Sunday Morning LIVE - October 21, 2018

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on talk to him this morning he wants to hear that this morning was to hear your voice talk to him this money is right beside you 1 missionary Dyess we take a straight road of grace thank you Jesus hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus father we worship you we adore you we lift here we magnify your name Jesus we Hanna you Lord God because you are worthy to be praised Oh God Almighty you are great you are an America working God you are the problem sofa you are the heart regulator this morning you are the great Emancipator and we come to adore You Lord Jesus Christ Oh God Almighty as we come to you this morning Oh God Almighty broken to be blessed Oh golly empty of our self this morning and we pray God Almighty that'll remove everything that is in us God that the end and a Florida spirit a anointed in us Oh God Almighty we pray this morning Oh God Almighty that you will take and Schurrle Oh God Almighty we pray God as I speak into the atmosphere this morning we release almighty dollar anointed Oh God away pulled honorable stromwell this morning all that only the spirit of worship in upon your children this morning and mighty God as we pray Lord Jesus Christ SATA radiance of your people God be glorified heaven be glorifying the earth be glorified our temple this morning Oh God Almighty as we look to you this morning Jesus Oh God Almighty you know the things that bother your people but this morning Lord God Almighty a premature will rend their mind stayed on you this morning because you promised to keep those who - pain and you in perfect peace minister to your people this morning we pray God Almighty that he will open up your understanding oh god I pray for your wisdom to rest of when you people this morning Oh God Almighty God move by the spirit this morning or that become an angel a blockage release holy house of God those that are bound this morning we pray that you will lose them in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we pray for you savor that you will send a mighty god of Daniel bring about Almighty God out of your consideration lose them Lord Jesus Christ or God Almighty God Father God there is nothing too hard for you this morning as a blazer the speaker this morning we bring a return to you this morning to atone of grace we bring on God Almighty that you will rest your hands upon her Oh God you are the wound up with words in my mouth and in Iran this morning but God Almighty you may arrange a spritzer and your minister flame of fire we are praying God Almighty we're another touch from you were a chance commission from you only you alone they're doing this morning jane the world's almighty god of your sermon Lord Jesus Christ let it be aware this morning were ganna to transform and bring life to the congregation move upon your sermon this morning demonstrate your power authority in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth letter G speaker is read as an Oracle of you this morning Oh God Almighty Oh got a promoter god-given ability that you place in our God will manifest to another level in You Lord Jesus Christ a prayer chief minister God our God shewing receive rationally shunda to him because of demonstrated you learn with authority this morning Oh God Almighty God to win tomorrow's Lord God as we are here broken to be blessed Lord Jesus Christ Oh God Almighty as we pray O God for my servant the woman said my god minister Dame is God and Bishop David are the ministers mighty God we planet 'when lay your hands upon death this morning almighty many hearts and mighty God will be transformed that Almighty God the eyes of the Eagle will manifest despite the way God Almighty you wanted to the Sun o God fill them up with your wisdom knowledge filled with power in the name of Jesus pray that when they walk Oh God Almighty God he will be mystery in the name of Jesus prize become people we know that they have been with you even better open your mouth and speak o mighty that authority that will close them Oh God Almighty God or various people do your work Almighty God as replace the wire this morning you know every vessel that presenting here this morning we pray fire glory to reveal this morning we pray God your people are really about that Almighty God to sing the Sun the words of the Sun will comfort God oh my god Oh God everything that will be done this morning we pray mother visitors we prefer cows that are few witness or God never receive O God from the Patterson this morning oh my [Music] the fire will burn about this my god in the name of Jesus Christ over your people Lord take all body surface God as we place everything into your hands demonstrate your power your wisdom and authority among us or God Almighty as we committed in your hands do whatsoever pleasing unto you this morning I forgive your praise and glory and honor it sheezus name and he taught us to say our Father [Music] praise God peace go back to your seats with a praise in your mouth hallelujah those who are sitting with a priest and hallelujah and lift up your hands in the house of the Lord and give God under a worthy note of praise this morning come on praise Him this morning come on praise Him this morning come on lift up your hands hallelujah praise done give him a praise in the house this morning even my praise in the house this morning but only a praising God this morning and only impressing him this morning as it done something for you lately praise Him hallelujah come and give my praise in the house hallelujah you're alive hallelujah we're alive and we are well hallelujah so come on give them a praise given embrace open up your spirit come on open up your mouth hallelujah became this morning [Music] this morning hallelujah come on Christ came this morning [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus press the name of the Lord is kind of women's convention come on say convention come on give my praise God this money for convention prays for the woman of word apartment this morning praised him this morning hallelujah thank you Jesus bless the name of the Lord praise God this morning Teredo a morning's lesson is missionary Michelle Dixon will be taken from First Samuel chapter 1 verse 1 to 20 and first samuel chapter 2 verse 21 praise God oh and while you do so looking for the scripture let me take the time to greet the only presence of God this morning and agree to a pastor Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife minister dr. Petrova Davis our senior assistant pastor Minister I shall denote man or the ministers and the upper and lower platform I greet praise God our visitors greet the executive body of the women's ministry missionary Tameka Peter King is their president as author Carol Matias or first vice-president Deaconess every gay lover second vice president and all the workers and office of the woman of word Department and agree to the small in Jesus name a man says somebody broken to be blessed praise God mr. Dixon shall we bless the Lord First Samuel chapter 1 verse is 1 to 20 now there was a certain man of rama field Ophion of mount ephraim and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroboam the son of le hui' the son of Tahu the son of roof and effort and he had two wives the name of one with Hanna and the name of the other pnina and punana had children but hannah had no children and this man went up out of his City yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh and the two sons of Eli hophni and Phinehas the priests of the Lord were there and when the time was that Elkanah offered he gave to p9 his wife and to all her sons and her daughters portions but on to hana he gave a word abortion for he loved hannah but the Lord had shut up her womb and her adversary also provoked her sore for that to make her fret because the Lord had shut up her womb and as he did so year by year when she went up to the house of the Lord so she provoked her therefore she wept and did not eat then fed Elkanah her husband unto her Hannah why we pit though and why eat if thou not and why is thy heart greed am I not better to the event sons so Hannah rose up after beard Eden in shadow and after they had drunk now Eli the priest sat upon the seat by the post of the Temple of the Lord and she was in bitterness of soul and prayed unto the Lord and wept Thor and she vowed a vow and said O Lord of Hosts if thou wilt indeed look upon my affliction of thy handmaid and remember me and forget not thine handmaid and will give unto the handmaid a man-child then will I give him unto the Lord all the days of his life and there shall no razor come upon his head and it came to pass as she continued praying unto the Lord that Eli marked her mouth and Hannah fig she's breaking her heart only her lips moved but her voice was not heard therefore Eli thought she had been drunken and Eli said unto her how long without be drunken put away thy wine from thee and Hannah answered and said no my lord I am a woman of sorrowful spirit I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink but have poured out my soul before the Lord count not thy handmaid for a daughter of Bellaire for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto and Eli answered and said go in peace and the Lord of is a grant deed i petition that thou has asked of him and she said let thy handmaid find grace in thy sight for the womb so the woman went her way and did eat and her countenance was no more sad and they rose up in the morning early and worshiped before the Lord and returned and came to her their health in Rhema and their Canaan Johanna his wife and the Lord remembered her wherefore it came to pass when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived that she bare a son and called his name Samwell saying because I have asked him of the Lord we move over to chapter 2 that first hour chapter 2 verse 21 and the Lord visited Hannah saw that she conceived and bare three sons and two daughters and the child Samwell grew before the Lord this is the word of the Lord we honored by thing glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning no one ever shall be world without end amen praise the Lord come on put your hands together for the Lord put your hands above your head above your head above your head and give the Lord a praise this morning hallelujah hallelujah Oh bless the name of the Lord before you take your Caesars shake somebody's hand and tell them it's good to have you beside me church this morning to the neighbor on the left try the neighbor on the right the neighbor is good to see in church this morning hallelujah you may have your seats to do the official welcome and acknowledgement is the president for human of War Department missionary Tameka Peter King put hands together make her welcome in Jesus name somebody shout hallelujah this morning let me hear the men say hallelujah they may hear the woman say hallelujah that's the name of Jesus first Simon 1 and the verse 19 says they rose up in the morning early and worship the Lord as we gather here to do just that this morning we welcome you to the power - trees International today marks the commencement of for a woman of word department one day ladies convention under the theme broken to be blessed we welcome our anointed servant of God Minister Sharon Craig Lawrence hallelujah and she have some of our family members here with her from she's from the Brooklyn branch of the powerful ministries she will be speaking the mind of God this morning and in tonight's service special acknowledgment for dr. Winston dinner he consultants psychiatrists will be our speaker for the 4:30 session three power-packed services are in store for you I must also acknowledge this morning those persons who are visiting for the first or the second time please wave your hands hallelujah thank you for being here you won't be disappointed - our faithful TV membership viewing via Flo TV channel 6 0 2 & digital play channel 20 stay blessed to our browsers on the internet on Facebook live and YouTube live stay connected the master Potter Jesus is in the house so if you have been broken spiritually emotionally financially romantically or even physically are just broken in a way that words can't describe I'm here to encourage you this morning that your blessing is coming your pot will be mended joy is on its way on behalf of our pastor Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife minister dr. Petrova Davis our senior assistant pastor Minister I silde Norman all the office of the woman of work department vice president exalted Carl Matthews and Deaconess Evan Gale and yours truly president missionary Tameka Peterkin we welcome you to our woman of words one day ladies convention under the theme broken to be blessed god bless you [Music] hallelujah come on say hallelujah yesterday with the Lord we're in for a great time do you believe that this morning do you believe that is wrong even for a great time hallelujah this time praise they are kind of put your hands together and make welcome the ministry are the voices of triumph ladies fire come on protons together for the choir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I started [Music] hello [Music] the mountaintops any to their valley no [Music] my way through the cake of it up but I remember the place where you started out the boy and Oh time ago the mountain [Music] Hey of it but I remember that Blaine [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] feel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - the whole Denmark hallelujah God take me back to the homeland mark come on say Lord take me back to the wall and mark even to give us an overview of the women of work department is the first vice president exhort a Carol mattes planner put your hands together Michael welcome [Applause] after as automatic dynamics will prepare themselves to maker to do a selection immediately after the overview Department Year in Review 2018 as iron sharpens iron so on person sharpens another proverbs 27 verse 17 the New International Version the woman of worst war department is led by or sold out to God and vibrant president missionary Tameka Peter King she has as her assistance to ladies who try hard to keep up with her but are motivated to do so namely Deaconess Evelyn Gayle and yours truly exhort a Carol Mathias our meetings are held on the second and third Monday of each month unless circumstances dictate otherwise the department is comprised of three groups which are darkest Johanna and Ruth a wonderful set of committed team players constitute the officer body together we plan and in to implement various programs to empower the woman of the ministry to live victorious life a highlight of some of the activities for this year follows February we kick start the year with analyzing the appropriateness of certain love songs so Christian engagement / - Valentine's Day in the second meeting each group did a role play of three renowned influential women these presentations were very dramatic and entertaining to put it mildly March the Rose group conducted the meeting and invited resource persons to include Minister Donna Edwards Deaconess Marcia Mitchell evangelist Lomita Lauda and exhorted Jason Powell to the were to do presentations on the resurrection is the bond property preparation poor talk for women and personal security tips respectively the presentations were very informative and edifying April or annual into international convention to presidents this month and we engaged in prayer for the convention may the darkest group was in charge and they had minister Erica Powell who delivered a powerful and uplifting ministry on the topic chosen for the second meeting they invited dr. Omar Wellington day to explore cancer of the cervix and we were well educated on the topic the department's major fundraiser our pre Mother's Day dinner was held in the Royal Oasis in keeping with our bishops stare woman build mandate for 2018 counselor Yvonne McCormick was our guest speaker and she stirred our hearts with her faith building personal testimony gate prize was a weekend for two at a wonderful at the wonderful sea garden beach resort June this was a very busy month group Joanna led meetings teaching us how to make decorative candles using just water and cooking oil very exciting indeed our past president missioner milkman is the winner Peter stirred our hearts and thoughts with an impactful admonition honor and the empowered woman on the second meeting then there was our maiden evangelistic outreach ministry on June 23 we parked the pole of faith gospel mobile in another head bus park pleads to stirring gospel music preached served over 200 bowls of soup witnessed passers-by and made an alcohol exhorted John Harriet did the word ministry and eight Souls came to the altar we found wholeheartedly the summer sisters Deaconess Gail who led the preparation of the soup and all sisters and brothers who supported this great venture for Father's Day we distributed 500 wallets to the fathers in the congregation and our bishop and male ministers were given tokens as well special songs the missionary Beverly Brown for purchase purchasing these items from way overseas for us July for the first meeting we had Bible trivia than a second meeting to the form of our summer social August for the two meetings in August we had physical exercise sessions and a two-week weight loss challenge or instructor was the dynamic system marcia smith who did make us sweat the winner of the challenge lost over seven pounds and made some changes in our eating habits to God be the glory September there was only one meeting and it was an entertaining movie night the second meeting was cancelled due to heavy rainfall in addition to these highlighted activities brethren there are weekly prayer meetings until the users under the leadership of missionary Marcia Wilson and newly appointed missionary Elsa - there is odd ongoing outreach ministry of our school devotion team led by sisters Dallas brown and grace Brumfield representatives from the women of worth department have been participating in the ov prayer sessions and have been doing while we continue to present tokens of love to our members babies on first Sundays not to mention the outstanding and anointed ministry of the voices of triumph choir led by one who loves to sing the newly appointed missionary General Peter Thomas she is well she is well assisted my missionary support Walter's and new appointees missionary Mitchell Dixon and Deaconess Yvonne joy what else can I say activities galore I want to use this opportunity on behalf of our president to congratulate all sisters of this department who were recently appointed to credential offices and those who were upgraded also please stay on the firing line and continue to build the kingdom of God by now I hope all ladies of this ministry have been inspired to come and join us join with us and as we allow the Lord to continue to use us for his glory is that a man lady and no here we are for convention 2018 under the theme broken to be blessed if you are in great at expectation let me hear a shout Amen hallelujah allow me also to express on behalf of our president our overwhelming appreciation to our engaging leaders Bishop dr. Davis and Minister dr. Davis for their continued involvement and guidance in helping to steer this department under God in the paths of success go ahead and give them a hand thank you very much sir and madam thanks to all the wall officers and ladies who have been coming out to support the weekly meetings third Sunday night services and all our events were than all we give the Almighty God songs for His divine favor love and blessings and for choosing us for this ministry and crave his continued blessings please continue to enjoy this session come out for the other two sessions and have a glorious day in ladies convention 2018 thank you [Applause] [Music] exotic aroma tears as she enlighten us about the activities of the women of work apartment is the dynamics are they here will you please come and do your presentation put your hands together for them [Applause] [Music] I've lost both of my parents in a span of about four weeks and I've heard I'm saved but I've heard do you have a song that you read that talks about healing and I said well no nothing specifically he said so I said okay I'll do that and about two weeks later you come on put your hands together for them come on dude one more time earth as no sound that effing time seal there is a bomb in killin a man there is a balm in Gilead glory to God Earth has no sorrow bless the name of the Lord Oh bless the name of the Lord god bless you Minister Sharon Craig Lawrence agree - well man for his God at this time to make a special presentation put your hands together for missionary Tomica Peter King the president of the women of word department go ahead and keep those praises going hallelujah you know the word of the Lord says we must give honor to whom honor is due minister dr. Petrova Davis please join me right here put your hands together for her hallelujah bless the name of Jesus this morning minister I stand representing the women of this ministry and those who are viewing on the internet and on the television to see that you are truly a woman of worth you are a first lady of work and we the woman of this ministry are indeed honored to have you as our first lady you're a true proverbs 31 woman and you are into an example to me as a woman because you do the things you do spiritually the things you do how you take care of your husband or you take care of us the congregation and you are a true example and this morning we the women of the power of faith ministries just want to make a small presentation to you in your big capacity as a first lady of worth for the power of eight ministries to let you know that we love and appreciate you we appreciate your words spoken and I invite the woman and the man please to stand at this time you're a truth teller what of a woman and I glad that I'm a part of this congregation and that you stand beside my pasta as is right and we are indeed proud to say that we love need and appreciate you minister David [Applause] so please receive this bouquet of red roses deliberately red as you know red is the latest color for the woman of word Department and we want to receive this beautiful bouquet of roses it represents your beauty it represents your scent you're also always modeled modestly dress you're always looking beautiful and as beautiful as this bouquet Minister this is what you are to us receive this on our behalf in Jesus [Music] well I had a blast [Applause] [Music] that's the name of Jesus a blaster Lord supply Lord bless the name of Jesus thank you come on come on doin a flood come on first lady restart I love this scripture that speak about giving double honor you know I love that one and this morning our first lead of this ministry minister dr. Petrova Davis deserve double honor hallelujah hallelujah come on surplus or again Oh bless the name of the Lord I totally went for a great time the entire yes sir and for a great time for the entire day amen this woman's convention come on say broken to be bless bless the name of the Lord it was indeed my joy of serving this morning praise God coming to do their ministry in the voice of inspiration choir and after their ministry next voice you will hear will be that of our posture our fountain over or overseer Bishop dr. Dell for Davis when he comes will you please stand and make him welcome but for now put your hands together and make welcome the ministry are the voices of inspiration [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] he was [Music] Jesus was a still [Music] not one convinces No [Music] [Music] when he turned [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the heart [Music] our fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] time yes [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] always [Applause] time [Music] the god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] do the time time again [Music] [Music] kiss me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] time time Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the god can't man he'll pick up the PC lil Pete are your pieces we'll do it time and time again for their smart and vessel the god it pulled out one more time he'll pick up the pieces my pieces he'll do it time that time again whoa there's not [Music] but God [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah somebody said pick them up Jesus picked them up pick them up pick them up pick them up pick them up pick them up pick up my pieces pick up my broken pieces put me together again hallelujah hallelujah glory to God he'll pick up my pieces times of time again far there's not one bro confess oh the god get bit [Music] God can't clap your hands and give him the high praise giving me I praising the oaths of God [Music] celebrating a king of heaven worship is majestic [Music] god bless you [Applause] if you'll be seated for three minutes I'll present the speaker just about that time but God is still in the picking up of pieces business is still searching for broken vessels [Music] the search is on the search is on tell somebody the search is on the search is on the search is on whatever is broken [Music] Lord [Applause] Nuria will preach a message okay what the search is on [Music] Oh No hallelujah [Applause] lots are refreshing [Music] I bring you greetings in the name of the Lord I celebrate the leaders of this church the members of visitors well-wishers friends and everybody we give God thanks for you at home and abroad wherever you are we celebrate - this morning we honor the leaders of the women of worth Department missionary Pizza kin you can scale and exhort so Carol Matthews ably supported by all the other leaders we bless the Lord for you and this is indeed a wonderful day stay tuned because we are getting ready to change gear to get to the preached Word of God amen but don't you miss this afternoon at 4:30 very very important session a session in which persons will be properly advised informed educated and what is happening the world of substance abuses and some of the mental issues that people have and suffer and may not even be aware of them consultant psychiatrist dr. Winston Delahaye very proficient in his discipline and will certainly inform us so please be here and the final session for 6:30 amen finally all the leaders of the various comes that were established on Friday nights Council of Ministers Council of evangelists Council of exhort us Council of deaconesses deacons Christians workers etc the leaders only please meet with me God willing on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock so we can have a more intimate talk as it relates to your function and you'll be able to raise with me all the questions that become relevant to you executing as is expected amen I greet you also from the Miramar Assembly where I spent last week in convention with them great convention overseer pastor Michael Johnson and his wife and his family and officers and Saints they have executed well they have done an addition to the building and for the first service the addition when the first service held in the addition it was sparked a capacity for the entire week of convention and God is blessing Miramar assembly and the same thing is extended to Brooklyn assembly Browns assembly Toronto and here in Jamaica Grove Road Goshen bog walk st. Thomas not feel and wherever don't get me scared man I got good nerve but don't scare me with this so we are delighted for what God is doing in the ministry and the best is yet to come I just thought I would stood with dr. Petrova you're giving her giving her honor and because she deserved double honor I doubled up the honor by standing with her that's what I did amen she's really worthy of double honor let us stand please to receive the Word of God from God's servant Minister Sharon create Lawrence a wonderful woman of God she stood in the gap in a Brooklyn assembly when it mattered most stood tall and stood strong did a fantastic job there served under my direct leadership as the assistant pastor in as much as I was not very present there she held that position as assistant pastor very credibly and did so for over five years their votes worked well and when the time came for her to condescend for pastor Kevin Lalor too taped seen a leadership role she did not find it difficult she condescended gracefully and I told her her statue became much taller in my sight than gzb stood dodgy his right now wonderful woman of God I bless God for her for her family and Brooklyn assembly is the better for having Minister Sharon Craig Lawrence serving them in that capacity she's a wonderful preacher also she's a long preacher so gird up your loins maybe she has changed that a little no what we are delighted to have her and when we thought of inviting her for this convention we did so with joy because we know that she'll be a blessing and as a matter of fact next Sunday she'll be in Toronto Canada for the Toronto convention so she's getting around let's put our hands together and welcome Minister Sharon create Laurens Brooklyn here she has given you got everybody [Music] are you happy to be here today you may be seated with a praise in your mouth glory to God grace be to you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world hallelujah to our word the bishop bishop dr. del fir Davis his lovely wife Reverend dr. Petrova Davis - missionary Tamika the ladies missionary minister missionary Tomita picked him to be correct I'm right man bless the Lord assistant pastor pastor I shall denote man glory to God and to all the ministers on the UH perform all the ministers on the lower form the evangelists glory to God all the choirs choir you sang very beautifully the Lord bless you hallelujah thank you Jesus the congregation all the visiting Saints all our friends from the community those who are watching us on the Internet at this time glory to God I want to bring you greetings from our pastor Reverend heavenly lore his wife minister Karen Lee Lord and the entire Brooklyn Assembly greetings in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus our Lord our Savior and our soon coming King is that a man hallelujah two of my siblings came along with me today helped me recognize pastor Geraldine Craig gray hallelujah come on and Stan come on and just stand and wave your hands she's all the way over to my left and my younger sibling sister Michele Craig and I want everyone to know she's unmarried hallelujah glory to God I'm truly honored to be here today thank you Jesus I crave your prayers amen will you pray for me today glory to God hallelujah we give God tanks come on and stand on your feet and I just want you to point your hands towards me and just pray for me hallelujah glory to God I'm not my own I'm only a vessel desirous to be used by God hallelujah Oh glory to God father into your hands I commit myself today Oh God let my spirit witness to your spirit God Almighty let selfless flesh be slain and you alone be exalted in this place today in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth father I'm depending on you I'll give you praise I honor you I honor you I honor you I honor you lord I bow a bow a bow about before you lord I give you praise I give you praise to give you praise lord I thank you for this hour lord I thank you for this sanctuary lord I thank you for your people but most of all I thank you thank you thank you for the word the word the word the word the word the word Lord you reminded us that the word is a lamp unto our feet unto our path and I just wanna tell you today take full control Almighty God of our bow of how to give you praise continually and let the church help me sing in Jesus name you may be seated I belongs to Jesus to Jesus Oh ah belong to me shall I go shall I go good [Music] [Music] [Music] shall I go to whoa [Music] like world [Applause] seeking my refuge brother masa I need a friend [Music] shall I go back to my come on and shout hallelujah grab all of your Bibles and let us stand one more time [Music] [Applause] the scripture was read earlier and just for times sake thank you Lord Jesus you know sense of God when you need these gadgets they never work forgive me please hallelujah and let us very quickly go to the scripture point it is that Amen hallelujah let us look at the fifth verse but I'm Johanna he gave a worthy portion let me hear you say word a portion for he loved Hannah but the Lord had shut up her womb and for her adversary also provoked her soon for to make her friend because the Lord had shut her womb and as he did so year by year when she went up to the house of the Lord so she provoked her with therefore she wept and did not eat Oh glory to God let's drop down to chapter 2 and the 21st verse and the Lord visited Hannah so that she conceived and beard three sons and two daughters and the child Samuel grew before the Lord is there amen you may be seated hallelujah blessed broken to be bless thank you Jesus now the word broken it means something that is literally broken into by pressure it's broken until it becomes separated torn or set apart now our topic this morning broken to be bless it goes a little deeper it signifies a heart that is torn a heart that is vulnerable and it's supposed the heart before the Lord having a deep longing that can only be satisfied by Almighty God I want to remind you the words of the psalmist chapter 34 and the 19th verse the Lord is nigh unto them that are a broken heart and save such as be of a contrite spirit hallelujah glory to God he said many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord but the Lord but the Lord shall deliver them out of them all I come here to tell you this morning that my brokenness your brokenness it's not so necessarily a bad thing hallelujah glory to God the issue it brokenness is not so much the circumstances but our response and what God have to say to us come on somebody help me praise the Lord in this place not in is a mistake with Almighty God [Music] from his situation according to his come on in this place today the Lord said unto Satan the enemy said job fear God for naught dot job see God for not him my god not protected him with a godly protection I can't touch him I think about him but because you stand between him and how do we it on you to give me access to truth come on and help me praise the Lord the Bible the Bible the Bible said that good job God that God gave the enemy access touch oh my God Almighty in one day job lost all his children in one day my God Almighty his financial support was obliterated Oh in one day my God Almighty he lost the loving tender care of his wife glory to God in one day job is my God Almighty that job arose listen to me Church you see when God is in it you cannot take it sitting down come on praise the Lord the Bible said rose glory to God he worshiped he passed right times our trials come upon us it comes only to test our fate it comes only to perfect us in God my god a light and some of us call it evil some of us call it abused we call call the 1-800 number ha ha ha Bishop the Bible said just right before Almighty God us whatsoever he does it's klutzy not me the name of Almighty God come on and help me he's God is called all by himself he can never ever go wrong he promised to lead us in righteousness for his glory blessed be the name of the Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus the bimah said in all things Oh glory to God in all of this job seen not jobs life happiness was for God's glory hallelujah job did not realize he won't become a part of a cosmic battle between God and Satan I want to tell the church that he was handpicked by Allah to shop for the glory of Almighty God and you are hand-picked by God he draws you out of the clutches of sin he wrote a manipulative background he drives you out of a lion situation he draws you out of Kundalini lifestyle it draws your hypocrisy that you might shop order his glory I'm not another it's not because you are cute it's not because you know how to dress it's not because you know how to speak to get all your eyes to cross all your teeth it's because God himself something to represent him at all times times glory to God at all times this crazy shall continually be in my mouth he said the hopper shall hear hear all man be glad he said my soul shall make her balls in the Lord these are common magnify the Lord with me lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce Mac's on his back to you come on and Gracie come on come on come on come on the Lord is worthy why they were they were they to be praised thank you Jesus blast said be the name of the Lord or we give you praise you see the name of the Lord it is a strong tower at the name of Jesus demons tremble and back up I gotta give you praise thank you Jesus you don't have to be afraid my God Almighty of the trials that is come upon you God got your back you are rooted and grounded in the name of the Lord God got your back glory to God not to be blessed it means to be consecrated Holland sanctified set apart for God's use hallelujah it also means you are wonderfully endowed with divine favor and divine protection oh the Lord promises I know the facts that I pick towards you Church you shall you shall cry upon me you shall go and pray unto me and I will I will hearken unto you you shall seek me and you shall find me oh when you shall search for me Jeremiah chapter 29 11 to 13 thus saith the Lord call call call call unto me I made myself available to hear from you a man myself available to attend to your needs hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus now let us get into the message appointed the chapter appointed now interestingly First Samuel Chapter one doesn't begin with a bottle a greeting or leadership crises it begins with a very private family dispute oh god I give you a praise help me here Holy Ghost thank you Jesus - jealous wives locked in spending trouble one provoking and a taunting the other due to her inability to be her children my god let me drop this in a no Hannah was not a Jamaican the matter would have been dealt with in a different way pray for me I mean well hallelujah from scriptures Elkanah was from the hillside country of Ephraim an era occupied by the Levites according to verse 3 he was dedicated he was a dedicated god-fearing Hebrew we go in somewhere today he visit that shiloh year after year with his family during the reign of hi priest Eli when Eli's sons hophni and Phinehas were priests the Bible said Elkanah has two wives as I've said before hannah and peninnah no Hannah had no children you see Church Shiloh was the central place of worship then second samuel chapter 2 and the 12 verse now hop nigh and Phinehas the bible referred to them as sons of their the boys were corrupt corrupt scroungers if you understand what I'm talking about god help me in here today that couldn't care less about the things of god they couldn't care less about the people of god all the kid about was themselves care about the ordinances oh my God my God my God God the Bible said the Bible said that these two men are in Greece you see at times when your bishop pull some of you aside any of us and he would set us in a different order take your order your office would go and we would be angry but I want to tell you today keep your anger to yourself God is holy and he will never stand beside and what sin permeate his people Oh glory to God he will right now a strip and a sharp rebuke and guess what if when you are rebuked and Bishop would allow you to stay in your place it will not be that effective but when you are sitting side when you're set aside and you're able to sit now and watch from afar and said look where I was and had it not been my misdeeds I would still be singing on the choir I would still be on the ash aboard glad I give you praise I would still be a minister born ha ha ha but I want you to know today that the leader of the house he was handpicked by God given the authority to lead according to righteousness we serve a holy God my God Almighty and sin will not infiltrate the body of Christ and we laugh with it come on and help me praise the Lord hallelujah boys couldn't care less for God I couldn't care less for the things of God neither did they respect the sanctuary we are the ordinances or the people of God the Bible said great was there evil in the sight of God the boys took the best of the sacrifice for themselves that brought all secret laws my God Almighty hallelujah glory to God according to Leviticus 27 1 234 the gift the freewill offering that was brought into the house of the Lord it's dedicated unto God and no fear if you have to get a part of it Jesus wait wait yes pray pray wait my God my God my God it is given unto the Lord it belongs to God hallelujah they rendered evil they render judgment upon themselves do you understand what I'm talking about Church of God they bribe they paid bribery my God Almighty hallelujah glory to God that takes bravery and chapter two twenty to twenty second verse it said delay with the women of the sanctuary my God Almighty they turn the house of God into a harem lord have mercy ah the song you sung this morning he'll be cut those broken pieces I am so glad the things that are imposed on you that God is that he knows Oh heart and that he will work out our troubles for his salvation you don't understand what I'm saying if you did not cause there you shall be forgiven honor is poured onto righteousness Oh glory to God I give you praise hallelujah glory to God they pollute the sanctuary with their whoredoms you go against God's permissive will for your life you decide that you decide that you have decided to do your own thing you are presumptuous give you praise today you are presumption and you brought the church into spiritual marinus my god your brother charged into spiritual decay the church has become a new off nobody getting saved nobody been healed God give you praise nobody receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost God I give you praise today because the den leader of the house I've seen your wickedness spoke a little bit to your body wickedness but did not remove you from your place of authority [Music] Eli did not remove his sons the people complained about their actions but it fell on deaf ears god I give you praise for your word hallelujah glory to God but I want a report to the church today [Music] for the appropriation to come to life I want you to know today that when you touch the things of God you touch God when you touch the people of God you touch God when you stand in the place that is dedicated to God's glory trying to do your own thing that you are angering God that you are absent from around of God to come upon you speedily that you are oxic God to cut up your children your grandchildren I want you to know today that the God that you saw he's a God of order he's a God of justice he's a peace and he's a God of judgment [Music] [Applause] [Music] Clara de Gaulle here brother Paul said in Romans chapter 3 in Romans chapter 5 the perverse he said we glory in tribulations knowing that tribulation works patience and patience works experience and experience hope and hope makes not a shame because the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us People of God I wanted to know today that is not business as usual I did not know my God Almighty that a new shari was about to enter town [Music] [Applause] thank you Jesus Thank You Holy Ghost you see God's timetable was set it was a type of the nation struggle tree in a fern ocation enough lying enough slandering enough stealing my God Almighty he had enough mischief that was created in the house of God in the presence of God Oh God Almighty truly the God that we serve is merciful truly the God that we serve God Almighty is altogether wonderful gotta give you praise come on and let me praise the Lord the Bible said in Hebrews chapter 1 verse 8 the Bible said the scepter of righteousness a scepter of righteousness it is the scepter of the kingdom glory to God it is the scepter of the kingdom and if we think our own little wishy-washy action he and persuade God to let us in otherwise then we are only fooling ourselves we are blowing around in circles I'm calling it subsets because of this obedience is it all right if I die right a little bit because of this obedience is read travel the mountains for over 40 years until the time appointed when everybody who sinned against God died and a new generation Rosa except for Caleb and Joshua I want you to know today these are obedient follow the word of the Lord let the word mirror your lives let mighty God be glorified holiness is holiness wherever you go I hear some people said I'm in America [Music] you are in America I see God God are Danya in Jamaica to be a missionary to be a woman of word to be a woman of high standard to be a woman who can stand before kings and priests and princes when you come to America with us [Music] [Applause] it's not asking for more only be thou faithful thank you Jesus the Bible said Romans chapter 12 I beseech you therefore brethren brethren this procedure therefore by the mercies of God present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is only a reasonable service a [Applause] brother to the Romans I beg you I beg you I beg you if it's only in this life we have all we would be men and women must miserable because it is appointed unto men once to die and after that comes the judgment but upon say I beg you present let God reign in your life let God be the centerfold ah let God be God I let the things of bear huh ah stay far from you thank you Jesus Elkanah it seems my God Almighty we know how to sing against God we know how to go against God help me say I'm glad for mercy and I'm glad for grace Elkanah it seems how about ducted polygamous behavior from the pictures possible and cannot hot married maybe he have married he married Hana maybe he had married pnina just for the children maybe we don't know but they say now he married Hara because he mercy great was his love for Hana so whatever the reasons were this man created a situation in his house trying to help God hallelujah God don't need and help to orchestrate his plans he doesn't and we have seen it happen before have mercy God we give you praise it is not about to remember the Bible while the Bible records the practice of polygamy it never approves it bishop i don't know if anybody in here have that in mind lord have mercy but it's not acceptable in the sight of the lord is that amen saints of god hallelujah Leah and Rachel tried it it didn't work amen one man having multiple wives it creates problem in the house Amen saints of God and God is trying to keep us out of trouble you were called to be a worshiper appraisal in the presence of the Lord amen sense of God Israel I chose you because I love you I chose you to be a replica of Nations I chose you to walk righteously and soberly before me oh but somewhere along the line Israel you marked from being a leader to a follower o mighty God of glory instead you walked in my precepts my god almighty you noticed nations carefully around you huh and you replicated their behavior and you walk in them o glory of God but I want somebody to know today they claim they claim that we are living in a new age but I want you to know that the Word of God is still the same I want you to know that God is still holy the god you serve is still God there's nothing new about him there's nothing new about your God everything about your God it is still here nothing new new HR not Church of God we shall live holy new age or not we are dedicated under the true and living God we shall praise Him in the morning we shall praise Him at noon we shall praise Him even when the Sun Goes Down come on and help me bless the Lord Holly [Music] the Bible said every year day goes up to the temple to worship hallelujah day they took that long journey from the four corners of Palestine all the way to Shiloh to worship is that amen now the Bible said that Elkanah he gave to pnina and her sons portions but I'm done he gave a word the Porsche unto Hana he gave a double portion if you may for he loves her but God has her and I was unfruitful my god and mighty God knows why but I want you to know today that God is about to turn around somebody's boringness God is about to turn around your sterility to fertility Oh Oh glory to God is about to come upon his kingdom to do his disciples room until you're endowed with the Holy Ghost hey gotta give you praise that bone in your flesh it's a mechanism to keep you humble glory to God thank you Jesus his ways are you wondered why you have this pain and this ache so long you have asked for healing and deliverance and it have not been done but I want you to know today heal you completely Bishop would want to find you not even God would be able to find you but my grandparents would say you lift your tail the place is unknown so God has placed the problem there to keep your home [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus janaina go on can't go on Bravo because you're provoking is our loss over and you're provoking it's only a black hat for God to use it and draw me closer to him oh you don't understand you don't understand sometimes when we're so fool we forget to pray how'd she not light on you you want to remember to pray because God had bless you know you are full and you have a reason up to do things an Tiger things that not about the kingdom things that are not about saving grace so I want you to know that God will use any matter to humble you you see the daily taunts the daily taunts it is to draw you away from the things of God at times the daily taunts at times it is the cause your mind to be confused the daily counts at times it's the cause you to cry my god keeping you from focusing on the things of God he keeping you from claiming the Holy Ghost love my god mighty and then at times the very taunting is to propel you it's an usher for you to enter the presence of a mighty God the Bible said in his presence there's fullness of joy that is right here there are pleasures forevermore in his presence there's feeling and deliverance in his presence there's freedom in his presence brokenness or amended in his presence dysfunctional family were joined together in please love and harmony in his presence God is glorified oh come on and help me let me praise the Lord for his presence in his presence thank you Jesus so ask the tonton grew worse and hana cries daily cried daily she did not complain to anybody ah she communicates in her heart and she cried and she cried crying and she becomes frustrated and broken and distant hearted oh she took it to the Lord in prayer you see how nice method it always works you see the algebra it's a meeting place for man and God hallelujah see the Alger it is also refer to the place of slaughter you see the archer it is where you receive your healing and deliverance the archer it's where God promised to meet with man hallelujah glory to God the tonton come on mr. officer I want you to just like you're tearing me down come on the Todd jeans tear me down it's meant to keep you from the presence of God meant to pull you away but I'm going to the altar I'm going to the altar I'm going to the altar I'm going to the ahta Polly to the agile I need money Liberace I'm going to the Odyssey angels and camper on that sphere Almighty God I know I am NOT alone because I know if you have a problem then you have no need for a solution but because a problem wanna see for the altar my God Almighty come here miss officer stand right there just lift your hands to me and said like Eli how long will you be drunk how long will you be my lord I am NOT drunk as you suppose Jesus ah see you suppose I'm a woman of a broken spirit [Applause] [Music] my ticket [Music] money to God broken spirit you see my lord I am bearing from the from virtue I'm I need is that God will give me a mantra I my job to be here at time it's the most basic need of a woman and I need a mansion and a lot of bless you [Music] [Applause] the Bible said that Hannah arose ha ha Rose Oh God she rose with new assurance she rose knowing that the crash that was laid upon her she rose to the newness of life she rose knowing that what she had asked for she did not act selfishly she herself she that the nation might be blazed times we are give me Lord gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme bless my family bless my family bless my family Oh glory to God but I want you to know today that haha needed a song likewise God watch your channel unknowingly the God that God into this pretty comment for his glory come on and help me praise the Lord let me praise the Lord come on and let me praise the Lord she wanted a son and God wanted a leader god I give you praise I'll give you a praise I'll give you praise I'll give you a praise I'll give you a brains I'll give you praise I'll give you praise I honor your Jesus [Music] no food northeast no kind words from her husband cordis suffice Hana's need it takes a mighty God himself glory to God you see God have away being touched by our tears I won't divert again I let some stay for later amen hallelujah so let me bring the ship into harbor hallelujah glory to God hallelujah mighty God only I'm mighty God could have filled that capacity thank you Jesus Thank You Holy Spirit of God it takes much to bring forth my God Almighty you see at times we get things and we don't know how to care for it but you see when you go through the rigors of life to get it when you lose some sleepless nights for it when you have to go into fasting for some days for it you will take better care of what you're about to receive or what you have received is that Amen somebody [Music] glory to God you see when the priest entered in Hannah's presence he intimates the presence of God do you agree with me somebody I thought he wasn't he wasn't in accordance to God's law but he was the high priest and God respects Authority mayor say that again God respects Authority my god and I want you to know that's the last honorable teen aligning when he hinted on a presence thinking that she was drunken Oh God so he blessed her and he assured her cry and glass is about to fulfill her promise his promise Oh glory to God I want you to know saints of God that Hannah rise from the altar Oh glory to God because God had broken down every was God had opened every closed doors ha ha's tomorrow huh came that very day my God Almighty man arrives with an assurance she raised up satisfied hallelujah glory to God I want you to know today let me close my notes I want you to know today the same God who bless Hana he's here to bless you today my God Almighty your weeping may endure for a night but your choice comes in the morning I want you to know that God is a motorboat mightily in your life that no man can stop him from moving it doesn't matter what others have to say about who you are we will always have people around who some love us and some haters but I want you to anchor your soul in our mighty God the sons that we have an uncle that keep our soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll fasten to the rock which can be moved you are grown that firm a deep in the same that God is here to give unto you all that he desires for you for His perfect will in your life I want you to know that the Lord is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what you acts or even think because he is God all by yourself my God Almighty I'm calling upon ha ha ha ha arise from your position it's time for you to go it's time for you to walk it's time for you to eat it's time for you to be married in the Lord God let's just turn around your situation for his glory ha ha dry your tears ha ha ha dry your tears dry your tears ha ha ha it's time to go home ha ha call for your husband - Cana it's time for you to head home why are you up work to do God is about to bless somebody in this place I don't know what you're going through but I come to tell your headquarters God will take you through the rigors of life that he might elevate you huh God want you to know that he is God that he is your Jehovah Jireh huh he's known to feed with the bread from never until you are no more God desire that you might know him for womb to know is life eternal come on and let me praise the Lord [Music] let me praise the Lord come on I let my blessed God he is God let us stand all over this place he is God all by himself and I want you to know that something profound is about to happen in your life glory to God let us sing us come at this time he touch me [Music] that plasma [Music] [Music] haha strong Oh [Music] [Applause] after joining us after they had to come on and make your request no well yeah she touch me [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] since he glanced up at me road [Music] [Music] come on I talked to the heart our mission will be coming in a minute he touched me it's my soul [Music] mijo please receive our mission care of the holding lift up your hands let's not slow such a wonderful highway [Music] [Music] hundreds of you come down to this altar on your own volition without a call was me tells me that something is happening on the inside you need something while God needs someone you need a Sun God needs a leader you need a Sun God needs a prophet hallelujah he will take care for your needs if you are prepared to take care of him and his request of you today hallelujah reach out to the Lord everybody lift up your hands and begin to worship be right into prayer come on no time to waste no time to spare Anna's oneonta understanding all over this place honor is viewing from all over the world wherever you are this is your moment your tomorrow can be today your tomorrow can be in this very moment talk to God talk to your heavenly father to be 9 as rain is over P 9 as rule is over Shama Marco Sabha or they are somebody get resolute in your spirit today and said enough is enough it has become too much time to rise and shine hey hey glory to God me miss us come and pray with people come and exercise your ministry come on many such a people come lay hands come release your faith [Music] [Music] somebody need your breakthrough today tomorrow somebody need your man child today well somebody need an open door today somebody need that miracle today God wants a turn here tomorrow into your today get it now [Music] my God Almighty get it today my brother get it today my sister get it today we all know is the accepted time today is a day of deliverance my to deliver my to deliver my to a make a great meat supplier law you open up closed doors you touch byron womb you'll give miracles where they are needed somebody need a miracle American houses needed American their body is needed America a workplace is needed a miracle my god in new courthouses needed America is needed in Supreme Court is needed in Spanish town is needed enough way tree somebody need a miracle from you Jesus a miracle is needed in the finances a miracle is needed in the family Hana is crying out that coach a miracle is needed in the church in the church in the choir musicians preachers calendars where I Juarez a Pyrrhic listening [Music] is crying out erase crayons Hana his reaching roads come on sister Hana come on brother Hana Hey in this case everybody has a loom man as a woman as a room everybody got a room today echo shop everyone as a womb Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus my god already hallelujah hallelujah the altars of please the altar is ablaze somebody's getting the fire somebody's catching the fire they go glory to God the altar is ablaze in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus he Jesus name when are not known took that altar [Music] she knelt with a conviction hallelujah she'd Mildred the determination oh Jesus [Music] I believe under said in her heart my days of torching are over but days of merriness are over my days of Megan are over hallelujah I believe under said I won't move till you bless me and stay right here till I hear from you that's honesty [Music] what do you cried I want you bless me lift up your head to this presence everybody come on till I hear from you [Music] James what do you again bless me I'm standing right here to my head [Music] I [Music] what were you right here she like what do you [Laughter] [Music] you everybody hold on with somebody stand up those who are kneeling sitting get all of her neighbors huh lift up those hands together we are all enlisting together whatever your needs are god no every one as a need the need for salvation for healing for deliverance or breakthrough for miracles for all kinds of requests hallelujah all those hands together in the name of Jesus Lord we stand in solidarity with our one another we stand in agreement with our brothers and sisters across this congregation across congregations are on the world people in their bedroom their kitchen their living room their cars wherever they are right now we stand together and I decree in the name of Jesus that bless he will bless you don't move a foot Hannah stay at Shiloh stay on the altar draw nigh to God he will draw nigh unto you I speak in your spiritual womb right now I speak in your spirits right now in the name of Jesus and I say bring forth for your good bring forth for God's glory bring forth for your good bring forth for God's glory bring forth for your good bring forth for God's glory in the name of Jesus I agree with you and we are great together let release your neighbors under lift up your hand and say the name of Jesus is coming in the name of Jesus is coming - eh until your spirit get him pregnant and right now in the name of Jesus his common his climbing circuit or boss under his climate is common is climate somebody help us here is climbing is climbing summer you could say does arrived it does arrive my miracle is around him my miracle has arrived Shack emotional of aha it has arrived [Music] dear God dear God dear God it has arrived rise apana rise amana your weeping days are over you are only broken to be blessed no you are blessed no you're blessed no you're blessed praise Him like the blessed worship Him like the Bliss like him like the bless celebrates him like the blessed dear God of money you were only broken Inara there are your shutter received on miracle in your life wherever you need [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God when I wake up in the morning till I lay my head to rest I am blessed I am bliss blessed church higher bliss [Applause] [Music] my go back to your seat please I love haha I love you I don't Oh I I'm when I went Oh what you're handsome I'm not singing again I by God oh mercy give me praise Laura hallelujah be seated Phyllis thank you Jesus what a powerful message what a powerful word antibody god blessed challenged [Music] some woman can't preach something about many salons that is almost want to say unique let me tell you what it is in New York City she preaches on the Train she preaches on the bus she preaches on the street preach on the train traveling from Manhattan to Brooklyn she never wastes a movement preach on every train she travels on preach on every bus she rides on preach on the street corner in New York City so when you see God user that like he did he's not a horrible thing and that which you practice you will perfect tell your neighbor that which you practice you will perfect on the train and the buses on the streets anywhere she goes she carries the gospel were you blessed by that ministry [Music] you see okay you see that we have among ourselves our hone that God can use my today let's prepare to worship in giving at this time those of you are viewing on the and on the various networks you can also worship in giving you can go to a website or whatever medium you're on you see the donate button hit that button and make your contribution or a telephone number will appear on the screen and address will appear on the screen yeah you can do something about it we are still advanced in the kingdom of God amen and our giving is part of the advancement process bless us Emily father as we honor you in tithes and offering special offerings seed faith offering those who have envelopes bring them in whatever we have brought today we give them to you Lord and we ask it was scientific bless them for your works sake and in return may all the givers receive good measures press down shaken together running over for those who did not have or do not have to give we pray that you bless them also and open doors of opportunities for them in Jesus name Amen OSHA's lead us in giving please and after which all of us will and their instruction come forward and make our gifts those of you have not yet taken an envelope you need to take one every member every visitor every friend every well-wisher every supporter all those who have been touched by this ministry over the many many years of ministering to you by radio by television tent revivals corner meetings internet wherever auditorium in other congregations so a seed in this ministry before 2018 comes to a close and watch God work in your life amen just remind you that 4:30 this evening will be another power packed session of another type we hoped to see all of you we know you're not very evening herbs you're not evening people but I'll be here in time so you get here in time I lead by example amen oh yeah so hope to see all of you 4:30 this evening for that very special session and I look forward to the second message from Minister Sharon Craig Lawrence on the final leg of this women's convention so don't you miss out on it and I wanted to everybody bring a special seat phaeton friend tonight we want a bless her to buy ice cream when she goes back to New York oh yeah and if you are to give her one dollar you have to find 130 maybe some dollars to get one to give her are you with me so I'm gonna raise our special seed faith on later on and if you're not coming back tonight which I hope you will then you'll leave it with me this morning before you go all the leaders of councils I did announce it earlier meet with me and Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock so we can further amplify the vision with you leaders of the Council of Ministers council of elders council of Deacons Council of just the leaders god bless yous Iran announces standing by if you are please come at this time and tell us a few more things while we listen carefully to the unknown sir please stay as quiet as you are right now and you will be able to hear the announcements thank you thank you welcome to the pages of the power feed ministries diary for week beginning Sunday October 21st 2018 greetings came to our Bishop Minister Davis and the power of faith family from sister Naomi riddle let us continue to keep our overseas and also our shut-in brethren in our prayers no meetings after church ministry you are asked to meet with evangelist Lomita log in the multi-purpose hall all brothers you are asked to meet by the restaurant for a brief meeting our baptismal instructional class for those who wish to be baptized or know more about salvation will be held this evening at 5:30 p.m. in our upcoming events all married couples yes all Marc couples both saved and unsaved you are invited out to marriage enrichment ministry month and meeting on Monday October 22nd that's tomorrow as we discuss a very interesting and important topic for today's reality as it relates to marriages don't miss the prayer session which commences at 7:00 p.m. after which the discussion follows it promises to be a very fulfilling meeting so please make every effort to come out and bring along another couple in Austin and death notices and in the interest of time we ask that you get the contact numbers from the church or the administrative offices sister minute broad Bell is in the Spanish tone hospital ward for sister marina beach is admitted in the Medical Associates Hospital the following persons have passed on and funeral arrangements will be given at only Hadid the son of sister Shireen Duong and sister Dewar is a member of the echoes of faith while the sister of elder Carleton Beckford and missionary Arnott daily undred on who resides in London he's the son of sister Angela Parker he has passed on in funeral services are as follows if you know a service for the husband of sister Charlotte Thomas Emmanuel has been held today at the tent city 70 adventist church and it commenced at 10:00 a.m. internment will be at dovecot if universe service for the latest of evene Brown Roach is also been held today at a new life gospel assembly and us at 8:05 court more villa in weber park beginning at 1:00 p.m. internment will follow at dovecot the funeral service for the father of Minister Constantine Vidal Fenian is being held today at the Riversdale gospel hall assembly in Riversdale districts and catherine beginning at 1:00 p.m. internment will be at the family plot in Williams field st. Catherine the funeral service for the mother of the the Clive Blake will be held on Saturday October 27 at the effort Ville Pentecostal Church of God in Clarendon beginning at 9:30 a.m. interment will be at the family plot in st. Anne please note that transportation will be provided and interested persons you're asked to contact elder Blake and I'll give his number eight seven six four two zero three nine one four please contact him today so that he can make the necessary arrangements photographs of the deceased members are posted on the notice board for your viewing our bishop his wife and the members of the power of faith family share with those who are ill or have lost loved ones negative one to achieve [Music] operating at home sister Kathleen Thomas and sister Tina Peter praise God in our victory north work a Keisha Doyle and exhorting Richard Doyle our proud parents of their third child an adorable baby boy bless the Lord mother and baby are doing well please remember to stop by and support the woman of worth booth at the front for you also please remember to support the sports department by purchasing a Sunday glean at the main entrance of the sanctuary after service and in our weekly activities on Monday the dare to be a Daniel team will be visiting the following schools the naugahyde primary at 6:45 a.m. and then the Cumberland high at 8:00 a.m. a follow visit will be made by the team to the Cumberland high on Friday October 26 at 8 a.m. still on tomorrow all senior citizens and volunteers you're being called to an urgent meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday the hour of prayer a live interactive and informative discussion program that's aired every Tuesday on a pfm family TV at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. this week the evangelists and exhort us will be in studio and we're inviting at least 15 persons to be a part of the studio audience please be seated by the latest 6:30 p.m. and on Wednesday or Wednesday fasting commences at 9 a.m. come on out and be blessed on Friday all are invited out to the let the oil flow which commences at 7:00 p.m. please be reminded that these services are held on the last Friday of each month it was indeed my pleasure to have served you this morning as I have come to the end of this morning's announcement we invite you to stay with us for Bible studies where cater to every age group also members who would like to open an account or if you just need more information about the pfm thrift club we invite you to meet the team immediately after service at the location between children's church and the music Institute and at this time I shall now call the Minister Janet small to make a special announcement shall we praise the Lord glory to God just to remind you based on our announcement from last week that on the 18th of this month that's the third Sunday of November please remember we will be celebrating with our Bishop and is the dear wife Minister Davis on this their 40th wedding anniversary please remember we must be seated by 7:00 a.m. you cannot afford to miss the couple's March items will be coming from all the departments that the marriage enrichment Department the men's department the woman of word department children's ministry ashes ministers senior citizens combined choir and the / department is that amen please also be reminded that you can participate especially in our love gift special token we will be having a session in this in them in the service where you will be able to take in your special card that card you can also make to enclosing it your love gift in that card you can note your love your appreciation and something from your heart that you want to say to Bishop and minister they are the one that will be opening your card and they will respond accordingly that amen glory to God also on the 28th of November that's the last Wednesday of no bishop and minister also wants to celebrate with all couples married couples you can be saved or unsaved yes we want to celebrate with them now we will only have we only have 65 spaces 20 is already allocated or elders and ministers so we have 40 spaces available to all our members well wishes please we have to do it by our registration so registration commences this morning so this morning on our left couples you can come and do your registration and get more information is that amen so you cannot afford to miss this special special special arrangement with our bishop and his wife on Wednesday November 28th at the Royal Oasis god bless you see you soon be mindful of the margin rich men's ministry special meeting on Monday what time sir 7 o clock very important ministry for married couples bu Christians are non-christians it's reaching out to couples and we want you to participate and on the first Sunday of November the Lord tires I'll tell you more about it but we're gonna have a very special service here I'll tell you more next Sunday when I'll take the stand hopefully by the help of the Lord amen I did say if you're not coming back on tonight and you were blessed by the minister's ministry and message and you want to leave a gift in her honor you could do so before you leave that's why Minister Thorpe is standing here and he wants you to attend upon him with all of that let us stand please I want to pray with a lady where I met yesterday if you're here you know yourself and prayer which is a kamil for her brother comes down sister Camille and the other person we're bringing it down Minnesota versus an announcement that she'll make for you we are praying stand with me please let's just reach out to the Lord and before you leave you bring your special gift if at all you won't make it happen tonight all odds with your neighbor praise God father we lift up to you those who stand in need of a super miracle super miracle to break curses super miracle to defeat the attacks of the enemy super miracle to open up closed doors super miracle Oh God to lift your people to another dimension there are those who will face the doctors tomorrow give them a super miracle now there are those who will stand before the courts the judge will adjudicate their motto during the course of this week Lord some need a super miracle I ask in the name of Jesus that you be gracious and that you be merciful insure yourself mighty especially to those who deserve a miracle let them not go down defeat the enemy before their very high and let them be raised up in victory so we ask you for super spiritual miracles super financial miracles super from marital miracles miracles in the courtroom miracles in the hospital miracles in the hole miracles on the job lift of haryana and grant the heart's desire in the name of Jesus Anna needs a son and you need a prophet working together we pray in the name of Jesus we give your thanks and we give you praise in Jesus and I'm sure by know you are convinced that there is a farm in Gilead all your diseases we also know that there's not one broken vessel that our God cannot mint also God could be using your brokenness for your blessing just set yourself in order because God is gonna work something out for you we thank you for your continuous support and we're asking if you'd like to partner with us in ministry that you go onto our website the information is appearing on the screen just know click on the donate button and you'll be guided accordingly you may also call our telephone numbers on the numbers appearing on the screen someone will be standing by to assist you call our church offices locally and overseas and we thank you once again we thank you for being with us on Sunday morning life again on behalf of our pasta or Presiding Bishop Bishop dr. del Fadi Davis Minister petrova Davis or first lady and the general congregation at the power of administration we thank you for watching and we leave you with Grace and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ till we see you next week same time same place same church god be with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't touch it [Applause] up your Hansen given the high praise [Applause] let's give an ear to listen on Spencer bring your gifts if you won't be coming back to them in God bless [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 26,936
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: imiIUu3-kEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 54sec (11454 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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