Sunday Evening Special Guest: Perry Stone

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let's get started may next time I come it'd be 70 degrees let's prophesy that here in the house we're going to go ahead and start gentlemen thank you for the parking attendants and the folks that taped and helps thank you thank you so much I want to tell you something that happened to me that was the most unusual thing with a computer that maybe has ever happened several months ago I was preparing to preach at the ramp we had winter rent Karen Wheaton come to Cleveland Tennessee and about 4,000 young people there and I was so excited and I prepared a message called playing chicken with a tiger and I had this coolest message I mean it was gonna help kids it was it talked about standing and facing a tiger you can stare a tiger down men have proven this in Africa but you can't move you can't turn if you turn you're dead and so I asked my son to come in the back and he's a techie he knows everything about computers and printed out when I got it on the screen it disappeared I have never seen anything like it he tried to find it and couldn't find it he got our head tech guy to get all the equipment he had and to go into the computer it was not in the computer we spent two hours trying to find a message that I'm going to preach that night it's two o'clock in the afternoon and normally I'll be honest I would get a little bit upset about that but then I said okay either this is Satan hindering or God stopping and I am going to assume since we cannot find that after prayer that it's God stopping there is something I'm supposed to say that if I were to teach this I would be out of the will of the Lord but I don't know what I'm supposed to teach for a minister I cannot tell you what that feels like it feels like you have the greatest job appointment and interview available and your car just broke down picture that I can't tell you what it's like it's like going to the bank to make a deposit only to discover that someone has hacked your account you have no money I'm telling you it's a fearful thing because I take this preaching thing real serious every message has to be the will of God where I go I'm very says 50 people 5000 does not matter God has put it in my spirit I must have his word I went to a little Lodge that we built and I have a place that stairs where I can pray it's very private the only people that can actually get in that room are my wife and I and I went up there and I began to pray and all the sudden something strange happened I started getting a download on the operation of Satan and what his strategy is and why he does some things the way he does the one thing that impressed my mind because my intention was to have a emphasis of the baptism of the Holy Ghost or the infilling of the Spirit one of the things I have observed over the years is people's attitude toward the manifestation of the Holy Spirit if I were a Baptist or Methodist or Catholic or Pentecostal doesn't matter I would have to believe in the Holy Spirit it's part of the Catholic confession of faith it's part of the Protestant confession of faith you must believe the Holy Spirit he is the one that helped conceive Jesus who brought the seed of the word into the womb of Mary however there's something that begins to happen to people who are overly rationalizing spiritual things when you begin to talk about the manifestations of the Holy Spirit first Corinthians chapter 12 7 through 10 said the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit not profit financially but to benefit them in their body soul and spirit manifestation comes from a Greek word that means to make visible it is something that is unseen that is made visible that you can now see so a manifestation of the Spirit would be one of the nine gifts or should I say all nine gifts of the Spirit but one of the manifestations of the Spirit that's very common that most people have heard of especially if you watch Christian television is one which is called the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues in the King James translation it will say unknown tongues but the word unknown in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 13 and 14 where it's found the unknown as an italics and when you see that in your Bible it means it's not in the original Greek but it was put there to emphasize to those reading that that letter in the English language that the language spoken by the speaker was not known to the speaker it was a tongue that was not known and so I began to meditate on this and here's the question I posed to you why would the adversary why would our arch enemy Lucifer and the kingdom of darkness why would they be so threatened by people who would pray in another language let's ask ourselves this are they're not known languages in the world that people speak the answer is yes there are 10 major languages Spanish and Chinese in English and there are 10 major ones but yet there's well over 1,600 known plus another 1000 that are lesser-known spoken among very small tribes so there's thousands of languages so if a person on earth is speaking their language then what is the big deal about me receiving a gift where I could speak Chinese or Japanese or Hebrew why is that so threatening to the enemy because all it is is a language I'm about to go somewhere so stay with me I'm setting you up for the big hit and then we find that one of the reasons that people get hung up on the manifestation is not the language part but it's the fact that many times when people encounter this manifestation there is an expression of emotion that comes along with the manifestation of speaking with other tongues it is very difficult when you are receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and you suddenly feel the same power that raised Jesus from the dead it's very difficult for you to say clap your hands and say wonderful wonderful thank God it is so sweet I just look but I feel right now sometimes people overcome by the power of God and they are what we call falling under the power the old timers called it's laying in the spirit I never cared for that term because the word sleigh means to kill you always get up you're never dead when you fall down I'm just cutting with you but it's okay to call it that but we call it falling under the power now I have been Pentecostal for preacher for 41 years and I must confess to you I don't understand why that happens I do know I do know the reasoning behind it but but but to say that I have the all knowledge as to why God does that I don't quite understand how that happens I do know this that if God can come down on Mount Sinai by his presence and shake that mountain tour that felt like an earthquake God can come down on a human man and shake them where it feels like an earthquake many times it is the emotional aspect the emotional part of the baptism of the Holy Spirit that people do not understand why are you loud can you not pray quietly yes we can pray both ways why must you raise your hands can't you sit with your arms folded yes you can do it both ways half this congregation is sitting there with your arms folded listening to the word nothing wrong with that other than in both few of us will have their heads raised it works both ways why must you dance see when I got saved I didn't quit dance and I just changed partners so why would it be so normal to go in the old days into the bar of the discotheque or take the girlfriend out and go to a club and shimmy and shake all over the place and yet the power of God comes on someone they began to rejoice them their hands are flipping and their back is flopping and their legs are kicking and yet someone thinks that's a very weird or odd or strange manifestation so my point is that the reason some people do not understand the visible operation of the Spirit of God is because they do not understand how a god that is invisible could manifest himself among a group of visible people and somehow the power of the Living God could come on that person to the point where they could do and say something that is supernatural you do understand to speak with tongues and interpret is supernatural to give a prophetic word from God is supernatural to have a word of wisdom and a word of knowledge about something you know nothing about and God gives you the information to solve a problem it is supernatural to have faith and stand before people like my daddy used to do and pray for people with cancer with tumors and watch them disappear five minutes after he prayed that's the gift of working of miracles that's the gifts of healing and that's the gift of faith these gifts are available ladies and gentleman they have not ceased they have not died out because they are not the gifts of the Apostles they are called the gifts of the Holy Spirit and they are in him and they are through him and they are of him and when God can find a hungry person he's able to do what appears to be impossible with men that's the introduction now let me go into where I want to share with you the Lord spoke to me three things that I want to give you tonight and I want to make these very clear because we're going to talk about the final battle and what we will deal with there's full gospel people and what we must do and main a revelation on why the enemy does not want people to encounter the Holy Spirit there is a reason that I I would say none of you've ever thought of because I preached for 41 years and never heard this talk never read it in a book or never heard it preached and it transformed me so about eight minutes I'll tell you the main point but to get there stay with me one of our young girls that Omega center international was texting another girl who was a church girl this church girl had met someone who was in the alternative lifestyle a young man and the young girl raised in church that knew the Bible that knew Romans one that knew all the scriptures were saying well honestly I have to tell you I don't agree with what the Church teaches I believe if two men really love each other that they ought to be able to kiss each other and go to bed with each other I believe of two young women love each other they should be able to do the same and my young girl came to me and she said can you believe this this is so-and-so why would she even say anything like that and I said well because she has a loved one who's in that lifestyle and they debate all the time about it I know that for a fact they talk about and this woman tries to convince her that that lifestyle is okay so she's being she's being taught by someone who doesn't know all the truth or reason you rejects it so that's how she's going to believe then the Lord spoke to me and said you tell Emily this Emily was the young girl came come that came to me I told her I said Emily get all the kids in here I want to talk to you and the Lord spoke this to me and he reminded me of this now listen carefully that's the Battle of the time of the end now you better hear this the battle at the time of the end is not going to be over a border wall the battle at the time of the end it's not going to be over how good the economy is the battle at the time of the end is not going to be over all these issues that is a battle yes but the battle at the time of the end is going to be about truth what is true is it absolute what is true think about this for just a moment pastor's son stands and tells you about a law that was passed in New York about abortion up to the moment the child is born now say people don't understand if they don't understand the Bible why we as Christians are against abortion because we believe and I don't have time I could preach 30 minutes on conception begins that life I can show you from the Greek and I can show you from the Hebrew that life begins the moment that the egg and the seed make come together and scientists have noticed a light that appears a burst of light that appears and when that burst of light appears they know everything is going to work out okay and there will be a conception later because of that seed and that egg it's supernatural but I can show you from the Bible that the Spirit which is eternal that will one day look like that baby comes into that child at the moment that the egg and the seed come together therefore the life force that makes that grow is not just a physical life force it is a spirit spiritual life force and that spirit originated with God Almighty in heaven Oh help me somebody when John the Baptist but for these folks that believe that you can take a child the moment it's coming out of the woman it's all right there are there are former presidents that believe that because they were taught that the soul and spirit does not come into the body till the moment the umbilical cord is cut therefore you can do what you want with it that's why they were so liberal in their ideas that is not true John the Baptist at six months of age in his mother's womb your Bible says was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to leap for joy let me say something the Holy Spirit doesn't come into your body yes he does but the Holy Spirit comes into your spirit the power of God comes into your spirit John the Baptist had a spirit in his little baby body when he was six months in his mother's womb otherwise it was impossible for him to be baptized in the Holy Spirit if there is no spirit in his body until the moment that the cordis I've come by to tell you that he was called an infant he was called a baby and she was called a mother the mother of our Lord was called the mother of our Lord right after Jesus was conceived Elizabeth was called the mother of John the Baptist right after the baby was conceived you are a mother the moment that you conceive you're not a mother nine months later when you hold a baby so therefore what's the Battle of truth is when does the solar spirit come in the Liberals will say it doesn't even exist those of us who are Bible believers know it does it's a battle for truth and the same the same must be said about relationships of men with men and women with women now I want to tell you something you may hear things about Perry stone I don't think that you will I think most of you know me I've been preaching 41 years and been married to the same woman thank you I don't have I didn't marry first lady divorced her get second lady divorced her got third lady divorced her I found one I like and she's still hot in my eyes and I'll stay with her the rest of my life thank you I'm not I'm not just trying to be goofy here I'm just being honest with you by the way when she finally quits homeschooling all the kids which she's been doing for twenty four years she's going to be able to go with me to every revival where I'm preaching and you think I preach now well shows up I'll preach better when she's here and that's the truth that's DL our used to say but there's one thing you'll never ever hear about Perry stone because it's absolutely impossible that will never be true that I'm a homosexual if you ever hear that the devil is evolved face-to-face to buck-toothed ugly horn liar I have never seen a man that attracted me I've never seen a man that I'd want to kiss Eve I'll just hug you and pat you on the back and go on a somebody list is anybody hearing what I'm saying that's not in the ballpark that's not in the temptation round that's not anything I saw a pretty girl in Alabama and married her is that I can't live without us because she's so cute she talks so whoo that real southern accent and I stayed with her so come on talk to me somebody there's some things that will never bother you how many of you men can say the same I'm straight I'm not trying to be funny I'm being serious I got to show you something but you know the battle is going to be this that if you are married to one woman and you're married 38 years that's weird I'm talking about what society says how they looked at you how did you stay married for 38 years well it's called love apparently you don't know anything about it if you you know but you stay married to one person for that long and they think you're just some kind of freak of nature you watch it on TV when they have people married for 40 years what that long the battle is going to be about what is right and what is wrong as men and men being married okay is it's because we're progressing as a society announced time for us to change or do we just stay with how God established it in the beginning he took the rib from a man and may know made a woman man and if you want my interpretation of it Adam had never seen a woman do you understand that he had seen animals he had never seen a woman and the reason she's called well man is because when he woke up he said oh man we have to ask yourself is it right or is it wrong here's the big one oh this is going to be the battle in America there's so much money to be made in pot or marijuana that our politicians are going to legalize it all over America because our politicians get kickbacks from beer companies and kickback from drug pharmaceutical companies so anything that can help them with their money anything that can help at a state with its tax base base but listen to me it is germs me had Christian people who think it's okay to smoke pot now let me just say something there's a man on the front row they used to sell it a long time ago probably half of you did at one time when you were in sin but he will tell you that smoking cigarettes has nicotine and the nicotine can be this smoke can cause cancer but marijuana produces fibers in your lungs that you never get rid of let him get up here and tell you about it it's a it's very day and he will also tell you that it's a drug that opens doors to every other drug oh but we've got verse we got if we got a verse for you brother stone the Bible said every green herb that the Lord created is good for food this is the pot verse I just want you to know this is this is the pot verse by everybody who thinks it's okay to smoke dope well I want to tell you if every green herb is good to eat why don't you go get you and why don't you go roll some poison ivy it's green why don't you go roll some poison oak and dry it's green smoke that put that in your reefer and smoke it you [Applause] know you you know now now now here I'm telling you it's going to come to a place you just mark this down where you're going to have to decide what is truth and what is real and how do you stand is anybody hearing what I'm saying tonight one of the big things now and it's happening with the Millennials is they don't get married they just go get an apartment live together and then they tell you some stupid fake lie like oh we don't ever touch each other we don't hug each other touch each other we stay in separate rooms well if you can live with a pretty girl and you're single in the same house and not touch her you must be gay [Applause] I'm just gonna be honest with you like there's something wrong because my my oh preach Perry my saved flesh you hear me my save flesh would have a problem doing that my save sanctified huh look how you look at me like you want to look I'm gonna preach this thing up one way down the other sideways my save sanctify the Holy Ghost filled flesh would have a problem going home if it not to some hunky pretty girl that was well we'll favored I'll use the Bible term and me live with her a year in an apartment and not do something that devil is a liar you've got to understand that we're living in a culture that everything goes we're living in a society where everybody's floating around as high as a kite and lazy and don't want to do nothing and don't want to work and want to take your money and raise your taxes and Rob from you and steal from you but I do believe that according to the Bible there's going to be a generation in the time of the end who's still gonna have a belly bone are gonna have a backbone not like a jellyfish but a backbone like a jackhammer that's gonna stand up and say I don't care what you think about it I believe the word of the Lord I believe what God says about [Applause] [Music] now hey yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you what the Spirit of the Lord quickened to me he said there is a reason Satan wants to keep people away from truth there is a reason because truth is not necessarily a subject matter truth is a person jesus said I am the way and the truth and the life if he can keep you away from truth people keep you away from the Word of God because the Word of God is the written expression of truth who reveals the person of truth Jesus Christ now listen to this verse this is the verse that I think the enemy just trembles when he hears it and when it's explained for you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free to maintain a person in their spiritual mental emotional captivity it requires the adversary to be able to prevent the person from hearing seeing or encountering truth Greek scholar Tony Scott I'll run words by him and I'll ask him and he says you know when the Bible says you shall know the truth there's sixteen different types of greek words some of them are basically the same some have a different nuance of different prefix or suffix on them but to know knowing knowledge new understanding is a Greek we're tied with knowing but there's 16 different forms and this form is unique because it does not mean this you shall hear Bible preaching and it'll set you free now can Bible preaching sets you free of course it can but that's not what this means here the word know here does not mean to know something by learning it it does not mean in Greek to know something by reading it it does not mean in Greek to know something by hearing it you ready it is a word that's similar to the Hebrew word the book of Genesis where it says Adam knew his wife Eve that word new in Hebrew means he had physical relationships with her he had a physical contact to procreate and there is a Greek word that says you shall know that actually means you ready you shall have an intimate experience and relationship with the truth and when you have an intimate personal relationship with the truth he will set you free can you understand why it is the plots and strategy of the adversary to keep people from seeing the truth because if you go into the word and you understand what the truth says then it liberates you from the fleshly captivity z' of man's thinking it liberates you from the traditions of men and churches by the way it liberates you and it literally makes you free now in order to prevent a person from the face-to-face personal encounter intimate experience with Jesus the enemy tries three things the first of all the Bible says this to steal the word that sown in you he brings cares of life deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things to choke the word to where it becomes unfruitful you're so bogged down you don't have time for church you're so bogged down that you can't hear the word because you're sitting there thinking how am I gonna pay the bills tomorrow I've got to get up and go to work I wish he'd hurry up listen carefully if all it took was a man giving you a 30 minute or 45 minute message on Sunday to set you free everybody's sitting in church should be free but may I say to you that some of the most bound people you will ever meet our sitting in churches and it's not that they didn't hear the truth Paul said it this way in Hebrews maybe this is the best verse I can give you he said in Hebrews the word preached to us was also preached to them but the word preached to them did not profit them not being mixed with faith because if you hear the preaching but you don't believe it it will do you absolutely no good and I want to say something people often talk about well I'm a believer I'm a believer I'm a believer but there's a difference between belief and faith here's what the Bible says you believe there's one God you do well the devil's also believe in trimble there's no demon that will ever be saved Satan cannot convert to Christ because he's blaspheme he believes in God he believes in heaven he believes in streets of gold he used to walk on him he believes you're ready for this demons even believe that Jesus is the Son of God because they called him that when they were speaking through human bodies but they have no faith for salvation and no faith for anything else because they believe but they do not have faith here's the difference between belief and faith ready belief is mental asset faith is only faith when it's acted upon James said faith without works is dead don't let that hang you up because the good translation would be faith without action is dead when he says to the man stretch forth to your hand if he just said I can't stretch forth my hand Jesus I've been sitting here like this trying to do it for years and nothing works he would never been healed if Jesus had not said come Peter you could walk on water had he not spoken Peter could have tried to walk on water before he had the word to walk on water I need a sunk on the edge of the boat instead of the middle of a lake take up thy bed and walk you have to make an effort to believe move belief into faith and faith becomes active faith when there is action that's why I still like altar services because when I say to you tonight we're going to pray for you that wants the baptism of the Holy Spirit sure you could receive where you're seated but when you stand up and walk down the aisle you are showing the Lord I believe what this man has preached and I'm coming expecting it to happen so you will have an experience a personal encounter with Jesus Christ who is the truth and your freedom would begin to come at that moment but there's Satan does three things he does your hearing because the Bible says that some people are dull of hearing and it's talking spiritually there he he closes the eyes of your understanding he blinds you the Bible says that Paul said that the eyes of your understanding would be open and then the Bible also let me give you something on a more modern term because as I'm meditating on this - this comes to me and I've taught this before you know what drugs do illegal drugs I'm not talking about your legitimate heart medicine high blood pressure medicine that may be helping you but do you know what illegal drugs do if you think about it it alters the personality of the person alcohol and drugs makes a person what they're really not when my boy used to get high and he was lord only knows what he was taken he would get high and he would disrespect me and dishonor me with his word and I would say you know what that's not my boy talking I'll look him in the face say that ain't my boy talking well you mean it is me I am talking no no no no that's that devil talking through my boy and I don't have any obligation to listen to some insult coming from a devil now let me talk back to my boy son I'm talking to you now are you listening because watch what I'm going to say why does the enemy have America so addicted because we are the number one judeo-christian nation on the planet Israel only has so many people America's got almost 400 million people and so we are the strongest predominant nation that promotes the gospel that promotes Christian television that preaches the word that prints Bibles would you agree Christian television Christian radio Christian churches my church has a hundred thousand I'm sorry my County has a hundred thousand people and three hundred and eighty churches it's called the buff buckle belt of the East Coast the Bible Belt of the East Coast now think about what about to say what did drugs - they make you so high that you can pay no attention to where you're at or they bring you down so low that you have no peace of mind it's an extreme it's an extreme listen to me carefully I'm about to give you a little revelation but I'm gonna tell you what they actually do because it's been proven and you know it's been proven if you've ever been on them they create false chemicals that destroy the real chemicals you have natural dopamine and if you wouldn't know why you feel good in the presence of God it's because God made the human brain to release fill good chemicals when you're in a feel-good situation I'm Vegas look let's talk about this from a little medical scientific perspective it's the God's truth dopamine is a chemical and certain things can release it my wife gets her high from chocolate y'all think I'm joking I'm not kidding right here's two folks that know her well the crazy woman went to a cruise one time and bought a t-shirt that says I will sell my for chocolate and wore it and wore it wore it to a conference in Cleveland Tennessee with all of our partners there and I was so thrilled when the next week she got a box in her desk I promise you it was this high that wide then I thought well who is this from and there's no name on and I open it up and there's a letter from a kind woman that says dear Miss Pam I saw your shirt heard what you said here is your box of chocolates now give me your husband [Applause] I called payment I said read this and she read it she says oh that's that's crazy she can't be serious who is it I said I don't know but give me a picture let me see what she looks like before you decide what you please she said oh you're silly and she put the shirt up and never wore it again Louie but or not believe it or not and we're not trying to get goofy here but chocolate releases certain chemicals and that's why people feel good there's certain foods that you eat that makes you feel good see when you come in the presence of God it's not just the joy of the Holy Spirit you feel the reason you walk out of here and I've heard people say I feel like I'm on drugs I feel like I did when I was on cocaine I'm as high I think people tell me that what is the deal because the Holy Ghost is bringing such a peaceful presence that your physical body is releasing the chemicals that God made where you can sleep at night where you can have joy where you can feel peace laying there God made your body with those chemicals and watch me when the devil gets you on drugs he doles you where you cannot feel anything and that means that you cannot feel the presence of God and the reason so many drug addicts are still drugged I'd accept you here tonight because if they could ever feel the presence of the holy spirit if they could ever feel what it's like for the other world to touch their soul if they could ever feel the glory that Moses walked in if you ever feel it one time it's the high of the Most High they call in the Most High God that's because there's no high like the Most High there's no high like a spiritual high there's no high light knowing that the Spirit of Almighty God that raised Jesus from the dead is dwelling in your body any quickens your mortal body by the presence that is dwelling on the inside of you Helen lujah blow it apart my god now track with me cuz I'm about to show you some things the Lord gave me now here's what happens to us ready you you are in first Thessalonians 5:23 body soul and spirit your body you see it your soul is your mind and your intellect in your will your spirit if it came out of your body would look like a twin that's the part of you that's going to heaven one day that's the part of you the angels are going to release one day when Moses appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration Moses had been dead fifteen hundred years yet he appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration talking to Christ was that his body that had been raised no the resurrection hadn't taken place yet that was his spirit but Jesus knew who it was because his spirit looked like him now here's Ana you listen to me carefully the biggest battle that ties in with knowing truth and the biggest battle that ties in with the truth making you free is how to get the truth through your body into your spirit because most church people listen to everything with their flesh I can prove it that PA systems too loud these lights are too bright that screen is getting on my nerves oh did you see how she's dressed those jeans are so tight those heels she shouldn't be wearing those heels she looks like a hope [Applause] thank you brother I'm a preacher right here where you're at and most of the time the entire service is going on we're worried about where our seats are we're thinking about can we hurry up and get out we're wondering where we're going to eat at the restaurant we wish the price team would just sit down but we won't can they turn the lights up can they turn the lights down can they turn the heater up can they turn the heater down can they turn the air on can they turn the air and the whole time and the whole time while God is attempting to move we are in our flesh judging the service oh I thought pastor would preach a more exciting message I've heard that story ten times in the sunday school oh I'm sober and so here's what happens now stay with me so our spirit which is eternal which is sensitive to God which the Holy Spirit touches and feels our spirit is hungry and our flesh is not letting our spirit do anything for they that worship God must worship Him in spirit and that means with your spirit and truth and watch this so if your body not enough track with me here if you're a person whose physical body is in sin and bound by sin your spirit is dead now it's not dead physically because it's still alive in you but it's spiritually dead therefore you cannot discern spiritual things in your flesh so if you're in your flesh and you're not right with God someone shouting look stupid to you someone praising out loud looks ridiculous to you someone crying what in the world is she crying about how dumb we're in the middle of church he should tell her to get her a handkerchief and quit crying and the reason you're having difficulty understanding things of the Spirit is because you're your flesh is alive and your spirit is dead but once and this is why Satan fears the Holy Spirit once the Spirit of the Living God comes into your spirit and all the sudden you go to church watch how different it is you used to think that was the craziest bunch of people before you got saved now you walk in and realize how dead they really are come on folks what's wrong with this get on with it today Lord at mercy my brand dad was a Italian Catholic came over here from Italy and was dying and got a disease and was dying he was a coal miner and they his his two sons John and Joe had gotten ahold of a Methodist schoolhouse meeting where a Pentecostal preacher had been preaching both of them been baptized in the Holy Ghost you talk about messin with my Italian granddad when Joe and John came homes talking in tongues and my granddad great my it would be my great granddad my great granddad Pete knew they couldn't talk any other language he jumped out of bed and granddad's down there who Greg his brother Joe he said what happened to your boys or what happened to you a boys he said we got the Holy Ghost down at the schoolhouse and he went and got the shotgun and said I'm gonna go down and killing me some of preachers for said and my boys are crazy and they had to calm him down to keep him from going and shooting the revival down there the preacher at the revival who ended up later being my grandfather on Mama's side of the family my great-grandfather still with me and then he got sick and couldn't move and he used to drink with him party with all of them you know play card games gambling all that stuff up in the coal fields and he got to where he couldn't and so Joe and John went to the preachers and said I want you to come and pray for dad they said well is it what does he need said if he needs healing he's dying all of his buddies would come all people are gonna miss you Pete we're gonna miss you well we had some good times everybody finally the preachers show up well he can't shoot him now he came to get out of bed he's lay he's laying what they call a day room you know what the day rooms are wait it's outside the house that's screened in preachers come in and said mr. baby we believe God can heal you but said here's the here's here's this here's the plan we're gonna pray for you and if you can get up off that bed and God he'll you gonna have to serve Jesus Christ the rest of your life and he thought about it for a moment knew he was dying he's number telling you were preachers or something he said if for you can to pray for me and a garden healing me imma gonna get up from here he said I promise you he said probably said I swear but I swear to you I'm gonna serve it of Jesus the rest of my life I they laid hands on him the power of God hid him my Grandad's my grandfather who was his son John said the bed shook like crazy and as the bed starts shaking under the anointing he crawled out of bed and jumped up and started dancing all over the day where him healed by the power of God when I would go to visit my grandfather as a little boy I remember that he would always pick up his dad and teeth wore the traditional Catholic outfit the black pants the white shirt the black tie the black - he wore it till the day just about he died he lived to be 96 years of age 88 years old climbed up in an apple tree and fell out and broke his hip I'm an apple tree or a black cat and I'm telling you and because they worked in the mines the men what carried the weights and they would become bowlegged and I never forget he walked like this he looked like a John Wayne Italian John Wayne he's walking like this and I remember they testified he said I'm gonna think of the good Lord because I remember the day of when I was in a sin and I'm on my way to hell a preacher coming by to pray for me and a God healing me a brother elegy or else come and lay hands on me to receive her the Holy Ghost and I've had a good sweet Holy Ghost - all of these years there were times that we would ask him how did service go he would go visit somewhere he said ah my goodness his service and no good I don't understand how these are debtor people he said they sit there and look at the preacher preacher he said the music of dead everybody of dead he said apparently they didn't get the touch of God the way that I did because if they'd have been a touch the way that I did they're not gonna sit a dead in a church they're gonna go to the house of God and they were gonna worship the Lord I can't hear him say it whoa hallelujah [Applause] I'm almost to the main point to watch this if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin but the Spirit is life because of righteousness but if the spirit of him that raised up Christ from the dead dwell in you than he that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal body by the Spirit of God that dwells in you there's what I'm trying to say to you see when you're not walking in the spirit the Bible says you're walking in the flesh when you're walking in the flesh your decisions will be of the flesh when you're walking in the flesh you will not understand because the fleshly men cannot understand the things of the Spirit of God but the amazing thing is is when God baptizes you in his spirit I'm telling you it is the most amazing thing because all the things that you had doctrinal questions about all of a sudden it's like it all falls off I have seen people who did not agree with one thing Perry stone Todd and God baptized him in the Holy Ghost and within three months they were in the word saying you know what I thought you were nut but you were actually right I said what changed your mind they said we got filled with the spirit and then when we looked at the Bible we saw it different it opened up to us we knew what you were saying about the return of the Lord it's there in the Bible we knew what you said about the endtime it's in the Bible Baptist couple blest of heart they came every night of the revival I gave a Holy Ghost rally on a Sunday night he turned her said Mabel you know we've been watching this ball on TV a long time and we always check him out by the Bible first and he's always been right so far you think he might be right on this Holy Ghost and Mabel said I don't know Ralph let's go find out come on sometimes you got to go check it out sometimes you just got to step out by that I'm talking to somebody tonight sometimes it is the Word of God that awakens you Hebrews 4:11 it is the anointing of God that breaks the yoke to keep you in the presence of God but I am now about to give you the greatest and we're almost done here but the greatest secret that Satan has always known I'm in that Lodge and I you know sometimes I'll walk and pray and sometimes I'll sit down at a table sometimes if I have a couch or a bed I'll just lay down there on my stomach and I have my Bible there and I hear something please hear me I hear something that I never heard before and when I heard this I said oh my wait a minute that's it I have wondered for 41 years why would Satan not want people filled with the spirit if they're just speaking a language that's an earthly language what is the deal why does he fight oh my now I know and I'm gonna give you a statement and I hope it quickens to you and I hope it hits your spirit the way one of the reasons that Satan wants you asleep is because the baptism of the Holy Ghost awakens your spirit and awakens and this is what God gave me listen to it very carefully and I will prove it from the Bible the enemy knows that the human body has limitations but a redeemed spirit does not let me say it again I'm a proven the enemy knows the body has limitations as long as he can keep you in the flesh and in the body you're going to be limited in your life you'll be limited in your prayer life you'll be limited in what you can believe for but when the spirit is awakened by the power of a Holy Ghost a redeemed Holy Spirit filled spirit II is not bound by limitations for at that point with God nothing shall be impossible for all things are possible to them that belief there is no limitation for example there are angels around us but I cannot see them in my body but if my fleshly skills are removed and my spirit is open I can be like the prophets and see the horses of fire and the chariots of fire around the mountain my ears are adult to hearing the Word of God I've heard people say gods never spoke to me maybe it's because you're not listening or maybe it's because you can't discern his voice you see one time this is one of my favorite verses John 1229 one time the Lord spoke from heaven and there were three groups of people that hurts different things one group said this oh it was God the Lord just spoke did you hear the voice of God the other group said oh it was an angel an angel spoke from heaven and the third group said he sounded like thunder to me three groups one group it sounded like thunder another group bumped up a little higher at least they had some spiritual ears and said it was an angel but there was a third group that was so in tune to the things of the Spirit that when God spoke they recognized it as the voice of God you see God dwells in the Holy of Holies the Holy Spirit dwells in the Holy of Holies but it's like the outer court the inner court and the Holy of Holies there's thunder in the outer court mm-hmm there's angels in the inner court but there's God in the Holy of Holies and see the pity it's to pay your ability to hear from him and your ability to see what God has for you is dependent on how close you are into the divine presence if you want to stay in the outer court hang with the people to recognize it everybody and walk by natural light by sunlight that's fine but if you want to move up a little higher you've got to go into the next level which is the seven-branched candlestick and you got to walk in the light of the Holy Spirit Mother seven-branch candlestick but there was another level which is the Holy of Holies that when you pierce that fail when you pierce the veil of your flesh the Bible says and you move from the outer court into the inner court you move from the body operating in the body to operating in the soul to then operating in the spirit when you begin to operate in the spirit the Bible tells you and history tells you there was no light in there there was no sunlight in there in the curtains of Moses time there was nothing in there the only thing that was in there was the glory of God and when the priest would get in there once a year in the glory of God the glory of God the Shekinah the Shekinah color what you want would light the place up and they would be in the presence of God and in the light of God's Almighty countenance and God's presence and I've come by to tell somebody today that Pentecostals should never ever if you're Pentecostal if you were raised in the move of the Spirit if you were raised around the move of God maybe we didn't always get it perfect maybe in my denomination we were too a little bit too legalistic but I would like to come by and tell you you're looking at a man going on 60 years of age on June 23rd of this year and I've been preaching for 41 years and I have never denied the Holy Spirit I have never denied the power of God I've never denied the 9 gives to the spirit because I've seen too much he's brought me through too many revivals too many miracles too many signs and wonders for me to look at you and tell you I don't believe this anymore and I'm calling the Pentecostals and the charismatic to awaken your spirit and wake up on the inside hallelujah and let the Spirit of God come alive in you why don't you shout a praise to the Lord I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost in this house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Oh master Oh God Oh God stand right where you are don't don't just don't move to stand there let me tell you two quick things it'll be quick when my boy was messed up with drugs so my son would not didn't want anything to do with the ministry didn't want anything to do with God and I knew it wasn't him I knew was the addiction he was under Karen Whedon came to my house and she I we told her what had happened Jonathan was at work and she said where's his bedroom we went upstairs she grabbed a pair of tennis shoes Oh smelly tennis shoes I don't know how she endured them cuz they were awful and she grabbed those tennis shoes and I heard her pray a prayer I've never heard anybody pray she said God awakened his spirit God began to tell me to tell moms and dads that instead of praying for them to be saved instead of saying God bring him to bring bring salvation should bring them to church you need to begin to grab something at home you need to lay hands on their bed you need to throw some prayer cloths underneath the mattress and you need to begin to say awaken them in their spirit make them alive uh-huh I wish I had my phone out here because my boy texted me before service an hour before service yes the same boy who looked at me and said I'll never work for you and would cuss me out now in the old day my daddy would have slapped me sideways and got a belt out for doing that but I knew it wasn't him my wife for laying the bed and cry because she didn't know if he was going to come home alive that night he would be so high and so drunk he'd pass out and we'd go up and knock on the door I we've knocked on that door so hard that we're just about cracked the door thinking he's dead and I'd say give me something to unlock the door and he'd have a bottle of Jack that he drank a bottle of Jack Daniels like that took 20 pills should have died three or four times but here what I'm about to say to you when that when we began to pray awakened and some of you need your spirit awakened you love the Lord but you need your spirit awakened you need the Spirit of God to come the way it was when you first got saved when you first got the baptism of the Holy Ghost can you remember I can but I want to tell you something my boy texted me before church and said dad I love you so much dad thank you for putting up with me all these years and helping me and I know that you have some physical problems but do whatever you have to do to get better because I don't want you Johanna to be raised without her granddaddy that's my boy that's my boy that told me he'd never work in the ministry who tomorrow morning at nine o'clock we'll go to the ministry in his office at the lodge where he runs production you didn't hear me where he lays out graphics I want you to know something ladies and gentlemen whoever you are wherever you're from that the key to the end time for you will be the filling of the Holy Ghost and praying in tongues I will say one more thing and we're going to pray for you before my father died I've said this here in this church I want to remind you again my father I won't go into the whole story take too long but he I was at his house he said son I want to tell you one thing and you tell it you tell it every time that the spirit brings into your memory and this is a good time he said the Lord showed me some things that would happen in the time of the end the attacks that God's people would come under and when I saw him I was so troubled and I said well dad did God give you a solution he to give you a remedy to tell you what to do he said yes son he did and you tell the people God spoke to me and said you tell your son to tell people as long as he's preaching to get filled with the spirit and pray excessively in the Holy Ghost to pray excessively in the prayer language of the spirit my dad prayed an hour a day probably every day of his life and half of that prayer was praying in the spirit that's how he had 16 people healed of cancer absolute document of sixteen people healed of cancer I wanted to ask you tonight are you hungry if you have not I'm gonna do two things I want the people to come up here first that have never spoke with tongues never been baptized in the Holy Spirit but you're saved and you love the Lord and after hearing this message you say Perry pray for me tonight I've got to have this gift of the Holy Spirit would you come first and line up on this side and that side of the altar I'll give you about a minute to come because we'll do we're gonna do two things at once but please would you come first and just stand across the front near the bottom step there stand at the bottom step just stand right there and others are coming and if you will where you're coming stand side-by-side and that way we will be able to know who has come for prayer tonight just keep coming Thank You Lord hallelujah Wow look at this that's amazing hahaha [Music] [Music] when I was 11 years old I came to an altar just like you infected that when I was kneeling and I'll tell you in a moment if you want to stand you can stand if you want to kneel you want to sit on the stone on the step it so however you want to get comfortable is fine then I'd heard my dad speak with tongues I've heard old-timers speak with tongues I had never received and I didn't really know how and I came down to the altar and I began to pray and I remember I just started praying asking the Lord to feel me feel me feel me and suddenly I began to cry for no reason and I remember something happening that was a little odd and I'll explain it to you it was odd to me I I prayed for a while and all of a sudden when I would get still for a second I could hear myself praying in a language I didn't know I could hear it and it was Alma it almost would be like the only way for me to describe it is like if you were hearing words in your head but you weren't making them up they were just coming to you and I didn't know that Holy Spirit the Bible says my spirit prays when I speak with tongues it's my spirit I didn't realize my spirit was already receiving but I wasn't speaking after one hour of praying they tell me that I finally said this Lord I keep hearing something that sounds like another language and I'm gonna speak it if it's you let me speak it if it's not showing up and when I began to speak it was three letters there was three words that's all it was and when I spoke it those three words I filmed the power of God rushed through me and then I started speaking just like oh you just I don't even know what language it was but then that's when I felt the glory I felt his presence but I felt the glory because what happened I felt the presence of God around me when I began to speak I felt the Spirit of God rise up from inside of me I knew then I'd received and that was when I was 11 years of age a 59 figure it out I say this for the glory of God I say this to the honor of Almighty God and of the fear of the Lord there are probably 15 languages God lets me speak in tongues there's a friend of mine that's an ex-muslim and every time I pray for him I pray for him in the language of Arabic or Arab Arabic or Aramaic I prayed for a Palestinian evangelist in Birmingham Alabama two weeks ago and started speaking in tongues of the man he's blind they began to cry and laugh and cry and I said I happened to be speaking in Arabic or Aramaic which one is it and he told me and I said you understand that he said totally I said what did the Spirit say he said the Spirit of God said the king of all nations is now moving people into his kingdom around the world I said it through the Holy Ghost through the Spirit of God I didn't know what I was saying here's what we're going to do and again again let me just say to you if you are comfortable sitting on the altar if you're comfortable kneeling down you can do any of this I need about 50 people from this church who know how to pray to get down here and line up behind these because once we start we're not gonna quit this is the service once we start we're not going to quit hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the night come on down and get give me some help tonight now listen to me carefully for all of you that are here if you have the faith to walk down here you have the faith to be filled with the spirit because it's the same faith that you are baptized in the Holy Spirit again and so what we're going to do is we want to do we're gonna ask God I'm gonna pray a prayer and I want you to repeat it afternoon you're gonna ask God to fill you with his spirit and at some point I'm gonna quit praying and I'm gonna say receive don't stand here like this because the Holy Spirit has to speak for you that worship be coming out of your mouth and you're going to hear yourself praying in tongues you're gonna hear something and God is going to give you a turret smeeting meaning you have to speak what he's giving you the revelation is giving you and when you begin to speak those words toward heaven out of your spirit the power of God will come on you I don't want you to worry who's around you I don't want you to worry about who's on your left or who's on your right I want you to get caught up in the presence of thought everybody that's that can't physically stand to your feet put your hands up in the building right now how they loo you [Music] abhisheka Tata Tata Tata Tata Tata I want you to pray this prayer and he will come in I promise you he will keep his word to you if you will have faith have faith do not doubt have faith say this out loud father in heaven in the name of Jesus Christ tonight I come to you to receive your spirit forgive me of my sins cleanse my heart prepare my mind prepare me God to receive from you spirit of God in the name of Jesus I accept you and receive you and your power to fill me to baptize me in the gift of the Holy Spirit right now right now right now I receive the Holy Spirit Oh lalala Becca Takahashi cotton mala lanna dinky Harlem or opal sec hey Haleh Tata Jesus do it now she can go Baba ba ba ba ba da da da da da there are ready some of them are already speaking in tongues come on now [Music] fill in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus awaken their spirits he said upon in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus [Music] fill in the never sea saying I receive I receive [Music] water Natalie oh mama mama Hassan [Music] energy [Music] see let him give you the words we Kapoor have a shine Oh some of you the power buds the power of God's coming on a lot of you right now coming on a lot of you right now receipt [Music] come on they're receiving obey God and above my mother key phrases like that little booboo cicuta cheeks are signal [Music] body in the congregation just pray allow let's lift your voice twice as loud keep the atmosphere going lift your voice twice as loud come on all in the buildings [Music] he pretty just like that remember go stammering lips another tongue [Music] yes so Kolya [Music] if breakthrough breakthrough breaks break through to the people [Music] life of God come now in Jesus they come now and she sister come right now [Music] come on open up your mouth everybody if the altar begin to pray out loud come on roll out of Akashi come on some of you are out on the verge of praying in the spirit just do it right now received shake hiya Danny rebus ah hallelujah [Music] in the congregation put both pants up close your eyes and I want you to see Jesus in heaven just pouring out buckets of his power come on just picture that with me in your heart and pray out loud everybody [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you'll press it here the glory of the Lord will fill this place do not get tired do not get weary raise those hands pray twice as loud I feel something right now [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll keep pressing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] powerful things have been happening all across the sanctuary up in the bow I'm just been watching people across this room being touched by the Spirit of God [Music] the cotillion [Music] in a book [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are we ready research [Music] make room for spirit to move in his way [Music] can do comedy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I really believe the Holy Spirit is setting us up for something that 2019 is gonna see that previous years have been groundwork foundations for but God is gonna do something this year just since there is a visitation a release of the work of the Holy Ghost Smith Wigglesworth prophesied it that in the last days there would be an outpouring of the spirit and a renewal of the operation of the gifts of the Spirit William Seymour in the zuzo Street revival prophesied in Aimee Semple McPherson prophesied so many prophecies about this timeframe and Friends I'm ready for an outpouring a fresh move of the Spirit what we have experienced tonight I just know God is prepping his people amen the Perry stone has had to go ahead and leave but I just want us to thank the man of God for the the word of the Lord has been preached amen hallelujah hallelujah I hope that you'll help us to be a blessing financially to him and you're giving before you leave I just want to remind you that Benny Hinn's son-in-law Michael Cooley honest will be here three weeks from today dan kalinda will be here in a few weeks just God is setting us up for some powerful moves of the Holy Ghost Samuel Rodriguez who's known as mr. Pentecost is going to be here in a few days couple of weeks and I just believe that this season that we're in God is prepping his church getting his church ready for its finest hour can somebody say man amen I want us all to stand all across this sanctuary halleluyah halleluyah I just believe we need to seal what God has done hey man come on give us one more worship song Andrew raise your hand this man leaves tomorrow to go to Barcelona Spain for a year to study to his masters and part of our worship a man thank you Andrew a man hallelujah hallelujah come on let's seal this with one more worship song let's go ahead and get our praise on as we go out into the world to minister for Jesus the sweet [Music] [Music] come on enjoy this house [Music] [Music] [Applause] you come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] which seems [Music] our now you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] full of dead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] beep walk with Jesus this week let him speak and minister through you in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Evangel Temple
Views: 128,438
Rating: 4.8261719 out of 5
Id: CYB6eFoZn-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 1sec (5641 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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