1st Wednesday Fasting Service - November 07, 2018

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but in the rock in the shadow so in the sky [Music] in the rock I'll hide in the shadow I will abide amen so don't feel as if you're alone we have a savior and he cares for his own and you don't have to carry your burnt ends all alone he will help ami is Jehovah and I love him this morning I appreciate him this morning he is my lord he is my friend is my son supply ie is my heavy load Shara I love him hallelujah put your hands together clap them for the Lord come on let me hear you clap those hands for the Lord this morning shake your neighbors hand and tell your neighbor I love you with the love of the Lord come on you did not say that I love you with the love of the Lord hallelujah and you can have your seats amen amen praise God I want to at this time extend greetings to my bishop bishop dr. del furred davis and his wife minister Petrova dr. Davis we give the Lord tongues for them they are great leaders indeed is that amen and as they follow Christ we need to follow them praise God thank you Jesus you know the Word of God here that I read the word said that Jesus was passing by and he was hungry and he saw a fig tree thinking that there was some fruits on the tree draw nigh to get some fruits but there was no fruits there was only leaves under three I don't know this morning but somebody might have some condition in your life that you need Jesus Christ the curse and listen when Jesus cursed your situation it is curse and rayul from from Nina dry up from the very root when Jesus saw that love no fruit was on the tree it pronounced a curse no man shall heat up you know that davison times want to people small but Jesus set us free because the Word of God said God comes up we might have life and have it more abundantly the devil come to kill to steal and to destroy a long time your samanta Nina your life man not God Almighty jesus said if you appear to can speak to your Montana somebody needs to speak to your Mountain this morning somebody need to take authority against the mountain the mountain is ahead and our unseen your life are you going to continue living with the mountain are you going to curse the mountain and let the mountain get out of the way hallelujah jesus said a curse is under petrie and when Peter came by and he remembered when he saw the victory and he remembered that God that Jesus had hurt sit eat raw is attention and said but master Oh God Almighty the tree that your curse so let me tell you something they passed by in the morning somebody go through the night weeping but your morning of joy is coming Lord of Mercy I say dry out your weeping highs because your morning of joy because they passed by in the morning and they saw the tree dry up so your tree might be there in the course of the night but I said your morning is coming hallelujah I said your morning is coming hallelujah where there will be no more weeping but there will be rejoicing because you've gone through and cut a springier ho - glory to God so the Word of God said if you if we have faith like a grain of mustard seed we can speak to the mountain we can speak to the situation because life and death is within the power of our tone is that amen and the word say that and so we up to do as a word said and see it up will before our very eyes is there a fig tree in your life this morning is there a fig tree that you need to get rid of is there a mountain in your life that you need to get rid up lord have mercy you're gonna get rid of that today hallelujah I believe God is gonna do something special for somebody today God is going to tap in God is going to show up for Allah God Almighty you're going to get a rude awakening because God Almighty it's going to come through for somebody in this first Wednesday fasting is that Amen Mountain move on healing and deliverance fasting so set up yourself for a blessing set up yourself for a breakthrough set up yourself or a victory no longer you will be talking about the fig tree that a fig tree is gonna die and anything god curse it is curse come on man anything god curse and anything god bless it is blessed do you want a blessing this morning raise your hands and say lord I need a blessing come on tell the Lord you need a blessing God is gonna bless somebody today I believe it I feel it I know it you're not going to leave the same way you can but God Almighty is going to intervene in your life and remove your fig tree I don't know what your victory is what you know I don't know what Mountain is in your life but you know and God want to get rid of that mountain he wants you to get rid of that fig tree and by the power of the Holy Ghost hallelujah which is at work this morning the Holy Ghost power is at work is that amen glory to God hallelujah god bless you richly god bless you I just want to at this time extend warm welcome to those that are visiting this first Wednesday class you might be coming for the very first time it might be your second time whichever I'm gonna answer just wave your hands and wave it raise your hands wave it if you are coming for the first time the second time just wave your hands Oh bless the Lord bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name for those of you that are here visiting it's a good place to be is that Amen why because the presence of the Lord is in the house hallelujah and I know you didn't just come because you want to come but you come with a purpose praise God and I want to let you know today you will not return to your home the same way you came hallelujah but God of your name written down and a blessing God of your name written down on a deliverance you're gonna be delivered this morning glory to God if you believe it say Amen if you know it's gonna happen sir glory if your tongue God or it's a thank you Jesus so on the behalf of our Bishop Bishop dr. Dell for Davis is wife minister petrova dr. Davis we want to extend to you a very warm and cordial welcome feel free you are at home you're in your father's house hallelujah just open up your spirit today and God is gonna fill your copies you turn it up if you're not saved you're gonna leave yourself praise God if you are in trouble you're gonna leave your delivered this morning do you believe that praise God hallelujah and those of you that are watching us maybe on the internet praise God and the tele wherever you are those of you in Brooklyn in Florida maybe Canada in Bronx wherever you are we welcome you to this service praise God don't change the dial cuz the best is yet to come hallelujahs you're gonna receive your blessing so help me power fate say welcome welcome welcome put your hands together and give them that one power it welcome the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you praise God hallelujah I am going to maybe do a little different this morning hallelujah we have a sister here who wants to share a victory testimony the Lord has come true for her in so many different ways and she wanted to tell us what the Lord has done for her praise God and is no other than system osh so sister Marsh may you come at this time and if the system Martin is here from from East and you want to share your testimony you said you have a testimony please come also so we're going to access the mash at this time to share our victory deliverance testimony put your hands together and make her welcome you Jesus name Lord you when my back was against the wall [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] away you move mountain [Music] [Music] hallelujah glory to God first I must give thanks to the Holy Spirit with head of my life and protocols observe this morning I just want to encourage someone this morning who might be waiting on the Lord to just encourage you that whatever you're waiting on the Lord for stand with what we had in faith I just wanna share this testimony um my husband died last year Christmas Day to be exact and since he died I've been going through I have been going through left-right and Saint Thomas I'm not just only grieving my husband death but family members of his relatives heart with a fight and my testimony this morning he was there was supposed to be a check to be given as a widow from certain office and I got called in August and I went to the office with whatever they said I was to bring I brought everything to the office and when I went the lady said I need um the other piece a document from the daughter and I said to her mom if I don't get this document from the daughter cuz I knew the fight I'm under I said what is gonna happen she said well it's just gonna go back to the government I took my ID and I said well ma'am let it go back to the government because I'm not gonna get it and I'm not gonna call but you know bridge Reno let it go when I leave it alone that was August and I let it go I came to first went the fast in September and Bishop preach the message exercise your faith and while I was there as a god you know something I've used for this money God so you know I'm ever exercise we see a time brethren I reach out to the Lord and I will receive the word and I accept the word and it turns them on and I got hope when I say I'm not going to let the devil in me and I sent her a text the daughter I sent her a text and she answered back I said to her to call me and sister evangelist Brown and I were in prayer the seer morning and she called me and I said to her I told her what they said she has to give me her document a letter of waiver that she's sending over everything to me to get this money she said her friend is the manager at certain office and she's gonna call a friend I said this is that this has nothing to do with you and a friend it's what they told me so I need this these documents from you that was in September after the message until no bridge mean I don't you Robert a matter of fact when I called her I said to her listen I will give you guys half of the money because I have used for the other half so I will just give a pass because I know I mean our warfare with them so I'll give them half until putting their bridge ring not a word but a who will answer the word not a word from her but a wall and to the world a garden and a prayer and a fast and a prayer and I said God if I go as far as doing that for me to do that bridge and I thought I was believed in myself to even call her for this but I said let me do what I am supposed to do as a child of God and hallelujah Jesus Akali offices in tone and everybody they were saying is the first airing of this because this can override because I am the widow so if you know varieties it's a class but not a big class but should to meet our friends the manager at certain office so I don't know if I really get in effect I leave that with the Lord I spoke before sister was passing the host one day and I said to her imagine so on so on so on so on pretty bitchin this is a big church everybody is in this church at certain offices wherever you need assistance type to somebody somebody's ear from everywhere and every office and the sister said to me telling on my ear and call this person she's a member of the church and I say okay let's color I so she don't know me I don't know her she say I'm rushing so Manila can explain herself and I call his sister don't know until today do domi try it and I explained the situation to her and she said what she's phenomenal from last year to know the check ready from July I can't get it she said give me a particle as and I'd gave it to her that was the Tuesday the one day we spoke when there came to fasting and I was in service and she called his sister because she don't know me so she called sister phone she said she was calling me she could not get my cousin I'm interested turn off my phone so this is the harmony phone and I spoke with her she said listen I just spoke with the manager and she's going to call you in church manager did call me CMD winterside spoke with her and she was telling me all kind of a nice turn to her because of what was in my head and I said to her you're not being prejudiced against this particular case are you she said no I'm not I have no reason to I when I ste taught my kids to her brethren she see my internal and tell me what to do what to bring where to go to bring in the documents the manager okay the person she told me to go to my sister called me from Arlanda Saturday and she said to me sis the godly thing at the car bridge and by this Mira tomatoes are from you know may we take up extra ties am i right I said God when you release this command near mazanik god I'm gonna put a Prius planet and when you release it God more than 10% is yours and I write to me tight envelope and Monday morning sister bro you didn't know I was gonna go to the office you sent me a text that's from isaiah 54:17 I just said to you thank you I needed it and I've dr. Munda Monica the person from the office coming for the letter Saturday and I'll rush untucked it and I said god I'm gonna delay you open the doors megawatt show it no and I went for the documents Saturday Monday morning def this week Brian earlier dr. when I went to the office I'm bridging I went to everything that I know kami said god this is it and I know Maya does the manager she Center two assistants which is fine she later she said where is the other part of document and the wave a letter from the other party I said I was not told that this was what I was told to get and this is what I bring she said oh let me going to speak to the manager she came back and I saw paperclip start to come off a document and I saw my ID left on the table and it checkol one on the table and I and it was handed to me to God be the glory I did not need I did not need the document from the daughter because they think up yes I'm on camera put me on camera I gotta check with those your assistants I got the check to God be the glory and I must say ma'am I was watching I was watching October last month first was the fasting mom when Bishop said when you got a raise of 75 $95 I said no 75 and he said oh you know Curtis you're spending it mom I know how you know to spend money so what they don't want we will talk mom Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] [Applause] is there anything too hard for God when you put God first that will put you first is that amen praise God and as Christians we don't fight the weapon of all war here they are not carnal but mighty pulling down of every strongholds praise God Alleluia does a word of announcement a baby bug was mistakenly left in a trolley at Megamart and Sunday it contained Pampers baby clothes baby formula so we are asked medication so we are asking if you might have heard about it Mega Mart might have have it we are asking the result for the baby and anyone finding same please take it to the church so anyone finding a bud would maybe close baby pampers medicine that was left at Megamart you can take it the power of faith ministry is that amen it is a pink and blue black paga week old zip all right god bless you god bless you god bless you there is a gentleman who spoke with bishop bishop dr. del for Davis that you would like to share a testimony are you here today all right it don't seem so so at this time receive elder level as he come to share with us because we serve a great big wonderful God put your hands together always victorious always watching over us greatly wonderful God the church to praise the Lord glory hallelujah you serve a big God a wonderful God I'm happy to be here this morning to share a song with you I must read my leader and his wife the rest of leaders the rest of members and the visiting friends and pray me up this morning that I may do what I'm supposed to do thank you [Music] wonderful merciful say precious Redeemer and friend [Music] could rescue the souls of man whoa rescue the souls of man [Music] wonderful merciful Savior precious Redeemer and friend [Music] the soul whoa [Music] yes say first I walk closer now to the ha when you in the darkest night will you hold my hand [Music] you walk with me and he talk with me and his answer now is always bound though i walk through father I'll fear no [Music] their water still my school my heart with trust in you my heart will trust [Music] my heart will trust Oh [Music] ah [Music] by the waters my - trust [Music] whoa [Music] every part of me my heart ha [Music] my [Music] my [Music] [Applause] in your will that's my strength when I am with you just can't stop getting closer to you [Music] when my mind now renewed and conformed to the image of you there's a peace rally in Moscow there's a piece in my soul when I'm with you [Music] just can't stop getting closer to you when my minor renewed and conformed to the image of you there's a piece running deep in my soul [Music] there's a piece running deep in my soul there's a piece running deep in my soul when my now renewed and conformed to the image of you there's a fee running me in my slow there's a piece in my soul when I'm with you can't stop getting closer when our minds now review and conform to the there is a from indeed in my soul [Music] they're the pea he must soul when I'm there's a piece in my soul where my spirit is renewed read my mind renew [Music] there's a running [Music] when me like Irene [Music] my way when outside [Music] wrong Wow yeah Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] stand up and lift up your head we came to praise God your harpies on the inside come on your hands up if it is well we just said take some time out keep calm come on close your eyes and begin to praise your Creator begin to praise hallelujah easier easier easier it easier well so let me hear you let me hear you praise EEMA let me hear your word hallelujah like your holy ghost of God where the today lighting got the peace of God cover me cover me God over me piece of our coverage this morning give your worship Lord we give you praise hallelujah you are a great God hallelujah glory to God hallelujah take your God way of mercy hallelujah [Applause] thank you Jesus glory to bless the Lord bless the Lord bless the Lord whoa my soul and all that is within me all that is within me oh that is within the Church of God ooh yeah glory to God hallelujah bless His Holy Name bless you Jesus put your hands together and give the Lord give the Lord around about nah hallelujah give the Lord a round of applause for L deliver god bless you sir god bless you god bless you thank you you may be seated praise God hallelujah peace of God cover me hallelujah and when you have the peace of God on the inside you don't let anything bother you because a peace of God take care of the problems is that amen praise God we have our ministers here praise God and we are going to ask evangelist Williams coming from so far along with the other ministers to come and greet us and tell the Brethren of the Lord has been treating you evangelist Williams god bless you ma'am hallelujah God has been a good god hallelujah I greet the darlin Holy Ghost in our midst this morning thank God for Jesus thank God bishop we thank God for you sir you that you answer the man's master's call that you could help us to strengthen us but we could go forward young minister Davis god bless you we're looking forward for the day when we meet Jesus and you and the saints go marching in I want to be in the number hallelu I pressed my way to be here hallelu is some time I'm not feeling the best pop in aged 80 God by my 8786 a tear much but I'm still pressing on Alleluia glory to God the other day I came and when I came I was thin so sick Bishop was anointing the Brethren there and I wanted him to touch me so much but I couldn't reach in the line mr. Davis she took some of the oil from from from where the Israel and I believe I hold on to the faith have what I need I has a special need a has a special gonna walk my feet and different things and I had a paper that I should get and I couldn't get it and I whole and I said God I'm not letting you go and believe you today every now and again I take me I rub it all over myself I said God I believe in you but you believe God I trust it it's not a secret what he can do God is a good God brethren let us trust him heaven will surely be worth it all if you don't know look at the sea and snow being white hallelujah don't saw them coming rolled in white God are you in the number are you in the number we are in the number man God God God God brethren let us press toward the mark for the high calling heaven is in you these signs are telling that is permanent near unless US press press Chris what will it be when we get off a young boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what you tried to be like when we see Jesus going through the struggling I know the road sometime hallelujah God lyrically my husband died so many years ago but God will not suffer loss trust God we shall make it by the grace of God what will it be when we see Jesus God bless you [Music] [Music] shall we praise the Lord shall we praise him another time if you're happy to be in the house of God just lift your hands and praise the Lord praise God I want to greet our bishop bishop dr. Deborah Davis minister dr. Petrova Davis our assistant pastor many eyes there are the ministers officers just about everyone in the earring of my voice today I want to greet you all in the precious name of Jesus praise God and if I could sing I would want to sing this song Jesus is real but I'm gonna ask you to stop and sing it with me just 1/2 times praise God Jesus [Music] you're right [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] god bless you you don't have to leave the other day you came today Jesus is the answer to every situation god bless you hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah Nakumatt acapella hallelujah on somebody magnify the Lord thank God for another first Wednesday let me give honor tools we've got on my Bishop and founder Reverend dr. Davis Minister picture over dr. Davis I'm in Oatman and all my ministers colleague Saints visiting friend I heard particle in his word you must fight the fight of faith fight it when a boxer grant or ring you go to fight the fight and pour the clear the weapon of a war fear they are not carnal is not born shot is not battle is not much yet come on somebody would on it from in heaven this thing going on fight him when she can want tip over come on somebody getting offenders and fight for answer you want your smaller so you have to fight God Evan from the Old Testament to the New Testament in fight even to this year is fight for your soul come on somebody you can train to throw error come on you've got to fight come on somebody the ones from we are heaven is better than death come on church Oh gotta have my church at this this morning fine don't give up put god almighty something a phoenix went into ella but fine come on shirt come on you can't give in because the amen part of the reason that by the walk not Ibaka by the walk but day that and you are five come on somebody better fight I saw a sister in a it was afraid so I read sister she told me that she's coming back could imagine you in the Fiat in this time and give up the Fiat come on fight no come on territorial this is not a deal for it [Applause] Jesus affair no shot at the ISM for Rivera let's see it no flash you're gonna fight it god bless you god bless you [Music] hallelujah just wave your hand and given chance just to be alive this afternoon this morning is a blessing this morning is a blessing say hallelujah shout hallelujah hallelujah no glory to the king hallelujah I want to take time out to greet the visionaries of this great ministry or Bishop Bishop dr. Elfa Davis on his wife Minister dr. Petrova Davis just stretch your hand to dementia god bless them hallelujah I want to also to greet our senior assistant pastor Minister the North line all the ministers officers members physicals those that are viewing we greet you in the mighty name of Jesus today is a blessed day to be alive and to be in the house of God hallelujah hallelujah the psalmist David declare in Psalms to 27 with confidence and assurance he says the Lord is my light and my salvation he did not say the Lord is our life he said the Lord is my light he make it personal he said whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life whom shall I be afraid when the Lord is your light and when he is your salvation you shall fear no one even when you're at the back of the desert he will protect you God bless you in Jesus name [Applause] it's a lot somebody praise him again praise God I am glad to be in the house of the Lord today let me greet the Holy Spirit who is in our midst or Bishop Bishop dr. Dell for Davis Reverend Mitchell Davis god bless you and your wonderful Saints those who are viewing god bless you god bless you I'm grateful I'm grateful to be alive today and when we look and see the things that we have been passing through and you are still alive we have much to give God thanks for I would like to see that person who when he or she is thrown into the waters to see you have your hand at your side you will do everything to pearly away for life and in this world today there are so many things that are fighting and coming against us but praise God God with God in His wisdom has given us his spirit he has given sense in our head to fight as my minister said earlier on we are in a minor Packer field and we must fight to live if we don't fight if we don't try have a one hand the two aside we must die we will die but under God we will not sit here as the other lepers man said we will not sit here and die because with the air is a purpose for us and we must realize friend that God has put us on this earth for a purpose and we must fulfill our purpose hallelujah glory to God god bless you I love Jesus and I want to tell you again that if you are in something and you are not enjoying it change it and I say that to say this that if you're in God's presence if you're in God's army I'm not enjoying it something is wrong with you if you are in something and if your mind is not in it you cannot enjoy in fact what I'm saying here is that if you are a Christian I put Christian mean go to your heart you'll surely enjoy God's presence you should enjoy his worship worshiping God so we don't want to come here sit down like a log I don't want to worship Him if you want something from God we'll have to praise Him and enjoy God bless you in Jesus name shall we bless the Lord let me hear the church raise him again praise Him as if you have life pray seem as if you know him crazy media easier deliver ah hallelujah bless the Lord Thank You ministers what will it be when we get over yonder Jesus is real come on a man Jesus is real and we must fight because we are in a war fear so we got to fight because Jesus is our light he is our light praise God and we are the light of the world and we have a purpose so we must fulfill it is that amen do you have a purpose today Jesus is real to you today is in your life today are you preparing to go to heaven what will it be when we get over yonder praise God thank you all for sharing praise god oh good god has been to you and I'm sure everybody down there could say the very same thing God has been good to me touch yourself God if it's not true don't do that God as being a Buddha to me he opened doors he make ways hallelujah when it seems all his laws that's the time God show up in our corner do you bring something else to give to the Lord today you bring a gift to give to the Lord a good one the best one you have praise God we are going to be given to the Lord at this time the hushes will be coming to us and we will be getting into our purse we will be getting into our pockets we will be getting into our checkbooks wherever the phones are we will be going there to give to the Lord today is that amen is that amen are you tired of giving to the Lord lord have mercy every day you get up your needs God mercy don't morning by morning new mercies we see all that we needed God's hands are provided but if you eat of all the seed Anasuya non you can get any blessing or any harvest so not eat of all the seed bring the seed to the Lord praise God stand with me at this time the OSHA's we are still waiting stand with me everybody stand with me please all right the hushes they're here close your eyes bow your heads and believe the Lord to touch your heart to give the best seed you have a gift to his work touch God will touch you if you do so and if you believe him and don't say that I only have this so I can't give it easier provider you'll give the loss God will return even more than what you have given let us pray Almighty God and you will live we move and we have our being Lord you have created us and you did not put us into an empty world but God you furnish the world before you created us and so Almighty God you are blessed us from creation and know here we are so many years Oh God some of us are and it don't matter a small amount we have today we're gonna give it in love because when we roll back the curtains of memories no one Dana and God we have seen where you brought us from and where we could have been our heart is so grateful and we say thank you Jesus and we say thank you Jesus and we say thank you Jesus so Lord as we keep we're gonna ask you to breathe upon it in a special way breathe your breath Lord so that there will be an increase somebody needs a miracle God the Lord and what they have today cannot bring the miracle they have to soit so that you can work on it and you will breathe and insight will bring increase Lord I believe you for the supernatural blessing today I believe you for the anointing that will break the yoga and somebody will come back and testify that God you have done it again you have done it again you do it already and you can do it again so do it again for somebody today bliss and if I consecrate the operator we will give to your work and so Lord we amen and as I asked it before remember we if you want to give my card you can go to my left and somebody will be there to receive your gift of love so you will be getting Direction to come from that side and from this side that side first over there and decide at the same time we are asking you to come and bring your gift to the Lord while the singers at this time is gonna be taking it over in giving God praise in singing come on man get up and come get up and come let the joy of the Lord fill your heart and give in so come from that side come from over there and let us give the main auditorium remain why let you all come from the different direction and you can give love give you can bring your envelopes if there is any that you have at this time you can bring them and give them into the lord god bless singers singers singers [Music] change my heart Oh Lord [Music] Miki [Music] change my heart whoa [Music] change my heart oh god [Music] word [Music] change my heart oh god yeah [Music] [Music] ah Oh [Music] this is [Music] my heart maybe never [Music] my heart Oh God Hey [Music] [Music] ah Oh this is what I said you are the Potter I [Music] yes [Music] my heart [Music] my heart [Music] thanks thanks I give you fans [Music] I am so big my Saudis Oh [Music] I [Music] [Applause] always say that I give you Oh [Music] or I [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need [Music] oh I we gave you the I [Music] oh I [Applause] I give you my man [Music] I [Music] I [Music] my eye you [Music] [Music] you they make beer on that is who you are we make up around the work of a promise he is my God who you are they may come miracle-worker promise keeper hide in the dock dance my god that is who you are I promised my god that is who you are we may come up mihrab the work from his people the doctor my god ladies who you are I worship you ah [Music] the beer I promised my kids my god daddy who you are [Music] [Music] my [Music] they make me write the word promise people hide in the doctor my god who you are ray made me write the word oh my god [Music] hallelujah we may come Meeropol work how do you know you to be that to you Oh Lord he ever work any miracle for you he ever make a way for you so why don't you praise him you take it for granted keeping some praise come on in here you praise him hallelujah bless the name of Jesus we may come we always work miracles for us and we give Him praise we give Him glory it was my joy to observe you today praise God we are going to be getting our second music ministry praise God and after the music ministry it will be the voice of God servant how a Bishop Bishop dr. Dell furred Davis when he comes you stand and receive him come on put the answer getting filled up in there praise God put your hands again together and make welcome evangelist raylene Lindo as she come to share with us today in Jesus name Amen hallelujah shall praise the Lord lift up your hands to the wave maker hallelujah are we here to worship Him today hallelujah thank you Jesus I'm feeling happy I'm feeling good because my part is alive hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah glory to God bishop Davis Minister Davis god bless you sir and ma'am hallelujah all the ministers God bless you all hallelujah come on lift up your hands and worship Him again God is worthy to be praised amen hallelujah thank you Jesus and if not this time I take this opportunity to declare in this service today there is no God like our God J OVA hallelujah let me hear you say there's no father like our God check over hallelujah glory to God glory to God hallelujah hallelujah every spirit of affliction as the ball to him hallelujah every of your working spirit after bow to him hallelujah every demonic oppression has to bow to him hallelujah day no Alleluia so you need to know that those have to bow to him every knee shall bow every thought every Tom must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah praise God from whom all blessings flow praise him all creatures here praise Father [Music] Oh crazy heavenly [Music] hallelujah come on give God some praise give God some praise hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah [Music] I am trouble yet not destroyed not in despair [Music] [Music] with a treasure [Music] Holly persecuted but not for sure [Music] [Music] Holy Ghost power I've got a treasure lift up your hands and worship me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] in a fool of Holy Ghost power I've got touch Richa he doesn't know me can I do that again [Music] but yet free fool of Holy Ghost power I've got the treasure [Applause] [Music] [Music] but knows I've had some pretty fun circumstances that my poor soul good three Jesus anybody else uh painful circumstances you've had some painful circumstances [Music] over painful circumstances [Music] that my poor soul could not do [Music] can I do that again yet not true [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've got that Rachel I've got the treasure I've got suction the law [Music] [Music] [Applause] circumstances that my poor sue I'm gonna never tried to hire me enough what to say [Music] [Music] circumstance that my parcel could not now I want you to sing this part of me say thank you Jesus for your power for your it has resurrected me [Music] read me over painful batches that my poor soul you would not everything for one last time I get Jesus for your power [Music] [Music] poor soul [Music] thank you cheese come on just lift up my hands and worship it huh [Music] [Music] give the Lord praise and house lift up your hand give it free [Music] sets me free God for resurrection power [Music] be free Lord bless you be seated for another 5-7 minutes look to the word of Almighty God [Music] once again we give God thanks for bringing us together to share this wonderful worship expression and wonderful it has been indeed the prayers the praises the songs the Thanksgiving the exhortations from the ministers the solo ministries and just to be fellowshipping with one another it's a blessing tell your neighbor it is a blessing sister Maxine boy is said to be very ill where are you sister Bob we pray for you and for all others who are afflicted by the enemy and trust God to give you the victory can he give the victory oh yes he can so you and others lift your faith to the Almighty God we thank the Lord for the overseas assemblies that are worshiping life with us we know Miramar is live on this service they do so every first Wednesday Bronks also is live with us they go through the entire service those two assemblies I know are live with us give them a hand please we'll play Browns and Miramar god bless / CEO Michael Hutchinson and his family and the Saints pass the joy Miller there in the Bronx amen and those in st. Petersburg we thank the Lord for you will be there well your meeting begins on the 11th sounds like Sunday this weekend well Sunday up next week really great meeting we want you to come on out the speaker the minister might Michael Mirage it's a wonderful minister along with others who will be there amen the Miramar Assembly be coming over dr. Lewis some Canada will be coming over and others so you will be blessed November 11 through 14 those who are viewing from those general areas 12:29 16 Street south right there in the heart of st. Petersburg I repeat 12:29 16th Street south power of eight ministries google it come from Orlando come from all over the areas and you will be blessed amen be mindful of this evening 7 o clock heal the family even Asian planning meeting almost a second such so those all the stakeholders leaders who participate in that planning on the executing of that service for January 2nd not the National Arena for next year due to logistic circumstances that we are unable to overcome well of course New Year's Day will be January 1 which will be Tuesday the allah famine will be january 2nd which will be wednesday so it is not logistical impossible for us to set up the arena on New Year's Day being a public holiday are you with me so we will be in this sanctuary we will be in the upper room Santa Rita is being complete right now well tiles are being laid the window people will be coming in on tomorrow so things are coming together so from air and over there we'll see it close to 1500 people will be seated up there the Royal Oasis children's church if needs be all of these four locations will be up and running with audio video and everything so you want to be the main sound here you know what to do I can't tell you what to do when it is park to capacity that's it all the other roads will lead to opera and to Airy children's church Royal Oasis so planning continues this evening at 7 o clock please all the stakeholders should come by that's it and I'm going to ask you to in the family 2019 January 2nd will be a real real real church service this is not a an arena situation what does not mean bishop we want you to come with our frame of mind as believers like you're coming to a Sunday mornings worship and I want everybody who comes comes to dress like you're coming to Sunday morning worship are you with yeah I mean that dress in your son the best those who have them now if you don't have them come the very same but come with your best hearts best physical deportment and great spirit because it's going to be real for this for next year I'm not inviting the politicians okay I mean that I'm saying this publicly I know we're all over the place I'm not inviting the politicians we are accustomed to of the Prime Minister the leader of the opposition cabinet ministers etc now hear me well if they come we'll be happy to have them if we come if they come we'll be happy to have them but that's one service we want to dedicate entirely to God and keep some politics out of it as much as possible oh yeah so everybody's welcome don't tell the PMS they should not come heartily opposition leader don't do it I stood in this pulpit sometimes ago and made one statement and a certain Prime Minister was in office then dear god it get too easier so fast because this is a media friendly Church the Lord is good so much for all of that sis you land by here are you here I think you're here join me down here for one minute two minutes I know you want to present me with a gift long time ago yeah where's the gift what you get it already bishop but she wants to formally present it we went to Israel in end of June July well July August and we went to so many places and she chose a very special piece of rock we went to Petra where Jesus asked the disciples whom do men say that I have and that place is gorgeous I mean the sea in Revere on day I mean everything that surrounds it I don't know if this rock comes from Petra but wherever it comes from for whatever reason you choose to bring me a piece of rock and I told you I'd let you present it publicly and I'm honoring that commitment today amen this rock this rock is from Mount Sinai we were fortunate to climb on sign on in Egypt and climbing Mount Sinai takes 4 hours and on the third hour the guide his name is Mustafa means Moses he said we have to climb another 300 steps and these steps no joke they were like one on top of the other they were hung carved by the monks who build a church there and I started crying I broke down because I said this trio is truck with nothing to where I'm from in Salt Spring ha Nova because there's a lot of mountains there and I'm used to it I grew up going running up the hills but when I reached to the that level I gave up hope and I cried out to God and I made a bowl and I said if you help me to get up to the steps I will hold my promises to you and while I was there my heart started racing Racing racing and I couldn't continue on the guide met up with me and he held my hand and took me up the steps even when I got there he said we're here I've said we're here already and he said yes and I we worshiped and we praise and we thank god there's churches there and on that mountain Indian people from all over the world religion Islam people everybody was there acknowledged in God when I was coming down I said God you took me up here you tell me how I'm gonna get down and I sister came and hold my hand and we started talking and walking down together and I started searching for one of these ruts because they sell these rocks these rocks are special it is said in Jewish history that when Moses first went to the mountain he asked God how he will find back the mountain and God they said that God struck the mountains and if you break the rock there's a tree in it the burning bush and if you split this rock multiple times you will still see the bush in the Mount in the rock you still see the bush in the rocks so I started looking for the rockets that said I didn't want to buy one and I look and I look below the surface of the church and when I found this one the voice of God said give this rock to Bishop Davies as soon as I touch the rock I couldn't believe I stood over it and I took it up and he said give this rock to bishop davis and i said give this rock to Bishop Davis he's gonna think I'm stupid and foolish and he said he will not think it's foolish give it to him he will understand what it means and he said not only give him the rock but tell him thank you for what you have done for me and my family and what this church has meant to me I thank you and I said I was gonna look for another up for myself and because God wanted me to be obedient I never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you so very much unfortunately I did not get to clap though go up to Mount Sinai my body gave way I could not I really wanted to minister Davis and I we were the first ones to be down there waiting for the others and then all of a sudden my body said to me oh no don't you take this for five hours from 8:00 p.m. to almost the other morning walking up and up and up and up so I did not climb Mount Sinai but the Lord spoke to someone to bring me a rock Simon thank you so much thank you my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest [Music] all cheese lift your right foot and say rice [Music] put it [Music] this sinking [Music] Oh insane don't raise your hand I've seen again Oh Oh [Music] it say cancer Oh somebody go ahead and praise God like you mean business praise God like a mean business praise God like you mean it from the depth of your heart come on from the depth of your soul shower Tancredo king of heaven [Applause] glory the cheese in the Jesus or into Jesus [Music] on the ground [Music] be seated please just another short exercise this this gentleman here is it you sir wanted to give an outstanding testimony but you come late is that you stand up let me see if it is you come down here let me see if it is you you got a miracle that is unusual give him a microphone you know you have three minutes to give your testimony did you hear what I say sir listen this miracle unusual miracle good afternoon everyone buddies and sisters you know last year about 5:20 in the morning the sound wasn't in my ears learning to lean on Jesus and it sings about three time on the spirit said lienarde get up on beard let me said get up on beard balloon amateurs 9 o'clock why must I get to one Vietnam and I said Leonard get up on beard you hear me Leonard get up ambient and I get up and I be honest said well it must be poor feet I must come so I come here coming here that morning under satin sitting right there and pastor was preaching and he came down and he called me out pick me out and he said to me these are his words you look good you just wear what you want a miracle and so and so he did what you had to do about to Wednesdays after that in my scheme in Edgewater about 6:20 Wednesday morning I was coming out and whistling I don't remember this song that I was whistling and when I reach a standing up here and about that foot I saw my church sister son who has some people and even when the dogs are in the yeah the Titan then we the bad and plus they don't like to hear the whistling while our son while other dogs follow me they don't like to hear the whistling I'm gonna look I see the gate open I said Lord what am I going to do I can't pass them can turn but can I can't take my eyes off them so I started to walk back way and the one weighing about 90 pounds in started to one come to me and I'm working fast buck we're not going looking we are going and he coming and I dropped and lie down on the sidewalk and when he comes down reach about dear I must love to jump on me mister Jesus with the right hand I know it's been right John and in turn back to where he coming from I'm not knowing the owner of it uh came out and catch a dog untidy dog indeed even say anything to me I am a 17 year old man plus the same thing to me and his wife came out I said miss about what happened and I told her sir she said okay anything you must make me here I went to the doctor get prescription on what of the Italian como sitting on my veranda reading my Gleaner and she came to our friend next door and she walk why damage it and she still about half an hour and walk why damage it again Oh God they never said anything to me I don't say anything to them but while they were planning God is my so I can't sing but the Spirit says just learning [Music] [Music] I am learning [Music] let me tell you why this is a unusual major miracle you would have heard I suppose that those dangerous dogs take people's lives and here is a scene a citizen with a huge pit bull and company coming at him he fell down to the ground that makes him an easy targets just recently we learned of dogs who killed a man on the road and he lifts his right hand and called the name of Jesus and the pit bulls spin around and turn away and you tell me that's not a major miracle somebody's turned up on press card for that shoe pop and you would have been dead that I your boss Shakuntala ha you would have been dead if it had not been be seated please when the Lord led me to him that's all the Holy Ghost told me to tell him you dress good you look what you need a miracle and that was what God when I laid my hands I mean the power of God hid him that was what God was preparing him for give God praise Oh Lord where are the priests I'm so bad one more thing I got to do last week Wednesday we asked some of you to take the tiles some of the tiles up top there and some of you ladies worked so hard worthy we've got about 30 ladies stand up let me see you are you worked so hard somebody said pray for you come down here let me briefly I mean that it was after fasting that you did that and it was wonderful of you I never thought you could carry that such ever Lord after fasting all right so many of you know not so much of you all right what is the prime minister Davis come on come here please series proof with them for me come give some of them $1,000 and give some $500 that's the prayer come on give them out quick quick quick quick quick quick $1,000 take it go back to your seat that's the prayer [Music] come on now you have to come decide to you know you can't just go that side sister come decide you're not listening to me [Music] we are in Margaret Court [Music] let's in God praise God praise come on [Music] I'm learning to leave thought I'm learning Oh [Music] Monni down well [Music] most most churches collect money we bought collect and give away a Samaritan caused that to happen this service is dear to my heart is coming for 29 years now every first Wednesday I hardly give it to anyone to minister you know that since the air be Ghana preached maybe everyone except when I went to Israel it's dear to my heart sometimes I do occasional when you got a good friend passing by today we have a good friend and we have some ministers which I'll get to in a minute passing by Bishop bloomer and company I'll get to them in a minute but Reverend doctor a group of Gorham decay was converted at age seven baptized at the Zion ill Baptist Church in Jamaica we started preaching at age fifteen under the leadership of Reverend Z real Williams he later served alongside the late Reverend Bassel McCloud the Mandeville Baptist Church in Jamaica where he participated in pioneering and planting of the new Green Baptist Church after graduating from the United Theological College of the West Indies he was commissioned to preach by the Jamaica Baptist Union and served as senior pastor of four churches in the Seaforth circuit of Baptist churches that's in st. Thomas I know that very well we work together for some time under the auspices of Full Gospel while he served there after migrating to the United States in 2006 he pursued graduate studies at Howard University School of divinity wherever dr. DK was ordained by the American Baptist churches u.s. and the paramount Baptist Church in 2007 through this ministry he shares affiliation with the Washington DC Baptist Convention the progressive National Baptist Convention and the American Baptist churches USA and the Baptist World Alliance we have a whole lotta Baptists in this manner what is a different kind of Baptist let me tell you that dr. DK pursued his Master of Divinity studies at Howard University School of divinity where he also earned this Doctor of Ministry degree in 2009 with a concentration in multicultural evangelism and international missions he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of the West Indies and a graduate diploma from the United illogical College of the West Indies he is the current president of the Caribbean and African faith-based Leadership Conference based in Washington DC and facilitates faith leaders faith leaders forum embassy series and government dialogue between African and Caribbean faith-based leaders United States faith-based cabinet offices the US Congress the White House of Public Engagement and the US Department of State's office of religious and global affairs three years ago you know I received the prestigious honor from that outstanding organization there in Washington DC dr. DK has spoken at numerous evangelistic workshops revivals conventions and international conferences at various denominational ecumenical and academic gathering throughout United States the Caribbean Asia and Africa he has written academic papers in vandalism in Western culture and has received numerous awards including our university faculty research award the white house prayer of our nation's award generation 42 global reforms award the man made a ward Jamaica Baptists unit xx youth anniversary award Jamaican diaspora 54th independence award and of Anna Lowry organ citation for outstanding faith-based initiative in the state of Maryland and our University divinity 101 convocation Award for outstanding social justice ministry his philosophy in life is with God you got it right all things are possible and the will of God will never lead you where his grace cannot keep you O standing this gentleman served well here in Jamaica when I served full gospel as its president we worked together while he passed the bear pastored there in the st. Thomas area he goes back to the States on tomorrow what I've asked him to come by today to share this service history is being made here today for the first time a Baptist minister will be ministering in first winds a miracle fast but it's about facade lay hands on the sick cast out devils somebody's done with me please and put your hands together and give God praise why reserved on dr. Wharram D came from Jamaica from United States of America from Africa the Lord bless you sir come on just continue to praise the Lord just magnify the name of the Lord somebody bless the name of Jesus shut up hallelujah hallelujah come on just praising from the depths of Jimena give God some glory hallelujah the writer said if it had not been for the Lord on my side tell me where would I be Oh bless the name of Jesus if you believe that there is a miracle for you today just magnify the name of the Lord Oh bless the name of Jesus ah if you believe that devil has lost a battle over your life lift up Allah Hansa and bless the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated hallelujah hallelujah yes I feel God is pleased bless the name of Jesus hallelujah to your esteemed servant of this church bishop dr. del for Davis and Minister Dr Patrona Davis petrova Davis other members of the ministerial staff members of the powerful ministry here in Jamaica and international to all those who are watching on cable DG cell and all the other networks Facebook YouTube and all those who have traveled from your various churches to be here today I greet you in the name of Jesus hallelujah when I come into a gathering like this and see so many young people women men traveled from far and near to pray and fast it is an assurance that there is a great hope for Jamaica and it's a reminder that Jamaica is still the spiritual capital of the Caribbean and the world Oh bless the name of Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah to God be the glory please turn your Bibles with me to the Gospel of Luke chapter 13 and I will read from verse 10 through to verse 17 from the New International Version of the Bible the Gospel of Luke chapter 13 reading from verse 10 through to verse 17 you may stand for the reading of the gospel hallelujah Luke chapter 13 reading from verse 10 through to verse 17 on a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogue and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years she was bent over and could not straighten up at all when Jesus saw her he called her forward and said to her woman you are set free from your infirmity when he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised God indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath the synagogue leaders said to the people there are six days for work so how come who so come and be healed on those days not on the Sabbath then the Lord answered him you hypocrites doesn't each of you on the Sabbath untie your ox or donkey from the stall and lead it to give it water then should not be swimmin a daughter of Abraham who Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years be set free on the Sabbath day then why bound her verse 17 when he said this all his opponents were humiliated but the people were delighted with all the wonderful things he was doing this is the word of the Lord Jehovah is vine jehovah is fine [Music] yeah [Music] we're gonna press we lift up Jehovah right now Wow Oh bless the name of Jesus hallelujah [Music] mighty warrior three [Music] sing it one more time like you believe it right now [Music] just reach out and touch him just receive something from him right now [Music] hallelujah Oh bless the name of Jesus hallelujah [Music] dear one Oh bless the name of Jesus hallelujah [Music] softly as I pray mighty God we come now in no other name but in the name of Jesus for we believe that there is power in the name of Jesus there is hope in the name of Jesus there is deliverance in the name of Jesus there is Liberty in the name of Jesus and your world clear that the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord father you are lord of Jamaica you are lord of the United States your Lord over Europe Asia the Middle East your Lord of the universe and even now we pray that you'll release power from the east power from the west power from the north power from the south or power from above and below in the name of Jesus we pray that this ground will be saturated with the power of the Holy Spirit we lift up the needs of every man woman boy and girl people have traveled from far and near because they are in search for a miracle they have traveled far and near because they need to be set free so god I pray right now that you will use me as an Oracle of blood cleanse purge and use me for the power of the Holy Spirit release your apostolic fire the evangelical fire the prophetic fire the healing fire the fire to liberate and let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts together be acceptable in your sight O Lord our strength and origin and the church says amen you may be seated [Music] or we bless your god we magnify you will worship you we adore you O God we give you all the praise we exalt you the house right now take liberty nice place Wallace we claim deliver rights we claim breakthrough we claim divine revelation in the name of Jesus Oh bless the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus amen it's indeed a joy to be here it's indeed a privilege to be back in my homeland I have not been to Jamaica for over ten years and I came back because of a death in the family but when I was coming the Lord showed me that the death in the family was just the circumstances to bring me here but he had a greater assignment for me and I believe one of the assignment that God had for me is to be here today bless the name of Jesus today I call you to reflect with me on the topic Jesus has the power to set you free Jesus has the power to set you free somebody need to hear that tell your neighbor right now Jesus has the power to set you free somebody else need to hear that Jesus has the power to set you free I don't know what you're going through I don't know what your circumstances are whether it's an ailment in the body whether it's a generational curse whether it's a negative Family Foundation whether it's an attack from the obeah manolio be a woman or lead to German or Georgia woman whatever your circumstances are there is somebody that has the power to liberate you there is somebody that has the power to break the chains over your life there is somebody that has the power to lose your tivity and his name is Jesus ah somebody lift up the name of Jesus somebody magnify the name of Jesus Jesus has the power to set you free Oh bless the name of Jesus as we reflect on the current realities of our nation it is evident but there are many persons who are affected by illness neglect discrimination and subordination there are many who are held captive by drug addiction mental illness sexual transmitted disease and other terminal illness people are overwhelmed with all kind of circumstances that are holding back their destiny but we serve a god hallelujah that can open all closed doors all doors that are closed against you are you with me somebody and so we declare that every door that is closed against you be open and every mode that is open against you we shut them up now in the name of Jesus for the word of God declares that no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you shall be condemned in the name of Jesus I want to say something you know when an anointed servant of God walks into a sanctuary something special will always happen are you with me somebody Jesus was known as the Messiah he was known as Christos Christ which means The Anointed One Yeshua in Hebrew the Messiah the one that was sent to liberate the world from captivity the one that was sent to bring about freedom to the prisoners Luke 4 he gave the mission statement that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to what to preach for to the poor to heal the brokenhearted to set the captives free to set at liberty them that are bruised one of the things about Jesus he was never confused about his mission he was never confused about his assignment tell your neighbor right now do not be confused about God's assignment on your life because God has an assignment upon your life Oh bless the name of Jesus it doesn't matter what your conditions are it doesn't matter what your situation an ailment inna Jesus has the power to set you free he has the power to liberate you the text read is the story about a woman who was attending church or the synagogue rava for 18 years for 18 years or family members or friends or concerned residents made sure she was in church I heard that the fasting is approximately 29 years and some of you might be coming the first year some of you might be coming twenty years ten years or five years and sometimes you feel weary in communion because pastor Davis and others are praying for you and until now you are still waiting on your miracle can I see the hands of somebody who is waiting on your miracle I want to say to you keep coming to fasting keep coming to church the first thing I want to say to you do not neglect corporate worship you may write it down never neglect corporate worship the Bible says forsake not the assembling of yourselves together this woman was crippled she was crippled by a spirit by a spirit of Satan and the Word of God tells us that the woman could not walk straight she was walking bending over her but my god the woman had determination that I'll do for 18 years she was coming annulled or she could not stand up straighter she was still going to be in the presence of the Lord that's why the right is not wrong doctor dear visa by saying that in his presence fear is fullness of joy and heart is right hand there are pleasures forevermore all order can I speak in display somebody you have been praying for the children some of them might have even turned to get again some of them have not passed your exams some of your family members are still giving problema but do not let that stop you from coming to fasting because one year your breakthrough is going to coma in the name of Jesus the woman was not only attending for five years are you with me somebody she was not attending for ten years the Word of God said for eighteen years but she remain faithful to be in the presence of the Lord lord have mercy sometimes the enemy it will give you a little urchins and nobody go fasting to dear lord have mercy and if I said this in America they wouldn't understand me nobody go fasting it means don't bother to go to fasting today yes the enemy will attempt you but what if that lady decided that that day she was not going to be here you don't know when the blessing is gonna come you don't know when the glory is going to flow so unless it's work are certain circumstances beyond your control I said to you before to corporate worship the woman was fearful remain faithful remain resilient she had resilience she never gave up on her dream she desired that she wanted to be healed she wanted to be free from the spirit that held her in bondage she wanted to be free from the spirit that held her in captivity and perhaps the Jewish synagogue rabbis thought her situation was mental maybe they thought her situation was psychological maybe they thought it was hereditary but the Word of God says that she was captivated by a evil spirit there are many situations that we are dealing with in Jamaica there are many situations that we are dealing with in hospitals and clinics and there are many situations that are going to psychologists but psychologists will never be able to find the diagnosis or the solution because based on risky study that we are looking at this was not a chiesa that any mental any mental any psychological education could fix this was a case that could only be fixed by Jesus himself I remember the Bible tells us when the disciples of Jesus went to Jesus and Jesus was casting out demons and healing the sick and they said to Jesus we try to do it but we cannot do it jesus said that some things only come by what by prayer and fasting may I say to all of you in this place today you are doing the right thing you are at the right place at the right time with the right someone doing the right thing therefore you are in the right position for your miracle tell somebody beside you you are at the right place today Oh bless the name of Jesus tell somebody else I'm glad to be here today Oh bless the name of the Lord the woman was on the right place and the Word of God says that as Jesus entered into the synagogue ah which was the customer for Jesus to go into the synagogue ah the Lord cast his eyes upon the woman and when the Lord cast his eyes upon the woman the Lord saw the condition that the woman was in can I preach and display somebody Lord help me God eyes --as is cast upon you right now I wonder if you heard what I just said I said God's eyes I cast upon you right now oh god help me display study the eyes of the Lord was upon the woman and God saw that the woman's condition was not the best condition and the Word of God tells us that as Jesus looked upon the woman he had a compassion on her he had compassion on the woman and he delivered her from her situation bless the name of Jesus so he called her forward one of the things we need to understand is that for you to receive your miracle there has to be a spoken word over your life and over your situation in the realm of the Spirit are you with me somebody tell somebody there has to be a spoken word lord have mercy can I preach and display somebody or God you know there are people that are dying in hospitals there are people that are dying in their rooms there are children that have not pass their exams there are people who should have been should have been in China in Europe doing things but the reason why they are still where they are it is because no word has been spoken over their life and over their situation no word when Jesus saw the stormy sea he spoke murder and he says peace be still when Lazarus was in the grave he spoke were de angelis Arase promoter and the miracle of the resurrection brought mota are you with me somebody when Jesus Salomon crippled at the Pool of Bethesda for 38 years he spoke the word and say rise oppa tecapa Jamaat and Walker and Amana get up and Walker the question you need to ask yourself today is Lord what is your word over my life and my situation raise your feet somebody and say Lord what is your word over my life and my situation Hogan help us in this place Tony you need a word because the word Roku handle opposite the word releases the miracle ha the maraca follows the word janna follows the word are you with me somebody Jesus saw the situation he could have gone one side and said let me pray for her and that's why the church is wrong in doing we run and we pray for people all the time and nothing is wrong with three but the Lord has given us proverbs 18 says that he has given us the power to speak and to call things into existence Destiny the destiny of people the destiny of your family the destiny of your neighbor can be changed by your word spoken in the realm of the Spirit you look at the text in verse 12 Jesus spoke a word read verse 12 it's a when Jesus saw her he called her forward until woman ah you are set free from your infirmity he spoke a word he did not speak in the future tenza he did not speak in the past tense he spoke a word in the right now and he said woman you are free from your infirmity the text tells us go lord help me miss please that he put his hand upon her and immediately she straightened up her and she prays God bless the name of Jesus you know the Bible says that if there is any sick among you call upon the elders and let them pray and they will new honda and anointed olive oil and the prior of the fitfully shall make them well her power is transferred through villena honor of hands you know we have to understand that signs and wonders follow believers it is not believers going after signs and wonders and that is why signs and wonders happen in power see it because believers are here in power field Oh bless the name of Jesus you know how to get beautiful there were two disciples of Jesus who were coming out in the hour of prayer and they saw a man that was crippled and a man was begging for money and they said to the man Lu Canosa silver and gold have I none but such as I have her let me hear yourself such as I have such as I have and he said give IV lord have mercy the man did not know what they had the man did not know what they possessed the man did not know the source of their connection all he was concentrating on is some money because when you're crippled when you're blind when you have infirmity all they tell you to do is to make money or to disciples of Jesus Lord health was in this place today they called a man and the Word of God says they say rise up and walk what he didn't rise up and walk it was a total different situation from the man at the Pool of Bethesda you see when you look at ideologically speaking dr. Davis doctors you will understand that with the man at the Pool of Bethesda he was not waiting and money he was waiting on a miracle so therefore he had already had some kind of faith an expectation for a miracle are you with me somebody so when Jesus arise upon Walker that is what he was waiting for [Applause] [Music] he already hardly fierce he said he was waiting that when the angel trouble the water somebody would put him in but the Liberator came and spoke to him a talk this was a total different situation with the man at the Pool of Atia beautiful that man did not have any faith that man did not know of the power of God that man did not know about any miracles he had expectation only for money but you know power fear sometimes you have to look beyond the fault and see the need there are people that are going to come to power fee of ministry that don't have the fear to get up and walk but the Word of God tells us that Peter and John they had fear for the mana lord have mercy sometimes you're gonna pray for people sometimes you're gonna speak word to them and nothing is gonna happen because there is no favor so you have to have fear for those who have no fear [Music] the Word of God tells us that Peter and John pulled him up and when they pulled him up AHA immediately his ankle bones begin to get straighter the power of the Holy Ghost begin to put healing in his body and when the man fell the fire of the Holy Ghost and when the man Fela the pulmonary artery and the bein working the man Fela his muscle board working the knee board working the ankle bone working the two aboard working the words say he worked he leapt AHA and apprecia Almighty God hey you know I was privileged to do my studies at all my doctoral studies in strategies for multicultural evangelism and I did comparative strategies with churches but I realized that you know strategies for evangelism are good and dr. Davis could invite me here to do an evangelism training but let me tell you something a miracle from God is powerful than 10,000 sir and strategy without a 19 is no strategy strategy without reliance and the Holy Spirit is no strategy it doesn't matter how much courses you do at GG s t RG t esse are UTC are Tomioka bible college are our deeper life's full of evangelism without the Holy Spirit are with only anointing without the power to make a difference you are gonna take longer to win souls for the kingdom of Almighty God come on somebody need to give God some glory coma lift up the name of Jesus er just rise to your feet on prison right now because what it takes what it takes of Jamaica we have it there [Music] [Applause] you may be seated home pleskot lord help me miss felicity the one miracle that was performed in Acts chapter 3 the Bible said 2,000 souls were see when they never come to women and children so when you count the women and children I estimated to be 5000 we need miracles we need a manifestation of the power of God we need prophetic revelation we need a word of knowledge we need the manifestations of the gift of the Spirit the early church never had all of these academic credentials these are the years when some are obtained in the church and they call themself Bishop an apostle and all of that but God is not into the titles God Carlos to be disciples and the disciple is the follower and our task is to do what Jesus do we as church we are not supposed to only preach what Jesus preacher but we must do what Jesus do the Bible said wherever he went signs and wonders followed him so if we are followers of Christ dr. the aphasia signs and wonders must be present wherever we are [Applause] [Music] Oh God have mercy father have mercy you know the point I want to make to you know in America note they have recognized in the medical institutions that there's a thin line between mental illness and demon possession and many psychologists are diagnosing you for all kinds of things when the problem is mental when the problem is demonic so they have come to the place in the American Medical Association where there are diagnosis where they call it demon Oh Mia they have no developer term demon Oh Mia and dima pathy because they know recognize that some situations are that people are facing is caused by demonic spirit [Applause] [Music] lord help us in this place today I am not disrespecting people who work in the medical arena and in the clinical arena I did some clinical studies clinical pastoral education and I have to study diagnosis and I hear many doctors tell me that there is no cure to certain illnesses diabetes and cancer and all these kinds of things medically there is no cure and maybe with the physicians in the land may have said that this woman situation there is no cure because no Jewish person had the ability to detect in the remedy spirita that she had a spiritual problem many of the problems that we are facing that causes you to be in oppression and poverty and bondage they are spiritual problems many of the problems you have come to this fasting waiver in spiritual problems and that is why you need a spiritual practitioner to deal with spiritual Matassa the church is a spiritual hospital where people come at various levels from various risk last tribal and socio-economic background with various problems with furiosa the armoured diagnosis that can only be healed and restored by the power of the Holy Ghost hallelujah huh I want to say to some people here today that justice oh Jesus delivered this woman Jesus can deliver you right now are you with me somebody Jesus can deliver you right now this deliverance I'm talking about it doesn't come from the leaders of power Fiat our deliverance center are deeper life are the Church of God of Prophecy are the New Testament church of god or the Baptist or the Seventh day Adventists no [Applause] the only one that can deliver you from what the enemy has placed over your life his neighbor is Jesus Christ he is the King of Kings the Lord of lords the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah ha the balm in Gilead ah the wheeler in the middle of the wheeler come on somebody lift up holy hands ax and bless the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] oh lord have mercy [Applause] [Music] help me Holy Ghost [Applause] [Music] earlier I said that some people are still in their situation because no word husband's okay over there the question I want to ask you in theology I would say this is the existential question all right break it simple this is the critical question this is the most important question who is it that supposed to speak the word lord help me know who is it that is supposed to speak the word so that deliverance can't eat please is it bishop and doctor Patrona petrova Davis or the pastor's are the leaders alone I taught Jesus Karl disciples Bishop cannot make it to all the nursing home insane country Bishop cannot make it to all the communities in st. Catherine when you come to this fasting you have to recognize that this space that is built and cavada must be known as liberated spheres and when you come here and first Wednesday you must have a liberating experience so that when you leave you must leave on a Libra retina mission he came to set the captives free and he's not here to do it in the natural your job is the one to go and set the captives free [Applause] if you want me to answer the question who is the who is it suppose to speak the word may I answer that question by telling you that every one of you have an apostolic assignment upon your life tell your neighbor you have an apostolic assignment upon your life [Music] the main thing I know in my understanding of Christian theology the main thing I know is our responsibility as a church and so speak the world the last thing that Jesus said before he departed in matter 20/80 attina 19 go into all the world and preach the gospel go to the bio a Sunday air jeiza what do I mean by this apostolic assignment when Jesus met with the disciples in John 20 John 19 John 20:21 he said to the disciples as the father has sent me so send I you and be briefed on vemma and so received the Holy Spirit that was on the first day of the week what you need to understand and this is what the Holy Spirit is telling me to tell you right now that we are people in your home we are people in your communities that God wants you to lis hand on them God wants you when you leave here to go and speak word over him God has given you an assignment God is a nineteen-year in this place not to go home and sit at ease in Zion the early church they went and they prayed for the second daily hand and the minister and the church grew some of you are from churches that are not growing and it is time to stop blame the pasta and the leadership because God has given you an apostolic assignment to speak word and Leo Honda and precursor are you need to do it in the name of Jesus how many of you have somebody deaf in your family are you never leavin and pray and believe God that they will be delivered how many of you have been praying for people who are on drugs going to doctor and all he needed was a spoken word I declare you delivered from diabetes I declared you delivered from cataract in the eye from glaucoma I declare your deliver from joint pmf I declare you delivered from Frye bra Heda I declare you delivered from demonic possession words must be spoken because there is power in your words we need to begin to cancel negative words there are some of you you are captivated because negative words have been spoken over your life and that is why in African culture when somebody's be negative word it was snap their finger and they sent it back they snap me finger which means back to you I hear some of you say back to Center and I don't know what Bishop theology is but I don't buy you to the back to say nothing too much you know but are the Bible say forgiveness no and creates I believe in back to the bit of him I believe sit and we send you back to the pit of hell team and I send you back to the pit of hell because let me give you an example her saw me be the one that is doing the choo-choo on your data because your daughter was to marry her so no but your daughter find a better man and so it is your church is not Sona that is working the obeah so when you say back to send out then it hit back your church is a sauna and the problem Romina simply essa in the church under Fugate or something and in the first place when her son did it it was the devil in hell that user Sona as the instrument so the warfare we're fighting are not human war fear it is virtual warfare the enemy is a great it is the greatest wanna so the devil is they wanna that is the enemy huh so we say back to your Satan in the name of Jesus so nothing wrong with saying back to sin de but make sure that you means the attendees in the evil one the demonic spirit you don't need to release negative words over your your church brother uncharged sister you don't need to release negative words over those that are doing your evil you prefer them because the Bible said bless them that curse you I know that many curse has been released over people in here today there is two things I want to say before a wrap up we have to deal when we talk about war here we have to deal with generational curse which you know about and we have to deal with negative family foundation your grandfather had cancer and died your grand uncle had cancer and then your mother had cancer and doctor then your brother have cancer and ajita it is a negative Family Foundation and dr. teller because this one have diabetes that one of diabetes and you will have diabetes [Applause] this first in your family get married aha and in two years a divorce your predicate married of two years there's an enforcer your system Merida two years the divorce' your daughter married negative Family Foundation when I talked about you having an apostolic assignment you did not ask to be born in the family that you are in but the moment you got silver and the moment you start coming to form a powerful prayer and fasting there is an assignment on your life for the family that you confer ARMA you expect be shoppin mistress dr. Davies to come to all your family homes and Lahan to come to all your family homes you have to speak word and say God ki Anza is the family phone dear shut in my life in my family huh and I am declaring that cancer must be removed from my family in the name of Jesus our divorce was very booba diabetes suppose be removed we have to root of negative a family phone dear Shana the problem is we are accepting it and we are believing it because it happened to this one and that's what the enemy want certain things must not go in the CM cycle and continue in your family poverty and all of that your friends children are traveling abroad and going University and everybody in your family they're coming up in because negative Family Foundation come on we are going to take a stand rise to your feet right now lord have mercy you have to know that God give you authority you are you with me somebody God has given you apostolic Authority with apostolic assignment upon your life and he gave you the anointing to speak word to liberate those who are in captivity your family is in captivity you know in the book of Genesis when God made man God gave man dominion over the earth and every animal that God neom that was the name because God gave what Adam the authority God has given you authority to take dominion and that's what Jesus did why Jesus delivered woman for 18 years crippled because he had the authority to do it he said the Lord has anointed me to do this God has anointed you the devil don't want you to know that you can use the anointing but today I am challenging you to our scada activator the anointing that you have placed over my life as I said in Genesis the word of minion if the God gave man dominion over the plants Dominion was used in Genesis eight times and the word dominion comes from the word kibosh which means to trade upon command we're gonna trade upon generational curse we're gonna tread upon negative family for discharge we're gonna tread upon the witchcraft we're gonna trade upon the enemy here traitor Panama Tendo manana no in the name of Jesus I bring the cursor no pain Dominion should upon the enemy [Applause] come on Diwali Heights praise hallelujah hallelujah in the realm of the Spirit we're breaking the curse over your life you have to believe it Lord of mercy some situations that are fierce in your family you shall see them no more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on give God some reason just worship Allah ba-da-da ba-da-da ba-da-da Rebecca novice Akana Reba Hanabusa a horrible Mandela beckoned Allah [Music] Reba cantana Bubba ray bacon Talib opposite in the name of Jesus cantilever Reebok until a vicuna Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus is PO in the name of Jesus I am challenging you right now lord have mercy lava control of eSATA Reebok untellable yes Lord speak speak speak I want to say Lord speak to me right now just pause for a second let me say this one with you we're gonna pray we're gonna pray when your bottle you're home some of you leave home with all kinds are problem but you're gonna give the enemy a surprise because when you turn your key and you open your door you're gonna walk in idea 90 you're gonna walk [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you open your door in Halawa in chainsaw then i'm poultry male six-mile great report more wherever you are you are going to open the key I you are go entertain no manana Jurgen associate on whatever the generational cursor in my family have I am opening this door and I am taking dominion I am walking in authority I am commanding that whatever your Harbor in my house' we must go motor in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] Padma what it was happy some of you nobody in your family passing cxe but I know we take dominion over CXC and we take them in and over everything that discuss in brain blocker and your family that is causing them not to move on our University here but this year there's gonna be many testimony of CXC passes [Applause] [Music] and Oliver SATA you go to the United States Embassy and negative world up in Spokane and every time you go embassy you don't get the visa but I'm telling [Music] the lack of ability to travel is a form of bondage and so we are the clearing in the rim of the spirit the places where God has a sign for you to travel you are going to go here in the name of Jesus are and no pasa inhaler is gonna stop you from going Fiera and the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] Jesus asked the poet to set you free he's gonna set you free from poverty we declare that promotion and we release upon you transfer be release upon yo will be release upon yo multi-million ideas be released upon your in the name of Jesus I speak in the rim of the spirit right now mothers who are not hearing from your sons raise your hand you are not happy about where your son is maybe they can maybe abroad but you're not hearing from him things are not working out we are declaring right now that everything that all your sons in captivity we command it loose for what is boned on earth is bold in heaven what is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven you are going to hear from your son you are going to hear from your soul we release the fire of the Holy Ghost right where your sons are and your daughter if you have dark eyes and your concern about your daughter sir raise your right hand we speak to you know in the name of Jesus your daughters must be set free we cancel teenage pregnancy in your family we cancel negativity over your daughter we clearly Salvia know where your sons are and your daughter sir your brothers are and your sister in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Reba Canton ah mama robocco Santana boy and everything that every obeah man has done we are dealing with the witches and the results the obeah man in africa a column due to trauma are the jojo woman are the mother or the father wherever they go whether they go to fear Clarendon or whether they go to st. Thomas's Airport Lana our obeah man leaning claim kapha England offset Katrina we wrote of the works of the enemy right now and we're clear that every assignment of the enemy that has released against your life and sleep knowing the name of Jesus we cancel the war fears of the enemy with a clearer cancer cancer in the name of Jesus [Applause] every door close I can see they are open let me tell you something there's one more thing I forget to say in the sermon is that after Jesus delivered the woman doctor the visa did the liver answer changer the corsa of her destiny because no longer somebody had to walk around the country I hear the holy was saying something to you right now before the woman got the healing she was in a state of dependency some of you you are still depending on people you're still depending on people for money you're still depending on people for shelter you're still depending on people for food because the enemy has use our spirit ER to captivate the course of your destiny but when Jesus commanded the woman and say woman be free from your infirmity we are declaring know that every infirmity in the realm of the Spirit ah and the natural that causes you to be dependent we are declaring independence for you now in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] so lord I thank you for my independence light I declare independence Lord I am going to have my own money I'm going to have my own house I'm going to have my own car lord I am taking charge of my destiny in the name of Jesus holy God holy God holy girls and it clear that the Holy Ghost will find your location I declare that the Holy Ghost will visit your spouse right now your husband your wife your children grow contin of Osaka Libre canta of Osaka everybody that is connected to your maternal line they're related to you by your mother side are they related to you by your father's side with a clear deliver answer in the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] every curse every curse every cursor that has been spoken against a power field ministry dr. Davis the speakers over this ministry you know [Music] they want administrative field and they want you to feel but we declare every curse broken in the name of Jesus every [Applause] curse that has been release against your family you are going to celebrate heal the family heal the near shot near the labyrinth word healing to your family through the power of the Holy Ghost right now [Applause] [Music] I am the lord that he levy I am the Lord your healer I send my word everything in your life that needs healing right now every condition in your family we are speaking healing receive it said Lord I receive it [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus dr. model difference in the name ah I [Music] [Applause] I [Music] I said [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Lord [Music] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus [Music] keep standing right where you are Jesus has the power to set you free a woman was delivered when the word was spoken over her life and because of that word Jesus changed the course of her destiny some of you you'll need destiny help us as well you need destiny connect us but we pray that God will release your destiny held by the name of Jesus say god I thank you for sending my destiny helper thank you for sending my destiny connector and I thank you for changing my destiny in the name of Jesus we declare spiritual alignment over your life let me tell you something if you lose that job don't worry about it as long as you're in the will of God I was here pastoring and I lost my job and that is how I end up in the United States and six months after I was there I was a Dean and I was ministering and God has opened doors for me many of the folks are here come to the White House lady saw all of them all over Africa the Caribbean everyone for international awards and all these programs I'm the one that the Lord you saw signed was invitations because sometimes God will discombobulate let me use a Jamaican word that is only in Jamaican dictionary lot of mercy some time the Lord will discombobulated a situation in your life because there is a creative thing that he Haase and when you see [Music] the confusion our discombobulation are taking pleasure it is because he is changing the corsa of your destiny choose joseph lord help me i need to wrap this up door joseph was the favorite of the father but when he the father sent him to the periphery and they put him in a pit and they sold him to the Ishmaelites it was discombobulation in the family but God was changing the course of Joseph's destiny because God had a greater work for him to do I can tell you right now in the realm of the Spirit that there's a lot of discombobulation going on in your family right now and some of it is for good reason sir God is changing the destiny of your family and right now if you're not happy about what's going on in your family say Lord I need you to change the course of my destiny trust me our destinies change right now in the name of Jesus [Applause] I'm definite be changed my life belongs to Jesus I'm not the one I was I've been rearranged the story of my life has changed from rags to riches I cannot tell how it was but I know it just feels good for I'm definitely change sing with me I'm definitely change my life belong to Jesus my life belongs to Jesus I'm not the one I was I'm not the one I was I've been rearranged I've been rearranged the story of my life the story of my life has changed from rags to riches change from rags to riches I cannot tell how it was tell how it was but I know it just feels good for I'm definitely changed for I'm definitely change god bless you lift up your hands and worship the Lord everybody come on worship the Lord everybody go right ahead and give Him praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah dear Jesus go ahead don't don't you quit don't you quit come on let it flow let it flow let it flow child of God let it flow let it flow let it flow let the anointing flow let the will the will spring up let the well spring up hallelujah hallelujah dear God Almighty Jesus well there's nothing left for me to do this preach has really spoken the word and you have confessed the word what is left to be done in the realm of the Spirit today hallelujah hallelujah have you been blessed have you big bless your eat Oh God be seated for a couple of minutes please I have been anointing people and I just want to anoint my first-time visitors to the service today I brought me special special real special anointing oil from Israel and I made the commitment under God that I will another anoint every person will allow me to do so anoint you to health and wellness for above all things I would that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers 99% of Europe would have already been anointed but they are my first timers today but I need to anoint you in the name of Jesus the man of God really poured his heart out today god I've never quite heard about dis Minister preach like this it's a different kind of Baptist somebody praise God here give God praise this is a Baptist preacher [Applause] what a deliverance anybody feel better now everybody believes things up change talk to you feel if the pianos a change change change in the name of Jesus I am sure none of us are Kuta change nor business-as-usual change dog poverty as usual change no cars as usual change no sickness as usual not distress as you job hallelujah after eighteen years about our return infirmity jesus said hard not know this a daughter of Abraham whom Satan us bound these 18 years now she is loose touch and ever tell them you're loose in the name of Jesus you are loosed in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah no our inner Jesus Lauren Lauren [Music] sit down please let me get the few people in either Lauren for you are healed your faith has made you whole Eli if you're here join me it's not only my first time visitors virtue knows that I've not anointed as yet no more time to cry and war I [Music] I'm just gonna put this on and you and you go back praising God are you are you take it in Jesus name and walking victory some water get me alive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Aereo I am here come on my face Jesus [Music] [Music] worship God come on we are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus name lifter Hey Oh [Music] worship [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus in Jesus name in Jesus name [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're fake you're fake you're fake [Music] let's do it again you are you [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] to right [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] you Oh [Music] you are [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] No Oh [Music] everybody stand up lift up your head stop worshipping [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all your neighbors understanding peace all somebody's and standing if you can't stand that's alright say after me Lord Jesus I thank you for today I thank you for the word you have sent I thank you for the anointing you have released Jesus I have tapped into all that you have released today and I leave this house with faith in my heart that the changes that I need have been effected they have been done in the name of Jesus things will never be the same again in my body in my finances in my family in my community in this country in this charge in all the charges things will never be the same again that which is known will be lifted up that which is sick will be healed I thank you for the victory I thank you for the victory I thank you for the victory bless the preacher keep your hands up on him give him safe travel and continue to use him for your glory and for your honor in Jesus name now clap your hands and give God praise clap your hands and give Him praise clap your hands and give him praise in the name of Jesus oh my god father we thank you we thank you as it is in Psalm 133 in the name of Jesus is run down he runs beard to the skirts of his garment let it be for your serpent in Jesus name Amen amen give him praise and glory god bless you sir don't let me make two announcements and dismiss you well what a date is today oh what a day tell your neighbor what a day Jesus what a wonderful day this evening we meet for can one of my leaders get to this lady there God we meet this evening for you the family planning meeting now there are several of you who came in late did not give your offerings and after a while you bring them down here putting them down all over the place can I ask you to do one thing for me whenever you go to church this church that church any Church do not give anybody you're offering to bring down for you bring it yourself whenever you go to this church that church any Church do not give anybody your tithes to bring down for you bring it yourself do not give anybody or envelope down for you bring it yourself
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 10,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: TxCCzgC2lbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 43sec (13183 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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