Sunday Morning Live (2nd Service) - August 08, 2021

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[Music] you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center st catherine jamaica west indies [Music] from the rising of our son to the going door god name is worthy to be praised we adore him hallelujah we glorify your name king jesus hallelujah let everybody hallelujah be confounded and you'll be lifted up in the name of jesus hallelujah we sing your praises glory to god hallelujah hallelujah please clap your hands up for jesus christ this morning hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah i will praise him i will praise him praise the lamb for sinner slain [Music] foreign [Music] will praise him i will praise him i will praise him praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for glory holy people [Applause] [Music] them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i hallelujah each day [Music] hallelujah is [Music] oh is [Applause] [Music] me is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he has done crazy oh [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this morning [Music] hallelujah what are we here for this morning hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you hallelujah [Applause] is [Music] my [Music] voice is [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with us [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] [Music] right here [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we shall we [Music] [Music] [Music] this morning we adore him this morning because he's the reason why we are here this morning we are here to glorify his name we are here to praise the god that is all forever and ever and ever we thank you jesus thank you lord our hymn this morning our congregational hymn will be coming from a hundred and [Music] 110 this morning um it goes this way there is not a friend like our loving jesus no not one no not one [Music] o this [Music] my is oh [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] there's no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh jesus [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] one more time [Applause] [Music] is hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we praise our god that promise and his promise is true there is not a friend like our loving jesus no not one hallelujah we'll go in prior make a halter right where you are and let us pray to the god that is forever the god who enables us to be here this morning thank you jesus we pray father you are the one that made us the promise that you will guide us through this life lord jesus we are here this morning because of you we are not here on our own lord god we are here because you signal us to be here you sanction us to be here you provide for us to be here you guide us to be here lord jesus so we thank you this morning we praise you this morning you are the holy god of zion you're the only true god the god of life we breathe this morning because of you we can see this morning because of you we can walk this morning because of you jesus and we thank you this morning we bless you this morning we adore you this morning lord jesus you're the great almighty you're the god of our salvation you are our righteousness oh god you are our faith oh god and we know that without you jesus we are nothing so lord jesus we pray this morning that as we come to worship you lord god that we may worship you in spirit and in true and help us lord god but when we shall have left this temple lord god we may have more of you jesus we may not just leave as we came but we leave with more of you we thank you this morning for the congregation we thank you for those who are watching over the tv and browsers oh god youtube we thank you for everyone this morning we welcome everyone this morning in your name and we praise your name this morning and we glorify you this morning because you're the god of righteousness you're the god who never failed oh god many these days do not look to you jesus they don't believe but lord as the writer says oh god one day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord you are our lord lord god you save us and you are keeping us oh god you deliver us from the wicked world the world that we live in where unrighteousness is flourishing lord jesus we are unrighteousness seems to be the art of the day but we pressed on with you jesus we know that you are the winner and no matter what happened jesus we know that you will conquer for us and we praise you this morning thank you for everyone that is in this congregation those who are watching those who are on their way lord god we hope that a blessing may come upon them this morning we thank you those who are sick this morning we hope that they will be healed those who need jesus this morning in their life to change their life we hope that they may be saved before they leave here this morning we glorify you we thank you we bless you we pray for the leadership of this uh temple for the leadership of this great movement we pray for them lord jesus for you to keep them and guide them under the shadow of your wings lord jesus they need you lord god oh jesus they need a word from you each day and in each trend oh god we thank you for everyone at the end of my voice this morning thank you oh god and bless and praise and glorify his name we honor you lord and we will never leave but we'll thank will always worship and praise your holy name oh god we as we say our father wart in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil for dying is the kingdom the power and the glory they are forever and ever amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we praise a god that can never fail we thank god this morning i greet everyone oh god this morning at the end of my voice i greet first of all our leaders we greet them this morning in the mighty name of jesus and we thank god for them this morning we thank god for each and every one that is here this morning oh god we thank god for those who are listening those who are browsing those who are watching whatever they're doing once they are connected to power faith this morning we thank god for them and we thank god for them even if they are not watching we bless god this morning as we go this morning to our scripture reading which will be taken from proverbs chapter 30 hallelujah we bless god for the same time i will i will from um proverbs 13 from verse 10 to 25 sorry from verse 10 to 25 proverbs 13 13 13 1-3 13. so we go ahead and read who sow the prize at the world shall be destroyed but he that fear it the commandments shall be rewarded the law of the wise is a fountain of life to depart from the sneers of death god understand give it favors but the way of transgressions is hard every prudent man the the ever-proven man dealers with knowledge but the fool laid upon is folly a wicked messenger failed we are reading from proverbs chapter 13 from verse 10 to yes 10 or 10 only yeah sorry sorry sorry my mistake i was penetrating towards you okay we read again starting from verse 10. i'm sorry only by pride commit contention but with the well advised is wisdom wealth gutted by vanity shall be diminished diminished but he that gather it by labor shall increase hope defer make it the heart sick but when desire cometh it is tree of life it is a tree of life who so despises the world shall be destroyed but he that fear it the commandment shall be rewarded the law of the wise is fountain is a fountain of life to depart from the sneers of death good god good understanding give it favors but the way of transgressions is hard every prudent man deal it with knowledge but the fool laid upon is folly a wicked messengers fall it himself mistrip but a faithful ambassador is health poverty and shame shall be to him that refuses instruction but he that regarded reprove shall be honored the desire accomplished is sweet to the soul but it is abomination to the fools to depart from evil he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but the compassion of fools shall be destroyed evil persuade sinners but to the righteous god shall be repaid a good man leaveth an inheritance to his children children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up by the just much fool is in the telly of the poor but there is that is destroyed for what is judgment he that spirited his rod hated his son but he that love it chastise it his bedtime 25 and last the righteous eat it the satisfying of his soul but the belly of the wicked shall want we honor god for his words this morning he has spoken let the church say amen now let us raise our hand in here and give god some praise because we are here to praise god we are here to praise him because he is the author of her life he's the one who we can depend on this morning he's the one that allows us to walk many cannot walk this morning come on the virus is on us but jesus stands forever the virus will pass but god is forever salvation stands forever and if we believe in god and trust him we will overcome everything he did not specialize in anything that will overcome everything we will overcome so trust in god and be happy and praise him even in the morning when you come to church just from the morning till when church is over just fast don't eat don't drink just tell god that i'm gonna fast for more of you and you will see the result god bless you all now we'll invite an auto part of the choir voices of inspiration to sing to us this morning may you enjoy the choir god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if [Applause] [Music] again [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] some of you have lost your home some of you probably and friends are gone try not to worry because the lord is on your side my lord whatever it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm trying to smile [Music] again [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] some of you i've lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i know [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we know for sure that the sun will shine again beautiful song from the choir at this time we'll have the general welcome by brother stevenson please make him welcome praise the lord amen if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed let me hear all the free souls give a shout out hallelujah in the church this morning hallelujah amen this is a good place to be the host of the lord and indeed it's a good day to be among god's wonderful people celebrating freedom from sin and i thank the lord for having this privilege first let me acknowledge the holy spirit who's evident in our midst then let me acknowledge our shepherds our founder and co-founder are international presiding bishops and senior pastors chief apostle bishop dr delford davis and first lady minister dr petrova daves put your hands together for our pastors [Applause] [Music] amen if you are visiting us whether it's your first second or many times let me acknowledge you by the way of your hands praise the lord welcome to welcome to the power of faith ministries international the house of god where his mighty power ignites our faith creating a spiritual explosion as we recognize and worship our king we are elated that you chose to worship with us this morning in our men's sunday second service under the leadership of minister andrew brown and team to our visitors on the pfm family tv channels 672 and 602 on the floor channel channel 20 on digital play and our global viewers on youtube and facebook at psm live and our website at welcome to our power faith family right here in the sanctuary welcome it is our prayer that you will all receive a special blessing today as the service is geared towards a mighty release from the holy spirit please participate the way you can and enjoy a special blessing from the lord now remember you are not too dirty for god to cleanse you are not too broken for god to fix you are not too far for god to reach you are not too guilty for god to forgive and you are not too worthless for god to love yes god loves you god bless you and once again on behalf of our presiding bishop and his wife bishop dr delford davis and minister dr petrova davis a warm welcome to everyone visitors viewers browsers and members congregation put your hands together and help me extend a warm welcome to all god bless you and have a wonderful rest of the sunday [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah we thank god for his blessing and thank god for his praise we thank you jesus we bless you this morning and now we'll have the prison worship team return with two sons please welcome the praise and worship team hallelujah as they come hallelujah bless the name of the lord we praise you jesus we doing you lift you up and we magnify your name we glorify his name hallelujah we are together again just praising the lord as we together we are together again is [Applause] we are together again [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] we are together [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for jesus christ hallelujah and now we welcome in our presence sign and language ministry the gentlemen please make them welcome hallelujah hallelujah [Music] my son [Music] i will answer oh my god please teach me how to know your ways can i take it again [Music] please teach me enough to know your way whatever it takes whenever you want what moment you choose whatever you plan [Music] me so be my [Music] oh [Music] let me take it again so be my light and be my guide be my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody everybody myself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] good man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody tell me [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] speak to me use me lord send me lord say something to me tell me something my soul is ready my body's ready my soul is [Music] hallelujah my body say yes my mind said yes my own eyes said yes to jesus oh god i wish all of us are saying yes to god this morning yes jesus is waiting he's always clean just said yes hallelujah i know we welcome to sing for us this morning selection from evangelists lloyd edwards one of our own please welcome him as he comes hallelujah [Music] [Music] can just give the lord a wave of praise just give lord a wave of praise in the house this morning hallelujah i don't know what you come to see and who you come to see i don't know what you want to see this morning i don't know what you are about this morning but i come before the king of kings and the lord of lords he his name is jesus and he is indeed worthy of glory worthy of honor any worthy of praise hallelujah [Music] [Music] called glory so bright [Music] as i enter the game i cry the angels all met me there and they care with me from manchester [Music] i saw [Music] and i say i want to see jesus the one who died [Music] [Laughter] then i bowed on holy [Music] is [Music] glory glory to the son of god as i enter the gates of the city [Music] my loved ones oh [Music] so they took me down the streets [Music] were too many many today and i saw [Music] i spoke [Music] i want to see jesus [Music] who died for me so i me [Music] [Music] i said glory to the soul of god [Music] as i enter the gates of that beautiful city my loved ones all new to me well this is what they do and so they took me down the streets the streets of everest oh those beautiful seeds there were so many today and i saw april [Music] [Applause] [Music] luke and brother [Music] i want to see king jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i see glory to the soul of god [Music] holy [Music] my [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory glory to the son of god glory glory [Music] to the son of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] we bless your name this morning children you are glorious and nighty thank you thank you jesus what a powerful song oh bless his name bless him again bless him again with a clap oh jesus what a powerful son we bless you hallelujah our leaders waiting so without anything else i'll turn over the service to dr bishop dr delpha davis the man of the house the leader the overseer the moses of our time please welcome dr davis [Music] well give jesus a big hand of praise and celebration you can't open him out too wide and loud but you can clap your hands holy people [Music] i don't know how much you can shout unto god with the voice of triumph but certainly you can clap your hands [Music] god bless you be seated please my voice is loaned to that of our brother dominique stevenson in welcoming especially those who have joined us after he gave the welcome to in-person worshipers to viewers at home wherever om is and viewers abroad whoever you are over the seas god is good isn't he we actually welcome everybody to this second expression of worship this morning and i told you well i told the first service that i'll be doing the double today i do that from time to time as i am led of the holy spirit so i crave your prayers and your full participation missionary janet dennis has asked me to greet everybody on her behalf i did so earlier and i do so now receive greetings from missionary janet dennis wherever she is amen well i want you to pray for the brooklyn assembly because they'll be in a weekend convention august 13 through 16 that's friday 7 p.m saturday 7 p.m sunday 11 a.m and 6 p.m friday saturday sunday brooklyn new york those of you are in those general tri-state area 3619 church avenue in brooklyn new york for these very special meetings kovid style okay so bear that in mind and i have been to new york in a long time the longest since the founding of that church 26 years ago thereabout but i'll be preaching there on friday night so hope to see you brooklyn friday night for that opening service wherever i am i'll be preaching to you okay in person our hotel person but we'll be preaching to you all right so we look forward to that the lord is good listen to you so pray for the new york assembly and certainly get the zoom link from the church office call and we'll give it to you and maybe i'll give it to you before i leave today should be on my phone so you can connect we have two elders who are in mourning mood not morning morning mood elder rowan coburn lost his father and elder beckford lost his eldest sister i want to welcome you to the fatherless crew but i don't know if i should but i welcome you nevertheless that's life isn't it all right you don't take it in the spirit with which i give it it's life we've been there before elder we'll go there again and one day we will be there so let us pray for ella coburn and elder beckford and the beckford's family sister daley she's a sister to pray for her and may they rest eternally in their eternal own praise the name of jesus anybody you're scared of dying frightened for dead well you wouldn't show your hand i don't think you would don't be fear don't be fearful of that which you can do nothing about just if there's a preparation that needs to be made you make the preparation am i making any sense minister scott you're going to worry up your blood blood pressure about dying and you can't do nothing about it look how many people have died before us we see them come we see them go and they are human beings just like we are but we empathize with you and pray for you this morning i made an emphatic statement that god said to the church through jeremiah 29th chapter on the verse 11 one that most christians say very often i declare that god knows and i asked do you know god said i know the thoughts i know the plans i have for you and we delve into that quite some and the topical part of that message do you know because when you know it gives you the impetus to continue to fight the good fight of faith and to hang in there though the tempest rages and the pillars tossed to and fro you know that change will come lift your hand and say change will come you feel you feel quite quiet here today that's all right no problem take it easy i'll take it easy with you also and hope you enjoy the ease with which we take it i don't know about that i want to thank elder level for leading the service is your first time on a sunday morning sir well you did well for the first time give him a hand he must pull out the helders let them work [Music] and you must soon start preach also if you have a preaching word elders must preach [Music] he who serves the office of and held the well has purchased to himself a good possession is what the word of god says it's an esteemed office in god's church but let us look to before we look to that you know i saw dominic stevens stand there and i said dear god you know he's a little baby i hold in my hand like this you know i know i have to look way up in his face what a way of life honey i've been growing for almost 70 years and can't reach where he reached and he's been just going for 17 plus and look how far he has reached why something wrong with me lord mercy somebody help me praise you don't want me enjoy myself somebody praise god here look how long some of us been growing [Music] look how long deaconess [Music] i'm sorry look how long you can score burn i've been growing i can't pass there so poor me past jesus he gives to every man according as he will the word of the lord comes to us from proverbs chapter 13 verse 10 through 25 all of those verses were read earlier but there's a companion text to proverbs 13 10-25 the companion text is second kings 3 chapter 3 1-14 and i will refer to those as we go along in this message well having had proverbs read may i read from time will allow me not to do so or not allow me let us pray god we thank you for your holy spirit we thank you for your presence we thank you for being with us we thank you for those whom you have used the devotion leader the welcomer the solarist the young men oh god almighty the musicians the singers we pray now that you will use this vessel to bring a spoken word may it be a word of life hope healing deliverance blessing to everybody as we trust you in jesus name amen walk with the wise and you will be blessed walk with the wise stay in the company of the wise it is said that if you walk with the fools you will be counted as a fool but if you walk with the wise you also will be counted as wise and you will be blessed and that is what the companion text of 2nd kings chapter 3 especially the first 14 verse will link to proverbs 13 10 to 25. you see the aim of this message is to show that our friends our associates our company our colleagues whatever you want to call them may very well determine our future and even our fortune because if you walk with someone who has a terrible stigma to his name or her name it is quite natural especially in jamaica that someone see you in that person's company especially certain time and certain place they are going to raise a question in their hearts they might not verbalize it but they will raise it in their hearts look who john brown is in complete company with because they expect you to be someone of status they expect you to be someone of better standing and they know that vehicles and chickens do not have it of the same habitation am i talking to anybody want of a better terminology they know that cats and dogs do not make good bed fellas they were against each other and they would ask the question that amos asked in chapter three and verse three can two walk except they be agreed so in other words they may conclude in their minds that what i think of you what i think about you is not really who you are because of who you are with and they could be dead wrong you could be exactly who you are and what they think of you but because you are with the wrong person that may the entire picture somebody say something so seek to walk with the wise and you will be blessed with the wisdom of the wise because wisdom and folly are diametrically opposed to each other listen what the wise man says in proverbs 13 and verse 14 oh glory to god he says the law of the wise is as a fountain of life the law of the wise that which governs the wise the principle by which the wise live is as a fountain of life and if you hang around someone who is a fountain of life it is only natural that which fountain of life brings forth is going to become attached to you what do we say in jamaica if you go down with dogs what will happen are you not with me but you don't want to catch fleas but just hung around with the dogs and what they have will become a part of you so the law of the wise is a fountain of life to depart from the sneer of death that is wisdom those who walk in folly will not embrace this injunction they will do otherwise and be snared so walk with the wise and you will be blessed somebody showed a praise to the almighty oh glory to god hallelujah the wise man doesn't stop there but he says in verse number 16 in every prudent man or every prudent man dealeth with knowledge every prudent man dealeth with knowledge but a fool laith open is folly in other words a fool spread out his foolishness broad before everybody and you know that he's a fool he laid open is folly especially people who talked too much they give away themselves you're going to courthouse you must only respond to that which is ask of you are you not with me you give you're giving a statement only give that which is relevant and pertinent and necessary never go often sometimes saying things that are not immediately amen relating to the situation you could give away yourself a full length out all his folly that's why god gives us two years i know many much although it has two lips but just one mouth everybody say one mouth and somebody says if he wants us to talk as much as we hear he would have just given us two mouths on the two sides of the face but he gives one somebody say help us lord so always seek out your company always seek out people who are going somewhere that you would want to go and having gone there you it would make you the better you anybody wants to be a better version of you come on be real with me i would want to be a better version of me anytime come on somebody you know as much as i think i have done this or done that or achieved this i would want to be a better version of me at any time because i have not really and truly attained to all that i would want to attain to lift your hand and say lord make me more than i am right come on say it with sincerity lord make me more than i am right now if he were to deposit some heavenly wisdom in us right now that would be the thing that would cause us to become much more than we are right now [Music] great god that's what he gave to solomon solomon asked him for wisdom and understanding heart he said solomon you you've asked for the right thing the good thing you did not ask for the life of your enemy you did not ask for riches you did not ask for wealth you did not ask for fame because you have asked for the principal thing i'm going to give you much more than your ass for lift your hand and say lord i need much more i'm going to work you like i work this morning so get ready to work hallelujah hallelujah give him praise again he doesn't stop there but in verse 20 2-0 we are in proverbs chapter 13 he says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be shall be blessed oh no a companion of fools shall be destroyed but he who walks with the wise shall be wise you want to walk with the wise and get the blessings of wisdom and the blessings that come from being a wise person somebody praise the lord god [Music] in school today there's well not in school but in general society there is that which is called peer pressure and some of our children have not been able to under peer pressure very well your teachers are your lecturer what you teach big people you teach college people oh isn't it the children have not been able to handle some of them peer pressure very well and some of them are coming from good homes principled home disciplined home well-taught well-trained well-cultured but when they go out there in the world of schoolers where values change and all kinds of things out there change and it is brought to bear upon some of them their knees buckle under the pressure and your good boy and your good girl end up doing some things going some places engage some types of lifestyle practices that you never dreamed it's oh god this can't be my son this cannot be my daughter look at how i have trained him and trained her look at the investment i have made and it pains your heart as a mother it pains your heart as a father because they bow to the peer pressure that is brought to them in the public square you think is only school children come under peer pressure some christians come under religious pressure because christianity for some people mean one thing for others it means another thing christianity for some people means you don't do everything the world does but you still do a little thing here and there christianity today have different standards for different people and you'll be surprised to know that some people who have been brought up in the good old-fashioned way the way of holiness the way of righteousness the way have come out from among them be separate the way have touched not and will not taste not and they have embraced it for years in the church of the living god walking holy like i heard bishop doctor if a beast and preach his heart out sometimes ago recently their their general convention talking about the church then as opposed to the church now some of you under the hearing my voice may be coming under pressure from some other christians you don't have to be so strict you don't have to take it so serious god understands you can do a little this you can do a little that the devil is still a liar he will always be a liar let god be true on the devil and every man be a liar stand up for your conviction stand up for the word of god stand for holiness stand for righteousness stand for integrity stand for justice stop i think somebody would stand up by now stand for truth stand for that which is good stand for that which is holy stand for that which is in the light know that some of you stand lift your hand and praise god come out of the dark company come out of the creek of those who think amen i do not know that any man be in christ is a new creature some people don't know it they've been in the church for years but they don't know it sit down please they take lord supper what they don't know it they watch the saints feet but they don't know it they come to the altar lift their hands and say take my will and make it thine but they do not know it but if you know it stand up for it oh no [Music] we talked about shadrach we talk about me shock we talk about a bet nego those men's lives were threatened well this says we know what we believe talk to me somebody you talk about danielle his life was threatened but he said i know what i believe oh god almighty talk about the apostles they were locked up and beaten repeatedly but they said we know what we believe we know what we stand for don't let any other christian set your spiritual agenda [Music] i want to be a little plainer than this i don't know if i can but we have all kinds of denominations we have all kinds of doctrines and all kinds of beliefs we have all kinds of prophets and prophetesses and apostles and pastors etc etc and it would seem there is a different standard for different ones let them keep their agenda you know your agenda under god stick to your agenda follow peace with all men and holiness without witch wherever henry said no man said no man say no woman no woman say no boy no boy said no girl no girl holding us without which no man shall see [Music] the lord you know can i see this way because of my one privileged position as a pastor it's a privileged position that's why we can't take it lightly and we should not misuse or abuse our privileged position as a pastor because of my privileged position it has endeared me to the heart of many people many people christian people from all denominations and sometimes they have bear their soul to me as a pastor tell me things i was thinking about it yesterday evening i said god jesus i said look at some things that people have told me it is because of the place of trust that you have placed me in and they believe i'm a trustworthy person i said no lord what if i should lose my my mind and divulge anything some of the things that people told me all kinds of terrible things would have happened might have happened marriages would have been broken up because i know what it is to a people confessing adultery to me wives not just husbands wives confessing their failure in that particular area husbands too all kinds of situations from the gate to the yard to the front door to the kitchen to the bathroom to the bedroom to the veranda to everywhere little of everything have been told to me over time somebody says something here and you got to under god know that you are placed in a position of trust and confidence and if you ever lower your standard and fine or begin to work from other people's agenda you would mess up a whole lot of things and also mess up yourself wave your hand and say no message on church say no messing up saying no messing around glory to god oh my god almighty somebody showed your praise here i did oh glory i they say shelter praise here [Music] so you come under pressure as christians you come under pressure student and believe me as pastors that's where i wanted to go they didn't want to go there but i'm there as fast as we come under pressure too oh yeah peer pressure in pastoral work oh yeah it is there that's the reason you've got to choose those whom you walk with closely you got to know those whom you love from a distance some people you got to love them from a distance somebody do like they say from a distance say from a distance from a distance because if they ever get in your hearts if they ever get in your spirits if they ever get in your head space and begin to find a place in there pastors begin to trim down am i preaching right minister peter all right walk what the wise the wise man says proverbs 13 and verse 14 let's go them through over again and i get in the message he says as the law of the wise is of the law of the wise is a fountain of life to depart from the snare of death that's what he says and he says in verse 16 oh glory to god take this word and be blessed he says every prudent man dealeth with knowledge but a fool let hope on his folly spread out every piece of garment before everybody every piece of garment that's what fools though do and in verse 20 says he that walketh with the wise wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed lift your hand and say walk with the wise and be blessed say they can walk with the wise and be blessed my god almighty this is like a woven over here i don't want to bake before i'm finished amen glory to god somebody say something there hallelujah so the companion text of second kings chapter 3 in the first 14 verses it speaks to a situation it introduces a company of kings who had established some measure of friendship among themselves for the purpose of battle for the purpose of combat for the purpose of war we are going to fight it together we are going to work it together as you are so we are as i am so you are so we have a common ground we can work it together but you may be surprised to know that not in all arrangements like those things always work out well do you know people can change course oh you're not saying nothing do you know people can change course and your midstream you have them leading you across a flooded stream a river that is in space river come down and when you thought you would have all hell and together and born together and based against the current and do it cross all of a sudden in the midst of it somebody say we can't bother with this somebody release your hand especially if they don't like you because they don't like you and they know that they have the backbone to go across they have the strength to go across what a time to let you go oh god am i preaching here some of you don't know what this is all about you have never been left alone in midstream you have never been left alone in the midst of the fire when somebody could have taken you out or extinguished a fire you have never been left alone in your wilderness you have never been left alone [Music] marco shonda oh glory but when i'm low in the spirit i cry lord lift me up for i want to go higher with thee your lord no i can't stay on the mountain so he called the valley for me jesus leads me besides still waters somewhere in the valley below and it drew me aside shackled i said god will you draw somebody aside today he drew me aside to be tested and tried but right here in the valley somebody lift your hand and sit right in my valley right in my distress right in my despair right in my sorrow he restoreth my [Music] when the sun [Music] is [Music] [Music] raise your hand and sing what do you say now jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what do you say church of god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] together for battle gather together for combat for war establish a pact with each other a covenant and a legion so we are going to do it together they were jehoshaphat or jehoram first of all jehoram of israel king of israel and samaria jehoshaphat king of judah and misha misha amen king of moab all those were at war with jehoram king of israel after the death of king arab according to verse 5 of the text oh glory to god of second kings three somebody say something you know oh no it's a terrible thing take disadvantage of a widow or we do our often children are strangers bishop yeah the bible is very plain on that yeah don't take disadvantage of a widow a man whose wife died don't take disadvantages of a widow a woman whose husband is dead don't take advantage of off on children who whose parents are dead or non-existent not known don't take disadvantage of a stranger always try your best to show respect and regard and whatever you can do to make a better and a brighter day for a widow do it [Music] whatever you can do to make a bet on a bride today for a widow do it whatever you can do to make brighter days for orphans so called do it and whatever you can do to make a brighter day for us stranger do it god will bless you i said god will bless you that's what god said to israel he says remember who you were and where you were where i brought you from so please roll back the curtains i said all i have to say all of that to say this it was after the death of king ab verse 6 to it and help was no play around king so they would not have tried anything while aop was alive but the moment died everybody comes to plunder or you're not saying nothing it's a terrible thing to do such a thing so after herod died hey our brother died they came together because they were threatened i soon get to the point because i know i got a close shortly but let me let me turn to it first kings chapter 3 somebody help me praise god here oh glory glory to the name of jesus show to praise if you love him don't short of praise to the king of heaven hallelujah to the lamb of god um glory i say chapter 3 okay from verse six you'll find all of this go all the way down six to first aid but king jehoram what he set out to do in numbered israel and realizing that his military might was not adequate to face king of mesha and moab he requested help from jerusalem king of judah i'm talking about walk with wise and be blessed he sought assistance from joseph king of judah who was a good godly king hallelujah you know i can't get too personal but there are times when people ask me to do certain things for them and i say oh god man you have more than people can do that for you and then say to me oh bishop you don't know you don't you don't know i say no more you don't know you're the man that'll need to do it for me i know i got a church i got a pastor i know i'm involved in so and so but you are the ones that i want to do it for me yesterday one man said to me bishop davis you don't know how good your name is well i don't know how good it is he said you don't know how good your name is come on bishop come on don't say that you don't know how good your name is some people think so do you think so [Applause] so joseph had a good name so these kings decided if there is any man we need to link up with to get help is a wise man he's a good man he's a man that fear god somebody shouted praise there jerusalem what agreed and you read the text you'll find it joseph agreed to join forces with jehovah the king of edom and decided to be part of the battle according to verse nine second kings three yea i'll join with you i'll fight with you second kings 3 9 what it says so the king of israel went and the king of judah and the king of edom and they fetched the compass of seven days journey amen and there was no water for the horse for the host and for the cattle that followed them god is setting up something here for us to realize amen of the king of israel said alas that the lord has called these three kings together to deliver them into the hands of moab watch what god's gonna do sometimes you don't know how god's gonna do it but he still moves in mysterious ways somebody give him a praise and let me glory king jehoram although he had the company of both kings and all of their armies they were with him he was fearful he was doubtful of the victory and when you read it in verse 10 second kings three ooze company they found themselves in that i must begin to close in the wise company of jehoshaphat great king of judah and they decided to seek a word from a man of god do you not know there are times when you need to check on the seal to see what's going on to check with the hearer to hear what's going on are you not saying nothing when they came to king jerusalem missionary murray it says you have done a good thing you know but i got a word for you oh god almighty let me read it so you can get it clearly from the text and you don't think i'm just making up some story here somebody say help us lord say help us jesus hallelujah verse 12 and jehoshaphat said the word of the lord is with him so let the king of is let the king of israel and josephus and king of edom went down to him and elijah they went to elijah and elijah said unto the king of israel what have i to do with thee get thee to the prophets of thy father unto the prophets of thy mother unto the king of israel said unto him nay for the lord hath called these three kings together to deliver them into the end of moab and elisha said eli shall begin to swear are you not with me elijah may be lifted on what did he say and elisha said as the lord of hosts liveth before who i stand surely were it not that i regard the presence oh you're not getting this in other words if you were not in the company of joseph art the king of judah i would not even look towards you now i see you but no bring me a minstrel and it came to pass when the minstrel played that the hand of the lord came upon him and he said thus said the lord made this valley full of ditches for thus said the lord you shall not see wind neither shall you see rain yet the valley shall be filled with water that you may drink both you and your cattle and your peace in other words god will equip you to take on the battle but there's only one reason why i talk to you one reason why i entertain you one reason why i even look at you much more to listen to you you know what the reason is because you are in the company of a wise man a good man god somebody praise god if you get it a god-fearing man elijah said i wouldn't even look to you i would send you back to the god of your fathers i would send you back to the god of your mothers i will send you back to the false god but because you are in the company of jerusalem [Music] somebody wave your hand and praise god let me close [Music] jesus because you're in the company of a good man because you're in the company of a godly man because you're in the company of a wise man elijah says i will not just hear you listen to you but i'll give you the word from the lord anybody getting this if you don't get it yet i'm sorry for you walk with the wise hang out with people of character hang out with people of discipline [Music] i saw two young men said it sometimes ago maybe three of them and one looked looked decent on the outside well grew well put together the other two looks like we call ragamuffin when puns don't have them waist down here so not where's hip bottom we made shaggy you know and i called it three young men i say yo man talk with me a little so let me tell you something you know if or if something were to go wrong around this corner here now or somebody say somebody just steal something a young man steals something and i said the police was on a random look random look at search would someone could and they come and see you three you know that immediately their suspicion would arise and they would lay hands on you two young men that look the way you look oh my bishop i say yeah because if a parents matters and i said to him young man you look decent and well you could see that you're coming from a good home what happened man what happened i wish y'all come on just a chill chill appearance matters your colleagues matter your associates matter and this text has proved it beyond any doubt that elijah no less a prophet that than i shall who received the double portion of elijah's anointing looked on those monarch those kings and said know your kings i know your royalty but i am the prophet and worried not that you're in the company of jerusalem i would defy you today i would say go back to your idolatrous gods let them hear you go back to baal go back to ekron go back to the hillsborough go back to them but i spare you because i'm giving some of your good message today you know yeah good message you see those of you are icis sellers you have some wonderful ici wonderful sellers but you have some rural high ci's now no man has no respect they live violently mocked filthy you have to make a difference and separate yourself from some of them or you're not saying nothing separate yourself you can't let people come and find you not them the company there because show be your company close walk with the wise and be blessed look at those three verses in proverbs chapter 13 look them over and over and over again and look at what the wise man says and connect it with first kings chapter 3 and look at what elijah said to the kings and be wise oh hallelujah hallelujah bow your heads with me please finish but i stopped jesus a company of men in the company of one man makes a difference [Music] sent them a word of prophecy dig the ditches in the valley you will not see rain you will not see sign of rain but i'll fill them all you will drink your cattle will drink and you will win the war your deliverance is sure your victory is guaranteed oh glory to god because of one man whose company or him jehoshaphat king of judah so you got to make some differences father we thank you for the word today we thank you for the holy spirit we thank you for the strength that you have given to deliver these words today we have spoken [Music] concerning [Music] your plans your thoughts for your people earlier than today you know help us lord to begin to know and now we have instructed your people to walk with the wise stay in the company of the wise and they will be blessed they will be the head and not the tail above or not beneath strong and not weak with victorious are not defeated healthy and not sick oh god may the lost among us be saved the backslide as we reclaim the saints be strengthened and those who now contemplate their association whether to continue or to build new and different ones help them lord to take the decision that will be in their interest and in the interest of the kingdom of god in the name of jesus we pray amen stand with me everybody come on stand up and say something come on stand up and say something stand up and say something oh yeah if you don't know what to say let me tell you what to say lord you can reach out touch a place on the inside not no human good [Music] yes some of those companies [Music] foreign [Music] of the glory of jesus [Music] lift your hands and worship the king the closer i am [Applause] [Music] [Music] shine deep [Music] from all show right your glory like you did [Music] [Music] anybody wants to be saved everyone's safe every backslider join me down here and be born again join me down here leave on the join the company of the wise god bless you is there another is there another unsaved [Music] anybody else need jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] time prayer time and it's the thought of lead everybody praying everybody pray come on boy ahead and close your eyes my dear hallelujah jesus into your heart oh blessed be your name jesus hallelujah father we thank you this morning for this marvelous privilege o god that you have given to us to hear your word lord god so many times we hinder our blessings god because of who we walk with mighty god as we contemplate the words that you have spoken into our spirit today lord here are those at the altar god they have made a physical step to walk away lord god from the elements of sin mighty god and they have made up in their mind that they want to walk with the wise mighty god i pray for everyone who have answered the call this morning god there are so many things that could have held them back but god they have made that step this morning and they say they want to walk with you mighty god i pray this morning god that as they surrendered their lives to you god that you will walk with them as they begin this war lord jesus you know those on facebook and youtube lord and on the different media channels god as they watch and as they hear the word this morning i pray god that wherever they are god they will begin to walk with the wise god they will pull up their folly grounds and watch you bring things to pass in their life mighty god we thank you this morning and i pray god if there being is sick if there be any discouraged because of what people have spoken into their life i pray god that as they recognize this morning that the wise hear from you and they can walk with the wise and be blessed father i commit each and every one under the sound of our voice today i commit them to you and god i pray that your blessing will be upon them father god we thank you again for your servant whom you have used to deliver this word may this word never slip from us but all over jamaica all over the world god we will begin to walk with the wise and prosper because you intend for us to prosper god we thank you today bless each and every one we pray in jesus name and everybody say amen hallelujah hallelujah [Music] and touch the lord as he passes my is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh jesus we praise you [Music] reach out and touch the lord [Music] [Music] all of you standing down here bow your head and say a prayer with me or after me those of you viewing audiences do the same say after me lord jesus thank you for today thank you for your word i commit my life to serve you when i ask you lord to give me the strength given the grace to do so i will no longer walk with fools because i'm not a fool i am wise in christ so from today whatever changes i need to make in my life by your grace i'll make them lord in the name of jesus i pray amen god bless all of you whose daughter you came down here alone my girl you came down to the altar alone oh my god isn't this something [Applause] give your hand [Applause] all right stay right there tell me why you came down here what's your name stevens stevenson evanson okay you love the altar that's what the altar is for thank you for coming okay miss stevenson may the lord bless you god bless you thank you to this my goodness wow well god is good i don't sing it that's it but god is good isn't he be seated please and prepare for worship in another style anybody got blessed here today jesus wow god is good great god of jesus give your tithes an offer and give your love orphan give your special gifts every man according to several abilities so let him give not grudgingly not spiritually not of necessity for god loves cheerful givers and he will cause all good things to abound to you home and abroad find a way to give to power faith ministries okay when i thank all of you worldwide viewers and supporters you know the channels through which you can give and some of you have been doing so and we thank you so much father bless gifts and give us accept both sanctify both and grant to lord that both will glorify your name in the way that it is used and we are used in jesus name we pray amen you may walk down orderly and in space and give your offerings all of you new new york people brooklyn queens manhattan staten island 3619 church avenue friday night seven o'clock saturday night seven o'clock sunday morning 11 a.m sunday evening 6 p.m weekend convention and you will be blessed under the theme return rekindle burning brighter return rekindle burning brighter hope to see you all on friday night preaching the opening night over there god bless you i'll get to you sir god bless you announcer anything for our refreshing please do so water baptism comes up on the 21st of this month an emergency water baptism so those of you want to be part of the emergency water baptism please give your names and prepare for six o'clock 6 30 and saturday morning the 21st of august as we help to make you ready for lord's second coming please give a listening ear to the announcer thank you bishop the continuing on the announcements a pair of glasses was left in the bathroom in the female bathroom that is you may collect from the announcer's office the officers and members of the missionaries council would like to say a big thank you for your support of to their recent cake sale because you supported it was indeed a success you're invited to visit gloria's health and wellness boutique at shop one multi pfa multipurpose complex for your tea and protein smoothie i hope they are still going on the bible world institute is now registering students for the new academic year 2021 for persons who have already registered there will be an orientation on thursday august 12 commencing at 6 00 pm registration is ongoing at the pfm administrative office mondays to fridays and at the church office on sundays if you want to be a part of the bible world institute are you at risk for heart disease the heart foundation of jamaica's screening services will be right here at the perfect complex on wednesday august 11 from 9 a.m to 3 p.m get screened for ecg heart test cholesterol hemoglobin and blood sugar for further information contact the heart foundation of jamaica at eight seven six six one nine seven zero zero to or 876-926-9492 or just call our pfm administrative office the general position will be in at the care center on saturday august 14 at 10 a.m and on saturday august 21 at 9 00 am the gynecologist will be in office contribution a thousand dollars for adults and eight hundred dollars for children sick and death notices brother george williams is sick at home and he's requesting or prayers brother ernie gooden is sick and in the university hospital of the west indies the following persons have passed away and funeral arrangements are pending the husband of sister jennifer thomas and the father of sister patrina thomas johnson the father of elder rohan coburn the sister of sister natalie campbell the mother of brother hugh steele sister trulian colton and also brother asquit douglas and the sister of sister andrea baxter miller these persons have all passed away let us continue to keep our brethren in our prayers the following funeral services are scheduled the funeral service for the sister of exalter caron lawson will be held on thursday august 12 at the greendale united church in spanish stone internments will follow in middle rest the funeral service for the sister of elder carlton beckford and missionary arnold daley will be held on friday august 13 at 11 a.m in fort lauderdale florida and the funeral service for the late sister init robinson will be held on thursday august 26 right here at power faith beginning at 10 a.m we ask that you'll contact the church office to get the numbers for these old brethren and we continue to keep them in our prayers the family of sister doris decosta have expressed thanks to bishop to minister davis and the power of faith family for your expression of love kindness and support during the passing of their loved one and on wednesday our fasting service will commence at 9 00 a.m we are asking you to come expecting a miracle healing a deliverance or a breakthrough we guarantee that you will leave with a testimony my pleasure to have served walk with the wise and you will be wise make a difference wherever you go god bless you have a wonderful week [Applause] let us stand please for the closing exercise do remember worldwide prayer meeting will be on on friday nights at a new time and we are depending on the faithful ones and everybody ought to be faithful the committed ones 5 p.m through 7 p.m has been doing wonders across the nations so no wednesday night service daytime fasting the usual hours nine o'clock to about one o'clock but friday night this weekend with the worldwide pro meeting in person right here beaming to the nations from work to here two hours spent two hours hour and a half and go home and enjoy yourself you can do that what do we say before we close a service [Applause] [Applause] lift your right and with me the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship and commune and of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all no one furthermore thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at for more information stay tuned and be blessed [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 14,525
Rating: 4.8473282 out of 5
Id: Eluikd7msBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 28sec (8668 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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