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and i am what god says [Music] is oh oh i will never be the same to win hallelujah hallelujah can we hear the shout of winners in the house [Applause] shout out victory in the house shout for joy in the house wave to jesus and shout jesus hallelujah so good to be back in the house and i'm so excited to be in the house this morning and i love jesus because he loves me first leave your two hands above your head and let's thank him for his great love wherewith he had loved us i wanted to thank him for the privilege to be back in the house this morning i just want you to thank him for all his grace thank him for the blessings we have enjoyed throughout the period we have not been wanting in anything we have not been lacking in anything we have been fed we have been nourished we have been kept by his power i want you to thank him for a purpose whom god has empowered ego took you know to keep us to keep us by the world i wanted to thank god for giving us this great man in the house which is you know the pastor of this house i wanted to thank him thank jesus for the grace thank jesus for the word which we have enjoyed through our paper in this house and thank god for that grace thank god for that grace [Music] the word of his grace it keeps building us up [Music] thank you father for your blessings in jesus name in the name of jesus i want you to take one minute and let's celebrate our papa and mama this this morning let's celebrate this great gift of god celebrate with a bigger child celebrate with a winner a bigger club somebody shout glory with your two hands lifted above your head put them together with a joyful child let's receive our papa [Music] glory somebody excited this morning are we glad to be back in church turn to your left and right and make sure you see somebody that you have not seen in a long time and just say hello to them say hello to them praise god hallelujah thank you lord glory to god lift your right hands to heaven father we rejoice that this morning we have the privilege of coming before your word again today thank you for your grace and mercy and your love thank you for keeping and preserving all of us we're so grateful and we thank you that today you've enabled us to be back again as a family in fellowship here and so i ask that revelation knowledge will flow through your world today buttons and yolks will be destroyed whatever is not planted by god is rooted out your people built up equipped edified jesus glorified thank you for answer prayer this morning in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven let's release our faith together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the word naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service but we have kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of you on the online community we're so glad to have every one of you connected to the service i want to ask you to do us a favor like you've always done as we label together to get the gospel to the nations of the earth help us share the video of this service on all the groups on your page create watch parties tag some people and of course make sure you drop them on monogram telegram put them on whatsapp groups let's float the entire earth with the truth of the gospel of christ we also want to appreciate all of you that are in the house centers around the state and those of you in campuses around the world is a judge of everybody and we back home yeah we're excited to be back to church this morning are we excited this morning can we celebrate jesus with a shout [Applause] is that the best shout you can is that your comeback shout this morning glory amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self grab your pen your notebook and your bible let's get into the world this morning we've been looking at why things happen the way they happen on earth why things happen the way they happen on earth and it's important to mention that it's a teaching series that started in the last five days or six days so we've covered quite some grounds and those of you that were not able to follow the teachings on radio or on tv or on social media you've done yourself a disservice because the essence of getting the message out to where everybody is able to access it is so that you are equipped you are built up you are brought to a place of appreciating what christ has made available the book of james chapter 1 verse 13 to 17 james chapter 1 verse 13 to 17. let no man say when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man next verse but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lost hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death do not air my beloved brethren every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man verse 13 says look at the thoughts the thought is not just talking about how god will not do evil but god does not even have the ability to yield to pressure or to desire to do wrong it's not just a question of he cannot do it he doesn't have the ability or the desire to do wrong so he cannot be tempted to do evil neither does he tempt anyone yes some people say well but god tempted joke god never did god doesn't tempt anybody somebody said but god tempted abraham god never did why because god does not tempt any man and if you've been following our teachings we took time to explain why abraham took isaac to mount moriah we've explained all of that we've also taken time to explain what was responsible for job and all that happened to job and for those that may be new to these teachings if you get our series on the misunderstood god part one two three four five the misunderstood god and you listen carefully some of these things will be very clear now look at verse 14 and 15 is of that james chapter 1 verse 14 but every man is tempted every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lost and enticed so we see a process here he says god cannot be tempted with evil neither temptety any man then he shows you the procedure of how things happens he shows you number one he says a man is drawn away of his own desire number one number two that desire now brings sin number three sin now grows up to bring forth death that's the process so it's clear you can see that from the desire point to the dead point god has not influenced what so has no influence whatsoever in this it's a man's desire that brings him to sin and sin brings him to death so from desire to death god has no hand god has no hand in the process of human predicament or the process of human pain or the process of human calamities and of course as we study the bible will begin to look like it has you know some contradiction of what we have said some people have even built their doctrine on those contradictions or seeming contradictions like somebody asked me on on radio yesterday why is it that he read the book of hebrews 11 and he saw they have not obtained the promise abraham obtained the promise they never obtained the promise and i took time to explain to him that it looked like contradiction but it's not a contradiction it just requires explanation most times the contradictions are in our mind they are not in the scriptures and if you just carefully painstakingly read through the scriptures and you pay attention those contradictions suddenly disappears because you come to a place of understanding so there are no contradictions the contradictions is simply because some people believe that god is both good and evil depending on how and when he appears to you that is why you hear many people say god why why this is based on this ignorance of not understanding oh god why why are things rough with me oh god why why did you allow so we keep blaming god for things we ought to take responsibility for james 1 16 says do not air my beloved brethren the word planner o it means do not be led astray don't be deceived it is possible for you to be deceived that god did it it is possible for you to be deceived that god is responsible for your pain it's possible for you to be deceived that god that it wouldn't have happened if god did not allow it you know um it's possible for you to you know it's like so many people who say you know they are believers and they are christians they are they actually think like muslims because in islam they believe that nothing happens that god never allowed nothing if you hit your leg on the chair it is god god wanted to teach you a lesson okay if you fall from the bed as you're trying to stand up from from your bed oh is the doing of god if you're riding a bicycle and you fall down it is the doing of god that's the way islam believes but in christianity our god is a good god he's a loving father and he will not use hurtful things to teach you a lesson he teaches us via his word i didn't hear a powerful amen so people are deceived and they are carried away in deceit they keep going god why did i lose my job maybe you know a child is born deformed and then they go like you know god has a purpose for everything god has a purpose and it's a very illiterate perception about god some people quote the bible and they show you a verse or a scripture and that is why it's important to understand the christology of scripture it's very important to understand the christology of the bible because the bible is only interpreted in the light of christ jesus first corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 says we have the mind of christ john chapter 5 verse 39 says all scriptures testifies of him luke chapter 24 verse 26 to 27 says all scriptures testifies of him beginning at moses and all the prophets even the songs of david concerning himself so when you are able to read the scriptures in the light of christ it brings you to a place of accurate and exact understanding when you're able to read the scriptures and see christ in the scriptures cries the light unveils all mysteries to you now let me lay a foundation because some of us talk about job you know and some of us talk about pharaoh and other things like that but one fundamental thing you have to know about the bible is this like i've said many times the bible is not the word of god the bible is not the word of god please listen carefully john chapter one verse one read for me chapter one verse one two three john one one two three in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god and all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so now if the bible is the word of god i want you to reason with me in the beginning was the bible and the bible was with god and the bible was god the bible was in the beginning with god all things were made by the bible and without the bible nothing will be made in the bible was life and the life was the light of me and the light of the bible shines in darkness does it make sense it doesn't make sense so the bible cannot be the word of god the word of god is a person in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him the word and without him the word was not anything made that was made then verse 14 of john chapter 1 now says and the word became flesh the word of god is a person the word became flesh and dwelt among us the word dwelt among us not the bible the word god who became a man dwelt among us so the bible is not the word of god are you still in the building the bible is not the word of god we are not dishonoring the scriptures in any way we are not dishonoring the scriptures in any way i didn't say the bible is not inspired of god i said the bible is not the word of god second timothy chapter 3 verse 16 ii timothy chapter 3 verse number 16. all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that's why we must study and find out and not jump into you know very stupid conclusions without finding out from the scriptures in second timothy 3 15 just before 16 he says from a child you have known the holy scriptures the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus verse 16 all scripture when we say all scripture at the back of people's mind that have not been able to answer what do you mean by all scripture the word scripture is an english word taken from the greek word graphei graphe g-r-a-f-f-e for those making notes grapheme grapheme means writings writings so all writings are inspired of god you didn't hear that all writings graphic all writings are inspired by god he didn't say what was written is inspired of god he said all writings are inspired of god now look at me everybody so that you can get what i'm saying now let's say i got pastor isaac okike and sister eno to go and help me supervise nsa's protest and i have a broadcasting outfit and a publishing outfit so they went to supervise um answers i mean and uh yeah answers okay that's the one in agenda right answers okay good so they went to supervise answers you know there are a lot of things going on all over the world and i'm i follow global news so a lot is going on in my head now okay so they went to supervise answers and they came back to me with a report and they say oh this is what we observed in uyo uh isaac okay said i was in abba and i said i was in abuja and then i went to lagos and all of this is what we have observed then i said to them write it and publish okay i inspired them right in it but i did not inspire the action of the protesters i'm not behind the action of the protesters but i inspired two of them to write what they saw so when it says all scripture what he's saying is all writings god inspired the documentation but god did not inspire the action are we teaching here so when we say all scripture what we mean is all the writings the documentation of the book called scripture is inspired of god but not all the actions in the book are inspired of god hence the need to rightly divide the word of truth are we clear here now there are things that god inspired and there are things that are spoken in the bible at the instance of god the prophecies concerning jesus christ were inspired of god salvation was inspired by god and they are all in the book for example look at first peter chapter 1 verse 10 first peter chapter 1 verse number 10 of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you next verse searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that should follow they prophesied of the grace that shall come unto you that god is inspiring that then they also prophesied concerning the sufferings of christ and the glory that shall follow that is at the instance of god look at hebrews chapter one verse number one hebrews chapter one verse number one god who at sundry times and in diverse manners speak in time past unto the fathers by the prophets in diverse manners at sundry times god spoke to the fathers by the prophets so the prophets under the inspiration of god spoke to the fathers what did they speak to the fathers the sufferings of christ and the glory that shall follow please pay attention second peter chapter 1 verse 20 to 21 second peter chapter 1 verse 20 20-21 knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation did you observe no prophecy of the scriptures of the word interpretation is the word origin no prophecy of the scripture is of any private origin read the next verse for me the next verse for the prophecy came not all the time for the prophecy the entire bible is called the prophecy not the prophecies we don't have prophecies in the bible we have one prophecy one message one revelation the prophecy for the bible is called d prophecy because it's one message so when you hear people say this one is my message this one said that one is my message they are not preaching the bible either one of them is lying or all of them are lying either one of them or all of them because we only have the prophecy the bible is called the book of the prophecy one prophecy read on for me for the prophecy for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost that so let me ask you all of your question is there everything that is in the bible that is prophecy all right good so look at the case of job job said the lord give it and the lord take it away blessed be his name he even said shall we expect only good from god and not evil those statements were not inspired by god but god inspired the writers to document it are we together here and then look at another one so the responsibility of all of us is to study to study contextually to study in the light of christ when you are studying the bible you must take cognizance of the time that the things were said that is if you see a case for example where daniel prayed and an angel told him oh daniel greatly beloved from the first day you set yourself to pray your prayer was answered i was sent to bring the answer to you but the prince of pisa which stood me and i had to ask for help then angel michael came to help angel gabriel to bring the answer when you read something like that you have to understand the time in which such an oppression happened and not begin to think maybe today when we also pray and the angel is bringing answer there are some things in the atmosphere that can stop angels from delivering the answers there is no such in the new testament so you've got to be able to know the time when daniel prayed that prayer jesus had not died when daniel prayed that prayer man and god had not been brought into an inseparable union when daniel prayed that prayer it was under the dispensation of the law today we are normal under that dispensation we are under the dispensation of the finished work of christ today where he is we are so there is no angel traveling with answers when we pray he answers us and he answers us in him am i talking to somebody here so there's nothing like saying an angel was coming and a prince stopped him no you are in christ far above principalities and powers so you must understand the dispensation when certain things were said in the bible so that you are able to understand what the scriptures communicate today every believer has a right over the devil so you see some things were said because of the time period it is in study that you separate and understand you won't just say because it is written it must be god speaking ah i saw it in the bible how can you say i saw it in the bible you know i saw it in the bible somebody said don't mind dr damina even the bible is a god killer to make it alive is he not there how can he say god does not kill does he want to rewrite the bible okay tell him to rewrite the bible they are trying to be sarcastic we are not moved god has never killed god does not kill god will never kill it's just that the riches of the redemption are two there are two pressures for a broken mind for a poor soul when your soul is poor you cannot fathom the riches of redemption god is a good god and his goodness is not seasonal his goodness is eternal his mercy endures for three weeks i the lord i change sometimes i the lord jesus the same yesterday has changed today will be different tomorrow he's here chameleon consistently constantly constantly the same if he killed today it means he was killing before and it means he will kill again but he never killed because he never killed before he does not kill he will never kill the fact that you saw it in the bible doesn't mean that is god's character we have to find out who said it who inspired the saying of it and in what context was it said by who was it said that's very important in bible study are we still in the building so you have to sit down diligently to properly rightly divide the word of truth according to ii timothy chapter 2 verse number 15 and that is the proper approach to bible study there are people in the bible who said god did but god did not but it is written so if you read genesis to malachi you have the opinion that god gave the law for example but when you read the epistles you discover that the law was given by moses there was a reason for it you know the law of moses is not the perfect will of god the law of moses was given in response to the state of man's heart are we in the building those who read deuteronomy 15 where the bible says a man shall not wear what belongs to a woman by the time you read it properly you know he's not saying that a woman should not wear trouser when he says a woman should not wear what belongs to a man he is not saying a woman should not wear trouser because in that chapter there is no trouser trouser is in your mind you are reading your mind into the bible he didn't say a woman should not wear trousers he said a woman should not wear what belongs to a man and a man should not wear what belongs to a woman but he did not specify which one is a woman and which one belongs to a man which means it is subject to culture for example back in those days men wear gown so if you want to stay with that let's start wearing gowns even jesus walked down because that was a culture of jewish dressing so that's why there's no specifics moreover you need to find out under what dispensation where they ask for men not to wear what belong to women and for women not to wear what belonged to men it was when the children of israel were going to the promised land and where they were going to they were homosexuals in the land remember the promised land was inhabited by jebusites amorites anakins giants there was homosexuality in canaan so moses said that land where you're going when you go there don't wear what belongs to a man and man don't wear what belongs to a woman so you can be distinguished from the homosexuals it was not a code of dressing for everybody it is for a specific people that were going to a specific culture okay if you want to stay with that scripture that says a man should know where what belongs to a woman under that same chapter he says you shall not build a house with balcony so once you build a house with balcony you are a hypocrite you stop women from wearing their clothes freely but you have a house with balcony and in that same chapter he says you shall not wear a cloth with two different materials you cannot wear jeans and t-shirt it's in that chapter are you in the building and if you break one are we settling the matter so that you won't come to church at the iowa sister that is wearing trousers i bind you out she's trying to pollute the church of god you're the one that is polluting the church of god to stop it glory to god glory to god are we in the building here so in fact at a point in the bible they were not supposed to eat four footed beasts or meat strangulated then one day god said what i have cleaned you shall not call him clean eat goat eat cow eat chameleon eat frog no no don't be moving like that what god has cleaned thou shalt not call him clean either by your mouth over yours [Music] [Laughter] glory to god he said peter stand up kill and eat peter say no way say what i have cleaned you shall not call unclean even if you want to eat mosquito you're free yeah there was a dispensation where people lived under the law but no more today so the way we study the writings we must know when god spoke we must know when god did not speak when men spoke by their own interpretation and understanding of god and when men spoke out of unbelief in fact in the bible liars spoke in the bible thieves spoke in the bible satan spoke it's not only god that spoke in the bible even satan spoke thieves spoke liar spoke oh and it's all documented it is all written in the same book that's why the book must be rightly divided are we still in the building all right now so you must study the bible you cannot afford to be lazy you cannot afford to be lazy interestingly what we are studying this time around is so key because you must know what i am teaching you here you need to know god just like we took time to establish two three days ago rain doesn't come from god rain is as a result of the fall of man there was no rain from genesis 1 and 2. there are two chapters in the bible that are perfect genesis one and two from genesis chapter three man has fallen and from chapter three forward it's a different modus operandi now if you study carefully you'll find out that the first time rain fell was genesis chapter 7 and 8 the flood of noah and that rain was judgment so rainfall is not a blessing from god rainfall is judgment for man seen what was god's plan in the beginning there was water above the firmament water under the ground water under the ground was to just keep watering the ground and there was plant all the seed was in the ground man didn't have to go to farm farm was natural fruits grew out of the ground food grew out of the ground and god told man to eat all the helps of the field man was not supposed to eat meat meat was not part of man's diet it was the herbs of the field god said to adam you can eat of every three eat of all the herbs but don't eat that one the day you eat it you shall surely die and if you observe the bible tells us that things were growing from the ground of their own accord there was no death so the the the leaves and the fruits and the vegetables never grew old and never died they were ever green so you just keep eating and what god created was supposed to be forever so in the sky there was water to condition the atmosphere so that the whole planet is cool so that man is comfortable to live long water was gathered in one area land was gathered in one area and the whole world was one there were no continents no africa no europe no canada no america no asia it was one one world people living together and the bible said they were moving together the whole world all human beings we are moving together because we all came from one tribe one tongue one blood all of us had one language it was a fall of man the sin of man the fall of man caused a global change the heavens collapsed water that was supposed to be in the sky cooling the atmosphere started falling down we started having floods we started having earthquakes it was not so from the beginning we took time to also look at where do babies come from and we established that babies don't come from heaven babies don't come from god there's a process that god put on the earth there are only two people that came from god adam and jesus and both of them were perfect none of them came without leg none of them came blind none of them came limping adam was perfect jesus was perfect it gives you an idea of god's nature are we teaching here everything god created was perfect in genesis chapter 1 the bible says and god saw that all he has made was very good yesterday i told you i've ever imagined how the lion and the lamb and chicken were together in the ark of noah and the lion didn't eat the chicken because animals were not dangerous animals were man's friends it was after the fall of man that mosquito started releasing malaria malaria came from the sin of man lions became dangerous you know snakes started eating men that is why it was not strange for a snake to be talking to eve and moses wasn't shocked when he saw it in the vision because that was what was obtainable but after the fall of man snakes became dangerous the whole of creation changed the world changed human body changed men that usually for one thousand years started living 500 300 200 now today babies die immediately they are born as a baby comes out ah no no no back you live for 40 years congratulations 50 years golden age come on 50 seen seeing as tampered with nature it has tampered with creation it has tampered with all that god created are we still in the building are you learning something okay now please listen very very carefully so let no man say when i'm tempted i'm tempted of god you must see things from the christological perspective of the bible evil cannot come from god people say you know evil is a blessing in this god in disguise and many say well you know what the devil meant for evil god has done it for good god used it for your good you know turn your mess into a message let your mess become your mission your mess becomes your mission your mess becomes your message is that the gospel the gospel of mess i'm not ashamed of the gospel of mess for it is the convertible power of god from evil to good and nothing is big in america turn your pain into power your mess into message your test into testimony you have read the book you know your mess is not the message the message is the message of christ not your mess clean your mess i receive god receive god's grace and mercy praise god i say praise god and they say well conclusively all things work together after all there can be no palace without pity no palace without pit and no powers without prison so if you're in the pit get ready for the palace repeat you better talk about it if you're in prison get ready for the palace sometimes you've got to go through the pit from the pit to prison from prison to the palace right now you may just have left the prison clean up like joseph you'll soon be in the palace palace okay how many josephs in the whole bible how many josephs only one and even the story of joseph was a communication in a metaphorical sense of the story of jesus see joseph hated by his brothers jesus came to his own and his own received him not joseph sold to prison jesus was abandoned by his father he gave him up to die for us all see that in prison he interpreted dreams jesus in hell paid for our salvation okay then joseph came out of prison to palace and brought his brothers to be with him at the palace jesus rose from the dead and he has brought many sons onto glory see that so when you read such stories in the bible you have to ask yourself what does it mean don't just be all things work together for good no no all things don't work together for good malaria and kovit 19 don't work together for good they may send you to heaven on time so when it says all things work together for good what does it mean look at it romans chapter 8 verse 28 let's quickly give meaning to the scripture romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose now if you observe all things work together for good started from verse 26 give me verse 26 verse 26 27 of that same romans chapter 8. likewise the spirit also helped with our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered 27 and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit because he may get intercession for the saints according to the will of god 28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose now 29 for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn amendment among many brethren thirty moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glory so all these things work together for good what are those things those he for knew he predestinated those he predestinated he called those he called he justified those he justified he glorified all these things work together for our good it is the salvation program of god he's not talking about the bad the good the ugly will work together for good no that's not what it means what it means is that all these things that god has done for us no for knowing us predestinating us calling us in christ justifying us by faith glorifying us by the resurrection of jesus all of that intent was working together for our good to be able to understand it look at verse 3 verse 30 31 31 romans 8 31 what shall we then say to these things if god be for us who can be again now also stop that's another one if god be for us who can be against us even my boss cannot be against me in my office there cannot be no no no leave leave that he'll leave that and that's not what he's saying look at what he means but if god be for also can be against us where salvation is concerned based on all that god has done for knowledge predestination call election all of that is a guarantee that god is for us therefore because god is for us in salvation nobody can be against us now look at the statute to establish it finally verse 32 he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things so these are the things he was talking about in god's plan and purpose to save humanity not your job not your neighbor and all those trying situations it doesn't mean that they all work together for good some say god was trying job to test job well that's the result of them reading their bible with a mindset and not allowing the bible speak to them you need to know this fundamental you know truth of scripture the nature of god the character of god the personality of god what does god do and what does god not do because if you don't know what god does not do when it is time to resist the devil you will resist him you will think it is still god at work that's why you must be able to define what god does and what god never does you must be able to know the nature of god you know he says you do air because you know not the scripture not the power of god in knowing the nature of god god will not hide under doing good to do evil fast you understand god will not hide under the guise of doing good by doing evil first you know somebody gave back to a child that is blind he said god know that this boy the way this boy is growing without eye if he had i the kind of things he would have done if without i his god thank you minds of people are whacked by religion so god knows this one that cannot walk straight he's sleeping and he's behaving like this supposing he was walking straight suppose he was behaving walking straight only god knows what you will have done god thank you thanking god for what god is innocent of giving god thanks for what god does not even know how where it came from christ is god's mind and christ is god's purpose and christ is god's character christ is the mind the purpose and the character of god the bible says wherefore read for me romans chapter 5 verse 12 romans 5 12. wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned did he say well for us by the spirit of god sin entered into the world huh did he say that as by who one man what entered what entered so how does james james tells us sin starts number one desire then desire sin then sin death is god part of it is god involved is god in the process from beginning to end who is it man from beginning to end is all man because once this is clear then you are able to exonerate god from the things we have attributed to god ignorantly and that's why brother james was very strict on it and that's why even brother paul took time to say we are for us by one man so man's desire man's lost man's sin entered into the world and brought death and so death pass upon all men in romans chapter 5 verse 14 nevertheless put it up nevertheless the power of god ran from adam to moses is that what your bible says nevertheless death reigned the word reign means rule death reign from adam to moses was that the will of god was that the will of god was that the plan of god now let me ask you a big one was that the creation of god does god use death if god uses death jesus will not raise the dead if god uses sickness jesus will not heal the sick he won't go about healing the sick if god is behind earthquakes and tsunamis and flood jesus will not rebuke the wind and the wave and stop the tsunami somebody say rain is a blessing i said i know why you're talking like that because your house has never been flooded to where both the house the furniture the building the foundation went the day rain falls and a flood take your house your house plus your child and it took you so much you also almost went to bring your child out finally you rescued your child having taken two cups of water and they push it out of your stomach but the house went you will never carry a blessing is it true hello i said is it true i never call it a blessing you never call it a blessing rain came as a result of the fall of man all right now so you can see two dispensations a dispensation we are seen and death reigned but now jesus has come that you may have life and be abundant hallelujah four thousand years was the reign of death death reigned over this planet for four thousand years before jesus came that's why the world is the way it is before jesus came in the plan of god there was not to be a place called overseas he said i just came from overseas no it was not part of god's plan nobody was supposed to be undersea and nobody was supposed to be overseas all of us were to be on land but you know the the the mess up of the planet because of the scene of man the planet got messed up water left where it was supposed to be together scattered and created demarcation between country and country so now you have to use aircraft to fly overseas you know cottonwood is not overseas from nigeria i hope you know that please don't go to cottonwood say you went overseas you use motorcycle from lagos to kotonu there's no river even togo is not overseas can go by land even ghana can go by land i've gone to togo by land i've gone to ghana by land i've gone to cottonwood land and it is one route you pass kotonu to togo from togo to ghana so don't go to ghana say i went overseas [Music] i am abroad i can track from lagos to continue i can track you know the boundary the boundary between lagos have continued the boundary you know what the boundary is like you know the boundary you know what the boundary is like is barbed wire barbed wire nigerian embassy what to do embassy [Music] but you see from the beginning of time there was not supposed to be all of those all of man was to be together and that's what the death of jesus has done jesus died and rose from the dead today he has made all of us one nation all of us one family and how many of you know we have one language manga lord of borrow cortana yeah that's the language of the redeemed and let the redeemed of the lord say so are you getting blessed this morning now john chapter 9 verse 1 as a round of this service are continuing the next service john chapter 9 verse 1 2 and 3 chapter 9 john 9 1 and as jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth blind from his birth blind from his birth so we asked a fundamental question something as basic as where do babies and children come from then we established that a husband and wife got pregnant and the wife put to bed two black nigerians and after she put the bed when the baby came to visit i mean the husband came to visit after she was put to bed the baby was yellow not albino you think the husband will start saying thank you jesus you are a wonderful god two black parents one yellow child what a blessing the husband will say madam are you sure while you were sleeping they didn't exchange the baby because humanity has explanation to why the baby is yellow and not black is it clear so babies do not come from heaven babies come from a process of procreation god put a law in a man and when that law is set in motion babies are produced is it clear so they now ask why is this child bomb blind has he sinned or did his parents sin is there a generational cause or a family cause in this in this child and look at what jesus said in verse 2 and 3 of john chapter 9 verse 2 and 3. and his disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind jesus answered neither hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of god should be made manifest in him now what jesus was saying it's not like well god allowed him to be born blind so that we can manifest the works of god no what jesus is saying is that this child has been born blind my part in this is to walk the works of god which means the blindness is not the works of god because if the blindness was the works of god jesus wouldn't need to come and walk the works of god so there is no there is no hand of god in sickness disease infirmity so anybody hearing the sound of my voice that has been afflicted by the devil in your body don't excuse it make up your mind to resist the devil and he will flee make up your mind to get your body back to normal make up your mind to recover your body refuse disease accommodation in your body god has no hand in any form of sickness disease pain frustration depression oppression every good and perfect gift comment from above it cometh from the father of light with whom there is no variableness neither is shadow of turning so we have seen that babies do not come from god babies do not come from heaven babies come from the procreation in genesis 1 27 and 28 after god created man god said to man you be fruitful be fruitful be fruitful it's like a couple that keep having children every year every year okay how far is the dream of god is the doing of god we have six now we've been telling god we don't want she just took him again god is wonderful don't worry you will have 12. and the man doesn't even have money no food so the children are always moving around seeking for whom to devour every time you see them they look like god has punished them permanently when they become um robust you say god is wicked which god when you drop the first one you drop the second one why didn't you stop he said god is doing it god amen you know when the bible says be fruitful it's not only you he told it's all of us all of us together are supposed to be fruitful so if everybody bring two three two three two three two three we will be fruitful enough but you alone have brought six you're going to the seventh one you have done the job of three families well done make sure you also have the economy of three families i'm about to close i'm about to close see the wife has delivered five she's looking very old because there's no break she carries a seven one to even move she has to can't you see you are killing the woman can't you see you are killing the woman for cultural reasons is ignorance my people are destroyed a lack of knowledge i'm about to close your wife didn't tell me anything i'm just preaching we have not even been in church so i've not seen anybody but if you are hearing something is god talking to you stop stop stop stop stop stop they cannot try again you know i'm not seeing you guys for some time so allow me to laugh and enjoy myself this morning i've been preaching alone for many months man praise god somebody say procreation and you know science today can explain procreation very well there are scientific ways to even make babies without all the stress that comes along with it there are so many ways science has developed science has grown and improved on the process of procreation and it's not a scene so if you need medical advice if you need medical help go for it by all means there's nothing wrong medical science is more for god than the devil so if you need it go for it don't let the devil you know mess up with you and put you in a place where you become where you you know your family becomes a problem and becomes a prayer point amen i said amen i said amen so in genesis chapter four verse one as i close this service genesis chapter four verse number one look at how it happened after genesis chapter two and three where god created man and man now fell from god look at what happened in genesis chapter four verse one and adam knew eve his wife and she conceived and bear cain and said i have gotten a man from the lord i have created a man or i have procreated a man adam knew his wife that became the process of bringing babies into the world adam knew his wife that's the bible's careful way of talking about sexual intercourse so there had to be an adam there had to be an eve for there to be a child there has to be a man and a woman for there to be a child can i hear powerful amen praise god we know that god is a good god and every perfect thing comes from god so if something is not perfect it can be god so right now i don't know what is not perfect around your life but you can make up your mind to put an end to it right now resist the devil he will argue resist the devil he will negotiate what does your bible say he will flee so if you say no to that sickness what happens to the sickness it will flee whatever is not planted by god you have a right to put an end to it today you are in authority all that jesus acquired in his death burial and resurrection he has given to the church all that he has is ours we are in him he is in us he has not given us authority we own the authority with him i don't know if you understand what i'm talking about we own the authority and whatever we allow is allowed whatever we disallow is allowed amen and whatever is not perfect is not from god every good and perfect gift cometh from above from the father of light with whom there is no variableness neither a shadow of turning are you blessed this morning stand on your feet that's all i got for you in this service glory to god hallelujah amen lift your right hands to heaven let me pray over you father thank you for everybody under the sound of my voice in this service online on television on radio all over the world wherever your people are gathered to receive instructions from your word we rejoice because we know that you are a good god and you have been consistently good whatever is not good never came from you every good and perfect gift comes from above from the father of light with whom there is no variableness neither a shadow of turning every defect every sickness every disease every pain every affliction and every torment never came from you it comes from the devil and we are in authority over the devil so right now satan we resist you in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed be killed be healed be healed in the name of jesus lord i speak to every husband and wife believing for the fruit of the womb right now under the sound of my voice from this day receive the miracle of fruitfulness in the name of jesus we command that you receive the ability to bring forth nine months from now in the name of jesus satan get your hands off that marriage get your hands off that family legazo brain de gea the gadaga lego that husband and wife receive in the name of jesus and we speak to every business every career every profession where the devil has blocked and hindered and oppressed your job and your businesses satan get your hands off in the name of jesus receive favor receive opportunities receive ideas receive concepts receive insights i say receive in the name of jesus this week i decree that your steps are ordered to the right places opportunities will not escape you thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe those things he said shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says right now we have what we have said we have what we have said we have what we have said we have what we have said we receive what we have said in the name of jesus you are delivered from wicked and unreasonable man you are delivered from every trap from every diabolism you are delivered right now in the name of jesus hey shukha ladaba thank you lord for miracles thank you lord for testimonies oh thank you father for all the blessings and every great thing you've done among us we give you praise and i speak over everyone hearing the sound of my voice this end of the year will be the best part of the year for you the best part of the year the lines are falling to you in pleasant places so from now into the new year it will be celebration for you we shift things we move things we move circumstances we move situations we change we rearrange and arrange things to work in your favor receive it in the name of jesus somebody shout i receive i have say i receive i have right now i didn't hear a powerful amen well if you know you receive and you have right now go ahead and celebrate it go ahead go ahead and celebrate celebrate celebrate glory glory glory bible says in that hour jesus rejoice in the spirit i want to see some rejoicing in this house glory [Music] glory [Music] amen and let me tell you the truth it's over with corona permanently where we are concerned and we speak to those of you in europe those of you in the united kingdom those of you in france those of you in germany and those of you in america watching right now we declare that virus has no hold over you any longer in the name of jesus i hear that the united kingdom is shutting down because the virus cases are rising in nigeria we have defeated it and therefore we stand in faith with those of you who are hearing the sound of my voice in the name of jesus you are more than a conqueror over that virus [Music] in the name of jesus and we declare that we are taking back our nations we are taking back our cities and we are taking back our world in the name of jesus thank you father thank you father thank you father this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith somebody shout i have victory now are you blessed this morning amen i want to take up your offerings quickly when we hear the word we honor the word we respond to the word we give to the world our givings and our monies and our finances they go a long way to enable us preach the gospel to the nations of the earth every time you give i want you to give with that in mind i am giving because i want to make my money available so that more people can hear the gospel that's why we give we give to push the gospel we are blessed to be a blessing we give to honor what christ has done and in our giving we're able to get the gospel out amen i said amen so that's what we give and i wanted to give intentionally today today's partnership service before we close and also today i'm going to challenge us to give because we need monies to be able to keep our radio broadcast going and keep all that we're doing online between now and the end of the year so we want people to give to enable us get all of that going i mean those that have been given have been given and i want to thank them but if more of us can give we can do more and not only do more we can keep what we're already doing going see i hear you do you think it's worth it yeah it is it is if that's the only thing we are asked to do to the gospel is nothing jesus died jesus became a man jesus did everything for us the only thing he left for us is to announce it is to preach it but you see the mediums of getting it out there are human mediums that cost money so we give so that this gospel keeps going round can i hear powerful amen lift your offerings up to heaven father we rejoice this morning and we thank you for the privilege of giving today i ask that as we give we give in faith we give with joy our offerings are a sweet smell before you today and we decree that everyone giving in this service your needs are met according to his riches in glory by christ jesus so thank you father for the blessing upon your people in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen the online community listen there are banking details on the screen there are banking details on television now we're going to sign you off but i want to i want to quickly ensure that all of you that are watching online on tv right now you also are a part of giving today to enable us maintain what we are doing and even do more i wanted to give sacrificially and intentionally and all partners today is partnership service so we wanted to give the bank entities are on the screen and they are on social media platforms and if you are in an area where there is no account for you to give to us send an email to dr abeldamina and we will make sure that we are able to get an account to you that is relevant but today we are really intentional about giving and i want you to you know sincerely and joyfully be a part of giving to help us pay all the bills that we need to pay to keep this gospel going all over the world between now and the end of this year and i want to thank you for giving and i want to thank you for responding but we love you guys i'll be back to you at 11 a.m this morning with a second service and in the second service i'll also be joined by mr michael bush so we can answer your questions respond to your calls respond to your counselling issues and make sure that you are well cleared about the things we are teaching and about the things you do not understand our campuses we live in the able hands of coordinators health centers in acquire bomb state we live in the abrahams of the coordinators in the house centers and everybody else we love you guys looking forward to seeing all of you at 11 a.m this morning gmt plus one let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service this morning glory to god somebody shouted powerful amen are you blessed this morning all right we're going to give and we're just going to give right here on the platform and i'm sure the power voices will sing a song and you just walk out you know very decently to the pulpit i just dropped your offerings anywhere here around the pulpit can we do that without eternal life only jesus can give us i come to jesus for eternal life i don't come to him for other things that i can get elsewhere i come to him for what only he supplies i am come that you may have life and have it more abundantly he that has the son has life so why are we in christ for life domino ministries international presents righteous invasion of truth riot live with dr abel david somebody shut abba theme curse curses cursing and the concept of deliverance and ask the counselor with dr abel daminer and michael bush date 11th october to 15th november 2020 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m to 8 pm gmt plus 1 sunday 7 a.m and 11 a.m services gmt plus one you can also join the broadcast on comfort fm 95.1 uyo 6 pm to 8 pm daily xlfm106.90 1pm to 3 pm daily inspiration fm 105.9 we hope from 9 p.m to 10 p.m daily and radio aquibo 90.5 ovo 11 a.m to 1 p.m daily watch this program live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv also visit abel dubbing a facebook handle instagram handle twitter handle and youtube host doctors abel and rachel daminer [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,750
Rating: 4.8769231 out of 5
Id: qxgqeo5Jksk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 34sec (4834 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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