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[Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] me [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good morning welcome to glenmore temple we're so happy to have you with us this morning on our rally day weekend um we're excited to be able to come together even if it's uh not as many as we would like to have here this morning but we're thankful to god for the opportunity to still be able to gather in this way and so i'm going to begin this morning with a prayer so if you would bow with me i'm going to pray oh god you are our god the one in whom we trust we've gathered together today to worship you to open our hearts and minds to your presence we long to meet you here and to hear your voice we come with confidence because we've met you here before we've been odd and inspired by your glory and your power we come with gratitude because we've known your steadfast love a love which is better than life itself and so we praise you lifting our voices lifting our hands in joy and expectation come among us in your power pour out your spirit on our thirsty souls that we may be filled with your goodness and your love amen we're going to begin this morning with a songbook song and it's number 279 and i'm going to ask that you'll stand with me and the band's going to be on the screen playing and it's to god be the glory great things he has done let's lift up our voices this morning and praise to him [Music] you [Music] it [Applause] [Applause] you seated okay our call of worship this morning is taken from second corinthians chapter four we are pressed on every side by troubles but we are not crushed we are perplexed but not driven to despair we are hunted down but never abandoned by god we get knocked down but we are not destroyed through suffering our bodies continue our bodies continue to share the death of jesus jesus so that the life of jesus may also be seen in our bodies so we don't look at the troubles we can now see rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen for the things we see now will soon be gone the things we cannot see will last forever we fix our eyes on him for his presence is full of joy please stand and join us in worship [Music] be [Music] we worship the god who [Music] my of the lord today [Music] we say to the god who always makes us [Music] [Music] accepted [Music] [Music] we were the prisoners [Music] [Music] our god is surely in this place [Music] is [Music] um [Music] we are [Music] so [Music] you are not alone you are not alone if you are lonely when you feel afraid you're not the only [Music] it's all you need amen amen [Music] well it don't matter [Applause] [Music] god the world he knows his son to save us all and all the people said amen thanks to amen lord for his love never ends and all the people say amen of foreign and all the people said amen all the people said amen give thanks to the lord for his love never ends and all the people said amen and all the people said amen [Music] amen and all the [Music] amen he can be seated is oh hi hi everyone i'm i'm isabella and laura has asked me to share about my experience working at camp this summer so just in case you are not all aware because of recent events no kids were actually able to be at camp it was all completely virtual and online so how it worked as a cabin leader was there were two teams so one team was on program for the week and then the other team was on social media and then after that we would switch and i'll be honest because no kids were allowed at camp i didn't have any interest working at camp i didn't want to like at all i mean like kids are the essence of camp so if they're not there what's the point obviously i ended up going because laura wouldn't have asked me to share but all the reasons i didn't want to go to camp so what changed my mind was okay was actually a movie don't judge me but it was a movie and i never planned on watching this specific movie but for some reason instead of turning on brooklyn nine-nine i turned this random movie on that i had no idea existed it's called a week away it's on netflix and it's about teenagers going to a christian summer camp how i never realized what god was doing is astonishing to me but my obliviousness is not the point the point is that that night i couldn't sleep and because i was just so upset about not being able to go to gospel arts camp because there's always a certain feeling that you get when you go there and it's something i never feel anywhere else and i was just i was just so upset that covet had canceled it for a second time and then i heard god just say to me then just work at camp like it was the most obvious solution in the world maybe it was maybe you're all sitting here being like come on izzy just work at camp but i promise you that option never crossed my mind i was so preoccupied in my despair of not getting to go to camp that i just didn't think about it but anyways after hearing after hearing that i just went okay and the next morning i put in my application for camp and i got the job as cabin leader and yeah i had so much fun there and i'm really glad that i ended up going you might know that at camp we like to use camp names for privacy reasons mine ended up being mr miyagi from karate kid because i killed a whole bunch of flies with my feet yeah we were only required to use our camp names when we're online with the kids and i found it hilarious that when the i found it hilarious when the kids refused to call me mr miyagi and they kept saying things like mrs miyagi do the worm the reasoning behind that was strictly because she's a girl why is she being called a mister i guess they hadn't seen karate kid besides the kids some of my favorite things about camp were the people there and because there was no kids at camp we spent a lot of time together like a lot of time and because of that i grew really close to the people around me some of my favorite memories were the times when some of us girls in the cabins would just do just dance for like hours on end it was really tiring or the time when i became a professional vlogger and recorded what we did in the day if you haven't checked those out you should go check them out i'm trying to build a fan base here become a vlogger so i would really appreciate that during the times that we were not with the campers we would do a whole bunch of different sessions and it was different every day and one of the days we worked with the enneagram and if you don't know what the enneagram is it's just basically a complicated personality test so there are nine main personality types it's all in like a little circle and those nine types can be further broken down into three more types and then you have to also consider your wings which are your subdominant personality types i meant it when i said it was confusing we worked on it the entire summer and because we spent so much time with the enneagram i've gone into a habit of like choosing people's enneagram number for them so if they'd say something i'd be like oh you're such a seven or oh that was a very one thing to say like and but most people don't understand the enneagram so they kind of just stare back at me with blank faces like what like what are you talking about anyways we learned about the enneagram so we could learn more about ourselves so i found out i'm a nine which are the peacekeepers of the enneagram yeah nine and i also learned that i am i like to be perfect at everything but i am too scared to fail so i just never end up doing anything that's helpful so but other than that we learned about the enneagram and how it can relate to our faith so we learned that each number on the enneagram their best personality when they're at their best or the most healthiest point is a personality of jesus so nines will at their healthiest will have jesus's peaceful demeanor or sixes have jesus's loyalty and the whole point of it was to not stay in your one number but to kind of incorporate all the healthiest traits of the enneagram and live in this sort of middle area and that's where jesus is you can't classify jesus if he's everything in all the best overall the summer meant a lot to me i have grown more confident in myself i've created stronger relationship with my friends and god and i'm just very grateful that i was able to have this experience even in the midst of a pandemic so work at camp [Applause] well thank you izzy i am i'm one of the few who didn't ever work at camp until i was an officer and then i was forced to go and figure it out on the fly so um i have different camp memories but we won't go there today we have a special guest with us today and i'm going to ask darren and laurel if they will bring lydia and come and stand uh just just over there about six feet or more just over there as i said this is darren and laurel a party and um darren is a soldier in saint st john's temple temple saint john's temple and laurel is a member of the catholic church here in calgary and they are living here in calgary and so today because it's a special day we have some also some special visitors we have uh grandpas and grandmas and uncles with us today and so i want to say welcome to you as well we're so glad that we're with that you're with us and also for those of you watching back in newfoundland yay thank you for watching and we're glad that you're with us and for friends and family in calgary as well thank you so much for joining us today and we are here today because of this beautiful wee girl now because no one can get too close we have that wonderful beautiful gorgeous picture of her up there isn't she adorable she was born on august the 4th which means she's not very old at all so she's doing really well considering she hasn't had a lot of time to learn how to behave in church you're doing so good and just to just to let you know she looks so beautiful today because she is beautiful but because she's also wearing her christening gown was made from laurel's mother's wedding dress so it's a very special dress and she's wrapped in a christening blanket that was made by darren's nan so this is a very special outfit she's wearing and makes a special this occasion even more special i spoke with darren and laurel earlier and we talked about uh the significance of the their faith in their own life and how they have a sincere desire to have lydia grow up in the knowledge that she is loved by god and ultimately that she will recognize jesus christ as her savior and her redeemer and they recognize that this will only happen if they intentionally share their faith with their daughter in second timothy 3 14 and 17 we we are reminded all of us as for you continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of because you know those from whom you learned it and how from infancy you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in christ jesus all scripture is god-breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work so darren and laurel we are so thrilled that you've come to make your promises known today and that you're actually allowing us to be a part of the celebration we are celebrating this beautiful gift that god has brought into your lives and we want you to know that as a faith community we are thrilled to have you here we welcome you you're welcome anytime you want and just know that we will be praying for you as you continue on in this journey of parenthood that you're beginning today so as i said more than anything i would love to be able to go over and to take this dear sweet thing into my arms but i can't so i'm just going to stay over here you stay over there but just feel the love lydia it's coming my coming your way excellent i'm going to ask the congregation if they'll stand for this portion in presenting this child to god you give thanks to him for his precious gift you want her to grow up to be healthy wise and good and you therefore promise that you will keep from her so far as you are able everything which is likely to harm her in body mind or spirit if you're willing to make these promises i will welcome this child on behalf of god and on behalf of the salvation army and they do yay in the name of the lord and on behalf of glenmore temple core of the salvation army i welcome this child lydia donna party in recognition of the promises which have been made by her parents this day shall we pray heavenly father we thank you for this precious we life this gift that you have given and we would ask that you would keep lydia in your care and give her parents wisdom as they teach and train her in all that is pure and lovely and honest in accepting this responsibility may they sense your presence with them and eagerly seek your help and guidance along the way in the name of jesus our glorious redeemer we pray amen let's welcome our newest member and the congregation can be seated and we just have a few things we'd like to give you i'm going to ask jillian if she will come this is a tradition that is part of glenbard temple jillian is a leads the cross stitchers group am i correct yes and so what they do is when they're knitting they pray for the people who will receive the blankets so your child has been well prayed for and hopefully every time you use that blanket you will remember that we love you in prayer and then i also have just a little um a little uh i'll give this to dad this is a little certificate that reminds you of the day if you open it up look at that there's the picture took a lot of my gluing skills for that and then she also becomes a member of our cradle role uh that into the first ministry's uh ministry and just a little uh keepsake to remember but again thank you so much for coming we're thrilled to be here we celebrate this life and let's welcome them one more time [Applause] now this past summer as well our families were invited some of the families in the congregation were invited to take part in a special emphasis that the salvation army youth department in toronto was emphasizing and that was prayer walking their communities and just to make it exciting i added and reading the scriptures so it became a scripture reading challenge and prayer walk race and together there was two families that took part one family is here today so i'm going to ask the homewoods if they would come i just have a little this is just a little thank you for taking part and things to remember on up don't be shy okay for you i'm going to give you this and this and for you i'm going to give you this it's a little hat to wear in case you don't know what it is or you can make it a fancy mask and then we've got a couple for mom and dad as well and we just want to say thank you for taking part and congratulations and let's just give them a round of applause excellent the the uh the other family was the andrews family and they're not with us today uh so sometime when i see them or sometime when they're here we'll surprise them with them as well but again thank you john chapter 8 verses 12 to 24 says when jesus spoke again to the people he said i am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have light of life the pharisees challenged him here you are appearing as your own witness your testimony is not valid jesus answered even if i testify on my own behalf my testimony is valid for i know where i came from and i know where i'm going but you have no idea where i come from or where i am going you judge me by human standards i pass judgment on no one but if i do judge my decisions are true because i'm not alone i stand with the father who sent me in your own law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true i am the one who testifies for myself my other witness is the father who sent me then they asked him where is your father you do not know me or my father jesus replied if you knew me you would know my father also he spoke these words while teaching in the temple of the courts near the place where offerings were put yet no one seized him because his hour had not yet come once more jesus said to him i am going away and you will look for me and you will die in your sin where i go you cannot come this made the jews ask will he kill himself that's why he says where i go you cannot come but he continued you are from from below i am from above you are of this world i am not i told you that you would die in your sins and if you not do not believe that i am he you will indeed die in your sins and then john chapter 8 verses 48 to 51 say then the jews answered him aren't we right in saying that you are a samaritan and demon-possessed i am not possessed by demons said jesus but i honor my father and you dishonor me i am not seeking glory for myself but there is one who seeks it and he is the judge very truly i tell you whoever obeys my word will never see death [Music] you were the word at the beginning one with god the lord most high your hidden glory in creation now revealed in you are christ what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it a is name it is the name of jesus [Music] so jesus [Music] my [Music] it siblings what a wonderful day [Music] the praise of your glory for you [Music] is [Music] what a powerful name it [Music] is the name of jesus [Music] amen i want to thank the young people for coming and being our worship team today thank you so much for your ministry and the way you have facilitated uh our hearts connecting our spirits connecting with the spirit of god this morning thank you so much shall we pray heavenly father we want to thank you just for your glorious presence you are such a wonderful god and the fact that we have this privilege to come and to be in your presence we don't take that for granted in fact we love it we love that we can be here and to know that you are with us and that we can be in our homes and know that you are with us there as well and so father we just invite you to come and to just remind us closely of your presence spirit feel free to move among us and stir our hearts challenge us as we look into the word help us to know you more and we thank you jesus and it's in your name we pray amen well here we are i know some of you are thinking oh good she's done seven i am statements we're done with this and we're not just to let you know we have been looking at these seven i am statements that were made by jesus and recorded in the book of john and john included these statements because he wanted us uh his readers then and his readers now to know about jesus the messiah but also to know jesus this friend and redeemer that he had himself lived with and worked with and traveled with daily for three years he recognized during that time that jesus very much knew who he was and very clear on what his purpose on earth was for and so he included these sayings in his book in saying i am the bread of life jesus wanted his followers then and now to know him as fully as he knew us and knows us in knowing him it's that it's there that we discover for ourselves the true source of life where we experience that kind of satisfying fullness that only god can provide the real life filled with the things that matter the things that last for eternity in saying i am the light of the world jesus was saying that just as that huge menorah candles that were lit during the feast of tabernacles reminded god's chosen people of his tender sheltering presence with them jesus was now the light of the world for the whole world god's tender sheltering presence for all people jew and gentile alike in saying i am the gate for the sheep jesus used the image of the sheep gate the gate that was used to bring the sacrificial lambs into the city of jerusalem and on to the temple and he used it as a vivid complete image of jesus as messiah the sacrificial lamb and the high priest becoming the way for both jew and gentiles to enter the kingdom of heaven jesus was god's perfect plan of salvation for all mankind in saying i am the good shepherd jesus was saying that much like a shepherd cares for his sheep jesus is our recognizable leader who knows his people so intimately that he calls us by name and goes before us leading the way to both places of shelter and places of freedom who cares so deeply for us that he leaves the 1909 to search for that one who has gone astray the one who has redeemed us we are his in saying i am the way the truth and the life jesus was telling us that he has prepared a way for us breaking the power of sin so that we could be forgiven and made holy welcomed as friends of god he prepared the way for us for his holy spirit to come and to live in our hearts and jesus also prepared a place for us with him in heaven a place where we are expected and welcomed and made to feel right at home the moment we arrive in saying i am the resurrection and the life jesus was saying that he is the one who brings the dead back to life he's the one who breathes life into our souls he's the true source of life jesus is the one who unwraps the grave clothes and sets us free to live the fullness of life here in this moment and in every moment in front of us and in saying i am the true vine jesus was helping us to understand how that relationship works that god the father loves the son that jesus loves those who love him and god's love flows through jesus to us and then through us to the world around us and when we are loved by jesus and when we live in obedience to god's will his love in us produces complete and everlasting joy these are the images that jesus gave us to help us know him but there are also a few other i am statements that are found in the book of john john chapter eight three more i am statements only this time it is i am not statements that are just as important for us to know in order to know jesus john 8 16 i am not alone i stand with the father who sent me john 8 23 i am not of this world john 8 and 50 i am not seeking glory for myself we've been to this portion and this setting of uh setting before in the days following the festival of the tabernacles jesus and his disciples remained around the vicinity and in jerusalem and the people and the pharisees alike they were curious about jesus they were drawn to him because of his teaching there was just something different about the way he spoke that they recognized that he spoke with an authority that no others spoke with and we see it explained in matthew chapter 7 verses 28 and 29 when jesus had finished saying these things the crowds were amazed at his teaching because he taught as one who had authority and not as the teachers of the law teachers of the law or scribes were devoted jews they were devoted to the laws of moses and they were among those who provided insight into here are the laws and this is what it looks like in everyday living they would say things like you can walk on the sabbath but only a certain distance or otherwise it's considered work or you're allowed to eat meat and dairy but never together cheeseburgers route that would be a hard one well when they were teaching uh they would often back up what they were saying by making reference to uh some of the teachings of the great rabbis of the time uh as they would say things like as rabbi so-and-so said thou shalt not and in essence what they did was they taught under the authority of somebody that was greater than themselves when jesus spoke however his words were his own and a great example is found in the sermon on the mount in matthew chapter 5. it's a phrase that we hear over and over again you have heard it said but i say things like you have heard it said that you shall not commit adultery but i tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery you have heard it said to the people long ago don't break your oath but fulfill the lord's vows you have made but i tell you do not swear an oath at all you have heard it said eye for eye and tooth for tooth but i tell you do not resist an evil person you have heard it was said love your neighbor and hate your enemy but i tell you love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you there was just something in what jesus was saying the insight that he had the wisdom of what he was saying something about it that rang true to the people who were listening and it filled their hearts with hope and life while the pharisees were pounding out the letter of the law jesus was giving them the life and spirit of the law many people including some of the pharisees believed what jesus was saying but there was just as many who were uncertain and uh the pharisees were arguing among themselves was this guy really authentic was he who he says he is or is he a lunatic and so they weren't sure and the more he spoke the bigger the crowds got and the more people that gathered to listen the more uncomfortable the religious leaders became so there's jesus in the temple and he's teaching people and he says in chapter 8 verse 12 i am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have light the light of life and the pharisees have just had enough they've been listening for weeks now and they can't take it anymore they they cannot stay silent and so they speak up and they bring a formal legal challenge against him in verse 13 the pharisees challenged him here you are appearing as your own witness your testimony is not valid in other words they were saying who do you think you are you can't just say but i say by whose authority are you teaching and saying these things well as i said it was the practice of the day that others would rely on the uh the authority of a respected rabbi or somebody uh in a greater authority to bring credence to what they were saying or teaching and for most things back then it actually would take two or more witnesses to bring validity validity to anything for instance you needed two witnesses before someone could be convicted of murder uh if you had important legal or financial transactions they often took place at the city gates because there would be lots of witnesses to what happened when fathers were negotiating the bride the uh the dowry they were other men in the room to to validate what was decided and what was agreed upon very seldom was your word alone enough today we'd have contracts drawn up and signed the verbal agreements are very hard to prove and all you have to do is watch any of the judge judy shows to know that she points it out she'll tell you you're an idiot so there was jesus not referring to any rabbis he took ownership of his own words of his own teaching as if that was all that was needed and the pharisees said that's not good enough your word alone means nothing and so uh he defends himself he he has to then go into this long dialogue that we we heard part of this lengthy discussion in a defense of himself but in defending himself he makes three statements uh that again tell us and outline his understanding of who he is and what he's all about number one in verse 14. even if i testify on my own behalf my testimony is valid for i know where i came from and where i'm going i'm sorry but you have no idea where i came from or where i'm going you judge by human standards i pass judgment on no one but if i do judge my decisions are true because i am not alone i stand with the father who sent me jesus is not a lone ranger he's not some guy trying to build some kingdom of his on his own he's come for the sole purpose of doing the will of god the father who sent him john 3 34 my food said jesus is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work john 5 19 very truly i tell you the son can do nothing by himself he can do only what he sees the father doing because whatever the father does the son also does john 14 10 these words i say to you i do not speak on my own authority rather it is the father living in me who is doing his work and even in the garden of gethsemane in those final hours he says yet not my will but your will be done i am not alone then jesus says in chapter eight verse 23 you are from below i am from above you are of this world i am not of this world and again jesus has been saying it all along that he was sent from heaven by the father for the father's purposes and plans john 3 13 no one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven the son of man john 6 38 for i have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of the one who sent me john 3 31 the one who comes from above is above all the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks from the earth the one who comes from heaven is above all jesus was pointing out that the pharisees were limited because they were born on earth their understanding was limited to what they could see and make sense of what was around them their concern was for earthly matters and their agenda was very much driven by the here and now these are the things we're worried about but jesus was from heaven and he came from heaven sent by the father his purposes were beyond the here and now they were much bigger than the here and now his purposes were eternal the father's plans and the father's purposes and it was through jesus that we could come to know the will of god ourselves i am not of this world and then we read in verse 48 the jews answered him aren't we right in saying that you are a samaritan and demon possessed and i can just see jesus you know shaking his head and rolling his eyes i am not possessed of a demon said jesus but i honor my father and you dishonor me i am not seeking glory for myself but there is one who seeks it and he is the judge right from the beginning from his birth the connection between jesus and god the father has been clear from the visit of the angels to proclaim the good news on to the appearance of the dove at jesus baptism and that voice it said this is my son whom i love and on to the cross where jesus again said not my will or where he said it is finished and right up to that moment when jesus was taken up to heaven and returned to his father jesus focus was on god the father and his purposes and his plans for mankind in everything jesus said and did he pointed people to the father he told parables to help people know the father's love for his creation he performed miracles to bring glory to the power of god he taught his disciples to refer to god as father when they prayed he prepared his disciples to understand that his death and resurrection as crazy as it might seem was part of god's plan and he said it over and over and over again if you have seen me you have seen the father if you know me you know the father john 7 and 16 jesus answered my teaching is not my own it comes from the one who sent me anyone who chooses to do the will of god will find out whether my teaching comes from god or whether i speak on my own whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth there is nothing false about him jesus was not looking to make a name for himself he was looking to make the father known i am not seeking glory for myself jesus was clear on who he was and what he was not he knew that he came from heaven and where he was going back to heaven he knew the one who sent him and why he was sent and he knew that the love of god the father was worth sharing jesus's i am not statements are important for us to know jesus but also they should be true statements that we can say ourselves because we are not alone god the father knows us intimately cares for us deeply and has promised to never leave us or forsake us we are never alone god is with us we are not of this world we may have been born on earth we may have been born dead in our own sins but through christ jesus we have been made alive in christ and have been made citizens in god's kingdom and we one day will join him in eternal life in that promised land and we are not to seek glory for ourselves you know it's easy the concerns of the world can so easily overwhelm us and distract us and take our focus off of god and we have to remember that in christ jesus our worldview changes we become people of light we become people of hope we become people of god's love and when we know the love of jesus and we do the will of god the father we will lead others to know that they too can see and know the love of god this morning we want to take time to reflect and i'm going to ask the worship team to come up and i simply want us to ask ourselves these questions this morning are we building a firm faith foundation are we living lives that are pleasing to god are we sharing our love for jesus with the world around us and here we are it's the beginning of a new season for us right we start every september it's a new season and here we are beginning again and it might be this morning that this is the perfect time for us to simply recommit ourselves to the one who loves us to the one who has died for us to the one who says share my love with the world so this morning let's take time to reflect and maybe again as i say you may want to recommit yourselves to him this morning recommit yourself to knowing jesus more sharing his love more and just focusing more on his purposes and plans let's pray heavenly father we want to thank you so much for this day and you are a most amazing god and we know this because of what jesus has shared with us he has shown us your love he has shown us your greatness he has shown us your mighty power and he has shown us your mercy and kindness and grace extended to us in him and so father this morning we come before you and we just say thank you that you have given us hope that you have given us life that you show us the way that you fill us with your presence and that you indeed care for us like no other and so this morning we want to surrender ourselves to you and as we take time to pray as we take time to consider we invite you holy spirit to speak to us to encourage us to challenge us and most importantly to draw us closer to you we pray this in the name of jesus amen [Music] worthy of every song we could ever see worthy of all the praise we could ever pray worthy of every breath we could ever live for you we live for you [Music] jesus jesus the only one who could ever save worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] me with your heart and leave me jesus [Music] there is [Music] who you are [Music] my [Music] my [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] my [Music] is [Music] and i will [Music] my [Music] there is no one like you there is none beside you open up my eyes [Music] there is you there is none beside you open up my who eyes are [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen let's make that our prayer show me who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me as we go into this next week um we're gonna we're gonna close this morning with a song from the song book number 966 that says make the world with music ring and so i'm going to ask you to stay standing and the words are going to be on the screen the band's going to lead us so let's worship together as we sing [Music] so so [Music] that was the new york staff band i'm so thankful for for their arrangements of these songs i'm going to read a benediction from romans 15 and it says may the god of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another in accord with christ jesus that together you may with one voice glorified the god and father of our lord jesus christ amen i hope you all have a wonderful week and thank you for coming to celebrate with us today and i hope that you'll come back next week you can just let the office know if you want to come we'll have one third capacity so hope you'll all come back have a great week god bless you
Channel: Glenmore Live
Views: 43
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 39sec (4539 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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