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[Applause] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Music] is [Music] [Music] are you excited i am what god says i am [Music] says i would [Music] [Music] is is this is the same i would never never never be the same i would never never [Music] i will never never no it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr abram you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness from death redeem from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor [Applause] i i would never never be the i will never know [Music] praise god lift your right hand to heaven father we rejoice that we have access into the deep things of god by the holy ghost what eyes in the old testament have not seen and what ears haven't heard they are revealed to us by the spirit for the spirit such as all things ye the deep things of god and so we rejoice that we are born of the spirit therefore we have access into understanding into revelation knowledge i decree that everyone under the sound of my voice the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light whatever is not planted by god is rooted out we rebuke sickness disease and infirmities we command sick bodies be healed and we decree that by the end of this service your people are built up equipped edified and jesus is glorified thank you father for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerfully amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says that amen like thunder we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram and we're glad to have all of you that are connected to radio what a joy and we're glad to have all of you that are connected by various campuses house centers bible studies centers all over the world is a joy to have everybody here today hey guys listen especially those of you on the social media community i want to thank you for all that we do together to flood the earth with the truth of the gospel of christ you know the only hope of men in darkness is light a little ray of light changes everything in the midst of a dark world ladies and gentlemen we know better than we have ever known that what the world needs today is this message that is coming from this pulpit so do me a favor social media community help me share the video put them on different groups as many as you can access create watch parties drop them a monogram telegram put them on whatsapp groups let's float the entire bloomberg planet with the truth of the gospel of christ and i want to thank you for helping to get the gospel out there on behalf of christ jesus himself and i want to appreciate everybody in the building now we're excited can we celebrate the world with a shout let's celebrate the word with a shot glory amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self grab your pen your notebook and your bible let's get in the word glory to god understanding praise and worship now the book of acts of the apostles if you have a good bible acts of the apostles chapter 20 verse number 20 acts 20 20. brother paul writes to the church at ephesus and he says and how i kept back nothing that was profitable unto you but i've showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house that's the responsibility of a pastor to make sure there are no gray areas in your understanding of the text of scripture he said i have not kept back from you anything that was profitable unto you i've not kept back anything that is i have taught you you know across the board every subject of scripture i have taught you everything i think you need to know both in the church and from house to house so you further see that house churches are not an invention they are not a contemporary invention it's not a brand that we're trying to promote house churches are doctrinal institutions where people are equipped taught and trained so therefore if you're a member of this church and you are staying away from the house churches i want you to know in black and white you are living in disobedience to the word of god and disobedience to sound doctrine i mean it's so replete all over the scriptures people were meeting both in the church and house to house because that is where effective discipleship and effective ministry takes place in very little groups because when we gather like this as a whole house is difficult for us to be able to interact effectively but when we meet in little groups in houses that is where we interact that is where the things we are learning gets more established that is why we are able to pray together pray for one another strengthen one another that is why we are able to edify one another much more because there were not too many and it's very easy to go around to reach out to everybody and that is where we're able to also look after the welfare of one another that's why we're able to know whether you're faring well or not whether you're growing or not right here it is difficult for me to be able to access whether you're growing or not because everybody comes and everybody looks serious and everybody is writing notes but when you meet in houses that is where we will know if the notes you are writing were really the note of what we are teaching or you were just writing something you were thinking that is why you can't afford not to be in the house to house churches and anybody that avoids their house to house churches is a suspect it means you're not a serious person it means you yourself don't even believe in what you're doing called christianity because if you really truly believe in what you're doing you will give it you know a touch of commitment seriousness accountability and dedication look at it brother paul says i've not kept anything from you i have followed you from house to house i have taught you in the temple because that is the way to really establish doctrine in people now a fundamental ingredient of leadership in the church is the graphs of doctrine that is the same if you don't have a grasp of doctrine you are not fit you are not qualified to be a leader in the house of god you are not even qualified to be in any responsibility position you're not qualified you can't because the graphs of doctrine is critical look at the way brother paul will communicate to timothy in festivity chapter 4 verse number 16 first timothy chapter 4 verse number 16 take heed unto thyself and onto the doctrine continue in them don't get tired of hearing them don't be a busy body don't be restless continue in them they may sound boring they may not sound exciting but that is the way sound doctrine is that's why i say they shall not endure sound doctrine he didn't say they shall not enjoy he said they shall not endure because sound doctrine could be boring sometimes because it's consistent it's the same thing almost that you're hearing all the time and when you keep hearing the same thing all the time sometimes you get bored you get tired of hearing it but brother paul says to timothy take heed unto yourself and unto the doctrine on to what we're teaching you continue in them for in doing this in continuing to hear the sound doctrine in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear it doctrine does not mean rules and regulations but teaching and explanation dieter scalia teaching and explanation which can involve instructions which can involve instructions look at festivity chapter 4 verse number 11 first timothy chapter 4 verse number 11 these things command and teach these things command and teach that is to say anyone who cannot explain scriptures must not be put in leadership anyone that cannot explain scriptures must not be put in leadership the church is not a traditional institution so people are not put in leadership because they have been in the church for a long time no it's not a traditional institution the church is the house of doctrine the church is the pillar and ground the mainstay of sound doctrine so for you to be a leader in the church of god for you to be a leader among brethren you must be sound in doctrine that is you must be able to take scriptures the way i do it and explain you must be able to contextually explain scriptures that is why i take the time to teach you so that you too can teach others brother paul says the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses second timothy to the same commit unto faithful men who will in turn commit to others look at festivity chapter 3 verse 2 anyone who cannot explain scriptures is not fit to be in leadership a bishop then a bishop means an overseer someone that oversees people once we put two three people under you you're already a bishop leave all those things that they will acquire uniform and things on it leave all that a bishop is anybody that oversees the spiritual well-being of two or three people jesus said where two or three are gathered in my name what is it i'm there in their midst that's a group that you oversee so overseeing people makes you a bishop it's another name for a pastor a bishop is another name for a pastor it doesn't mean bishops are senior pastors are the lowest class then bishops then archbishops all those are just grammar they are all the same agg bishop pope reverend father all of them are just titles given to people depending on their denominations some denominations are episcopalian in nature so they run with certain titles that gives them a structure for the oppression of their church government it doesn't mean the grace on an art bishop is superior to the grace in a pastor in fact sometimes a brother in the church can have more grace than a pope and being a brother in the church that does have the title can have more grace than a pope because grace is a function of revelation knowledge grace and peace be multiplied unto you how through the knowledge through the knowledge that is why a brother palmer says a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife vigilant sober of good behavior given to hospitality meaning you are hospitable where brethren are concerned you know your hands are open your house is open you know you live an open life people can come to you you are welcoming you are accommodating that is the character of a man who is growing spiritually who is growing to a point where you can oversee people giving to hospitality look at the next thing opt to teach that is what qualifies a man to be a leader in the house of god he must be armed to teach the word have to teach means able to teach he must he didn't say he could is it a bishop then must this uh imperative in the life of anybody called a bishop moss so he must be able to explain scriptures all right and that person must be counted worthy of double honor when a man is able to explain scriptures he must be counted worthy of double honor festivity chapter 5 verse 17 first timothy chapter 5 verse 17 let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor how does an elder or a pastor or a leader rule well especially they who labor in the world and doctrine for us to say you are a leader that is ruling well you must be able to explain scripture that is laboring well they who labor in word and teaching or in word an explanation the word that does carry a doctrine teaching or explanation of the scriptures teaching simply means to explain teaching simply means to explain it is done with the mental comprehension of the audience in mind it is done with the mental comprehension of the audience in mind so the minister must explain the scriptures and he does this explanation with the scriptures scriptures explaining scriptures exceptions scriptures explaining scriptures we see jesus operating that dimension in luke 24 27 and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures scriptures explaining scriptures the things concerning himself the word beginning is an original word for sequential arrangement sequential arrangement beginning because teaching is orderly teaching is orderly no rush no worries no haste no rush no worries no haste he took all the pages of the scriptures scripture explaining scripture he expounded that the first time that word appears in the greek lexicon of scripture he expounded this means to give meanings to interpret to give meaning not your subjective meaning not your subjective meaning but the very objective meaning of the scriptures not your subjective meaning but the very objective meaning of scripture remember teaching is never mysterious teaching is never mysterious it is usually very clear because the intent for teaching is for the audience to have a mental comprehension of what you seek to communicate a mental comprehension of what you seek to communicate look at the response of these people that jesus was teaching in luke 24 luke 24 verse 32 after he expounded to them in all the scriptures and they said one to another did not our heart born within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures when he was explaining scripture by scripture our hearts burned we saw the reality we had a comprehension of the subject matter we could not understand what the scriptures have always communicated that we never saw their heart could see it it burned with clarity and later on he taught again because teaching is gradual teaching is gradual sometimes you come to church you'll be wondering why is papa repeating it again he taught it last week now he's repeating it again let's move forward let's cover more grounds no we are not in a competition we can be covering more ground when the one we covered you don't even know it you don't even know it talk more of you explaining it remember the intent for teaching is so that you will be able to know so that you too can teach it to somebody else so we have to teach it and teach it and teach it until it enters you where unconsciously you are saying it without effort yeah it's gradual it takes time it takes time that's why you must be serious to get committed to a church like this you must be very serious and you must be clear about what you want to do with god because if you are not a serious person you just look for one of those entertainment churches where you just go and dance and sing and shout and hug each other and just go home you know and you don't know you're left from your right of course and then when you go home you look for one prophet in one corner to be seen into the coven for you to check the crystal ball and tell you he's after you but when you come to church like this you don't need to look for somebody to tell you is after you because you know who is after you goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i dwell in the house of the lord forever somebody is not shouting a powerful name now teaching is gradual look at as jesus continued explaining that same luke 24 45 that same luke chapter 24 verse 45 then opened he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures in the process of gradual explanation scripture to scripture their understanding opened to know the scriptures the term understanding was used twice then opened here their understanding that they might understand twice implies to put the facts together to put the facts together here the teacher must ensure that there are no gray areas he draws from all the sides together all texts are examined contextually all texts are examined contextually and with full view of all the contents all texts are examined contextually with full view of all the content having said that let's get into the subject matter understanding praise and worship the book of john chapter 4 verse number 23 john chapter 4 verse number 23 but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father secret source to worship let's look at jesus's statement what brought about this summation here from verse 19 of john chapter four the woman saith unto him sir i perceive that thou art a prophet next verse our fathers worshiped in this mountain and you say that in jerusalem is the place where men are to worship next verse jesus said unto her woman believe me the hour cometh when you shall neither in this mountain nor yet at jerusalem worship the father you know that what led to this conclusion was that jesus asked the woman to give him water to drink that was what led to all of these discus i want water madame he met her by the well please can i have some water to drink look at that john chapter 4 let's see the pretext of this subject verse 10 john chapter 4 verse 10 jesus answered and said unto her if thou knowest the gift of god if thou knowest the gift of god so she was ignorant of the gift of god if thou knowest the gift of god and who it is that said to thee give me to drink thou wilders have asked of him and he would have given the living water look at the next verse the woman said unto him sir thou has nothing to draw with and the well is deep from whence then has doubted that living water next verse are thou greater than our father jacob which gave us the well and drank thereof himself and his children and his cartoon jesus answered and said unto her whosoever drink it of this water shall thirst again next verse but whosoever drink it of the water that i shall give him shall never toast but the water that i shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life when you drink of jesus you never touched anymore the moment jesus comes into your heart you arrive at satisfaction you're no more looking for anything else jesus is total satisfaction give me the next verse let's follow the discourse the woman saith unto him sir give me this water that i test not neither come here to draw 16. jesus said unto her go call your husband i won't give you water until you bring your husband and come here next verse the woman answered and said i have no husband jesus said unto her thou has well said i have no husband you're not lying to me i know about you more than you think i do next verse for thou has had five husbands and he whom down now has is not their husband in that says thou truly next verse the woman said unto him sir i perceive that thou art a prophet now if you observe from this discourse the woman went to town she went to town and told them come and see one man who told me everything i have done that means everything the woman had done all her life was to marry who told me everything i have ever done so that means all her life she lived it marine you think it's a joke to marry five husbands glory to god look at verse 19 again the woman said on him sir i perceive that now add a prophet give me 20 now our fathers were shipped in this mountain and you say that in jerusalem is a place where men ought to worship worshipped in this mountain they were used to mountain worship you know those churches where every time they go to mountain they are descendants of this woman at the well you understand they are descendants they are they are from the offspring of this woman mountain worshipers let's go to the mountain then she said to jesus but you said jerusalem is the place our fathers used mountain you say it is jerusalem okay that in jerusalem you will be endured with power you say jerusalem is the place that was the discussion now that's a contest between jews and samaritans okay and the contest was on where to worship look at 21 to 23 now let's get into this 21 to 23 jesus said unto a woman believe me that our comment when you shall neither in this mountain nor yet at jerusalem worship the father 22 you worship you know not what we know what we worship for salvation is from the jews salvation is of means from that is salvation came from the jews but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father secret such to worship now please listen carefully jesus mentions the word spirit and truth twice for us to study jesus said to the woman you won't go to jerusalem or to the mountain you will worship in spirit and in truth then jesus now said for the further secret search to worship the word secret such to worship in the original doesn't mean the father is looking for it means something he intends to achieve something he himself intends to achieve it's not something you're looking for or can i get a worshiper i'm looking for a worshipper can i find a worshiper no no no no that's not what he meant when he said the father's secret what he meant is the father intends to achieve producing worshipers the father intends to achieve it some people say worship in spirit and in truth you know means to worship god with your heart and sincerity no that is not what it means they are just doing incidences they actually reading their thoughts into the scriptures so let's look at the word worship first that word worship will enable us have a perspective and i'm taking my time because if you can't get it in the place of worship you can't get it anywhere else that's why i'm taking my time all right so let's examine that word worship so we can have a perspective the word worship is using the bible 332 times 332 times and it's a word that had to be translated as worship in english because you know the history of bible interpretation was from either greek or hebrew into what is called today an anglo-saxon language anglo-saxon language where it goes into the latin then it comes back into the english all right greek hebrew anglo-saxon into latin latin to english latin precedes the english language it precedes the english translation of the bible and for the very first translation from greek and hebrew to what is close to the english and that's what is called the latin vulgate okay it was translated from greek and hebrew to the latin vulgate then from the latin vulgate to english language so look at it the transitioning of translating the bible all right now so in the anglo-saxon is the word worship the word worship was summarized as honor in the anglo-saxon it's translated as honor honoring something or honoring someone or honoring an institution or an honorable action worship and honorable action that world worship in the anglo-saxon dictionary the word worship is used for men angels things majorly used for deity is used for men angels or things that are majorly used for deity because of a quality of something or someone because of a quality of something or someone that supersedes yours you now pay obeisance to that person you pay obeisance to that person that is worship when you see that the person's quality of life supersedes yours you now pay obeisance to that person that is worship from the anglo-saxon because of the higher quality of powers or authority you now pay obeisance to that person because of that use of the word in the anglo-saxon when it comes into english that is why the english people now call worship singing but hold on the english people now call it singing all right when you look at the scriptures contextually it becomes clearer from what jesus was saying the old testament uses a few words for the word worship the first and the most principled word used in the old testament is the word soccer s-h-a c-h-a-h in literal terms when you look at that word it implies to bow to bow yeah saka to bow it also means to prostrate to prostrate that's the ethology to prostrate to bowel it's used 95 places like that in the old testament texts to bow down or to prostrate to bow down or to prostrate please pay attention it also implies to bow your head to lay down to prostrate to bow your head to lay down or to prostrate an example is exodus chapter 4 verse 31 where we have what we call in bible interpretation the law of first mention and the people believed and when they heard that the lord had visited the children of israel and that he had looked upon their affliction then they bowed their heads and worshipped they bowed their heads and worshiped so the very first mention of that word worship is in that exodus 4 31 then you will see again the use of the word worship in genesis 22 5 genesis chapter 22 verse number 5 and abram said unto his young men abide here with the ass and i and the lord will go yonder and worship and come again to you now when abraham took isaac to mount moriah we all know the story notice that when they were going to mariah there was no keyboard no keyboard no drums no guitar no saxophone no flutes no tambourine all of that was not there yet they were going yonder to worship please take note of that they were going yonder to worship so now he goes with his son let's examine the things he did to precede what he said genesis 22 verse 1 to 5. let's look at the pretext and it came to pass after these things that god determined abraham and said unto him abraham and he said behold here am i next verse and he said take now thy son and only son isaac come down love us and get into the land of moriah and offer him therefore a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which i will tell thee off and abram rose up early in the morning and saddled his ass and took two of his young bed with him and isaac his son and cleaved the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went on to the place of which god had told him then on the third day abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar of verse 5 and abraham said unto the young men abiding here with the ass and i and the lord will go yonder and worship and come again to you so he was going and he took isaac to offer he took isaac to offer notice he is going to offer something to god he is going to offer something to god and he said i and the young lord will go yonder to worship notice the first mention of worship has nothing to do with singing it has nothing please listen carefully remove your religious caps and throw them in the dustbin now it has nothing to do with singing you know in the church world they always say that when you sing blues you are singing washing more just gently gently the spirit is moving the worship will get heavier gently [Music] just wash it that one is drama all that is acting the first main shot and you know the law of bible interpretation the law of first mention we have the law of first mention we have the law of double mention we have the law of emphatic mention okay the law of first mention says anywhere the word is first mentioned in the bible carries with it an original flavor of that word so now we see worship the first time we saw worship is people bow their head nobody sing it the second time we see worship is that they are carrying somebody to go on offer no instruments no guitar not even a song not even a song that's instructive and that must be noted now he says i and the young lad will go yonder to honor god that's the very first use of the word worship keep it somewhere because we'll come back there very versus of the word worship has nothing to do with music the other word in the hebrew is the word kagda c-a-g h-a-d-h it means to fall down you will see it in isaiah 44 15 isaiah 44 verse 15 then shall it be for a man to burn for he will take thereof and warn himself yeh he kindled it and baked bread yeah he make it a god and worshipped it he make it a breathing image and fall it down dear to fall it down so worship always describes an action he falls down if you get home you can read verse 17 and 19 of the same chapter 44 of isaiah for more reading every time it is used the word worship has to do with reverence it includes reverence of mind or reverence of body or both mind and body so the word worship goes beyond it goes beyond if at all is going to include singing it goes beyond if at all it is going to include singing the word worship is not singing the word worship is not a song it's not a song so if we come to the new testament we have the new testament language called the septuagine the septuagint the septuagint greek the septuagint greek means when words are transliterated from the hebrew to the greek taking it literally from the hebrew to the greek is called the septuagint greek now the greek translation of the hebrew the words that translate the words is examined saka is the word prosconu in the greek prosconu p-r-o-s k-u-n-e-o it translates that word directly proskuneo it means to pay homage or to respect so the word worship is used primarily in the old testament language for something that is given and then the attitude of the giver something that is given and the attitude of the giver of course it involves what is being given and the attitude of the giving the orientals or the people that you know use this language when they use prosconu it was always demonstrated by a kiss by a kiss the use of the word proscinu it was always demonstrated by a keys the person you are worshiping or the person you are referencing or the person you are bowing to in practical terms you actually lay on the floor and kiss his feet that's the meaning of the word proscinu in the greek which is the literal translation of the hebrew word saka now so when they do that they now say that action is a proskuneo the second word that we saw in the old testament transliterated into the greek is the word sabo mai s-e-b-o-m-a-i sebomai it means to venerate sebomai it means to venerate sebum okay when you have the word venerable venerable to venerate it has four cognate nouns four cognate nouns of the word cebu my of course you know what a cognate noun is that is the things that explains the noun a cognate noun are the things that explains the noun okay so it has four of it the first one is cebu zomai cebo zomai that's the first cognate of sable mine sebomai the first one is cebu zomai the second one is ucbo e-u-s-e-b-e-o cebu is s-e-b-o-z-o-m-a-i and somebody says what what's the importance of all these words papa just leave those are just tell us this you are not a serious person the day you will meet a critique that understands this language and he breaks for you some of these greek words and explains it for you because he has thrown you off balance by a display of intelligence but once you understand it even if you cannot speak the greek words but you understand the meanings and the cognate use of those nouns when the person is talking you just waiting for him to land as he lands you take off because it's not strange you think me too i don't know how to quickly summarize so we can close who you think i like just punishing myself no it's because it's necessary it's because it's necessary i'm just reading your minds quickly i need to quickly say to that they are very important except you are not a serious person some of you the people you'll be talking to during evangelism some of them understand latin some of them went to seminary some of them went to some of these schools and they understand all of this language so when you finish talking and they now break some two greek words and bring latin and explain and ask you a question within the confine of that context of explanation you will just be looking at them you just say uh actually i have not studied that so how are you effective you already ashamed a workman that is ashamed or rightly dividing the word of truth but once you have subjected yourself to learning tediously and you've understood then you can stand boldly before anybody you can't even ask anybody that cares to come and let you so you engage him in teaching or in helping it's so important it's so important glory to god four cognitive words number one symbols of my number two isobio number three theo sebis t-h-e-o-s-e-b-e-s t-h-e-o-s-e-b-e-s you may not see them in the bible text but they are cognates of sabo mai the fourth one is sebasma sebasma s-e-b-a-s-m-a the root of this word is the word seba that's the root from all of them that's where all these words emerge from seba s-e-b-a simply means fear or all fear or all in other words worship must be preceded by an all that is whatever will be worshipped must be held in all whatever will be worshipped must be held in all where you have the word fear whatever will be worshipped must be held in all or must be held in fear of course you know it's not that fear of cockroaches at night fear here is reverence something that is regarded something that is respected in worship it is not worship that elevates please that's important it is not worship that elevates rather worship is done because the object is already elevated you don't crown him we're crowning him crowning he's the one that is to crown you not you crowning him you are not worshipping him to make him it is because he is that is why you worship it is not your worship that makes him so when you sing those songs that seek to exalt you are not the one that exalts christ he is already exalted wherefore god has highly exalted him you're not the one to exalt him he's already exalted it is because he is exalted that you worship it's not your worship that makes him so it's not worship that elevates the object of worship rather the object of worship is in an elevated status that is why you worship so worship in descriptions of the word means to prostrate to fall down to bow down to bow your head and it is based on certain things that you have all of fear of that which is worshipped lifting up higher you you lift jesus up can you lift yourself an example of that is in matthew chapter two let's look at a practical example the story of the wise men from the east observe again some close elements matthew chapter two verse one and number 2 now when jesus was born in bethlehem of judea in the days of herod the king behold there came wise men from the east to jerusalem next verse saying where is he that is born king of the jews for we have seen his star in the east we have seen his that he's already a king we have seen the star of the king it is not we that will make him king we have seen his star all we have come to do is to worship they came to herod and called jesus a king a king is born we have seen history so they had already seen him as a king they were going to a king they were not going to make a king so what did they do verse 11 of matthew chapter 2 and when they were coming to the house they saw the young child with mary his mother they didn't see a child they saw a king they came to worship a king so even though the king was packaged in the body of a baby the body of the baby did not change the status of the king because before they came they already saw that where they were going to was to worship a king so when they were coming to the house they saw the young child with mary's mother and fell down and worshipped him and when they had opened their treasures they presented unto him gifts gold and frankincense and murr they were not singing when they came they didn't come with drums they didn't come with choir they didn't sing they fell down in reverence and accompanied with the falling down they gave gifts so worship is not a song worship is not instrument beyond all that is an attitude that is displayed in all of one who is of a higher superior quality than yourself they opened their treasure and presented him gifts so that means worship involves giving something you cannot be said to have worshipped if something is not given by you to the object of your worship it involves giving something just like we read about abraham he gave something he took isaac and gave worship involves giving something so they had seen him as something they said is the king of the jews and based on that they worshipped so worship did not make him the king of the jews rather they worship him because he was or is the king of the jews in their eyes some ingredients of worship which we have seen is the fact that worship involves offering something is given in old testament texts a physical gift or an offering is brought forward in worship is brought forward in worship so when you want to worship a deity you bring something to worship and obviously that was what abraham did however because he said it involves the mind worship involves the mind let's see what jesus said about worship in matthew chapter 15 verse 8 and 9. these people drove it nigh unto me with their mouth and honored me with their lips but their heart is far from me next verse but in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men so words were used but their hearts were far they were using words but their hearts we are far we love you jesus we honor you jesus we worship you jesus but their hearts we are far the word vain they worship in vain often times is used for earthly things perishable things things that do not last for eternity so what he's saying is they have used things but their heart is not in it they use words they bring offering but their heart is not in it and he called it vain it's not saying it is wrong to honor him with your lips but he's saying their heart is far from me so the condition of the heart is very important in worship the condition of a man's heart is very important in worship notice he said they do worship me so they probably will bring things they probably will bow down they probably will fall down but he said their hearts are far from me that's why we said it involves the veneration not just of the body but also of the mind and of the heart look at another place acts 7 40. acts chapter 7 verse 40 saying unto aaron make us gods to go before us for us for this moses which brought us out of the land of egypt we want not what is become of him next verse and they made a calf in those days and offered sacrifice unto the idol and rejoice in the works of their own hands next verse then god turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven as it is written in the book of the prophets o house of israel have you offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of 40 years in the wilderness next verse yeah you took up the tabernacle of moloch and the star of your god ram farm figures which you made to worship them and i will carry you away beyond babylon now so they were claiming to worship god but something else was what they were worshiping so they thought they were worshiping god but they didn't know there was something else that's why it's dangerous to get involved in worshiping what you cannot explain okay look at acts 24 14 but this i confess on today that after the way which they call heresy so worship i the god of my fathers believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets believing all things so paul refers to worship as believing the scriptures worship is believing the scriptures see the way brother paul intelligently introduced worship in that verse believing the scriptures jesus in matthew 15 verse 9 saw through the worship as wrong he said but in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men in other words the mode of doctrine affects worship the mode of doctrine affects worship you can never worship beyond your doctrinal persuasion your worship is a reflection of your doctrinal persuasion when i say you don't sing songs like let me come i'm bowed down where are you coming from which village let me come and bow down let me come let me come and bow down at your feet lord jesus in your presence why are you crying what have you said that should make you cry in that statement just wasted emotions wasted emotions you're speaking nonsense and you're crying but you don't blame them that is what they were taught so their doctrine convinced them that what are doing is worship but that's no worship draw me close to you stop it stop it clean your eyes get your pen and your bible your notebook sit down let's fix this thing yo all i want get born again because jesus said the water that i give you when you drink it you will never touch again i'm thirsty for you i'm longing for you i'm crying for you a bunch of emotions without revelation which becomes idol worship you end up worshiping yourself ladies and gentlemen the mode of doctrine affects worship very fundamental worship is affected by teaching a christian's worship of god or anybody's worship of god will be influenced or dictated by the teachings he is exposed to a wrong interpretation of the scripture cannot produce the right kind of worship a wrong interpretation of the scriptures cannot produce the right kind of worship because that's where the rubber meets the road so when jesus was speaking and he said in john 4 23-24 put it up for me quickly john 4 23-24 he says but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father secret search to worship god is a spirit and there that worship him must worship in spirit and in truth did you observe he mentioned true worshipers true worshipers for there to be that distinction means every worshipper is not a true worshiper true worshipers many are worshiping but they are not worshiping hebrews 10 1 as a round of descent are you blessed for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never if your bible is mind that is a good one to cycle can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the commerce their unto perfect look at verse 2 for then will they not have ceased to be offered because that the worshippers through worshippers that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins if what they were offering was the right worship it should have freed their conscience from sin so when a true worshiper is found he doesn't have a consciousness of sin true worshipers are not conscious of sin their conscience has been purged so once a worshiper is thinking of sin he is not a true worshiper once a worshipper is confessing sin he is not a true worshipper i'm not talking of song now we're talking about you worship is not a song they're talking about you through worshipers he is calling them worshipers by the fact that they brought sacrifice to the temple that's why he called them worshippers and they were offerings here by here so quickly philippians 3 3 philippians chapter 3 verse 3 glory to god for we are the circumcision which worship god in the spirit and rejoice not in a song we rejoice not in a good voice we rejoice not in instruments we rejoice in christ jesus and have no confidence in anything material our worship is our revelation we have no confidence in the flesh it's not in our clapping of hands it's not even no it is a circumcision and inward transformation by an amalgamation between mortality and immortality a matuma lekita a union of deity with humanity or immortality taking up residence in mortality that union is the worship of god it's not a song that union is the worship of god you need to understand this to know what jesus said so notice again hebrews 10 2. i want to close it down hebrews hebrews chapter 10 verse 2. put it on brother quickly quickly for them will they not have ceased to be offered because that the worshipers once poached should have had no more conscience of sins by virtue of the fact that they brought offering to the temple they were called worshippers the new testament or the epistles carried the thought of six things when you're talking about worship we are that circumcision and in that circumcision we worship god yeah we worship god what is that circumcision that which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of spirit is spirit we worship god we are in spirit which is the new birth in our identity is the worship of god stand on your feet that's all i've got for you tonight hallelujah in our identity is the worship of god not in a song so don't stop your worship to sing a song you didn't hear that don't stop your worship to sing a song i can't go to a church where we don't sing and sweat go and join a cultural group just join a cultural group where it becomes your occupation entertaining people we are not here in entertainment we are here this is a serious business is deity and humanity in intimacy in fellowship praise god lift your right hands father we pray for everybody in this building online on television and radio everywhere around the world your people are listening to your world revelation knowledge grows big on your inside until nothing else matters in the name of jesus and i decree that the eyes of your understanding are flooded you walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing your fruitful unto every good work and i decree that by rising of the word of god you're growing daily in the knowledge of christ rooted established grounded and enriched in all things in the name of jesus and i decree that through the course of this week you will enjoy the victory that is yours in christ jesus whatsoever is born of god overcoming the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith so i decree that every day of this week will be victory victory victory victory in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed be healed be healed in the name of jesus father we give you praise and glory and honor in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality can we celebrate what we have had with a shout a jump a scream glory amen i'd like you to get an offering we give in honor of the world we're giving response to the world we give it an understanding every time we hear the word so whether you're watching online on tv social media radio wherever you are we give to honor the world and we give in worship we give to respond to the word of his grace and every time we hear the word in this church we give we are give us we give because that's who we are for god so loved the world that he gave whatever is born of god is a giver god's dna flows through us we give naturally we give a joy and always an honor to give to the work of god can i have a good amen lift up your offense father we give a joy and we give in honor of what christ has done thank you for the privilege to give our resources and to worship you with it lord we decree that our resources rise before your sweet smell and we decree for your people that your needs are met according to his riches in glory by christ jesus thank you for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believers is a powerful amen now listen to me online community television and everybody connected i'm going to be joining mr michael bush in another few seconds and until i see you at the order studio let's celebrate our viewers around the world for being a part of this service glory amen we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abell dominant please call plus two three four eight zero six eight zero zero nine nine three nine or email power city office at i'm super excited to welcome you to the global headquarters of power city international right here my name is michael bush okay at this point permit me to welcome to the program global goodness so good to have you here tonight yes um [Music] we just pray as we always do yes the intercontinental set the stage let's pray together we rejoice that we have access tonight and we thank you that our prayers are answered even before we call we pray for quiebo state we pray for our governor and his cabinet we pray for nigeria we pray for the president and his cabinet we pray for all of africa and the rest of the world with the korean we declare that the gospel continues to thrive the light of the gospel the glorious light shines in the dark places of the earth we decree that the enemy keeps losing grounds every day as believers are multiplied disciples are multiplied ministers are raised in every continent every tongue tribe and people and we decree that the word of your grace forcefully breaks through breaks through every man's world and we thank you for mass salvation and mass multiplication of disciples in the true gospel we also pray that our governments will continue to come under the influence of righteousness and create enabling environments for potentials in our societies to thrive on fine expression and we thank you for answer prayer tonight in jesus name amen amen praise god so we start from yo this one is anonymous says greetings dr damina and the intercontinental mr michael bush please global i want to understand what jesus is parable of the laborers meant according to matthew 20 verses 1 to 16 will the first be the last well again it was a parable that was explaining the grace of god that it's not of either will it neither of you that run it it is not about whether you know you are struggling hard to know god or struggling how to serve god it's not about even when you got when you discovered god or when you didn't discover god it's all about the grace of god that's what he meant by people who came in the morning to labor and people came one hour to the end of the labor and those that came one hour to the end were paid the same with those who came from the beginning because there is no busting there is no boosting for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of god not of walks lest any man should boast there's no boosting in what christ has made available equally to everyone who comes to him okay global baba we make progress and pj doesn't tell us where he's writing he or she's writing from so we take that it should also be from you he says hello global baba please what is the place of raptured sense whose works are bad what does escaping by fire mean please explain first corinthians 3 10 and then 13 to 15. well escaping by fire was just a figure that brought apollos using to show that there'll be judgment that all the walks will be judged and the fire there was symbolic of judgment all right so it's figure is a figure of communication that everything we've done in the body will be tested by fire and if it is burnt you will suffer loss and if it escapes the fire you'll be rewarded so whatever we do in the kingdom of god whatever we do in the place of service we've got to do with the right motives and we've got to do it knowing that you know we are doing it unto the lord jesus himself and i will be rewarded by him for the things we have done that's exactly what brother paul was communicating in that scripture okay global paper let's um just quickly leave a quiebum statement so we go to next door across the state calabasas greetings mr bush and my dear lovable damina i want global to please cancel my friend carl zulu joseph for recovery from sickness and restoration of his family in asaba delta state thank you sir for your response eldar if young you from calabar father we pray for our brother and we rejoice that his body is healed his family is restored and peace upon him and his family in jesus name amen okay this one anonymous says please grab a boss counsel me as i need to settle down i've been positioning myself for the right man to find me but no one has found me yet please global baba is this something i'm not doing and please can you help with uh praying for circumstances to arrange my would-be husband to find me yes we're going to pray but get busy get busy with life stop waiting for husband get busy find something and get busy because he if you're very busy doing what you need to be doing husband will find you remember he that find that a wife not he that a wife find it so get busy keep busy you know doing something a lot of ladies don't get busy they just sit down and be waiting for a husband and don't do anything no get busy get something to do and get you know something that is a passion and be lost in it and just enjoy yourself husband will look for you father we agree together right now that circumstances are arranged for this sister to be found by the man that will be compatible to her in jesus name amen amen okay global bastille from cross river state says hello our beloved baba we are really blessed by your teachings please where is the branch of your church in income crossroads state anonymous well in econ we're just about to launch campuses in nicom we're sending missionaries to e-com very shortly so what you do is stay in touch with us when we begin the campuses in econ we're going to announce it so you can identify with the brethren we have a lot of people in they come waiting for the campus we are sending missionaries down okay still from kosovo state although this one is anonymous doesn't tell us also where he or she's writing from he says hello dear man of god please pray for and counsel me i've been having disappointments in material issues men will come to me they start off marriage classes with me that would disappear suddenly without notice please help me is there something i'm not doing well yeah there may be something you're not doing well that is sending them away so you need to check your character you need to check your temperaments you need to check your lifestyle you need to check your values you need to check a number of things you need to examine them if possible you need to see your pastor or somebody close by who will be honest with you who is experienced and share with him what really happened in all the different cases you know and he could be able to see through into what they saw in you and give you proper counsel or you talk to people male friends who know you very well and ask them to give you a sincere assessment of your character what they perceive of you it's important because sometimes it's very very easy when you're able to look inward and make certain adjustments so that the next person who comes will not also run away from the same thing that other people run away from we're heading out of color back crossover states and this one hello dr damina for the road this is joy luis senior marketing manager of hosanna tv we want to search to broadcast your messages on our tv channel on station and bless more people how do we reach you well you can reach our office reach our office dr abeldamina just send a mail with your proposal i'm sure our team will look at it and see if it is possible and they will get back to you okay um i don't know we had from we're still on the road from crossroads state so we can go to benue uh hello dr damina i just watched you on warp tv i am from benue state please counsel and pray for my auntie messi oh by gene nathaniel whose body is believed to be under constant attack we'll pray for you towards the end of the broadcast all the people who want prayers okay so we head to [Music] um charles j is in jos plato state nigeria says hello global bahaba i'm watching from just god bless you sir for your teaching your teaching makes the word of god so sweet unlike many preachers who have still discouraged many with wrong and wicked preaching yes i'd like you to dwell on this what's the difference between the message you send out your dollar do you see how everyone warms up to it what's the difference between that or this and that well the difference is what i preach is life after the cross what most preachers preach is life before the cross and when you emphasize life before the cross you make the cross of christ of non-effect the reason for after the cross is because of before the cross that is why jesus came and since he came the new testament has retired the old testament retirement benefits therefore what christ has done should give us joy should give us acceptance you know the bible talks about the ministry of debt the ministry of life the ministry of condemnation the ministry of righteousness the bible talks about mount sinai and zion i preach from zion i preach righteousness i preach the spirit most preachers preach sinai condemnation they preach the yoke and the body and they put people under captivity that way people cannot enjoy god it is the liberty that christ gave us that gives us the reason to enjoy what christ died for we are beneficiaries we are not the ones to die we are just to enjoy so many preachers need to revisit the mountain from where they preach whether it is sinai or zion that will make the difference fantastic global and you end just in time for a fest caller hello hello many thanks for joining us your name where you calling from yes go ahead yes i'm going to i'm calling from calaba okay my name is albert albert go ahead yes please i want to thank global papa for all what you have done i've been pulling him right from the 30 days glory and 60 days glory i want to thank him very much and say god will bless him for introducing christ to us amen thank you albert okay thank you okay so we we go to anonymous out of just now and heading up to some other parts of the country anonymous said yet dr ebel damina please clarify for me concerning matthew 23 9. matthew 23 9. he says don't call anyone on earth father okay i hear believers call a pastor minister of the word father some say papa is that not father please assist me and some call him papito fantastic welcome to our show your name where you calling from good evening evening bless you my name is ima samuel i'm calling from you yes he might go ahead my question is i don't know since i started listening to you there's this confidence in me i pray for myself whenever i have any challenges but i don't know why some people are still calling to say pray for me pray for me pray for me you see that they don't really understand that they can't pray for themselves as well some of them may be new and some of them have just started listening after a while as they keep following and listening the prayer requests will reduce we just have to be patient with a few of them i'm very sure some of them are just new summer learning those of you that have followed for a long time you don't send me prayer requests anymore the prayer requests used to be much more than what we have now so it means people are learning they are growing and they are coming on and we never get tired of praying for them until they come to the knowledge of the truth thank you for the observation blessings bless you dr abel damien my name is enoch godson i've been following your messages which the holy spirit confirms in my heart along with the word of god are true however have a genuine question about heaven being our home as most preachers teach he's having our home global baba i believe that whatsoever god does is forever and man was created to rule the earth so if heaven is our home what happens to the new earth when it comes john 14 global bible teaches us that jesus is taking us to his father's house not our house so that we might also be where he is are we not guests in heaven did god create us so that in the end those of us who believe in his son might be in heaven forever i'm quite confused because the teaching everywhere now is heaven is the goal well the truth of the matter is heaven and earth were together until the fall of man and heaven and earth were created for man but the fall of man brought that distinction therefore this earth has been corrupted by the sin of man that is why this earth will be folded like you know like a cloth and then all of us will drop these bodies which is ugly and put on the heavenly body so we can live in our heavenly reality the word heaven is not a planet the word heaven is euphorenius which means immaterial that is our realm is the immaterial realm so this earth which is mata will be taken out and we will live in the immaterial where we already are right now that home that jesus went to prepare has already prepared it we are already in it that is our present reality in christ jesus so heaven is not our goal it's not our goal our goal has been achieved which is christ in us which makes heaven a reality i hope that helps but if you can order from our office the believers reality in christ the believers reality is part one to six all those explanations in details with scripture will be found there i told we have another caller hello good evening good evening thank you so much for the great job you are doing for the body of christ thank you i love you michael bush love you brother love you more what's your name my name is joe buddy okay call him from bender state wow [Music] about restitution what is really the biblical stand on this restitution of a thing there is no biblical stand on restitution we don't restitute as new testament believers there's no teaching on it in the entire new testament if anybody could have done restitution it would have been an apostle paul who wasted many people in the church but there's no restitution brother paul just says if any man in christ a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are new we don't restitute in the new covenant we receive the forgiveness of god eternally and the forgiveness of sin so restitution is not a prerequisite in the new testament however if you had somebody stuff with you and now you're born again and you don't feel comfortable keeping it and you know where the person is there's nothing wrong in taking it back to him nothing wrong but it's not a requirement in the new testament for salvation another caller hello hello many thanks mom for joining us your name where you calling from my name is sarah john i'm calling from bauchi wow bless you daddy i want you to pray for me i have been having problems with my heart and my kidney all right let's pray for you father we speak to her heart we speak to her kidney organs in the name of jesus receive a miracle healing restoration we command your heart and kidney be healed be healed in jesus name amen amen okay quickly quickly while still awaiting many more calls and call us let's go on to this anonymous entry hello global baba i just want to take our time and tell you that your sons brought us great news their message was clear truly they are your products they are products of global baba bishop dr ebel damina before now i was conscious of sin and really affected my spiritual life but since i started watching caroline i overcame that's in consciousness my spiritual life is better and i'm joyful i just want to thank you so much globo baba wow they rocked the whole place fantastic yeah it's fantastic so you know global basketball yeah chilled wine is arriving all this while i've been deceiving myself i'm going to be second global baba is alive no no no no no no no no no no no no no thank you for joining us your name where you calling from hello sir let's go ahead okay i'm calling from okay because i am an evangelist before they change my picture i bet some people so there is something i want to eat with you about okay if you want to talk with me about something all you need to do is after the broadcast tonight call that number and tell them to give you an appointment and they'll give you an appointment when you can meet me in the office and we can talk but thank you for calling fantastically so okay just in time we're going to lagos nigeria and this would be the last port of call i mean nigeria before we leave the country i'm johnson oh writing from lagos says hello mr bush and dr abel damina grace and wisdom continually bouncing to you please i have some questions about marriage one was polygamy abolished in the new testament well again what was god's plan from the beginning male and female husband and wife what god has joined together let no man put a son that was the original plan that was god's wisdom god's intent all right and even in the old testament it's not as if polygamy was god's plan moses said it's because of the heart of man that all of those things happen however that does not stop a man from getting saved it doesn't stop a man from being born again it doesn't stop iman from receiving christ but if you observe carefully in the new testament brother paul now took time to say a bishop then must m-u-s-t a bishop a pastor must be the husband of one wife that's the only place you will see such strict instruction in the new testament all right but however we always advise it's better to stick to god's wisdom you know and stay with what god's wisdom is it makes life easy for you and it will help you live very long if you have one wife it will help you live long johnson we are back to you when a polygamist becomes born again how should he handle his multiple wives well when he becomes born again they married he gets born again with all his multiple wives and brings them to church all of them will you know i knew that answer i know you're already doing it okay somebody somebody called me somebody called me yesterday and said i love the chemistry between you and mr president i love the way the chemistry yeah i [Laughter] just go ahead yes ma'am your name where you calling from good evening evening how are you global sabbah mr michael we are fantastic two of us like that yeah this is philly coming from victoria felicia yeah that's good good feeling how are you i'm good at yourself totally blessed yes i just i just wanna appreciate papa thank you so much papa for taking time to study in the sponsor to us for our education as well thank you thank you so much for introducing us to life master because my man all right so i just wanna it's one of us to get material study and glow so that we can be able to be disciples and become born in spreading this gospel to the gloom of the planet thank you so much proper amen amen feeling fearless send me well to our brethren on facebook live and the other online platforms so we come back to you johnson oh in lagos global baba yes can a believer marry his or her cousin her niece his niece he saw a nephew in societies where such marriages are generally accepted i'm sure he's asking that question because says marriage is cultural yeah it's already you've already answered marriage is cultural if it is habited within your culture why not yeah because nothing you cannot do anything if it is permitted if it's your culture it's culture global yes okay so what is the bible style on surrogacy example when a married woman cannot conceive then she and her husband agreed to get another lady to carry the husband's child thank you it's allowed i mean it's just what you guys agree if you agree your husband and that lady you know i mean it's allowed surrogacy that's exactly what happened to jesus yes mary was jesus his surrogate mother it was sorry yeah absolutely and joseph was just there to give support we make progress to a marzonia next and scared he's writing scared by oscar oh scared yeah i thought he was getting his writing yes he's writing it very good it's good that he's a good guy many people from facebook live powers are reaching to us okay we appreciate that he says hello sweet daddy thank you for being there for the entire world to come out of motivational preaching that replaced my daughter clemens has traveled out and she now has a problem for work permit and stay please that is she really needs a job and the i think this is residential documents to be able to help ourselves our family and friends join me as the spirit lets you to pray for her and goes on please i require explanation on isaiah 53 5 given that the general context of that discourse was about the redemptive sacrifice of christ for salvation how is it that we liken the phrase by stripes who are healed to fiscal healing i'm wondering even the contents of the entire discuss it was talking about healing of the soul please clarify for me thank you it's your boy scared writing from amazonia well yeah the truth is isaiah 53 is not physical healing is the healing of our soul the healing of our spirit by virtue of what jesus went through in his sacrificial debt however the reason why most people quote that scripture for physical healing number one is because they have not studied it contextually and number two is because out of the redemptive sacrifice of jesus anyway we also receive healing so that's why most people use that scripture for physical healing but you know we join you in faith and at the end of this we'll pray for your daughter and trust god for a miracle praise god thank you scared for writing another caller hello hello thank you for joining us you know where you calling from one minute i'm calling from ina non-justice my i want to ask it i have been following the teaching and i'm enjoying it but there's a question problem what's your name i want a clarification what's your name my name is man okay go ahead with your question okay the question is uh papa has been teaching about them god cannot destroy anyone well i'm enjoying the book i want to ask a question about what happened day of noah who destroyed the day of noah is it god or satan well again if you've been following i'm sure it's not long ago so this is it the destruction of the world of noah was the absence of god noah preached for 120 years of god's long suffering when the people rejected the gospel god does not force people when the people rejected the gospel the bible tells us that they know i entered the ark and the door was locked the entrance of noah into the act was the withdrawal of god and the absence of god is destruction that's exactly what happened in the world of noah okay so from macedonia we are going to the republic of cameroon and i'm global i hope you understand that geography i am i am feeling you man okay so we are in cameroon now says hello global mr intercontinental michael bush sir thank you so much for the enlightenment you bring to my ministry i'm evangelist david i write from cameroon please sir i want you to throw more light on this i have you talk about that when you're reading the bible there are many laws and that god doesn't kill or punish then what about all the prophets where who were prophesying like isaiah jeremiah they prophesied the plague and the anger and the wrath of god the satan said the lord of israel i will make your enemies overpower you you shall go into exile uh anyone who doesn't go to um on exile uh on the command of nebuchadnezzar would die what can you say about that i thought we treated this i think we did and then i need to make a current observation scared said that first part of the email is not from him oh the daughter part is somebody else because i was wondering the only part is the last part okay i was wondering i said oh this kid that i've been going with praying for them that another maybe a spiritual day sure okay scared we'll take note of that this is another caller hello hello thank you for joining us you know where you're calling from hello blah blah blah blah blah evening bless you uh my name is calling from italy okay i've been following your programs in the past two years but i tried following everything because not being connecting all the way thank you for your message and for your enlightenment praise god and i have a little problem here which has been given a different problem from the government and now i am losing speech i don't know what to do again i decided to call on youtube a family to be free from the police issue okay an issue with the government or with the police all right we want to join you in prayer and we trust god that things will be resolved in your favor father we speak to all of the confusion the tension the complications we dissolve them right now we rebuke the storm we rebuke the wind we rebuke the waves peace be still in the name of jesus amen now we ask that the police that something be steered up within the police force the favor of god go to work circumstances are arranged to work out things to favor you receive a miracle right now a miracle amen in jesus name amen amen okay blow baba we're coming back for some more action here but before we make progress they still evangelist david in cameroon yes the question about prophecies about god the old testament prophets wrote based on the revelation and based on the light they had remember if you've been following that the old testament is progressive revelation the prophets of the old testament prophesied but didn't know what they were saying so sometimes after they prophesied they used their own understanding to explain things and expansion on things and some of those things were not an accurate description of god's character that is why jesus came to reveal to us the character of god so jesus is the revelation of god's nature and god's character meaning what you can't find in jesus what you can see jesus do even if the prophets of the old testament claim that it was god you have to discard it because jesus is the accurate revelation of god to humanity cameroon this time in limbe reverend humphrey writing from limbe cameroon baba i just want to thank you for this great job you are doing in educating and delivering the world from false messages i want to say i'm being blessed by teachings and that in the past one month my understanding of the gospel of christ has changed it is now different thank you blah blah blah amen thank you all yeah that's good still still from cameroon again this time prince will moa he says i'm one of your diligent followers and really aspire to meet and sit under your leadership and mentorship please pastor i wish to be clear about spiritual fatherhood isn't a believer liable to his choice of mentor or father that is can't a believer decide who he wishes to submit to as a mentor should pastors impose their mentorship of fatherhood on believers thank you well first of all no pastor is permitted to impose himself on you as a father fathers are discovered and this is the yacht stick for discovering a father a spiritual father is someone who builds doctrine into you and builds ministry out of you the person that is responsible for your doctrinal persuasion or the person that handed over to you your body of truth from scripture that you are persuaded about that's the person that becomes your spiritual father and somebody asks if it is okay to call somebody a father because the bible says call no man your father on the earth remember when jesus said that it was in a context he was first of all talking about false prophets false teachers pharisees and then he talked about the fact that pharisees like to sit in high places and then after explaining all their activities he now says call none of these pharisees and false prophets your father on the earth don't forget that when he says call no one it also includes your biological father so is jesus saying you should deny your biological father no that that is not what he was talking about you know so what jesus was talking about was the false prophet the pharisees but jesus you know had parents even call them fathers brother paul calls some people his sons and some people call brother paul their father so spiritual fatherhood is a responsibility on a person who is responsible for your doctrinal persuasion and for the body of truth that is communicated to you that's the person that becomes your spiritual father yo but that's just so nice i like that part about um call no one your father what jesus was saying don't call your earthly father that's a very very good reasoning i'm running from cameroon to zambia and this would be the last um country i drew in africa on this edition of the program says hello global barbara and mr intercontinental michael bush my name is zoe brighton yerinda and i write from ye render yes that's why i should be from zambia i've been a follower of the teachings and i can testify they have really helped me grow and come to a place of understanding thank you so much for the labor of love love i have a question though can god be against believers meeting together meeting together yes no jesus said well two or three are gathered together and they're in their midst but again it depends on what are you meeting together for the content of the meeting is critical because the only one that pleases god will be when you tabanacula around the message of christ okay global next to germany says hello baba and mr intercontinental michael bush may the lord continually strengthen you too and make you uh give get mighty in your inner man in jesus name amen please i will need the crystal-centric meal please how can i obtain it here in germany ikenna from germany please i'd like you to recommend books for me that will help me grow so that i can also be a lighthouse believer i must do away with fear which is a major part that needs to be dealt with also knowing my authority in christ and no more sense knowledge but revelation knowledge i just want to be as bold as you are these are my desires global baba thank you thank you mr bush my name is ikenna from germany it cannot so good to hear from you when you send the mail to our office here just send the mail asks for the books we will give you a list of all our books about 30 of them or even more there's one that will be ready next week you know uh a book on the the the the communion table a very powerful book you know it will be ready next week or so so if you email us we'll be able to make sure you get all the books there in germany thank you okay global baba i i think we just spent the night in germany so let's um stay on because i have some longish entry coming from since my name is jane my fiance is peter and both of us are writing from ifta in germany says the apostle dominant mr michael bush greetings to you both in the name of our lord allah barbara may the lord continue to strengthen you as you continue to flood this blue marble planet with the fragrance of god's word may you be delivered from weakened unreasonable man my question global baby you've been teaching us the importance of the words we speak and that we should acknowledge the in christ realities all the time you have also taught us that god's intention from the beginning is that man lives on the word i personally do that all the time and i've seen the results yesterday as i was listening to the in christ realities part uh 23 5 i don't understand that when you were teaching on adoption of songs you mentioned that it's the spirit of fear that makes people go confessing things like with the stripes i'm healed i'm rich you said that when you know that that you know you do not need to go confessing what then are we supposed to confess we confess christ we confess christ we confess what christ has done for us in his death burial and resurrection because that is the basis on which we are saved and that is the basis on which we relate with god we confess christ and his finished works okay i have a very interesting very interesting prayer request and i'm going to take that even as we round off the program it says global i would like to settle down in marriage with my fiance please pray that he makes a necessary move and that any delays or hindrances are removed out of the way my name is jen my fiance is peter both of us are in eastern germany how do you pray that kind of prayer yeah we just pray oh no so there is uh to take this absolutely many prayer okay father in the name of jesus we pray for all of the brethren who reached out to us those in need of healing we command that they receive healing right now in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed satan get your hands off of god's property bodies be healed we pray for those seeking favor this week receive favor receive a miracle of god's favor the command's crooked parts be made straight in your business your career your jobs we command that you have wisdom you have strategy you know exactly what to do in the name of jesus and we decree those in need of life partners and those who need to make take steps concerning marriage whatever is delay in the delay is taken out and we decree that circumstances work together to make those marriages possible father we pray for people that are married who need fruit of the womb we command a miracle receive the miracle of fruitfulness in the name of jesus amen we pray for students we pray for young people we ask for supernatural ideas concepts insights opportunities the favor of god and we thank you father for answered prayer tonight in jesus precious name amen amen amen amen okay global but there are two sticking points there's two talking points that we just perhaps when we come tomorrow we open the program with it okay number one will be that point about people requesting prayers yes it's something i like us to dwell on and then there is another issue there that also would love us to dwell and that would be you see global power so when there was no riot life yes how would the people of god coping with all these conditions they they have yes you know i keep thinking about it what were they doing i agree who were they going to so that's why global um riot life and ask the councilor should continue the global because of time on the lack of it we just must go at this point many thanks for staying with us tomorrow is another day my name is michael bush let's do this together global we need to go the intercontinental bush what a day make sure you follow all the broadcast on radioacquire bomb xlfm come for them all the broadcasts tomorrow they just run through and tomorrow evening 6 pm we'll be here again with mr michael bush invite more people to be part of it as we continue exploring praise and worship in the new testament and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed goodbye from your nigeria amen this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,436
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Id: WO2RsHYbfFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 40sec (6880 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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