Lord You Know by Mark Barnett

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trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path next day John saw Jesus [Music] [Music] good to be in the house of the Lord this morning really is want you take your Bibles and like adieu any preliminaries we'll go right to the word of the Lord today race gone it is good to be here Psalm 68 and 6 so I'm 68 and 6 my god God sets the solitary in families he brings out those who are bound into prosperity but the rebellious dwell in a dry land Matthew chapter 12 verse number 43 Matthew 12 and verse 43 when an unclean spirit goes out of a man he goes through Dry places seeking rest and finds none then he says I will return to my house from which I came and when he comes he finds it empty swept in put in order then he goes out takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter and dwell there and the last state of the man is worse than the first so shall also be with this wicked generation one more scripture chapter Psalms chapter 133 Psalms 133 behold how good how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it's what it says exclamation point it is like the precious oil upon the head running down on the beard the beard of Aaron running down the edge of his garments it is like the dew of Hermon descending upon the mountains of Zion for there the lord commanded his blessing life forevermore you may be seated this morning this was born in my heart just a few weeks ago and it it has not left me it has changed my praying to some degree and I don't mind my praying being changed I really don't I find myself saying some things that you know I've said in the past but much more consistently to God a Wednesday night we spoke to this congregation pastoral pastoral II I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not transform or be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable acceptable and perfect will of God I think this is a continuation of that in this house today the Bible teaches us Paul brings it out in Corinthians chapter 11 when he begins to talk about divine order and he says I want you to know in 11 verse 3 I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is man and that the head of Christ is God some of the things that brother east talked to us about just recently amen the divine order and plan of God I am NOT going to be using this chapter here this these verses because it begins not because I don't want to but because it just I've got what I need out of it but let me just say this much hallelujah ladies there is a symbolic representation in this chapter that is part of the divine order of God when God starts talking about the covering and the hair of the lady he says long hair which is uncut hair and he tells us that it is symbolically representing a men submission it's a symbol of authority on her head as it says in the New King James Version verse 10 and then it gives us this peculiar scriptural phrase because of the Angels I want you to know ladies and gentlemen in this house today that there is a world that is very real that you cannot see as we play on this planet as we do our own thing on this planet there is another world that is observing that is watching what is happening here it is very aware of God very aware of God would say it's very worth God bible tells us in James 2:19 thou believest in one God the devil's also believe I want you to know today the devil is a oneness believer he believes in one God I'll do as well the devil's also believe and they tremble while we sit here today in this room our angels now I know you don't see them be nice if some of you would see them but there are two kinds of angels today good angels bad angels real simple real basic 'it's that's me that's me and they are observing just how closely you follow God they are watching to see if you are in submission to God I'm not talking about being in submission to the pastor right now I'm talking about being in submission to God you see these angels know they know his power they know what he's like they know from firsthand experience that when you defy God then when you rebelled against God that he will act and he will cast down and they have experienced that very thing do not take lightly today what the word of the Lord says you be claimed to be a believer everybody seems today to be a believer but the Bible tells us in the book of Colossians amen that he is the head of the body everybody say he's the head of the body I'm referring to Jesus the church who is the beginning and the firstborn from the dead hallelujah I am told in the book of Peter that I am to follow in his footsteps I cannot duplicate da deity today I am NOT God but I have not been told to follow in God steps I have been told to follow in the steps of Christ Jesus hallelujah we're not going into Peter this morning but amen that's what we are told Jesus himself said my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work that's the steps that I am to follow in I must submit my will to God I must do his work not my work I must follow him with all of my heart 24/7 hallelujah hallelujah when Jesus spoke to us in John 14 he said to them after they got into the question of where he's going and who he is and he says have you not known me Philip have I been so long with you that you're asking me to show you the Father amen he says he says to him do you not believe that I am in the father and the father in me the words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own authority if you want to know what it means to be in submission to God all you've got to do is look into the scripture and you will see a man a man that cemented himself in obedience the scripture says even to the death of the cross [Applause] hallelujah my god I'm coming against the spirits in this house today and unfortunately some of you brought those spirits in this house today some of you don't realize just how close you are to the enemy being able to take your life from you not physically but destroy a spiritual walk with the Lord my God my God my God I don't stand here as Bubba this morning I don't stand here as The Laughing guy that likes to joke with you today I don't stand here is the fat man I stand here as a man of God hell anointed of God call of God call the pastor this church and to lead this church now you listen to me this morning in this house the Word of God says to remember those who rule over you hell that's what it says it also says obey those who rule over you and be submissive why for they watch for your soul [Applause] every morning I get up the first words almost out of my mind my mouth invariably higher even as I lay in my bed Oh God I want to submit to you today I don't want there to be any trace in me of rebellion I don't want to stand and defy you in any way today god help me to follow you with all of my heart help me just to make myself to you my god hallelujah you don't understand some of you the principle that I speak to you today is very holy you can have all the outward appearance of being holy and have a heart that's so rebellious to God my god that's not how I want to be I want to have a heart I want to be that living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto Him it is my reasonable service we got issues ladies and gentlemen we got issues because a lot of us today - what we want to do we lay it out as a standard and a rule but I'm here to tell you it's deeper than your preacher it's greater than your preacher learning to submit learning to acquiesce to the will of God to the Word of God to the Spirit of God hallelujah hallelujah so I read in Psalms 68 and 6 to you today it says that the rebellious 12 in a dry land my god I realize now why when I was a young man I the Holy Ghost at the age of nine got baptized at the age of nine but my life had so many seeds of rebellion in it so much defiance I mean maybe not in your face defiance as I see some of you today but Amen but no it was in my life and I remember I remember my early 20s going to a camp meeting Nathaniel ocean preaching of the coming of the Lord and I remember going to the altar and I also remember I remember so help me God I remember how empty I felt as I said the words of many Pentecostals I even expect in tongues I just found out how shallow I could be and some of you today me some of you today get speaking tongues and still not submit to God I'm living proof of that but the Bible says that the rebellious dwell in a dry land I didn't know where hell was that I didn't know what had taken place in me I didn't know why I was so defiant Amen so disrespectful maybe not with verbal words as some are but even my host spirit my home a cup amen was rejecting what God wanted me to do I want you to know something today rebellion destroys a relationship with God you don't understand why when I talk to some of you apostolic sand Pentecostals and yes I make some remarks I really you know when I say H I don't really hate you but I understand the spirit that you carry every day with you that defies God why because I've been in that place I've been in that place where I was defiant to God doing my own thing and then coming to church and even crying but never changing my god I am here and only here because of the grace and the mercy of a great God who even would pursue me down into the dry place hallelujah you see the unclean spirit goes out of a man and he goes through the dry place what's he looking for a place of rest the rebellious individual where does he'd well in the dry place yet understand it mamas and daddies when your children get angry and they continue to get angry you need to do something about that little Johnny a little Suzie when they get out of control you need to check that business because you do not understand what is taking place oh now it's not a problem but when they're 25 and they're still acting like that you will not understand what has taken place the enemy has got such inroads in their life that he controls them and they find themselves going into rages why because their spirit is so rebellious and they're now in a trial and we're the enemy warehouse who looks for the place of rest I know what I'm talking about today I have seen on your face you may think that you mask it but no it's very very clear to me where you're at I may not say something to you some you need to understand I'm only going to go to those that want to change I have learned it's taking me a long time in my life if you don't want to change there's nothing I can do to change you my mama told me a story so many years ago and it has stuck in my mind today her pastor was a great man of God SG Norse an SG Norse there were a lot of young ladies in his church but he always used to go to my momma and another lady named Lorraine and he would go to them and he would correct them and he would talk to them and finally one day they said to him pastor why don't you say anything to those other girls because they just act just as bad as we do and his answer to them was you listen [Applause] the most difficult Bible studies I've ever had in my life is when somebody wants to talk when they ought to shut up I don't care how much you know about the Bible my question is how much of the Bible do you practice and if you can only speak what your practice you can put it in a thimble so so god help me I won't learn a dry place I don't want to be where my enemies asked and I'll do whatever I have to do to submit myself to him to submit my I I am NOT in charge today do you hear me I am NOT in charge today you think you're in charge but the day will come it's going to be revealed to you that who really is in charge because one day you can defy him now one day you can be rebellious now but one day every knee is going to bow and every tongue is gonna confess and say so the volume now be rebellious against them now I'm going to practice submission in this house in my life may I say to you today that if we don't practice submission we don't get along it's the truth before tells before it tells the wife to submit to the husband it first says submit to one another we have a tendency to ignore that verse and it's right there it's just above the other verse so when you start spouting off about your wife's books to submit to you you have the wife you need to ask him politely even reverently are you submitting to God now if you're not submitting to God I will give you the words of the Apostle Peter and the other apostles when they were told no longer to preach and teach in the name of Jesus Christ we ought to obey God rather than man [Applause] so if you want your wife to submit to you you better be on your knees submitting to our God every facet of your life better be submitted to him you see in the spiritual realm there's different rules there's different rules there's different rules than what you've got going on here on this planet amen Israel who is Amen the natural of what we are to live out in the spirit so much is so rich in Deuteronomy chapter 11 and verse number 10 Amen God has said to them through Moses for the land which you go to to possess is not like and we say not like the land of Egypt how they operate down here in Egypt you ain't gonna be operating like that when you give to Canaan I'm here to tell you if you're a child of God today you're not to operate how they operate on this planet you're not to operate like the neighbor you're not to operate like the government of the United States of America you're not to operate like anybody else that chooses to be rebellious why because you belong to something greater and better than anything that this world has a meant to offer so when you go in to possess the land it's not like the land of Egypt from which you know hey many where you've come where you sowed your seed and watered it by foot as a vegetable garden in other words if you know anything about Egypt the Nile Delta it's the area where the Israelites the land of Goshen where they lived it was fertile why was it fertile because of the silt and the water from the Nile River but when you get down the kingdom it's not going to be like that it's not gonna you're not gonna function like you functioned in Egypt that was the struggle even of the wilderness they couldn't get away from functioning like Egypt they always functioned like Egypt operates on a different plane than the things of God Egypt doesn't function like God functions hello it has no concepts of God it's following a myriad of God's but ladies and gentlemen today that's why Paul would write to us and tell us we need to not conformed to this world but we need to transform why because a man we're not going to function like this planet functions what is one of the indications what is one of the indications that Jesus is coming soon rebellion children will no longer honor their parents may I speak so blunt as to say I want honor them either the way they act you're to be an example of submission and if you cannot submit and then you turn and tell your children they need to submit to your authority and rule you hypocrite how dare you tell that child that it needs to submit to you when you will not submit to the authority of God you're a hypocrite I'm getting in deep water now I may not get out of this water either so then you get to that land when you cross over and that's what we did folks we crossed over your child God you crossed over my God my God my God you crossed over when you get to that land you see in this land the Lord your God cares he cares for this land the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it in this land from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year when we walk in submission to God you are going to have the blessing of God yes going to have a why because God wants to bless his people but he cannot and will not rebellion he told them that if you will earnestly verse 13 obey my commandments which I command you today to love the Lord your guns certain with all your heart and with all your soul these I'll give you every cell give you the rain for your land in its season the early rain and the latter rain that you make gathering your grain your new wine in your oil I will send grass in your fields for your livestock that you may eat and be filled then he says to them take heed to yourselves lest your heart be deceived and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them we so ain't got no idols on my house if you're rebelling against God you've got a night on your hands and that's called you your the idol if you cannot submit to God if you will not obey what His Word says you don't need a statue in your house you're the statue I'll never know you probably don't even know who Aliya mean is he's a man with many titles he's Papa Doc he's the general he's this he said and he was also a murderous evil man in Uganda amen finally lost the throne kingship and he just had so many titles I don't care what you call yourself you're not in submission to God you ain't getting control in my life am i doing okay is this that are roughly your feathers did I make you feel bad I'm preaching to you today and the thing is once I'm done with this I've been the Watchmen on the wall it's on your shoulders in baby what you do with it judges in the judges concludes with these words and I've used this before but it says in those days judges 21 and 25 there were no king in Israel everyone did what was right in his own eyes if you read judges it is the most messed up people that you I mean you've got guys cutting up their wives you've got guys doing all kinds of weird stuff you got them stoner you got them fighting in their own gods people and it's crazy it's just a mess you understand that's what happens that's what happens when we will not submit to God's law it's no wonder we get messed up lives it's no wonder we got no peace in our home it's no wonder that everything puts us into some kind of war and I'm not talking about Iran and Iraq and then I'll talk about in our home in our lives and in the lives of our children here's the solution real quick dad get on your knees and cry out the gods I submit to you and then live it you see in judges they have been warned judges 3 and 7 says the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord they forgot the Lord their God they served the bails in the astronauts amen amen verse 12 and the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord so the Lord strengthened the hand of Eglon king of Moab against user because they've done evil in the sight what happens amen when you rebel against God you start walking through Dry places and God is not there to give you rain amen and the enemy is there and he says man I'm taking advantage of this situation because I've been looking for a place to rest and now I have found it amen I recognize the spirit that they carry it's the same spirit I got and so when I move on in ain't gonna tell me to leave because they're gonna feel comfortable with that spirit god helps help us I heard a statement by my dear brother Jeremiah yesterday man I said I got to use it he didn't know I was gonna preach today I talked a little bit to him we sat over breakfast but hey man he made a statement and it ring in my heart before you can have dominion in the spirit realm you must have dominion within and we run it by you again before you can have dominion in the spirit realm you must have Dominion within and if you don't got Dominion within don't you go out and try to mess with the devil because he will destroy you one of the verses are they sleeping are you awake come on up here Robert help me for a minute I love my boys I'm taking them home late this next week I love my boys I love them dearly I really do it would kill me if they wouldn't serve guy would kill me he really would he would kill me do you remember what it says in proverbs 25 and 28 let me help you out I know he who has no rule over what that's it buddy thank you you can thank you can go sit down [Music] I tell my grandkids they have moments unfortunately so does their grandfather if you can't control yourself you're dead meat you can use the name of Jesus you think that's gonna scare the devil so what do you mean we're supposed to cast them out if you are not submitted to the name of Jesus why would the devil even be afraid of you have you ever read in acts 19 the seven sons of sceva we assure you in the name that Paul preaches the devil probably laughed these seven of them oh boy watch what I do now and he proceeded to beat them and strip them of their clothes and they fled and then the Bible says a great fear came on you see if you're not at submission to God you really don't have a relationship going ladies and gentlemen you got a battle on your hands you're defying him now brother Leo me and you right now nobody else is in the house when the kids misbehave and you say you'd do this or else and they defy you are you feeling like hugging them and kissing and smooching on them not really ask me the question not really not really and I'm a man and no 40 pound kid is gonna tell me what to do all I got is just fall on them officer I just fell down would you pray for could you help me pray for this boy you know what would happen if everybody in this room we finally get control of their spirit we'd have revival when you walk down the street every devil in this place with know who you were and they want to get away from you the reason they don't run is they know you are not submitted to God yes we do sis and it always starts with ourselves quit blaming that husband there are two reasons why you can't be delivered to just two reasons two reasons why you can't have victory over the enemy two just two reasons just two one you don't submit and the other you don't resist if you resist without submitting you can't have victory if you submit and you don't resist you can't have victory you cannot separate them it's submit to God then it's resist the devil and he will flee from you hallelujah all right hallelujah you need the Holy Ghost today we tell you what the first thing you got to submit God doesn't give you the Holy Ghost like you want it he gives you like he wants to give it to you and if he wants you to run back and forth and bounce off the walls that's right if you want you turning flips if he wants your nose running and your eyes tearing when he fills you with the Holy Ghost that's how it's gonna be sir ma'am you don't control God you don't tell god what to do and so the Apostle Peter is preaching to these guys and he's and and he's and he gets in trouble for preaching the name of Jesus they're already use the example I come back to it and then they saying we told you not to preach in his name anymore and he appeals to a greater authority well we ought to pay God rather than man and then he makes this statement in verse 32 he says we are his witnesses to these things and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him if you ain't got the Holy Ghost and in my fault and ain't this church's fault you ain't obeying him and if you'll submit to him you'll get the Holy Ghost simple as that I don't give the Holy Ghost God does that so got to do something bout yourself you're gonna leave this house you're gonna forget what I said because the enemy's just waiting to pluck this stuff right out of your mind he's waiting right now to take everything that's been said in this room away from you he wants you to stay like you are because he wants to destroy you and he knows if he can keep you in the dry place that's what's gonna happen do you understand it works like this so what happened when Elijah the man of God the Tishbite came he said God Dane serving yet they had been so stinkin rebellious for so long God does not your words say that you will cause the rain to stop and so Elijah prays stop the rain God and he was praying the will of God and the rain stopped for three and a half years there was no rain and he wasn't being ugly he was merely walking with God how I know you got Ravens feeding you Ravens don't go around feeding people God is protecting him and providing for this man of God and then the day came that he issued the challenge who is God who are you going to submit to and many you know the story builds the altar after the the priests of Balaam and all that that honor holy chord amen all day long praying to their God and nothing happened he douses the altar with water and it fills the trenches that he's dug around at douses it soaks and saturates the sacrifice the wood this stone and then he prays sixty-three words when a man is submitted to God he don't have to pray a couple years to get an answer 63 words and the fire falls and everybody everybody's on they're facing the Lord yes God and for just a moment Israel submit to God and that same manner God prayed the rain down I'm coming home so the psalmist writes in Psalms 133 behold how good and how pleasant it is for the brother to dwell together in unity how good it is and he says it's like the precious oil upon the head gentlemen ladies you want to operate in this house you want to be a part of what this church is doing it has one head physical in this building and he's all looking at him and he's hard to hide we don't got 10 heads 15 heads you got one head and the anointing flows out of that head and down in other words if you cannot listen to your pastor you are in a place of rebellion and the anointing of God can not flow through you and you are headed for the dry place it's like that precious oil upon the head running down upon the beard the beard of Aaron and running down on the edge of his garments do you know it was on the high priest do you know how they felt about Israel they had an ephod and on that ephod were 12 precious stones and each of them represented the twelve one of the twelve tribes of Israel and they were over his heart to constantly remind him these are God's people and the oil ran down and then onto the edge of his garment down his shoulder and covered those stones you cannot be blessed of God if you cannot submit to God's plan in God's order you cannot and then he says it's like you do of Hermon Mount Hermon was 200 miles away from Jerusalem tour miles away hallelujah descending upon the mountains of Zion mountains of Zion were not as high as Mount Hermon it is said by travelers but in the Holy Land the morning dew that comes off of Mount Hermon is like a hard rain that fell for it saturates everything you want anointing you want the Spirit of God to work in you follow God's plan follow God's plan your saturate you you'll fill you with the Holy Ghost in fact God's people when their cetera will walk in the spirit and they'll forget the externals and they'll major on the eternal things of the Spirit it is a shame when we as believers get tripped up by little things it is a shame you know our goal is to reach somebody that doesn't know Jesus that's our goal my friend that's our goal to have somebody find God to help somebody to know the joy of the Holy Ghost to have somebody to know that when they're baptized in the name of Jesus all their sins are washed away I don't got time to mess with small things I don't got time to get in your messes that's what the enemy wants me to do so if you want to live in your mess you live there but I'm telling us leading you to a dry place I'm moving on I'm gonna walk with you Jesus please to sing the song years ago sister Janice let me walk with you Jesus don't ever leave without you I can never make heaven my home and there's other parts of that verse that's so that's where I'm at today Jesus I gotta submit to you I got to hear you I do not want to dwell in a dry place I've been there and a good place to live but if you'll submit to God God will allow the dew of Hermon to saturate you I'm not I'm not trying to be ugly telling you and many of your others in this house that's your biggest problem you have fought against Authority all your life you've allowed bitterness and anger to control everything that you do and you did not understand that's that's the dry place and that's what the enemy wants to do is take it to the dry police you can get the whole annals of the South if you'll submit to God help was father hallelujah Oh God huh gosh let's reject him here let's submit ourself Bible symbols symbolic objects the rainbow a symbol of God's covenant a stairway a symbol of the way to God thunder lightning clouds and smoke symbols of God's majesty Thunder a symbol of God's voice trumpets a symbol of God speaking the pillar of cloud and fire a symbol of guidance a throne a symbol of God's glory tribe owns a symbol of spiritual death white hair a symbol of wisdom the wind a symbol of the Holy Spirit fire a symbol of the Holy Spirit [Music] stars and lampstands symbols of God's ministers a signet ring symbol of authority arrows symbols of God's judgments a scepter a symbol of God's rule the capstone a symbol of preeminence a rock a symbol of stability the human body a symbol of interdependence brass symbol of human frailty symbolic creatures the serpent a symbol of Satan's subtlety locusts a symbol of God's judgment peace symbols of earthly kingdoms [Music] a dove symbol of the Holy Spirit aslam symbol of Jesus Christ's sacrifice symbolic actions breaking a jar a symbol of the destruction of Jerusalem the Kherson of a victory the symbol of judgment washing hands a symbol of innocence being thirsty a symbol of spiritual need Baptists used for salvation in a symbol of cleansing the Lord's Supper symbol of union with Christ annoying a symbol of empowering by God's Spirit harvesting a symbol of Judgment Day tearing garments symbol of anger and sorrow spitting a symbol of contempt shaking off dust a symbol of rejection sitting in sackcloth and ashes symbol of repentance lifting of hands a symbol of Prayer covering their head a symbol of submission symbols expressing God's nature and character gods face a symbol of his presence God's armor hand a symbol of his power God's eye a symbol of his awareness God's ear symbol of God's listening god bless you thanks for watching
Channel: Called, Chosen and Faithful
Views: 242
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice)
Id: 7Uo07FvA3iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 6sec (3186 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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