen what do you say the word the Lord puts in my mouth that's what I'm gonna say what about this building and how're we going to do that what about this and what about that so it's those attacked with this physical issue in and so once those having problem in the kids and the grandkids and this and that see millions of Christians what do they do when they hear stuff oh they'll tear up they'll start crying they think it shows they're a good Christian because they care so much if you care you don't want to be part of the problem if you care you want to do something to help it to make a change and you crying and being scared hurts the situation sometimes they were looking to you for help and here you are crumbling and falling apart make them feel like boy it must really be worthless because I excuse me a hopeless because I thought maybe they'd have some faith but look they're crying must be worse than I thought when everybody else is talking failure and hopeless we yeah you you and me God's taught us we know better come on God has taught us for years he has put this word in us and we're not just religious this is real our families should be able to count on us our friends should be able to care no matter how bad how much everybody is shaken and scared and running there will be look at us and all that comes out of my eyes is faith yeah and no matter what's going on they're not gonna hear us talk death then I go hear a stock failure they're not going to hear us talk defeat you're not going to hear us say it's not going to happen there's no way no how too late too impossible now the word the Lord puts in my mouth that's what I'm gonna say and you put the right thing in your mouth at the right time all you got to do is look for it seek and you shall find seek and you shall find can you say glory to God Oh somebody say thank you lord thank you Lord said again thank you Lord this is not the end of had time we this goes on for two or three chapters here finally you know Balak wouldn't leave him alone he said let me go with you personally let's go up here and look at them maybe you can curse them from here and so they offered their sacrifices and and Balaam looks out over them and starts telling how powerful they are and how blessed they are and how they're going to block a like a young lion they're just going to consume everything in their path and Balak says whoa whoa whoa no no no I said cars cars quit quit come over here you can only see just a little bit of them from back over here come over here on this side of the mountain and see if you can work up a curse see this Widow see the tail in them back there they don't look all that impressive from this vantage point did you know Carson farming Carson he looks at him and he begins to speak again and it's just blessing about how powerful they are about how they just going to consume everything in their path and how that their how their ends going to be so glorious and and he says well at least don't bless him if you're not gonna custom just don't bless the baby just don't do it thing he said I told you I can't go beyond what the Lord puts in my mouth come on listening verse 19 chapter 23 19 he said God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent has he said it and shall he not do it has he spoken and shall he not make it good behold I have received commandment to bless and he has blessed and I cannot reverse it glory to God somebody say glory to God say glory to God glory to God chapter 24 goes on BHEL BHEL AK keeps raising the price he says name your price name you put you on a billion dollars I'll give you I'll give you two billion you know that valley down there in the southern part of my kingdom it's got the Oasis and and in all astir you want that how about my summer home I'm telling he just kept oh it was so much that Balaam bought it later and if you've read the rest of the story about Balaam his name is synonymous with sellout and greed it's he wanted it so bad he could not curse them but later on he got to thinking about how he could get that money and he went back and told the king he said well I can't got killed like I said I can't curse them but I tell you what you do if you'll get them to go down and get mixed up with that idol worship bunch and if they'll eat their sacrifices with them and commit fornication with them he said they'll lose their power and you could and he talked the King how to get them into sin and how to get him to curse their self so he could get that money that happened after this but at this point he said that he said verse 13 if he would give me his house full of silver and gold I cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord to do good or bad of my own mind what the Lord says that will I speak say that out loud what the Lord says that will I speak can you see this is one of the big reasons why we need to know the written word don't we because that he has said all of this and he'll bring to us the word in season from this that applies to our situation and then when we speak it in faith it'll change our situation go to John please 14th chapter John 14 hearing these words I can only say what the Lord gives me to say reminds me of somebody else does it you who the master Jesus in John chapter well before we read that read the 12th chapter and 49 is these all go together back just to chapter 2 before that 1249 of john jesus said i have not spoken of myself but the Father which sent me he gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak so when Jesus was speaking he said the words I speak I don't speak of myself he said if you if you've seen me you've seen the father why because he was only saying and doing what the father directed him to say and do so even though you heard him saying it you're hearing the father because he just saying what the father gave him to say and can you see how words could be so powerful in the earth through our mouth because it's more than just us hmm it's the word of the Lord coming through us in the earth and if light be would change it then then light be will change it now whether he spoke it over or whether he spoke it through us it's still his powerful word John 14 and 10 14 and 10 he said believe us now not that I'm in the father and the father in me the words that I speak to you I speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth [Applause] he does the works now you might say well yeah but my brother Keith that's Jesus think about it how many of Jesus words were idle and unproductive none did he say words that weren't just commenting but they changed things he said peace be still behold be cleansed be loosed be free and it happened verse 12 of course 12 was it saying Jesus said verily verily if he'd have said it would have been true if he used 1 verily it had been true and then Sami 2 Farrelly's he that believes on me the works that I do shall he do also is he saying we can speak like him and live like him and walk like him yes yes and John 15:7 John 15:7 if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and what you shall ask what you will and it shall be done to you why his words are in you his words are in you and his words are coming through you and when you say it it happens can you say glory to God no it's not just grabbing something off the top of your head and I'm on I'm gonna be a multi-billionaire for the Sun Goes Down you don't believe that at all yeah I don't know you don't don't kid yourself you will never become a person of powerful words playing games this is about really totally believing something in your heart and believing that when you say it it happens you think trying pretending playing carrying on these are holy things they're not to be toyed and played with that will be taken seriously they're to better be rejoiced in realizing I'm not just a dumb animal I'm a speaking spirit mate an image of the Almighty I got the ability to speak over my world and over my word over my life speak over everything it's under my hand and under my power I got the ability and the privilege to rule and reign in life as the King does with his words but I must not be loose with my words I know my the Lord said something to me years ago about this he said son if you'll be more selective you'll be more effective talking about my words what does that mean you know what we've been talking about all morning don't just say the first thing that crosses your mind don't just say what other people are saying it's time for you to look inside where the Spirit of God dwells in you and say what should I say about this you may not know today what you should say about that it might be a week are y'all with me some things that are not time critical it might be a year we haven't learned to live like that halfway folks just whatever crosses their mind comes out their mouth with no filter my mouth a lot of times folks afterwards go ah the ice hidden said that and that's one of people whose words are so meaningless and so powerless think about this man under the Old Testament a man who had moral flaws big time and yet over the years had developed in his ability to speak so that Kings would offer him giant sums of money if he would say what they wanted him to say what's his first response I got to go check I got to go see what I can say about that and the Lord says no you can't say that because I say this hmm go to Ephesians in closing please Ephesians the fourth chapter now I'd like to get into this more later on if the Lord would allow some directors Ephesians 4 and 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth did you say try no don't let it come out of your mouth should we take New Testament Scriptures like this seriously should we do what he told us to do let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth now the word corrupt literally means worthless and are rotten don't let any worthless words come out of your mouth don't let any rotten also the word hurtful is descriptive harmful bad words come out of your how many how much no let no rotten bad damaging hurtful words none of them don't let them come out of your mouth should we take the New Testament seriously don't let it proceed out of your mouth but this is what comes out of your mouth that which is good not rotten good not harmful good helpful good to the use of edifying edifying the word edify means to build or to build up or to strengthen or to establish that which is good to the use of edifying I get this that it it what the words coming out of your mouth may Minister grace the word minister has to do with imparting and importation listen to the week's translation every word that is rotten and unfit for use out of your mouth let it not be proceeding but whatever is good suitable for edification with respect to the need in order that it may impart grace to the hearers this is part of what I believe for every time I get up to speak I'm believing Lord I'm a vessel you could use anybody you want to it's my privilege to get used today speak through me Lord let words come through me that minister a supply of the Spirit in the spirits and minds and impart strength and ability this is not just about information this is not just about learning something new how many believe the words of the Lord are quick and quickening they are alive they are powerful they're discerning and separating and go right to the core right to the heart they can come in you and you can be feeble need and weak and they can stand you up on your feet come on a Q stands you up on your feet you heard the sister talking about wanting to quit well you know anybody could say don't quit that don't mean it helps y'all that much but when the Spirit of God quickens you and you say it in faith then it's not just a little pat on the back don't quit its power coming into you to help you not to quit that is happening in this church that is increasing in this church and it doesn't stop when the service is over because this word is in you this faith is in you the Spirit of God is in you and on a Tuesday afternoon our on a Thursday evening and somebody calling and crying with you on the phone are you looking and talking to somebody on the street got you'll you'll be looking on the inside say Lord what is the word what is the word that will encourage them what is the word that will impart grace to this man to this woman and as you wait on him and look for it it'll come up in your spirit and you go oh that's it that's it that's it and it may be the simplest phrase it doesn't have to be some fifty dollar words and and King James quoting them nine verses what was that word don't quit but it was anointed somebody say glory to God and there might have been twenty people over the last six weeks that told them you can do it you'll be okay but there was no faith in it and there was no power in it didn't mean anything and lord have you put a hand on the shoulder and look them in the eye and say you will make it through this you will you're coming through this and it'll be better than before but you can't say that just because you want to say it or just because you said it last time if you want your words to have power what do you have to do you have to check you have to check okay Lord what what is the thing what is the word to say to them and you may you may not have it right when you think you want it you may have to wait maybe somebody that you see every day and you wanted to tell a Monday but you just didn't have it clear and and you keep your love keeps looking in and your faith keeps looking and it might be two weeks later but glory to God y'all happen to be at the right place at the right time and and it comes opinion it's clear as a bell and you say it and it means something can you see where God's taking us he's taking us up out of childhood playing games making confessions like Polly wants a cracker huh taking this up to operate like the master come on now to where we believe it in our heart and we say it with our mouth and it comes to pass we're not saying a bunch of still we don't say make comments we don't make confessions about everything because we don't have it we don't have the prompting we don't have the unction but if we'll discipline ourselves and be more selective the power will just come up and come up and come up and come up and if it could happen under they'll covenant with heathen kings what couldn't it happen in our day and time with the Holy Spirit on us in the name of Jesus and come on now they come to pass where people talk about you so I'll tell you what if you get them to come speaker get see if you can get them to say something over you because man if you do and then of course the ideal is for them to know the Lord and them to grow up and realize they could speak over themselves Oh glory to God glory to God stand up on your feet look at that put that scripture back up on the screen again please Ephesians 4:29 Ephesians 4:29 let's look at the new century the NCV the NCV do we have that one he said when you talk when you do because you don't always talk yeah but when you do what do not say harmful things we are not in the cursing business blessing only but say what people need men are saved by hearing words isn't it true the gospel words that's what the angel told Cornelius he said sin for Peter he'll come and tell you words whereby you and your whole house will be saved by what by hearing these words tell them words that will help others become stronger than what you say it won't just inform them what will it do what you say will do good will do something good to those who listen to you and we can say like the Lord says about his words he said my word comes out of my mouth will not return to me void it'll prosper in what I sent it to do it will accomplish what I sent it to do close your eyes said out loud thank you Lord for making me in your own image a speaking spirit like yourself thank you for opening my eyes to see these truths [Music] set a watch at the door of my mouth alert me check me lest I say wrong things lest I speak death harmful things and show me how like my master Jesus to look to you to wait on you and only say what I hear you say only speak the words you put in my mouth thank you for lifting me up to a whole nother place ruling and reigning in life by Christ Jesus praise you Lord oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 63,362
Rating: 4.8090043 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Power, of, the, Tongue, Pt, 4, Words, That, Edify
Id: jwhkJB8GlCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2011
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