Fall Revival 2019 Rev Greg Oliver Sr

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[Music] come with me to Old Testament passage Daniel very familiar passage steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercy never come to any they are now in the morning they are new every morning great [Music] is thy faithfulness great is thy fame full name [Music] my changes by compassion they feel now forever weight is thy faithfulness great [Music] is thy faithfulness every time I wake up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hey Thomas anybody here know he's been faithful great okay [Music] [Music] Daniel Daniel Chapter three I want to preach try to preach from verse 25 but let me back up to verse 24 to get a running head start they never could neither the king was astonished and stood up in haste I've been reading from the new American Standard and he said to his officials was it not three men we cast bound into the midst of the fire they replied to the king certainly O king verse 25 he said lo I see four men loose and walking about in the midst of the fire without harm in the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods as lo I see four men loose walking about in the midst of the fire without harm and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods you may be seated I would like to talk tonight from the thought how to function in the midst of the fire how to function in the midst of the fire one of my favorite movies I watched just about once a month is tombstone Kurt Russell plays Wyatt or Val Kilmer plays Doc Holliday at the end of that movie Val Kilmer's character Doc Holliday is in the hospital in Colorado Kurt Russell's character wider comes to see him and doc is trying to get Kurt because they are good friends trying to get wider to go on and live his life he says go stop worrying about me I'm all right and Doc Holliday looks up at Wyatt Earp and says what do you want out of life wider responds by saying I just want to live a normal life Doc Holliday says to Wyatt Earp in response there is no such thing as a normal life what a statement what a statement that somebody in this room or maybe somebody you and I know needs to hear tonight that there is no such thing as a normal life there is no small house with a white picket fence happy marriage with 2.5 children I know that's what all of us wrote in our journals in English for where we wanted to be in 20 or 30 years I want to be married I want to have a nice cottage in the country with 2.5 children I'll have a truck my wife will have a car you know and all of that in life there's some bores missing off of the fence the marriage is on the rocks one of your children's on drugs the other one is pregnant early they keep moving out but coming back in the house somebody has just defeated cancer lost a job corporate downsizing there is no such thing as a normal life matter of fact the temperature of life is rarely just right it's always too hot or it's too cold the only time temperature is just right is either pre or post storm whenever it feels just right there's either a storm coming or one just left I want to share that with somebody in the air tonight know if your husband or your spouse is acting like right your children going crazy your husband and your children acting right your job if you husband your children and your job acting right your vehicle it's always something one of my favorite preachers who was going home to be with the Lord now one of your own doctor al Patterson says that there is no house in the country that can hang a sign outside that says no hurt here job says man or woman born of a woman our of a few days and they are full of trouble I'm gonna share that with somebody tonight who's waiting on things to be normally I'll never be known you waiting on things to get right just before you start you know participating in ministry things gonna get right after a while and then I'm going to be applying will never get right things get better I'm gonna shout I can't wait till things get better way to get just right and the choir sing that song one of these days I'm gonna tear the church up just shouting well because when things get just right listen and say something if you're gonna shout make up in your mind that you are read and shout because listen the music will never be just right the sermon will never be just right the context will never be just right for you to do what the Lord has called you to do so I'm attracted to this verse tonight and what I'm attracted to is everything that takes place inside the fire now let me say this just in case cuz I might get too excited at the end and I might not get a chance to say this so let me just say this right now they do get out they do get out just in case I don't get a chance to say that but in another message I'm telling you now they do get out but would you look at all of the stuff that takes place while they are still in the fire of course this is a small caption of what's really going on in the Book of Daniel the entire book they the children of Israel have been captured by Nebuchadnezzar he's brought these princes back to Babylon changed their name and he's brought them there and and they are there and God is not getting them out they've got about a 70 years stick that they're going to have to stay in Babylon so all of the stuff that happens in the Book of Daniel is while they are still in their circumstance or situation they bring them they change their names and you know that even though these fellows are are they they don't have the same diet as everybody else the Lord blesses them to be fatter and finer than everybody just offer vegetables and water while they're in they never could never have this dream and God speaks to them and they interpret the dream for Nebuchadnezzar so they're promoted while they in then Nebuchadnezzar comes up with this idea of course he's gonna build this big statue and even though they are no longer in Jerusalem and and it looks like God has not necessarily heard their prayer they are still faithful to God by saying that even though you've taken us away from Jerusalem we still know who our God is and even though you called us out of our name we still know who our God is and we refuse to worship you even though God has not done for us what we think he helped you for us he hadn't gotten us out yet but we're still faithful we will not worship your golden image and never Knesset says well is y'all not gonna worship my golden image again we're gonna burn you up and they heated up the flame seven times hotter and through these boys in and the Bible says that they fell down in the fire and the men that threw him in burned up and never kanessa evidently couldn't sleep well that night tossing and turning wakes up and looks up in the fire in the morning and said y'all come in did y'all do something last night when I wasn't looking at you how many did we throw in is that we threw in three is well why is it that I see for you and walking in the midst of the fire and they have no harm and the fourth one looks like no human I've ever seen before he looks like somebody who has a divine gene pool sri generis and the bible says he gets them out but now back up just a little bit and I'm gonna be through in a second he says how many did we throw in they said three he says lo I see four I see so that's my first point right there since I see four one of the reasons I think God does not get you out of the fire is for observation let me tell you ones up that sea fire gives light and and and and here there's Shadrach Meshach Abednego are in the fire and never Knesset says I see and what I see now I couldn't see before I see now what I couldn't see before and I would never have seen it if they weren't in the fire God creates circumstances for the Saint to be see you're wondering why you're in the fire and God hadn't gotten you out God wants you to be see seen every day you are trying to sign up for one of God's secret agents you don't want nobody know you save don't want nobody to know that you're a child of God you're nobody to know that you're a believer in Christ so the Lord puts you in a fiery situation so that people can see who you really [Applause] you ain't in the fire for you you and the fire so that's somebody because the people don't see you in church they don't see you in here everybody looked like a Christian in here but it's when you're in Syrus situations when things go bad and you said I trust in God we did a study we did a stay at church on the book of James the book of James a New Testament book of James did you know James is the brother of Jesus but the thing I found out about it was James did not believe in Jesus during Jesus earthly ministry first Corinthians 15 says that the only reason James believed was because he saw the resurrected Christ Jesus is his brother and he doesn't even believe that his brother is the Christ until he sees him crucified buried and resurrected he doesn't even believe that his brother is the Christ until he sees his brother go through and come out so I want to help somebody you got some folk thinking about how much you talking about how you live the Lord and he heard your cry they want to see you go through something and come out the other side and then they'll know you're a child of a king no I see you're in the fire so that people can see who you really are lo I see four now let me just throw this one in I'm not gonna deal with it too much that there is not just observation but there is congregation not only deal with that long I will talk about the fourth person but I want to stop for a minute and talk about three of them real quick because Shadrach Meshach and Abednego are in the fire together now let me tell you how you're gonna make it out of what you're in you had quit being so antisocial you said that fanger you're the only one on the road that's going through something [Music] well it's somebody on the road with you that's going through something to that just smile it so just smile and shake with them yeah but that's a minor point I don't want to deal with that that that kid observation I see four but his major thing on their loose so you're in the fire not just for observation and congregation but liberation he says they're loose he says they are loose now you can't appreciate that until you read the previous verse that says they threw them in down but the fire that was meant to burn them up set them free cuz I got some real Christians in here about five of y'all I'll make six who can testify you ask some stuff in your life that you couldn't get rid of until you went through the fire ready go [Applause] some of it was some seeing and others were some stuff that so easily beset us [Applause] if I was in Full Gospel Church tonight I'd say that some of you haven't been through the fire because you're still bound by public opinion that's why you have waved your hand yet you ain't said it man cuz you heard about what somebody gonna say but then some of you have been through the fire you ain't worried about what anybody goes say God has been good to you man fact did took their shoes off as soon as you got in here you ain't worth I'm free [Applause] God had to burn some stuff all of us [Applause] hold on wait a minute I wanna shout again listen Bible says that the men that threw them in that burned up the fire done just burned stuff off of you the fire will burn some people off of you [Applause] we had some people I thought I could never get rid of I'm trying to her table servation congregation liberation and here's what we read they're walking in the midst did you catch it he says I see them in there walking around they're walking around in the midst of the fire I called this resurrection now I got a strip into the New Testament to get this the word resurrection I think is NST me or an estimate don't worry about that let me give a definition is a compound Greek word Ana means again a steamie means to stand so the resurrection is the standing up again for the women we didn't interpret it right we thought the resurrection was the Lord walking out of the tomb but by definition is not the Lord walking out of the tomb it's the Lord standing up in the tomb big for God to get you out and then stand you up makes him look like a wimp but if he can stand you up while you're in [Music] [Applause] it makes him look like God see some of y'all waiting until you get out you gotta learn to stand up by all means [Applause] they're walking around in this thing see y'all read the Bible but you don't read it right Val prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies and you're sitting there saying Lord I'm ready to eat and the Lord is saying wait a minute well Lord what am I waiting for I'm waiting on some more enemies to show up [Applause] soon as you get some more haters in your life I'm going to serve you because I've got to serve you in their face I've got to bless you in their face [Applause] now I don't know if y'all talk to your neighbor down here in Houston but up and Shreveport where I'm from and where I preach every now and then we've got to engage in conversation with our neighbor you get your neighbor and say look in it [Music] [Applause] they ain't gonna stop hating your own your job you might as well well I wish I had some lip in here things and we'll never get perfect you might as well wrong listen because you've got to learn how to walk in it before you walk out of it I had to tell you this the things ain't gonna get no better so you might as well walk in it just because things don't get any better don't mean you can't get any better I'm trying to hurry observation congregation liberation resurrection they're walking in the midst of the fire and look what he says he says and they have no heart that's protection they're in the fire when they get out they're not even smelling smoking let the church say protection god I ain't gotta move your enemies to protect you he ain't got to stop your enemies from working y'all sing the song but y'all haven't thought about it no weapons formed against me shall prosper doesn't say it hang on before it just says it ain't gonna prosper because the Lord knows how to protect you I wondered one time how in the world you know cuz old preacher said that that he took a big whose Anna fan and fan the flames but again the cords burned off and the people threw him in so that's not a case but I went to I remembered 8th grade 9th grade physical science you know I got the element chart up there and got all the elements if I remember in eighth grade physical science that if you take an element and you heat it to like 215 degrees and you dip it into a fire that's only burning 150 degrees the element will not be impacted by the fire again you heat it up to 115 degrees put it in a fire there's only burning 150 degrees the element will not be impact Mel M tell you what happened Nebuchadnezzar heated up the fire seven times hotter God heated up the Hebrew boys eight times harder [Applause] [Music] that's what I call I'm gonna make up a word okay I call it evolutionary grace evolutionary grace it's the grace that causes you to evolve in order to meet the need of the moment I wish I had some lip in here so that if your trouble is is if seven times hotter God would by His grace evolve you so that you can handle is there anybody up in here that can testify but the reason that I'm here today is because of God's evolutionary grace I thought I couldn't take it I thought I couldn't handle it the dog gave me the grace to deal with it let me close this the problem this problem in here tonight this is a problem that God did them so till when they came out if they didn't tell you that they had been easy nobody would know it that's problem here tonight you're looking so good until unless you tell that person besides you that the Lord has brought you out of the fire they will even know [Applause] Macy's the barber shop the beauty salon Dillard's and and and and Saks Fifth Avenue have messed up worship because y'all look so good it looked like you ain't never been through money that's why when you sit down you got to tell somebody your testimony hey I know I don't look like it but I've been to hell sweet I know I don't look like it but happen through the storm and Elaine because that's just how good god is I don't look like that I've been through in their back in the house tonight is that me Shack in the house tonight is there have been to go in the house tonight that didn't just the farm look like what happened to where our c4 vitamin E flat number I'm trying go lassie for loose [Music] walking in the midst of the fire and they have no home and the fourth wall looks like sui generis Sooey meaning one generis where we get gene pools from he said I see somebody that has a different gene pool I see somebody who has no earthly match when when you talk about Emmitt Smith you just gotta mention Walter Payton he has a earthly match when when you talk about Reggie Jackson you've got to talk about Sammy Sosa when yeah when you talk about Barack Obama you got to talk about modern King when you talk about drew brees come on hit me here you've got to talk about Tom Brady when you say Serena [Music] you gotta say Venus can I get a witness here when you say the Apostle Paul who was a great preacher I gotta say Terry Anderson then when you say Jesus yeah he's in a courtship oh by himself ain't nobody like Jesus and somebody else to say came their body to me he no body to me like the Lord well I wonder in this text y'all what did you wait to get them out why did you take so long to get them out and I had an experience with a Lord answered my question when my son was born he grew up to be about four or five years old and I went off to do a revival and I did a revival one week preach somewhere that Sunday went and preached somewhere else but other week so I was going to be gold thirteen days and all my way after the 15 days were over I told my son on day one here is a calendar just mark the days off and in 15 days I'll be back home and on that sub team day I caught the plane in Atlanta on the way back to what would then was one room and I called my wife and said I'll be there in about an hour I want to see you and then I want to spend time with my boy when I got home and land and I called it from the airport to see if she needed anything from the store I said are you at home she says yes I'm at home I said well where is my boy she says I sent him to his room I said well why did you send him to his room she said he did something she said and I would appreciate it but you wouldn't get him out of his room until the appointed time is up I said I've been gone 13 days I don't know what he did but when I get home I want to see you and then I want to see my ball and when I walk to the door I greeted my wife like a husband greets his wife after he hadn't seen her for 14 days and then I proceeded down the hall to my son and my son began to come out of the room but I fall about what his mama said shall I tell him Sean you can't come out yet tears began to come down his face I said son you can't come out yet he said daddy you've been gone for 14 days I said don't worry about a joke mama said you can't come out I want kids door and I opened the door and I got in the wrong way some of y'all still ain't got him did you get him out until you stay in there long enough but my last we here [Music] [Music] [Music] I got away oh I'm shining [Applause] in the mixer master Oh [Applause] can I bother you just one more time have somebody by the hand and same name have go to the fire and a hearty here i've been roped in to please me and because [Music] and he'll never [Music] [Applause] often somebody I'd hit missing I'd go to the fire and I can do it in two pieces she like [Applause] [Music] just wait and see we [Music] I'm gonna pray for you before I leave I was afraid for you before leave because he ain't gonna get you out to fire yet but I wanna pray that you just hold on cuz every blessing that the Lord has for you you're going to get it while you're in the fire or because of the fire I don't know who I'm talking to in here tonight I just want you to begin to just tell lift your hands and tell God thank you here's a very hard and heavy phrase I'm gonna say it's not enough for you to think about Lord I think you cuz you know what you're doing Lord I trust you cuz you know what you do [Music] Laura thank you because everything you have for me the fire can't stop it and it's preparing me for promotion now you just tell them thank you however you won't you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 25,431
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Id: E-EUBU9fYts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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