Sunday Morning Divine Worship Service || August 8, 2021

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jesus good morning god's wonderful people hallelujah we are happy to be in the house of the lord another lord's day praise the name of the lord we give god praise we give god glory we give god honor that is deserving unto him this morning bless the lord we want to say morning glory to god to all those viewing on youtube to all those listening bless the name of the lord on more fm we give god thanks for you this morning we honor god this morning because he has been good to us hallelujah can we stand in the presence of the lord hallelujah as we as we get ourselves in the attitude of worship this morning bless the name of the lord we just want to worship hallelujah our mighty savior we just want to magnify the name of the lord because he is worthy he is worthy to be praised he is worthy to be glorified hallelujah so god we give you a glory this morning lord we give your honor this morning lord we bless your great name this morning oh god we want your glory to fall in this place up this morning lord we thank you lord for waking us up this morning we thank you god for your many blessings to us this morning we bless you god because of your faithfulness we thank you jesus for life this morning isn't god worthy to be praised church isn't he a great god this morning oh god we thank you we thank you father we thank you for this morning we thank you lord for your grace and for your mercies and as we stand in your awesome presence god we pray lord that the words of our mouth lord and the meditations of our hearts god will be accepted in your sight oh god accept your worship on our praise this morning oh god let it come up to you lord as a sweet smelling savor lord we worship you this morning in jesus name hallelujah can i hear the church of god give god praise come on church of god give god praise come on worship your savior this morning if god has been good to you let me hear you give him a shout out praise come on give him a shout of praise give him a shout of praise he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy hallelujah we just want to invite the glory of the lord hallelujah in the sanctuary this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we bless the name of the lord we praise the name of jesus glory to god he's worthy hallelujah hallelujah oh we praise you jesus oh god we worship each other oh god we praise you this morning god oh jesus let the glory of the lord rise among us live the glory of the lord rise among us let the praises of forking rise among us let it rise let the glory yes let the glory of the lord rise among us let the glory of the lord rise among us let the praises of foreign let the glory of the lord rise among us let the glory of the lord rise among us let the praises of foreign let the songs of the lord let the songs of the lord let it rain [Music] let the songs of the lord rise among us let the songs of the lord rise among us live the joy of four [Music] let it rise let the glory of the lord rise among us let the glory of the lord rise among us live the praises of forking rise among us let it rise let the glory live the glory of the lord rise among us let the glory of the lord rise among us let the praises of foreign [Music] and the joy of the lord let can we let the dance of the lord yes let the dance of the lord rise among us let the dance of the lord rise and let the joy and the joy for [Music] rise among us let it rise rise among us let the praises of four kings rise among us the glory of the lord let it rise god we want your glory to rise [Music] rise among us let it rise [Music] oh [Music] right we praise your name jesus come on chad of god magnify the name of the lord praise the name of the lord he is worthy each worthy is worthy he's worthy he's worthy we magnify the name of a great god this morning oh god we want your prisons to fall on us this morning god we want you glory god to fall in this place hallelujah hallelujah oh god oh god oh god and that's the reason why lord we want to get in your presence we want to get in your presence jesus we want to get in your presence god oh god we're oh god it makes a difference hallelujah oh hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah in oh yes [Music] that is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he is of joy can [Music] there is fullness of joy [Music] [Music] divine [Music] is [Music] god's presence [Music] i know that there are pledges forevermore oh what fellowship [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] i sing praises for your name is great your name is grace your name is great god is great and greatly to be praised i give glory lord i give glory to you to your name god that is above every other name oh god gloria to your name jesus to your name to your name god to your name jesus for your name your name is grace your name is great hallelujah oh your name is great jesus i give glory god i give glory to your name to your great name oh god glory glory to your name lord for your name is [Music] hallelujah give him glory this morning give him glory and honor this morning give him praise give him praise if god has been good to you let me hear you worship him if he has been good to you let me hear you praise him follow me out of your belly this morning just worship the lord let's praise the name of the lord for his great and great little bit for you hallelujah and that's the reason why this morning we want to be joined closer to him this morning we want him to draw us close to him this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus she jesus jesus jesus oh god jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus coming to you come and do your mighty word this morning god come and do lord what no other can do this morning oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god meet us this morning jesus sit on us this morning lord say to us this morning jesus hallelujah hallelujah draw me close to you [Music] oh [Music] to hear you say that i'm your friend oh god oh jesus oh you are my desire [Music] no one no one else will do [Music] to feel the warmth of your embrace oh jesus help me find my way god help me find my way bring me back to you [Music] [Music] you're [Music] [Applause] you're [Music] you're [Music] clothes draw me close to you oh yes oh [Applause] [Music] no one else will oh yes lord tell me [Music] can we jesus it up and say you're wrong yes [Music] you're [Music] [Music] i [Music] help me know you are here give god praise give god praise the church of god give god praise give your god some praise give your god a big shout of praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he is here this morning he is here this morning hallelujah the awesome presence of god is with us this morning hallelujah jesus we thank you god we thank you god for coming in our midst this morning we thank you god for dwelling with us this morning we thank you mighty god hallelujah this morning we'll be doing bless the lord he leadeth me bless the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] comfortable [Music] me [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] see [Applause] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me lord i will [Applause] [Music] water [Music] me [Music] me [Music] he needed me the big trees [Music] oh [Music] praise the name of the lord i am not my own i belong to jesus this morning as we come in the presence of god we're here to silence the rocks and the mountains one more day the word of god says if we refuse to serve him if we refuse to praise him then the rocks are gonna cry out so when we walk through this door let us walk with thanksgiving come with us giving in our hearts let us have a praise on our lips because god is good god is good and his mercy is endured forever so let us praise the lord praise the lord let everything that has breath praise the lord i am so glad to be here this morning i am thankful to god that he woke me up he did not have to do it but he has done it and for that i am grateful i want to take the time out to say good morning and welcome to us all in the house of god welcome to our youtube viewers and those that are listening on more fm we are going to be following the program sorry i um vivlin gordon as your program would have um stated and the the team has already gone so at this time we're going to access the chinese brown to come following sister camille simpson with the scripture reading so sister shanice brown will do the opening prayer and sisters camille simpson will read the lesson thank you we come in that order [Music] hallelujah can let me praise the lord hallelujah i just powerhead super loving kind of righteous eternal father father of mercy and of grace omnipotent omniscient god we come before you this morning and we hail you king of kings and lord of lords i hail you almighty god a conquering lion of the tribe of judah you are god and you are worthy to be praised almighty god from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same mighty god you are worthy almighty god you are worthy of all praise all glory mighty god and all honor almighty god you mighty god and i give you thanks mighty god i give you praise oh god i give you glory and i give you honor hallelujah god nothing good have we done to deserve your only son mighty god but you have loved us almighty god you have cared for us almighty god you have protected us almighty god you have seen it fit almighty god to cause your son to die on the cross for us almighty god so we can come before you almighty god this morning god we are nothing before you or righteousness are like filthy rugs before you almighty god but we can come and call upon you god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we don't deserve you god we don't deserve you but i thank you god i thank you god i thank you god i thank you for loving us i thank you for protecting us i thank you almighty god for watching us almighty god and we your children god we're here before you once more god you see your problems you see your burdens almighty god you see your pain but god we are calling upon you almighty god we're lifting our heads to the hills from whence cometh our help our mighty for our help commit from you almighty god and we declare this morning heavenly father that mountains are still being moved in the name of jesus christ strongholds are still being loosed in the name of jesus christ giants are still being slain in the name of jesus christ dead are still being raised almighty god in the name of jesus christ god we believe yes god we receive almighty god that wonders are still what you do heavenly father and as we come before you god we give ourself almighty god empty and broken we return ourselves to you almighty god we ask you heavenly father remold us and remake us almighty god refashion us almighty god into a vessel that will be used for your glory and your honor mighty god we love you continue to have your own sweet and divine way in us almighty god father god i pray for the woman of god it is about to bring the word to us this morning father god i pray you will touch your heavenly father from the crown of our head to the soul of our feet almighty god i pray you will touch your lips almighty god with fire of calls almighty god that when she speaks almighty god she will bring forth your word thus saith the lord father god let us be fertile soil almighty god that when your word go forth heavenly father it will fall on our hearts and our souls almighty god and germinate and bring forth fruit almighty god we give you thanks god we give you praise we give you glory and we give you honor we exalt you almighty god in all things amen good morning church scripture reading today is taken from colossians 3 verses 12 to 25 and it reads those put on therefore as the elect of god holy and beloved bowels of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long-suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as christ forgave you so also do ye and above all these things put on charity which is the bond of perfectness and let the peace of god rule in your hearts to the which also ye are called in one body and be ye thankful let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the lord and whatsoever ye do in word or deed do all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god and the father by him wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the lord husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them children obey your parents in all things for this is well pleasing unto the lord fathers provoke not your children to anger lest they be discouraged servants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh not with eye service as men pleasers but in singleness of heart fear in god and whatsoever ye do do hit heartily as to the lord and not unto men knowing that of the lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance for ye serve the lord christ 25 and last but he that do it wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done and there is no respect of persons here ends the reading of god's holy word we honor it by saying glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy ghost as it was in the beginning no one shall be word without end amen coming to us to make us welcome is sister melanie williams followed by the pre-recorded announcements pleasant morning to everyone what a beautiful day for the lord to come again mine is the pleasure to do the welcome this morning and we are honored to share this day in god's presence it says in his presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures forevermore we would like to welcome our listeners in radioland and those viewing on youtube we appreciate you sharing in our day's service and also we want to greet our pastor who is not here with us today wherever you are sir greetings to you and your family um is there any first time visitors anyone visiting us with us today can i ask you to stand please if you're a visitor may i ask you to stand please thank you thank you it is good to have you worshiping with us today and we hope that at the end of the day that you will want to come again and we will see you again in our worship services we hope that you have a great time in the lord feel free to worship as the lord would have you worship knowing that this is liberty hall and there is no restriction let me greet also our council members and the members of the church we greet you and we welcome you to service this morning and let us hope that we will put our mind on our hearts in our worship and at the end of the day that we will have all we will be happy that we were here today as the the word of god in our reading states that above all these things we are to put on charity which is the bond of perfectness i leave you with these words [Music] a little sparks of kindness can put a large burst of sunshine into someone's day have a good and godly day in the lord sit back relax and listen to the announcements and where you have a part to play just make a note of that and do what you must for the lord [Music] greetings to god's wonderful people kindly listen to the announcements for sunday august 8 2021 and note where applicable greetings come to us from sister brittany ann brown who is overseas thank you sister marvel and jackson young and family would like to express thanks to bishop royal robinson and the church for the support they received during their time of bereavement celebrations celebrating your birthday during this week happy birthday to you this is your day [Music] [Applause] from this day forward don't you stop having fun this is your day [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday to you are you celebrating your wedding anniversary during this week happy anniversary to you [Applause] happy anniversary happy birthday and happy anniversary on behalf of our host pastor bishop royal robinson and the entire church family notices prayer meeting will be held this tuesday at 7 30 a.m there will be a post-independence combined women's ministry meeting tuesday august 10. attendees are encouraged to wear jamaican colors there will also be a special birthday treat for those who celebrated their birthdays from january to july 2021 deliverance and fasting service this and every wednesday starting at 10 am virtual teens camp will be held from august 9 to 13 via zoom all teens are encouraged to log on to the platform montego bay district of church's youth convention will be held on sunday august 22 in the midday service our annual blood drive will be facilitated at the end of this month in the church's parking lot registration begins today deaths and burials the memorial and burial services for the following members are as follows sister lauren horton tuesday august 10 sister minerva taylor thursday august 12th and sister valet todd tentatively thursday august 26th the memorial and burial services for the late sister of sister diana neymard will be held on thursday august 12th at the cave valley new testament church of god starting at 11 am the memorial and burial service for the late aunt of sista tyrion leslie will be held on friday august 13 at plum road cambridge let us continue to remember all our members and friends who have lost loved ones in this difficult time may good friends surround you god's love enfold you and the spirit's presence bring you peace we urge everyone to be mindful of the spread of the coronavirus remember to wear your mask properly sanitize or wash your hands and practice physical distancing thanks for listening have a blessed day everyone when we listen to the debt announcements it could be any one of us here so for every day that we get the chance to do something good let us do it because none of us know when it will be our time and let us keep each other in prayer as we go along coming to us now is brother hilton and he'll be doing the prayer for the sick and suffering and also worship in giving present morning to you my brothers and sisters can i hear your show to hallelujah this morning just before i enter into prayer i would like to in addition to the announcement congratulations to sister brittany brown she's recipient of the governor general's award for the parish of saint james it's sharon come on i need to have a look here for her hello the one wonderful our young people are doing us great god bless her and her family my brothers and sisters as i was sitting over there i said to myself that sickness our bodies are so as it were made up where we as we get older sometimes sickness really affect us and nobody wants to get sick do we want to get sick no we want to keep healthy and we are here this morning thank god that we are able to walk we're able to talk we are able to see but there are many persons this morning who are suffering grave suffering this morning i understand that the younger people in our society are now under covered younger persons are getting covered so this disease none of us are excluded from it but under god and god's mercies where we are here this morning so as i look to the lord in prayer this morning i'm going to ask everybody to pray for somebody that you know that is healing we have our senior citizens our short teens some of them are watching us right now let us remember them in prayer as we do this chorus he's just the same today just the same today can you all stand you might be near this morning and lift your faith if you're not feeling well i'm your second dude for the prayer faith [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] the same today he's just [Music] [Music] [Applause] the [Applause] let's look to the lord in prayer mighty god we thank you this morning we praise you this morning because you are still in the healing business lord we give you glory this morning lord as i stand lord god present lord jesus those who are sick and afflicted lord when you were on earth you healed diverse sicknesses lord blind bartimaeus looked to your lord god and he received this healing lord the woman with the issue of blood lord nothing is impossible whether it is arthritis lupus whatever the sickness is this morning i stand lord before you pleading to your lord jesus who's our greatest physician we ask all that to remember those who are healing those who are on radio now listening those are on youtube lord those might be in their beds lord feeling sick right now lord god i asked her to stretch your hands because you were wounded for our transgression you were bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon you and by your stripes you are healed lord i stand this morning remember those were in the hospital princess margaret hospital noah holmes lord savlamar cornwall regional hospital many lord jesus are going in are getting a lord god remember them lord jesus remember them not touch them in a very special way lord lord help them to lift their faith lord because it's our faith that is going to heal lord when you speak the word lord jesus those who are sick because of their faith they were healed lord this morning i plead with you god remember our country remember those who are ailing undercover lord we see the numbers are rising we do not know where the sickness came from the origin but you know lord you know the reason why this is happening in our world so god we ask that you protect us lord who are void of it lord lord i ask that you touch us those are in hosts not feeling well lord with us back praying lord headache hypertension in the name of jesus christ we come against his sicknesses because lord promise us to be in good health as our soul prospered so this morning lord we claim this healing we claim it now in jesus name in jesus name that we are saying jesus name in jesus name we claim healing healing healing healing healing whatever the sicknesses hallelujah we thank you lord we thank you for answering our prayers lord we thank you we thank you can we raise our hands and tell him thanks so much hallelujah hallelujah praise him praise him hallelujah oh lord whatever i feel to ask lord we put it unto you no because you are the great physician and i see amen and amen i'll be blessed to the lord maybe bless him again may be seated this morning we came with our praise we also come with our our money worship it's time for worship in giving worship in giving so i want you to take all that money that's your purpose in your heart this morning to give because before you came i know your purpose in heart that this is set aside your tithes and your offering so at this time let us ask that you take it out let's give back a portion of what the lord has blessed us i know it's coveted but many of us are blessed we are blessed even in covet so let us give cheerfully this morning cheerfully as the praise team will come and do a special song as the ushers will wait on you at this time praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord he is worthy hallelujah bless the name of jesus god is my king prayer god is my king [Music] hebrews say god is my key first [Music] i look down the road and i wonder yes i wonder yes i wonder i looked on the road and i wonder how far i [Music] my journey i looked down the road and i wonder how far i am from the church of god i buckle up my shoe and i journey i journey yes i'm my name i will be thy [Applause] salvation [Music] oh the lord is [Music] [Music] we yes [Music] [Music] [Music] from [Music] let us pray father we thank you lord we thank you for help we thank you for strength lord that we can go lord jesus and work and bring back a portion to the building up of your kingdom lord i ask at this moment lord as as members have given their tithes and offerings we accept your blessing now and sanctify it as i say thanks to jesus christ our lord we all say amen to us now it's brother coswell who will introduce to us our morning speaker following the vessel of on the choir will sing now right after they have sung we will all stand and show our respect our love to our morning speaker good morning my brothers and sisters this is indeed the lord after me let us rejoice and be glad in it if you are really truly glad to be here this morning put your hands together and give god all the praise this morning come on man come on you're doing it grudgingly give him praise this morning my task this morning to introduce to you god servant speaker for this morning's message will be coming to us no other person than sister marvel lawson byfield one who is in charge of us at this time in the absence of our senior pastor reverend robinson could you stand at the end of singing of the vessel of honor and make her welcome god bless you thank you bless the lord can i shout a hallelujah bless the lord is jesus your friend this morning hallelujah is the king of kings and he's a lord of lord is a mighty conqueror is a tribe of judah the lion bless honda lord i have a friend soul dare to me it's love for me so kind [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is love for me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] when i need him he's always there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] who cares [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] kind and free [Music] [Applause] he is my doctor in my secret [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] is [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah let us pray father we are just so thankful for the friendship that we have in you we are grateful to you almighty god that you have allowed us to be in your house one more sunday morning we recognize this as one more sunday morning out of the rest of our lives and we want you to know almighty god that we don't take this for granted we are grateful to you for life the dead cannot praise you so we lift our praises to the most high god and we thank you for your blessings upon us would you now bless your words unto our hearts as we glorify your name so father as i stand behind the lectern this morning let not me be seen but god may the holy ghost from heaven sit on me and bring forth the world with power with clarity with our torture your people be blessed challenged and charged in the name of jesus we pray amen you may be seated please i want to greet the worshipers in the house and those in radio land those on youtube more fm is always with us and the youtubers and whatever other media you're taking to worship with us this morning i give god thanks for you let me thank our moderator sister vivlin gordon for having led the service in such a remarkable way at this time praise god and did you hear that opening prayer by sister shanice brown she really entered the throne room this morning almighty god it's such a privilege that we can just enter into the throne room of god and she did take us there this morning god bless you sister shanice brown and then i want to thank the corps the group that reminded us that we have a friend a precious friend mighty god a friend who love it at all times regardless of what we do and say he sticks close to us praise the name of jesus i want to recognize sister brittany and brown i know she's overseas but may be listening to us but church sister brittany and brown has received the governor general's award [Applause] we have to be so happy for our young people remember one time we were called the local church you know now we're here and that's from the local church the clapham church the noisemaking church one of our members has received the governor general's award praise the name of jesus i want to give special recommendations and happy anniversary brother um clark and sister clark you know those that copper is a couple that means a lot to me i came here and saw them came back from kingston and saw them with a young family but very very active in the church and can i say it takes a lot of sacrifice to do church work do your work and do your homework and that cooper has been very very faithful in this church so we say happy anniversary to you brother and sister fitzroy clark and we wish for you many many happy returns of the day praise the name of jesus it's august 8th and the scripture was very well read by sister camille simpson colossians 3 reading from 12 to 25 and i want to share with us on the thought living out your purpose and so i could ask you are you living out your purpose and i want to say that none of us can deny that life is challenging we face spiritual physical emotional educational vocational and many other issues on a daily basis regardless of how old we are or how young we are we face these issues regardless of our gender male or female and regardless of our status we face these issues in addition there are the relationship matters because we all have different temperaments different personalities so living in harmony does not come automatically we have to learn to reconcile with the differences in opinion to stay in agreement with our children with our parents with our spouses with our in-laws with our co-workers and i dare say with our church members you know the scripture that was read this morning wraps up everybody mother and father and wife and husband and children and all of us because we're all god's people but we tend to forget that all of us have different backgrounds we have different temperaments and different personalities so we have to learn how to reconcile with each other if we are going to stay in harmony with each other and i want to say all of this harmonization demand the wisdom of the almighty god and the presence and the continual work of the holy spirit in our lives hallelujah our spiritual lives is a staple in everything it doesn't matter it was thursday we went to the graveside of sister ivy hamilton and i heard pastor sam saying but why do we force in this life in after all of this all of us go six foot six right under from where we came from the dust of the earth where god created man so our spiritual life if there's no spiritual life it doesn't make sense we're alive our spiritual lives is a staple in everything and accepting jesus and totally surrendering our lives is the foundational step we must accept him and it can be one foot in and one foot out we have to totally surrender our lives to the almighty god hallelujah life without jesus is like a doughnut somebody says our purpose as christians and a church is to glorify god so when we come to church and don't bring our praise why did we come when the moderator has to prank you up to say praise the lord church i want to remind us what our purpose is is to glorify god and so whether we're in church or not in church our duty is to glorify god that's our purpose and why should we glorify him why should we glorify god it's because he alone is worthy only him is worthy so we must take time out to glorify god hallelujah we are commanded by god to walk in godly wisdom and thus it is our responsibility to mature in christ if we are to live out our purpose remember our topic this morning is living out your purpose and so you have to ask yourself the question am i living out my purpose i can't look at anybody else i have to look at me am i living out my purpose hallelujah so this morning i want us to focus on three main actions that will shed some light on how we mature in christ so that we may effectively live out our purpose holy ghost we want to look at three main actions that shed some light on how we mature in christ so that we can live out our purpose effectively and the three actions are grow in the knowledge of the world hallelujah grow in the knowledge of the world follow the biblical principles of the word and live a christ like life mighty god so my brothers and sisters if we are to grow in the knowledge of the world we have to read the word we have to study to show ourselves approved unto god and we have to meditate on the word of god this means that we must have a desire for the world if we don't have a desire for the world the bible will be picked up on sunday mornings only or if we come to bible study we will pick it up otherwise the bible stays on our whatever we put it on whether it's the bedside table or wherever we place it when we go home from church sunday it will stay there and gathered us if we do not have a desire for the word we will not pick up the bible and read the bible unless somebody tells us let us stand and read the bible this morning so we must have a desire for the word and second peter 2 verse 2 says as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the world so that will grow thereby it means that we must read the word meditate upon the word and really study to show ourselves approved unto god joshua 1 verse 8 says to the world day and night hallelujah and the word study means that you're not just read your dig deep in the word you notice some people reading the bible and they don't hear what anybody has to say because they're digging deep in the word they're studying in the world and study is different from just reading you have to dig deep in the word to study the word of god hallelujah we are reminded to study the scripture diligently and deeply with humility and with prayer so not because you're studying the word and you know the word you're going to rise up a church for yourself and you're going to talk against everybody else when we started digging the word it makes us humble it makes us humble people walking with the lord and i dare say that all christians have an obligation to increase their knowledge and understanding of the lord and to do this we must become more acquainted with the word of god hallelujah ii peter 3 18 says but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ when i was a little girl my father used to sing a song what can keep me daily from sin nothing but the word of god john 7 17 says if any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of god or whether i speak of myself so if you don't know the word of god when you open your mouth to speak you're tempted to speak about you about yourself about yourself instead of speaking about the word of god and when you get to know god and know his word and you start to measure yourself against the word of god then you say woe is me for i am undone we must know the word of god and james 1 5 says if any of you lack wisdom hallelujah let him ask god who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given him my brothers and sisters i want us to know that god is the fountain of all divine knowledge and understanding anything you want to know pick up this bible it is in there from genesis to revelation for god is the fountain of all divine knowledge and understanding so josie i was careful to point out in hosea 4 6 that my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge because you have rejected to read the word this is the knowledge book and when we reject to read the knowledge book we are destroyed so you know what happens you know some people jump from church to church because they're not reading the word so one church has crucified and they will go to the crucifix and they find the truth and they're gone and the next church has crucified and they go under here and they get they're gone again because they don't have knowledge of the word of god we must read the book for ourselves meditate on the word hallelujah study to show ourselves approved unto god a word man that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so josiah says my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge i reject you from being a priest to me and since you have forgotten the law of your god i also will forget your children so my brothers and sisters do we want our god the god whom we serve to forget our children no we want our children to to know the god that we know that we can say blessed are our children whose god is the lord as we say blessed is the nation whose god is the lord so we have to in deuteronomy he says we must tighten their finger tight across their forehead tie the word all over them that they will know the word of god for themselves as we study the scripture practice it we know what it is we are to do more and more and can i say that none of us none of us in here are perfect but as we dig deeper and deeper into the word of god we grow deeper and wiser and stronger in him hallelujah proverbs 2 6 tells that the lord gives wisdom and comes that comes from his own mouth that's the word of god and that the wisdom of god results in knowledge and understanding hallelujah my brothers and sisters god created us with intent we said we have a purpose don't we he knows his plans for us in jeremiah 29 11 he says for i know the thoughts i think towards you said the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end hallelujah so we have to live out our purpose and get to that expected end that god has for us i want us to know that god is eager to reveal himself to us he desires that we know him that we enjoy him that we witness about him and that we live out our unique role in the body of christ do you know what your role is in the body of christ for if you're going to live out your purpose then you have to know what your purpose is so what is your purpose in the body of christ do you know your purpose if you don't not somebody says if you you are sent to market street and you don't know a market's treated you will pass market street and be gone because you don't know so if you don't know your purpose then you will be able to live in your purpose and therefore live out your purpose my brothers and sisters let us commit to grow in the knowledge of the word we say that we must read the word we must study the word we must meditate on the word hallelujah if we take time out to study the word it follows that we should apply the principles to our lifestyle what can keep me daily from sin nothing but the word of god and psalm says thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light onto my part so we have to practice what the scripture says it doesn't make sense we read the word some of us can say some of these terms by heart and we never apply them to our lives we must apply the word of god to our lives and that takes us to the second point i made about the applying the word of god to allies what sense is it that you have money in the bank and you die from hunger what sense is it are you saving for your funeral what sense is it in the same way what sense is that you say you know the word and you do not apply it to your lies because the application is a critical matter because remember in times past some of our pastors couldn't not even read people read for them and they grabbed the word and preached but we have bibles we can read it is the application of the word of god to our lives that is critical at this time so we need to apply god's word to our lives and if we are to apply the word then we must create a prayer life do you love to pray because the when you start to pray sometimes you feel very tired but as you get warmed up in on your knees you don't want to stop praying so prayer is a tool it's a weapon that keeps us daily from sin that keeps us walking with the lord that keeps us loving our those who hate us we have to pray hallelujah so from we come into contact with jesus and start to read his word we must start no try to pray lord help me to apply your words to my life colossians 1 10 says so as to walk in a manner worthy of the lord fully pleasing to him bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god so we we're not just reading the word but we're not praying and we're applying god's words to our lives praise the name of jesus my brethren my friends let me say that we go through various seasons in this life don't we we have spring summer autumn and winter it took me a long time to know that i will not get back to spring you know and summer i'm in winter no it took me a long time to understand that when you pass through one season you're not going back in your you go from youth from child to youth to teenage to older adults and so on and then you'll become an older old man it's winter you have to understand that you know you have to understand what season you are in and so it was one day when i went into the bank and somebody told me to on the senior citizen's line i understood that what he saw he saw seniority i didn't feel senior and initially i was very upset to know that he was telling me where to go but thank god i am in my winter days and i need to acknowledge that but this is not about me this is about us as a people of god that we go through various seasons and we all don't always go through the same season at the same time today you could be in your summer season and everything is going great and tomorrow could be winter you imagine that your daughter your son has passed exam and they're on their way to kingston for graduation the car crash so you know in your summer you were so happy that my child has gone through university and now is going for graduation and it plunges you back into winter different season all together you can flip from one season to the next easily easily you can flip from spring to summer to autumn to winter you can flip as long as you are walking with the lord but can i say my brothers and sisters we have to know the season that you are in understanding the season you are going through at any moment helps you know what you must be doing hallelujah for you would not put on a short short in the winter season to go out if you try to follow other people's ways that maybe in the different season you will be in trouble you must know your season hold to god's unchanging hand regardless of the season that you're in because seasons changed hallelujah but our god never changed so hold to his hand hold to god's unchanging hand regardless of your season hallelujah that's why comparing yourself to others is not a good idea because they may be in a different season to yours what may work for others in a particular season may prove to be a disaster in your case hallelujah in every season apply the word of god to your life so you can live out your purpose we are not like the world i want us to be reminded that we are not like the world the bible says we are the ecclesia we are the called out he says we must come out from among them and be separate so we're not to look like the world we're not to talk like the world we're not to act like the world we're not to live like the world look at a boat look at a boat in the water like a boat in the water the water the boat is in the water but the water is not in the boat if the water gets into the boat what happens if we allow the world to get into our lives we are not the church again we are not the ecclesia again we're not the called out again we are the world and the people of god are not the world we are called out to come out from among them and be separate at the lord of hosts hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus we are not of the word we're in the world but we're not of the world and i don't want us to think that we should be unaware of what is happening in the world we must be aware we cannot be aware of the culture and the context in which we live we cannot afford not to know because if you don't know you are uh we are to be in the world but the world is not to be in us the world is not what drives us we ought not to get our identity from the world the people of god must get their identity from their god oh hallelujah we have a different set of values than the world our mission is to be ministers of reconciliation introducing people to jesus by our lifestyle somebody says show i rather to see a sermon than to hear one so as christians we must be passionate about witnessing hallelujah and may the life that we live speak for jesus and speak for us so what is our lifestyle saying about the god whom we serve i want to remind us that we must be different from the world at times can i say that life throws us some curved balls some of you have never received one yet hallelujah some curved balls mighty god that set us back in our pursuits some things that happened to us we can't even understand why that happened to us sometimes and some of our friends turned job friends that says most something sister battlefield do is what you do well that happened to her when life throws us some curved balls it is not an easy thing but can i say that you must hold to god's unchanging hand regardless of what ball comes to you hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus you might be treated unfairly by your employer by your husband by your wife by your children and you feel that you deserve better than that in this pandemic many people lost their jobs some of us still have job but many people lost their jobs and you might even lose your job out of a pandemic but does it doesn't mean it's the end of the world for you so many unexpected things happen in life my god but take hearts and know that they serve a purpose in your life anything jesus brings you to he has to bring you through it however difficult it seems a songwriter says sometimes when misgivings darken the way and fades light i cannot see i ask my dear lord to brighten the way and it seems like i hear him speak yes he whispers sweet peace yes he whispers sweet peace to me when i am cast down or i'm troubled in my soul it seems like i hear him speak so i want encourage us that anything happens in your life happens for a purpose you apply for the job and somebody is less qualified and you get it over you it happened for a purpose whatever happens in your life happens for a purpose because you're a woman of purpose you're a man of purpose you're a child of purpose so let your purpose come alive and live out your purpose keep on applying the word of god hallelujah to your life hallelujah and colossians 3 23 says whatever you do do it heartily as to the lord and not to men knowing that from the lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the lord christ hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus my brothers and sisters we must apply god's word wholeheartedly to our lives let me remind you that we are servants of the most high god and if we consider ourselves servants then we don't have some expectations but if we consider ourselves more important than others god cannot use us and his love is not in us somebody says the ground is liver ground is level at the foot of the cross we are all washed with the one blood the blood of jesus and some people sweep the street some cooking canteen some work at kentucky somewhat at hairdressers some at hospital some at school but guess what one blood and that's the blood of jesus christ and the the ground is level at the foot of the cross jesus did not call professions he called men and women that's who he called men and women to glorify god in our bodies and to serve him in spirit and intrude so we should not allow our earthly possessions to possess us too often we allow our earthly positions you'll get a nice house and a nice car and some nice children and you allow that to possess you i want to remind you that the earthly possessions ought not to possess us god is glorified when you work with diligence and a standard of excellence you're a christian you must be an excellent woman an excellent man excellence must be the hallmark of every christian he is a great and mighty god of high standards and because you are created in his image you must follow suit and do what he does and do what he created you to do can i just say that doing the will of god is our highest form of worship doing the will of god is our highest form of worship and it brings us great reward can you imagine when we take time out to just do god's will when we wake up in the morning and say lord what would you have for me to do today don't you have your plan to go to work and to do this and do that but god what is it that you have for me to do today are you not going to squeeze in what god has to do for you you're going to squeeze in what you have to do for yourself and do what god wants you to do can i say that our work ministers to others do we know that our lives minister to other to other people sometimes the only bible the read is the life that you live so our work ministers to others more effectively than we can say and it gives us the opportunity to tell others hallelujah about jesus people are moved by what they see not what they hear that's why they say show me the message show me the sermon i rather to see a sermon than to hear one so we tell people about god's goodness but we don't live it we don't leave god's goodness so no one can see the and somebody says you're you're what you're saying is speaking so loud that i can't hear what you're saying we want to make sure that what we're doing is speaking loudly for the king of kings and the lord of lords hallelujah don't we face some giants every day some huge giants but i remind us this morning that we have learned that if we focus on the giants we will stumble but when we focus on god our giants will tumble down hallelujah peter was doing well as long as he kept his eyes on jesus he was walking on water when he kept his eyes on jesus he began to sink when he took his eyes of jesus so if we keep our eyes on our giants we are going to stumble and fall but when we keep our eyes on jesus those journals will fall down in our very presence hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus we glorify your name almighty god hallelujah praise the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus praise god to effectively apply the word of god to our lives we must seek to cultivate the virtues of the fruit of the spirit and i know all of us know them by heart the love the joy the peace the gents the goodness the meekness the faith the long suffering the temperance hallelujah we have to apply them to our lives so that we can live out our purpose and that love we talk about is not the love we love you this week i hate you next week we're talking about the love that is the distinctive mark of the christian which god accomplishes through us a love that is without dissimilation what that word means that word means without deception we will love people without deception because some of the love that we talk about nowadays i think we spell them luv not lovee but real love is not an act it's loving your thoughts so my thoughts towards you are lovely it's about our words and about our deeds and so the bible is careful to say let love be without dissimilation let love be without deception abhor that which is evil and cling to that which is good so when you have god's love in your heart and people offend you you don't hate them because the love of god teaches you otherwise hallelujah the joy let the joy of the lord be your strength so regardless of what is happening around you shout for joy make a joyful noise unto the lord your joyful shot of praise will silence your enemy so the doing and the doing and the doing and all they hear is that you're shouting for joy for the joy of the lord hallelujah the joy of the lord is your strength make your joyful noise walk around your house don't necessarily throw things in your yard walk around your house with a joyful noise and shout for joy hallelujah silence the enemy with a shout of praise glory to the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus romans 12 12 says make a joyful noise unto the lord says rejoicing in hope patience in tribulation continuing instant in prayer bless them that persecute you bless and curse not my brothers and sisters some people have the gift of persecution you don't know what you do them they're just persecuting you but i say to you this morning with choice in hope patient in tribulation continued instant in prayer bless them that persecute you hallelujah bless and curse not can i say that you must enrich the joy with more prayer and more praise surprise them having a rough time at home a rough time at the workplace and when you when you get the rough time at home and it's bad because that's the greatest attack you could get the rough time at home because your home should be your heaven when everything else is breaking you must be happy to run home because home is haven but sadly to say that some of us fret when we are to go home because a home is not a haven but god but god when everything is falling down hallelujah walk in your purpose live out your purpose short for joy for the joy of the lord is your strength hallelujah glory to the name of jesus then the peace of god you have a purpose let nothing derail you from your god-given purpose walk in your purpose live out your purpose let the peace of god cover you always sing peace of god cover me when we settle our account with god he takes away the tension and the anger that comes upon us when we are faced with conflict in situations and remember that some of the situations that confront us we don't even know where they come from we don't know where they come from so many things they say yes you have never heard it you know nothing about what they say that you say but the enemy is trying to rob you of your peace but guess what god is our jehovah's shalom he sanctifies us through and through and he said blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of god hallelujah the peace of god must be evident in the christians life others need to see that difference that the peace of god makes in our lives as peacemakers we must be able to share the love of god with others hallelujah my brothers and sisters let me hasten to remind us that peace is not determined by our hefty bank accounts peace is not determined by the high school event and the university and the degrees that we have peace is not determined by the different languages that we speak and the big houses that we live in and i dare say that all of these are very important aren't they all of these are input the degrees are important the bank account is important the nice house everybody wants of a nice house a big queen size bed to let our king says bed everybody wants to have some nice things in this earth because jesus says you must occupy until he comes so you want to occupy with the best so i know that these things are important but i want to say to you the pursuit of peace is more important than the pers than the pursuit of possessions money or fame hallelujah jesus said my peace i live with you hallelujah my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you let not your heart be troubled hallelujah neither let it be afraid to apply the peace of god to your lives we're living in treacherous times apply the peace of god and colossians 3 12 to 13 wraps it up the other virtues of the spirit it says as elect of god holy and beloved bowels of mercies kindness humility of mind meekness long suffering forbidden one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against you even as christ forgave you so also do you so someone has done you an awful thing sister mitzi all for liar telling you awful thing forgive them you can't go to heaven with unforgiveness so forgive them your sparing your own self let the joy of the lord be your strength do not quarret anyone don't bring down yourself that you're going to beat your chest me me say that don't quarry anyone let the peace of god dwell richly in your life when we practice self-control it will benefit kindness when we practice self-control it will benefit kindness gents meekness goodness hallelujah we develop the inner man the inner man is our character hallelujah we will be firmly planted developing deep roots grounded in god and so we can live out our purpose as god intends my brothers and sisters let us develop the inner man the character that's the only thing we live this life with our character the horse is left behind the clothes everything is left behind we only leave this world with our character so let us take time out to build up our character a godly character amen praise the name of jesus can i say that when people deliberately provoke you it takes god's grace to prevent you from retaliating but you can't retaliate and live out god's purpose blessed jesus you cannot and some of the things that do us are terrible you know but if you retaliate you make it worse you cannot retaliate and live out god's purpose and please be reminded that we are prisoners of christ hallelujah so we must persevere to stay the course hallelujah brothers and sisters when we commit to apply god's words to our lives we live christ like lies and that takes me to the final point living christ like life isn't that the goal of every child of god to live like jesus yes we seem to be like jesus all i want is to be like him and you know i tell the lord every day lord i just i don't want any form of insincerity in my life i want to be sincere in my worship so when i come to church i don't show it because somebody is shouting i want to carry my own shorter my own praise because you have done so much for me that i should be able to shout for everybody in this church almighty god mighty long way lord mighty long way look where you brought me from a mighty long way hallelujah so i want to have my own short my own praise my own adoration for he has brought me hallelujah a mighty long way hallelujah glory be to the name of jesus hallelujah if we study the word of god and apply his word to our lives we have no choice we are ushered into the presence of the lord equipped to live a christ-like life he gives us adequate tools to work with i just mentioned the fruit of the spirit i mentioned our prayer life and i mentioned reading the word of god and romans 12 2 says and be not conformed to this world but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god glory to god hallelujah god does not want us to conform to this world he wants us to live christ like lives hallelujah christ likeness is a goal that god that god has for our lives he will achieve this goal by placing his people and his word in our lives so to live a christ-like life we must study the world we must maintain an active prayer life we must be engaged in christian ministry sister mitch will tell it a few weeks ago we walked through the community of norwood my god i felt so fulfilled because you know what jesus says that we must go into the highways and the bad ways and win the lost at any cost oh we're too comfortable in the air-conditioned church let's go out let's walk into all communities you know what to do to me there was not one person who turned us away they were ready to receive our tracks and whatever we had to say to them i want us to know that as christians we must be engaged in christian ministry those who have the baby turn upside down they're so engaged in the ministry we know that we have the real truth and we don't engage ourselves i want to encourage us to engage ourselves in christian ministries witness spread the good news and let it not just be at rally time that people know you're a christian when you carry the rally car to ask for a contribution that's the only time they know that you're a christian and you're a church member and want us to know that wherever we are our lights must shine hallelujah so that men can see our good works and glorify our father which is in heaven hallelujah so study the word maintain an active prayer life be engaged in christian ministry witness spread the word spread the good news never give up regardless of what anybody is saying don't give up don't throw in the toil live for jesus that's what matters when the discouragement comes when the curveballs come allow the lord to hold your hand hallelujah never give up go grow and pray hallelujah in close and i want to say my brothers and sisters it is worth mentioning that living a life of purpose is fulfilling and rewarding hallelujah have you found that living for christ is both fulfilling and rewarding when it comes to knowing and understanding life's purpose it's a good idea to seek the lord for guidance hallelujah if he is the author of your life it only makes sense to find out from him what you ought to be doing it's simple but not easy to follow for the most part because people like doing their own thing it can be very frustrating too when our lives are not aligned with god's plan everything we do fail because we have not aligned our lives with god's plan everything we do fail don't not much not with the word of god it takes the peace and the joy out of our life and no one would want to experience a life without peace and joy because a life without peace and joy is a life of misery and nobody wants to live a life of misery somebody says misery loves company so when people come to church they make more people miserable they draw more people into their misery so you come to church for a blessing and somebody in their miserable state makes sure that they have added you to their list because misery loves company we want the joy and the peace of the lord we want to be covered in his peace and we want a shout for joy especially in difficult situations my brothers my sisters by seeking god and asking for his guidance he will point us in the right direction somebody says he will row the boat the captain is the lord jesus christ let him roar your boat so when choppy waters come he will roar your boat and land you safely ashore hallelujah god gave you and everyone else a free will to make your own decision he's not forcing any of us to do anything he is not going to do he is not forcing us he is not coercing us he's not controlling us if you have the freedom to make your own decisions but you must accept the consequences that accompany decisions that you make can i say every action has a has a has an outcome and so every action has a consequence and so if you don't allow the lord to act when the consequences come you must be prepared to deal with them hallelujah god shows us through his word the benefit of living his way versus the pain of following godly of following worldly ways he desires for you to follow his way because it will lead to prosperity on earth and in eternity he says come unto me only the labor and are heavy laden hallelujah and i jesus will give you rest hallelujah mighty god you can count on god to be faithful and true to his word no matter what situation you are facing now if he gave you a promise did he give you a promise if he gave you a promise he will fulfill that promise the only challenge is that you might not know when it will be it could be weeks it could be months it could be years but whatever the case may be rest assured that since you he gave you that promise it will happen it will come to pass habakkuk says though the vision carries it shall surely come to pass praise the name of jesus living out your purpose so what is your relationship with the lord are you living in the shadow of the cross are you living out your purpose if not if you're not living in the shadow of the cross if you are not living out your purpose would you like to let jesus in your heart this morning hallelujah the word has gone forth it's application time look into yourself where are you with the lord do you want him to enter into your life this morning and change you entirely completely if you are not at the place where you ought to be this morning may i invite you to an art of prayer the songwriter says let jesus fix it for you he knows just what to do we ask you this morning is there one person are there two persons three persons are you in this church this morning and jesus is not lord of your life i want you to know you're not here by chance this morning would you walk down these ass to an out of prayer let jesus fix it for you praise the name of jesus we wait for those who are coming this morning let jesus fix it are you here praise the name of jesus hallelujah he knows just what to do thank you jesus whenever whenever let the lord have his way and he will fix it for you oh that jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] let him fix it for you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh is let the lord [Music] i know [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you jesus praise the name of jesus what a beautiful song this morning jesus fix it for you can i tell you he fixed it for me many many years ago hallelujah and my life has never been the same so i want to thank those who have walked out to the altar of prayer this morning you're not here by any chance he says if you open your heart he will come in in revelation 3 verse 20 says behold i stand at the door and knock if any man hears my voice and opens the door i will come in and soap with him and he with me so as we sing this morning let jesus fix it all you have to do is to open your heart and let jesus come in hallelujah glory be to the name of jesus let jesus fix it for you hallelujah whenever you pray let the lord [Music] oh we worship the prince of peace we worship the mighty god we exhort the name of jesus hallelujah we sing unto the lord let jesus fix it for you he knows just what to do we praise you for your words this morning hallelujah living out our purpose we remind ourselves that before we were forming our mother's womb you knew us mighty god and you have a plan for every one of us so this morning as your word has gone forth we want to thank you that your word almighty god has fallen on good ground and persons have walked out of their seats in recognition of the word of god to an art of prayer mighty holy spirit of god we welcome the holy spirit in their lives this morning we ask the holy spirit to speak to them continue to speak to their mighty god that as they have walked out of their seeds convicted that they'll be converted in jesus name we praise you almighty god worth their consciences let them not get any peace until they cry out i heal thy yield blessed be the name of jesus we want to thank you almighty god that they have as they have walked down these eyes oh blessed be the name of jesus that the holy spirit of god will surround them wrap them up holy ghost hallelujah wrap them up holy ghost that their minds will be stayed on you they will have no thought of their own no word of their own nor deed of their own their lies will be changed from this day forward we give you praise for the communities the communities from which they came the homes from which they came almighty god and we pray or that the light of god will shine through them that as they go back to those communities as they go back to those homes somebody will see something in them however small it is as newborn babes design the sincere milk of the word of god we pray this morning we pray holy ghost we pray holy ghost we pray we pray holy ghost we pray that the holy ghost from heaven will sit on your son and your daughter as they have walked on these eyes we bless the name of jesus we honor the name of jesus and we thank you for the hearers this morning those in read your land mighty god oh blessed be the name of jesus we pray that they too though not physically present almighty god will make a commitment to follow the lord from this day forward those on youtube almighty god we pray we pray in the name of jesus hallelujah that having heard your words they too will make a commitment to follow the lord we honor you jesus and we glorify you for every decision made this morning to follow you oh blessed jesus hallelujah every decision made to follow you mighty god will blossom and bring forth fruit we thank you for the peace that you give it that pass at all understanding we thank you for the joy of the lord is our strength hallelujah we thank for the love of god which is greater far than tongue or pen can never tell we just wrap up ourselves in your love and your joy in your peace and your meekness in your genderness in your goodness in your faith in your temperance and your long suffering this morning we thank you for your blessings upon us as a people thank you for every worshiper in the house thank you lord god those who made it their duty to come out early this morning they could have been otherwise minded but they came out for worship and we give you praise as we are about to go we ask you almighty god to dismiss us with your choices blessings hallelujah to go home with us or several abode and whatever happens may the beauty of jesus may the beauty of jesus be seen in us in all that we think say and do for we ask it all in jesus mighty name hallelujah praise the name of jesus hallelujah thank you jesus praise the lord thank you for coming out somebody will take your names and we invite you back to our worship service we have a men's fellowship on tuesday evening a woman's ministry on tuesday evening we have permitting tuesday morning and we ask that you will come out to worship with us we have some youtube requests and we're going to ask brother nelson to read and after the request our own brother gavin brother garwood will be praying for those requests god bless you good morning these are the progress via our youtube channel but first i must recognize sister alma cox who is reporting victory this morning after being prayed for on wednesday she is doing well and giving god thanks prayer request as follows baby channelia doing hope and art surgery tomorrow palmer family in lindstead hegan l goal request per richard botner channa doing chemotherapy keisha richardson requesting her for her business and her daughter chanel and son dante dalton henry chambers who suffered a stroke in portmore healing and deliverance for terence johnson in maypen albert chambers in hanover shelton requesting prayer for a job prayer request for kenisha tyrell and family in linstead philo mill and mr williams and glenn gough sofia frey thompson tania lonnie ashley ebert donna carr carlene jackson eva burton all requesting prayer sharon richards requesting prayer for healing kurt johnson requesting prayer angela pottman requesting prayer for herself and family prayer for jason elaine daniel and shaydon prayer request for kurt wilson in canada sonia williams request prayer for her husband reuben williams for healing barbara jones request per se bird bonnick requesting powerful healing and pearl dawkins requesting prayer for her family those are the requests thank you for listening praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord praise the name of jesus hallelujah let us pray father in the name of jesus this morning lord we come again before you lord we are glad that you're never tired of hearing us god lord god an ear lord is a list before you mighty god my hand is on this list this morning oh god your people you know you know them god almighty by name and by number o god almighty you see these requests god oh god they were read almighty god and in the name of jesus christ of nazareth right now lord we pray god that we're there is to be healing god we pray that you will heal mighty god in the name of jesus oh god we're your people requesting a breakthrough my god i pray lord for breakthrough in the name of jesus will you preach lord requesting jobs i pray lord for provision in the name of jesus father i pray god that you will come through for your people lord god almighty in the name of jesus come through god for your people far and near god we are glad to know lord that there is no distance in prayer god in the name of jesus christ i pray god that you will move through the earwaves god wherever there right now in the name of jesus god touch the mighty god from the crown of their head god even to the souls of their feet i pray god for a change i pray god for a breakthrough i pray god for a miracle this morning in the name of jesus give them a testimony this morning god in the name of jesus god you said by your throat your stripes were ill i pray god for healing i pray for deliverance i pray for strength this morning god i pray this morning for profession oh god every name here this morning god hear us this morning god hear us this morning of our father hear us this morning great god and touch your people touch your people god touch your people in the name of jesus touch your people god almighty give them a testimony in the name of jesus give them a testimony this morning lord don't let it be that they will write back to the church let it be god that they will send a message to the church oh god of the victory of the deliverance in the name of jesus of the healing in jesus name bless this morning god cause your face to shine upon your peoples this morning take over this morning god as we ask his mercy and we claim it done in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah praise the lord thank you so much brother uh brother godwin over to our moderator almighty god be all the glory to almighty god be all the praise as we go today let us go and live out our purpose let us seek to do that which god would want us to do let us go and silence the mountains silence the rock so that god almighty will get the praise and the glory so as we go i wish for you a good week and have a productive week as well god bless you richly thanks for coming to god be the glory [Music] sorry sister but i feel we'll come back and close us uh with the benediction praise the lord i just want to remind us a sunday school is right after now and so we want to study to show ourselves approved unto god in sunday school and now on to him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before his throne to the only wise god to him be glory honesty majesty and power both now and forevermore and the people of god say
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 4,411
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Id: qY-kl_efWgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 14sec (8174 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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