Sukkot 2021 | YMTOI Presentations | 9-28-2021

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[Music] welcome and good morning everyone all right i hear excitement yay well i'm definitely excited i can't believe this feast has flown by so quickly i say that every time and i mean it it's just amazing how a week can feel like one long day well thank you all for joining us today everyone in the audience and everyone out there i think you're really going to enjoy our presentation i'm very excited about it the theme for our ym2i sukkot program was psalm 119 and today we are going to showcase what the ymca children learned at this feast we are going to showcase the katana children the katan bee children the godol olive children and the old bad children so this is all about the children what they learned this feast and how much fun they had so i just want to have you sit back and enjoy as we present everything to you but first of all i want to do some thank yous i couldn't do this without the help of many many people as rabbi steve teaches he says that we are working together to serve the body and i really really appreciate that that a lot of people came together this feast to help have it be what it is i am the ymca director for those of you who don't know i created the curriculum for the feast and i oh thank you thank you thank you so much [Applause] and so i want to thank some people like i said i want to thank my snap people miss chantal jackson and her team delia and michelle i want to thank all the class volunteers who have come in this week if you're in the audience please stand up so we can see who you are everyone that came in and helped in in any of the classes thank you so much there's a lot of you i want to thank all my ymca activity volunteers so please stand up anybody who helped with the ymca activities thank you so much i'd like to thank ms shira for this wonderful songs that she wrote for our katan classes that you will hear shortly thank you shira i want to thank all my pre-feast helpers all the ladies who helped me cut the crafts and the notebook pages can you please stand up we had quite a party at that shalom that day next i want to thank two special ladies that i don't think i could have made it this feast without them being on both my sides my katan coordinator miss betty olson in the front row and my godot coordinator miss stephanie meyer yeah they deserve a big round of applause i also want to thank someone who stepped up and helped us to great get some great photos you're going to see it on our slideshow miss carrie black if you're out there please stand out stand up i don't know where she is okay awesome and i want to thank all my teachers who gave up their time to serve at this feast so that your children can have wonderful materials so that they can grow in the word and learn to be more like yahweh and yeshua so please teachers stand up and every parent give them a big round of applause thank you so without further ado i'm going to bring up my snack my snack ladies to do their snack presentation thank you so much [Applause] good morning there we go i apologize for my voice it's a little bit gone and uh hers is on her way on the way out too so so here we go um all right so for the first class we oh well we the theme this week was psalm 119 so all of the snacks had to do with a scripture that we found there um so the first class were the alphabet cookies which were like supposed to be alphabet cookies so each stanza begins with each letter of the aleph bet and each word in each stanza begins with that letter and it represents the 22 aleph bet letters and the 22 stanzas and we had some fun making words opening a bunch of bags and then we ate them class 2 we had um a treasure chest yeah oh do i have to say next slide next slide please okay um so we made a treasure chest out of rice krispie treats and gushers that was fun um and that comes from verse 11. i have treasured up your word in my heart that i might not sin against you in verse 14. i have rejoiced in the way of your witnesses as over all riches next slide okay class three uh class three we did a mouth this was made with apples and marshmallows and this was from verses 43 and 88 and do not take away from my mouth the word of truth entirely in verse 88 was revive me according to your kindness that i might guard the witness of your mouth next slide class 4 class 4 we had silver and coin chocolates and um that was from verse 72 the torah of your mouth is better to me than thousands of silver and gold pieces in verse 127 therefore i have loved your commands more than gold even fine gold next slide um this was class five we made scriptures out of chocolates um those were really cute and fun to make yeah they were really tasty too um that was from verse 89. forever o yahweh your word stands firm in the heavens next slide we made uh this was classic sorry and we made taurus scrolls from fruit roll-ups and pretzels this comes from verse 97 oh how i love your torah it is my study all day long next slide class seven we made candles um out of bananas and strawberries this was probably one of my favorite snacks just this comes from verse 105. your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light into my path next slide this was our class 8 and this was representing the sweetness of torah and this was made with tortillas and honey sticks and it comes from verse 103 how sweet to my taste has your word been more than honey to my mouth next slide class nine this will be today the snack that they have today this is made um these are also little torah scrolls and these are made from smarties and they're wrapped in paper and um some string this comes from verse 174 i have longed i'm sorry i have longed for your deliverance so yahweh and your torah is my delight and i just wanted to say thank you to michelle and delia for being there every single day and delia couldn't be here today but i just really appreciated the help and i hope the kids enjoyed their snack and the snacks were certainly yummy um we're going to have the katan a group come up and do their presentation so this is um shannon who at langton who is our main teacher for catan a and she's going to have chris ann with her who was one of her main assistants the other one was olya olya are you here of course you are stand up that's all yeah thank you that's good thank you all right all right shalom so for those of you that don't know me i am shannon leighton and it's been a pleasure teaching katane this feast um just wanted to get a give a quick opening word of thanks i want to thank i really want to thank ribis and julie for creating such a wonderful program for the children they enjoy doing it and i enjoy doing it with them every single minute of it i also i also want to thank maura sarah beth because she was the previous katanae teacher and some of the things that she did to run her class with confidence i was i used also to run my class and i'm always i'm always in gratitude for her for being a role model to me i also want to thank three of my amazing helpers jeff morley chris ann mergel [Applause] [Applause] they they have been outstanding there they've been with me every single day and they just they just been doing such a fabulous job keeping the class running and without them i don't think we would have gotten everything we need to get done so thank you guys so much and i also want to thank all the parent parents slash non-parents ymty volunteers coming in to help us too we've had plenty of helpers every single day to get things done also thank you thank you to you all as well so so this feast we taught your children verses from psalm 119 and how king david used eight special words to describe yahweh in his instructions which is torah witnesses way orders laws commands right rulings and word and i have to say that the biggest takeaway i got from this class from this feast is seeing the seed growing that's how i've been seeing it how the children have been understanding more than me realized with their memory verses how they were just already getting them from the beginning also through the games we had for them that involved cards with the verses on them and working together as teams to put them together and back in orders has been amazing thing to watch and also i had this one child in my class agnes [Music] who decided to one day write on the table because her table was covered with paper she decided to one day write verses from psalm 119 with a crayon and actually her mother she she wanted to show me and it was just the she was astonished to see it because she she shared with me she never liked she never liked writing at all and just suddenly seen her one day writing out the verses it was like amazing and i don't have the piece of paper where she did it with me but i kept it for you miss ashley so you can have it with you of your keepsake [Applause] so on class one we discussed two verses the first verse was psalm 119 verse 2 blessed are those who observe his witnesses and seek him with all their heart and when we taught is that yahweh is pleased when you obey his words and spend time with him in prayer and we went over the words blessed favor given to us from yahweh observe to look at see and watch witnesses examples of stories written down for us in the scriptures to learn from and seek to look after and the second verse we covered was psalm 119 verse 11 i've hidden your word in my heart that i might not sin against you and we taught about reading and treasuring yahweh's word when you study it you can learn about doing what is right and we covered the word word the written and spoken word of yahweh and the word sin which is an action people do against yahweh's rules so the special moments we had on that day when we had snack i gave hunter praise when he asked because he asked because the snack we had that day he asked is the gelatin in the snack kosher and i thought that was cute of course we assured him that the our wonderful snack provider made sure but i still gave him praise for for still asking to be sure and i use that as a teaching moment about how checking for kosher can be a way of observing and treasuring yah's word to remember it and i also asked how do you think you were blessed by observing his witnesses and azalea answered he provides you enough money for the feast that that was sweet the way she said that i asked atanae how does hiding his word in our heart keep us from sinning against yahweh i pretty much got the same answer from three children from azalea asher and levi it keeps us to know what is right and what is wrong and going over their coloring page activity i asked katanae according to torah what would be the right thing and the wrong thing to do levi said stealing something from your neighbor is wrong returning it to your neighbor is right that was good and and the craft we had for that day was a cut-out heart with verse 11 written on the inside and we had their names written on the front and we're going to show more of that later on class 2 we discover we we discussed excuse me let's see okay on class two we discussed only one verse which was psalm 119 verse 15 i meditate on your orders and regard your ways and what we taught was when you read you always word take time to think about it so you can be sure of what to do and we talked about the words meditate orders and i asked what do you think the orders are and levi said right away the orders are the rules and i also asked i also asked what do you think meditate means and dax says and dax said i remember it means you're thinking about it and i thought that was pretty good the way you answered that meditate to think about something a lot for a long time and we went over the word regard to look at to study in ways the path that yahweh tells us to follow and the craft we did for that day was a menorah with words from verse 15 on the candles and yeshua in the middle and i asked katani why is yeshua in the middle of the menorah and levi gave a pretty straightforward answer yeshua is the torah they really enjoyed that craft on class 3 the two verses we discussed in class 3 was psalm 119 verse 16 i delight myself in your laws i do not forget your word we taught that enjoy enjoy reading yahweh's word and do your best to live it every day we talked about the word loss which are the do's and don'ts and i asked catane how can you keep yourself from forgetting yahweh's word and hunter said said this cute and funny thing he said you can put the bible on your face before you go to bed then when you wake up you always see yahweh's word and i and i said yes that can be a reminder that we need to have torah be as frontlets between our eyes that's what i had um and the next question i asked so if you cannot read yet the scriptures how can you hear yah's word every day and dax answered you can listen on the website the scripture readings and levi said if your friend can't read the scriptures you can read it to them if you know i thought that was sweet yeah all right so how can you live yahweh's word every day this is the next question i asked them and in their coloring page activity they were to draw examples of how ya's work can help teach you to do for others and the answer i got from most of the children was how to you pretty much inconvenience yourself for the benefit of of another they didn't say in those exact words but that was the answers they were giving me because i asked them so what can you do for your friends amar said you can give them hugs azalea said if your friend needs food or shelter help them with that and braelyn answered if your friend's car breaks down give them a ride and what can you do at home and agnes says clean without being asked like doing the dishes and the and the craft we did for that day was a paper tambourine because from psalm 6 from psalm 119 16 one of the ways we can delight in yahweh is through praise that's why we had to make a tambourine they had fun they had fun on playing with them after they made them in class 4 on class 4 the verses we discussed on class 4 was psalm 119 verse 18 open my eyes that i might see wonders from your torah and we taught that you can ask yahweh to help you clearly see the wise and wonderful things that are in your word and we went over what wonders are which are things that yahweh shows us through reading his word and the next in the second verse we talked about was psalm 119 verse 24. your witnesses also remind delight my counselors and we taught how yahweh's word is full of good advice and it fills you with joy and happiness and we went over the words delights which means something that makes you happy and counselors i actually first asked the kids what do you think a counselor is and alicia and alicia gave a good answer she said there's someone you go to for help and then i shared with them yes that's what a counselor is and that's how you can also look at it how you also you can look at a teacher there's someone you go to for advice or help or something you don't understand and i shared with them that that's something i learned when i was a little girl at school i would always be so shy going to a teacher for help when i got stuck on a math question but then i learned that i do have the right to ask because that's what they're there for they're there to help you and and then from and from verse and from verse 18 when we talked about open my eyes they may see wonders from your torah i asked the children what are the wonders that yah has done and azalea answered bringing his people out of mitzrayim let's see okay and the craft we did for that day was an eye pop-up page with verse 18 written on it to remind them to open my eyes they may say wonders from you that i might see wonders from your torah on class 5 we went over the verses psalm 2 verses psalm 119 34 make me understand that i might observe your torah i'll observe it with my whole heart and what we taught from that one is you can pray to yahweh and ask to help you understand what you read in his word so you can do your best to follow it and we went over the word observe again which is to keep and guard something to watch over it in the second verse psalm 119 36 turn my heart to your witnesses and not to my own gain and we taught that yahweh's word helps to think more about others rather than about our own desires and we talked and we talked about the word gain how it's something you receive that is extra a bonus that benefits you like when you get an ice cream sundae and add sprinkles for extra flavor that's the example i used to help them understand and and i asked them why do we want to understand what yahweh told us in the torah levi answered yahweh is teaching us to love why must we observe yah's word with a whole heart and azealia answered so that we don't turn away and levi commented also tor is teaching us how to think of others i also asked them what command can we think of that teaches us this and azeala said kim and nazali remembered this command love your neighbor as yourself and the craft we did for this day is actually in addition to the heart craft we added a torah scroll taurus girl you're okay you're okay we added a tour scroll to complete their heart craft as a way to remember to because that's that's what we went over how we treasure up yah's word and observe it with our whole hearts with our whole heart and that's why we put a torah in in with their heart for them to for them to remember all right class six we went over two verses the next two verses we went over was psalm 119 verse 67 before i was afflicted i myself was going astray but now i have guarded your word and we taught was that when you disobey things don't work out well but you can learn from your mistakes do teshuva and keep following his word and we talked about and we talked about the word afflicted which means in pain or suffering or you just sat and we talked about the word astray which is away from the correct path or direction and the second verse we discussed was psalm 119 verse 89 forever o yahweh your word stands firm in the heavens and what we taught yahweh is internal and so is his word you can depend on it forever and i and i did and i did ask what do you think the word firm means and savannah said means that it's drawn and as it's correct having a strong or solid structure structure excuse me not destructible and and i asked so when we make a mistake what do we do and levi answered say we're sorry and azalea answered we repent and mean it and the third question i asked them where did yah remember his promises and ariel answered when ya put his rainbow in the sky for noah and that was actually in her notes she like came up with that and azalea the prom and i thought and the answer is zla gave was very interesting too azalea answered the promise that messiah would come riding on a donkey she remembered reading with her parents from the prophets and the craft we did that day was a page with the word spelled out with buttons and um and for fun during our lesson i decided to be funny with the kids and give them the riddle i said now pay attention to the word word remember the word word and then when we started doing the craft sahara she's like maura shannon now i get it that's what you're talking about like oh you actually did you actually did get that that's good i thought that was cute okay so class seven the two we discussed two verses from class seven which was psalm 119 verse nine verse 97 oh how i love your torah it is my study all day long and when we and what we taught is how to love the torah by reading yahweh's word and thinking about it as you go throughout your day and we talk in the second verse we discussed was psalm 119 103 how sweet are your words to my taste sweeter than honey to my mouth and we taught that yahweh's word is a sweet comfort and can even be more pleasurable than tasty sweets i even had asked the children what's your favorite tasty treat and they gave me their answer and i share with them so whenever you eat your favorite tasty treat think on think on yahweh's word and think about how it's even sweeter than that treat that you're eating a special moment i got from that day was we decided to talk more about the word love and i asked what they think the word love means and levi said you have to love with all your heart he said and i and i went over how love is recognizing the value of it to guard and protect it how love is more than a feeling but it's also an action and levi he commented after saying that he said he said like when your brother is hurt you go and take care of him he said the next question i asked why did king david think the word as sweet and levi answered because it's like honey and do you think and i asked them do you think he really means that we can taste it and all the children shouted yes it is sweet when we listen to it being read when we pray and meditate on a verse when you eat something sweet this is the next question i asked them do you feel happy and they said yes and i decided to ask him what's the opposite of sweet namara said sour and so i asked them is the torah sour or sweet and they all yelled sweet i thought that was cute so for the so the craft we did for this lesson was a gumball machine with gumballs reading the eight special words from psalm 119. all right class eight the two verses we discussed in this one was first 105 your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path and when we taught was yahweh's word is like a light that shows you the way to go it shines brightly to guide you in the right direction like when and i shared with them and i shared with them like when you're in the dark i was trying to share the story with when i would when i've gone hiking and it was dark out and it's impossible to see the trail when you don't have a flashlight and if you don't have a flashlight with you on the trail in the dark you can't it's really hard to keep on the trail and know where you're going so i use that to teach them and levi and levi commented what you have to walk in the same direction as yeshua he said and the second verse we discussed was psalm 119 verse 165 great peace have they which love your torah and nothing will offend them and what we taught when you spend a lot of time reading yahweh's word you feel at peace and nothing can trouble you you have the choice to not be upset but instead have peace to rely on yahweh's word as your comfort and the craft and the last craft we did for this class was a flashlight with psalm with the verse 105 written on it and they got to put glow-in-the-dark sticks and they got to play with that in the dark they were really animated about it and they enjoyed it all right all right that is enough of me talking it's time for it's time for katan a to show you what they have been learning [Applause] careful uh um [Music] i won't say [Music] is [Music] i know [Music] get it done [Music] the race has just [Music] c [Music] my [Music] get it done [Music] the race has just [Music] [Applause] [Music] those who observe his witnesses and seek him with all their hearts psalm 119 16. i light myself in your laws i do not forget your words psalm 119 34 [Music] one how sweet are your words to my taste [Music] [Applause] [Music] did they not do a fantastic job i neglected to mention before that mr jeff morley was in the classroom with these kids every day as well so we had some fantastic helpers great teachers it was such an awesome week it was so fun to go in the classroom and see what these ones or these little ones were doing the next thing we're going to do is we're going to show you as we typically do a wonderful video of all that these kids have done we just want to give them a chance to get seated so that they can see themselves because they're going to really enjoy this [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] i think they had a little bit of fun um so now we're going to show you what our katan bee group did so we're going to bring up our instructors actually let me tell you that our main amora sarah beth is not feeling well today so she's not here to present but her co-teacher nadia carmona is going to do the presenting for her and there was also selena stevenson who is in the room helping with all the notebook pages that we did so they're going to come up and show you what the katanbee group did [Applause] okay good morning my name is nadia carmona and here's celina come home from me um ask me some yeah mean um i'm sorry i'm a little nervous i forgot your name stephanie introduced us well okay this is katan bed for us um we want to thank um the helpers that helped us a lot during all this week um miss vera especially miss vera which is the she did the beautiful drawings whole week for her notebooks and she's the artist for our ymcoi program we also like to help i mean um thank miss daniel daniel and uh all of the parent helpers that helped us they were very very helpful with the children and they had a very nice time helping with the songs and helping assist in every way that possible and also the words of sarah beth she also wants to thank miss robertson julie for trusting her with her baby which is this baby i mean not me but the program um she is very very young content and happy and thankful that you gave her this opportunity just as we are too um okay now we concentrated we have eight special words during our week that um they have what do these words have in common we worked on our workbook it's about all these words you see here all these words are instructions for us to follow this is the wonderful age that the children are in right now which is very important for them to um start rooting themselves in in his torah and in his word so this is the perfect introduction to what is most important in the torah so we have we start with um the word torah torah who has torah nico okay which means action love remember um the torah as uh yahweh gave it to us it's a protection it means protection for all of us for each one and to remember his word which is that he gave us he loves us so much that he gave us something to cover us and protect us at all times then we went through our no we work on our notebook page miss selena i don't see it in the camera there he goes uh which the torah scroll you see on top this is what the kids were working on we used all of the tools to make it fun and to make it so pretty then we got a rabbi right there on the corner wearing hits and the children studying the torah and writing in okay we also learned this week this during this um feast we introduced the children to hebrew words which we will be doing according to mrs robertson this is the time where they should be knowing certain key words and which is the language that we should know we have some of the words that we use was means that means study show mere means we taught the children these words in hebrew we also had a game which is who am i we have several games for each word that we have and this this game who am i spoke about the each character the major characters of the torah the kings daniel each one of them so they were we specified and gave them clues of their personality their character they were supposed to come up with who are they talking about who is this person almost everyone knew it was incredible most of them knew a lot of it so it's very nice that at this age they know so much now they know more because we taught him more okay now we have special moments during our week we gave him a noodle oh we should have baranodo with us we gave him a small spaghetti noodle and a pasta to represent the torah and each one of them were supposed to guard it the whole week it didn't matter how but they were supposed to guard until the end of the week i'm pretty sure you know what happened to most of those there was only one child that did not have a replacement of it which was brock okay and at the same time when we gave it to them oh there is i think this is one of them this belongs to sierra this is the the noodle it's a special some of them what was it all some of them hanging them in their necklace they put it as a necklace some of them put oh my goodness what was it um um parker put it in a bunch of toilet paper and put it in a bag and kept it in the bag i remember i was about to throw it away a few days ago thinking what is this because no miss nadia you can't throw that that's my noodle i did not know that thank you so we had we have them replaced and miss sabbath and um explained to them that the replacement is also uh teshuva moments that uh that's how yahweh gives us he gives us the opportunity he gives us a chance he gives us many chances all the time when we were pets and we do so that was the signifi the significance behind giving it back to them many times because we all failed many times okay the next word will be whey parker and i'm sorry i gotta take them off to read um the action behind the word is walk we have the hebrew word which is or means light and then we have our notebook page showing i don't know if they can see showing the foot there's the feet uh the path the boy walking the path um a lamp and the signpost representing the sign for representing the guidance the commands just as when you walk down the road in the street you want to know where you're going the same thing is with the torah the word we're walking this and we need the only way that we can find these signs is by reading the torah by reading the scriptures by teaching our children what is it exactly that they have to do now we follow with a game scavenger hunt we wrote the eight words in pieces of papers and we had groups of children working and we hid all the words around our floor so they were supposed to run and go find the words and in teams representing seek the word go seek where it is which is the same thing that we do when we are in moments of need we go and we pray and we look and we read our torah and we find what is it that we're looking for we find our way back special moments that we have with girls all of the kids helped each other whenever someone was not you know um needed help with writing needed help finding something some of the kids helped each other and there was a moment where we have a child that needed extra help and aurelia by herself volunteered and asked if she couldn't help her and sit next to her because she was concerned that she needed more help than the rest of the children so she did that was a very nice moment which nobody told her to do it she just did it on her own that's a moment of a teaching moment for all of us that even though nobody asked we should offer also and we should be there for someone that is in need okay now we go to the word um the next word it will be word who has word thank you dennis word means action we uh i'm sorry the action of the word is love um the hebrew is a roots run we run after the word we should be seeking it and and chasing it in and trying to to get it and find it so we can have it in our hearts um our notebook page represents um the heart that's a heart and we have a bookmark that the children colored and they all did a bookmark with the a words on them they can remember whenever they use it in the bibles they can remember the eight special words uh um you know also perfect perf perf um our heart perfect love delight and treasure which at the it is the same representation of the word which is his word is perfect we should all love the word because our that's what guide us that's what brought us here his love brought us all together um he delight we're supposed to delight on it and we're supposed to treasure it because it is all that he gave us this is our inheritance that he gave it to us we want our hearts to be perfect and full of integrity we need to treasure his word in our heart at all times we also went um the game for this word was race this is where this is where we had this is where we did the words and then we went to the front every time they say the word this is where we had the word hold on one second i'm sorry okay it was a racism we had several games and okay now the special moment we had was the honey team we had um we had a a tortilla and we had we gave them honey to write the word in them um one of the special moments we had they were supposed to work in teamworks too sierra and andrea were together sierra could not have one because sierra um have a special have a special i'm sorry gluten-free exactly but sierra on her own she worked with andrea and they used they they worked together on the word i thought was the word again it was right right ruling it was very long and would they have a little stick of honey so that little stick was not enough for the whole world so they got together and they did it in the in in in their in their perspective tortilla sorry okay now the next word we have is loss who has loss very nice now the action of the of the word is look sing see his his law um be aware of it seek it the hebrew word is shema hear or do means knowledge notebook page we have the eyes and the in the mouth where we have to seek with our eyes his word at all times and with a mouth express it and repeat it now we went to the game servants follow which was a very interesting game that we gave them a handout and we gave them we told them you have three minutes to fill it out to to go through the instructions told them to do it but follow the instructions first properly and read carefully what they were doing of course mean a child you don't follow instructions you just answer the questions and at the bottom the instructions said do not fill it out anything only your name that was the only instruction just write your name but they kept answering the questions and at the end they noticed that so this is a representation that we have to read out the word carefully and we have to be very very careful follow the instructions that yahweh tells us exactly as he says not as not as we interpret it to be or as we think that it is maintaining things fair according to the law and not us just his um okay now the next word we have is right rulings we have right rulings action hold the level right volumes maintaining fair according to the law and not us i'm sorry i said that before because just got messed up um the hebrew word is a met truth we learn we taught them a vet means servant the notebook page is a scale which is the right rulings always being fair according to the torah the game we gave them to do was courtroom we got them special judge um robes and they were so excited those were very good moments because the moment oh now i'm the one that is in i'm the boss i'm the one that's going to be telling people what to do they were so excited to do it don't okay so courtroom don't do what you think it's right but what is right in the eyes of yahweh so those special moments what things that take us away from the truth um miss sarabeth was asking them what would be the things that could take us away from the truth the h1 dimension stealing um moving away from the path um doing something that yahweh will not be content so um one of the answers of she she asked so what will be one option or one solution to it if we ever move away from the path and one of our children responded counsel with rabbi so if we do not know what to do we cancel with rabbi okay the next word we went through with witnesses are witnesses david was a witness for us we have an established species of villa of his love and our creator and his obedience because of him um his prayers the hebrew word we gave them to learn allah it was olam forever and sadiq righteous our notebook page the night sky heavens prayer represents it represents the children because they'll be taking these and i guess looking at it i mean i'm a child in heart i love this stuff um that david was always connecting with ya in prayer always um loving him so much because he wanted he wanted to do what's right in the eyes of yahweh at all times which is what we we should strive to do especially our children that are growing should be taught in this uh the game that we follow with um we follow the word with was hebrew word race this game was we had them in a line and they were supposed to remember the the word in english and the word in hebrew what did it mean what does hola means so whoever knew the answer will get two goats one step forward so whenever whoever knew more and were steps many steps forward that will be the person that knew a lot um some of the children they're really good at it we still need hopefully we need to practice more but they loved it they all knew most of them knew them they were really um happy to um answer and happy to just step out because we went by but by the sukkah the day was beautiful so they felt very excited to do it the special moments that we have what's um one of many um of witnessing was dennis finding um a noodle judas noodle under the table somewhere so he found it and he right away gave it to him that represents that he was guarding it he saw it he got it and he gave it back to him okay our next word is orders which the action of this word is guard to wait the hebrew words that we studied was shomer guard shalom peace our notebook page was it's has a cave and an in a shield the cave is protection guard i'm sorry the cave is guarding the shield is protection one of the games that we play for this for this word was free stack delivering your friend so we chose two people two children two they were all running around and two children will freeze them but then the rule was that any of the rest of the children couldn't freeze them deliver them from that just like david was planning on delivering for his people so they learned that wait a minute if we do something i'll help you deliver you they had a lot of fun with this game the special moment that we have was um i think we mentioned this already but um was the uh the noodle that brock was kept in guarded for so long for the whole for the whole week now our next word and last word is commands thank you right the action of the word is delight and treasure we treasure in his commands better than silver and gold the hebrew word we went through in study was teshuva which means repents of return and helek remember the notebook are treasure chests a beautiful treasure chest that when you open up you can find gems his commands the game that we play for this word was relay race the really raised watts they were supposed to be holding a spoon full of gems which signify his commands so they were kind of running from one side to pass it to their teammate on the other side not dropping any of the commands the gems not many of them fell at it almost all of them made it from one side to the other there was a particular child that kept dropping them and but it was fine now the signific the significance of the spoon and the gems was the leveling because they were leveling their spoon whenever they went from one side to the other some of them worked slowly some of them worked fast some of them walked in the way that they wanted to walk but they made it to the other side it was really fun for them a special moment that we had was giving second chances just like yahweh did one of those moments was when our jew when judah and other of the children lots needed a new noodle and we gave them a new one that represented teshuva as i mentioned before and mercy and also teaching us that we also have to be full of integrity by following his commands and by being there always trying and attempting to do what's right in the eyes of yahweh thank you very much [Applause] so is it on psalm 119 1 blessed are the perfect in the way who walk in the torah of yahweh psalm 119 verse 11 i have treasured up your word in my heart that i might not sin against you psalm 119 18. open my eyes and i miss you wonders from your torah psalm 119 30. i have chosen the way of truth your right rulings have held level psalm 119 35 make me walk in the path of your commands for i have delighted in it psalm 119 verse 55 i have remembered your name in the night oh yahweh and i guard your torah someone 1963 i'm a companion of all who fear you and of those guarding your orders psalm 119 72 the tour of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces psalm 119 80 let me let my heart be perfect in your loss so that i'm not put to shame someone 1988 revive me according to your kindness that i might guard the witnesses of your math psalm 119 97 oh how i love your tourette is my study all day long psalm 119 105 your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path psalm 119 127 therefore i've left your commands more than gold even fine gold psalm 119 135 make your face shine upon your servant and teach me your laws psalm 119 142 your righteousness is righteousness forever in your torah is truth psalm 119 160 the sum of your word is truth and all your righteous right rulings are forever psalm 119 114 you're my hiding place in my shield i waited for a word psalm 119 162 i rejoice at your word as one who finds great treasury psalm 119 172 by my tongue for all your commandments [Applause] you [Music] just obey i will walk in the way of yahweh every word you speak makes my eyes [Music] keeps me safe sets me free changes me your witnesses are true teaching more about you your way is the one who can make all things new your rulings are right they will pierce through the night when the judge does [Music] every word you speak makes my [Music] the eyes was intended to be no one tears apart your torah from my heart keeps me safe [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] living water flows every word you speak makes my eyes [Music] no one tears apart your torah from my heart keeps me safe sets me free changes me no one tears apart your torah from my heart keeps me safe sets me free changes me keeps me safe keep me safe set me free oh you can keep clapping they did great [Applause] so we um also have a video of the time that they spent in their classroom and all that they did um you can see that these the katan classes we keep them very busy we have them move in all the time doing something eating something studying something all the time so you can see that um robertson has done a really awesome job of making sure that everything pulls together it all supports each other the lessons are there all the time we're just constantly reinforcing the message so please enjoy our video for our catanbee group [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign so [Applause] you thank you foreign all right shalom everybody in cox mayor [Applause] so i am gary flint and i was the teacher for the dole a this year and also had brian baine mr bain obviously and mr phillips here also teaching with me so i'd like to thank of course rabbi and robertson for the opportunity to do this and trust that they've instilled in us and we'd also like to thank the parents who without you and entrusting your children to us we just appreciate that opportunity to work with your children also would like to thank all the helpers who helped us in the classrooms and just great to have the extra hands there to help and also the students who did a wonderful job this year so one of the things we started out with is as this is kind of an odd i've talked about with rabbi's said this before as they become teenagers they're in this this awkward moment in life where they're transitioning to young adults and so one of the things that we try to instill is they're going from that transition point where their children and they're trying to be responsible and to be respectful so we try to always instill that within the class and one of the things that we did this year that seemed to be very people enjoyed i guess the scripture talks about in leviticus 19 32 rise up before the great head and you shall and you shall favor the face of the old man and shall fear your elohim i am yahweh so we would have the children to stand at attention when those who've provided all this especially rabbi rebits and the leadership and those people who've done all this and so i think that was a really good opportunity for them to show respect and to appreciate what it is that we we have here because of all the work they've done so this year we also had psalm 119 of course and they had their eight words and of course all the words that have been presented what we had was the torah mishka team or right rulings a duth which is witnesses and mitzvot commandments are the laws and pikudim orders in davar or imra which davar's words are imra is sayings and derek which is the ways so we decided this year as some of the other classes did to have a fun way to have them learn these as well as something they could carry around with them throughout the week so we had a challenge card that we basically developed which was as taken from our rabbi the challenge coin we decided to make this little card and so this card here has psalm 119 it says guard challenge sukkot 2021 and on the back side had each of the words and english and in the hebrew and so they were to carry that around and if they were asked to show it they obviously had to present the card and if they didn't one of the things we was doing was along with uh the theme of psalm 19 and the orders and the laws and all those that they were to recite the 10 sayings the 10 words the commandments so i don't know if anybody actually got challenged on that but it was just a fun little way of carrying that around throughout the week we also in doing some of these lessons we were talking about or we was trying to teach through them through some of the games so with the word torah which is the idea to hit a mark and it's kind of an archery idea behind it is taking a bow and aiming and hitting a target so we did that with some nerf basically bows that have a little suction cup on it and we had written a target on the white board and as they were going through it and trying to hit the target i had talked to them about what it is we're trying to do here that hitting the mark is when we are keeping his commands missing the mark would be sin and as we were talking jose's shooting i noticed some of the children as is pulling the bow back the arrow was bowing up or down or side to side and things and it got me thinking i'm like you know he always talks about not to turn to the left or the right so as they were pulling it they're moving it right or left or we're not to twist or to add to or take away and so i took a moment to talk to them as they were trying to shoot the arrows went through a hole in the bow so the staff would go through and it would cause them to go to left to the right or hit miss the mark and as i was thinking about it it's as if as rabbi talked about with we have thoughts that go into our mind that goes into the seat of our hearts where they motion then we have actions that produces a habit not only a destiny so the thought was that the arrow was kind of the thought the the emotion was the bow and the action of drawing that back and letting it go that we have to have the right intent of what we're doing with the actions that we're trying to fulfill his commands and we may not hit the bull's-eye every time but it's with the intent that we continue to try and do it yes the mechanics is pulling that bow back but we have to get the desire to want to do that right and so most of them got pretty good after they did it for a while and started hitting the mark pretty pretty well so we just used those little games to be a way of teaching we did a few others let's see so i want to turn over to mr mason here and he's going to go over kind of what they're doing here and the flags and what the intent there was with the presenting flags thank you mr flynn good morning everybody so for our presentation we decided to go with military theme as it seemed appropriate as myself and mr bain have military experience and to keep with the as we're teaching the children about respect respect is huge in the military so what we did is we divided the students into eight different groups as we had the eight words to incorporate and we had them each choose a word and then they designed their flag or their guide on with symbols that they felt represented those words so as you can see they have they wrote down the english they wrote down the phonetic they wrote down the hebrew and they also incorporated verses that they felt supported those words so that was our reasoning behind the the presentation all right with that and turn it back over to mr bain is so as mr mason mentioned the theme is military they have their guide ons which in the military world represent their platoon their battalion so on and so forth um and we wanted to do something the idea behind the formation the left fa the left face right face the facing movements is that we are called to be of one mind we are called to be the body of messiah and when they did their presentation we wanted to do something that showed that it's not a bunch of individuals on the stage it's a team they're focused on one goal and they're executing that goal together so that's the idea behind their movements and behind basically the whole presentation the parents should be very proud this stuff is not necessarily easy i've been telling them this whole time they look better than first phase marine recruits at paris island okay as mentioned before with the theme of respect standing at attention when an adult enters the room learning the facing movements um you know putting aside the phones and the laughing and being serious and showing some military bearing not everybody was exactly excited but when they when they started to see how good they looked and how they they resembled a body they they started to show a lot of encouragement they started to have a little pep in their step and i think that uh i can speak for all the teachers that we're very proud of them they've put in a lot of work we've been cramming a lot of information trying to provide some opportunities for entertainment with the games and stuff and learning to do this stuff you know in one week so i'm very proud of them and uh that being said we'll go ahead and do our memory verses [Applause] so now they are [Music] one two three i have rejoiced in the way of your witnesses i have strayed like a lost sheep seeker servant for i have not forgotten your commands give it up for our set apart supreme commander mateo [Applause] all right let your flags hang platoon second row unstacked left face first row march right [Applause] and now you'll have an opportunity to see what they did throughout the week [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] did it not go on sorry what a fantastic group of kids um it has been an utter privilege to be their coordinator to help them out they are great um the godols have been really awesome this group so i can't wait to see the next one as well let me introduce the the mores for godol b wayne brown and michael long [Applause] good morning everybody wasn't this a wonderful feast yes a lot of kids have done a wonderful job this week and uh first we just want to thank resin julie for giving us a chance to be able to help and teach these young men and adults just a little bit deeper understanding of what it takes to look into the heart and soul of a man that has everything out for yahweh's word and he describes them word he describes that in eight simple words and these are the kind of things that we wanted to install upon the children so we thank you rosa and we thank you to all our helpers um we thank you to the students they were they were a little handful but they were good and uh we just want to thank rabbi for all his teachings because it wasn't for you we wouldn't have nothing to inspire to teach the children [Applause] so this feast we studied uh psalm 119 in its entirety okay thank you we scrutinize this this psalm line by line and set our focus on the eight key words found in every verse i'm not going to go over all eight words by now we're all very familiar with them i'm sure um this was not just a simple word study though but these words were used as a launching point to really dig into david's heart and his feelings and understanding towards yah's word as a group we looked into the soul of a faithful servant far from perfect but unwavering and his convictions david was able to bring the torah down to write easily identify each word with its own understanding these young ladies and gentlemen were given the opportunity to depict and explore each word in their full hebrew context we dug deep into the hebrew state of mind to see the bigger picture of each word [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you're there right beside [Music] and a lie [Music] is will love you to the end nothing will have fear as long as you are pleased [Music] [Applause] [Music] my feet [Applause] my [Applause] wow wasn't that great guys [Applause] as our young ladies and gentlemen as they developed an understanding of david's heart and desire for yahweh's word 38 words one verse stuck out the most that was psalms 19 verse 105. david describes java's word and is entirely as a lamp until my feet this description of a lamp is equal to the subtle light of a candle the application then is that there is limit visibility of the surrounding area but just enough light to navigate with enough light to navigate through life yahweh gives us the direction that we need not all at once but as needed in this way yahweh's word his torah his right rulings his witness his commands his laws orders and his way operates as a form of direction it is the illustration of a lamp bringing wisdom into the mind of those in covenant when david compared yahweh's word to being a light onto a path that pathway was to lead to life within the details that david writes in psalms 119 abiding by yahweh's word his torah his right rulings his witness his commands his laws his orders and way it creates a more fulfilling life and these are the words that each one of these students understood and this is what we chose to present to you guys [Applause] so furthermore we have three students that really stuck out and we had them write their own stanzas as david would write in a poetic way to describe yahweh's word and we'd like to introduce our three students to want to come up brianna okay let's give them a hand guys [Applause] okay well all right i'm doing the word commands or mitzvot or mitzvah um i keep your commands which keep me focused on the way if i stay in yahweh i am strong and will not break i am thankful for your structure for it has been a blessing in a world which lacks wisdom i know i will stand firm for your commands have been my foundation i have learned how to love him and each other in a world full of darkness i'm thankful for your guidance if i guard your commands i will be set apart i will walk in all your ways and have a heart like your heart okay your torah is a way to guide my path you help me to return when i fall off the way yahweh teach me your torah you and you and your torah have been a base to create my life your torah is my desire yeshua my mentor i desire to be like you your torah is a mask against evil yahweh i dare not is it your way [Applause] all righty you're right rulings oh yeah are straight you are just and do not you are just i do not fret yahweh i have clung to the dust and you revive me according to the right ruling of your heart you are righteous and bring understanding into my life you are the light to my feet i shall not stumble you're right ruling guide me and make me wise you judge us by the right rulings of your heart and that clues our presentation for you guys [Applause] what an amazing group of young men and women well you're going to get a chance to see what they did this week too so let's take a look at what they did in gadol b [Music] [Music] [Music] back [Music] so [Music] well as we have heard from all of the um instructors um the amazing curriculum that was created from robertson really builds on each other we hope you were able to see that starting from katana where they're getting some introduction moving to catan b where they're really starting to learn more of the hebrew and the deeper meanings into godol a where we're getting even deeper and then godol b where we're trying to really get them to delve into the word and understand it and that's the way robertson created that curriculum is so that it would continue to build on each other but she can't do it alone she creates the curriculum and so we do want to acknowledge all of the teachers that have helped her throughout this entire process and so we have a quick little video of what they have done too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm going to trip my way on up here um well as if we didn't do enough with them if you didn't think that was enough uncle bob and his crew of act helped the kids with some activities in the afternoon and we need to show you just what incredible things they did in the afternoon so take a look at this [Music] so [Music] um [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] wow uh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right sukkot 2021 let's hear it all right that was just awesome i don't know about you but i had a ton of fun i just want to thank a few more people before we conclude um i want to thank all the gentlemen and ladies out there who helped with the production today behind the cameras those who are still running it right now and making it possible marty and his team i want to thank those who put all those beautiful slide shows together and stayed up till a little bit of the wee hours of the morning last night that is um stephanie meyer did the katanae katan v snack teachers um is that at four that was it four and then uh carrie black stepped in and she did the y2i activities wasn't that beautiful she did a really good job thank you carrie and marty thank you for blessing us and offering to do the good ol olive and gadol vet videos they were professional of course and last but not least and most important i want to thank my husband rabbi steve berkson i'm just so blessed and honored that he trusts me to run this program and to create this program that abba has made us a team that can serve the body from the little from the katan to the godol so thank you rabbi i love you all right what a fantastic job i am i am very proud of the work that was done by all you children fantastic job all of you i must admit i'm going to start to think of more ways for eligibility to do things so i can be in some of those classes especially the activities i was like wow you guys had so much fun um i used to be pretty good at dodgeball once upon a time i don't know because that looked like you guys just had had such a great time so fantastic job there and of course all of the teachers and the helpers and everybody that my wife thanked i just want to additionally thank as well as all of the parents who are seen to it that your children got to class and and have the things that they need and were prepared and that was fantastic and again all of the staff here that um go behind the scenes especially the cameras and the sound and all of the things that are necessary to make this work and i really do appreciate once again a fantastic job by ms shira wendling to write some fantastic songs you one of the ways i gauge if the songs are good is that when the video plays the children are singing and that once again was the case so you know fantastic fantastic all right so for all of you out there that are watching and this should hopefully motivate you and inspire you maybe if you have children that you'd like to be with other children and learn about the word and engage with the word that you may want to get to the next events because we're going to do the same thing as we do at least twice a year at the two big festivals the week-long festivals during unleavened bread and during sukkot okay and rebecca has a program for both that's engaging and keeps them busy and and enjoying themselves while learning all week long and it just again i couldn't be more excited and more proud and more blessed and what a fantastic job rabbits and julie did my wife did to put this all together i i don't think i could i don't think i could really give you a sense of how much time she puts into this but i mean it's it's probably a good 20 to 30 hour week for every week between unleavened bread and sukkot and vice versa i mean this in between doing the partial pearls every week to put together this kind of a program and curriculum and the crafts and the notebook pages and all the activities and all the crap i just there's so much stuff and it's fantastic and it's it's been something that you know she said she appreciated that i trust her i appreciate that i can trust her because then i don't have to worry about it and she does such a great job without needing really any supervision at all in it and just it's just a blessing and so i praise you that he put us together to make us such a good team for that and so you know i work with them after they're 20 and you get them until they're there okay so all right so with that again great job everyone godzilla [Applause] that's going to end our presentation we have lunch at 12 and we'll see you back in here for the holy day service at 1 30. [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 1,711
Rating: 4.9490447 out of 5
Id: wBxwNu6F1-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 35sec (8075 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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