Summer In The Psalms | Bryan Roe | Week 1

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well good morning church welcome to the springs happy fourth of july let's stand and sing our praises together and get those hands moving [Music] come on let's see let's praise be a weapon lift our and that voices me away from that silence is [Music] let it rise [Music] let's praise our eyes come on sing it out everyone who watch the chinese [Music] let faith it rise [Music] forever [Music] come on let's get those hands together this is what freedom feels like this is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise you this is looks like this is what freedom feels like this is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise you this is what freedom feels like this is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise you this is what living looks like this is what freedom feels like this is heaven sounds like we praise you we pray [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] we praise you come on give him praise [Music] this is the day [Music] thank you [Music] is [Music] here oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] all our lives [Music] is [Music] that's never fail [Music] his name is jesus his name is jesus [Music] undefeated [Music] i [Music] is [Music] your face i'll see my pain no more my fear will cease about my life i fix my eyes on christmas i fix my eyes on christmas [Music] [Applause] is his name is jesus [Music] is his name is jesus [Music] it's so great to sing with you guys go ahead and take a seat well good morning springs and happy july 4th i am so excited to be here with you this morning and we are all blessed to be here on july 4th and i just want to take a second to greet everyone if you're at one of our three on campus locations or you're watching online let me be the first to welcome you home my name is kaden i'm a summer intern here at the springs and i want to draw your attention to the connect card on your seat so if you're at one of our three campus locations go ahead and pull this out or if you're online one of the hosts will drop it in the chat this is one of the biggest first steps here at the springs especially for me when i started here about three years ago i filled this out and ever since i've been walking with jesus each year it's connected me within the church and i've been able to serve and do things that i never thought i would be able to so if you're ready to take those next steps this morning or you have any questions about the church we'd love to answer them or if you have any prayer requests we'd love to pray for you as a church well guys um we're super excited to be here again and remember to fill this out and turn it in before the end of the service and also on your way out they have some free ice cream push pops here this morning so on your way out go grab one i told them that if i was gonna do this morning they had to pay me with a box of them so i've eaten seven remember jesus is the only one who can judge us so that's all i'm saying so don't judge me for that but we're super excited to be starting a new series here this morning it's called summer in the psalms we're gonna be camping out in the psalms over the next few weeks and pastor brian rowe is going to be starting us this morning he's going to be in viewing and making god like in our view larger so we're super excited for that and you guys can remain seated for the rest of the service and our band is going to continue to sing another song for us but like i said happy july 4th happy independence day and god bless and enjoy this song [Music] god of creation there at the start before the beginning of time [Music] with no point of reference you spoke to the dark and fleshed out the wonder of life [Music] and as you see [Music] a hundred billion gallon season born [Music] the stars were made to worship so [Music] every burning star signify [Music] your creation sings your praises [Music] god of your promise you [Music] all nature and science follow the sound of your voice [Music] and as you speak evolving in pursuit of what you said [Music] you say [Music] still obeys you so alive [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] the rocks cry out in silence times [Music] you chased down my heart through all of my failure and pride [Music] i'll heal you created the light of the world abandoned in darkness to die [Music] and as you speak [Music] billion failures disappear where you lost your life so i could find it [Music] done [Music] is [Music] every precious [Music] a hundred billion times but one measure could amount to your desire you're the one who never leaves the one behind [Music] what's up 10 30. you guys doing okay today happy fourth of july weekend to you my name is brian i'm the next gen pastor here i want to take a moment just to welcome all of our campus locations and those of you joining us online probably a lot of you joining us online this week since so many people are traveling coast to coast but listen however aware of you're watching we're so glad that you're with us today as we begin a new series called summer in the psalms kind of sounds like a dope vacation spot doesn't it some are in the psalms it's like some of the kardashians would go or something but uh that's what we're gonna spend the next month of our summer together is in the psalms and listen if you're not familiar with the psalms let me take a moment to just explain it to you psalms is a book in the bible right in the very middle of scripture and it consists of 150 prayers poems and songs many of which were written by david the great king david who you may have heard of before and what's cool about the psalms is that they really cover sort of the spectrum of the human experience right there are some psalms that are psalms of praise really expressing our gratefulness to god there are other psalms there are psalms of lament expressing grief there are uh psalms of remembrance that look back to the past in psalms of anticipation or psalms of prophecy that look forward to the future there's even a psalm of shrek did you know that yeah it's look it up somebody once told me i can't believe i just made that joke from the stage now you're going to have that in your head the rest of the day but listen that's one of the things i love about the psalms is that there are so many different types of psalms that it is not difficult to find some psalms that you'll relate to and i want to encourage you throughout the course of this series to not limit the study of the psalms to your sunday experience i want to encourage you every one of you watching on campus or online to take some time in the next month or so to just crack open scripture or maybe just swipe to it on the bible app find the book of psalms and just take some time to read through it and what i think you'll find is this the psalms are so easy to relate to and today what i want to do is in a moment take you to psalm chapter 19. that won't be our final psalm today but it'll certainly be our first in psalm 19 i find easy to relate to let me tell you why by way of a story it was the summer of 2004 i was traveling with some friends from college to visit some family in northern michigan and when we got there um what we noticed was they had a lot of land now when i say northern michigan i mean like far northern michigan like almost the border of canada and the upper peninsula uh northern michigan and so when we got there we spent some time you know outdoors doing what we do but at the end of the trip a friend of ours said what we're gonna do is we're going to take a little walk after it gets dark so i thought okay whatever no big deal so um it was past 9 9 30 p.m somewhere like that and it was pretty dark outside we started walking on this path through the forest now this is confusing to me cause i'm like why why why did we wait until like the middle of the night to take this random walk through the woods you know what i mean but we're walking through the forest i don't know how far we walked or how long we walked seemed like miles to me but we finally got to this clearing and when we got to this clearing our buddy said hey what i want you to do is turn your flashlights off and so we did and the moment that we turned them off this is what we saw not just stars not just the night sky the milky way galaxy i began to see it with greater radiance and greater depth than i'd ever seen it before and i have to admit to you that my soul just erupted with worship how many all know that sometimes god wins our hearts by blowing our minds amen that's what happened in this moment man my soul could not contain its praise i won't admit to you today even as a pastor that there are times in my life when i struggle to worship when my praise feels fake but then there are other times when it comes so naturally and there was something about the sky that night that just caused my soul to respond in a unique way and and then our friend said what i want you to do is turn your attention to the north we look to the north and for the first time in my life and the only time in my life i saw the northern lights the aurora borealis gently dancing on the northern horizon and again my my soul could not contain its elation it was a night that i'll never forget well then the time came for us to return to the place where we were staying and so we turned our flashlights back on and began to walk home and i noticed that my shoes felt heavier and which is a little strange but we we got back to a place where it was more lit and i looked down and that's when i realized that my feet way up even past my ankles were absolutely caked in cow manure you see i had been so enamored by what was above me that i hadn't taken the time to focus on what was below me i had been stepping through cow pies evidently this entire time and didn't even realize it how many all know that when you take the time to just gaze upon the glory and grandeur of our god it makes the stuff that you're walking through in life a little more bearable oh there's a sermon in there somebody today you've been walking through some cow pies you've been stepping through some stuff in life that's certainly uninvited and you're not exactly sure how you're going to get through it and you really wish you'd know when you were going to get through it the the scripture that i want to call our attention to today is one that reminds us that that when we just spend time looking at who god is and what god is capable of it makes the stuff that we step through in life a little bit more bearable now like i said a moment ago one of the cool things about the psalms is that about 70 of them were written by david now if you know anything about king david's life you may know that when he was first anointed as king of israel the bible tells us that god sought him because the lord was seeking a man after god's own heart now it would be easy to think that if david is a man after god's own heart the same david who slayed goliath the same david who who saw so many military conquests they can't even all be contained in scripture the same david who held such a great reputation whose lineage bore the son of god jesus himself would be easy to assume that david's life was nothing but rainbows and puppy dogs but the truth of the matter is david had struggles just like we do david stepped through some cow pies along the way david had temptations and trials and just as many pits as he did peaks in life and what i think you'll find through psalm 19 and a couple others that we're going to bounce to today is that david just as has been true for me david found that when he spent time just simply looking up into the night sky it made the stuff that he walked through in life a little more bearable here's what the bible tells us at the beginning of psalm 19 it says this the heavens proclaim the glory of god the skies display his craftsmanship day after day they continue to speak night after night they make him known they speak without a sound or word but their voice is never heard look at this next part it says yet their message has gone throughout the earth their words to all the world their message to the earth and their words to all the world what david's trying to help us understand here is that those tiny dots in the night sky above our heads are not there just to be a decoration no they're there to be a declaration of who god is and what god is capable of and he says that god is using these stars in the night sky to communicate something to us the question i simply want to ask this fourth of july weekend is well what is it what is it they're trying to say why why is god using the cosmos to try and communicate with us what is it that our creator wants us to know what i want to do today is the same thing that david did a couple thousand years ago i want to encourage us to just look up in fact today what we're going to do is we're going to look at four stars in fact four of the nearest stars in the milky way galaxy and i want to use them just to simply ask this question what is god using the stars to say now before i introduce you to the first star what i want to do is take this little golf ball and i want you to imagine that this is earth can you do that for me in fact what i want you to do at every campus location i know this might be hard for you to see it southwest of villages or online but what i want you to do is take a moment and on planet earth just take a moment to identify yourself okay you got it like when you see yourself when you have an idea of your size in comparison to the size of earth just go ahead and nod your head for me all right some of you are playing along thank you for that that's good okay so um when i was in college i remember seeing somebody use a golf ball to give me a comparison of the size of earth compared to other planets and stars in the milky way galaxy i have to tell you it absolutely blew my mind and i hope that doing so this morning will blow yours too first star i want to look at today is the one that we're all familiar with and it's the sun i mean it's it's our star it's it's our star in our little cul-de-sac in the cosmos called the solar system right now many of you know that the sun is big but maybe you don't realize how big i mean it takes eight minutes for its heat to get from where it is to our skin here in central florida and sometimes what can happen is because we see and experience the sun so often we don't really take the time to consider its enormity did you realize that you could fit 960 thousand earths inside the sun that's pretty huge right so like if the earth were a golf ball the sun would be a school bus three football fields away i mean that's pretty crazy right and keep in mind that the sun is just one of hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy which by the way is one of hundreds of thousands of galaxies in the known universe can we go a little bigger let's go a little bigger this next star is called beetle geese sometimes referred to as beetlejuice you've probably figured out which pronunciation i'm going with and um beetlejuice is a little bit bigger than the sun in fact beetlejuice is twice the size you think i'm gonna say the sun don't you no it's actually twice the size of the earth's orbit around the sun that is big would you agree you could fit 262 trillion earth's inside of beetlejuice that's massive so if the earth were a golf ball beetlejuice would be the height of six empire state buildings stacked one on top of the other whew okay you're not getting it apparently what you're going to need to do is get a golf ball fly to new york go into manhattan go to midtown and then just go to the foot go to the base of the empire state building take your golf ball place it on the ground by the way don't worry about people thinking you're weird it's new york they won't even notice you and just place your golf ball on the ground look up at the empire state building and imagine five more stacked on top of it that would be the height of beetlejuice if the earth were a golf ball y'all if the earth were a golf ball you could fill the largest football stadium in america to capacity with golf balls 3 000 times that is the size of beetlejuice and can i just remind you church at the springs that that's just one star just one of hundreds of billions of stars in our milky way galaxy which is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the known universe can we go a little bigger this next star is called musifi now i know that musifi doesn't look very ferocious right i mean twinkle twinkle little star right look at the little guy but musifi is what's called a hyper giant and it is hyper giant let me tell you this thing is absolutely enormous in fact uh if the earth were a golf ball musi would be the length the width of two golden gate bridges end to end that's three and a half miles long okay apparently what you're going to need to do is take your golf ball from new york fly to san francisco go to oakland or something somewhere up high where you can see the end which by the way most of the time you don't even get a clear day there so it's not very easy to see from one end to the other but if you can imagine a second golden gate bridge spanning from the end of the first and that my friends compared to a golf ball is the width of music friends you could fit this is crazy you could fit 2.7 quadrillion earths inside of musifi now i know when you hear that number it doesn't mean much because we don't deal in quadrillions right like your cute little iphone calculator doesn't calculate quadrillions right let me take a moment to just help you understand how big of a number quadrillion truly is okay let's do this by by dealing in in a span of time okay 1 million seconds ago 12 days ago well that's kind of cool right that kind of gives you an idea of of how big a million truly is right okay so if one million seconds ago was 12 days ago how long ago do you think one billion seconds ago yes some of you were like okay now we're in like last month right one billion seconds ago october 1989 hello now we're getting somewhere what about one trillion seconds ago some of you are like okay i'm tracking with you now what's up abe lincoln we're in the 1800s now right one trillion seconds ago 29 700 bc one quadrillion seconds ago was 30 million 800 000 years ago and you could fit look at me you could fit 2.7 quadrillion earths inside of this widow guy that's big that's really really big and by the way this guy right here just one of hundreds of billions of stars many of which are unfathomably larger than music in our galaxy which by the way is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies many of which are unfathomably larger than the milky way galaxy where we live can we do one more i love this last one this is called a red hyper giant this my friends is canis majoris that's the manliest name i've ever heard for a star i wish that was my name in college hey this is my boy canis majoris right like that would have gone over i would not have been picked on as often i'm telling you canis majoris in latin this is loosely translated the big dog star and his bite is every bit as big as his bark let me tell you this star is so huge that if the earth were a golf ball canis majoris would be the height of mount everest six miles high thank you one person glad you came to church brother what apparently the rest of you are gonna need to do is catch a flight from san francisco to nepal with your golf ball just unzip the parka take out your golf ball place it on the ground look up probably won't be able to see the summit but do your best and that my friends is the height of canis majoris this is a big dog star listen canis majoris is so big that if the earth were a golf ball you could you could literally fill the state of texas 22 feet high with golf balls you could fit seven quadrillion earths inside can i ask you a question today how big does that make our god think about this uh david wrote another psalm this is psalm 33 and he said this in verse 6 the lord merely spoke and the heavens were created watch this he breathed the word and all the stars were born so you mean to tell me that god like whispered god god breathed a single word and stars big enough to fit seven quadrillion earths inside of were born the bible says that god can look to stars call them by name and tell them where to go and how bright to shine and here's the thing they obey they don't ask questions they don't push back they just say yes lord and they do what they're told how big does that make our god come on somebody and here's the thing so and then we have the audacity to say things like oh god i just got some big problems i wonder if god's like homie we need to work on your definition of big maybe it's time we stop telling god how big our problems are and start telling our problems how big our god is we've got a big god 1030 a big god now i know some of you are like me and you're visual learners right so like the golf ball thing helped that was cute but but you're like man can you give me something else to help me understand just how big we're actually talking well i'm glad you asked um this little video here should give us some greater perspective what we're going to do is begin to take a little bit of a journey through our solar system you'll see some of the smaller planets emerge and then not long after that here comes earth now what i want you to do is keep your eye on earth keep your eye on our pretty blue planet and i want you to notice how quickly it disappears as we begin to see saturn and then we begin to see jupiter and after that finally here's the first star we looked at today our sun remember just shy of a million earths could fit inside here's our first our second star sirius shout out for uh satellite radio uh arturus let's keep going a little bigger by the way we have not even yet come to beetlejuice rigel beautiful radiant blue star and then finally there is the second star we looked at tonight beetlejuice and then canis majoris the largest one that we saw when you see these do you begin to realize how small you are let me ask you this can you still see yourself that shrinking feeling is a good thing and and here here's why i wrote this in my notes this week maybe this will help you as well i think sin has a way of shrinking our view of god but creation has a way of shrinking our view of ourselves and enlarging our view of god i don't know about you but like when i was a kid my mom always used to say this to me she'd always say brian it's like it's like you think that the world revolves around you anyone anyone else's mom say that to them moms you say that to your kids now it's like the quintessential mom phrase right it's like you think the world revolves around you and then i would always come back with something smart and be like no it doesn't the sun does you know like like i was so so smart but but see i think like this is what naturally happens in our lives we are we are born sinful beings and what sin does is it it forces us to reduce our size of god and so what we do is we respond to god as though we've got some pocket-sized savior who we can just pull out when it's convenient can i just tell you that that that's not how god works it never has been it never will be and and instead of enlarging our view of god sin has a way of enlarging our view of ourselves and making us think that we're bigger than we are the bible says don't think of yourselves more highly than you ought well that's hard that's hard not to do would you agree unless you spend time just gazing upon the creation that god has put around you the creation that romans chapter 1 says are like god's invisible qualities it's like his way of showing off it's like his way of making himself now have you ever just asked yourself why god created so much in the night sky like we have yet to find life on another planet another star another nebula another whatever um let's let's just assume for the moment i know some of you are space nerds and you're going to disagree with me but let's just assume for a moment that we're the only planet on which people exist there is intelligent life here and nowhere else why would god need to create everything else out there i mean doesn't that doesn't god have anything better to do i mean he's got enough stuff to deal with he's got the whole world in his hands but like apparently he's got a lot of other stuff in his hands too colossians 1 17 says that by him all things were created and in him all things hold together he's holding a lot of stuff together 10 30 you all know this and he's if he's got the whole world in his like why i just want to know like why why why why would he need to create everything else the only logical explanation that i can come to the only logical explanation that the psalms give us god did it that we may we might notice him and we might appreciate him we might acknowledge the fact that he's wooing us into a relationship with him that's pretty astounding wouldn't you agree if for no other reason god wants us to simply know who he is and what he's capable of when i see all this when i think through all this when i when i read about this in the psalms the the question that david asks here is the same question that i find myself asking to he said when i look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers the moon the stars that you set in place like what are mere mortals that you would think about them human beings that you should care for them like god why would you care about us think about this for a moment 10 30. what does john 3 16 tell us for god so loved the doesn't say for god so loved the son or for god so loved beetlejuice that'd be weird for god so loved musi or canis majoris or any star galaxy or nebula out in the known universe no no it says that for god so loved the world why did he love the world he doesn't love the world just because it's pretty he loves the world because that's where you and i are the bible tells us that when he created us he elevated humans as this pinnacle of all creation and it says that for god so loved the world that he sent his son he didn't just tell us he loved us he proved it he proved it he didn't send his son anywhere else he sent his son into the world to prove his love for you and for me and not only did he come the bible says in the next verse that that he came not to condemn the world but to save the world through him we didn't deserve it we don't deserve the opposite of that we deserve eternal separation from him because of our sin and our shame but god loved us too much too much to to go into eternity without us and so he sent his son to do something about it and his son died for you and me so that the chasm that sin creates between us and him might be closed and we may be reunited in a relationship with him forever you know i think of the psalm that we sang a moment ago so will i such a beautiful song and and it reminds us of the fact that all of the stars and galaxies they were created to worship god their worship might look and seem a little different than ours does but but they were created for that reason and look at me they can't resist and when was the last time that you saw a star or a galaxy or a solar system refuse to shine it did they just said no like when god says this is your purpose they say okay they don't have the choice we do you hear me church like like we have been given the choice of whether or not we're going to respond with a yes to his invitation we've been given the choice of whether or not we're going to respond with worship you know why because true love is given a choice jesus didn't want us to be stuck with him he wanted us to choose him have you chosen him have you said yes to him because if it's actually true that god so loves the world the god so loves your name here that he sent his son to die for you that you might live for him why would you ever say no to that if you came into church today thinking that it was just about following the rules it's just about subscribing to a religious system brother sister you've missed the point it's not about that it's never been about that it's always been about a relationship it's always been about a relationship which is what god proved two thousand years ago when he sent his son this fourth of july can be a special one for you as our nation celebrates our independence maybe this is the day when you celebrate your dependence you say today i'm going to place all of my faith and all of my trust everything i have in jesus hands if he died for me i'm ready to live for him at every campus would you bow your head close your eyes if you're ready to step into that relationship today would you pray this with me let's very quietly say god i get it now i see how big you are and also see how good you are thank you for loving me and proving it by sending jesus to the cross today i'm choosing to follow you choosing to put my life in your hands and making it all about you not just in this life but in the life to come thank you for saving me lord from this day follower i'm a follower of jesus it's in his mighty name i pray everyone said amen amen hey did this message help you today did this enlarge our view of god a little bit i hope that this ministered to you this morning listen if you prayed that prayer a moment ago and gave your life to jesus i just want to be the first to congratulate you and i want to encourage you to grab that connect card that my friend caden told you about earlier if you haven't already filled that out go ahead and do so now it's a little box in the back that says today i committed my life to christ go ahead and check that and uh what we would love to do as a church is pray for you first of all but also begin to help you take some next steps in your relationship with god that can help you grow so you can turn those connect cards in on your way out today or simply leave them on your seat by the way if you haven't done so recently or or ever i want to encourage you to check out giving giving is a great spot to figure out all the different ways that you can contribute here at the springs your generosity those of you who do give you make things happen man you allow us to make moves and you know when we give it really is just an expression of our thankfulness right and we have so much to be thankful for in fact this weekend is a reminder of just one of them the fact that we live in a free country and and i think everyone would agree uh this country is far from perfect we got issues amen but we're still one nation under god amen somebody so what i want to do is just in the spirit of gratefulness turn our attentions to the screens [Music] twilight's [Music] [Music] rockets [Music] still there oh say does that star [Music] spangled [Music] of the bread that's beautiful that's the springs we are so blessed aren't we we're so blessed let's remember today our first allegiance your way out today um we've got a team of people uh that are passing out some icy push pops uh some festive ice cream on your way out so don't rush out today stop in the middle of the lobby they'll give you some sweet treats enjoy the rest of your weekend and we'll see you back here next week for part two of summer in the psalms happy fourth of july everyone
Channel: Church at The Springs
Views: 304
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RZp4D7iV-QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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