Summer Anime 2021 in a Nutshell

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The Uramichi Oniisan joke was done really well especially with Sydney in the background.

👍︎︎ 332 👤︎︎ u/mrnicegy26 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

When he said Wonder Egg

I felt that

👍︎︎ 213 👤︎︎ u/MapoTofuMan 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

If he thinks "Girlfriend, Girlfriend" is wild wait until he finds out about 100 girlfriends (give anime pls)

👍︎︎ 361 👤︎︎ u/rhetoric_trex 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

giguk and dumpster fires, name a more iconic duo

👍︎︎ 152 👤︎︎ u/Kinderschlager 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

No surprise the King of Landfills likes Kanojo mo Kanojo, that said I love it too.

👍︎︎ 146 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Kinda what I expected after the way he talked about the season on Trash Taste.

There were 2-3 shows I was surprised he didn't mention and with the benefit of having watched a couple of episodes each rather than just one or two max that he does some of his takes seem a bit off like for example how well Realist Hero got off compared to Tsukimichi.

Still atleast he got some good jokes in.

👍︎︎ 88 👤︎︎ u/cppn02 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn, no Idaten or Deatte 5-byou de Battle mention. They won't get the Gigguk boost now.

👍︎︎ 147 👤︎︎ u/BarbaricGamer 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well i am biased novel reader, but i can say Criticism on Detective is on point. Its like Egni put their whole budget and staff on 1 fight scenes and said "fuck it" for the rest of the season. Some pople mah say that small parts were cut. No. They cut 80% of dialogue from novels, they are so much quirky and fluid, sith even being funny but in anime they are bland abd cringe...

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/That-Chipmunk2537 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Loved that Kanojo, Kanojo segway into Sydney staring at him while he talks about how dumb it is.

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/Googleflax 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
this episode is sponsored by keeps oh god it's summer ah yes the summer sun is shining down the school kids are off on their holiday the god damn loud our cicadas are having a great [ __ ] time and we get to enjoy some more seasonal anime now i know we've got some high expectations coming into this i mean how can't you i said in spring that following the winter anime season was like having a boxing match right after muhammad ali just stepped out of the ring little did i know that [ __ ] mike tyson was going to show up out of nowhere so what do we have in store for the summer are we going to get sugar ray johnson or is logan paul going to be entering the ring either way my hopes are high so is summer going to continue this year's hype train or we're just gonna get an absolute train [Applause] well this is awkward all right connor open white after the tragedy of the arsenal attack just about two years ago it feels so good to see kyoto animation coming back at their absolute breasts best and what an absolute statement they've made god [ __ ] down i came here for a wholesome little slice of life and i opened things up with a fight scene that went so hard it would make most shonen battle anime quake in their boots i don't normally like to talk about sequels too much in these videos but god damn it's good to have you back kyoto animation but before we get this season fully started a quick word from our sponsor good evening weebs do you know what i care about my hair even with the fact that i was a monk before that's relevant now well thankfully this episode is sponsored by keeps did you know that two out of three guys will experience male pattern baldness by the age of 35 and i may not look like it but i'm one of those guys every single man in my family has gone bold and i knew this so while it might look like i'm the exception i've put in a lot of work behind the scenes to keep my hair the way it is do you see what i did there keeps is a subscription service that focuses on making it easier and more affordable for men to treat their male pattern baldness online a licensed doctor can review all your information online recommend you the best treatment plan and then send you that plan every three months keeps offers all the generic versions of the fda approved drugs to keep all the costs down i really didn't do that on purpose the treatments take between four to six months to start seeing results so it's important that you start acting now because look if you're like me and you've known for years that you're gonna go bold then the only thing you can do to combat that is to stop it before it happens once the hair is gone it's gone for good and that's exactly what keeps is and look i normally try to keep these sponsorships anime related but i really do wish i had a service like keeps when i started looking into this years ago so if saitama from one punch man isn't the look that you want to go for then go to for 50 off your first order that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash giggup for fifty percent off your first order or just click the link in the description anyway back to the video hey boss have you heard of this one what okay edward elrick walks into a bar he says has anyone seen my metal arm i really need help finding it barman says don't worry edward i'll definitely give you a hand i don't get it god what an edgy mess this is you've got brutal violence crazy anime girls there's some rabbit that looks like she just walked straight out of one piece autocad was finally done with being a taxi driver and now he's just a mass murderer it seems to be the show that seems to be run entirely on edgy anime logic like you have the usual goody two-shoe protagonists doing the good thing and breaking this girl out joe because the mean guards are bullying this poor defenseless anime girl except the girl actually just brutally murdered dozens of soldiers like five minutes ago and she literally saw her brutally murdered dozens of soldiers like five minutes ago and for some reason she's completely okay with her brutally murdering like dozens of soldiers like five minutes ago because just look at her she's a cute anime waifu there is no such thing as a if you're looking for some mindless violence set in that same [ __ ] fantasy world then yeah you'll probably enjoy akami no isekai i lied it's not actually an isa guy yo wait did someone say he said god oh for [ __ ] as if you know isaac has somewhat been taking over the modern anime scene in recent years but thankfully if you're one of the ones who's been a bit tired of that this season we only have one two three four five six seven eight new izakaya airing this season so um pretty slow season for isakai overall villainous is on season two same with i'm standing on one million lives slime two is continuing and i'll say if you've been sleeping on slime two because you think it'll be the same feel good wholesome show as it was in season one all i'll say to you is that you better catch up because it's kicking off then we go with a new easter car which let me tell you how it's gonna go down okay well i mean okay well the protagonist is gonna do it stop taking my job i know we're way past the point of self-aware isekai's story since connoisseur did it [ __ ] five years ago are you serious but tsukimichi's got a pretty strong attempt at it you've got a guy who's actually the child of some isekai immigrants who's been sent to the world of his parents where he meets a goddess who looks at him with contempt because compared to every other easy guy hiroki's really ugly what and so she sends him to the fancy world with the weakest and most useless powers she can think of the ability to understand any language instantly [Music] there's an isekai called drugstore in another world about a guy who opens a drugstore in another world you know at this point i'm just waiting for some guide to get transported to a fantasy world and then decide to open up the local [ __ ] nandos i mean what the [ __ ] is next capitalism in another world they're really doing capitalism in another world how a realist hero rebuilt the kingdom okay this one's actually all right there's no overpowered protagonists no grand adventure just a guy trying to save the fantasy kingdom via the two sexiest words in the world politics and economics okay i know that sounds a lot like slime without the slime so it has even less of a hook but this one goes way more in depth with the technicalities of how it goes about achieving everything so if you've ever thought hey i want to spy some more fisa guy well here you go here's a curveball for you how about a dark comedy about a cynical pessimistic children's show presenter who's had enough of life slowly losing his [ __ ] mind on camera in front of a bunch of playful kids i'm on the fence about this one on one hand this is totally my type of cynical comedy but a guy with zero [ __ ] to give in front of some clueless children and boom easy comedy but on the other hand i'm not sure how you're gonna keep this concept fresh for an entire season because not every joke in the first episode hit but at the very least we could have a laugh at some guy losing the will to go on because of some children i mean come on they're just kids what's the worst thing they can say i'm not gonna lie summer season had a lot to live up to we're coming off the back of two of the best anime seasons in recent memory but so far we've kind of just had a lot of this if there is one show to look up for the season however it's sunny boy sometimes all it takes is a few seconds for a show to immediately stand out from the crowd and right away you can probably tell sunnyboy ain't just your typical anime you've got a school that's been sent to some kind of pocket dimension a group of kids are trying to figure out how to govern themselves this guy just starts breaking the entire [ __ ] space-time continuum we've got some mind-bending animation and imagery the whole thing looks like a satoshi khan movie with a bit of yuasa flair oh and every kid's been given a different superpower in this place as well this can only end well this is a lord of the flies type anime original show coming from shingo natsume who if you aren't familiar directed this and this and it feels like he's been given total freedom to do whatever he wants which could mean this could turn out to be a fully realized vision with no compromise or an absolute [ __ ] mess maybe both anime originals though have been absolutely killing it this year with shows like odd taxi bv megalo box wondering anime originals though have been kind of killing it this year so i've got high hopes that this could bloom into something great i gotta be honest i saw this as one of the top shows of the season with light level readers hyping this up so i came in with high hopes and honestly it was pretty whelming you've got a terrorist threatening to blow up a plane unless this female ace detective can deduce the reason of his hijacking what follows is the most [ __ ] hello i'm a smart anime character monologue i've seen in a while as from a single [ __ ] line she's able [Music] okay now explain the entire fate franchise to me but now i [ __ ] know where it turns out the guy is actually a ghoul but it's okay because she managed to bring a [ __ ] gun on board but please no liquids over 300 milliliters so we get this dope ass fight scene she wins the fight saves the day then eats the most anemic pizza i've ever seen in my life oh please give that pizza some [ __ ] cheese i beg of you cool action aside i think what bothered me the most was just the bland ass dialogue between the detective and the main protagonist it's like someone saw the character dynamics of bakamunagatri or bunnygirl senpai and went yeah we got that at home it tries so hard to emulate that same kind of chemistry without capturing the same charm or wit this feels like it's so close to being a decent show so i'll probably give this one a few more episodes to see if it actually fires his footing and actually gets me to care about what's going on [Music] i'm making [ __ ] mac n cheese and nobody can stop you know i should probably be more hyped about this than i am i mean it's a new studio bones anime that looks like it was made by studio bones with the yuki kajara soundtrack i'm not a huge fan of vampires or the setting or the premium proper pretty boys who look like they speak exclusively in times new roman nothing too much about the plot has grouped me in the beginning episode so i'll just have to wait and see if this is something that goes truly above and beyond we've got a water polo anime for those of you who've ever thought okay imagine kuroko but wet and i mean who doesn't love a bit of wet kuroka i mean look at this [ __ ] it's so wet in here the ducks and geese are gonna migrate to the sahara desert it's so wet in here we're about to set up some tsunami warnings it's so wet in here i thought i thought god eb dropped a [ __ ] [ __ ] somewhere nearby pa works have a new anime set in an aquarium this time i'm under the water please help me you're too much really you know i've always been a bit wary of pa works anime nowadays because without fail they look visually stunning and aqua type on the white sand is absolutely no exception this is probably one of the most beautiful looking new shows of the season but then you look at their track records and for every gorgeous masterpiece they create they can make an equally gorgeous just as highly polished piece of turd you know what still some pretty good looking turds out there though i'm sure a lot of people have had that existential realization that you're just not doing exactly what you want to be doing in life that you took the wrong path somewhere and you should have gone a different direction and that's exactly what this anime is about hashiba is a 28 year old guy who wishes he could be working in the creative industry instead of getting a boring degree and becoming an office worker so one day when he wakes up in a younger body with a chance to redo it all he has just one thought i gotta invest in bitcoin no of course he doesn't do anything smart like buying apple stocks or uninstalling league of legends but instead he shoots for his dreams by going to art school wait that's illegal you know ignoring the obvious things you would do if you actually traveled back in time with knowledge of the future this is actually an interesting concept if you've ever thought you've wanted to go back in time to redo a major aspect of your life then you might find something in here [Music] so let me get this straight this anime is about a guy who gets a girlfriend and gets confessed to by another girl but doesn't want to reject the other girl so he unlocks 100 of his brain and decides that the best solution to this problem is just simply two-time so he asks his girlfriend he cleaned up another girlfriend and she goes no and he goes yes and she goes no and he goes yes and she goes no and he goes no and she goes yes haha no take backs so they all agree to engage in a three-way relationship with each other and then on top of that immediately decide to move in with each other what an absolute mess of a situation alright hear me out this is a show that absolutely shouldn't work but for some reason it does it's a harem anime that actually follows through with the harem part there is no best girl cause every girl wins yes even the short-haired blue one and honestly i'm not sure how i feel about that i mean they're clearly setting unrealistic expectations for anime fans showing a guy getting two girlfriends when most weebs can't even get what works about this is just how stupidly upfront and honest everyone is about this and the great thing is you'll only need the same number of brain cells as these guys have collectively to be able to enjoy this show which is three somehow it's so stupid that i can make you forget how [ __ ] the entire situation is that you can just laugh at it that's right who needs chivalry when you can dabble in some casual polygamy don't please don't quote me on that it's funny it's turn your brain off fun and because of this it's the most awful anime ever made the characters are stupid it's really unrealistic and no guy in the right mind would ever try what the main character is doing because he's a stupid dum-dum that nobody should idolize especially not me is that okay [Music] i did not hit her it's not true holy [ __ ] am i seeing this right nagatoro but but milf it's it's milf nagatoro i didn't think we could improve on perfection but the mad lads did it finally anime is starting to realize what we really want finally the best tags are getting some representation we are getting the sexy anime girls we truly deserve dark-skinned tanned milf does it get any better than this no degeneracy here only culture gentlemen it is time the revolution has begun perfection is here i can now declare without a shadow of a doubt the best and sexiest girl of 2021 has been found and her name ill my god she's a lolly hey guys hope you enjoyed that video thank you very much to levados manopla pony stark dysfunctional degenerate alpha sigma jeff ivito the walter payne patchett elephant basil and everyone else my patreon for helping to support me for this month and making this video possible you know i'm kind of glad that the season's a bit slow because i can finally catch up to all the anime i'm behind on who am i kidding i'm never catching up for anime but yeah i'll be sure to keep my eyes out to see if there are any sleep hits this season though in the meantime i am going to be traveling back to england briefly in the next month so i'm not sure what the video making situation is going to be but keep your eyes peeled because i gotta figure that out myself not going for anywhere too long just going to visit friends and family then fly back here god that feels so weird to say anyway that's it from me no further updates today i've been gig-uk and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 1,930,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Summer Anime, Summer Anime 2021, 2020 Summer Anime, Top Summer Anime, Best Summer Anime, Summer 2021 Anime Season, Anime 2021, Summer Anime Guide, Summer 2021 Anime You Should Watch, Summer 2021 Anime
Id: R-cJS23N4GQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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