Sunday Morning LIVE - July 01, 2018 (in HD)

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[Music] [Music] the Lord bless His Holy Name and today today we want to lift up his voice our voice in praise for I know he was always there for me Almighty God Almighty God is there any healthy person in the house this morning you see I don't wanna studies around this morning I don't want no studies around this morning we are praises we are Judah hallelujah hallelujah together for the Lord this young feeling all right irrespective of what the enemy wants to do are doing I am rejoicing this morning in the God of my salvation I will lift up my voice embrace [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I know who are always there for me [Music] I'm Isaac [Music] when troubles come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I wish i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't wanna wait drama [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] anyway [Music] [Music] I you are Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi-yah to watch him [Music] [Applause] is a winner man [Applause] Oh [Music] reach your well again in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah are you not glad for that assurance this Manish just worship the Lord in Baba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ck da da ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba boo boo boo boo boo boo boo Cassata cover me cover me cover me cover me piece of God's peace of gods cover us this morning because though my vision o Lord my heart's thou my vision o Lord my heart's not be all else to me say that the words hey hey though my best part hallelujah you are my best thought by day or by night waking and sleep in gods you are my best thoughts thy presence my light Tsarevich acharya balsa because thy loving-kindness is better than life my lips shall praise me thus will I bless thee while I live I said Lord while I live I will lift up my hands on to your name Lord as our hands I lifted up this morning our hands pulsates hallelujah with fulfillment at the Lord our hands besides with fulfillment when lifted up to you in praise and prayer Lord the water a rock we just sang a while ago you hide it my soul in the cleft of the rock that shadow a dry thirsty Lance you hide at my life yes Lord in the cleft of the rock hallelujah bridges yes God you hide me you hide me you hide me from the enemy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah know what you are a rock you are our salvation and our defense and our refuge and our glory in refuge hallelujah what enemy can pursue us Lord I said in refuge no enemy no enemy can pursue us in defence Oh God no temptation can wound us Oh God you're Almighty God the holy God you are a righteous God and we gather in your presence this morning for cooperate worship this is your house a holy house of prayer this is your house Oh God we're your people bring their burdens and their cares ha ha ha Oh God Jesus Jesus walk through the corridors so glory to God this morning a poet a temper touchdown you know amidst this morning like nipa before God you know the aching hearts ah Jesus Christ you know the reverse you know the valleys you know the mountains ha ha ha but we say mountain get out of my way this morning hallelujah let your fire burn this morning God the Sammis Davison a fire goes before you and burns up all our enemies saw the hills melt like what the presence of the Lord hallelujah for you O God our sono Noah shields hallelujah you are our hiding place Jesus Tabernacle with us here this morning like never before Lord we need a word from you this morning we need to hear from you hallelujah I know God Almighty you oven pointed oh god the right person this morning oh god you know the Rhema word we are expecting this morning divine God because you alone or the batteries that some of us had fart or God throughout the course of last week and irrespective or god of what the enemy might have done and want to do we come this morning Oh God with a heart of expectation to hear from you thus saith the Lord Jesus I know you are not a god to disappoint ha ha ha Holy Ghost of God show up this morning in this temper let not one leave the same they came bound up recycling here Oh a bullshit-ass because this is your house Lord healing is in the hosts deliverance is in the house victory is in the house slowly goes of God and blessings or Lobos at multiplicities of blessings is in the house this morning o God hear us O God year or so god the psalmist David said in your world that this poor man cried and the Lord heard and the Lord heard him and the Lord heard and deliver him out of all not some but out of all his troubles place ever ministry that will be presented this morning anointed of this Lord that you have chosen this morning to be a blessing Almighty God's Oh God Almighty have your way this morning like never before so we give you all the praise we give you all the glory we give you all the honey hallelujah and we adore you this morning much less say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah as you return to your seat just worship Him and those that are sitting just lift up your hands for a moment appraised at Thanksgiving hallelujah just worship you come on come on man that gave your mouth come on gotta be a partner come on open up those satellite boats let God be pleased with your worship let God be pleased you're not doing it for me for sure if you talk to him give it give it come on give it what he deserved and as we often times says if you want to be blessed ha ha racism nothing in the recesses of the recesses of your souls our recesses of your soul come on come on come on come on come to him this morning [Music] do you know that the Lord inhabits the praises of his people do you know that God dwells in our place why is it some of us cannot have the victory why is it some of us cannot have the victory it's because we are not present in appraising Gardena yes you see I come to praise God this morning yes but I know American beta as anywhere I go I praise God I don't have to be in church to praise God praises is what I do yes and relevant races and God always come through me because the weapon is in my mouth the victories in my mouth the victories idiom when you pray when we tell you to brace it we know why we are telling [Music] touches Thank You chief this is a long sunday this is a long Sunday this is a long something long way to go and I just want to be obedient hmm hallelujah I just wanna greets praise God's God's wonderful servants who he had raised up for this time and the soul in the form of our Bishop Bishop dr. Dell for Davis his wife Reverend doctor over Davis and all the ministers you love the Saints in Christ our viewers hallelujah just greet you in the name of Jesus please turn your Bibles with me to first Corinthians chapter 13 and will read the entire thirteen verses and I'll read those for the sake of time though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity I am nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity it profits me nothing charity suffereth long and is kind charity envieth not charity vaunteth not itself is not puffed up but not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked thinketh no rejoice EDD not in iniquity but rejoices in the truth beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away when I was a child I speak as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am known we'll read together and now abideth Faith Hope charity these three but the greatest of these is charity this is a word of the Lord we're honored one of them by saying will be to the Father and to the son as it was in the beginning is knowledge without him praise God at this time please you may have a seat coming to do the general welcome and acknowledgement is minister Constantine Gil Fillion please make him welcome after which the choir will come with their ministry M glorify thy name glow or if I'd line I mean all year [Music] come on wave your hands for Jesus this morning if you love him wave your hands for him a pleasant good morning to one and all it's my task to do the acknowledgement and welcome at this time and ask our first time and second time visitor to stand first and second time visitor so low we can acknowledge you okay I see some over here oh that side we welcome you in our midst this morning and we're happy to have you worshiping in this kind of experience on a Sunday morning god bless you please come again we are mindful of the viewers we come to you live every Sunday morning from the pfm port Lord Jamaica a lot 13 we come via the flow cable network on Channel six oh two six seven two digital channel 20 via the Internet ww dot p FM family that o-r-g and through the youtube we are mindful that you are there we are happy that you are viewing and you're worshiping with us so on behalf of our presiding bishop bishop dr. Deborah Davis and his wife minister dr. Petrova Davis we extend our to welcome on behalf of the power faith family come on put your hands together and give them a round of applause for being with us live on this network to make her Weston is God bless you [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hold on needed healing of the trigger de see her money brought physician what only Jesus could bring me three data for each was born down to its heart [Music] [Music] I oh the cliffs are jagged [Music] [Music] of that training that dreaded disease money God fits it shine what only Jesus could bring it was worn down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I mean or to that phrase and critize me and are you clean above that [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] reach across shake the never silent L McNay but don't let go don't you have a let go I dare you don't you ever let go my god I'm going to even the last thread of hope God will bring you out somewhere somehow don't you please don't let go God is on your side there is a liar you're more than Tantra glory to God don't let them [Music] they the trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion which cannot be removed but abideth forever as the mountains around about Jerusalem so the Lord is round about his people from n sport even forever for the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous Leicester I just put four designs iniquity God is with you around you above you beneath you and more so he is in you let's lift our hands to the Lord right now father in Jesus name I speak a blessing upon this congregation many have gone through trials and tests during the past week and now Lord as we have entered upon another week I pray that your angels will continually be assigned to watch over your people I prayed a special favor will be given to them I pray that light will shine where it needs to shine I pray that favours will be given Oh God in every aspect of your life pray to those who are challenged with circumstances will get the victory I pray that their enemies will be defeated in the name of Jesus let this week be a week of weeks for them Oh God the name and things that have not worked out over time I pray supernaturally miraculously you shall intervene and you shall turn it around in the name of Jesus let them walk and not weary run enough faith in a name of Jesus visit each one we pray them in a very special way no motor vehicle accident Oh God amen no death Amen or destruction natural or man-made but you shall be there to give comprehensive protection by day let the pillar of cloud be there by night that the pillar of fire be there and Lord when we shall have come to the end of this week we shall be pleased at other times to give you the glory to give any honor to give it a praise we decree on declare healing for the body of Christ deliverance for the body of Christ victory for the body of Christ supernatural blessing for the body of Christ Oh glory to God that devil is defeated crushed on our feet more than conquerors in the name of Jesus I speak it for you I speak it for your loved ones and we call it done in Jesus name glory lift up your hands on giving praise even praise hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus we bless your name shake your neighbors on and tell them the blessings of God be with you sell them again the blessings of God be with you god bless you please be seated we welcome those who are joining us and those who joined us after the welcome was given the Holy Spirit is in this place and I know he's going to be ministering in a very special way to all of God's wonderful people we pause at this time to dedicate our babies as we do each first Sunday the text of Mark chapter 10 from verse 13 reads and they brought young children to him that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them but when Jesus saw it he was much displeased and said unto them suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter their hand and he took them up in his arms put his hands upon them and blessed them we invite the mothers to come at this time Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Nellore Stan please I dedicate repay at this time upon these young ones not the blessings of God is protection special coverage will be with them join me with your prayerful hearts as we pray at this time our gracious Father we give you thanks for blessings that you continue to pour on us in spite of our weaknesses our failures our misgivings you remain the faithful God this morning we stand to give your fans for these children that you have blessed our world with our country and our church our communities we pray now Lord that your Holy Spirit will minister to them we pray that goodness and mercy will ever be with them so that Lord as they grew up into this world of sin and sorrow shame on all kinds of misery they will be protected by you you tell us in your word that you give you angels charge I pray that each will assign a mighty angel to watch over them in the name of Jesus they have been brought into a world that is filled with all kinds of sorrows and pain all kinds of abominations Oh God what I know you can preserve them you preserve the Moses on the River Nile yes you did you preserve Jesus on the end of error yet error yes you did God Almighty you preserve Jeremiah watching over him from his mother's womb because you have ordained him or God for a particular purpose in the name of Jesus we pray that you will do the very same for these in the name of G as regardless of the home in which they'll be brought up regardless of the parents that they have or God we pray that you intervene in a very special way and O God we pray that you will guide them in the way of truth and grant that as they grow they will grow in the fear of God in the admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ they shall be taught and they shall become instruments of your piece missing jars of righteousness to hear all the truth of the gospel toward their generation in the name of Jesus we curse and defeat and discharge everything that be negative against them let no childhood sickness nor disease impair their body nor impair their minds well let them grow up before you were Elfi and strong in the name of Jesus so we bless them no father and pray that the fullness of your grace will be their portion by your authority in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit we bless these children and we set them forth as messengers for God in Jesus name Amen join me praising God come on join me praising God like a minute [Music] hallelujah please be seated prayerfully ministers continue and complete the exercise every father I lift up camellia McKenzie in your very presence right now I pronounce heavens blessings upon earth from this day onward she's not less consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen father I thank you for Sean Mackenzie's brought into your house to be blessed I pray right now Lord that your blessing would go up on this child this child is not blessed consecrated give him back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost father we thank you for Amelia Thompson brought into your house to be blessed father we bless her now in Jesus name Amen Heavenly Father I give you fans for Chalam Matthews as he saw named and brought into your house to be blessed this morning I pronounce heavens blessings upon him he's now bless consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen brought into your house to be blessed may your blessings be upon this charge she's not blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Darlene Holy Spirit amen I pronounce your blessing upon this child in the name of the Father and of his heart Heavenly Father we thank you for Xavier Drummond's as he's so named and brought into your house to be blessed this child is now blessed and consecrated and given back to you the name of the Father and of the son of the Holy Ghost amen Heavenly Father I give you fans fortune Naevia ground as she saw named and brought into your house to be blessed this morning Lord janae via is a gift from you to this world and so now Lord I pronounce your blessings upon her from this day onward little jenavian is bless consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen camara Biggs wonderfully made inhibition in your life your blessing we know pronounce upon this child this child is know bless this child is know consecrated give him back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost into your house this morning to be blessed father as we bless him now we give him back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen Lord as he so named this morning brought into your house to be blessed Lord is fearfully and he's wonderfully made marvelous are the works of thine hand O God I pronounce your blessings upon him now from this day onward his blessing consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen great gods I give a dancer Ruben Porter your handmaid Oh God Almighty to this world as she's brought in their hosts or God Almighty may your blessings be upon her she's now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the son of darlin Holy Spirit amen guard I pronounce your blessing upon this child in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost father we thank you for tagging all and he's so named and brought into your hopes to be blessed this child is now blessed and consecrated and even back to you the name of the Father and of the son of the Holy Ghost amen Heavenly Father we give you thanks for Sri Ali as she saw named this morning or God brought into your house to be blessed Lord said children our heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb Lord is your delight and so right now Lord I pronounce heavens blessings upon her and from this day onward she's now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost [Music] Sameer Saunders wonderfully made in your image Oh God your blessing Nino pronounced upon this child this child is no place consecrated give him back in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and a white brought into your house Lord Jesus to be blessed father even right now as we give her back to you we ask you Lord Jesus to bless her in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen [Music] well let's give the Lord praise everybody parents a few steps forward so we can say a prayer for you come a little closer please don't be scared of me okay all I'd want for you to see so get saved that's all and that's a good thing okay and if you touch the hem of my garment like Jesus you might just get some virtue oh yeah that happens by faith we thank the Lord for all of you and for the blessings that he has given to you and a person of your children sons and daughters you have a tremendous responsibility on your hand to train them God's way not your way but God's Way I believe in the such as I have give I the principle that means you'll only be able to give them what you have what you possess I would encourage you therefore to seek the Lord seek his favor and above all give your life to him so you'll be guided by the Holy Spirit and when challenging times come your first response would be to pray and to ask God to help you because the children of today are not like they were of my generation there are y2k kids I have a little grandson when he was when he was three years old yeah about three I bought a laptop was it laptop or what's the other one tablet now I didn't even know how to turn it on and I gave it to that three year old three or four and he turned it on Bam Bam Bam Bam and began to do all kinds of stuff I don't know where on earth they get the knowledge from so and the very fact that they have they'll now have the world into your hands the challenges become greater you need the wisdom of God to guide them will you power your heads please let's see a prayer and your bless me bless me O Lord bless me i Terry to [Music] bless me will you bless me let's be O Lord bless me be in love Lauren hallelujah whoa is one more time if you heard spirits resurrects come on razor on razor take signal from heaven raise your hand and say bless me yes he will bless you and I tear it all [Music] lord I pray for increase for these parents standing heir increase in your wisdom knowledge and understanding increase of spiritual activities increase of material resources increase of all that they'll need to administer to their children Oh God Almighty I prayed on the home that they've established for these children will be a place your honor dwells Oh God's what above all I pray that their hearts will become your home I pray that goodness and mercy will follow them and I pray that the evil hand of the enemy will never be stretched out against them keep them healthy keep them strong keep them wise and grant Oh Lord God Almighty now they will see to conform their lives to the standard of your words the image of Jesus Christ I pray that as they trained your children Oh God Almighty you will bless them in doing so and I pray that all of their needs will be supplied according to your riches and glory by Christ Jesus the Lord you know the circumstances in which these children have been born and in which they will be reared we pray that you will help that weirdest situations is not ideal according to your standard according to the dictates of your word that you'll help these spirits to do that which is right that which is good that which is godly so the children will be brought up in a stable home with good example from parents mother and father as they lead the way and the children follow the fullness of your blessing shall be to the family so air or prayers on their behalf in Jesus name Amen [Music] god bless you thank you for coming and may God's peace be yours at the end of the service our office to my right you'll collect the dedication certificates god bless you give them a hand please [Applause] amen [Music] my spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I live my spirit [Music] yo [Music] in home [Music] you yeah ah [Music] [Music] Oh ah [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah your sweet Holy Spirit that's the name of Jesus that's the name of Jesus bless the name of cheese [Music] let's bless the new [Music] jeez [Music] safe [Music] [Music] you are no touch to you alone that my spirit hallelujah we bless the Lord for a wonderful morning hallelujah much more is in store hallelujah the voices of inspiration will be coming at this time to do their ministry it was my pleasure serving you this morning be blessed through the rest of the service god bless you [Music] thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah chuckling I've got this money the deed is ready to create he's worthy to be praised hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus if you life is not worth living [Music] and your home is sinking fast if your field has crumbled under from the rubble and the blast take a glimpse into your future step away from your pain he will give your life you mean he will read - to keep your life it's not believe me if your feet asteroid into your boots from your pain here with me you me he will raise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I know it's up to me [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the same realm of the spirit please make welcome our bishop [Music] which I refer to [Music] [Applause] [Music] little Jesus on his wings up grace and mercy he met [Music] on his waist [Music] one more time [Music] Oh what do you say why do you say what do you say what are you saying over here what are you saying over there what are you saying across there what are you saying by television what are you saying by internet by Ranger by YouTube my facebook at home and abroad what are you saying this morning what are you saying this morning on his way grace and mercy shun durable circuit anima shock at Donna she Shannon I'm a Lusitania what are you saying behind me here what are you saying across there on his wings of grace and mercy [Music] Ayten I feel like praising him the devil is a liar I feel like praising him we are not defeated I feel like praising him we are more than conquerors I feel like praising him yeah we are not sick we are healed I feel like praising him we are not poor we are rich I feel like praising him we're not defeated to have victorious hallelujah go for on his wings of grace and mercy Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Applause] he picks me over and over okay Wow my team yeah yeah Shaka turbo da da da da ba who secured tail rabbika shut up somebody mana praise him in this house far far far [Applause] [Music] it was on his wings [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you [Music] bless you bless you bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] bless you mermaid sanding please i delighted to our visitors this morning I feel the Holy Ghost happy long ago in this place oh yeah Daniel takes me over okay it was on his wings up grace and mercy I know it took some doing it it took some doing where I was bitter oh no no no it took some doing ah bless you Haven [Music] I wish I could have my way this morning the holy ghost way god bless you Bishop dr. J Edwards his convention starts today what is very generous to be sharing with us some of his delegates overseas and he has brought these wonderful servants of God to share this morning's worship with us we have a choir coming to you tonight okay yeah and he has brought my brother whom a meeting for the first time Bishop Eric W Davis welcome so let's Bishop edgers will come and introduce our guests we'll share the Word of God with us but before they come I must give them I heal the family Allah nation please take it back with you to your States none for you so you got already you should have it on National Arena all right maybe you lost it I bring you greetings from the same Sun everybody in the Grand Cayman Islands or where I was made a circle over last weekend when a great time will tell you more about that please receive Bishop Edwards who will introduce our speakers [Applause] [Music] praise the large come on clap your hands and give the Lord a big praise hallelujah Wow god bless you may be seated [Applause] bishop Delfin davis has been my mentor over the many many years of my life he taught me in Sunday school but you know every time I come here there's just an awesome presence and you're tempted when you stand around this pulpit to obey those three words preach the word it is such a powerful experience to be in the power faith here in Portmore st. Catherine put your hands together and give God's servant Bishop Delphic Davis and his darling wives his pastor petrova Davis a big clap come on give them another hand God has been using them mightily and we give God praise he's a man that I emulate man that I have been watching and praying for over these years and I want to say how much the Jamaica Association of Full Gospel Church is the umbrella group of churches here in Jamaica and all churches across the island have great respect for your bishop come on put your hands together for him again I know that time is running against us and I'm grateful to God that Bishop Davis has granted us the privilege to be here in this great service this morning along with my guests who are traveling from Canada and from the United States of America to be with us in convention so I want to present them to you to today and pray that God will use them in a mighty way God have been to their churches overseas and I tell you God is using these men and women in it Mendes way I want to introduce to you Bishop Devin echoes he's out of Canada and pastor Echols his wife they are doing a tremendous job in the Canada area of Ontario let me tell you something this man he owns a big property in Canada you know it is just a tremendous movement that God is doing through his life in Canada and we want to give God praise gonna ask Bishop Devin echoes and pass again L echoes would you stand together please let's just welcome you give them a Jamaican welcome amen praise the Lord we have from the United States North South Carolina Bishop dr. Eric Davis he is a pastor of the Word of God churches international with 17 churches over there and other places around the world we're grateful to God when I met this man of God I saw bishop Davis in him because they are the same height [Music] but more than just the same height he expresses a level of humility but I can only see in a man like Bishop David Delfin Davis when I was introduced to him this man owns like all of Port Martin Center and I'm saying so humbly like all of port more stone Center when I was introduced to him he was outside the church standing at the door waiting to meet us and I said that could only be a man like Bishop Dell for Davis humble come on put your hands together for the man of God [Music] I've been there and I've done that I've gone to so many places and young preachers who have just started the other day you have to go through about 10 persons before you see them but not this bit of Eric Davis the man is a true child of God I've googled him I've checked him out I've done everything that you could possibly do because I know you know when you're bringing somebody to power fit you have to come good and so ladies and gentlemen he'll be sharing the Word of God with us today he's the presiding bishop of the Word of God churches international 17 churches in US Africa Mexico El Salvador his home church is in Columbia South Carolina he is a husband of Vanessa Davis and three sons father three sons Ezra Elias and Manuel Davis Bishop Davis is a humble son of God he has a lot of accolades behind his name but he prefer not to announce them he prefer to stay underneath the anointing and watch God use him he is a writer of several books a matter of fact tomorrow he meet with the Minister of Education mr. Reid honourable Reid to introduce his books that he is spreading across the world he wrote a lot of children books and we want to have them spread across the schools across Jamaica and also in our bookstores but this one called or carried developing character in leadership leaders and workers when I start reading this book I realize this man is a man of character and I give God praise for him so these books are available at the back of the church if you're a leader if you want to become a leader get this book it's $1,200 for it I pray that God's blessings would be upon him today as he would share the word and I pray that God will use him in a mighty form but before he comes to share the Word of God with us we're gonna have bishop dr. Echo's who will come at this moment to bring greetings to you and right after that the word will be preached by our Bishop Davis god bless you put your hands together welcoming please Kim the church stand in the house this morning amen bless the Lord glow with the God lift your hands and just give Him praise and amen turn to your name and surname is if it wasn't for you this morning I would be the best and be the most beautiful person in this place come on tell somebody if it wasn't for you I will be the most beautiful handsome person in this house today come on encourage your neighbor this morning dressed on amen somebody give him a praise in the house now come on lift your hands and praise Him have you been to the potter's house lift your hands and praise Him somebody shout hallelujah come on come on come on come on come on power of faith I know you can do better than that I heard you before come on lift up your hands and give him praise about God this morning come on somebody give him the is praising hours a day amen let me grip bring greetings to your dear bishop I've heard so much about this great man of God and it's an honor and a privilege to stand in his boat but this morning and to greet you sir god bless you amen nobody the garland your beautiful wife god bless you we thank God for both of you amen praise God until my good friend hallelujah what brought us here the Jamaica on this occasion a man I want you give it up for RJ I called him or a Jacob would be the god the bishop Edwards I bless the Lord I'm a beautiful wife of 31 years go with me the god hallelujah amen it's good to trust God I heard the song this morning that says unto a bishop oh my god bishop Davis god bless you sir just met the man of God and I'm excited to hear a word from him today bless the name of Jesus but I heard a song with the choir I didn't hear that's all the words but there's one part that i catched it says have you been to the potter's house and the Bible says according to Jeremiah the dawn said I'm gonna send you Jeremiah down to the potter's house and I'm gonna show you a work I'm gonna give you a message without saying a single word I'm gonna ask you to do is to observe and the Bible says the pot of made something and the vessel that was in the Partizan was marred in the Potters and so he had to make it again another vessel I'm aboard showed me this right there as I said he said there was nothing in the ability of the Potter to make the clay it was not that he didn't know how to make the Potter it is not hidden the whole to do it but there's something wrong with the clay it's not the father's ability that was questioned it was the clay so we had to make it again it didn't say he got another clay oh you don't hear me he didn't say he went I got more dirt more girth he said he made it again sometimes we get messed up and God got to make us again we got confused but he later forget we get out of line but he later circuit we get out of place but he knows how to turn around and make us again come on touch an innocent neighbor he's making you over right now cuz I'm honest I'm making you over huh you didn't look like that last week but he making you over last month but he's making you all I know what you're saying sir that stuff of you preach the word you need to put it in the back so creatures don't see that because when you come up here and see that as a preach the word be instant in season out the see the rebuking reproof along some separate somebody need to understand that there is an anointing this is in this area there's a power that Soviet around this pulpit and when you'll get here there's something that you know hallelujah hallelujah stand on your feet and give God glory clap your hands in here let the redeemed of the Lord say so hallelujah glory to God you may be seated in the presence of the Lord we give honor to God to our Lord and our Savior Jesus the Christ we recognize the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit we honor and esteem the angel my twin my twin by height Bishop Delroy Davis let's give the Lord a hand in a phrase right here and the lady of the house pastor Davis let's give the Lord a hand up over for her as well god bless you god bless you I want to honor and esteem all of the leadership of the house on the clergy I think for my traveling companion as well from Canada his wife I also want to acknowledge Bishop Irwin Edwards I don't know where he went just that fast but thank God he's gone he had to leave he had to leave thank God for him I as he said I'm traveling here on some business and did not intend to preach but he was insistent that I had to come to power a failure and preach the word and I will say that our churches word of God Church and ministries and I'm sure we having services much like this right now we're how ahead of you and in the u.s. South Carolina same spirit same atmosphere same name Davis I came in this atmosphere and I felt at home this is this is a place just like my home you worship in here and I'm sure this is an atmosphere where the Word of God goes forth so I feel at home I feel that home I feel at home I feel at home I feel at home and I intend to preach the word hallelujah I've come to preach the word I'm going to ask that you would turn in your Bibles to Samuel the second chapter and I have a little bit of scripture to read for you starting with verse number 22 the Word of God reads now Eli was very old and he heard everything his sons did to all Israel and how they lay with the women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting so he said then why did you do such things for I hear of your evil dealings from all the people no my sons for it is not good it's not a good report that I hear you make the Lord's people transgress if one man sins against another God will judge him but if a man sins against the Lord who will intercede for him and nevertheless they did not heed the voice of their father because the Lord desired to kill them and the child samuel grew in stature and in favor both with the Lord and men and then a man of God came to Eli and said to him thus says the Lord did I not clearly reveal myself to the house of your father when they were in Egypt in Pharaoh's house did I not choose him out of the tribes of Israel to be my priest to offer upon my altar to burn incense and to wear an ephod before me I did not give to the house of your father all the offerings of the children of Israel made by fire and did I not apologize why do you kick at my sacrifice and my offering which I have commanded in my dwelling place and I honor your son's more than me to make yourselves fat but the best of all the offerings of Israel my people therefore the Lords of God says God of Israel says I said indeed that your house and the house of your father would walk before me forever but now the Lord says far be it for me for those who honor me will I honor and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed behold the days are coming that I will cut off your arm and the arm of your father's house so that there will not be an old man in your house and you will see an enemy in my dwelling place despite all the good which God does for Israel and there should not be an old man in your house forever but any of your men whom I do not cut off from my ultra silk consume your eyes and grieve your heart and all the descendants of your house so die in the flower of their age now this should be assigned to you there will come upon your two sons hophni and Phinehas in one day they shall die both of them then I will raise up for myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in my heart and in my mind I will build him a shore house and he shall walk before my anointing for ever and in stir come to pass and everyone who is left in your house will come and bow down to him for a piece of silver and a morsel of bread and say please put me in one of the priestly positions that I may eat a piece of bread well God's permission in the leading of the Holy Spirit this morning I want to preach to you from the subject the prophetic transfer the prophetic transfer let us pray father we come to you now giving you glory we give you honor we give you the praise that you deserve God I you myself to you as a vessel of Honor an instrument God a desire to be used by you if there's anything in me that's not like you take it out purge me with hyssop that I may be clean speak through my mouth think through my mind touch the hearts and the minds of your people God that they would not just be hearers of the word but they would be doers that you may be glorified that the honor belongs to you it is in the name of Jesus Christ we pray that every heart say Amen the prophetic transfer we're looking at a text that is a prophetic intervention in the midst of a priesthood that has become corrupt the corruption of the priesthood forces God to send in a prophetic utterance to bring into alignment and the will of God into being the prophetic intervention that we are talking about happens during the time of the priesthood of Eli who during the priesthood of Eli his sons have become corrupt they are not honoring the spirit of the priesthood they are not walking in the sanctity that the priest should have it is a privilege to be in the priesthood of the Most High God for a minute I want to talk about the privilege of the priesthood Peter tells us in 1st Peter 2 and 9 that you are a chosen generation you are a royal priesthood hallelujah you are a holy nation you are his own special people you have been called out of darkness into the marvelous light that you may proclaim hallelujah the praises of him who called you out of darkness is there anybody in here who understands that you are privileged to be a priest of the Most High God that he called you out of darkness he called you out of a sin shame and destruction and he gave you the privilege of becoming his priest as there anybody in here right now they can give God glory because you walk in the spirit of the priesthood you're not who you used to be you not where you used to be God calls you out of darkness into a marvelous light and he gave you the privilege hallelujah it's a privilege to serve God is a privilege to be holy is a privilege to come into the house of the Lord and give him praise it's a privilege to give God blessings in this house is there anybody who knows it's a privilege hallelujah it is not a burden it is a privilege to serve the Lord every time I get on my knees and pray and call on the Most High God it is a privilege to enter into his presence that I may obtain mercy in my time of need it is a privilege to be a priest it is a privilege to sing the praises of God on the choir it is the privilege to stand on the door and uh sir it is a privilege to sit in the seats of God it is a privilege to be in the priesthood many have forgotten the privilege of being a priest the sons of Eli lost the mindset of the privilege of the priesthood where I come from in America we have descended Eli means I ascend it is the priesthood that should have been ascending but instead the sons who followed Eli had caused the priesthood to descend in America we have become a people that have been called out of bondage and slavery God bestowed a priesthood upon the african-american church and in the 50s and 60s we walked out that privat priesthood and God delivered us out of Jim Crow and delivered us out of the oppression of America he did it through the church anything that happened in the black community in America they had to come to the church and experience the priesthood of God and it was the priesthood of God that led the african-american out upon this out of Jim Crow but as soon as we got delivered we through the priesthood aside we through the church aside and now we have a generation that does not honor the priesthood of the Most High God hallelujah all manner of wickedness and sin has come into the church the church looks like the nightclub the preacher stumbles at night with the sinner and all kind of wickedness and homosexuality taking over the priesthood of the Most High God ah we used to bring our sons and daughters to the church just like you did this morning and just like Hannah did Samuel that they may be anointed by the man of God so that they don't become thugs and don't become gangsters and don't come hoochies but now we have in the churches of America all of our sons of God that were ordained to be children the Most High God are running to the world and the church is now embracing the world and embracing darkness when the Bible says what fellowship does light have with darkness the Bible says come out from among them and be separate the Bible says you are a holy nation hallelujah we don't know how to be holy anymore we we don't know how to be righteous anymore we don't know how to separate ourselves from the world anymore the church wants to be like the world the church gospel entertainers wanna do songs with secular entertainer Snoop Dogg singing gospel in the church when he just came out of the street acting like a gangster and now the Christian singers are yelling with what fellowship hallelujah see I come to bring a prophetic word this morning see we want a word that's gonna make a shout but God wants to get us right God wants to get us holy God want us to be sanctified in his presence hallelujah is there anybody that doesn't feel like it's wrong to be sanctified that is nothing wrong with being holy Joshua said in the 24th chapter if it seems evil to you just serve the Lord there are some people who make it seem evil to serve the Lord it's not evil that I keep my body for the Lord it's not evil then I keep my mind for the Lord it's not evil that I serve the Lord with gladness is there anybody there still happy about serving the Lord is there anybody there's still happy about walking righteous is there anybody glad that you're holding the Bible says without holiness no man shall see God the Bible says the Bible says very clearly that we are a holy nation and the holy nation knows no boundaries hallelujah we are its own special people but we have jected holiness and we see in the priesthood that should have been ascending it began to descend into darkness lust of the eyes lust of the flesh pride of life hi Eli sons began to take what was not theirs that belonged to the Lord Eli sons began to lie with the women Eli son began to fall into the lust of the world oh god we have people who profess to be Christian but they don't live any more holy than the sinner does soon as they leave the house of the Lord soon as the songs of Zion are over they're back in the street doing any kind of thing but when you are righteous man you don't only look righteous when you've got your white dress or your nice suit on but when you're out there Monday on your job you're still holding this when you're out there Tuesday in the school you're still holy when you're in your home you're holy we're in your neighborhood your home when you walk down the street you're holy do I have anybody that is holy outside of the church your holy nation you're his own special people who have the privilege of having the priesthood this is what he says he sends a prophetic intervention and with the prophetic intervention he comes in and in the scripture I want you to see this because this is very important he begins to state what I call a declaration of deliverance the Bible says a man of God came to Eli and said thus says the Lord now first thing I want you to see with the prophetic declaration is that it did not come with a title it just came with the man of God so you don't have to have a title to be holding you you don't have to stand in the pulpit to be holy you don't have to be ordained for God to use you if you just walk as a minister of reconciliation God didn't have to confer the title in order for him to speak through you know if you're gonna walk in the office you have to go through the operation but if your holy God can speak through you even with a title you don't need to chase the title to be used by God is there a man of God is there woman of God that even though you don't have a title but God still speech three gods still talk straight is there anybody can speak to you Louis God can speak to you so there is a prophetic intervention while he is preparing the prophet he just uses a man of God while he is getting Samuel ready and his priests were not in line he just uses a man of God to come and give a prophetic intervention and when he gives the prophetic intervention he gives what I call a declaration of deliverance look what he says right here may I teach you just a few minutes he says did I not clearly reveal myself to the house of your father when they were in Egypt in Pharaoh's house that are not choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest to offer upon my altar the prophetic word begins to take you back to a declaration of your deliverance when there was a prophetic word that's coming into your life and God wants to get you into enlightenment he first aligns you and points you up from where he started you he comes in and he speaks to Elias says didn't I not call your father's house did I not reveal myself to your father did I not shut myself everyone in here you have had a declaration of deliverance there was a point where God came into your darkness and he spoke to you in the midst of the darkness but in that darkness he gave you a declaration of who and what he wanted you to be if you look in the scripture there are many people in the Bible that got deliverance but there was a declaration that came with the deliverance if you go over to the gadarenes you see there was a man who had a demon helper demonic possession they call him demoniac legions of demons in him and when Jesus delivered the man he gave him a declaration of deliverance he says now go back and show yourself to your house and tell them of the great things that God has done there was a man who was lame a paralytic that the Lord had to deliver and when he walked when he rose him up he said rise up and walk but go back to your home there was a woman who was caught in the act of adultery and with Jesus delivered her from her accusers he says woman where are your accusers he says I don't accuse you either but then he gave her a declaration of deliverance he said go no more everybody in him when God delivers her he gave you a declaration of your deliveries there is something he told you to do when he delivered you consider what you were when he called you I was a I was a sinner I was out there in the street when God called me and he said I want you to be pure I want you to be holy I want you to be clean I want you to teach men to be right you can teach it if you don't so you can't be stumbling at night with the other priests you've got to be righteous and holy remember your declaration of your deliverance he told the children of Israel he said this when you come into your houses when you come into your lands don't forget the God who brought you each problem we have with the American Church is God has favoured us with houses and cars and money but we forgot the God that brought us out and now we're chasing all of our lusts we're chasing all of our our sin we're chasing all the wickedness of the world because we forgot the God that brought us out and I won't here to tell you today that God is sitting a prophetic intervention into the United States but I believe that I'm here because there's an intervention that has to happen in Jamaica too because everybody is not doing according to the will of God and there is a prophetic intervention that God is making right now now I want you to understand something this is very important you're in a house of prophecy I didn't come to excite you I came to minister see I know when I'm in a prophetic house I know a prophetic atmosphere you can walk into a prophetic atmosphere you can tell when God has been speaking into the atmosphere when when it hadn't been tight but there's an atmosphere that set things in alignment that set things in the order and bring things in according to the will of God and this is a prophetic atmosphere this is what the preacher was talking about when you stand in this pulpit and you look at those three words no matter what else you see before you you see the preach the word and this is a prophetic atmosphere that no matter what you do when you stand here God has authority in this pulpit God comes now God's peace you don't understand the purpose that you have that you leave the outside and you walk into a prophetic atmosphere that's just everything in your life into enlightenment because God's voice speaks through the pulpit hallelujah hallelujah you receive a prophetic intervention from a man or woman of God that begins to set everything back in alignment if you are willing to receive no no no IIIi want to do this and I was apprehensive about this but I had a letter that was given to me on last Sunday like the bishop said I have a large church thousands of members multiple campuses more prior over 42 million American dollars in assets churches in multiple countries and a bishop at all but it means absolutely me if I'm not in God's will what how the houses the stuff these nothing if I forget the god of my deliverance on last week after service one of our Caribbean men and members who was a former minister he and his wife were pastors of a church three and a half years ago and I didn't realize it was that long they came and sat down in our church because something happened in their ministry there was an intervention and God took the authority away from them so that they could not pasture their church and he brought them into our church without title and sat them down in the chairs to be fed every week I feel like teaching and they sat there for three and a half years similar to the tribulation period of seven years they three and a half is the halfway mark and so they sat there didn't even know for three and a half years and even though they have formerly been used of God God says now I want you to sit and receive because there is something in your life I don't want you to do not just speak it I want you to do and so God brought them into a prophetic atmosphere that began to speak over their lives and said everything that should have been set into alignment problem is one of them was receiving and the other one was not the man who's supposed to be the head the pastor of the home who God gave a prophetic intervention to say I love you enough just sit you down so I can instruct you on who I want you to be I don't want you being a facade I don't want you to think hey I want you to be building for me you don't need to look good before the people and you're not pure before me sit down in an atmosphere where I can watch you with the word sit pout in an atmosphere where I can get your mind buddy sit down before a man who can speak to you from me hallelujah I didn't even know this letter was in my Bible my adjutant stuck it in my Bible to show you how I know this is an assignment for me I hadn't read the letter and as I was up about four or five o'clock this morning reading and studying the word the Lord said look at the back of your Bible and in my Bible was this letter from the wife of a Jamaican born man in our church and this is what the word reads from his wife dear bishop greetings to you in the first lady first I would like to recognize and give honor to God our Heavenly Father Jesus our Lord and saving the Holy Spirit our comforter who is one it is so hard to consider that we've been visiting with you for over three and a half years now about four and a half years since we first heard you by radio and was compelled to come to your location and witness the work of such a great anointing of God I counted all joy and a wonderful blessing to have rested by the brook of the Word of God Church where the atmosphere of worship is alive and the Holy Spirit and nourishment is excellent I believe that God in His infinite wisdom had a reason and a purpose for leading us there it is with great sadness that I must inform you that my husband I can't say his name has been locked up for things he has done against the law against his family and against God I pray the Lord will be merciful to him I want to properly inform you of the situation our family has been devastated by the effects of the sinfulness and we pray the Lord will help us here it is God had given a prophetic intervention of a man who was already not honoring the privilege of the priesthood he put him in a place because of love that he was trying to shape him and bring him back he put him in a prophetic atmosphere that spoke to him every week but because what was in his heart and what was in his mind he win against the prophetic instruction and did what he felt his flesh wanted to do now he's gotten pulled out of a situation that has devastated his family devastated his marriage and now his wife is appealing to the prophetic atmosphere that God would have mercy on her husband what am i trying to say to you that there are many people who are sitting in this atmosphere and you don't know the power you don't know the privilege you don't know the significance of you being in this place at this time in your life God is trying to reconcile and bring you to a place that every issue that sent your life he's trying to resolve it but you just can't you got receive the word you got to improve my part you got to walk and what you hear this is a prophetic season this is a prophetic season this is a prophetic season oh can I talk about a prophetic transfer for a few minutes before I get out of here because this is the kind of preaching bishop that does not accept the church we want to hear about the blessings but we don't want to hear about living righteous we don't want to hear about living holy we don't want to hear about what pleases God we want to hear about what pleases us but if you want to please God you must first submit to him you must first give your life to Him you must give everything over to God if you understand your priesthood it is a sacrifice unto the Lord is what he says he says here's how I will judge you I will cut your arm off I will take away your men may I teach in America the african-american man has been taken from us our families are 70 percent homeless with our fathers they don't have fathers in the home 70 percent of our families are fatherless because I'm in our in the streets our men are in prison two men have been brutally murdered st. men who used to come to Sunday school st. men who used to be in houses where people brought their children every Sunday you could not least stay at home in the bed because there was a father who made the whole house get up and everything in the house had to come to the prophetic atmosphere and sit there and even though you may not have had water to receive it you were in the atmosphere there's some people in here right now that somebody made you come and even though you didn't want to come playing cards you're in the atmosphere because there is something that is being spoken in the atmosphere that may save you 10 years because you're in the atmosphere hallelujah anybody glad somebody took you to the atmosphere even when you didn't want to go somebody took you into the atmosphere and it was that word I got pounded your spirit then when you were starting to walk in sin something from the atmosphere spoke to you too many of our children aren't even coming into the atmosphere they're not hearing anywhere the world has taken a God seed and part of it is the Spirit of the priest I'm so consumed with themselves unlike an atmosphere like this but they aren't there for selfish gain and our children are dying God says your priesthood has profaned me I will cut off your arm there will not be an old man in your life your sons will die and the flower of their age of their youth something's wrong when our sons have been brutally gunned down in the streets I hear but the violence in Kingston I hear about the violence of the US and and something's wrong when you have a houses of God men and women of God and it's our children who are out there in the street and violence is overtaking the land I feel like I need to say something right here that the Lord has sent me here to say in my church we are 50 percent male the Lord spoke to me back in 2001 we have thousands of members but thousands of men I want to do something in this atmosphere to show you that when a man is in the atmosphere and does what he's supposed to do it puts the devil on notice I'm gonna make some of you men who are in this atmosphere I'm gonna make you an honorary frontliner in the Word of God Church we call front liners are stronger soldiers who are on the front line no offense to the sisters but every role of the front row is acted by men which represent you come to the head of your family you come to the head of the church you come to leadership in your community you step up and you the good fight of faith and we call our men front liners now here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make you honorary front liners right now I need men who are sold out if you're not sold out you can't do this with me when I come in the church we have a war cry that makes the devil know that the men of God are here and so when I come in the atmosphere and I say the name front liners I need my man to help me over here I've got one of my front liners with me when I say football every man in the room stands up and says he's the captain of our salvation he is not deliver I need to make some frontline sit down sit down I need to frustrate the enemy in the atmosphere right now I need to make some honorary front liners and you can make some honorary front liners so I need you to get this thing with me foot liners not enough that's not enough that's not enough when I say foot liners you call and you jump to action and you jump you say Jesus now when you do it in unison it sends out a sign in the atmosphere I need you to follow me right now 1 2 3 front liners Oh what it does it puts the enemy on notice it puts the enemy on notice that the men of God are still in position the men of God are still in place the men of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah where are the men of God where are the men of God where are the men of God let me tell you so not Church and I don't want to get on point I want to get this prophetic transfer so what happens we have an evangelistic team with over 200 men and we go into the streets with gangs we're going to the street with drug dealers and we take the authority back from the gangster and the drug dealer men of God on with no guns we arm ourselves with the Word of God which is the sword of the Spirit and we walk into the community and we take authority over the drug dealer by giving a prophetic intervention in the midst of the situation it's got to come out of the church and then there is a prophetic transfer it says your your men will be cut down in your prime which is a side but you will have no power no authority to claim and take back what's yours because you would lose your men he says very plainly he says that those who are not destroyed the altar of God will consume you you will lay on the altar of God crying for men who are hot 9 which means hollow of the hand it means a handful your men who are a handful or have you crying on the altar there's some mothers in here you come here every Sunday and you're crying for a handful of a man out there that is either your son or your husband you're crying for God to bring him back you're in a prophetic atmosphere but you're crying to God to bring my man out of those streets bring him out of those clubs bring my son back bring my nephew back bring my grandson back bring this whole card God God I need you to bring him back what God says what will bring them back is a priesthood prophetic transfer he says hophni and Phinehas will die on the same day which would be assigned to you and here's what he says I will take the priesthood from you and I will give the one who will have my mind and my heart this is where I want to talk about the transfer and I'm gonna leave that up which means righteous I'm gonna take the priesthood from you Eli and I'm gonna give it to one who chooses to be righteous now when I give that mantle to one who is righteous when they begin to walk in that priesthood in a righteous way he says I will make them sure they will walk before my anointed and I will make their place sure see there are many of us who don't understand that walking in righteousness and I just just deviate here III came I was a like my original denomination was Baptist in the United States I'm almost done I was a Baptist pastor problem with the Baptist Church when I was in it is that the Baptist Church did not want to walk according to the Word of God hallelujah the Deacons were running the church the pastor had no prophetic voice and they were voting on everything that has nothing to do with God's will or the plan for him and all of the priests were afraid and they were under the thumb of the teachers they the Deacons come and tell them what the vision of the Lord is you can spend time before God and get a vision but the people were so resistant and hard-hearted that when the vision came prophetically they rejected it and I was sitting there next question why are the people leading the man of God where the man of God is supposed to lead the people and God spoke to me and says get up out of this house you're in Abraham I will take you to a land and I will bless you and there will be a nation that comes out of you but you must obey me and people laughed at us because we were thirty members and we were in a gymnasium but God put a prophetic mantel on our life that even though we look small the Bible says this spies not the day of small beginnings if you walk in the will of God he will bless you according to his word if you stay it is well even though they store yeah God will brass and the presence of your enemies in the presence of your enemies in the presence of your enemies in the presence of your enemies in the presence of your enemies in the presence of your enemies in the presence of your enemies thou anointest my head with oil in the press [Music] do I have any witnesses in here do I have any witnesses in here that God spoke something over your life that not a devil in hell can stop mister they thought I was crazy when I started going to the jailhouse and in the street delivering men and bringing what they call the thugs to church but they didn't know that was a thuggish in a prophetic atmosphere and discovers what his purpose is all that hell of Satan comes off and the real man he was created to be starts to come out and what I like about earth oh he ain't scared like a church boy when it's time to go fight a bird just like the mighty man who went with David I feel a little naked right now because if I show up to preach somewhere four or five hundred mighty men come with me and when the mighty men come in the atmosphere we take over an atmosphere we shift an atmosphere it's like dave has been they came out of the cave a bachelor and everywhere they went they took over an atmosphere because there was an anointing that destroys every yoke of bondage and when that anointing is operating it creates envy and jealousy like saw so what it did among the churches it created in me it created jealousy they were trying to figure out how did he get all of that so fast how did he do that so quickly but they don't understand while they were out there trying to please people I was on my knees trying to please God and God was speaking a prophetic word over my life and every step that he told me to space [Music] in 15 years we have acquired a significant part of the entire city from 30 people because who are operating in the spirit of prophecy what happened when the priesthood refused to obey God there was a transfer that those who were righteous and what God has took it from every place that was unrighteous and every place they didn't want to do his mind and didn't do want to do it's hard and gave it to one who has his mind and Wes is hard see what some of you don't understand you're getting ready to enter into another season it's been a little hard for you you've been trying to be holy and you've been trying to hold out hold on a little while longer you'll help us on the way God's getting ready to do a prophetic transfer he's not taken from one place and bring it to the one who it right Malakai for said they spoke against alone said is useless to serve the Lord the wicked in the proud are more blessed the Bible said the Lord heard them and then he listened to those who feared him and in the book of remembrance he wrote down you got to be careful about what you say you got to be careful even when you're going through a bad season and you feel like uh Turing settle on your life you got to be careful being around whispers and gossipers that make you speak even against the will of God somebody that wants to commiserate and talk about your problems ain't talking about no problem I'm gonna talk about my God who is gonna deliver me and bring me out of every situation I need somebody that can agree with me I need somebody that even though I'm going through I need somebody that can agree with me that better is the end of our hey than the beginning of a hey I need somebody to agree with me that God will deliver me from every objection I need somebody who can stand up in prophetic faith and agree now let me tell you what happens in in a moment like this I'm about to do an appeal those who are spiritually mature guess the significance of what I'm saying but if you've been playing this message then hit you the way you should because rather than getting you to a place of celebration you are at a point of conviction because you know you haven't been living as holy as you have acted you know that what they see on Sunday is not the real you you know that's what's going on in your life is a facade and you're sitting here under conviction when you ought to be giving God glory because he chastens those whom he loves that it doesn't feel good no God the correction feels good at the prison but in the end if you hold out in the correction in the end it will bring fruit in your life I'm gonna give you this transfer no much finish this he transfers the priesthood does addict and he says something for final you not only walk before my anointed you will not only have a sure place see when I came in here Bishop this is a sure place [Applause] this is a sure place I go to some places that are not so sure and I don't announce who I am or what I have when I come because then they fix everything up and dress everything up I want to come and see who you are and all of your spend I want to see who you are on a day-to-day basis that tells me if you are sure hallelujah I walk in here and this is a shore house see when you got ashore leader whether the people are here or not the man of God is gonna stand on the water and do what God tells him to do because he is Shaw we're about to make an appeal and this is important when you're in a shore at Mystere it makes you sure you can't be in an uncertain atmosphere trying to be sure there's some things God is gonna do in your life and you need to be sure and you can't be sure in an uncertain atmosphere you need to step up in an atmosphere that you're sure God is there you're sure you're receiving a word from God you're sure the works a big deal you got to be in a show atmosphere to get a sure transfer [Music] he says this in a prophetic transfer he says the priesthood would transfer and those who are acting and serving his priests he says this will come to you and bow down and will ask you to make them a priest in my city I know I know preachers and churches that you ride ride what God had prophesied that young man must be out of his mind a young man young man huh they don't matter about the age when you had the wisdom of the Holy Spirit operated didn't you and no matter what they said about me I was Sean hallelujah ha it don't matter if God before me he is more than the whole world and you just need to be the SHA I was saw what he told me to do we stepped out in faith that's the bishop said we bought a campus 21 acres because God made me sure but we had a second campus that we were leaving on the other side of town and God says keep that one and buy this one too then we went to another denomination and bought a 74 acre place that was sure then we went to Africa and bought a hundred acres we went to Tennessee and bought we were sure [Music] God says everywhere you set your foot sob sob pshaw why am I telling you this because of materialism that many people lost after it does have a role but not when you make it an idol it cannot replace God you must be sure mad teach I'm almost done I promise but you've got to hear it I was looking for a new home for my family that says I will show you the land long story short I walk on the land the year before the American economy failed in 2008 in 2007 I stood on the ground and felt like the Garden of Eden I was sure God was speaking to me he says when I bring you from across the globe doing my will this is where I will speak to you this is where I will bless you go buy the land I went to negotiated the land down I came back to the Lord gave me a vision on the ground I drew up the grounds because by degree I'm an engineer I drew up the grounds designed the home I designed the home to be 6,500 square feet and when I started building the home in 2008 the economy crashed the American economy crashed banks were not lending God had put my money in Canada so when the American economy failed God has spoken a prophetic word a year prior and said move to another bank and we went out of the country when we made the move and the economy crashed God says now you'll never get this opportunity again I designed the house where I could expand it down the road he said explained it now so I started going through the house make this a prayer room make this a matter taste her make this room make that room add it to the house till the win over I didn't even know 10,000 square feet [Applause] no no they don't know why I'm telling this yet people drive by and look at it but they don't know the boundaries of Egypt did not expand during the years of plenty the boundaries of Egypt expanded during the years of famine because while everybody else was spending money the Israelites had a prophecy and they were putting 20% away so when the American system failed the house of God Harry saw Cecilia [Applause] we started buying up the city we started building when everybody else was failing because we were flowing in a prophecy of transfer the sinner was closing and bringing your business to the church for nothing oh it's quiet now the same people who tried to stop us we're now owning everything they desire we're buying places and laws and buses and all kinds of vehicles to do all kinds of ministries that were in the mind of God always but there was a transfer season where it had to happen and you had to beat the obedience of God to step into the place of transfer and what I've come from the United States of America to tell you and to make a new transfer season has entered into Jamaica and everyone who is faithful get ready to step in and to a transfer yeah [Music] get ready get ready Davis get ready sir you have been found faithful you have been found faithful and you think you already have but this is another season of transfer that God is getting ready to put something that has been in your mind we're on the righteous we're on the righteous where are the writer [Music] [Music] some of the same religious leaders when we stepped up into our rightful position as a prophetic authority in the city who didn't try to preach revivals to please people but to do the assignment of the Lord some of the so-called great leaders had to come and bow down and give honor not to me but to what the Lord has done [Music] now governor's leaders have to acknowledge the city that's called word of God because of a prophetic transfer they would have loved or caught me in scandal with the woman catch me carousing they would love to have caught me but I was at home with my wife and my children I was being holy before the Lord [Music] the material of mentalism means nothing here's what he's doing he says they will bow before you with me they will submit to your leadership and you will have the authority to appoint them because of your faithfulness you will make priests leaders will come to you and submit and many of you on your personal lives you discarded holiness but you didn't realize that your holiness was your key to your transfer you compromised something and God said as a result you forfeited a blessing because what you should have stood your holy ground you don't realize it but it's putting you in an atmosphere here it is that even though you messed up even though you didn't get it right you can come before the prophetic mantel [Applause] you got an opportunity to fix everything now but you got to humble yourself I'm here on assignment stand on your feet you want to run and shout like my church at home this ain't no shout moment this is a crying surrendering giving it up to God moment this is a prophetic moment as sure as I'm speaking to you somebody's in a position where something's about to be cut off but God loved you and favored you enough to not play with you even though you're playing with him the altar is hoping right now first for salvation but for anybody who is hearing and God showed me young people in here I see the spirit of Hoffner in Finney house you're playing with the priesthood you're playing with the priesthood and it's not just young people but if God is speaking to your heart he say stop playing with me the altar is open right now the altar is open right now deliverance salvation it is a prophetic season [Music] the altar is open open your heart to God [Music] there is no good thing that he will withhold from you you must walk uprightly [Music] I need to testify the Spirit is telling me to testify you're withholding blessing that you know not you even have when I was in Africa two years ago we have ten churches in Africa five in Sierra Leone a visit by norm over time Grammy five in Sierra Leone with this poverty beyond Jamaica Ebola floods civil war I come to the country with orphans we had to feed orphans for the first three days I was there I'm running through this I went to the news station when I got there no sleep and for the next three days we're feeding babies I left Sierra Leone and those babies were in my spirit I went to Ghana we have churches in Ghana in the first night I was in our Villa over in Ghana and I was praying to God I was praying I said God give me something I can do resources I appreciate what our church is doing but give me something I can do to help these babies I'm gonna tell you why I'm here it was 5:30 in the morning their time about 1 o'clock my time when I went to lay down a rooster started crying outside my window if four or five thirty whichever was in the morning and would not let me sleep God said get up and write I got up and I wrote and I wrote a children's book about early bird the absent-minded rooster forgets the time wakes everybody up I wrote the book under the unction of the Holy Spirit for what I prayed for I came back produced a book my lawyer saw the book said you mind if I show this to somebody she took the book to her legal friend at Discovery Communications I don't know if you know what that is but Discovery Channel is all over the world they said we want this book can you write others I wrote 22 books I promised God in that room in Ghana that whatever you give me I will donate 30 percent to poor children around the world that same book I wrote the same series will be contracted next month to go to 50 countries 50 million children all over the world I am here to speak to your Minister of Education to find out how can I bless your country [Music] [Applause] I'm not playing with you you're in a season that you know not of but it requires you to behold you can change your city if you will just be holy is there anyone for salvation I know you have author councils is there anyone for salvation raise your hand if you're here for salvation before I pray raise your hand salvation where are your altar counselors do you have off the counselors every hand that is being raised to all the counselors and ministers are over here you make sure you see them before you leave here I'm giving one last call I'm far over my time but this is a prophetic moment I do this and this is called a sealed prayer understand what I'm saying Moses said whoever's of the Lord sigh come to me when many people do they want the blessing sitting in the seat because they don't want to admit that the Lord is speaking to their heart this altar is a sealed altar by your not being here it means you already have received the blessing and you're in good standing with God but everyone here has confessed that they need something that God's got to deal with in their life and you can't get the same blessing sitting in your seat so I give you one last time to come here before I seal this off you cannot get it in your seat [Music] [Music] sing it sing it yet Abajo Sydney Sydney cannibals [Music] there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up your heads in his presence raise up your hand to the Lord Jesus it's way or listen to me listen to me I want you to extend your hands with your palms out palms out now the first half of this prayer is as a prayer of confession in surrender this is you coming before God and say God I surrender Jesus every act of sin every act of unrighteousness that does not please you with my hands in the posture of surrender I released him from my life right now I confess before you the holy and the true God who said be holy for I the Lord your God am holy we come before you confessing that we have profaned your holiness we repent we surrender we cast our issues before you for you are merciful God you are loving and forgiving in Bangka we lay our cares at your altar for your loves we surrender to you in the name of Jesus we plead the blood over every circumstance every act we plead the blood for the remission of sins we plead the plot o God we want to be right before you and you alone now turn your palms inward turn your palms inward forgot I have released everything out of my life but I turn my palms inward fly now I am in the posture to receive hallelujah for you promised that if I bring my issue before a true and sure priesthood I can't receive in my time of need hallelujah you have spoken a transfer season and is the season right now I receive everything that you have purpose of predestined in my life not only me but my entire family my husband my wife my children my god fill us now with your spirit perhaps yourself give us more of you first before you give us things we watch him we seek your kingdom and your righteousness knowing that everything else has added to us and in the spirit of Joseph I speak a transfer and still so Saturday position of authority in Egypt and he transferred blessing to his brothers I speak over the young Benjamin's in the house that you shall receive five times more for you at the other end of the table I decree over your life that your blessings will not be for you alone but you are not a container you are conduit that God wants to bring blessings through you that you may bless your brother bless your sister bless your community God wants their black bring a blessing through you not tell you throw yo receive receive in your heart receive in your mind break every doubt of his place of town every stronghold in your life and receive a word from the Lord he wants to change your community through you renew Tresa renewed priesthood under the mantle of bishop Delroy davis renewed priesthood you do not need titles to walk in the authority in anointing of this mantle renew your priesthood renew your holiness your sanctification receive it in the name of Jesus you sir come under condemnation you sir come out of gifts guilt right now receive in the name of Jesus now walk in the anointing that is before you in the name of Jesus that will destroy every yoke upon death what can be annoying could be a light in the city receive it in the name of Jesus we bless you and we honor our God in Jesus's name we pray then every heart say Amen [Music] lift off your hands and begin to worship him right now come on worshipping fun is anointed worship him for this transpa brick worshipping for this prophetic word their God did you receive it in here is a man did you receive it have you received it some supernatural things are about to happen Shilpa super supernatural breakthrough transfire deliverance [Music] God is about set and ready get ready to shred strengthen your steak Lynch and your cards white the amana's for we shall break forth under eyes hang on on the left glory to Jesus Stratton estates let's have your cards wide me upon us get ready get ready get ready glory to God somebody worship rip some ah take it in your spirit take it in your spirit jacket in your spirit take it in your spirit Oh [Music] [Music] check tak tak tak tak tak tak some tick tick some tic tacs [Music] that's what this halter is whoa you don't have to care [Applause] there's a line Jesus his ways here's where [Music] that's what Islam raise your hand exceed not just one more time that's what this ha you know Jesus this fall [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus clap your hands Sun shone the high praise [Applause] shortly I press E [Applause] [Music] God send his servant here on special assignment sir you came on special assignment special [Music] those of you who know you know those of you do not know you will know after last Wednesday I met with all other men men just men challenging the men and you would have seen our main cameraman came up here and he said Jesus bishop oh no this is too real some of the same things that you've said pouring in the men on last Wednesday night God is saying something on the 15th of July this month we'll be having an all-male baptism all men all men what we saw happen ear starting and for the Father's Day God says just do what I tell you to do and besides that man of God God spoke something into my spirits which I've not even shared with my dear wife as yet I told her whispered in her ear so God has sent you to just finally confirm this in my speak their God nobody knew about it us here not even she know about it and I'm gonna bring it to this congregation you ain't seen nothing as yet in your life and in this ministry lift your hand with me father we thank you for all that you have said all that you have done we thank you for this prophetic anointing that you have released we thank you for your servant that you have sent here Lord this is way beyond Bishop RJ Edwards way beyond any one of us father God you have sent me Lord to just solidify what we have in our spirit and we pray that you continue to use it for your glory and for your honor and we shall be your arms extended in Jesus name Amen god bless you go back to your seats praising God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus for there is power in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] ah my chamber at a category check there is power to break every tray very every which right every [Applause] [Applause] Lester care who we are right now before we give our offerings let's declare who we are in this anointing this prophetic anointing if we are you ready for us let's go everybody [Applause] one more time I am healthy prosperous wise and strong I have God's anointed my abundant life in Jesus [Applause] [Music] please be seated as we prepare to worship worship in giving we give our tithes we give our offerings we give seed faith offering we give first fruit offering every man according to several ability so let him give not grudgingly not sparingly not of necessity but God loves a cheerful Giver give unto the Lord Luke 6:38 and each I'll be giving back to you good measure pressed down shaken together running over for with what measure ye mete out shall be meted back to you again honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruit of all that increase so that thy barns will be filled with plenty and I presses shall burst out with new wine father we thank you that you have given us all good and precious gifts they come from you you have blessed us financially in many ways through a many legal and legitimate sources and we thank you Lord God that you have placed within us our heart to give out of thine own we give back to you we bless all the gifts that will be given on all the hearts from which they come I pray that thou is blessed in return good measure pressed down shaken together running over and all the Falls that you have promised rebuke every devourer for our sakes all the cankerworm and Caterpillar and Palmer Worman locusts that will destroy anything for us Lord we rebuke them now and we comprehensively cover your people with your blessings in Jesus name the Lord bless you - is leaders in giving and thereafter from the various sections the instructions of the ushers we will come and make our gifts to the Lord have you been blessed here this morning anybody got blessing here dear God we want to encourage you to get a copy of the book are there available sir okay they are on the book stand on there so you get a copy called or carry up it developing character in leaders and workers get your copy and be blessed the voices of triumph will minister at Bishop Edwards convention on tonight pray for them and we invite all of you to be back all those of you can be back please be back for the evening service and you remember we meet on Wednesday for first when's the miracle fast every body is a miracle fast don't you miss out on this one don't you ever please come along and bring someone with you it's going to be a great one we started early morning prayer unofficially at 9 o'clock so please come on out for first when's America fast and this is a special invitation for you in my audience here those by internet by Facebook by YouTube by television stations we invite you to come but first when's a miracle fast and be blessed remember also the men's convention that comes up on this weekend well we want you to be mindful of it men's convention conference and convention the 6th or the 7th on the 8th 7th over in the Royal Oasis and in the 8th here in the church they want you to be here 100 man's Boys Choir you are asked to meet this Tuesday at 7:50 p.m. 100 men voice quar I hear talking asked me this Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. and please give your attention god bless you as you do so and we want you to pretty much for our ministry your ministry the blessings of God will continue if we have an announcer standing by please come and make further announcement I'm sorry did you come for you your driver is there welcome to the pages of the Paul Faith Ministries Larry for we beginning Sunday July 1st 2018 greetings came to our Bishop Minister Davis and the poorer faith ministry family from the following brethren both locally and overseas sister Douglas white sister Elaine samwell's Elsa - Janet Brown Loretta Douglas Jasmine McDonald Paula Thompson Dorothy Patterson Irene Rajshri and sister Monica Perkins also we receive greetings from Deaconess Barry Smith Deaconess Pamela Lewis missionary Jennifer Roe missionary Ruth mark lock and - missionary Jean Douglas we hear talking that we do not need to hear please Thank You bishop let us continue to keep our overseas and shut-in brethren in our prayers our senior citizens are in action and they are on the move for God congratulations to our faith ministry Cina citizens club who emerged second-place winners at the recently held art and crafts competition which was held on Thursday to God be the glory meetings after service the president of the men's ministry would like to meet with all men by the restaurant immediately after service all members of the voices of tram choir are asked to meet by the restaurant immediately after service all persons who took pictures at the woman of word Department Mother's Day banquet in me are asked to collect your pictures today after service in the church office this morning service will be available for sale on a CD immediately after church please note that this and every Sunday baptismal instruction class will be held at 5:30 p.m. all students of the powerful Ministry of Bible word Institute's graduating class of 2015 are asked to meet urgently with Minister Sonia Parma immediately after service this morning special thank you the executive of the margin Richmond Ministry expresses thanks to all who supported their function held last Monday we were truly blessed to have you couples who are interested in being a part of this exciting ministry are encouraged to register with any of the offices upcoming events Men's Conference comes up this Saturday July 7th commencing at 7:30 a.m. in the Royal Oasis a dynamic speaker will be on hand a special invitation is extended to all young men both save and unsaved it promises to be an in life enlightening and fulfilling worship experience all persons with outstanding funds for tickets are encouraged and in same as soon as possible on Sunday morning that's next Sunday July 8th it will be men's convention 2018 let me hear all the men say men's convention thank you under the theme men where are though please be perfil about this convention as it promises to be one with a difference Rachel : whoever is talking you just stop no for me please and see what happens you are talking just stop please thank you the powerful sports and family fun day comes up on July 21st at the Jumeirah Sports Club in Clarendon persons who wish to volunteer are acts the concept brother philip morgan at 4:45 0 9 0 2 that's 4 4 5 0 9 0 2 or if you wish to participate in the sporting activities or events on sports day please speak with brothers justin fritz or german Charles last year was a tremendous success this year it promises to be extra splendiferous the bible studies department presents a grand pfm Jamaica Day extravaganza and concert on Monday August 6 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. tickets only cost one thousand dollars for adults $500 for children for purchase sorry there will be lots of Jamaican dishes on display and for sale lots of rides what a village for children and lots of entertainment for the entire family please come out in your numbers and make Jamaica Day extravaganza a grand success is that an MA I now call on Minister Thorpe to make a presentation praise the Lord everyone if I say August 6 was come to your mind over 6 praise God I'm encouraging everyone to get their ticket I'm glad you know the date and you know the theme but you need to get a ticket is that amen and I'm also asking for all those who will be able to sell ticket for us this morning you can meet sister Janet small our Sunday school director to my left please I'm going to ask you to come because there is a great big prize that I know the person or the person that will sell the most tickets you will enjoy that prize for a very long time so I encourage each and every one this morning to get your August 6 when I say August 6 you must always say extravaganza ticket god bless you thank you sick and death notices we ask that you get the contact numbers from the church or administrative office in the interest of time the following persons have passed and federal arrangements will be announced at a later date brother Earl Rogers brother Dave Tracy senior the husband of OSHA Velma Tracy sister Valerie Williams Davis and the brother of sister Karen green and Nadine right the funeral service of the brother of sister Keisha Doyle will be on Sunday July 8 2018 at the Worldwide Church of God in Christian gardens beginning at 1:00 p.m. our Bishop his wife and the members of the poorer faith family share with those who are ill or of lost loved ones may you be strengthened at this time our prayers are with you thank you the following persons have expressed their appreciation for the prayers and support during their illness or recent passing of their loved ones with special thanks to Bishop Minister Davis Minister Newman and the prayer department sister Joyce Lynn James sister Julie Burrell sister Nadine Ricketts and family and sister current coronet anouk's and family the following person was sick and his out of the hospital recuperating at home sister Valda Brown missus continued to keep her in our purse weekly activities on Monday the voices of charm choir meets for rehearsal at 6 p.m. still on Monday prayer workers meeting will be held at 7 p.m. all officers of the woman of worth departments are asked to meet at 7:30 p.m. for very important meeting a general meeting will be held tomorrow for all senior citizens and volunteers at 5:30 on Tuesday the O of Prayer this is a live and interactive and informative discussion program which is aired every Tuesday on the pfm family TV at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. this week the prayer workers will be in studio and we are inviting at least 15 / workers to be a part of the studio audience united voices rehearses at 7:00 p.m. it was indeed my pleasure serving you this morning we invite you to stay with us for Bible studies also members who would like to submit savings open an account or if you just need more information about the pfm thrift club we invite you to meet the team immediately after service at the location between children's church and the music Institute have a good day [Applause] Thank You cystogram leer bear those announcements in mind and please attend upon them and be blessed I suppose [Applause] well thus my brother Bishop Herrick dr. Davis Lord bless you what a tremendous word these days you don't find many preachers like they said to me in the Cayman Islands the other day bishop the preachers of today at least some maybe many of them are preaching to the gallery preaching to the crowd by that they mean preaching what the people want to hear to make them shout another good dance etc but he said you are among the few that continue to preach the on diluted word of Almighty God and that is what is gonna set people free for you shall know the truth the truth shall make you free santé fire them through thy truth thy Word is truth god bless god bless them both okay so be it be attentive to the announcements the rare Souls and the other functions that will be on ELA farm of first Wednesday admit and Wednesday heal the family O Lord we need to start talking about Healy family know for sure this is July let's pray for persons who are celebrating birth our wedding anniversary birthdays the gossips are celebrating 42 years of wedding bliss beacon gossip Alicia you only gossip behind them the Beckford evangelist Carlton and his wife missionary Beckford they're celebrating 37 years let's invite them for prayer this time and we a behind them Deacon Raymond Johnson and his wives is Joyce they are celebrating 16 wonderful years to God be the glory if you are there and as a celebrant and want us to pray with you feel free to join us as we pray the blessings of God upon you praise the name of Jesus let us stand please hallelujah bind us together Lord binders with cause that cannot be broken bind us together bind us together with love point your hands at these couples good examples for Marge's today Lord we thank you for the kendama his wife missionary Ayane gossip for all of these years 4 to 2 years you have stood with them God Almighty their amount marriages that did not survive the tool not even to what you have kept them for 42 we pray that you continue to keep them in your loving care under the shadow of your almighty wings we thank you Lord God that you have sustained them by your grace and you'll continue to do so long live health and strength and the fullness of your blessings we pray windows of heaven please be open pillar of cloud please be there pillar of fire never depart we thank you for the backwards Oh God for 37 wonderful years you have been with them Oh God they would have crossed many hot burning deserts but they chose the right path we pray that your sustaining grace will be with them and they'll continue to shine as beacons for you and good examples to this institution we thank you for the Johnson 16 years you have stood by them O God we pray that you continue to watch over them in a name of Jesus and as the years go by may their strength be renewed may the fullness of your blessings flow upon them and make them exemplary as at all times in the name of Jesus we pray for this couple that you will stand by them and bless them give them the sufficiency of your grace my brother and sister Wilson that you be with them Oh God you promise never to leave your people nor to forsake them glory to God so let the anointing of God continue to permeate their lives on the Wilsons and Johnson's and the gossips and the Beckford and the many others Lord shall continue to shine as beacon for you bless them bless their families in Jesus name we pray amen and amen lift up your hands and praise God the Lord bless you sir keep on living for the Lord and for each other keep living for the Lord and for each other keep living for the Lord and for each other the Lord bless you brother Wilson keep living for the Lord and each other oh you're putting on your rings Oh Albany here's 15 wonderful years praise God father bless these rings tokens of love Lord God to be given and received by each and both we pray that these rings will continue to symbolize undying love unconditional love and as they're worn from day to day Lord God they will continue to be a reminder to them of the vows they made 15 years ago continue to bless them now as we Santa fie these rings in Jesus name Amen are you nervous after 15 years yeah starting all over again it's gone take this for me please but I know we're gonna make it Amen god bless if you make it in Jesus name bless you amen the Lord bless everybody [Applause] what a wonderful morning stand with me please only for the benediction did any oil flowed here on Friday night okay oiled floors aren't God wanna thank minister han Gibran for declaring the Word of God and for being a blessing to you my plans for travel was made long before we thought of rien gauging that's the reason I had to engage and keep my commitments but remember every last Friday up until November we will be meeting for let's the oil flow please mark your calendar and make it a special date for that believers feast now father's we go we ask that you assign angels to watch over us keep us in your loving care thank you for this congregation thank you for their love expressed in so many ways thank you for their faithfulness in service thank you for all the viewers and the various medium through which they view internet television radio Facebook YouTube and all the others we commit them to you may your blessings of a be with us and father the things we feel of asking you you will not fail to grant them unto us we ask in order touch those who are sick in body I ask your Lord to lay your healing hands of when them touch brother Jung in a very special way in the name of Jesus if he's in this service anoint him if he's not anoint him and heal him right now deliver him from every attack of the enemy and all out of such persons in Jesus name we pray amen and amen on this first Wednesday I'm not sure if it will happen if it does it will be wonderful I met a medical doctor on my way back to Jamaica at the airport and Friday from as a matter of fact we travel in the same flights and he shared a testimony with me of a supernatural miraculous healing that God gave to him he was living in Montego Bay I was ministering in Montego Bay many years ago he was only a medical student then I can't tell you all the testimony I'd love for him to say it and his sight went he asked me to pray for him I invited him to the fasting that's what he said I said come to the fasting I'll pray for you in the fasting I'll say no more today's a miracle daughter serving and doing very well if you hear only eeling to place I'll give you one instance when I prayed for him the Wednesday he said the Thursday his sight returned for one horror one horror and wins the Friday his sight returned for two hours and went I'll tell you no more he'll say the rest I hope you'll make it here but if not I'll give it a full details god bless you shake some bodies and you're dismissed and have a good morning please go over to the truth club and get registered please stay for Bible studies and see you later and the special announcement and I plan to make in relation to new officers I will do so on next Sunday god bless you please remember to come down and get your extravaganza ticket for those who need one for yourself and those who will need
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 11,538
Rating: 4.3696971 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: tfCn-rowWtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 24sec (13104 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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