Understanding the Ruach/Spirit | Part 4

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all right so today we're going to continue now in part four of understanding the Ruach part for understanding the Ruach now before we get started in this part I think it's important that I remind us about a few things number one I want us to keep in mind that we are trying to understand to the best of our ability something that is impossible for us to fully understand and comprehend because we don't as human beings deal with these elements they affect us they they have interaction with us but they're in a whole nother realm of existence than we are so it's like I've always said like an amoeba trying to understand a human being so we're seeing through that glass darkly so we're making our best attempt to understand something that we have to start out accepting that that is a limited ability that we have to truly fully understand ok now having said that also we have to remember that we're trying to seek the truth we're trying we're looking for truth and understanding not comfort and reassurance that what we already have is the truth and the correct understanding let me say that again because that's really key what we're seeking is the actual truth and correct understanding of something not looking for a way to back up and justify the truth the way we think we understand it and then reassurance that we've been right about something because you can take this book we call the scriptures the Bible and you can get it to take whatever verses you you know you can come up with to back up almost anything so we're not looking to back up what you think and what you believed in what you've been told are trying to figure out what it actually says ok without the bias of trying to prove a premise that we already have that's going to be tough because not only in this teaching but in all the teachings we do there's going to be that possibility that what you've always thought is going to be challenged by what's being taught now because it may be that you didn't necessarily have it right which is not your fault necessarily is the way you were taught and so we have to always be if we're going to grow it says to grow in grace and knowledge ok well skip the grace part that's a whole different teaching but let's look at the knowledge part how are you going to grow in knowledge if you think you've already got it all you're not going to grow in knowledge ok so we're going to come to understand things more clearly hopefully through this study so now we're going to be focusing specifically now in the first couple of parts we focused on all kinds of aspects of how the word spirit is used in Scripture but now we're going to focus specifically on the Holy Spirit the ruach ha'qodesh okay the ruach ha'qodesh the rock of elohim the spirit of elohim and what i want to address first and foremost which comes up i know in a lot of discussions you run into with people and and it needs to be addressed which is this whole idea of the trinity okay whether the Ruach is a person and so we're going to now hopefully clarify that piece because I think that piece we can actually settle fairly clearly all right now as we go through this study I want us to remember hopefully all of you have gone through the study on grace now if you remember when we did the search for the doctrine of grace one of the aspects of the teaching was that we studied how if you took the definition that you came up with let's say the original definition is we were all taught was unmerited favor and plugged that in everywhere it didn't actually work very well it didn't make sense in most places that you would plug that in whereas when you switched it to merited favor it fit perfectly everywhere well one of the things that we're going to see here is that if you're going to claim that the Ruach is the Holy Ghost which is the way some translations put it because that sounds much more like an entity like a like a being of some sort okay that if you plug that in everywhere you might find very quickly it doesn't work very well and we're going to see that hopefully as we play this out let's begin though in Luke chapter 1 and in verse 26 okay because one of the biggest problems that all of us who came through the mainstream of Christianity have to deal with is that there's been a tendency and by the way not just in mainstream you've seen this in other you know ones that are a little less mainstream as well the idea of cherry-picking how they use utilize something and you see you can't just do that you can't use it one way one place use it differently another place either it is or it isn't either it's a person or it's not okay so you have to be careful how we utilize our understanding let's look here in Luke chapter one and verse 26 okay Luke chapter one and verse 26 and in the sixth month the messenger Gabriel was sent by Elohim to a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a maiden engaged to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David and the maidens name was Miriam and the messenger coming to her said greetings favored one the master is with you blessed are you among women but she was greatly disturbed at his word and wondered what kind of greeting this was and the messenger said to her do not be afraid Miriam for you have found favor with Elohim okay so she's done something that merited favor and see you shall conceive in your womb and shall give birth to a son and call his name yeshua and he shat and he he shall be great and shall be called the son of the Most High and Yahweh Elohim shall give him the throne of his father David and he shall reign over the house of Yaakov for ever and there shall be no end to his reign and Miriam said to the messenger how shall this be since I do not know a man I mean she's thinking as any woman would think and a human being type of situation while like babies come like a certain way and she's like well I haven't been with a man generally that's the way it has to work you know and he says and so the messenger answers in verse 35 and says to her the set-apart spirit shall come upon you and the power of the Most High shall overshadow you and for that reason the set apart one born of you shall be called son of Elohim now let's understand again the four levels of interpretation okay as laid out in the Jewish understanding of the sages there's per shot there's Ramez destruction this sowed the per shot is the simple straightforward understanding other words the most reasonable simple understanding of something the simplest straightforward reasonable understanding then the Ramez is that which is hinted at the Dras is that which is allegorical and the sowed is the hidden let's be careful we don't jump to the sowed when we first have to make sure we have an understanding of the per shot because one of the rules of the four levels of understanding is that you can't go to a second or third or fourth level in any way of shape or form that in some way completely disconnects you from the first level the first level must always be meant maintained as you look at the hinted and the allegorical and the under hidden so let's look at the per shot here the be shot says that the spirit the holy spirit the set apart spiritually wants to set apart most translations say holding the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and the power of the most high so what is this is a very Hebraic way of talking you say something and then you say it again with slightly different words but it's the same exact thing he's saying that the set-apart spirit is the power of the Most High it's not saying it's another being here the simple understanding is that this set apart Spirit is the power of the most high or it's the means by which the power of the Most High can overshadow you now remember the most high created everything so creating a baby in her womb is no big deal he created man out of the dust of the earth created every animal every creature everything that flies or swims or crawls right now we have going on here this is the wording the very simple understanding that the power of the most high called the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and because of that you will give birth you will have a baby formed in your womb let's continue that thought go to Matthew chapter 1 and verse 18 we're looking at the same event basically in Matthew chapter 1 and in verse 18 but the birth of Yeshua Messiah was as follows after his mother Miriam was engaged to Joseph before they came together she was found to be pregnant from the ruach ha'qodesh right the Holy Spirit the set of part spirit and Yosef her husband being righteous and not wishing to make a show of her had in mind to put away secretly but while he thought about this see a messenger of Yahweh appeared to him in a dream saying Joseph son of David do not be afraid to make Miriam as your wife to take Mary as your wife for that which is in her was brought forth from the set-apart spirit was brought forth from the set apart spear so again this idea of being brought forth in the in the Greek has the idea of could be better translated instead of from or out of in other words it was it was caused to be out of this power okay and and it says then continuing and then she would give birth to a son etc so this is again the same thing in Matthew as you see in Luke that this is of the higher power now if we're going to be thinking about this as a third person this is important as we go through this then we have her essentially being raped I hate to say it that way but let's just think about it if it's a being this being is now and that's an all paganism in the pagan isms you have these gods coming in and taking women now we have this miraculous manifestation of a baby in her womb not an impregnation okay but now we're making it a being now we've got a whole different problem let's take this in another step further okay and I used to do this and I've become a lot less rude and a lot more polite hopefully over the years but I used to say to people they said look okay let's understand the Trinity the Trinity is simply put and I'm not a Trinitarian so I don't know all the details but I think we can agree that the essence of Trinitarian thought is three unique and separate beings called Father Son and ghost who are separate and unique but yet they are still also one is that about right okay now the problem with Trinitarian thought is that they're separate when it's convenient for them and they're one when it's convenient for them because they'll jump back and forth between them because they know the verses don't lay out what they needed to lay out so they jump between the two so let's understand this right now if Miriam well let's just say this what I used to say what I used to call it messing with Trinitarians that's when I wasn't so polite okay how did Miriam get pregnant and people say well God made her pregnant I said no no no you're Trinitarian you can't do that bachelor number one bachelor number two a bachelor number three that's when they got mad at me okay it was it the father or the son or the ghost now could have been the son cuz he's not born yet so if the ghost got her pregnant then when he says faba father is he talking to the ghost Oh notable but they're one no you see can't play that game okay you can't do that if the one got her pregnant then the one is actually his father that's the way it kind of works if it's a being so when he's talking about my father and he's always referring to he's referring to the ghost obviously unless it doesn't work that way and that's not what it's actually saying see but they try to play that game and they don't understand because they're not doing it on purpose because they've already been told that it has to be that way so it's hard for them to deal with that reality I've said no no it says here that she was pregnant by the rococo - the Holy Spirit called it Holy Ghost as a Trinitarian would well then that's which one of the three got her pregnant now if it's the power of the Father that got her pregnant well that's a whole different thing there's no problem there at all if the power got her pregnant the rock is the power of the Father well then the father's still the father hopefully this is making some sense let's hold this in place and then I want us to now look at some verses and by the way I started writing this out this morning even because it just started hitting me harder and harder we could take the 75 parts by the way we're not going to because there's so many verses dealing with Ruach if we really wanted to prove this point but I want to read you a bunch of passages I want to ask you this question why is the ghost or the spirit not mentioned in these sections let's read a few SEC's so let's go to John 17 okay because if the ghost is an equal third part and by the way that's another thing that the trinitarian say is that they're equal we're going to kill that whole idea - okay I'm going to read oh I don't know five or six sections that show that there's absolutely no equality there oh they're both I'm not saying he's that Yeshua is not deity I'm saying that you schewe makes it really clear my father is greater than me okay they're just like look if I am to say that my son and I are both human beings oh yeah he's a human being so am i well we're not equal I'm his father does it make sense so when people talk about when I mentioned something about them not being equal now they think I'm taking away his his uh deity his not there's no way I'm doing that but I'm simply saying is he claims that there's no equality between him and his father and we're going to read those verses but now just remember that's part of the Trinitarian talk is that there are three equally co-existing beings who are also somehow one and the same being whatever that is okay now if they're all equal I want to understand why you sure whenever mentions one of them in all of these sections let's go to John 17 we'll begin in verse 1 now I'm not going to get into all the details that this chapter breaks down but I want you to catch all the places you talked about my father and I and I and my father my father and I where's the ghost never mentioned once John 17 Yeshua said these words and lifted up his eyes to the heaven and said father the hour is come esteem your son so that your son also might esteem you as you have given him authority over all flesh and he has he should give everlasting life to all whom you shut you have given him and this is everlasting life that they should know you the only true Elohim and you Messiah whom you've sent why is the ghost not mentioned anywhere in here I have esteemed you on earth having accomplished the work you have given me that I should do and now esteem me with yourself father and with the esteem which I had with you before the world was now he's saying again this is two of us by the way John one says in the beginning was the word the Word was Elohim word was with Elohim where's the third one why is the third one not in John chapter one and verse one I revealed your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world they were yours and you gave them to me and they have guarded your word now they have come to know that all you gave to me is from you because the words which you gave to me I have given to them they've received them and have truly known that I can't come forth from you and they believe that you sent me have come forth from who from the father not from the ghost but the ghost got a pregnant confusing isn't it well no not if it's not a being I pray for them I do not pray for the world but for those whom you've given me for they are yours and all mine are yours and yours are mine and I have esteemed I have been esteemed in them and I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to you set apart father guard them in your name which you have given me so that they might be one as we are when I was with them in the world I was guarding them in your name which you have given to me and I watched over them and not one of them perished except the son of destruction that the scripture might be filled and now I come to you and I speak these words in the world so that they have my joy completed in them just a side note the same idea of joy being completed in them is the idea of saying that the scripture was fulfilled in Matthew and so after after all that once the joy was completed and there's no more joy just like they said that him fulfilling Scripture means there's no more scripture it's this foolishness obviously this scripture and obviously this joy I have given them your word and the world hated them because they are not of the world as I am NOT of the world I do not pray that you should take them out of the world but that you keep them from the wicked one they are not of the world as I am NOT of the world set them apart in your truth your word is truth okay red 17 versus in Yeshua's last big sermon speech that's written down before dying and there's no mention the rock here anywhere well first 17 really does mention it but indirectly because it is the spirit of truth that we're going to read about at some point in this teaching but clearly not being referred to here as an entity verse 18 as you sent me into the world I also sent them so the father sent the Son into the world I do not pray for these alone but also for those believing in me through their word that's us by the way so that they all might be one as you Father are in me and I in you so that they might be one in us so that the world might believe that you say have sent me anybody wondering why the rock is missing here I fear three why is your not mentioning the third one boy him he just didn't like his uncle or whatever I don't know I mean it just makes no sense continuing okay so in verse 21 we get thee by the way the idea of us being one is to demonstrate to the world that the father sent the son right he says father I want them to be one as we are one so that the world would know that you sent me we believe that you sent me verse twenty-two he's going to say it again in verse 23 verse 22 and the steam which you gave me I have given them so that they might be one as we are one I am them and you in me so that they might be perfected into one so that the world knows that you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me by the way in verse 22 when he says so that they might be one as we are one he says look the esteem which you gave me all right you're going to hear over and over from yushua the things were given to him from his father he's not co-equal meaning he gave it to himself or didn't need anybody to give it to him the higher authority gives to the lesser authority but by the way everything that exists is still in lesser authority to Yeshua everything is in lesser is already the authority to you except the father himself but yet he's still in lesser Earth are continuing verse 24 father I desire that those whom you have given me might be with me where I am so that they can see my esteem which you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world back to John 1:1 right o righteous father indeed the world did not know you but I knew you and these knew that you sent me and I have made your name known to them and shall make it known so that the love with which you love me might be in them and I in them where is the Ruach well it's all over the place and this but not as a being it's not a being why why would you shoe and make this this is this huge sermon speech and not a mention no because he's clearly talking about returning to that relationship from the beginning it was you and me father and I want them to have that same relationship with us as I have with you and why no mention of the third it seems glaringly missing well unless of course it's not missing at all because it's not a person or being like that let's continue in Matthew chapter 11 and verse 27 Matthew chapter 11 and by the way you can have this fun by going to every single place that Yeshua is talking about him as him and his father and wonder where is it that the rock is not mentioned Matthew chapter 11 verse 27 all have been handed over to me by my father now listen to this now and no one knows the son except the father nor does anyone know the Father except the Son and to he whom the son wishes to reveal him and the end and the rock - why isn't why is the rock left out of this why only the father and the son the father reveals a son the son reveals the father nobody reveals the ruoff Oh were you going to say well that's before John 14 you know when the rock had sent and all this other stuff has talked about yeah but you see what we're going to read John 14 at some point you'll see that issuers are simply referring to a power by which he is going to dwell in us not a third separate entity continuing go to Matthew chapter 6 and verse 1 Matthew chapter 6 beware of doing your kind deeds before men in order to be seen by them otherwise you have no reward from your father in heaven thus when you do a deed a kind deed do not sound a trumpet before you as hypocrites do and the congregation in the streets to be praised by men truly I say to you that they have their reward but when you do a kind deed do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your kind deed shall be in secret and your father who sees in secret shall himself reward you openly and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the congregation's and on the corners of the streets to be seen by men truly I say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room having shut your door pray to your father was in the secret place and your father's season secret shall reward you openly and when praying do not keep on babbling like Gentiles for they think that they shall be heard for the many words therefore do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him this then is the way you should pray our Father who is in the heavens let your name be set apart let your rain come let your desire be done on earth is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors do not lead us into trial but deliver us from the wicked one because yours is the rain and the power and the Aseem forever ahmein for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father shall forgive you but if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither shall your Father forgive your trespasses and when you fast do not be sad faced like the epic rats for they disfigure their faces so that they appear to be fasting the men truly I say to you they have their reward but you when you fast anoint your head and face if you anoint your head and wash your face so that you do not appear to be fasting but to your father who's in the secret place and your father who sees in secret shall reward you openly and do not lay up for yourself treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal but lay up yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there your heart shall be also why no mention of the Ruan come on now he's teaching everybody how to pray by the way for all you tongue speakers is no mention of that either because a lot of people think that's part a big part of praying he doesn't say that anywhere he says going quiet and talk to your father and he tells you how to talk so again no mention of the Ruach here at all why you would think it would be vitally important because after all those who believe in the Trinity are viciously unforgiving of those or at least they attack mercilessly those who don't believe in the Trinity oh and they do and they start putting all that weight again they'll say they're equal but boy do they focus just on the ghost if they're equal why focus all most attention on just one so your schewe focuses only on one his father he doesn't want attention on himself it doesn't ever mention the ghost like ever except when we're going to see dealing with it as power and the means by which he can dwell in you et cetera you're going to see it's consistent with everything else we've already taught about the spirit but man here's long speech here about praying and the father and you know you know our Father was in the heavens what about our Father and the spirit that's in the heavens spirits just getting completely disregarded here unless of course it's not being disregarded at all but it's not a being you see plug it in and see how this all plays through and I could have picked 75 more examples of this easily now let's look at this whole idea of equal let's go to John chapter 8 verse 25 because that's part of the Trinitarian idea is that they're equal isn't that am I wrong right is that not part of the Trinity is that they're equal okay co-equal all right John chapter 8 verse 25 then they said to him who are you and Yeshua said that I'm all together that which I've even said to you in other words I've been telling you I'm not listening I have much to say and to judge concerning you but he who sent me is true and what I've heard from him these words I speak to her okay so now we're trying to understand somebody sent him who sent him he says they did not know that he spoke to them of the father the father sent him a wait a minute but who came upon Miriam the Ruach came upon Miriam but we're told that that was the power of the Father so we're told that anyway in the in the verses about Yeshua's birth so he's talking about the father verse 28 so you she was said to them when you lift up the Son of Adam then you shall know that I am he and that I do not at all of myself but as my father taught me these words I speak so he's saying I'm completely submissive to my father that doesn't sound like he gets a vote and by the way remember when and I didn't put this in the verses here that I was going to read today but remember when he said Abba Father if it's possible to have this cup taken from me but nonetheless your will be done he knew he had no vote there was no vote let's continue when we continue all the way to verse 30 okay so then he says anyway and he who sent me is with me the father has not left me alone for I always do I always do what pleases him I always do what pleases him does that sound like there's a hierarchy there of authority sounds like there is one to me and he was speaking these words and as you speak these words many believed in him go to John chapter 10 okay John chapter 10 and in verse 25 okay John chapter 10 and in verse 25 you answer them saying I have told you and you do not believe the works that I do in my father's name they bear witness of me again no mention of the Ruach but you do believe because you are actually not believe because you are not of my sheep as I said to you my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me he's going to give us a lesson in vertical hierarchy my sheep know my voice and they follow me I know my father's voice and I follow him and I give them everlasting life and they shall by no means ever perish and no one shall snatch them out of my hand my father has given them to me listen now my father who has given them to me is greater than all does that leave anything out my father is greater than all okay my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand I am my father a one though he goes into this idea of being a cod in other we're fully on the same page okay that's what it's talking about they say we're fully on the same page let's go now to John chapter 13 and verse 12 if that wasn't clear enough let's let's read over here he says in John 13 and verse 12 so when he had washed their feet and taken his garments and sat down again he said to them do you know what I've done to you you call me teacher and master and you say well for I am then if I master and teacher of you have washed your feet you also ought to wash one another's feet for I gave you an example that you should do as I've done to you now truly truly I say to you a servant is not greater than his master nor is an emissary greater than he who sent him now doesn't Yeshua say everywhere that the father sent him so you she was making a statement of fact the emissary is not greater than the one who sent him if you know these teachings blessed are you if you do them blessed if you do them okay so he's understanding now by do that means that you walk in vertical alignment that you walk congruent with vertical alignment you walk in that understanding John 14 verse 28 okay you heard that I said to you I am going away and I'm coming to you if you did love me you would have rejoiced that I said I'm going to the Father for my father is greater than I can I say case closed and yet I have people that when I did this teaching with the father and the son teaching do you know the father son who got nasty with me on YouTube etc and got sudden sending me emails because I dared to say that the father was greater than the son the son says it I just quoted him I didn't make that up I mean do we see that I am going to the Father for my father is greater than I is that unclear any ambiguity there by the way is that out of line with everything else we've read or is it completely consistent it's completely consistent Yeshua said everything I do I do what he said to do I only do what's pleasing in his eyes doesn't that sound like there's a vertical alignment there the one is cathodic not concerned with doing anything pleasing in anybody's eyes he's the one in charge but everybody else beginning with the son is interested in pleasing the father we don't see any verses where the father said that he was hoping that we'd liked what he was doing that he's trying to please us now it says it was his good pleasure to give us stuff he enjoyed doing that but he enjoyed giving that because he was trying to please us but here's here's the Messiah here's the son saying my father is greater than I and now I've told you before it takes place and when it does play face take place you shall believe I shall no longer talk much with you for the ruler of this word of the world is coming and he possesses none at all in me but in order for the world to know that I love the father and that as the father commanded me as the father white commanded commanded the co-equal the father commanded really oh yeah the father commanded he says the father commanded me so I am doing rise up and let us go from here as the father command so hopefully we can let that all go at this point that there is no co-equals thing going on here does that diminish the awesome majesty of yeshua absolutely not I mean being second when there's only two of all things anywhere in existence is a very high place to be and Yeshua makes that very clear but he also makes it clear that he's second there's only one at the top and that he's completely in line with the one and that's very important that we get this now there's other verses in here that was talking about I'm going away and coming and all this other thing we're going to cover that more as we get further into this but that's not what I'm trying that's not the point for right now but I promise we'll get to it now we'll go to chapter 15 of John John 15 and verse 18 if the world hates you you know that it hated me before it hated you if you were of the world the world would love its adult would love its own but because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world for that reason the world hates you remember the word that I said to you a servant is not greater than his master remember we read that already earlier in John a servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they shall persecute you if they have guarded my word they would have guarded yours too but all this they shall do to you because of my name because they do not know him who sent me all right let's stop right there for saying okay why would he why would he say these things because people understand that vertical alignment look if they persecuted me and they know that you and I are wahad well of course the persecuted you because going to persecute you for the same reasons they persecuted me if you and I are on the same page doing the same things and so he's trying to say look but if you are like them they would never persecute you because you and them would be a hide you in the world would be a HOD in beliefs in thinking and approach and behavior see the akkad there's not saying literally one we don't want to get into this sort of oneness doctrine silliness okay there are two you see what makes it very clear there's one that sent the other not possible if there's only one okay and he says that we are in complete congruence in everything my father and I continuing must make sure how far I wanted to go here okay all way to the end of the chapter okay so he says look okay remember that I said these things you and if they persecuted me the persecute you et cetera if they had guarded my word they would guard yours too in other words if they were guarding my word they would guard yours because they would recognize me for who I am and they recognize you as a disciple of mine so that would work out he said but all this shall and all this they shall do to you because of my name because they do not know him who sent me because they don't know him who sent me if they really understood who sent you schewe and they aren't because they claim the Ottoman respect the father if they really understood that the father sent him they would have respected Joshua as coming from the Father as they would respect the disciples is coming from Yeshua as the disciples then would have their own students they would respect those students who came from the disciples it goes vertically up the chain he said if I had not come and spoken to them they would have no sin but now they have no excuse for their sin he hates me hates my father as well now why would he say that he hates me hates my father's love because he's only doing what the father said he's only doing what's pleasing in the father's sight and by the way did you notice again in all of this is no mention of the Ruach he's only talking about him and his father every place you're going to find this the rock is not a person he says if I did not do among them the works which no one else did they would have no sin but now that they have both seen and have hated both me and my father but that the word might be filled was written in their Torah they hated me without a cause and when the helper comes on now we're going to get into this a little bit and when the helper comes whom I shall send to you from the father what helper the Spirit of Truth what did I talk about spirit being earlier I talked about it being the intrinsic nature so when this spirit of the of what truth is this this understanding this Nate comes to you of truth when that helper comes to you and strengthens you who comes from the father again this is also coming from the father shall bear witness of me but you also bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning now let's just jump from there over to John chapter 14 that wasn't really the order I had my notes for but let's go and do that anyway okay let's go to John chapter 14 and in John chapter 14 we're going to begin in let's say in verse 6 actually okay in John 14 and verse 16 she was said to him I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me why didn't he say no one comes to the Father unless through the Ruach where's the Ruach mentioned here man missing sorry no no mention he says no one comes to the Father except through me and he and he often says no one comes to me unless the father draws them we know that verse two don't we no mention of the rock there although the Ruach is the means by which put quotes around that that's the way I refer to that's my best guess on understanding the rock is the means by which all this gets done it's the power of Elohim as we read in the birth account right that she will be overshadowed by the power of Elohim the means by which Elohim does these things in the 3-dimensional world so he says look he says I am and again Greek would be better suited to say I am way I am life and I am truth I am true I am truth okay that is my total intrinsic natures I I am the fullest embodiment of truth now he says that in verse 6 now let's drop down okay by the way in verse 7 we could even read here look what it says you if you've known me you would have known my father too from now on you know him because you've seen again no mention of the Ruach no mention of the spirit no mention of the third being now let's drop down to verse let's see 15 because this is where we get all bogged down now let's okay let's pause take a breath you're about to read a section that if you just allow the passat simple understanding it will be literally that simple just let it read don't let it read through every pastor you've ever heard every sermon you ever heard just let it read John 50 on 14:15 if you love me and guard my commands by the way that's thrown in there just so people know that the rest of this doesn't happen if you don't love them in Gardez commands so let's everybody just let go of all of that Christianese talk about how everybody just got overflowed and filled with the spirit while they were eating pork and keeping Sunday and Christmas and Easter you can laugh and get mad at me all you want but it says if you love me and guard my commands then I shall ask the Father for something for you doesn't if then he says if you love me and you shall guard my commands and see again punctuation was not in the Greek okay so you could put a comma there if you love me and guard my commands you actually ask the Father and he shall give you another helper to stay with you now when he says another helper why is he saying another helper because he's trying to explain them he's about to leave I've been helping you all this time but I'm about to go now by the way up to this point were they receiving that were they receiving this whole idea that he was leaving no they weren't buying it for a second they even said things like oh no master be kind to yourself right Peter and stuff no no you don't know you're not going anywhere right so they had they were still not buying it they weren't getting it so he's saying look I'm going to try to explain something so that when it does happen then you'll at least understand what I'm saying you're not going to understand it right this second so I'm going to send you another helper to stay with you forever this one's not leaving I'm leaving okay now what is this helper that I'm sending he says the Spirit of the truth what did he just tell you in verse six he is the truth by the way we can go to psalm 119 and see in verse 142 and 160 that the Torah is truth so we're talking about the spirit of the Torah as well and by the way we can prove through that loop there because in John chapter 1 and verse 14 it says the Torah of the word put on flesh so schewe is the walking talking living Torah we have that here that I call that my little free verse loop or whatever you go from John 14:6 psalm 119 142 or 160 whichever way you want to go and then John 1:14 so now he's saying look I'm going to send you I'm going to ask the Father and he's going to send you another helper to stay with you forever the Spirit of Truth now listen now listen to verse 17 in a Passat pleas straightforward simple the Spirit of Truth and again you gotta remember it says who more he and all that of stuff this gender-neutral here there's no gender you could put it in there okay but we're going to say the Spirit of Truth which the world or whom the world is unable to receive because it does not see it or him or know it whichever way you know because gender neutral I know your Bible puts a gender on it but the Greek doesn't but you listen now said the world was not able to see because it didn't know it the order didn't know him which him Yeshua he says but you shall see me you know him for he stays with you now he's referring to something that is with them right then he said because he stays with you and shall be in you now in case that's not clear enough for everybody read the next verse I shall not leave you orphans I'm coming to you this isn't rocket science it's not complicated where you need like a deep years of scholarly study and understand paleo and all that other stuff or Greek he's saying look I'm coming to you I'm not going to leave you orphans but he's also trying to say look but I'm also going away and there's other place where he says I'm going away but I'm going to come back and we've read that to you already that was part of what I read earlier in John 15 he says I'm going but I'm going to come back it's verse 30 says I shall no longer talk much with you for the rulers world is coming and he possess it but I'm going I'm going but I'm coming back yeah they weren't receiving this but he's saying look I'm not going to leave you orphans I'm coming to you let get a little while verse 19 the world no longer sees me but you shall see me because I live in shall live and that day you shall know that I am in my father and you in me and I in you not some other third entity and I in you the father in me and I in the father and I in you he who possesses my commands and guards them it is he who loves me and he who loves me shall be loved by my father and I shall love him and manifest myself to him this is not so complicated but it is if people have read it to you wrong and you didn't read it for yourself and just ignored that reading it straight through because yah forbid you should have read five or six verses in a row but you didn't just read one verses it oh let's just read verse sixteen I'm going to send you the helper I'm going to send you a helper well keep going it doesn't stop there he's not finished talking he mentions the Spirit of Truth well only a few verses earlier in the same conversation this isn't like a it's not like it stopped his head and then he went on to another place and started talking again this is all part of the same conversation there's no stopping here he's just talking and talking and he just told them I am truth and the spirit of me the spirit of truth is going to come and help you it's not complicated oh no I'm not going to leave you orphans I'm coming to you hopefully we could all understand that and he says look he who possesses my commands and guards them again that goes right back to if you love me and guard my commands right he says it is he who loves me and he who loves me shall be loved by my father and I shall love him and manifest myself to him who's he manifesting to the ones who are guarding his commands the ones who are possessing and guarding his commands now if you don't understand what that means go listen to do you know the father in the son where I can show you that it's he who was on Mount Sinai giving their commands where I can show you that the father has never been here well Genesis chapter one before there really ended up being that which can die the father and son together kind of put the world and universe together then the son takes over everything you hear about him dealing with all stuff until revelation 21 that's my speculation you don't have to agree with it I make my case in 11 parts to do you know the father and the son so you're welcome to listen to that but understand what it's talking about here he's saying look he says the Spirit of Truth the helper he says I'm coming I'm not gonna leave you orbs I've been helping you all along I'm going to continue to help you talking about himself here but how does he do that right how how does he help you how do do you feel him walking around in you and stuff no it's the power of Elohim has overshadowed you allowing him to be in you and to guide you and to be available to you by this thing known as the Ruach Elohim the rock of Elohim the rococo - the means by which this is possible in chapter 15 in verse 26 it says it would just drop down a few verses but the helper the set-apart Spirit whom the father shall send in my authority he shall teach you all the remind you all that I've said to you so this is the means of communication again we're trying to understand something that's way above our pay grade so I can't tell you exactly what that all means I can't tell you how that all exactly plays out but we have to now we can't take this verse in 26 and somehow undermine everything else that the Scriptures have laid out he says look this helper okay he says let's let's actually go back a little bit let's see we just read verse 21 let's drop down to verse 23 and Yeshua said if anyone loves me shall guard my word and my father shall love him and we shall come to him we shall come to him and make our stay with him we we who the father and the son Weehoo not that a third entity and he who does not love me does not God my words in the word which you hear is not mine but of the Father who sent me I said look that my words is look that's all the father's stuff I'm just the spokesman I am the word I'm the logos I'm the spokesman for the Father okay let there be light I am the spokesman for the father I speak and it exists these words I spoken to you while still with you but the helper the set apart Spirit whom the father shall send in my name in other words I'm going to come to you just like verse 18 says and not leave you orphans through this thing called the ruach ha'qodesh the Holy Spirit he says peace I leave with you and by the way if you just took it back to verse 26 says and what does the Spirit supposed to do bring to remembrance what all that I've said to you it doesn't say that the Ruach is going to teach you all kinds of stuff you never knew oh I don't need a teacher I've got the Ruach really where's that verse please show me that verse all you self taught people out to claim you don't need to be under anybody and don't need any authority don't need any guidance or instruction don't need a teacher he said and by the way who's he talking to here everybody is this a general public speech or is he just talking to his guys he's talking just to his guys here this is his personally trained students is Talmud I'm his disciples he's saying look I'm going to through this spirit I'm going to remind you of everything I have said to you and bring it to understanding so that you have it at your fingertips ready to be used peace I leave with you my peace I give to you I do not give to you as the world gives do not let your heart be troubled in other words he understands that they might be figuring this out I'm leaving I'm trying to say but don't be a panicking about it don't be afraid you've heard that I said to you I'm going away and I'm coming to you hmm I am going away and I am coming to you I am he's not talking about by the way the second coming he's talking about the Ruach Here I am coming to you right away I'm going away but then I'm coming right back through this Ruach to teach you lead you guide you inspire you encourage you et cetera to help you right that's why it's called the helper he said I'm going away and coming to you he says if you did lot if you did love me you would have rejoiced that I said I'm going to the Father for my father is greater than I we read that already okay so you see the connection here between these things well hopefully you're starting to see it alright chapter 16 will stay in John and verse 7 ok chapter 16 and in verse 7 but I say the truth to you it is better for you that I go away for if I do not go away the helper shall I come to you at all but if I go I shall send it to you what is he saying he's saying look I can't be like a Trinitarians think like in two places is once and in two different forms I'm here now I can't also come back and be in you in this form known as the Ruach unless I leave I'm either here I'm going to be there I've got to go in order to do the other one because it's still me and contrary to some of these ideas of being you know both of the same while he's also the father and but he's also the son but he's all no he's only one he says look I can't do this I've got to go in order to make this work because right now I'm here now when I go there I can send this thing called the Ruach by which is the way I can communicate directly with you and comfort you and encourage you and help you he said I say the truth to you it is better for you they go away for I do not go away the helper shall not come to you at all but if I go I shall send it to you and having come it shall reprove the world concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment concerning sin because they do not believe in me concerning righteousness because I go to my father and you see me no more concerning judgment because the rule of this world is judged I still have many words to say to you but you are not able to hear them you're not able to bear them actually says you can't you're not handling what I'm telling you now watch what happens you in verse 13 but when it comes the Spirit of Truth it shall guide you into all the truth for it shall not speak from itself ah now listen now where's the co-equal here if this is a third being it's not going to speak of itself oh no if you want to put him in there fine it's not he's not going to speak from himself but whatever he hears he shall speak and he shall announce to you what is to come he shall esteem me for he shall take of what is mine and announce it to you oh there's a connection to yoshua here it's the it's the means by which he communicates with you we call it the means by which at least that's what I call you can call it whatever you want alright he says he shall esteem me free shall take what is mine and announce it to you so it's a conduit between Yeshua and you all it's going to do is communicate that which is your shoe is to you does that sound like a third co-equal entity to you when all it's going to be doing is being the conduit between look if I get on my cell phone and I call you there is connectivity through wireless signals that sends what I'm saying to you so this is the power means by which I can reach you think of it that way this technology is human technology we're talking about elohim technology so it's on a level that again the amoeba trying to understand the human being okay that's ultra high-tech okay it's way beyond tech all right but notice again that this is saying that this entity is not doing anything of its own it is simply providing a connectivity of communication between yoshua and you he says he's only going to speak what he hears from me and announce to you what is to come he's only tell you what is mine and announce it to you all that the father has his mind and that is why I said to you that he takes from what is mine and announces it to you so this power is the father's power this is why he's connecting the father back induces look this is a father power this is a father level power but the father is going to use that power to allow me to be in you to allow me to communicate with you to allow me to help you because it's the power of Elohim that was over Miriam that created those things they manifested Yeshua into the womb so that the word mate can be made flesh and put on a flesh suit hopefully this is starting to make some sense hopefully this is starting to get some clarity here okay so let me just kind of wrap wrap this whole section up before we'll have to continue with other things next week but I think this is a pretty good place to stop for the whole Trinity thing go through this process read everything in read in your Bible if you have a red letter Bible and try to figure out as you Xu is constantly referring to his father and himself and only refers to two he never refers to three it just never happens oh but in John we just read all that and we understand he's still talking about himself not a third being at our third entity personifying the Ruach doesn't work because now and can we all understand this communication why's that the more communicators that you put in the middle that are independent in their thinking the more the message can get messed up the rock is simply the communication technology of the Father but it's also the Ruach hovered over the face of the earth the face of the deep and all these things happen so look the father wanted something to happen the logos the word spoke it right I'm the spokesman you as the spokesman and then the Rewa made it happen whatever that is okay and we don't know because it's not contained in the three-dimensional world so we just don't and again what I said at the beginning that we are needing to keep in mind that we're trying to understand something to the best of our ability that is simply impossible to fully understand but sometimes what we can understand is what something can't be or isn't we may not know exactly what it is but we might be able to understand what it's not okay and what it's not is the Godhead as we might want to call it does not have three it has two now at some point it's going to have millions because that's our destiny because he's the first of many brethren the chin what do you think it means when it says being changed from incorruptible and I'm from corrupt old incorruptible to be changed into that incorruptible well now we're first John right we don't know exactly what he's like but we know that when we see and we'll be like him okay so when we're changed into that whole other thing the amoeba now we'll be like a human being and understand what a human being is well like the human being has changed into Elohim will understand what Elohim is then we'll figure out this whole thing about the Ruach but we've got people out there praying to this ghost pray to the Father you pray in the sons authority don't pray to the Sun either she doesn't want you praying to him you pray to the Father but you have authority to do so yes she was said in my name in my authority that I've given you you can go directly to the Father and pray but there's a connecting okay just like when you have to sign up for cell service you have a connection through Verizon or 18 to whoever you got guess what when you come into alignment with mushiya and taurah you now have a direct connection that's heightened and amplified between you and the father called the rococo - when you receive that Ruach more fully if we're talking about immersed right remember the beginning of this teaching was from John from when John 'mobile John the Baptist said I immersed in water but the one who's coming is going to immerse you in the ruach ha'qodesh and fire so we're talking about being immersed in something as opposed to just having a little bit okay I can take a glass of water and throw it on you you're not immersed in water I can pour it over your head you're not immersed in water when you go under the water fully in your whole body's under it now you're immersed in the water so when I say that you're going to be immersed in the rococo that's the Holy Spirit that doesn't mean you have none of it it just means like I threw the water on you just don't you're not fully immersed in it Yeshua came to immerse you in the spirit of truth in other words to have your whole intrinsic nature change to that of truth to either walk live behave think and act in truth to be fully immersed in the Ruach the connector between you and the father between you and the son hopefully this is starting to make some sense let's pray a veena Makino our Father our King we come before you and we are hopefully starting to understand a little bit more about that which is of you these things that are of you these things that are on a whole nother realm of level than what we understand here in the physical realm father we need to understand at least enough so we can function correctly as you have desired us to function and to look at the Ruach and understand what its role is and starting next week we're going to get much more into understanding about the Ruach and who has had access to it and how it functions and what it does but in the meantime father at least we're trying to understand that it's just you and your son and that is your desire to expand that family and to invite us into that family and so father this may be a teaching that for some is swimming very challenging lis upstream against so much that's been indoctrinated so much has been already taught so much that was believed in a different way or a different understanding from what you've actually said in your word and people are going to need your help we're going to need that helper that Ruach to bring to understanding and clarity that which is in your word to swim up against that which man has put in there when man has has interpreted incorrectly so father we ask in your mercy in your compassion and in your love that you would help and guide and lead all that have heard your word today into a more correct understanding of your word so that we could actually be in truth if shua said I am truth and we want to embrace your schewe fully which means we want to embrace the truth fully and the truth is the truth no matter what we think it is it's still the truth if I think it's a but it's really B doesn't matter it's still big we let us help us to understand so that our thinking and understanding is in line with the truth the way really is not that we were not that we could be just comforted and reassured that whatever we thought was right but that we could actually be comfort and reassured that we actually are starting to know what really is right so father help us with your help or with your spirit fill us to full overflow us and immerse us so that we can truly come to start to understand what it is that you want us to understand so that like usual we can say that we only do what's pleasing in your sight that we only do things the way you would have them done so father we come to you now just so appreciative and blessed to be able to have your word blessed to have it in front of us where we can read it blessed to have the Ruach helping to clarify it for us and just so thankful that we can even have this relationship so father we come before you now just wanted to make sure that we appreciate you giving you all glory and all honor in the authority given to us by Yeshua our Messiah and together we stand in agreement and say main the main you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 15,239
Rating: 4.8166189 out of 5
Keywords: mtoi, messianic torah observant israel, steve berkson, understanding the ruach, understanding the spirit, holy spirit, holy ghost
Id: TzTywGCoF3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 3sec (3903 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2016
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