Jezebel’s Influence in Government | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | August 24

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hello thank you so much for joining me for today's give him 15. the title of our post today is jezebel's influence in government psalm 85 verse 8 says i will hear what god the lord will speak for he will speak peace unto his people and to his saints but let them not turn again to folly the greatest revival in church history is beginning to unfold it has been prophesied that revival is going to roll across this land and will be the catalyst of a true reformation jesus referred to reformation in matthew 28 19 saying that his ecclesia would disciple nations much is said about revival and awakening but not a lot has been said about the discipling of nations reformation however must accompany revival we must fulfill the lord's command to disciple nations teaching them his ways a true ecclesia embraces and involves itself in both the coming revival therefore will include the church's involvement with our culture and government turning it back from folly the word mentioned in the above verse and reforming it to god's word folly in the above verse is kisla in hebrew and means silliness foolishness or even stupidity it is the responsibility of the king's ecclesia to stop foolishness by reforming culture and government without this matthew 28 type reformation revival is short-lived and incomplete we must have a fully functioning new testament church in america and the world fulfilling all of christ's mandates my brother tim sheets points this out through a look at one of the churches of revelation quote the directives given by king jesus to the seven churches in the book of revelation are important for us to heed one in particular stands out to me as holy spirit has prompted me to study what the king said about the church in thiatera you allow jezebel to seduce revelation 2 20 the amplified bible he goes on to say tells us you tolerate the woman jezebel she teaches and misleads jezebel is commonly defined as a fleshly demonically influenced woman who undermines leadership in a church or ministry this is often true but incomplete jezebel is a demonic spirit that uses both males and females to lead others astray to gossip often lie and even prophesy by demonic unction its goal is to hinder confuse and harass the work of the lord often causing strife and division with people's words or through their words and actions this is commonly done by motivating a person to draw attention to his or herself rather than on what god is doing and saying jezebel-controlled individuals create division seeking to drive a wedge between leadership and other individuals according to this passage in revelation this spirit also causes immorality and compromise it must not be tolerated he continues the original jezebel in scriptures was a person under the influence of this spirit from that point on spirits operating in these ways have been called by her the lady in scripture by her name it is important to remember however that jezebel is a high-ranking demonic spirit not a person with other spirits working under it to perform its goals since the woman jezebel was so controlled by this spirit we can glean much from observing her queen jezebel attacked god's people abused even killed by the way his leaders led people away from him and promoted an anti-god agenda she worshipped baal and helped organize fund and empower prophets of baal jezebel was a government leader a queen who co-led a nation and through her manipulation was the controlling force of the government she was the daughter of ethbia or baal who placed baal in his name the king of sidon and was the wife she was the wife of ahab an ungodly king of israel influenced by her ahab chose to serve baal rather than yahweh even though this religion was so despicable or even though this religion was so despicable it demanded child sacrifice molech often credited with child sacrifice the god molech often credited with child sacrifice was a god under baal as leaders of a nation ahab and jezebel of course made laws they established a new idolatrous culture predominantly immoral in the land ahab and jezebel also led an abusive government that had no qualms about stealing from people in first kings 21 jezebel orchestrated the stealing of a vineyard the god-given inheritance of a man named naboth ahab coveted the vineyard that was part of naboth's family inheritance naboth rightly refused to sell it to him jezebel stepped in and conspired with other leaders devising a plan to have men devoid of morals swear that naboth was a blasphemer after naboth's character was assassinated they caused a riot and stoned him to death after jezebel's plan had been executed she proudly told ahab take possession of the vineyard jezebel hated yahweh and his prophets had no respect for his laws and ways lied and abused her governing authority to get her way does this sound familiar it should because it is happening now in our nation oppression and control through government is a manifestation of the jezebel spirit anti-god ideologies control through government and political leverage using authority for personal gain killing babies all are signs of jezebel's rule there is only one entity tim says that can stop this holy spirit through the true church of jesus christ through him we have the ability yet we have tolerated the activity of this spirit and god says today i have something against thyatira type churches though your love and faith toward me is impressive and your service is persistent you tolerate jezebel in your region state nations and governments this toleration is destroying people's lives or this toleration is destroying people's heritages and allowing demonic ways promoted by jezebel type politicians to become laws in the land you permit the jezebel spirit to oppress your nation schools children you allow those controlled by it to make covenants with demons you tolerate men and women in government stealing people's heritage their jobs and their businesses you permit them to assassinate good people's character you allow the abuse of power and authority you permit them to make laws against me in my ways you allow jezebel to work in your government while you say nothing there are many churches who refuse to get involved in government or culture but the king says i have something against you because i commissioned you and gave you authority but you choose to tolerate this evil tolerate is the word ao meaning to leave alone god said to the church in revelation you tolerate this spirit it means to leave alone much of the body of christ has chosen to ignore this spirit leaving it alone it's time to stop acting like god didn't tell us to get involved we need revival but we also need reformation of our government jesus the king says we need both we must take on the god given assignments of dealing with jezebel and discipling a nation we must choose to get involved in the government and leadership of this nation we must occupy all the mountains of culture government education media arts and entertainment business religion and family yes we need to be revived but then we must go to war jezebel must come down pray with me please i pray that greater revelation of your word would come forth in the church revive your people and restore this nation to its covenant roots we desire to see oppression in people's lives end we want to see their harassment of the church stop you have said the coming revival will produce a strong church and ecclesia that will push against jezebel activity cause us to be those who release your power into society to change it cause the church to raise her voice in this revival and cry out for reformation may we be stirred to cry out for revival and the discipling of our nation we declare that jesus is lord over our lives and this nation help us to be your voice to the lost and to the culture make us voices similar to elijah john the baptist who will say to our jezebel controlled government stop assassinating people's character stop stealing what isn't yours stop living above your privilege stop lying stop killing babies grant that great boldness would come upon us to say what you say give us the greatest revival in history a transformative revival of people's lives and nations and put us on the cutting edge of this lord it's a privilege to be a pioneer may help us make a path where there is none whatever it takes let the river of your spirit flow so we can drink deeply be refreshed and then go into spiritual war give us genuine miracles of reformation and revival healings in people's lives the breaking of demonic bondage freedom and deliverance from oppression physical healing signs and wonders we want it all breathe revival on the ecclesia everywhere and bring reformation to our nation in jesus name amen our decree today fresh winds of revival are blowing nations and governments will be reformed jezebel is coming down amen [Music]
Channel: Dutch Sheets
Views: 90,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: An Appeal To Heaven, Appeal To Heaven, America shall be saved, Dutch Sheets Ministries, DSM, Give Him 15, Give Him Fifteen, GH15
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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