Sunday Morning Live (2nd Service) - June 20, 2021

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center saint catherine jamaica west indies [Music] we bring the sacrifice to you [Music] the sacrifice [Music] we bring sacrifice into the house we bring the sacrifice the sacrifices [Music] hallelujah hallelujah let me hear your shoulders hallelujah glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus we welcome you for the second time in the house of the lord this morning we are live on the year wave and we give god the praise glory to god please take your redemption and turn to 371 a wonderful savior is jesus my lord a wonderful savior to me he hideth my soul in the claim of the rock we're reversed of pleasures i see [Music] hallelujah to me [Music] up [Music] of [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] let me [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] is glory to god [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] them [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah glory to god father in the name of jesus i come to you one more time god wanna thank you for your love we wanna thank you for your goodness this morning oh glory to god for the second time around we are good as a people just to say thank you glory to god this is the first day of the week god we walk into the sanctuary with our heads lifted up and our mouth filled with praise with our heart of thanksgiving we are here to bless you lord we thank you for the fellowship we thank you for the oneness god we thank you for the unity we want to thank you for the body of christ this morning glory to god sometimes oh god we feel down and hold up but god as soon as we reach to the door our spirit queen god and we are ready to worship so i want to thank you this morning that you wake us up in our right mind glory to god many are crumbling this morning their backs are against the wall but god we are here to say we thank you because we are standing on top of our agreeable and we are grateful oh god thank you for our faith ministry thank you for the leadership god thank you for all the ministers all the officers god the saints in christ this morning oh glory to god those that are here in the century those that are at home those who might be on the job evil right no god i pray holy spirit that you will continue to blame because together glory to god whenever you bring somebody to our spirit god help us to search for that one oh glory to god somebody might need a word somebody and i need to be encouraged all glory to god keep the body of christ god in a unity in strength oh glory to god we thank you holy spirit the past weak as god we have not solved any loss of any loved ones god so we want to thank you i don't want to ask you this morning to remember those who are grieving at this time you know them god i pray you embrace them i pray you're wrong i'm in your heart oh glory to god strengthening god it's not an easy one to deal with god but it was the era for mary and mata and i know that this morning you are still standing with those family of your way this morning oh god today we celebrate as father's day oh glory to god continue god to encourage the fathers continue god to provide for them and even those that are not doing what you are supposed to do god i pray that this father's day 2021 will take them to a new dimension they will step up to the plate god and they will do as a father oh glory to god you placed them at the center you placed them at the head oh glory to god with all the fathers there will not be a mother oh glory to god lord jesus you are doing it that the men play that special role continue to inspire them this morning oh my avenue for them many doors are closed and many of the fathers god but i pray in the name of jesus that will give them an insider lord jesus christ tell them to a new dimension oh glory to god have you we have us this morning and god in this ministry our father our spiritual father bishop davis god i pray your strengthening this morning on a journey and god has inspired him god to do the duty of our apostles so god i pray your straightening this morning oh god as your minister to him oh god give him the strength to go on have you already among us this morning do a new thing in this church god even those that are viewed right now help them lord to know that you're still here have your way god we give this service into your hand remember the servant with the word anoint such a one god let the world come forth with power let somebody be strengthened let somebody live lord god showed in a victory song because they have got a word straight your servant this morning they were quite very quiet ministry the very singer that will say now oh god god's favor i pray of strengthening god touch each and every one this morning god those that will participate in whatever they do in this service god i pray your straight name god the glory is yours the praise is yours god i tell you the answer in jesus name hallelujah glory to god hallelujah [Music] hallelujah to god thank you jesus we bless your name we bless your name glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord let me greet one and all this morning in the marchless name of jesus let me greet our bishop bishop davis minister davis all the ministers god almighty all the visitors are saints i love them this morning i greet you in the mighty name of jesus please stand those that are seated and take your bibles missionary myra will be coming to read the scripture for us praise the lord praise the lord it asks his mind to read the scripture it's coming to you from ii timothy 4 verses 1 to 22 if you have find it if you find it say amen praise the lord i see those pages turning praise the name of jesus ii timothy 4 we're reading from verses 1 through to 22 praise the name of jesus praise the lord i begin i i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at is appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season and of out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own loss shall they heep to themselves teachers having itching heirs and they shall turn away their heirs from the truth and shall be turned onto fables but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of their ministry for i am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them that also that love is appearing do thy diligence come shortly unto me for demos has forsaken me having loved this present world and is depart unto thessalonica crescent to galatia titus to the damasha only luke is with me take mark and bring him with thee for he is profitable to me for the ministry and tishikos have i sent to ephesus the cloak that i left a trust with corpus when thou comments bring with thee and the books but especially the parchments alexander the copper smith did much did me much evil the lord reward him according to his works of whom be the where also for he hath greatly withstood our words at my first answer no man stood with me but all men forsook me i pray god that is that it may not be laid to their charge notwithstanding the lord stood with me and strengthened me that by me the preaching might be fully known and that all the gentiles might hear and i was delivered out of the mouth of the lion and the lord shall deliver me from every evil work and will preserve me unto the heavenly kingdom to whom be glory for ever and ever amen salute priscilla and aquila and the old soul of oni for us eratos aboard a current but trophomeos have i left at mellitum sick do their diligence to come before winter ebola's greeted thee and punden and lintos and claudia and all the brethren the lord jesus christ be with thy spirit grace be with you amen praise the lord the lord has spoken come on the lord has spoken let the church say praise be to god god bless you glory to god hallelujah put those hands together plant them for the lord come on man rejoice glory to god hallelujah you can be seated hallelujah at this time make welcome the ministry of the voice of inspiration as they minister to us [Music] so you gotta take some time out to praise the lord you got to take some time out to praise the lord praise him for the problem he brought us through praise him for the blessing that he gave unto you gotta take some time out to praise the lord and take some time out to praise the lord [Music] you gotta take some time to praise the lord [Music] praising for the blessings [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] we're gonna take some time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] me [Music] the lord thank you lord for the victory [Music] alone oh [Music] it's so strange [Music] thank you for the [Music] oh victory [Music] [Music] is [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is you wanna take your time i'm from [Applause] is oh is oh oh you've got a case [Music] hallelujah bless the name of jesus my name is worker melissa graham and i will be doing the welcome and acknowledgement today jeremiah 17 7 says blessed is the man who trusts in the lord and has made the lord his hope and confidence good morning everyone and happy father's day to our spiritual father bishop dr delphi davis and to all the fathers that are present with us and viewing on our various networks we celebrate with you this morning do have yourself a wonderful day and feel free to feast that the mass is stable a warm and holy ghost welcome to all our other visitors friends well-wishers browsers who have journeyed with us from inception and to those who have just started a very pleasant morning to you and welcome to our second sunday morning worship service you are important to us yes you are and we appreciate your presence and involvement on our cable network channel 602 and 672 that's on flow and digital play channel 20 via the internet via youtube and also via instagram on behalf of our bishop dr delford davis his wife minister petrova davis our senior assistant pastor reverend isilda noteman the ministerial staff the pfm family we extend a heartfelt and sincere welcome to you all please feel free to worship sing pray with us as without expectation there can be no manifestation because your expectation is your faith in action you have yourself a blessed week [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory oh god today is father's day and to bring us a special presentation is no other than exalter francine mccollum just put your hands together and make her welcome [Music] shall we praise the lord praise the lord i have a very extra strong message to share with all the fathers this morning indeed today is deemed as father's day and at this time i'll ask all the fathers right across the auditoriums to stand the message i'm about to deliver has been burning in my heart for some time now and today it is finally here today is the day i will wish you happy father's day now i want you to look at the father closest to you you'll not say anything to them instead you will ask the females today it's the same thing she's going to like this morning now the females are going to answer one way to find out one way to find out you may take your seats while the credit is still on the phone you see the operator do something this morning and should disconnect me but i just go back you see and i just dial up and i get 30 water credit for my phone so that will last me ended up two minutes no make a caller because time is running hello yes good morning now i was in a conversation with you this morning and you just cut the phone off like that man i do appreciate that because i never have enough time to tell the message no no you know what i've really and truly delivered the message this morning you know but i have something extra special to tell them say you want oh it's not you what do you talk to this morning my apology mom but you can go ahead and hook me up hook me up hook me up and hello remember to put me on speaker because i only have two minutes yes hurry up now please sure call them shaka oh you don't have the number sorry one eight hundred call all of the further them oh you said the number is two you know said the next lady did tell me that this morning take off the damn eat a ring it ringing hello and speaker mom yes i want to talk to all the fathers then yes i want to give you a strong word and message this morning no i want to tell you no thanks as a i want to talk to all of the daddy damn i want to make sure that all of you know that you are special i want you to know that we thank you for all of the things that won't have been doing over the years that has gone unrecognized we're going highlight today this morning i want to tell you no thanks for the many different type of meals that you cook and nobody never take notice of it sometimes so no cookies and it's so wonderful but guess what you know i have some father we can really cook up a storm into our kitchen and we want to thank enough for that i want to thank enough for the wheel to teach the young man them all to shine them shoes and make it look sharp and dapper i want to thank them to teach your young men them how to dress proper i want to thank you know to discipline them not beat them not abuse them but discipline them yet no enough happiness they can finish talking yeah i want to tank no because every graduation and function on a turn up into on a three-piece suit sometime i'm gonna not have no suit but to know we will not have i wanna represent we want to tank oh no we want to tank no fee every single day one on a goddamn in our prayer on a prayer because when when i pray no man pray trung you know i know not afraid to hear when they near by them listening but button still shout out hallelujah just the same we want to know we want thank you for the many times you know work out here in the sun sometime even if we're not working our office it's hard but still be a good father to honor children i will want to thank you know but you know something i want to thank all of the fathers them especially but we don't want to leave out one father and that is the father which is up above i want to know to take this time out to look up and say father god we thank you oh no look up my mind stop madonna neck look up and say father god we thank you we thank you and guess what happened you see all of the fathers them who know said they now really do a good job who don't have enough time if you brush up and start do better not you yes so because of that today our father's dear and we want to settle oh no god bless you know god keep oh no and god will always guide him for tequila amen you caught me up you never cut me off like this money you hello she caught me off hallelujah praise the lord good and clapper man wonderful glory to god this is our third sunday missionary sunday and the women of words are in action [Music] normally they make a token for our fathers with our cable president minister tamika peter king and our team along with the missionary council this morning they have a token of love to present to all the fathers so at this time i'm going to ask all the fathers please don't stand you're a father and you're here please stand hallelujah our missionaries are coming around to give you that talking [Music] thanks i give you thance [Music] is [Music] i give you [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] is praise the lord hallelujah let me hear you praise the lord please jump on believe us and give him a praise hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus fathers we celebrate with you and it was my pleasure serving this morning at this time to minister to us is it is god's favor put your hands together and the next voice you will hear is the voice of our minister minister dr pechova davis when she comes make her welcome god bless you in jesus name [Music] hallelujah go ahead and lift your hands in the presence of the lord this morning come on give the lord a hallelujah praise come on if you are happy to be in the house of the lord if god has been really good has he been really good to you hallelujah hallelujah this morning we just want to encourage you through song we just want to minister to your spirit and open up your hearts as we sing this song to bless you and to give glory to the name of the lord come on lift your hands one more time hallelujah hallelujah just go ahead and worship for a minute just go ahead and worship worship worship him hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus i've got wanting and you can't take people away [Music] left and right [Music] [Applause] is the universe don't pass [Music] myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] surrounds me with painful memories but i so need [Music] to [Music] is all the way [Music] please [Music] is [Music] [Applause] storm of fear now surrounds me painful memories [Music] so lord i call you me please [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] all the way [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please please [Music] please lift your hands and shout something to the king to the lord of our lord hallelujah [Music] is [Music] oh hallelujah glory to god this after but this morning we are asking the lord to take our hands because when our hands are in the hands of the lord we know that we are secured when our hands are in the hands of the lord we know we are protected when our hands are in the hands of the lord we know everything shall be well o glory to god glory to god thank you jesus as uh glacier reminds us this morning when the cares of life is all that we see she's asking the lord to walk us through them hallelujah and god is able this morning he said we should cast all our tears upon him because he cared for us and we trust god this morning for his manifold blessings glory to god a wonderful day in the presence of the lord this morning hallelujah and from my heart to the fathers this morning i want to say happy happy father's day to all the dads they say anyone can be a father but to take a special man to be a dad oh glory to god this morning so to all the dads this morning i lift my heart and i salute you god bless you thank you jesus this morning we are preparing to receive the morning speaker but just before i do so i want to personally convey my special greetings on behalf of our pastor apostle bishop dr delford davis the ministerial staff here at the power of faith ministries all the executive council members the general membership those that are present in the house and those that are out there praise god i want to say god riches blessings be yours we had a wonderful service this morning and we are here the presence of the lord is with us again and i know our hearts are open and believing god that the best is yet to come glory to god hallelujah our spiritual father of the power of faith ministries bishop doctor delford davis is at the evangelistic association 86e walton park road he'll be ministering there i don't know he should be i don't know if he gets the michaels yet but he should be back for the dedication of babies at 12 noon immediately after the second morning's worship dr v t williams bishop dr v t williams celebrating his 90th birthday and they asked him to come and minister so he's there this morning to do the honor pray his strength and may the lord continue to bless him and to you and to you and to all of you the wonderful ushers the ministers and just about everybody the av department which have put their best foot forward under the crisis they have not relent on av department god richly bless you ministers god bless you ushers oh you're outstanding god bless your prayer department oh you're second to none god bless your power faith members your faithfulness your dedication your sincerity your loyalty with which you serve the work of the lord and this ministry i know heaven will be worth it all for you we can pay you but god will reward you richly hallelujah glory to god i look and i saw sister evan shaw i'm sure that's you god bless you for those of you who do not know her her name was like a household name always in touch always greeting the church is with us for a little while we are happy to have you ma'am enjoy your stay while it lasts god bless you and if there be anybody else visiting god richly bless your viewing audience and everybody please stay tuned this morning a young man as you know as father's day he is a father of two wonderful amazing children praise god and he's here this morning has been preaching the word of god for many years he's no stranger to power faith ministries he has ministered here before and he has ministered here maybe about three weeks ago in one of the fasting services he did both services and this morning we are blessed and honored to have with us pastor germain lynn he's coming at this time to herald the word of god and to minister to our hearts put your hands together open up your heart and receive him now in care of god on the holy ghost god bless you praise god [Music] hallelujah praise god god is good god is good and all the time come on look at the person beside you and just tell them that very same word god is good all the time come on tell somebody god is good all the time [Music] hallelujah come on leave those ends above your heads this morning everybody [Music] one of the things i am noticing as we go through this very very challenging and strange time i cannot help but to notice that there are many persons who have lost the zest the zeal they have lost that crave that hunger that desire for the things of god and that is predominantly because we have been cast or thrown into an unfamiliar territory we're not used to praising god in masks we're not used to uh not being able to lift our hands and run and celebrate as we ought to praise god and so i'm noticing in many many congregations not only in jamaica but all across the world people feel as though they are restricted they feel as though they are constrained but i would to god there is one person here this morning who came out because you said to god god i will bless you at all times i i know i've been restricted by my fierce covering but i know my covering does not stop you from hearing what i've got to say david said i will that means i have willed my body to bless the lord not sometime not when things are convenient not when things feel good not when things are working as they alter but i will bless the lord at all times somebody say all time somebody say old times his praise i don't hear your power fear i know you've got the mask on praise god but if you have to just drive down for your nose will open your mouth for 10 seconds just give your way [Music] [Music] i can't hear y'all hallelujah hallelujah i i see i don't know about nobody else and i'm serious about this church of god i cannot afford to let the limitations and the restrictions and my fears stop me i heard one preacher ludicrously and ignorantly stated that they're not going to know church got prayers gardener no mascot god can't hear you lord have mercy now i want you to understand this even before you open your mouth god knows what your intents are i'm trying to help somebody here see we are used to shouting and doing all the things we know how to do as we see fit but this morning i want you to understand that nothing the enemy tried to put on you to hinder you to stop you to slow you down will not work leave your answer they will not work lift your hand above your head so they will not work in jesus name i am going to praise god minute here meaning here if god can't protect me from corona i don't know what he can protect me from we said god is evil but do we really believe it this morning ah can't touch nobody can't help nobody and because of that people's spirits are damned this morning i want to encourage you i want to encourage you this morning it shall be well i can't get no help in this church this morning i said it shall be well it shall be well it not look like it now all kinds of reports but i'm here to announce to somebody the script is already written i i'm trying to help you i said the script is already written we know where this will all go we know how it got turned out and jesus gets all the victory at the end somebody give him a praise in this house if you love him somebody give him a praise in this house if you love him i shall lift up your voice open up your mouth and give jesus a prayer as if you love him the must not wine stop me come on somebody the restriction that one stop me the distance from my brother and my sister not one stop me i am excited to be in the presence of god for in his presence [Music] i hear many many preachers misquote the scripture and they say when the praises go up blessing come down that ain't what the bible says see that's what i'm talking about this morning just preaching the bible the bible it clears that god dwells in the praise of his people that mean when the praises go up god don't just send something on himself come down come on somebody when you open your mouth god said whatever the situation is whatever the circumstances i'm not getting no help in here this morning whatever it is you're going through god so when you begin to praise me i will step oh somebody ought to give it to him this morning somebody ought to give it to him this morning hallelujah hallelujah some of you can't tell when not to get loose in the presence of god see before i started preaching in power fiat i used to watch it on television [Music] and let me tell you why one prophet is one of the first churches i opted to come praise god because when i looked at all that four feet does the we honor prayer the kind of worship i want to say to somebody this morning not only in the sanctuary but in every one of the overflow in every one of the rooms on this compound praise god i want to say to you remember remember remember the good all this last week i went to the back and i started to look on that that little board with all the pictures praise god and i said my god these people don't realize how fortunate and privileged they are to have such an amazing ministry come on somebody but i paused to say this morning there ain't no great ministry without great leadership put your hands together for the illustrious anointed man of god the indubitable bishop dr delphi davis come on god's chosen handmade for such a time as this church of god i say this as an absolute pleasure and honor to be standing in this sacred desk church of god it would be remiss of me to not mention his amazing wife dr petrova davis church of god i appreciate but more than appreciate i admire these people a great deal amen somebody to all the ministers all the pastors and everybody praise god who makes this auspicious house what it is greetings to you from the choir praise god to the ushers to the prior mothers every single thing minister brian praise god god bless you amen glory to god church of god i've got a word i want to preach this morning i know it's father's day praise god and uh i know the preacher before me must have done his great deal of just being a blessing to everybody praise god but this morning i want to add my voice and my two cents to today's proceedings and just see where the lord would take us today is that all right church of god is that all right this morning praise god the last time i was here praise god i i spoke from my heart and i want you to hear me very clear carefully this morning church of god you may take your seats for a short minute praise god because i want us to have some church in here this morning now listen the last time i was here i spoke a word praise god and i shared my testimony of how much god has been doing the place that god has brought me from and all the hell that i've had to endure to reach this point i've come upon many persons who felt as though the message spoke to them i've come upon many persons who felt as though i was too candid i was too open in the way that i shared my testimony but can i tell you this morning church of god this is not even my sermon but i just want to encourage somebody along this line this morning never be ashamed of where god took you from let me let me just and i'm dead serious stretching god let me let me just say this i am not here to impress nobody let me just say for the record brothers and sisters because i know people look at me up here and then say wow what an amazing opportunity let me say something to you when you know without any shadow of a doubt who god is church of god some things don't move you no more come on somebody platforms don't move me no more whether i get the mic or not i'mma preach because that's what god called me to do come on somebody i want us to get to the place where we are not ashamed to talk about where god take we're from too much people in the church of jesus christ and we are ashamed we give the impression as though this is how we were from the day we were born uh so we come praise god we just love god all the time amen we just had it together all the time that ain't how it is praise god we all have a story look at the person beside you and tell him i've got a story but you're not saying it convincingly tell him i've got a story jesus amen so today's father's day i want to personally congratulate and greet all the men who have stood beside that woman in rearing and raising the child or children praise god i greet you well this morning i want to also make mention of all the mothers who have wits to the test of time by yourself see i say that on the backdrop of this my mother have ten children nine boys one girl now i want you to hear me hear me very carefully because this is why i know women are special i saw my mother raised ten nine ten children nine boys and a girl almost all by herself now i can tell you this as a matter of fact none of us are inaudible none of us not in a prison none of us not in a scamming no no we are not teeth you're not talking to me praise god hallelujah no no we know god uncertain we heard pastor michael mirage preach it this morning i don't want to go into it the who allah is treated come on somebody praise god now last two to three weeks i had a brother who passed on and i'm going to ask every member of this church to pray for pastor lingard and family when he had prayed and don't just pray and say god bless them i want your call my name single me out say god bless bustling touch him touch him family because we've been encountering a hard time church of god i might get to the word in a minute but i'm excited to be here church of god just three weeks ago i have a brother who met in a bike accident my last brother for my mother only 18 years of age met in a bike accident a few days later we got a chance to see him on the phone and we were talking to him praise god we exchanged pleasantries and everything seemed as though it was improving lo and behold i was at home church of god because my family lives in the country i was at home and at 3 30 i was up praying and i know that would be a good point to make praise god but that's true i was operating and i saw my phone ran the moment i looked at the phone and saw my sister in the country calling me i said yes lord this is it my brother just died like that no explanation somebody who sat upon the bed and spoke to us at length the day before we just got a call that he passed that was devastating not only for my mother but for the whole family because never in the history of our family have we ever had somebody that young who passed on let alone a brother i've never had a sibling die so you can imagine how it has been for my family it has been tumultuous it has been rough to say the least last week sunday before my wife went to church the mechanic who works on her car called to say he has an appointment in the country and he needs to go down praise god he borrowed her car that sunday evening all of sunday night monday morning no thing from the gentleman they did some calls and some inquiries and or devastation he was in an accident as well kia right off right off lick somebody else's vehicle right off we my other brothers and myself about five to six of us drove down to the country i gotta preach in a minute i promise i won't feel you i've got a word but i gotta lay this foundation we drove to our brothers um gathering down in the country and when we got there my other brother who drove the car that i rented yeah cause i sold my car a few years ago to put into the ministry that you know i was i was under back then six hundred thousand i was telling minister last week six hundred thousand dollars norman i drive after the renting car the car we rented to go to the country we were at the event of my brother's passing and church of god when i looked i just hear somebody call me say pastor lane you're not here see your brother crash the car get outside now just left like from here in the same community where we grew up like from here to open again a little further tear out the whole front end all them carry are not cheap these days to fix anybody with no more vehicle no come on somebody praise god kiara almost right off again now i don't know how you want to look at that but i can tell you ever since my wife and myself have decided we're going to fight for this thing we're gonna work on this thing all hell now how many of us understand that victory is supposed to cost you something [Music] ah lord have mercy as a victory it ain't gonna happen easily it's not going to work just so look at somebody and tell them victory it costs something let me hasten to the text this morning brothers and sisters brothers and sisters it is already able to read praise god you know our sermous service praise god so we don't want to take too much time now to go back to it i want you in your own time in your own spare time to go through the book of second timothy because no question as to whether or not god is speaking to his church in this season do i have a witness in the house this morning now we we we read this morning from the book of second timothy in the fourth chapter but i want to go back a little to the third chapter is that all right is that all right this morning church of god second timothy chapter three just for little pre-face just for a little uh context amen if i may it says this also know that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves convictus bolsters proud blasphemous disobedient to parents i wonder if any of you see yourself yet praise god unholy without natural affection truth breakers false accusers incontinent fears despises of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power of the era from such from such from such turn away let us pray father we thank you for your word this morning we deem it a great privilege and a honor just to stand in your illustrious presence we do not take it for granted this morning god that you have gathered us in this fashion all we ask for the duration of today is that your presence will be with us oh great jehovah keep us in the hollow of your hands o god sheal us from the onslaught of the adversarial one oh we pray this morning god that you would rest your hand upon every man every meal every boy oh god this morning who are made up in their mind i will not bow to the dictators of the world system i am going to stand and i will live for my god father i pray today that you speak a word in every heart speak a word in every spirit from the sanctuary to youtube from youtube to instagram from instagram to facebook and in every area of this church oh god on this compound from the back to the front move by your power oh bind every devil this morning jesus oh break every hex mash up every spell all we come against we support incantation we come against divine god orbia we come against necromancy who do who do spell we pray this morning in the name of jesus oh god that you would grant divine supernatural protection for your people oh god you've told us that creator is he that is in us than he that is in the world so this morning we will not fear we are fully confident in whom it is that have called us today god we celebrate you on this father's day we lift our hands to you and we say thank you for being a good father oh thank you for being a good father we honey this morning and we give you the praise in jesus name somebody say man somebody say amen brothers and sisters this morning i want to talk to us for the few moments i've got left praise god i promise i will not keep you long but as i looked at chapters number four of the book of second timothy i cannot help but to notice how fascinating it is oh amazing it is praise god at how god operates within the confines of the church when i look at how god operates with this church brothers and sisters i cannot help but to be in awe why do you say that pastor length because when i look at how god treats his church he ensures that nothing ever takes us by surprise brothers and sisters in the book of second mafia i want you to understand what is happening here because herein we see the man of god on his departure on the verge on the cusp of leaving praise god that which he's used to praise god he calls his prodigy timothy the little one who is under study praise god the mafia was paul's understudy and we see apostle paul calling to mafia and he says hey i'm about to leave the time of my departure is at hand he says now there are some things i want to leave with you before i go because not only is it important for me to leave this it is important for you to understand the spirit that you ought to operate in after i'm gone now see that's one of the things that i'm noticing we don't see a lot today especially in pentecostal churches because it has been over the years so much competition the one who comes now feels like his position ought to be to take the position of the one who was before him nobody wants to pass on anything again nobody wants to ensure that those who come after them are properly taught and trained now i know by now you say pastoring you have not given us a topic for this sermon now as i preach i want every one of you to deduce your own topic you are going to choose what you get from this today praise god almighty so church paul talks is the mafia and he says to mafi i am about to leave he gives him all the instructions about church of god there is something in chapter four that i want us to see in chapter four paul was very element that it is important for you the mighty to do some things and do it a certain way he comes and he says to nothing else you got to understand i charge you he says to mafi i am charging you now see you gotta understand the original hebrew behind all of this because the charge that paul gave to mafi is almost a charge of a weakness in a court when paul's i'm charging you what he's actually saying to timothy is i want to hold you accountable to these things why because paul understood the importance of maintaining a certain level of spirituality church of god the bible says that paul says to the mafia i charge you therefore but the charge the first thing he said to timothy i'm trying to cut and paste here because of time the first thing he says was preach the word preach not a word preach not what you feel preach not your religious pursuit one preach not what feels comfortable to you he says preach god almighty the word i don't know if you know this but we are living in a time where man want the word of god no more we are living in a time church of god hallelujah that where paul was admonishing timothy all right yes over there i know some of y'all came for a father's day sermon but you got to get this father's dear message in your belly this morning because what we really need we need more men to stand up on the front line of the battle activity and preach the clear war better the word of god we have too much preachers sit down i'm not here sit down let me talk to you sit down let me talk to you i just want to talk to you for a few minutes listen we have too many preachers and i'm sure most of you all would have known this we have too many preachers that are preaching what they think i preach what they feel i preach what i think the people want to hear church of god paul told my team to preach the word why for a time will come when men will not men will not now i know some of you are sitting now looking at me looking at me all strange because i understand what i'm saying church of god he says the time will come well i am here to announce to you today the time has come the time has come let me let me slow it down here just to talk to five people church of god just recently i have gotten so discomforted disquieted in my spirit because when i go especially through social media everybody tone profit must i preach it's like i feel it every body tone profit everybody wants to prophyly church of the living god can i tell you right now that this is part of the issue we are having people no longer want to live in accordance to the world as long as somebody come from africa come give them a word church of the living god paul did not tell timothy to prophesy him never tell him to sing all that has its place and i'm trying to take my time before hope all that has its place but paul understands that in order for the church to please god we must get back to the undiluted unsaturated world some of you are looking at me right now and some of you looking at me like me saying something's crazy because i know that you are here come on somebody you want somebody to come here until the run three time and god's gonna give you a miracle oh god almighty i've never read in the bible i might as well kill this demon where anybody prophesied and had to get a token or a gift after they did all in a sudden every prophecy of a cash up address attached to it [Music] and some believers minister sadly are being deceived [Music] because you don't understand there are two realms of word [Music] luagus and riyama [Music] spoken straight from the heart of god now we have switched the thing and instead of hearing what god says through his lugus everybody know a rondon prophecy lord have mercy but i would to god there is somebody in here who's a pastor like while it is important to hear what god is saying now i better get back to the place where god was speaking long time in the book slap your neighbor look at your neighbor your ass let them look upon them i don't know about you but i've got to get in the word shake somebody say i'm like paul i'm like paul i love the word and i understand if we don't make it we're going to make it through applying the word not the word that somebody said do we [Music] paul says to timothy preach because paul knew that the time and if you read chapter 3 you would see why it was important for muffy to teach the world i want every person in this house this morning who make up in your mind to make it come hella high water lift your hand above your head open up your mouth say lord give me a desire and an appetite for your word an insertionable desire hung up for your word a thirst for your word may never get complacent may never get comfortable god let my heart beat for your word open your mouth and praise him in here [Music] this is what many theologians regard as paul's last will and testament to timothy it is regarded as possibly his last writing before he died because soon after paul wrote second to muffy we saw church of god that paul was taken just shortly after and was beheaded he was killed come on somebody here so we understand church that paul's last word before he left was very important anybody in here knows the power of last words come on church if somebody's gonna die most times you try to hurry to them because you want to know what it is they've got to say before they go this was paul's last word to timothy what is it church himself preached the word be instant in caesar and other seas come on church ah he says for a time will come when men shall not endure sound doctrine come on he says reproof rebuke exhort with lung suffering and doctrine i don't want to stop here for a moment doctrine can i talk to somebody for two minutes doctrine is the word that messes up a lot of people a lot of people say pastoring just teaching about jesus how are you going to know about jesus before doctrine our induction is in reference and hebrew is teaching sorry for that word doctrine if there's such a thing as being sorry for a word the way the church has used that word doctrine um let them semantic send them all of them something we don't know about jesus well doctrine teaching is important it comes from the greek word the dash kalia teaching that is what is missing from the church today you're not gonna show it here but let me talk to you church of the living god we have missed the mark you don't have to believe me but if you have the spirit of god for you you're gonna know i'm talking about the church in general we don't have no hunger we don't have the desire we don't have no thirst after the word of god no more you look at people's fears he's living in church right now some of you are sleeping sleeping have the mask on sleeping why we don't understand if you're gonna make it in this time it's not going to happen because of who you know it's not going to happen because who spoke to you is going to happen because you've got some word down on the inside one writer said thy word have i hid in my heart why that i might not sin i can't speak one of the writers said how shall your man cleanse his wish but by taking heed to the word of god i don't know about nobody else but yes i love prophecy yes i love nice things but i've got to get some word down on the inside preach the word [Music] paul says the murphy teaching will be important for the time will come he says when they will not end your sound doctrine we have got to move out of this place where it is all about emotion a survey was done in 2017 and the survey says pentecostalism has relegated christianity to mere emotions we know how we operate with no half a shot we know the right things to articulate we know how to dance we know how to have church we have mastered that but what we are lacking in is being proficient in the word and i'm saying to every one of you this morning if you are one of them will say the word boring and if you are one of those who every time you get into the word you fall asleep you've got to talk to god about that church of god because i am telling you only the word a new one can keep you i don't keep church i can only preach my experience when i was going through my hell i've had many persons who reached out to me many persons who tried to help but brothers and sisters the only time i found real solace and real comfort is when i got into the world y'all don't believe me up on my phone if i don't want to read it may just play it last night the whole night i just met the bible play from genesis uh anyway we are coming just leave it plugged in promise speaker anywhere may wake up a soy god hallelujah but the word of god must take back precedence in the house of god we have too much of men's opinion we have too much of men's emotion man this man the word is what straightens us up the word is what cleanses us the word is what purify and purges us is there one person here this morning will love the word is there one person in here this morning who loves the word lift your hand above your head and give jesus a praise in here [Music] he says for of this sword they which creep i'm in the wrong verse i'm in the wrong chapter that's chapter three praise god watch for the time will come he says verse 3 when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers brothers and sisters i hate to be the beer of bad news but i want you to know we are in this place right now we are right in this place right now people don't want to hear about holiness no more [Music] church of god let me preach my preacher my heart let me tell you something i've spoken to many i've been around many now people are at the place where everybody wants to do what they feel like as long as it is convenient in other words nobody wants to be held accountable to the standard of the book we have what is now known in theological circles as subjective truth which is everybody formulates their own truth by virtue of your individual situation so you'll hear people say stuff like that is your truth not mine now i want to say to you and i'm sure most of you would have heard this before truth is relative you hear that before don't that's a lie there is one truth it no matter how you try to subvert it how you try to go around it by word it's truth church of god we have people going to church you know when we preach this this morning who know why i hear the word why do you think if a pr if if if if a person ever announced this morning that there was a prophet coming from somewhere in africa to speak this morning this should have jesse foreign praise god why what you are shows the position of your heart [Music] you can fool so many people sometime but i can tell where you are by virtue of what you are after if the word gets you bored the bible says their bosses continued in what they call the apostles doctrine you know why the apostles teaching you know why because they understood the importance of preach now let me let me break it down here for a second i'm all over the place because i have a cotton piece church again i can't give it to you like i do all the time listen the word preach comes from the greek watch where back in the day the king would had would have a man that would go out and give like a tone cry so he would go out and he would carry whatever the king wanted him to declare to the people and he would go out in the city and he would stand on a pedestal pedestal and he would utter the words hear he hear ye the words of the king that is where the word preaching comes from to bellow to speak to proclaim come on somebody watch why have we gotten our allowed ourselves church to get to the place where by virtue of all that's happening around us we'll make it a get in our way you used to talk to some people one time and you could hear something no especially after corona lord have mercy it hurt my heart to talk to some quote unquote christians now them dry when missing them dry oh my god i would to god i can't wake up somebody in a powerful this morning i would to god somebody in prophet would get to the place where he said god i don't need formality i don't need form and fashion i need thee every hour i need thee oh bless me now my savior i come is there anybody in here who says lord i need you if i don't have you i don't know what to do lord i stretch my hands to be no other help i know it's how we draw thyself we need desperation we need hunger blessed i've been my heart break my heart break from the state of the church because everybody's talking about the rapture and god coming back but are we ready christians don't even know what they believe after you get past the whole good stuff if you ask 90 of especially pentecostals what they believe them can tell you why we have moved from what god has given to us that will lead us into victory which is his word and we have taken up forms and fashions the things that god has given to us to be a blessing we have made doctrines out of them doctrines ought to give in you hear jesus preach more giving church to god in the way that people are preaching giving now we have lost our focus and we have come we have become materially centric we the church have become materially centric church of god we know hunger and thirst for righteousness no more right living now if there's one person who is qualified to preach this is me because you're looking at somebody people don't like when i testify but i get more i get more um people who appreciate it than those who don't so i can only use my personal story church that i can tell you for a fact you will only know how powerful god is when you go through certain things i am absolutely sure 100 some of you will get there not because of how comfortable you are but because of how uncomfortable you have been church of the living god i say this as an absolute fact i am not qualified to speak to any of y'all not qualified i'm not the most holy perfect righteous and all the other church jargons we would use to convey such a sentiment i'm just a young man who loved jesus a young man who has gotten it wrong but a young man who has gotten it wrong to get it right and i say this to every one of you church of god we must and i say this as an absolute fact we must get back to desiring the word if you have to lift your hand if you have a lie down on your face if you're going to fasting i want you to do it church you got to hold me love the word you won't believe me sometimes i'll be listing a sermon and the bible i play a cm time in the background why i've got to get the word inside of me why because i realize how easy it is for the enemy to sneak in and mess things up when you are off guard the word keeps you on your guard look at your name and tell him the word keeps you on your guard the truth is in god's word and not some man's ability to lie to you about things they know you desire god did not call us to preach our opinions our philosophies or any other such thing he has called us to preach the word paul exhorted timothy he says for the time will come when men will not want the word but after their own lust shall they heed to themselves teachers men who tell them things that they want to hear men praise god who just because they know ya got you some stuff come here come tell about there is a great psychological element that is connected to the ministry and to the pulpit praise god with him look on your fears now some of you know just being up here and preaching yes yes some of them need prayer just looking under the wheel somebody's looking at me like if i was to prophesy i wouldn't call you force and you would assume god give me a word for you are your fiat expression i hope you're looking at the host of god hallelujah no matter what you have got you when you're coming at church look alive a wrong church become this morning mr said no matter what hell i broke loose in your yard when you come into the house and card level yourself release yourself and give god what is rightfully his because it would never be him you wouldn't even be here in the first place [Music] i gotta close he says they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own loss shall they give to themselves teachers teachers a study was done in recent times on one of the universe on one of the churches in america and out of that survey out of that study they have now deduced that there are many churches today who do not believe the bible many preachers today who don't believe in jesus being god they call him a higher power he's not no higher power church he is the i am that i am he is adonai he is el shaddai he's yahweh he's the great jehovah oh you're not talking to me this morning church of god he is not just some power somewhere oh he's the omniscient wonder he's the all-knowing god he's the god who sits on the circle of the earth he's the god who nothing at all is hidden from him he is the great jehovah somebody praise him if you knew him this morning [Music] the reason why paul i'm almost there says they will not endure sound doctrine it's because man will have itching ears i tell people it's all the time i left me a thief appreciative come on somebody i'm trying to talk to the church people in the house of god choose what they believe so if you fall air in an area you know feel like if you bother with this soul so you have people who because they are divorced they're not teaching divorce in that church none at all pastor preached the word preached the word aleph it chokyo alif it kotoka the bible done told us what it already is a two-edged sword hello hello it could go in and it could come out so if you have to get some cut look at your name i said take court [Music] god now cut you i don't heal you and put your back together come on church oh god is there anybody here who has ever been caught by the world i know you know what i'm talking about consecrated people are people who allow consecrated people are people who allow the word of god free course another caught me as you want quote me as you want somebody near this morning if you say god caught it over me some of your watches some of you have been praying over some things for years but here the holy ghost it's in the world your deliverance is in the world is pretty important absolutely but prayer must be coupled with the word see see see i started early and i've got to close i started earlier by telling you the king would send out a bellower a man who would go out to bellow his sentiment one of the things about that is the man could not change an iota of what the king wrote i could lose him head it means whatever the king right on that decree he had to read it explicit and expressly as it was written what are you saying pastoring i'm glad you asked i am saying the book we have is a word expressly from the king come on somebody and whatever the word of god says about us that is what it is so when god told me years ago that i would do this and i would do that when i got you oh my gosh you must say god how could you have promised me this and this is my reality god said because you have deviated from the word seeking a word anytime you left the word for a word you can be in trouble because a word means it is coming from man it is man's articulation and abilities expressed in words but when you get the word lord have mercy church of the living god you know if you wonder you know i feel worried you can lift your hand above your head and say if god says it [Music] why he's not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent lift your hand above your head and tell god something in here this morning i said lift your hand above your head and tell him something he says they shall turn away their ears from the truth some of you wonder why you can't get through to them i'll a preacher preach and shall be turned unto fables got i told you when i was going through my time my rough days i started to delve into philosophy and i started to read all the great philosophers every one of them literature from aristotle the kirk soarin kirkegaard come all the way churchill i i read all stoixism i read every single one of them nisha church i read them all but i noticed something in all their writings as as prolific and as astute as they were all they spoke about was your ability to help yourself so at what point does man desire that which he cannot do for himself there must be something to this more than that which meets the eye come on somebody and so we have to get to the place where it's not just about our ability or what we can do we have to look to jehovah we have one writer says my hope is built on nothing less church of god than jesus blood see i'm trying not to shout here too much and righteousness i dare not trust but only lean on christ shake somebody tell him don't move come on tell him don't move tell your neighbor don't move a muscle tell them stay in a god get a desire for god's word develop an appetite for god's word and watch god turn things around y'all don't believe me church my situation changed when we say god if you're real listen when you know you're too when all your life your prayers god but you'll get to a point where you say god if you're real if you're real because you really need help you got to deliver me out of this and church of god he never disappoint this calls for patient endurance revelation 13 and 10 praise god and faithfulness on the parts of the saints church as the days grow more difficult and less pressure against our faith increase i encourage you to renew your commitment somebody to renew my commitment lord to renew your commitment to remain faithful to the lord to the very end the lord deeply values faithfulness and gives this promise from the book of revelation chapter 2 and 10. he says be faithful even to the point of death and i will give you the crown of life the apostle paul serves as a powerful example of living and serving faithfully to the very end he says in second timothy 4 from verse 6 to 8 he says for i am already being poured out like a drink offering and the time has come for my departure i have fought somebody say a good fight i have finished [Music] the risk i have kept [Music] now fear is inspired for me the crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous church will award to me on that day but not just to pass the land look at your neighbor say you're one of them lord have mercy look at somebody say you're one of them say you're one of them he says unto all those who long for his appearing i encourage you i encourage you all y'all in the sanctuary on the various social media platforms and all over this compound i encourage you fight a good fight to finish the race to keep the faith no matter how difficult your circumstances are remain fearful to the lord do not give in to weariness discouragement or despair do not give in to the temptations and the temporal pleasures of sin do not allow suffering persecution financial troubles or other difficulties to draw you away from the lord remain fearful to him at all cost be steadfast loyal trustworthy dependable the lord will honor your faithfulness by helping you into this life and by rewarding you in the life to come in order church of god to remain faithful yeah forget another word somebody lift both hands above your head say lord take me back come on say lord take me back to desiring the things you want me to desire cut out of me root out of me some of you're not saying it's serious from your heart or some prayer mr d go to me pluck out of me anything that is unlike you anything in me that causes you distress or pain god remove it i want to please you i want to be right with you i want to be connected with you god so whatever you got to move whatever you got to do whatever you gotta mash up mash them up in the name of jesus christ somebody said purge me oh lord somebody said purge me i cannot some of you are not serious about your salvation lift your hand above your head open up your mouth say wash me say purge me say cleanse me with your word oh shall a young man cleanse his wish but by taking heed to the word of god you need a word to get down in your spirit to get down in your pool to get down in your sword when the word takes root in your spirit you have to cry out somebody that need the word of god who open your mouth right now say lord i am hungry [Music] i'm desperate you're gonna be filled with this spirit after you've been filled with his word because the bible said he sent his word [Music] and he healed them church of god i implore every man of god as i close every woman of god and all that time every apostle every prophet you can't afford to just come talk or you feel like these days we look at the church we see the situation in the church we see the condition in the church church in a local don't attitude every team gets a different call of somebody wanting to give up every day the way people mock ridicule and jeer the church these days oh my god if you're not trying to run and hide hello when people talk all the church this i know the church a money-making thing every week no you see a different past in all kinds of discrepancies praise god and inconsistencies people not have good visible the church am i talking the truth [Music] at the first time woman of god sister lindo i have ever been a part of the church i feel so powerless i kid you not i'm a preacher my heart in a church friends i am hurt become a member when we just get saved the power the anointing the joy that's why we tell people may not give an old school church for nothing sorry now sing my imna praise god my signals lord jesus knows all about my troubles here we praise god you'll sing whatever you want to sing them songs had something praise god when you sung them psalms they released with the word of god no you have gospel some wouldn't have enough jesus man will not want the real thing man i got one something teal a made for fit freedom situation but church of god there is a standard the bible is the standard and whether or not you like it you're happy live by it it is what god has given to us and on this father's day i want to say to a man a brother the best thing you can do no matter what we said to them or fathers the best thing you can do today my brother best thing is to live a life that is pleasing to god it's to live a life that god can be honored by and no matter what i call it you can appear somebody stole a panel today no matter how much things were supported that was so good and favorable at the end of the day your duty as a man is to be the priest of god in your household amen somebody amen somebody and so today i implore every woman don't give up on that man pray of him continue to use the word amen use the word over your husband i know some of them still bad i kid you not church and i say that with utmost humility some ladies are struggling to suffer because of the man they're with and that's the truth but i want to encourage you to the lady don't give up on him pray for ephemer prayer for your son amen amen church now how many of us plan that this week we're going to get into the world no matter busy with me lift your hands that's why i bless god for bishop davis no no no no excuse me come on somebody if i turn my phone on no his face is the first face papa teaching and preaching every night log on get the word in you praise god i may not talk about this word just scripture that type of word in proper context we need people who are no longer babes but people who are growing in god jump up on your feet everybody i want to pray i want to pray with somebody today who says pastoring from there that they may have it [Music] but i don't have the time to spend in the world lift up your hands right where you are you're here today as a pastor a desire to know god more through his word lift up your hands all over this building all over all overflows in the upper room sanctuary everywhere youtube facebook and instagram lift up your hands today we are going to tell god god i need more i need more of you lord wash me purge me cleanse me from everything everything that is unlike you know i want you to repeat after me say dear jesus today i repent for all the times i have ignored your word give me a desire an appetite a hunger for your word for your word let your word be in me as a well spring come on tell him whatever you want to tell him this morning church go on talk to him tell him god i'm hungry for your word thirsty [Music] come on everyone here talk to him in the overflowing everywhere the word is what i need the word is what you need the word is the only thing that brings real comfort in times of trouble the only thing that brings real peace in times of chaos and conflict the word god's word is truth church of god i bless god for you today it was an absolute pleasure serving you and today i spoke predominantly from my heart because i want people to hear my heart these days we we we gotta move from the hype we gotta move from the excitement and we have to get real because whether you wanna believe it time is winding down god bless you pray for pastoring all right please god bless you have a powerful and productive rest of the day amen [Music] glory to god we honor his you give him all the praise just leave your right hand with me and almighty god as we stand in your awesome presence god your word their spirit and their life david said i word have i hid in my heart that i sin not against the o god your word divine god ah jesus is like a twedged sword piercing to the dividing a son of soul and spirit bones and marrow god and it's a discerner of the heart hallelujah and so no god almighty i pray you give us that hunger that thirst you said they that hunger and thirst of the righteousness shall be filled lord jesus i pray that the holy spirit of god will rise up in our hearts again divine god take us back to the basics take us back to sanctification take us back to holiness take us back divine god to romans chapter 12 to present our bodies as living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto you god which is our reasonable service not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds to prove that which is good and acceptable and perfect will of god holy ghost of god special option special anointing on our lives right now man class again divine god let it come out of the recesses of our hearts our glory to god this morning god there's just too much to gain to lose god we will not rise up early sit up light and eat the bread of sorrow oh holy ghost of god do a complete work in us again take us back to the old landmark god take us back to the place where we first receive your renew the first love against jesus christ our glory to god um spirit of the living god fall afresh on us this morning hallelujah we thank you lord we thank you we thank you you say we must ask and it shall be given seek and we shall find knock and it shall be open we are asking this morning god almighty bread of heaven feed us feed us hallelujah oh glory to god thank you jesus have your way again god thank you for your word thank you for your manservant god under gerd surround anoint her keep him oh glory to god in your very presence right now bless us all together we tell you thanks again for another well-spent day in your presence in jesus name amen and god's people say amen just give him a wave of friend just give him a wave our friend this morning hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus we honor your presence lord hmm oh glory to god hallelujah spirit of god hallelujah god hallelujah yes holy ghost [Music] oh god hallelujah jesus yes lord almighty god mighty god mmm moses [Music] yes lord yes yes yes as paul told timothy just turn up the gifts hey god almighty ah jesus yes lord let there be a story and let there be a coming together oh jesus jesus holy spirit of god oh jesus glory to god [Music] yes holy spirit oh god god god yes this is your church oh jesus glory hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah yes lord glory jesus jesus holy spirit holy spirit our god ah jesus glory to god mighty god mighty god [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah there is there is a rekindling a move of god hallelujah sorry i don't have the time glory to god hallelujah god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus water baptism will be unsaturated 26th of june 6 30 a.m at the forum beach hotel at forum beach praise god so baptism will be on saturday the 26th of june at 6 30 a.m at the forum beach praise god and immediately within another 20 minutes will be having the blessing or the dedication of babies right here for those parents who have registered their babies praise god sister tamara campbell tamara campbell if you are in reach of my voice or anyone knows her praise god i am in the possession of a laptop which was given to me by deacon mark antony green from overseas and asked me to convey to tamara campbell so tamara if you are listening or anyone knows her tell her to get in touch with me i have a laptop from deacon mark and tony green to convey to you god richly bless you lord bishop hopefully he should be here any time now as he had preached at the evangelistic center dr vt williams 90th birthday praise god i have in my possession some not a lot i gave out most of them in the first service i have a few gift vouchers to go to the supermarket if you're here especially the brothers because today is father's day and i also have two special envelopes i gave out two in the first service and i have two more special day special offering or gift for a needy father so if two needy fathers are here i have two envelopes for you and i have maybe about nine gift vouchers first preference our fathers praise god just stand with me at this time thank you jesus and the other odd places wherever as we prepare to give our offering to the lord make the necessary arrangements now as we prepare take out your tithes and your offering in your hands at this time as we honor the lord with our substance and with the first fruit of all our increases so that our barns will be filled with plenty and our presses will burst forth with new wine and no almighty god as we lift up our hearts to you lord as we are about to give an offering our tithes and our offering out of thine own we are giving back to you jesus you have blessed us god with jobs you are blessed us with businesses you have blessed us with different resources and oh god almighty we want to show our love and appreciation to you and every hand that will stretch forth out of the love of their hearts as they give to back to you this morning i pray god you return to them oh god 34 64 100 fold our god and us david so let their cup and run over divine god bless us now we pray gifts are blessed give us our blessed both for your glory and we tell your thanks amen and amen god richly bless you in my turn down and give your tithes on your offering at this time thank you jesus praise god hallelujah it was not another wonderful day we thank you very much for your commitment your loyalty to the lord and we continue to pray for you that you'll not go weary you'll not relent you will not give in but you'll fight to the very end because we have an indomitable spirit within us the holy spirit of god and we are going to continue praise god thank you jesus and as you go back just stand with me as we do our mantra and pronounce the benediction i am healthy i am healthy prosperous wise and strong i am god's anointed i shall live long i have my abundant life in jesus christ god shall perfect that which concerns me and no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper in jesus name the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us no one forevermore and god's people say amen praise god god bless you again have a wonderful rest of the day the relevant persons will be taking part in the blessing of babies thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at for more information stay tuned
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 14,107
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Id: wO1Qpwgabr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 19sec (8419 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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