Sukkot 2021 Holy Day Service | 9-28-2021

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[Music] all right hank samir [Applause] i thought after a long week you guys might be a little tired but you sound awake and ready to go all right so let's all rise and begin with the sounding of the shofar [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] all right let's go ahead and sing praises to our king okay can the guy the gentleman is working on the lights can we get the full lights on the stage so we can see where the for the music the lights in the back should we start okay wow [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] singing and shouting [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] i don't know [Music] oh [Music] you ascended to heaven and never more [Music] at the end of the age [Music] big [Music] is [Music] the [Music] us [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and [Music] [Music] mercy and justice [Music] mercy and justice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] these are the days of elijah declaring the word of the lord [Music] shiny [Music] is [Music] and these are the days [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we hold our is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] how is and how pleasant it is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come let us praise the lord and sing him a new song come let us sing his praise together with the saints with all the righteous ones [Music] let israel rejoice in her creator let the children of idiots be glad in their king let them praise his name with dancing making music with a tambourine and heart for the lord takes pleasure in his people he will crown the humble with salvation let the saints rejoice in this order sing and dance unto the lord [Music] come let us praise the lord and sing him a new song come let us sing his praise together with the saints with all the righteous ones let israel rejoice in her creator let the children of edith be glad in their king let them praise his name with dancing making music with a tambourine for the lord takes pleasure in his people he will crown the humble with salvation let the saints rejoice in this order sing and dance unto the lord [Music] let them praise his name with dancing making music with the tambourine and heart for the lord's expression in his people he will crown the humble with salvation let the saints rejoice in this order sing and dance unto the lord sing and dance unto the lord sing and dance unto the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] shine [Music] rise and shine [Music] rise and shine for thy light is [Music] shall come unto thy light and kings to the brightness of thy rising lift up thine eyes round about and see they gather themselves all together soul rise and shine for thy life and is for thy light is come arise and shine for thy light is come the glory of the lord is seen upon thee the glory of the lord is you will bow down then they shall call you the city of the lord zion of the holy one is [Music] the glory of the lord is seen upon me the glory of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] so arise and shine for thy life is come arise and shine for thy light is come the glory of the lord is seen upon thee oh arise and shine for my life arise and shine for my [Music] has life the glory of the lord is seen upon me the glory of the lord is seen upon me the glory of the lord is seen upon me [Applause] [Music] hello foreign [Music] how i praise you praise you lord you're the rock of my salvation you i praise from shore to shore in all your creations let it ring from mountain tops let my voice proclaim the tender mercies [Music] [Music] nation the hope of david now we see bringing us salvation brood of jesse lion of judah judge of his fire now he praise you for your joy and love that never fails [Music] ryan how i praise you praise you lord you're the rock of my salvation you i praise from shore to shore in all your creation let it ring from mountain tops let my voice the mercies of my lord yeshua is [Music] [Applause] [Music] round by way [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] for my [Music] upon me [Music] is [Music] my mother [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] i can't make it on my own i stumble when i'm alone [Music] i know everything i've been through [Music] [Music] there's no one like you [Music] [Applause] sure [Music] meow who is like [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] no [Music] there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you any other foreign [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] we will [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever forever [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] there we go all right somebody fell asleep back there okay don't worry they won't bend or break so it's i'll hit them a little bit but they won't bend or break okay father we come before you and father we're just so blessed and so excited to have these appointed times and we're so filled with joy having completed this feast cycle and to experience all of the things that we can experience as we go through the process that starts with pesach and ends here with shamini at sarat so father we want to thank you we want to praise you we sing we dance we make a joyful noise all to express the abundance of love and joy in our hearts towards you so father we thank you when we praise you we also ask now that you would be with us guiding all things so that all things would be to your glory and your honor as we come before you now in the name above all names yeshua our messiah [Music] all right you may be seated come on let's give y'all away a praise come on you can do better than that come on he's worthy ah man i'm maine [Applause] now it's time to uh it's now time in our tradition where we take up the prayer and the praise and the body as well as online we have kurt uh shamash kurt and conscious rob online there taking the prayer requests just we ask you to be have in the room because if not they will surely kick you out and we don't want to kick you out we want you to stay till they end and enjoy what yahweh has for you but uh just be respectful in one room if you're a guest be respectful irregardless in the room there um and we asked that we would keep the prayer and the praise to the most urgent uh or you know oh i thought sean kurt was talking to me um but let's keep it to the most urgent prayer needs and and praises i guess it's not an urgent praise but you know the big stuff all right so we're going to start with nobody wants to share okay there you go chalmers waffle shoot i'll go first first i want to pray for everybody as they return home that they get home safely and we don't have any loss of life or injuries and that and then pray for all of those who chose not to come or couldn't come that they may return next year i'll maine i'll maine thank you for that all right mr mason shabbat shalom hawk smack samaya hey i just want to lift up my wife um please play for her and she got a bit of a sore throat just please pray for her i'll may definitely do that all right mr michael condon coxley i wanted to come up here today and just give praise to the father because it was a year ago today a year ago shamini at sarah when ashley made her praise about um agnes coming getting out of class one of the first days of sukkot last year running up to rabbi and saying i'm accepted here i have friends here and now everybody seems to be her friend she's she's just flourishing so much because of the father and because of the love that uh everybody in this mishwaka has shown her i mean i mean i mean um i also wanted to look up the father today um as you guys know with agnes stuff she has a hard time sleeping a hard time doing almost anything um and 11 last night she had 11 hours of sleep and she did phenomenal for with her performance when she had that seizure she forgotten everything she was taught and so she learned it twice and she excelled oh man and she looks so excited up here singing that was awesome oh man miss nicki nicki nicki i i know i know i must look like somebody you know vicki hawk's man step up on that axe that's a special spot there you go my sister my older sister tina lives in florida and i was texting with her last night and as she was asking me about the group she's like by the way i have coved and pneumonia and she's got shortness of breath and some other symptoms but so far is doing good so if we could lift her up please miss tina we will definitely do that i mean thank you for that mr john hi order billy i have a prayer request from my friend kenny back in pennsylvania uh he had an accident lots of head injuries broke his neck and he needs uh yahweh to poke his bubble more than the physical injuries than the mental injuries he needs to of yahweh pocus bubble it's all up to him and i just pray that i and laura can be good examples to him i'll maine i mean we can certainly pray for that welcome back and i'm kidding that's that's the same way i feel here i had to leave and go back to work during the week but i praise y'all we're back oh man i mean um just have a praise um september 26th is our third year anniversary of being here so i just praise you all that we're still here oh man and the 30th will be 14 years of wooded bliss for me and my wife so that's coming up soon and uh also a happy anniversary to rabbi and rebecca so i mean ah man oh man i mean it was so nice i didn't know that they were going where they went out for a little time together yesterday and i saw them and before they saw me they were smiling and laughing and enjoying one another and that was just so cute to see them happy through all the things that we go through during the feast being firefighters and police officers and judges and uh you know jewelry and all that to see them happy and taking some time out i really enjoyed that um so yes i thank you for saying that reminding us the anniversary ahead yesterday great all right live stream i'm sorry did i yell too loud it's not my fault it's the microphone i didn't do a thing i didn't even say brian okay he didn't come up [Laughter] sleep deprivation sleep deprivation that's that's what that that's what all this that's what it is all right uh grover bevin's prayer for dax he had a fever last night he's still not feeling well from jenny or said our landlord called and he does not need to sell the house we are living in so we don't have to move i'm sorry i know the details of that that's a huge praise that's huge praise amen nancy hose prayers please for greg wilden a friend who starts chemo on monday brenda bowie prayers for my brother's recovery from triple bypass mr and mrs b woke up to our sukkah been trashed and vandalized this morning did a bunch of stuff to it and cut their lights but they said still praised yahweh most high mary wallen still experiencing bad pain from a pinched nerve in the neck and shoulder causing my arm and hand to fall asleep from aerial praise that i danced all shabbat even with the crazy pain today pain paws through the whole set we have quite a few unspoken some some employment work issues and let's see justin denise rodriguez prayer for all those who have gotten ill or sick before and during this feast and that's it caught up ah man amen i also want to just lift up a prayer in praise for the emails we've gotten i did put the message that we were here sukkot but everybody must have not gotten it so and even if they did we still got prayer and praise through email and then through text messages so we're gonna lift those up as well as all the needs in the body amen let's pray abba we just thank you and we praise you for all that you do for us each and every day we ask that you would hear and accept our prayers and that you will be done concerning all of them we pray that our mind and our heart would be open that it would be set on receiving you that you would sit on the throne of our heart right now that we might receive your word through your anointed appointed teacher we ask that you would bless him and give him your strength that he may do what you've called him to do and say what you want him to say we give you all praise and glory in the name of yeshua our messiah amen amen all right rihanna's going to come up and lead us in the mourner's cottage if you're mourning the loss of a loved one we invite you to stand with us if you want to support those that are standing you're welcome to stand as well [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] glorified and sanctified be god's great name throughout the world which he has created according to his will amen may he establish his kingdom in your lifetime and during your days within the life of the entire house of israel speedily and soon and say amen may his great name be blessed forever unto all eternity blessed and praised glorified and exalted extolled and honored adored and lotted be the name of the holy one blessed be he beyond all blessings and hymns praises and consolations that are ever spoken in the world and say amen may there be abundant peace from heaven and life for us and for all israel and say amen he who makes peace in his high heavens may make peace for us and for all israel and again say amen abba we ask you to bless those who mourn with the comfort of your love that they would be able to face each new day with a hope and peace that surpasses all understanding may their memories be joyful and their lives be filled with your love in the name of yeshua our messiah amen all right would everyone stand for the liturgy by brianna [Music] yahweh who was blessed blessed be yahweh who's blessed forever [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] israel [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your heart [Music] there i will be [Music] oh is [Music] is [Music] [Music] yahweh is one blessed be his name his glorious kingdom is forever amen and you shall love yahweh your elohim with all your heart with all your being and with all your might and these words which i am commanding you today shall be in your heart and you shall impress them upon your children and shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up and shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontless between your eyes and you shall write them on the doorpost of your house and on your gates amen and you shall love your neighbor as yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] who is like [Applause] [Music] who is [Music] doing always [Music] mate oh there we go ah man ah mane all right you may be seated okay i'm just waiting for a confirmation i think we're going to do a little something here at least rabbi tom wants to do a little something here we're good okay you got it okay good all right just give us a second we're going to get rebecca and julia up here robert tom's coming up to the microphone thank you all i know is that i'm supposed to get the two of us up here and stand here so that's why i'm waiting i think robertson joanne was hobbling up behind me yes he's right there yes how about that okay uh well first of all uh i would like to we're going to do things a little differently this year i would like all the sham machine and congregational leaders and including gary and shane and their wives to please stand up just for a minute to show our solidarity with rabbi and mtui and then the way uh rabbi says that things should be run and will be run that we're with you and so appreciate that okay so just remain standing first of all i'd like all the congregation to just borrow heads and pray almighty and eternal but father we ask you to bless rabbi steve and robertson julie we ask you to strengthen them and give them resolve and when necessary put a shield about them to shield them from the arrows and and insults and naysayings of those who are not with us and more than not with us those who hate us sometimes give them the resolve to keep on keeping on and father let them know that we thank them and we appreciate them for the leadership they have given us and never let them be discouraged i know sometimes things are discouraging but never let them get discouraged that we we have confidence that they will never give up the walk the faith but give them some complete bitter corn in you and let them know that we have complete bittercoin in them and it's in yeshua's name that we ask you to hear and accept this prayer amen now first of all for roberts and julie we have a plant but then for rabbi and robertson we're beautiful we each have a couple of gift cards gift cards yeah that's what they are thank you i guess i'll come around and you can you can use them any way you want that's for personal use thank you the money did not the the money came from the the leadership in the regime here well thank you to show you that we're behind you and last but not least we love you oh well thank you we love you guys we appreciate it thank you so much [Applause] all right so i i know on behalf of my wife and i we just want to really really extend how much we love and appreciate all of those who are here holding our arms up and our hands up and of the leadership uh beginning with rabbi tom and rebecca and joanne and and all of the shamashim and and elder billy jackson and his wife and just all of you who individually support and encourage us in our work we just want to let you know how much that makes a difference because sometimes i know people can think oh well everybody tells you how great you are no everybody doesn't [Laughter] just understand that's just not the case some of you think that what we're doing is a is a big deal and a good deal but not everybody does and and we get to hear both sides and all kinds of things so it helps a lot and it makes a difference i want to tell you how much we really appreciate the support and the love and the encouragement that and the prayers that you all send in our direction and so again thank you we love you very much okay julie amen oh man all right hamas the tides and the offerings what i'm sorry yeah let's get the hoop up there okay we got i see i got distracted all this stuff okay we're going to set the hoop up and get the children in the back once the clipper gets set up so he can bless the children and dismiss them to their classes and for the camera crew i will be doing the blessing of the children today is it on or do i have to do anything that's good okay all right children if you're at the outer edges move in a little bit let the other children come in lots of room over to the right if you're facing it from the stage here oh that makes it easier all right if you'll all rise and face the children extend your hearts and hands towards the children aveeno malcano our father our king father we come before you and we've set apart these children and we've brought them under the chuppah a symbol of of your covering and father we pray that speedily and soon you would open every one of their eyes and their ears and their hearts to receive from you and that father we asked you to strengthen us and give us wisdom and discernment so that we might walk in such a way as to inspire them in your ways inspire them to see the blessing of the relationship father protect these children bless these children help them to know that they know that they know that you are always there and that you're aware of what they're going through and that they can count on you that you would never leave them or forsake them so father we want to thank you for these children what a blessing they are to us and we ask that you help us to raise them to be strong men and women of israel so father we come before you now asking these blessings in the name above all names yeshua our messiah amen [Music] amen all right children you are dismissed the rest of you may be seated all right we'll take just a minute here the children exit to their classrooms so wow when they leave it feels like half the congregation that's so fantastic to see we have so many children isn't that great the tithe and the offering i'm going to need to slide up on the screen for me all right so we don't take up a formal offering here but we do have offering boxes in the back of the room if you're online you are certainly welcome to make use of the donation buttons we have on our site the purpose of tithing we understand is to teach us to always put yahweh first in our lives and the offerings that we make are an expression of our appreciation for all of the things he does to bless us and that's an expression of that that we do when we do these things and also just a reminder to all of you as we do these these tithes and these offerings okay now sukkot has ended so the obligation for the offering for sukkot has now ended we are now going to the last day of the tithe cycle which would be the end of sukkot and shimini at cerrit and so just a reminder that what excess second tithe you may have when you return home that would be something that you would then want to send in because you're not holding it over or rolling it over to the next year so you start clean as of tomorrow if you make assuming if you even made it i don't know what you know how you get paid or whatever but if you started earning money then tomorrow then that would go into the next year's cycle okay all right blessed are you yahweh your elohim king of the universe who commanded made promises to us concerning the tithe and the offerings may you open up the windows of heaven import a blessing that cannot be contained as we walk in these vote in these commandments ah man amen if you would like to support the work being done here if you see the father's hand doing anything here that you would like to support then you can do this additionally through amazon we are partners with them and we're also part of their smile program and both those programs i'm going to explain here in a second are not to be done today today's a holy day but this is to give you some information for when it's not a holy day not shabbat so if you go to the mtoi website under the support tab it says shop with amazon and if you go there and click on the amazon link and they and it takes you then to amazon they will know that we sent you and they will give us a referral fee based on a small percentage of like one two three percent whatever it is based on what you purchase okay we also are part of the amazon smile program and for that you have to go to their website and register your account with them you only have to do this once the first time registration is very simple they're just going to ask you who you want to support you can type in the four letters mtoi they'll ask you is it in cleveland tennessee you say yes and that's pretty much it okay and then your account is registered with them and then you would do your shopping at that new location which is from then forward if that's the way you and this will then generate a donation to us based on your purchases so one is an affiliate program so it's a referral and one is a a program that's designed for non-profits and ministries and the smile program that is and that's a donation they would make okay and so uh we do appreciate very much all of you that make the extra steps and the extra effort when you do your amazon shopping to go through either one of these two processes okay um if you have a a cell phone that's either an iphone or an android phone and you have the amazon app it does work in the app you can turn on the smile program in the app you just need to go to the amazon the website first to register once you've registered your account then you can open up the the app and then go in the settings inside the app and turn on the smile program okay and so again we appreciate you taking the extra time those of you that do that all right so we do want to welcome our guests we appreci we appreciate you very much some of you this is your first time being at an mtui event and we hope that it was a blessing and that you may be inspired to come and join us for more things in the future if you're online and you're a guest we do want to welcome you if you've if you're just if you have just found us for the first time we'll give you a little bit of an idea of the things we do here in the next minute or two as we go through the announcements some of those things are things you would not know we have available for you and that's why we do the announcements and some of you are thinking oh he does this every time well you know what it's good that you should be hearing and be patient and excited to others who don't know and plus some of you don't pay enough attention you miss the announcements and then you ask questions and we look at you like i've announced that 57 times in the last two months how did you miss that oh because that's when i go to the restroom and that's when i go get a i'm at home and that's when i get a cup of coffee or that's a i see then you ought to go back and listen to the announcements because something important may have been in there in addition to the usual stuff okay and that's important okay but we do want to welcome the guests if you're our guest online we do want you please to behave like a guest be respectful of the fact that this is a holy day service and we are doing this in the way we understand to do it you may love it you may be uh you know neutral about it or you may not like it at all and that's okay any which way that is but we simply ask that if it's not for you and you would like to stay and watch that's great if it's not for you and it really is kind of causing you to want to say something and stir the pot i would ask that rather you just go find a different place to be because that would not be respectful of what we're doing here and i i totally understand that this the structure we use in the formats we use may not be to everybody's you know liking so we just ask you to be respectful about it all right how many do we have on right now about 350 computers logged on right now fantastic okay and and so we're very excited that you had you know those who that are first timers on there because i know a lot of you are long-timers on there and that's great too we love all the long-timers and actually probably most of them how many in the room here are still sitting here because i know the children all left how many of you are usually online see more the majority of the room okay so so for all of you that are online now maybe one of your things to shoot for in the future is to be here on this side of the camera in the future be so fantastic remain remain right right to be clear i meant on this side of the camera not necessarily up at the podium i don't want to scare you why would you want me in the podium no just in the in the congregation all right so here are some of the things that you need to know we do stream our shabbat service every week on youtube just like we're streaming right now and that's at 1 15 a quarter after one eastern time in the afternoon okay we actually start the stream at one and then we go live so in the first 15 minutes there's going to be clips from previous teachings and music from brianna my daughter and and uh slides with some of the announcements of things that are up and coming events and things to remind people and then at 1 15 we sound the shofar and start the service live that service runs till about 5 30. so it's a good four-hour service and just as a way of full disclosure so you come prepared understanding that it does go a good four hours and if you come and visit us locally afterwards we do sit down and eat together okay afterwards we do sit down and eat together and so because after all you just sat for four hours you're probably going to be hungry at that point right so that's every shabbat every saturday on youtube at 1 15. then we also have our torah studies we call them torah tuesdays and of course today is tuesday and we're doing this so starting next tuesday we'll be picking up again with our torah tuesdays and we'll go in in that uh tuesday study we go through the weekly torah portion so that's the first five books from genesis to deuteronomy broken up into a one year cycle so each week we're doing around five or so chapters and we start in bray sheet in genesis and then we end right before sukkot finishing deuteronomy this week that we're going to be coming up to because the tuesdays were holy days so we didn't fall behind by missing the one for this week this week would be bray sheet but because we're here we actually did race sheet the week before just to kind of get a little ahead of the game and so by next tuesday we'll be doing noah okay starting in genesis 6 9. all right the torah study runs somewhere in that two and a half to three hour range okay that's what you can expect from that so we read this by the way so you know if you're new we read the torah portion together okay we have different people come up and read different sections and then we have a discussion of what we just read answer questions and share insights with what we just read okay so we have a program for the children that goes along with this is called parsha pearls and the partial pearls program is a fantastic program put together by my wife robertson julie and the incredible team that she has all right and we were excited that vera is here the artist who does all the beautiful artwork and she got to come and enjoy a feast with us that's beautiful all right fantastic and i must say there was one of those slides during the children's program kind of looked like me no it was it was a great rendition it really i really thought it looked like me i appreciate it very much okay um so the partial apparels program is the same torah portion program that the adults go through but it's for children so we have two different groups that we provide materials for all of this is free if you're brand new and you just found us anything that we offer that's teaching or instructional is free the only things that we sell are the things we had to buy so if you wanted a bible we bought them you can buy one from us that's fine anything that we had to buy then we you know obviously we have to pay for that but anything that we're just producing we're not going to sell you we're going to provide it to you for free because we believe you need these things why would we make you have to pay for them so all the teachings yeah you can clap for that you know we're we may be one of the very few ministries out there that all the teachings are provided free and every platform that you can think of we're on spotify we're on itunes we're on automatic youtube okay facebook wherever we can place the teachings you know you can find them on our website obviously and so please enjoy those and this program is the same idea it's a free program for the children it's got its own website mtoi if you're new stands for messianic torah observant israel and the ymca is the young messianic torah german israelites program okay so we have two groups of children broken up by age we have the gem seekers ages five through eight and the pearl seekers ages nine to about 19. we see scripture kind of the age of majority being 20 as in the book of numbers and so on the slide it says up to 99 plus because i really think that some of you um actually let me rephrase i think all of you could enjoy the uh pearl seekers program the the second level program it's for everybody i mean there's some really good stuff you'll have a lot of fun with the things that are in there now it also says on the slide there katan aleph and katan bed and gadol so we refer to the children the younger ones as katan katan means small in hebrew cadal means big and so the younger ones we refer to as katan alef in bet because that has to do with the alphabet like so you could say like a tan a or katan b so you may hear us do that so the younger ones katan aleph are the gem seekers and the older ones are the pearl seekers with the katan bet and the godol the godola the 13 plus catanbet is 9 to 12. okay all right so what are you going to get with your partial pearls program you're going to get a pdf that you can download that has in it a discussion of the torah portion at the children's level lesson questions hebrew word studies memory verses word searches crossword puzzles mazes crafts notebook pages coloring pages even songs and snacks all connected to the torah portion it's a tremendously enjoyable program the children love it and they're engaging with the word while they're having fun and so it's a fantastic program they're learning and enjoying engaging with the word and that's what we want the children to do we don't want this to be drudgery and boring and they're going to be thinking why do i want to do this i have enough of that every day of the week at school they wanted we wanted to look forward to this okay now we also have audio scripture readings available to you they're on the mtoi website under media under audio scripture readings put together by our own shira wendling who also writes the songs for the children's program that you hear when we do the feasts the feast children's songs okay and so those are written by now that the parsha pearls ones those are not necessarily written by her we get them in different places in different ways and my daughter is the one who sings them but shira writes and creates the songs for the children's programs at the two big feasts and it's fantastic we appreciate it very much all right i think the children are still singing them i can almost hear them no okay so on the mtri website we have all of the scripture from genesis of revelation recorded for you the first five books are recorded by torah portion and you can download them they're free and i hope you enjoy them all right now so we have some input about sukkot this is sukkot is over but i still want to give you some of the exit strategy okay so what's left here to do so this is the last thing we have on the schedule today okay this and then dinner of course and so after services we have dinner and then after sundown we'll start cleaning up the site if you would like to help you can certainly volunteer see one of the shaw machine or see elder billy and let them know you would like to help and they may have something for you to do or it may be something like the audio visual where they may have their own people that they know already know what they're doing with the stuff okay all right um don't come to me because the stuff i do i do myself and i don't have anything for you to do but they might so please just go ahead and see them and they might do that all right okay another heads up about the end of the event we have some items that are still in the lost and found and so they've been lost we'd like you to find them so we don't have to figure out what else to do with them and you can find those lost things at the back table okay so after services please go check out the back table and see if any of your children or yourself has left anything that we found and i mean we have interesting things like shoes and we wonder how somebody doesn't realize they lost one but anyway they they can be found and lost and found all right tomorrow for those you that are here on property they have the exit time of 10 am they want us to be checked out by 10. they're they are giving breakfast to those you that have the meal plan with breakfast so you can go and have breakfast before you leave or you can just leave i mean we can work that out whatever you want to do and um try to leave you know whatever place you stayed in in the condition where they're not going to be like dreading us coming back okay we should be respectful of the fact yes they have people that are going to come in and housekeeping and all that stuff but you know it'd be good if you kind of just knew that our reputation is there okay so let's do that um i think that's going to cover now what we do need is as far as help we will need it tomorrow to get all the stuff quickly into the truck so we need some of the men and the ladies who would like to help to show up and just help take stuff and put it in the truck we will have people there in the truck to pack the truck and load it the way we want but we should have everything staged in here to go into the truck all right so if you want to come over in this direction in the morning we'll be doing that marty do you know what time we're doing that nope not there or billy do you know what time we're doing that tomorrow okay it should be around nine okay so if you want to be here at the building around nine o'clock we should be at that point pretty much ready to start loading the truck okay i can't believe it's the end of sukkot and shimini at sarah that's so sad oh did you have a good time all right so i have a little thing i wrote down here as soon as i can we're going to get up on the website that pesach passover will be friday april 15th and 11th bread will be from the 16th to the 22nd and that will be here at ridgecrest so start thinking about it and planning for it we'll get something on the website here in the next 30 days or so so we'll be here and also shavuot is going to be on a sunday which means that we we should probably be able to do that either as a weekend at our place or maybe we could even do it here okay and so that that could be really great because that way you can take because the whole weekend it's very hard to do like shavuots on a tuesday so i'm just going to come for a tuesday and then what am i going to do but it's easier to get the whole weekend through we can do shabbat here and and shavuot and get a nice long weekend out of it all right so we'll talk to the people here to see if that's even possible and we'll keep you posted on that because it's going to be on sunday june 5th this year okay more calendar stuff so we have our uh our air of shabbat in october is not going to we're not going to have one okay because we're going to be getting back tomorrow and this friday would have been the hour of shabbat because it's the first friday of the month so we're going to go ahead and skip that in october we'll pick it up again in november okay zone meetings all right so we have we have a lot of people in the u.s canada et cetera that follow us that are including people that are coming live and locally in the congregation we also have people in europe in the uk in africa we have other people in you know farther east that are in like the philippines and and china and australia new zealand so we have designated them by time zone that's why we call them zones uh we're not thinking that we're fema or you know something our hunger games we just came up with the good idea that had to do with time zones and so zone one and two and three all get attention from the idea of an international shabbat q a the first week of the month so it's easy to remember we do zone one that's the first saturday and that would be for the local group as well as those in the u.s canada mexico south america central america the islands that are in that area all of them that are basically between pacific and eastern time okay and those are the zone one people so on that shabbat we will stream that live on youtube it'll be part of the time when i normally would do the message and it's an international shabbat q a so this is the time where those people in zone 1 would ask questions they've been kind of accumulating since the last meeting to have a discussion and ask me questions and so it's a it's a really good time of midrash together with me and then zone two is the second saturday of the month and zone two is at 10 a.m and it's on zoom okay zone two and zone two and three are zoom meetings so you get a link to that by emailing us at zoom you if you have the link from previous meetings the same link will work you don't need to email us each each time so zone two are the people like in the uk europe and africa and by the way we had a nice little zone three meeting last night that i got a chance to talk to some of the zone three people and the zone zone two we left some messages for them and we had a little meeting with them the other day so we're trying to do what we can even during big events like this to have some connectivity if i could figure out a way to get all of them to see all of you and interact and that would be great we'd love to see what we can do technology wise with the cameras and the microphones and have a way for you to see them up on the screen it'd be awesome wouldn't you like to do that all right all right so zone two is 10 a.m eastern time on saturday october 9th okay the second saturday of the month and then zone three is the third friday of the month and the reason it's not a saturday is because on saturday here it'd already be sunday there because they are 12 to 16 hours ahead depending on which part of the zone they're in the philippines for example would be more like 12 hours and where australia new zealand might be closer to 16 hours so this includes australia and new zealand and japan and the philippines and malaysia and indonesia and singapore and china and all of the countries and all of the islands that are all in those areas and so that'll be on friday october 15th at 10 p.m eastern time and again that's on zoom okay so then our next new moon rosh koresh for the month of jeshvan is on wednesday october 6th wednesday october 6th for those of you that are local who are on the praise team we will have praised practice at the normal time and then after that we will do the new moon service at 8 pm and that will be streamed on youtube all right and then on october the 10th that's our next leadership meeting so all the leaders already know who they are and where to be i announce it to you guys so that you can pray for it that you can pray about it that you can seek the father's hand in guiding it that you could be encouraging those of us in the leadership to be ready to be useful in the father's hand because all these men coming together in a leadership meeting and these are all mtui leaders they're all connected to this structure called mtui from all around the world from zone one zone two and zone three and we usually have in the upwards of 25 to 30 men in the room who are there to spend a couple of hours discussing what's going on in their areas and how they can iron shop in iron or get counsel from me on how to be more useful in serving their groups then how can we work together as a whole as a body to be effective in the serving of the body so please pray for us at those leader meetings all right i think that's going to cover for the announcements and so we're going to reset for the teaching you guys want a teaching no okay all right then we'll just go right to the closing prayer and no we need to do this because i need this teaching series to finish [Laughter] because i really wanted it to be done here so we're going to try very hard today to finish the shiva israel series this is part five and we'll try to get this done today i'm ready for it you ready all right let me see where we're starting and then i'll get them to start the clock let me get set here all right you can start when you're ready all right so today we are going to hopefully complete this series called shuva israel this is part five return o israel part five now we're going to start off here in joel chapter 2. okay joel chapter 2. we're going to go to verse 12. the book of joel okay that's hosea joel amos in case you want to kind of get a cluster to try to figure out where the book of joel is for some of you that may not go there that often okay joel chapter 2 and verse 12. yet even now declares yahweh turn to me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning and tear your heart and not your garments and turn back to yahweh your elohim for he shows favor and his compassion and patience and of great kindness and he shall relent concerning the evil so we have gone through in the previous four parts the idea that we are he tells us he tells israel before we even were born he tells them we have a relationship called covenant and at some point you're going to break this and after breaking it enough i'm going to scatter you among the nations i'm going to disperse you we call this being in the dispersion and so i'm going to scatter you and he also says and then while you're out there the words that i've spoken are going to come back and convict you and inspire you to repent and to shiva to return we say teshuva meaning to turn around to turn back towards to return so you're going to make to shiva now some of you thinking what and i've said this before well what if we were never part of this well you're grafted in now to the body to the nation that has to do the returning so you do that as well and he's saying that when you're doing this in some of the previous things we read you need to know that you are responsible primarily for you ezekiel 18 ezekiel 33 and some of the other places we talked about he made it very clear that what you do is what matters not what your father did or your mother did or somebody else did if they were wonderful and you're not that you're going to reap what you sow if they were terrible and you're wonderful then you're going to reap with yourself you understand what i'm saying so now he's telling us here in joel he's saying yet even now he's encouraging him declares yahweh even now so why even now because they're in suffering and he says even now turn to me he says a few things here with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning so what is he trying to tell us there he's saying look i want you to be serious about this i mean i want you to genuinely understand the um the breach that you're trying to restore you know when you're in a relationship a husband wife it could be a parent with a child it could be two really good friends and there's a breach in the relationship generally speaking generally the breach has the best chance of being healed when the person who did the created the breach who created the problem comes weeping and with mourning and genuine sadness for causing the breach and so these are great metaphors not you don't have to do this literally it's a great metaphor for the the demonstration of how much you want to fix the problem and own that that part was yours the shuva process the return process is a process that starts by intellectually understanding what needs to be done and then emotionally you get motivated and driven because you recognize you're wrong and he's right and the only way to get that restored is to own it fully and we own it fully and when we own it fully a lot of times it's a very emotional moment you're going to weep you're going to feel bad you're going to to mourn of course when people are truly trying to connect vertically fasting is often connected with that as well so he's saying this he's saying look tear your heart and not your garments though when he says in verse 13. he says i'm not telling you to do the literal thing i want you to fast i want this to be done with all your heart i want you to turn to me with all your heart but i don't want you to tear your garments because a lot of times when people mourn they would tear their garments that was the thing that they did to show their sadness he says don't tear your garments tear your heart he says and turn back to yahweh elohim for he shows favor and is compassionate patient and of great kindness and he shall then relent of the evil concerning the evil now as far as the evil we know that we've read in other places where yahweh says if you obey the commands i will bless you if you don't i will curse you deuteronomy 28 is a very good place to read this other places he talks about and if you don't obey i will curse you seven times and if you still don't obey seven times more and he says that a few times but he also says if the nation not necessarily just the individual but if the nation with shiva which is from hosea 14 right that's where the verse starts us from shiva israel if the nation would return he said i would relent on the evil because he is compassionate and patient and of great kindness so this is something that then individually we also can look to in a certain type if you would get your life right he would start to relent on some of the things he's caused or allowed in your life which were meant to get your attention all that stuff all that evil so to speak that he says concerning the evil all those terrible things that are challenging your life those things that feel like horrible curses they're really meant to do one thing get your attention wake you up get you to focus in the right direction which is up he wants you to focus vertically and so until he gets your attention you're just chugging along and if you're if there's no curses if it all seems like blessing you're thinking everything's okay when things go off the rails and you start suffering one of the first thoughts you have is i wonder if i did something wrong at least you should we have a lot of husbands and wives that i counsel and sometimes i don't know why they don't figure that out if things are starting to go bad you shouldn't only think of what they did wrong maybe you did something too i wonder if i did anything wrong if my wife is upset or my husband is upset whichever side you're on then you shouldn't just think they're stupid that's not the reason to be upset maybe you did something not maybe scripturally wrong but in terms of your agreement with each other and so some of you are thinking but we never even made an agreement we just got married according to the way the system that was already in place was and we didn't actually write out any kind of agreement so you know what i say to all of you make there's no reason not to make one go ahead and sit down with your spouse and actually now if you know each other a lot of years you actually have an advantage because you actually know the kinds of things you'd like to be in the agreement if you made this agreement before you got married and you'd never been married before you probably wouldn't know so much what to put in an agreement what the things are that could be potential issues or conflicts in this case we know what the agreement is yeah we said if you agree to obey everything that comes out of my mouth you obey my voice i will agree to take care of all the other things and so the only one that could go wrong there is you he's going to do his side as a matter of fact he says that when the curses come on you that's proof that what i said is true because he says and if you don't obey and break the covenant these things are going to happen and when they do that proves him right so at some point you have to recognize i've messed up but you also need to recognize he tells you you can fix it it's fixable but you need to come to him by turning your whole heart towards him with fasting and weeping and mourning and what you're going to do is tear your heart and not your garments amen amen good all right let's go to jeremiah 32. jeremiah 32. jeremiah 32 and verse 37. see i am gathering them out of all the lands which i have driven them in my displeasure and in my wrath and in great rage and i shall bring them back to this place and shall let them dwell in safety and they shall be my people and i shall be their elohim and i shall give them one heart and one way to fear me all the days for the good of them and of their children after them and i shall make an everlasting covenant with them that i do not turn back from doing good to them and i shall put my fear in their hearts so that as to not turn aside from me and i shall rejoice over them to do good to them and shall plant them in this land in truth with all my heart and with all my being for thus said yahweh as i have brought all this great evil on this people so i am bringing on them all the good that i am speaking of them speaking to them so he says exactly what i was talking about there at the end he tells them all these things that i said about the evil and the curses you saw it right you saw it it came true you're experiencing it he says i will just as much follow through with what i promised to do the good now when they were first doing good he warned them and said if you do wrong all those curses are going to come upon you now we're all in that section he says and just as diligent and reliable as my word was in that area it's just as reliable in the restoration and the restoration of the relationship provided that we who breached seal the breach we have to fix the breach that's called repentance in the context then of tishu va so to shiva is the idea of you stepped off the path out of covenant you're now turning around and getting back on the path so i want us to make sure we understand this let's let's go back and just break this down just a little bit so verse 37 he starts out he says see i am gathering them out from all the lands etc from where i've driven them so we know what this is talking about he warned moshe to warn the people that when you go over into the land at some point you're going to mess this up and i'm going to do what's said here in verse 37. i'm going to drive them out in my displeasure and my wrath and great rage and he says i'm now at the end of this process going to gather them from where i disperse them beautiful exciting he says and i'm going to bring them back to this place and shall let them dwell in safety and they shall be my people and i shall be their elohim how is this all going to work why is it going to work this way and not now and the next verse tells us he says i shall give them one heart and one way to fear me all the days for the good of them and their children after them it has to do with this idea of i'm going to give them one heart in one way look they ended up in this problem because they had a divided heart and all kinds of variety of ways this is very important and i know it's not going to be popular but there are people out there right now who claim to be torah pursuant and messiah believers who somehow believe that this is a very big tent so to speak and everybody in it is welcome who's whether they call themselves christian or jewish or messianic or whether they keep this or keep that that's not one way in one heart now now you say well i can't see why this went out one way you can clap for that all right i didn't want him to clap by himself okay so the the one way i guess you can understand but what about the one heart we're talking about having one heart to put him first and not have it be your version of what he said or how you would rather what he said be applied they're going to have one way because they're going to have one heart to just do it what's pleasing in his sight you know he says i shall give them i want you to understand scripturally this is not what you were taught in in your christianity walk give them does not mean actually i'm going to hand it to them by fiat i'm just going to give it to them it always means i'm going to cause them to go through the process where they're going to desire this and then they will have it that was the whole point look if he's just going to give it to you why wouldn't he give it to them before they suffered so long or why not shorten it up a whole lot why are we even doing all this that we're doing now why hasn't he come back because he being very patient it says is waiting for whatever he's waiting for down here in terms of the amount of people at certain at whatever level he may be looking for of understanding and getting their heart aligned into that one way this is why i don't mean to be sarcastic but this is why when people are so obsessively wanting to figure out ways to name dates and think he's coming in the year or whatever it is i laugh a little bit because my thought is because i don't look at blood moons i look at the state of the body and my thought is to come back and get what he's supposed to be getting and returning and grabbing back out of the dispersion those who have one heart and one way we don't see that not not a whole lot we see a thousand ways and all kinds of hearts we don't really see that and i think that's he's looking for i use the phrase critical mass like he's some sort of number that when he has that number that's enough for him to go to the next step with the millennium that's the number he wants to be working the next step out with and so he's patient he's going to wait till he has that number of bodies that he knows will work for his next step in the plan which is the millennium this is why this teaching fits perfectly into today because today is as we come out of sukkot into shamini at sarat is like going from the millennium into the kingdom the kingdom meaning the forever after that thousand years the next thing it says is then the kingdom goes on forever does it there's a separation of this period of time for a thousand years and so if you've listened to the millennium and millennium and kingdom teaching then you know there's going to be a lot of things for those in the first resurrection to do during the millennium and so while we're doing those things he already knows how many beings how many people he needs to implement that plan with the number of people that will still be alive and then the others that will be resurrected into flesh to go through the process he knows the the team he needs the number of of staff members if you want to call that the people working for him to serve his body he knows well let's see there'll be about two or three billion people still alive after all of the destruction because it says a third by the sword and a sword by a third by pestilence and disease but there's still a third left right now we've got seven almost eight billion people on the planet so it's over two two and a half billion people will still be alive if it happened now so how many how many beings do you need to serve that many this may be really with the parable there to some he'll give 10 cities and to somehow get five cities you may be given cities to work with but still a several billion people that's still a lot of cities to take care of even if he's giving 10 to a few people and they're probably not going to be overpopulated cities like you know the really big cities of the world like new york or hong kong or something that's you know millions of people to work with because even the great moshe himself was over over uh burdened with the two to three million he had and was told wisely so to find others to help them with the burden so let's understand that these verses are coming about and showing us this picture and it's about him giving us the opportunity to develop the one heart and to choose the one way so that he can then do good to us and to our children after them right it's like it says he says i shall give them one heart one way oh to fear me all the days if you don't fear him properly your heart's wrong what do i mean by that you have an emotional challenge that's hampering your ability to give him the correct and full amount of awe and reverence because your heart's divided if your heart really was all for him then you wouldn't have any of those issues so you have no problem fearing him we don't fear him because we're too friend we're busy fearing other things and giving reverence to other things or being self-sovereign and sitting on our own throne and so we have to really be aware of that if you are not really sure what this fear of yahweh thing is listen to the teaching fear of yahweh and you will understand what it truly means to fear him and the subtitle was if you fear yahweh you'll never be afraid again and so this is what he's talking about here so now you don't have to agree with me because you want to believe he's just going to give it to you well then my challenge to you is then what is he waiting for because clearly if he's giving it to you you don't already need to have accomplished anything because he's going to just give it to you oh i don't worry about these things when when we when we uh get resurrected we're gonna get new hearts and this and that and one okay you're gonna get a different garment so to speak you're gonna go from the corruptible to the incorruptable you're gonna get a new suit the parts of you that are inside of it that's already got to get fixed and wait for then you may be a day late and a dollar short you got to work on this now so just understand this i'm going to give them one heart and one way to fear me all the days for the good of them and their children after them and i shall make an everlasting covenant with them now notice when he said in everlasting covenant all of his covenants are meant to be that he said but this time it will be everlasting because we won't break it because we won't break it now is it that we're not going to break it because he gave us this new heart well then why didn't it give it to us now and then we'll never break it you see how dumb that sounds on the other hand if we have grown and we have become people after his own heart like david if we have become aligned congruently with the heart of messiah with the heart of the father then of course we would not break the covenant it would be everlasting and it would be everlasting by choice not by being forced then we get back into the whole free will argument right well he's just going to give us all these things and what was the whole point of all of this why didn't he just do that and save everybody all the grief doesn't make any sense look at some point we have to be careful we're not acting like or thinking like he's dumb because some of the things we think he's doing or would do are dumb like you wouldn't be dumb enough to do that and we are dumb he's not we are and if you wouldn't do it why would you think he would do it i mean if you're smart enough to figure out that that's dumb i think he figured that out too but he wants you to choose to become him he wants you to want to become him while still being yourself he doesn't want you just to become some sort of stepford believer or something okay and who knows what people's idea of like if he's gonna give you a new hard gift well then would you still be you well you wanted to do all kinds of things that weren't lined up with him so maybe you wouldn't still be you he wants you to be you choosing to be aligned congruently with him he wants you to want that and he gives you opportunities by causing and allowing for you to see life in alignment with him in life when you're not aligned with him and you if you can see that difference clearly enough you might just want to choose life and not choose death as moses lays out in deuteronomy i lay before you life and death and then if you've been walking around in death you may say you know what i need to be walking around in life i need to make a choice and so he's telling them he says look you need to hear me you need to understand i'm going to make an everlasting covenant with them and i do not turn back from doing good to them and i shall put my fear in their hearts so as not to turn aside from me how does he do that by showing you just how wonderfully it works when you turn aside from him and he looks at you like how's that going [Laughter] you liking that so far making your own choices not listening parents do that with their children all the time they tell the child something child doesn't listen it blows up in their face and they look at the child like okay how's that working for you see you probably should do that more with your children instead of yelling at them and scolding them but just look and say them say do you understand that because you decided to not listen this is what happens that work for you uh no okay well maybe you might want to listen and they may realize that they may need to do that of course if you're just slamming them their auto defense of slamming back isn't allowing them to realize anything and so you may realize that doesn't work we did talk about a little of that kind of stuff during the teenager teaching the other day up to the challenge raising teenagers for those who miss the class okay it's on youtube it's free you can go find it all right so so we have to understand the opportunity that he's given us i think i'm going to go somewhere that wasn't in my notes which is going to make it more challenging to finish this in time but that's okay we're going to get there you know in ephesians chapter two i think sometimes we miss the point i know i've read this section to you i don't know hundreds of times he says this is this is the group he's talking to believe it or not in uh jeremiah which is like the idea of a group of people out there doing things they shouldn't be doing same thing in joel saying you need to you know turn your heart towards him and fast and mourn and weep and all that kind of stuff he's saying look you were dead why in trespasses and sins in which you once walked according to the world excuse me the course of the world according to the rule of the authority of the air of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience this is what you were not what you're still supposed to be among whom also we all once lived in the lust of the flesh doing the desires of the flesh and of the mind and where by nature children of wrath is also the rest you see how that's starting to talk about the problem there oh we were doing the desires of the flesh and of the mind and of the heart and we were nature children's of wrath in other words we were just being i want i want i don't like i don't like and i don't care what you say even though you're god and i'm not so what now you didn't think it that way consciously but that's what you did because you wanted what you wanted or you didn't want to do what he said so he didn't want it he said but elohim was rich in compassion because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together with messiah by favor you have been saved and raised us assuming raise this up together and made us sit together in the heavenlies and messiah he says when you make teshuva when you make the choice to leave the old man buried to come up in newness of life to go through the mikvah to choose life and not death at that moment you're choosing to be raised up in the heavenlies not that it physically literally happens you understand what i'm saying follow this though he says he did this in order to show in the coming ages the exceeding riches of his favor and kindness towards us and messiah yeshua now i want you to understand let's go down to verse 11. he says therefore remember that you once were gentiles in the flesh who are called the uncircumcision by that which is called circumstances in other words you were called the uncircumcision meant the gentile by those who were jewish don't get confused by paul's use of the word circumcision he doesn't have anything here to do with circumcision those who were born and circumcised according to the eighth day and those that were choosing to come into covenant and circumcised later not naturally going achieving it genealogically in other words as a jew naturally you were circumcised listen i was born even at a secular jewish house and i was circumcised in the eighth day because that's what the jewish community does and he says that doesn't necessarily mean anything he says so they call you uncircumcised he says but remember that you were once called by all these people but now listen he says verse 12 that at that time you were without messiah you were excluded from citizenship of israel and strangers in other words outsiders from the covenants of promise having no expectation and without elohim and in the world that's where you were but you're only not there by choice and by choice you can go right back you didn't make a choice and now you're good it's all over hey i'm great i made a choice no you've got to keep that choice and keep that decision every day every day every day he says but now in messiah yeshua you who are far off are brought near by the blood of messiah this is this is what he's talking about he's saying those who are israel who he's talking to you need yeshua those who are gentiles you need to appreciate that you didn't have anything and now you have access to all of this and you can join up in the shuva ame all right go back to let's see where i want to go now we were here and we went to 42. good let's go now to isaiah 1. yeshua yahoo isaiah chapter 1. and we'll begin at the verse 16. he says wash yourselves make yourselves clean put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes stop doing evil see maybe you shouldn't be so like bothered by when when you come to council and the first thing i tell you is stop it knock it off stop doing that that's you always saying look you got to stop it learn wait wait wait wait he's just going to give us this stuff what do you mean learn he says learn to do good seek right ruling reprove the oppressor defend the fathers plea plead for the widow learn maybe isaiah didn't get the same message that jeremiah did no this is this backs up my point if you follow scripture holistically meaning the whole thing has to fit together you can't get the message that he's just going to give you everything that message cannot be arrived to by actually reading the book oh yes you can get that in a sunday church all you want but they're not reading the book not holistically they're just cherry-picking parts of verses and verses that they think they can kind of say whatever they wanted to say you know i think that you know most of you who are older maybe you've heard you know the line about how statistics basically can be manipulated to say anything you know there's lies damn lies and statistics is what they say okay i mean you can really make statistics say anything the bible is the same way because if you take some statistics and you pick out just little pieces of it you can make it look like almost anything if you choose to ignore some of the data right if you ignore some of the data you can make it look like anything you want well that's what happens with this book you can really make this book say anything i read i can't tell you where to find it so don't i mean you can look for it you can find it some some guy who was really tired of and i guess he was an anti-missionary so he was tired of all of the stuff about messiah and everything so he used the tanakh to prove that his chicken was messiah because he found verses that basically you could use to prove that his chicken was the messiah he was trying to claim how christianity was twisting some things but you can really make the book say anything if you took a part of a verse or a verse out of context and you've seen this happen you were always i mean you were raised in places that did that so he's saying look you need to wash yourselves make yourselves clean put away the evil stop doing evil and you're all thinking if you've never heard me talk about evil before those who've heard you know the difference but if you've never heard it you're thinking well i'm not doing anything so bad was it really that bad that i work a saturday once a month is it really that bad if i eat something i mean come on what's so bad about all that making a big deal about some my heart's right you know you're doing all that torah stuff that law stuff but my heart's right not according to scripture it's not he wants your heart to be focused on his law and meditate on it day and night so here he says wash yourselves make yourself clean put away evil so what is evil evil is anything that you do that is not what he intended it to be used for for or intended to be done so when you worship him on sunday this is evil he said that out loud because he said i want to be worshipped on shabbat and even worse they claim sunday is shabbat he said i never said that i never said sunday with shabbat i remember watching some big mainstream you know christian guy on televangelist guy and he's doing the ten commandments and i was gonna be really curious to see what he did when he got to commandment four he ripped into them and said you're doing this wrong not on the wrong day they just should be doing it all day he says your guys do it for two hours or an hour and then you go home and you know so he was trying to get them to do shabbat on sunday but that's evil christmas and easter and calling it his evil eating what he says not to eat because it's not food evil doing to him what others did to their gods evil there's things that we do that's not the way he designed it and intended it to be so it's evil we we tend to think of evil as just being the most horrendous awful things like rape and murder any kind of molestation that's evil of course that's evil everybody and the world even thinks that that's evil pretty much but he's defining evil as anything which includes the raping and pillaging and murder and molesting they're they're all things that he'd never designed us to be doing and so they're evil but so is gathering sticks on the sabbath because he says and thus you shall purge the evil out from your midst that's actually what it says in numbers and it also says that when we're talking about deuteronomy 17 that when you go to get counsel and you don't do but arrogantly refuse to take the counsel that you get that this is also evil wow evil's got a much wider definition than you thought matter of fact they had a teaching i'm starting to put together to may have a little comparison between scripturally what is good and what is evil okay i gave you most of it probably in that quick little piece right there all right so he says here learn to do good seek so not only are you to learn but you have to seek it you have to look for it you got to seek it out who are you looking for you're looking for the five-fold guys that paul teaches you about in ephesians 4. look for those teachers and prophets to teach you and instruct you and admonish you in getting this done the teacher will teach you what to do and what not to do and the prophet's going to tell you hey let's get with it or he's going to say stop it not get off so then he says let's get to verse 18 now he says come now and let us reason together though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they are red like crimson they shall be as wool so let's understand when he says come let us reason together it's a one-sided conversation don't think this is like a husband and wife saying come on let's reason together no no he says he's saying to you you need to be reasonable because i'm being very reasonable and i'm the creator i'm allowing you to have an opportunity to fix things i'm being patient compassionate merciful generous he says come let's reason together he says though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they are red like crimson they shall be as well he says now there's a key here in the next verse he says this is if you obey if you submit if you submit and obey you shall eat of the good land if the key is he didn't just say come now let's reason together and then it's all going to be wonderful no let's reason together where you become reasonable because right now you do a lot of things that are unreasonable there's no rhyme or reason as we might say for you to be doing what you're doing except that it's selfish self-focused me me me i i emotion driven he says but if you submit and obey you shall eat of the good land but if you refuse and rebel you shall be devoured by the sword for the mouth of yahweh spoken so when he says come let us reason together says come let's have a conversation so i can explain to you the reality of life like a father coming to a son or a daughter saying let's have a conversation come let's reason together some of you think that reason together means you get a say not in this case you don't get a say this is him saying we need to have a talk if you obey all this great stuff happens if you don't you're in trouble if you rebel if you don't submit you're going to be killed you're going to be devoured by the sword i just wanted to he's saying i just wanted you to make sure you understood this is like when you take your teenager and walk them to the front door and say by the way see that you don't have to be here you're here because i especially they're over 18 right because i am letting you stay here but because i love you i'd like you to stay here i don't necessarily want you out of here i like that i have you i love you i want you in my house but if you can't behave appropriately like if you can't obey and submit in my house there's a door right there and outside that door you will suffer because as a parent you realize at that point they are not ready for that if they were where would they be they'd have been gone already right if they were ready they'd have been gone already or if they were just too foolish i'll be trying to figure out a gentle enough word they just do foolish to know that they weren't ready they may go anyway just because they want to just say because they're trying to be um opposition defiant and just in your face and say i'll show them meanwhile all you're doing is showing them that you're stupid that you're not ready but this is what we do to our creator we think oh i figured this out enough i'm smart now really i would be careful with that i mean here's isaiah talking israel they've been doing this a long time at this point as a nation and he's telling you guys don't know what you're doing and so they've been doing it a lot longer than you guys out there would think well i've been doing this a long time well how long three years well compared to some people that's a long time but i would say that that's not a long time i'm not comparing anything i just don't see how three years when you talk about a lifetime of stuff is a very long time to be doing anything if you've been doing this more time in your life than not doing it now we're getting to a place where that might be a long time 10 15 years plus may be a long time now let me say this if when i'm teaching you you're learning more in a few weeks with me than you learned in a few years someplace else then maybe we don't count all of those years as a long time all right because most of that time if it took you five years to learn what i teach you in one teaching then let's not count that as five years let's count it as one week i'm just trying to get you to do a better math all right just have better math there all right let's go to [Music] isaiah 58. chapter 58 i'll try to read most of the chapter here we'll read it fairly quickly cry aloud do not spare lift up your voice like a ram's horn this is verse one declare to my people their transgression in the house of yacob their sins this is not a mandate for all of you this is for isaiah okay this is for those in the profit role from the ephesians four fivefold guys right cry aloud spare not lift up your voice like a ramsar and declare to the people to his people so he says to my people that their transgression this is not for you to get on facebook and get in everybody's face all right he says their transgression to the house of jacob their sins he says yet they seek me day by day and delight to know my ways as a nation that did righteousness and did not forsake the right ruling of the elohim they ask of me right they ask of me rulings and righteous of righteousness they delight in drawing near to elohim they say why have we fasted and you have not seen why have we afflicted our beings and you took no note look in the day of your fasting you find pleasure and drive on all your laborers look you fast for strife and contention and to strike with a fist of wrongness you do not fast as you do this day to make your voice heard on high so at this point there's a a good guess that they may be talking about yom kippur more than anything else okay but it's talking about a relational thing and an approach because they're doing things like why do you not see look at us we're wonderful we're doing what you told us we're fasting okay great but they're doing other things he says is it a fast that i have chosen a day for a man to afflict his being is it to bow down his head like a bull rush and to spread out sacklef and ashes do you call this a fast and acceptable day to yahweh so they were doing the mechanics of it and you've seen this throughout scripture to a to a very large degree that they can get the mechanics right and still be in trouble because their heart is not right and their reasoning is not right their approach is not right it's not enough just to get the mechanics right he says well is that what i'm really looking for he says is this not the fast that i've chosen to loosen the tight cords of wrongness to undo the bands of the yoke to exempt the oppressed and to break off every yoke is it not to share your bread with the hungry and to bring and that you bring to your house the poor who you cast out when you see the naked and cover him and not hide yourself from his own from your own flesh he says you're not eating and afflicting yourself he's saying basically in a very sarcastic way good for you anybody ever do that with your child whatever the child goes well look what i did you're like yeah good for you but you didn't do what i told you you didn't do what i wanted you didn't do it the way i wanted oh but you want me to be all proud of what you did okay great good for you and that's kind of what you're always saying it's like all right good for you so you fasted he said what about this you're not taking care of the hungry or the poor the thing yeshua says the same thing doesn't he when he talks about exactly clothing the naked feeding the poor james talks about it he said if you would do those things verse 8 then your light would break forth like the morning your healings bring forth speedily your righteousness shall go before you the esteem of yahweh would be a rear guard then when you call yahweh would answer when you cry he would say here i am if you take away the yoke from your midst the pointing of the finger and the speaking of unrighteousness oh so what they were saying in the beginning of the chapter let's kind of just give a quick synopsis is hey yahweh why are you ignoring us look we're doing all this stuff aren't you impressed why are you not looking down at what we're doing and he says yeah but there's more to this than that if mechanics were everything without character development with it without it changing you and transforming you it's a useless action you're just doing an action for no reason he says if you this verse 10 though if you extend your being to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted being then your light shall dawn in the darkness and your darkness be as noon oh you need to go back and listen to darkness and light everybody but mark he's listening to it six times okay so but you need to listen to darkness and light because you need to understand darkness is when you're not in covenant you're not covered by yahweh you're doing your own thing or somebody else's thing that's not his thing you are in darkness but when you're doing his thing his way doing what delights him what's right in his eyes the light shines yeshua is the light the word is the light the torah is light all right he says then yahweh would guide you continually and satisfy your being and drought and strengthen your bones see when you're reading all of these things and you're reading scripture if you didn't read the beginning of the chapter and the end if you only read one or the other you would miss the point because you could start off with you know this whole idea about sharing bread and covering the naked and feeding the poor and all these other things and your light would shine or you would start off with this whole idea about fasting but if you read the thing you see these people are frustrated it says you seek me day by day you delight to know my ways you you're a nation that tries to do the righteousness and you do the mechanics of it but without the character development the mind of yeshua the heart of yeshua flowing out the mechanics have no value the mechanics have no value now christianity would claim the opposite they would say you just developed the character that because the mechanics have no value if you develop the character well you can't really do one without the other you cannot develop the character without the mechanics and you can't develop the mechanics without the character you need both he says if you do these things he would guide you continually and satisfy your being in drought and strengthen your bones and you shall be like a watered garden like a spring of water whose waters do not fail and those from among you shall build the old waste places you shall raise up the foundations of many generations and you would be called this is such a great title i would love to have this title you should love that the repairer of the breach the the restorer of streets to dwell in so he's explaining is that even if you did mechanically the right thing without the other part of it you're still creating and causing there to be a breach you're either causing it or you're allowing it to not get fixed to restore the breach you must be doing both the mechanics and the character development you know what this is called in the new testament worshiping him in spirit and truth looking for those that would seek him to serve him in spirit and truth to worship him in spirit and truth spirit is the fullness of how it was intended the character development and the truth is the mechanics some of you are so focused on the mechanics that you really haven't gotten any of the understanding of what he really intended with it and some of you kind of came from a place where you were kind of getting the intention but you weren't getting the mechanics and so you have to have both you have to have both so he explains that where the problem really comes he uses the sabbath as a metaphor in verse 13. if you turn back your foot from from the sabbath from doing your pleasure in other words if you would just stop wanting to do things your way and focus on your desires and pleasures on his time let's just kind of put it that way he says and call his time call the shabbata delight the set up our day of yahweh esteemed and shall esteem it not doing your own ways not finding your own pleasure nor speaking your own words then you shall delight yourself in yahweh and i shall cause you to write on the heights of the earth and feed you with the inheritance of yaakov your father for the mouth of yahweh has spoken you know i i don't think i've ever put it this way but in verse 13 when it says nor speaking your own words i want to expand that i know i've said it like where you're focusing on your own things like talking about secular things or stuff about things that aren't directly about him it may be also using your words to describe or to define what he said so now you're going to use your words instead of his words and then it gets twisted and perverse and transgressed so he's talking to a people that he's trying to under let them understand oh yeah you do some things i tell you to do but some things you use your words not mine and so i never said it is basically what he's saying and you're saying that i said it so that could be in there as well okay just remember that could be in there as well okay in ezekiel 22 you have to turn there in the towards the in the 20s there's a verse which says the people the priests the leadership have really messed this deal up and part of it is they said thus said yahweh when yahweh he said well i haven't said it that's really dangerous okay that's really something to be worried about okay and that's in 2228 all right and our prophets have coded them with a whitewash seeing a false vision and divining a lie for them saying thus said the master yahweh when yahweh hadn't spoken so it starts in verse 25 okay so you can read from 25 through there so you can get an understanding of what it's talking about and so that may be a little bit of what isaiah is talking about here in isaiah 58 as well but it's like on shabbat i get so many questions where you're trying to figure out a way to get what you want instead of trying to figure out a way to make sure he gets what he wants and that's where your shabbat focus oh don't use people to use this chapter say oh no this is just about yom kippur really you don't think he feels that way about all of his time when it's his time and that his time should be about him and not your pleasure that his time should be about him and not your thoughts and your words in your ways but his i don't think it's a very big stretch to believe this applies to all of his shabbats all of his appointed times yes there is some hint with the fasting in the way it's word in the beginning of the chapter that that part may be specifically talking about yom kippur but i don't see how you can get to the conclusion that what he said in 13 or 14 is not applicable to every shabbat whether it's an annual one or the weekly one it seems to me very straightforward that it should be would you agree all right i mean all right let me see how much time i got we got to run through some things here let's go to jeremiah 25 because we are going to finish today one way the other jeremiah 25 and verses 4 and 5. only two verses this should only take an hour okay moreover yahweh has sent to you all his servants the prophets rising early and sending them but you have not listened nor inclined your ear to hear saying turn back now everyone from his evil way and from the evil of your deeds and dwell on the soil which yahweh has given to you and your fathers forever and ever he says do not go after other mighty ones and serve them to bow down to them do not provoke me with the works of your hand so that i do you so that i do you know evil he says but you didn't listen to me verse seven he says these things all happen in verse 8 because you did not obey my words so how did this all come about he's saying you didn't obey my words well how did they get his words he said i sent you servants and prophets and they rose up early and they got there and spent days all they were out there saying stop to shiva return or shiva turn and return are we listening to the prophets are we receiving them in jeremiah 35 and verse 15. he says the same thing essentially here he says and i sent you all my servants of prophets rising up early and sending them saying turn each one from his evil way and make good your deeds do not go after other mighty ones to serve them and you shall dwell in the land which i've given you and your fathers but you have not inclined your ear nor obeyed me so he's saying when you don't listen to them you're not listening to me so now you have a job to do you got to figure out if there's somebody out there in this role and you got to be careful if you're listening or not would you agree at least in theory right because maybe you don't believe you found one yet that's fine but if you did this would apply because he didn't say he only sent it then he's been doing this all the way through even yochanan the immerser is in that role pre yeshua right well at the same time basically but yeshua hadn't started his minutes yet john's out there hitting it saying repent shiva return own your stuff and fix it i've taught you this over and over you have to own it then you have to fix it and then you have to move on and get going to the next thing let's go to proverbs 28 and verse 13. yeah we've got some speed now proverbs 28 verse 13 he who hides his transgressions does not prof prosper but he who confesses and forsakes them finds compassion there's your mindset if you're going to hide your transgression and some of you hide it from yourself you bury it you excuse it you rational lie to yourself about it some of you think you know you can go a whole day without water food you can't probably go all day without rationalizing something there'd be a test for you see if you can make it through a day without rationalizing something and it's a rational sounding lie that's what it is okay it sounds rational but it's a lie so be careful with that he says but he who confesses and forsakes them finds compassion so what does confess mean it means you're going to say i did this i did this i own it i made this mistake i trespassed and i'm sorry then we go back to the first verses we read which is the idea of we're going to weep and mourn and tear our hearts and not our garments have sadness recognizing that you disappointed the creator of all things and knowing that you can turn that frown into a smile by breaking your heart and making tishuvah and letting him fill it back up you know this goes back to james chapter four which says lament and mourn and weep humble yourself before the almighty and he will lift you up okay just want to make sure i gave you the right quote there i'm pretty sure okay that's james 4 verse 9 okay and actually the section really starts earlier than that like in verse 8 and it goes all the way down to 10. this is very important that we're getting this this is the shoe of a process you have to be able to stop hiding your transgressions i don't mean you have to make them public stop hiding them from yourself and start admitting this is the problem and confess them to him and get yourself right with him this is not a deliverance ministry we need to make some public embarrassing thing that you have to do because that's ridiculous right there but anyway all right and breaks torah by the way because that's causing someone to shame themselves in public and basically you have a lashon hara problem and all those other things and so that's right there to show you that those guys are not doing the right thing but how do we get deliverance i'm telling you it what do you think i've been telling you all the way along you can get delivered out of all the junk by getting yourself right by owning it and fixing it and aligning yourself correctly and getting help from those that are in the positions of the fivefold to help you with it's not rocket science but that's not what i was told in my church i know it wasn't what you were told in your church okay first john chapter one i'm going to read all 10 verses here right what was from the beginning what we've heard what we have seen with our eyes what we've looked upon and our hands have handled concerning the word of life and the life was manifested and we have seen and bear witness and announce to you that everlasting life which was with the father and was manifested to us and we announce to you that what we have seen and heard so that you too might have fellowship with us in other words sharing this with you so that you can have what we have he said and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son yeshua messiah that was very rude of john to leave out the holy ghost i mean after all aren't there three [Laughter] go listen to understanding the ruach and do you know the father and the son because if there's three why does the third one always get left out when the other two are being talked about because it doesn't work that way jochen is not being rude he's being accurate he says we have fellowship with the father and the son the ruach is not something we have fellowship with it's a it's a means by which they talk to and communicate with us they work with us and i always call it the means by which because i don't want to i don't have any i'm a human being it's like an amoeba understanding a human being how do i know what it's way above any pay grade i can understand he says that our fellowship is with the father and the son and we write this to you in order that your joy might be complete oh john now you don't want us to have joy anymore because after all he said i didn't come to you know destroy the torah but to complete it so there must not be any more torah well then there must not be any more joy yeshua says the same exact line by the way so in case you're saying well that's just john saying it now yeshua said i came so your joy may be more complete we'd be complete that means filled to fullness it doesn't mean done away with he says and this is the message which we have heard from him and announced to you that elohim is light and in him and there's no darkness at all and if we say we have fellowship with him we walk in dar and walk in darkness we lie and are not doing the truth because the truth is something you do it's not done for you you do it i mean [Applause] and again the reference back to darkness and light you need to go listen to that teaching it's incredibly important he says but if we walk in light as he is the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of messiah yeshua messiah his son cleanses us from all evil from all sin if we say that we have not sinned we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us but if we confess back to what it said in proverbs if we confess our sins he is trustworthy and righteous to forgive us the sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness see he's saying the same thing here that was said in proverbs and said in other places he says you would just own it and confess it and have the right brokenness of heart because of what you did the regret the sadness the shame and all those things that you should have appropriately at that moment and then allow him to forgive you and then release all that brokenness and shame and guilt and awful stuff and continue now walking in newness making the effort not to do what you did to make you feel that way in the first place some of you do that and you repent you still hold on to the shame and the guilt that is not how he intended it to be so that's evil if you want to put it that way holding on to shame and guilt that you have repented of is evil he doesn't say that anywhere rabbi no but he tells us that when you do something that goes against how he intended it it's evil he intended you to confess and repent and then let go of all of the shame the guilt and the things that are there all right [Applause] and if we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us okay so that's from first job so you see how that ties together saying look i'm telling you about my relationship he says and what i know and i'm sharing with you so you can have the same relationship and that relationship is life and it's light and it's not darkness and it's wonderful but you have to recognize that you are a sinner and that you have to confess that those sins and repent of them so that you can then be cleansed and set free of the we're set free from the slavery to sin and our lives being ruled by guilt and shame and all that other ugly stuff that we have held on to that makes you struggle in your relationship with him now some of you are struggling because you just won't repent i get that but some of you have repented and you still struggle because you you just can't believe that you can let that go you because you can't believe that he's letting go i'm going to say something that sounds a little different i guess considering you know what i just said but he tells you yeshua says it's in the model prayer if you don't forgive others their sin he won't forgive yours that includes you see if you don't forgive yourself maybe that's why you don't feel like he forgives you he's only waiting for you to let go you already repented you already feel terrible about it you're already committed never to do it again you're already living a whole different way but you haven't forgiven yourself because you you don't think he could he's just sitting back waiting for you because he said why should i do what you won't do you have to forgive yourself i mean i mean all right jeremiah 24 7. we are going to finish this on time maybe a little over so 24 7. we got two more verses jeremiah 24 7. two verses and i keep my mouth shut okay and i shall give them a heart to know me that i am yahweh and they shall be my people and i shall be their elohim for they shall turn back to me with all their heart so now he's the reason i brought this verse and it sounds like some of the other ones we've read but this one says i give them a heart i'll cause them to go through experiences to have a heart to know me knowing is a relational thing they'll know me they'll know what i mean when i say it they'll know that i mean what i say they'll know that when i say that they'll have good and blessing they'll believe it and they'll know when i say they'll have cursing and suffering they'll believe it because they'll know i mean what i say and what i say comes to pass i'll give them a heart to know me so through your experiences don't you feel like you're learning and getting to know him and so that's what he's talking about here and then we're going to wrap this up in hosea chapter 3. so we're almost in the same place we started with joel so in the same area hosea chapter 3 right and in verse 5. and afterward okay afterwards well let's go to verse four i guess for many days the children of israel had to remain without a king without a prince and without slaughterings without pillar without shoulder garment or house idols and afterward the children of israel shall return and seek yahweh their elohim and david their sovereign and fear yahweh and his goodness in the latter days in the latter days now when it says david they're sovereign david is the picture for yeshua coming all the jews expect basically a resurrected david or some sort of reincarnated david they see mashiach as being ben david in the form of king david and so that's we have to look forward to it says in the latter days this is going to happen so we are now still you know sometimes you read stuff going man i wish i had been there for that or how did i miss this this hasn't happened yet this is for us or the next generation but this is for us at least potentially now he says we are to seek him and return and then we will have yeshua who is the that's the type and shadow that david was pointing to yeshua as king and we will fear yahweh and his goodness in the latter days amen amen father we come before you and father we as israel today we wish to shiva we wish to return we wish to turn from all of our evil ways the things that are not according to how you would desire them to be how you designed them to be we confess where we fall short we own our mistakes and our trespasses we regret all that we have done we we tear our hearts and not our garments and father we only desire to never do those things again father we desire to please only you so father we want to thank you for your mercy for your compassion for your patience as we journey through this life and we journey towards your kingdom so father we want to thank you we want to praise you as we recommit ourselves to do these things in the name above all names yeshua our messiah amen the maine amen and so i added in ephesians 4 james 4. i got to figure out all the extra things i stuck in there and what else did i add in there ephesians um two okay just want to make sure i put that in my notes all right so this is the after burn this is where we talk we have a discussion we have a little little midrash about the teaching so if you have comments or questions you can line up here i see steve got right up to the front i don't find that surprising at all okay and in the back we've got our shamash team of curt and rob they're going to take care of marking down your comments and questions that can be read then out loud to the group here for response and so we'll begin out here to give you guys online a chance to start typing in some things and so you can comment your question on this teaching today or the other parts and somehow if there's an issue in combination for this idea of shiva israel okay steve okay in the beginning you talked about tearing of the heart rather than our garments and i think maybe if i missed it or something that we should realize when it's calling us to tear our heart it's because we're more emotional driven and the tearing of the heart would resonate deeper in us than when we just do it in our minds absolutely because remember the challenge always ends up being an emotional one challenge you know what if you didn't have the emotional issues you could entertain new thoughts much more readily think about what i just said well here i said think about what i just said struggle to entertain new thoughts because you have too much emotion preventing that all right well said steve and then the other is where you talked about uh the difference between him giving it to us and causing it for us because if he if we if he causes us to desire it then we'll treat it with more or greater value and reverence than if he just hands us something oh absolutely there's no doubt in your experience if you're not like extremely young like just barely teenager into like early 20s you will know for a fact that generally speaking you've seen this people do not value what they get for nothing they do not value it you know i remember years and years and years ago there was a fairly wealthy gentleman that was in a multi-level marketing thing that that i was doing at the time many many years ago and his his his point was actually that they didn't charge enough to get in and people like what they said yes because you get in so easily you do nothing with it because you don't value it very much you know that's why it costs so much to open a mcdonald's because it's going to be giving you so much income and it almost guaranteed to work i mean how many times you ever see one close it happens but not real often so they charge a lot for those franchises he gives us so much for free that i think we really don't value it like we could and so some of you struggle thinking well you know what you don't recognize the price you're paying well i'm losing family over this that's a price but look at what he's giving you i'm losing friends over this i lost a job over this that's a price look at what he's giving you you know it says of yeshua that he didn't consider it that big a deal really i'm just paraphrasing to go through all this suffering because he knew what was coming he knew the end result was where he would be resurrected and sitting at the right hand waiting for his moment to come as king of kings and so you're you're told also in scripture what your destiny is if you endure and are found so doing until the end right in revelation it says all these things that he told them they would get in the seven churches the seven assemblies he says that all of this will be given to those who endure till the end here he who enters to the end will receive all of this so there is a big price but i think sometimes we don't think of it that way because we were well churched and in the church they told you really not much of a price at all yeshua paid the price so that you don't have to that's pretty cheap and then we have even in the church people talk about cheap grace easy grace only because the way they teach grace you really don't have to do a whole lot as a matter of fact you have to do nothing that's the whole point of grace the way they understand it is that you have to do nothing he just gives it to you because he loves you enabling and entitling people is not love and the way the church teaches it it's very enabling and very entitling and so therefore it can't be what he's doing because that's not loving even we understand that as human beings all right who's next okay rocky thank you rabbi you're getting soft in your older age getting soft yeah i'll try next time to be a little tougher [Music] it was all love that tells the truth like you do that was kind that's all there is to it it just is you know your teachings prove that you are a prophet you are a teacher you know no one's teaching like you no one's teaching no one i mean you proved it right now you know if people don't realize that it's because they don't want they don't want the reward they don't want this i mean i want this more than anything else this is the most important thing i ever did you know i never thought when i found the truth i'd really know what it was but i was hoping that yahweh would reveal that when he would show me the way i knew it was just going to be one way no one there just no way that a person would budge when he said it's the way because there can only be one way thank you you know and the truth it's a being yeshua you know i have to walk in that truth it's doing it's not believing not sitting on my doors it's a change [Music] this is absolutely the truth and it is the only thing that gives you what you want there's no other way to get the the there there's no other way to get there this is the way to get there that's a quote amen i mean thank you rocky thank you very much look and i want to say something and i want to say something you know please take it the right way all of you this isn't the rocky first of all i hope that because i'm i'm curious on how people are responding when he says what he says about me and how you feel about that because you maybe you don't see what he sees and i'm okay with that but i want you to respect that that's how he sees it and that's how he feels it but there are some people this is what i wanted to say which is there are some people out there that from time to time when they find my teachings you know his teachings through me you know they'll come up to me or they'll send me a little note and they'll say and by the way we pray and we encourage you you know not to change or soften up or this or that i said you don't understand i do this is what i was called to do i don't do this as like something that i do with my teachings this is the calling to cry aloud and spare not and to expose what needs to be exposed and say things that nobody else is saying not because i want to be saying just because nobody else is saying it because i'm saying it because it needs to be said and they're afraid to say it okay and i proved that unequivocally with beware false prophets okay and so [Applause] that may be some of the evidence you need to answer the questions about where i fit into things with you okay i'm not afraid to say anything and i don't say it just to be sensationalist or this or that or anything else i say it because at the moment i believe it's what somebody needs to hear and not just one but lots of somebodies need to hear now they need to hear somebody say it because they're not hearing anybody else say it right now i wish everybody was saying it but they're not i mean i've sat at a table with other teachers during a q a and watched them push away from the table because they didn't want to answer the tough questions by tough i mean they weren't difficult to answer by tough that meant they had to say something somebody might not like okay and i guess that's why my personality makeup is the way it is because i really don't care if you like it and that's not callous i just want you to accept it and receive it as revelation so that you can do it and get yourself where you need to go whether you like it or not is of no issue to me whatsoever and so you know i mean i remember the first time i went to do wear false prophets you know my wife asked me what i was teaching and i told her what i was teaching and she said you can't do that not because she didn't believe it was true she said you can't stand up there in front of everybody and record this and and say what you said and i was like no i have to they need to hear this what do you mean i can't say it she said well they'll all quit i said then they'll all quit i said i don't mind as long as somebody wants to listen i'll keep teaching but i'm going to teach what he wants me to say i know what i believe he wants me to say anyway and i don't care if there's nobody listening until there's really nobody listening all right and that's why you do hear some really interesting things from the microphones don't have that filter so those of you that out there are worried that oh we hope he doesn't i'm not changing this is not something i do it's just me he called me knowing me and my personality that i would be a willing vessel to say anything he wants me to say all right okay all right janet and we appreciate so much rabbi you being our right vessel because this teaching i don't know of anybody else but that was so awesome convicting i mean it was really really good so i appreciate your teaching today um the concept of evil even even though i have heard you teaching us so many times what evil means finally this stubborn head i think i'm starting to get it so i went directly into the fruits of the spirit and i thought okay well if i am not i'm supposed to be designed to you to bring the fruits of the spirit in my life so if i'm not being patient or loving or joyful or kind or good or trustworthy or gentle or have self-control i'm i'm not i'm not making the mark i'm not really getting getting it and if i'm not being rep if i'm not having that repentant heart and coming to him every time i mess up i'm falling really short so i appreciate the issue of message that you've been giving us i definitely need to go back home and every day try to really dig it until i really get it but i do have a couple of questions about isaiah when you were reading oh while you're looking that up let me let me just touch on something i know this may be just because you're used to saying it a certain way but i want to encourage all of you the fruit of the spirit not the fruits of the spirit and there's a reason for that it's not like there's nine different fruit on the tree there's one called love another one called joy you know no the tree bears a fruit and that fruit has nine things in it okay it has love joy so if you have some of those things you have an incomplete fruit you've just taken a piece of the fruit but the fruit of the spirit is all nine of those things okay it's just a different way of understanding so i know sometimes people have been taught a certain way they use the plural for it the fruits of the spirit now the spirit has a fruit and that fruit has love joy peace patience etc nine things are aspects of that fruit okay just like you might eat a fruit and you realize it's got vitamin c in it it's got vitamin d and it's got all so it has all these things in that fruit but it's one fruit with all of these things in it okay good janet what's your question then isaiah thank you rabbi yes so i said 58 um that was really convicting when you said is it not to share your bread with the hungry that you bring to your house to the poor who are cast out when you see the naked and cover them and talks about all that right and then obviously when we went i went directly to matthew and mutual mate yahoo when he says for i was hungry and you gave me food i was thirsty you gave me a drink i was a stranger you took me in i was naked and you clothed me i was sick and you visited me i was in prison and you you came to me right and then when i reached that's matthew 25 for everybody yes and then i went to matthew 19 uh when he talked when you know the the rich man approaches jeshua you know and he said what shall i you know why do you please what should i do you know what um what no one is good except one and yeshua says uh starts to talk about the commandments and the torah and said you shall not murder you shall not commit adultery you shall not bear false witness all that and then the young man said to him all this i have watched over from my youth what do i still lack and yeshua said to him if you wish to be perfect go sell what you have and give to the poor and you shall have treasure in heaven come follow me and so i was trying to bring it to what elder billy was teaching us you know these three classes financial classes that we received and one of the things that he said was you know if you eliminate all your debt imagine how much you can do for the kingdom how much you can give and so i just wanted you to maybe elaborate a little bit on how do we do this we do the third type but what else what am i missing you know anything that i like your your teaching about this if you can expand on on that one sure i'm trying to say it okay and and and so when we're when we're looking at these things and i like the way you brought that together because part of what was talked about in some of the other chapters was the idea of taking care of different things what was the problem going on with the rich you know the young the young man who was rich he said look if you wish to have integrity in other words if you wish to have the mechanics because he said he already had the mechanics he said but you're missing the other aspect of it so go and sell the thing that you're obsessed with and you're distracted by give it to the poor in other words release it so that you can then have a head and a heart that's able to focus correctly because your head and heart are already occupied oh yeah you find time for the mechanics of it because oh yeah i've watched over the mechanical things i don't murder i don't commit adultery i don't steal i don't you know he says so what what am i lacking he said all you're doing is the mechanics you only got half the picture he says go and sell the things that are distracting you and then come follow me you'll learn the rest come follow me and learn the rest because remember it's not just to go sell to the and give your things to the poor don't miss the point it says then come and follow me so it's the beginning of a journey it's not the successful completion of a journey he didn't say this will fix it just go sell your stuff no it's the beginning go sell your stuff in other words unburden the thing that's distracting you whatever that might be might not be riches for most of us you know some people think i wish that was my problem okay and so you know what did tevye say if if rich is to be rich as a curse please strike me with it that's right okay so look in your life to see what you need to unburden that's distracting you so that you you know you may have the mechanics pretty much lined up but you may still be distracted by other things and you may need to go fix those things okay rabbi tom thank you rabbi what rocky said uh and inspired a few thoughts in me now some people i i hope not too many but a few may think that he's just spewing out pseudoflattery and i don't think so i think he's pouring out the thoughts and the feelings of his heart and i'll tell you why if i may sure joanne and i have been to our pursuant you might say since the 1970s i think 72 for me 74 75 for her and we've been to some sukkots they were pretty good and some were okay and and we've been to some sukkots where we just couldn't wait to get out of there you know i hope this is over i want to go back home and joanna and i met in an organization that uh were the leader may he rest in peace was was very narcissistic and domineering and he was just a tyrant you know and about 10 years ago someone called me up and i talked to him and another guy i knew and they said you know you've got to come to tennessee that's why he said well you got to hear this guy named steve berksen that's well i heard of him i i didn't really hear anything good but i heard about him and no it's just true that's true i also know who you heard about me from so i i understand that it turns out we had some similar circles of over over 10 years ago so so one guy called me about four times and insisted that i come to tennessee so joanne and i went to tennessee and that was the first feast that we were at we hoped it wasn't going to end and we were already making plans at that feast to come back next pesach and then somewhere in between that we says yeah we're going to go back for pesach but i think we should really sell our property and move down close to the organization we sold 22 acres of land it was all paid for and so i just want to say that we wouldn't have done any of that at all if we didn't think i'm going to repeat what rocky said that you are a true anointed and appointed prophet of almighty abba yahweh and and of course you you you know my personal hang up about people who say hey steve [Laughter] i mean they could at least say you know nasi or or mr berksen or whatever but but i just i get i get a little riled about that and and that's why because you know because you think it's disrespectful and i understand here's what you think it's disrespectful oh it is disrespectful i don't think it i know it there you go um [Laughter] [Applause] i probably could have said something and should have said something you know what you need to know if you've not been watching enough broadcast where rocky has made comments and also you wouldn't know some of these things because it's been in our private conversations but you know when he first started coming he really wanted to figure out he wanted to figure me out he really did and he said i'm really trying to figure you out and i think what you're hearing is that he's figured me out as far as to his satisfaction so when he's talking he's parting part of it is his sharing he's saying look i've been coming for all this time and i keep saying i don't know why i keep coming there's something about this guy i'm trying to figure it out and he said that from the mic you've heard him some of you and i think now you're hearing that he has come to a decision a conclusion and he wants to share that with you is that correct rocky yeah all right what was that you can't fake real there you go but see but you may not know what to do with real and so he was here for a while and he kept sitting down with me and counseling going i don't know can i really trust this is this real i don't know what's going on i can't why do i keep being drawn here and listening to you and what's but he really wanted to figure out that answer and so now you're hearing him a little differently because i believe it's evidence that he's made a decision that he's gotten an answer and so i think that we can all respect that okay all right taylor okay be patient because my notes are all over the place so i'm always patient with it um i had a question first i'm gonna give a comment if that's okay um in isaiah 58 11 um i'm gonna read again then yahweh would guide you continually and satisfy your being in drought and strengthen your bones and you shall be like a water garden like a spring of water whose water does not fail and hearing that verse and even you saying it reminds me of the psalms and in david when he's speaking and using that kind of poetry maybe it's the blue in me that's like oh my gosh i just love that it gives me faith and hope and belief when i don't have it so my question i have two um i forgot what versus was but the one about if we confess our sins he's trustworthy and righteous to cleanse us from all unrighteousness first john yeah first john yeah um with that one um how i was just confirming you said that we didn't have to like if i have a problem or an issue i don't have to publicly say that to anyone no okay and then for myself what like what is it could you explain to me better what it means like to like how you said like keeping it down or ignoring it how you said that people like dismissed their sins or like what is that well we we either have an avoidance because of pride or we have an avoidance because of the fear of what the result might be those are really the two main things because either out of pride we just don't want to see ourselves that way we don't want anybody else to see ourselves we don't want to admit anything that we you know we're never wrong there's some can be pride issues but also the other side is if i admit to myself and others then there's guilt there's shame there's repercussions and i don't want that there's a fear of that and so you know this is why primarily you need to do it with him you have to confess to him because he's the one you trespassed against now you may have also trespassed against a person you know when when david was called out for his sin he said to yahweh i've sinned against you and you alone now he trespasses against somebody else yeah somebody killed took his wife to the whole thing but the sin was against yahweh and that's going to get into where we go back and eventually have this teaching i'm planning to do on defining sin so we can push aside or try to ignore or gloss over or rationalize the different things we do and it's just going to keep us in this place of disconnection because to be connected you have to deal with your stuff okay okay and then could you go to jeremiah or if you are because i know like you're good with the verses and stuff in jeremiah 32 42 um i wrote it down but i don't know where it is so okay i have it okay um could you read it again so i can remember oh yeah for thus said yahweh as i've brought all this great evil on this people so i am bringing on them all the good that i'm speaking to them okay that um you said in the teaching that we can use that as like an excuse for seeing the evil and curses upon us that he is also going to bring good upon us without an excuse it's proof proof if he says a a could be a blessing or he could say a and a could be a curse as long as he said it and it happens it's evidence to validate him especially when he says it before it happens he says this is going to happen and it's a good thing and then it happens you go well look at that then he says this is a bad thing and it's going to happen and then it happens you go look it happened he says if i say it and it happens why don't you trust me and he says look you are now in reality you know the bad things that i said were going to happen you're in the middle of them he says but know this also the good things will happen if you do what i say in terms of how to fix it okay okay um and then i have one more comment um you said um even though it wasn't really a part of the teaching um well it is through the questions you said that things that are given to us for free we don't value right well we we are we tend not to value them like we would something that has a high price to it okay so with my issue and what i talked to you about in counseling i wish you had said that to me while we were in there because my mind sort of i was feeling really like anxious during service and then right when you said that i had like complete peace and i was like whoa okay it just reminds me that like because i i was having like trouble like knowing that i had to work towards the what i needed to work towards my issue and then you saying that it's like okay that makes total sense and then you also said um in between the teaching i forgot what it was a part of you said that we're not supposed to you say it all the time that we're not supposed to put ourselves on the throne and that we're supposed to keep yahweh there that even though that was a part of something else it was really like it gave me peace during the service like i just wanted to like give a praise for that because i was just like absolutely so thank you for saying that oh you're very welcome all right fantastic [Applause] i'm gonna try to say this without crying okay melinda um but you gotta bring the mic up there you go um we've been in this walk since 2010 and seven years ago we were introduced to you on youtube and um we've been searching [Music] and it was because of false prophets that we're here today i mean it was our second teaching but the first one we were kind of wondering if this is the way we were to go but false prophets was and also when we spoke early on over the phone you were patient you were kind you answered every question truthfully and anytime we needed advice you were there may live in missouri but you were there and also i think i can speak on behalf of everyone that has a disability here that you even go out of your way with that and you help accommodate thank you oh you're very welcome i i just want to and chris i'm going to ask you to wait i'm going to go to the live stream then i'll come back to you um i just want to say something i think is important because some of you may be sitting there that have friends who don't necessarily have the same opinion about me as some of the other ones you heard i want to promise you that and you can ask people like elder billy and shane and grayson and others that are i'm training that are listening and sitting on some of the counselings i do not one million percent promise you i do not treat anybody differently so if you've heard oh he's mean he's harsh he's this and now all these people come up and keep telling you how kind and patient i was you're gonna have to ask yourself who's something's going on that's not yelling because i promise you i don't treat anybody differently and you can ask them i have no issue and i have no fear that you will get a different answer from them okay i treat everybody the same so i'm just saying that because some of you may have heard from some of the now you may want to wonder why did they perceive this well could it be coming out of a root of bitterness out of anger out of some frustration or disappointment or just not liking what i said okay because i can promise you i've had some really interesting conversations i had a lady on facebook saying that i yelled at her and i had people in the room during that phone call and i never got louder than this this is as loud as i talked on the phone call but she didn't like what i said and so she said that i was yelling at her on the phone so you can't just always go by what you hear now out of a multitude of witnesses you may get something and there's been several witnesses that i'm very appreciative say that i can be kind and patient and i really appreciate that but i just so you can see when you hear other things consider that there's two sides to this and you first thought maybe well maybe he treated them differently i promise you that didn't happen okay just like i don't teach differently every time i come up you get pretty much the same you know type of intensity and and unrelenting um you know integrity to what it says and to just not be afraid to teach you get the same thing with your counsel i'm going to treat everybody the same okay now i may get some give you some strength and i may kind of tell you you're wrong about some things and you may not like that but then you may walk out and say he was yelling at me when i didn't okay says i understand that that can happen all right live stream okay from anna eudon joel 2 12. i've never been good at fasting what should fasting look like in the context of this verse shall we always fast this way no look fasting in this verse and in other places it's it's the idea of trying to put yourself in a place where you hunger so that you are vertically minded it's just a way to get your flesh to be aware that you have a need that you've chosen not to fulfill for a reason all right because we are so easily distracted and then we go and satisfy them because your stomach you know when your stomach rumbles it's distracting so what do you do you give it food but what if every time your stomach rumbled it reminded you oh i need to be focusing vertically i had something i wanted to focus on which is why i'm hungry i wanted to have him be aware how important this particular issue is to me and i'm seeking an answer in this issue or some sort of you know compassion or intervention or whatever it is deliverance out of something so i'm fasting so i don't get distracted from why i'm what i'm trying to accomplish because i want to stay focused on me and him and figuring out what's going on in my life in this area so i can get it right this is why we fast fasting does not obligate him in any way some people say oh you have to fast about this fasting doesn't accomplish anything just fasting except once a year when it's obedience okay but otherwise it doesn't accomplish anything just the fact that you're not eating food it's the point of it though the point of it is to get you more vertically aware for a period of time okay does that hopefully that makes sense next question anna euden isaiah 58 7 through 9. can this also mean pointing the finger as in neglecting responsibility for your actions and doing mechanics but speaking evil against people which verses 58 what seven through nine i mean look in seven through nine he's simply saying what i said during the teaching i'll reiterate it look there are people out there with needs there's other things that are going on and you think everything's wonderful because you did some mechanical things that you had to do i didn't steal i didn't commit adultery i didn't bear false witness i didn't murder all right great here's a smiley face sticker okay but what about people that you neglected who needed attention needed help needed mercy needed compassion the weightier matters now you're not supposed to neglect the mechanics of it but this is a pointing the finger literally at the people i said your mechanics aren't the problem your problem is that you're neglecting the weightier matters because this is a group i i was going to say there's a group activity but no it's a group focused end result that we're going for in other words we're trying to do the things individually so that it will become a community a group thing and so if you're not aware of others in the group and are not aware of them in a loving compassionate merciful caring way and the fact that you kept sabbath perfectly and you didn't break any sabbath law and you did all your holy days and you didn't eat anything unclean really doesn't amount to anything in itself because if you haven't learned how to love each other and that's why the two great commands teaching or love and torah brought to part 53 now i mean there's a reason why we have 50-something parts of this because we have to learn not just the mechanics which is the torah but the torah connected to all the other things to how we love each other how we love him and how we love each other okay next question anna you didn't if we have repented of a specifics do we have anybody else online i'm not picking on anna hey if she moves here steve and janet you guys are in trouble just you know very much so [Laughter] anna i'm not picking on you go ahead anna yeah she she popped him off she was in there quick so if we have repented of a specific situation uh slash sin when it pops back into our mind and convicts us could that mean we haven't forgiven ourselves okay if the guilt pops back in your mind if any of the negative emotions about you towards yourself or what you did then no you haven't really fully forgiven because remember forgiveness is here's your definition okay the release of all negative thoughts and emotions okay about what happened it's not the release of your knowledge and awareness that something happened because you may have learned something from the experience but you're letting go of all the negative emotional things and the thoughts connected to it you know you did something and then you started thinking why would anybody love me look what a loser i am look at how look at how selfish i am those are negative thoughts and negative emotions connected to you because you feel awful and you get depressed and you feel unworthy and you feel ashamed forgiveness is releasing all that or somebody did something to you now you may never want to be with them ever again which is fine because it may not be safe but at least you can let go of i hate you i can't believe you did that to me i'll never you know i'll never be the same person again so i'm it's that anger that bitterness you have to let that go because otherwise it will eat you alive and it'll destroy you okay so if a thought comes back into your head the thought of the sin and the thought to do it again that's a different problem if you repented of the thing and you're not interested in ever doing it again but you keep the negative beating yourself up thinking about that i'm not worthy i'm uh you know i'm a loser i'm i'm evil i'm a disappointment how could anybody love me that stuff if it keeps coming up means you haven't fully forgiven yourself okay next question these are good questions thank you anna for putting them out there from back to our roots what do you say to someone who had a what do you say to someone who had to raise themselves and doesn't always know the right thing and struggles with owning the correct things to own sometimes i can't tell what's mine or not mine all right two things real simple one is counsel you should be getting counsel and if you know certain areas of your life that you're really struggling with you should be getting counsel with people that are professionals in those specific areas number two whether it comes from counsel or anywhere else revelation is the problem he will reveal some of these things to you here and there little by little your problem is then to accept or not when he reveals it to you so yes if you raised yourself and you really don't always know what's up and down and right and wrong and that kind of thing you may need to get counsel and say this is something i was thinking of doing is that appropriate to do i don't even know if it's appropriate to do so i should ask somebody and get some counsel or maybe he might show you you've been doing something for a while and all of a sudden it's revealed to you maybe through someone who's like me like counseling you or however it gets revealed you're reading a verse and you realize i need to stop doing that and then you have to decide to accept that or not and even then you may want to get counsel to make sure you're understanding it correctly and not misinterpreting and deciding to change a bunch of your life for something that you're not reading correctly okay next question justin denise rodriguez yahoo chapter 32 verse 42 i know abba brings curses and blessings but how does he bring evil when he has nothing to do with evil okay when when yahweh says you're doing evil we're going to reverse this a little bit so it doesn't always mean the same thing it always means the same thing when he's talking about it as far as what we're doing it it always means the same thing when he's talking about putting it on us all right so when he's looking at you doing it anything you do that's taking it whatever he wanted to be used the way it's supposed to be used or done the way supposed to be done and not the way it intended that's evil we already said that during the teaching however when he does what he's calling evil to you he's saying i'm going to bring undesirable things on you and you're going to feel like it's evil okay it just it's a different definition when he's bringing it because he can't bring anything under that he isn't doing it the way he intended because he's doing it because he intended it but you will feel it's evil these are undesirable things we don't want to have a drought we don't want to be kicked out of our land we don't want to be taken by the sword hopefully that answers the question that makes sense to everybody did you receive that okay it's just like blessing when we bless him it's not the same thing as when he blesses us we're not giving him anything when we bless him that he needs and he gives we you know he blesses us by giving him giving us things we need so it's a different understanding depending on which direction it's going but it's always that way in that direction everything we do that's not the way he designed it to be done is evil everything he does to us or allows to happen to us that we don't desire he calls that evil we he knows that we will see it as evil because basically that's really the same definition of him when you do something he doesn't desire he's calling it evil because when you use anything or do anything that is not the way he intended it that's not what he desired so i guess in that way the definition could really be the same okay when you do something he doesn't desire he calls it evil and when he does something you don't desire you think it's evil all right next question and then we'll go back to chris over here one more for your live stream okay from jersey girl what does it mean to produce fruit versus having the fruit of the spirit many unbelievers can also display love joy peace etc in the world okay so this is something i've answered in other questions so i'm going to kind of refresh it here everybody is capable of all the things in the fruit of the spirit i mean you can have love you have joy peace patience you know goodness kindness etc no problem when it's the fruit of the spirit level of those things is when we take it to the extreme in other words when james is saying have joy and a trial when yeshua is saying love and enemy when you have to have patience when all chaos is breaking out around you that takes a different level everybody can have these things under wonderful conditions ideal conditions so the person who asked the question is correct everybody's capable of all of those aspects of the fruit in under the right conditions under the wrong conditions it goes out the window i absolutely need all aspects not all aspects one particular aspect of the fruit if i'm having a problem on my computer that tests whether or not i can have patience and i i've been told by some people who've watched me elder billy can tell you there are times she's like rabbi you have more patience than i can even imagine but then in the wrong adverse situations i have none that's where i need yes passwords thank you for mentioning that i don't i forgive you all right that's really funny earlier today because we wanted to play some movies for the children some bible movies so they could watch something maybe during the the little ones well during the teaching time here and we hadn't planned this ahead well enough so we were going to try to pull it up on either netflix or something on my on a computer so that we could then just watch it right and so my wife asked me to log into my account she goes well did you see what you can you log into your account i started laughing i said well i don't know we'll see and guess what didn't work and what i reset only to find out that what she wanted wasn't on netflix so it didn't really help anyway and that's happening while you guys are in here doing your liturgy and stuff and i'm trying to make that work but i did have peace i didn't lose my my my patience with that but see that's something where i need to reach out for the ruach to have patience when i normally would not okay so that hopefully answers the question there okay chris first i had a question or to check um what you're talking about forgiving yourself when i my strategy often is i like when i got my concussion i could have easily been saying oh there were so many reasons why i should have worn my helmet and of course i should have but i went back to well with what i knew at the time with all my thoughts emotions all that at the time leading up to it is what caused that it was like with what i knew and so that that is a way is that kind of an acceptable way to forgive yourself i would say that would apply in those types of situations okay you have two types of situations one is you recognize that you didn't know better with the information you had at the time you did what you did not knowing it would go sideways okay there are other situations when you look back at it and go i see where i was stupid or because of pride or the stubborn or this or that i did something or didn't do something and it blew up in my face so it can go either way now it's easier if you realize and allow for the fact that you go back and say look all of you that are in this walk now and you're old enough that you made a lot of foolish decisions before you came into this walk you have to allow that you made those decisions based on who you were and what you understood at the time and so you have to forgive yourself for that now of course you should also be looking back and seeing when you made decisions and even when you were in the world there were things that you did and then it blew up in your face you said okay that was dumb i need to do something different next time because i don't want this to happen again but you can't beat yourself up for you just recognize i learned a lesson and having learned a lesson i'm going to now take that lesson and go forward and do better but i'm not going to keep beating myself for being foolish i was prideful i was stubborn i was just you know i was um defiant i was lusting i mean all these things that are negative you know generating emotions that caused you to make a bad decision and then you can then own that and work on fixing the problem and then once you do that you no longer have to own any guilt about it and beat yourself up about it because you now have made a decision to fix the problem and both cases you're fixing the problem one is having new information you didn't have before and you now say oh now that i have this new information i would never make that same mistake again or you say now that i recognize why i made that bad mistake because i was in a wrong head in a wrong emotion or i had you know chosen for whatever reason just to go do this in spite of the fact that i knew it was going to be a bad idea maybe maybe you were self-destructed at the time some of us have had those moments and then you say but i'm going to make better decisions now because i'm not going to allow that to happen again then i can again release all that stuff does that answer it okay thank you for that distinction um in jeremiah 32 verses 41 and 42 i think taylor already brought up 42 but and i shall rejoice over them to do good to them and shall plant them in this land and truth with all my heart with all my being for thus says yahweh and i as i have brought all this great evil in this people so i am bringing on them no way sorry somebody who should know better's phone rang [Laughter] we forgive you i i forgive you okay um yeah um and shall plant okay i don't know where i am anymore ah so we just got it to 42. so i am bringing on them all the good that i am speaking to them so i was i thought of um in where this is the new scriptures i just got yesterday how does it work um [Music] okay in deuteronomy 28 it says in the next page uh and it shall be that yahweh rejoiced over you to do good and increase you so yahweh does rejoice over to you uh you to destroy you and let you waste that's verse 63 63 yes i should have said uh so it was like the exact opposite and i thought it was just great that we have these scripture readings over the course of sukkot that we go over these sexually important verses because uh it unlocks other parts of scripture it's the same the same thing so i really enjoyed i really appreciate that how you have scheduled sukkot to have these the scripture readings as big blocks of time i mean i mean i know for some of you that may have been the first time that you spent that amount of time for those many days just reading and discussing the word and i hope it was an immense blessing immense blessing and and there are some groups out there that when they get together for sukkot it's all about the families and and fun and seller and they don't want to get into the word i would venture to say we had at least as much if not more fun than anybody doing anything else doing that right i mean all right hello hello sorry i got to get used to echoing um so what one of my favorite teachings is search for the doctrine of grace so i grew up obviously with like a christian background i guess what most people hear greasy grace right is kind of like a saying for it so actually right before we left for sukkot um i kind of did like a little word study of my own i know you did all the footwork on it in the teaching loved it so but it was just something i had to kind of like pick up and do myself because i really wanted to dig into the hebrew words and kind of a word nerd right um and so it really kind of hit me with joel 2 12 and 13 it says yet even now declares yahweh turn to me with all your heart and with fasting with weeping in with mourning and tear and tear your heart and not your garments and turn back to yahweh your elohim for he shows favor in his compassionate patient and of great loving commitment and he shall relent concerning the evil and so the word favor i actually looked it up and it's and it comes from that same word base of hen and um really that's from hanan which um and this really hit me in this word study that i kind of did and uh i'm sure you probably point this out but this is really how it set in was that uh this this definition for hanan is to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior to favor bestow causatively to implore right so that's just a portion of that definition that really just kind of hits in that it means that you know whoever is the superior would stoop to bestow favor on an inferior right just to be clear on that and then looking up in these words where they mentioned like law first mentioned that they have to do with how noah in the beginning in genesis found favor in the eyes of yah right and that he walked righteously as a perfect man and that he also with avraham the the the next mission of him where that word comes from right so it has the context of it always has to do with servants being a servant like how avraham came and bowed down as a servant to him and so that really kind of hits me to to kind of reiterate and just drive that home that it's not unmerited favor i mean i bought the books i read joseph prince i was there you know and it just it's one thing to just kind of like really drive it home that it is a servant's heart it's the heart that really brings it in and knowing that that he shows favor well why he's showing favor is what is tearing our hearts that's what's showing the favor it's becoming the heart of a servant it's serving him you know it's doing and so i just wanted to share that and if you have anything to add i appreciate it no that's great and and actually i i have never heard that guy joseph prince and one day i was turning the tv and i saw some guy who thought he was a rock star or something you know with his leather jacket and his everything sunglasses and the nine the whole works and he said some things that blew my mind he was saying that if you keep the law your sinning is basically what he said and you fall in from grace and you say and he really said some things that were unbelievable and i taped it so i could show people that i wasn't making stuff up and then of course we moved and the dvr didn't have so i didn't get to keep it but i mean he said a few things that i was like people have told me that people out there say this stuff and i heard him say it and he actually attacked his shame on any pastor out there telling people that they should do these things okay so anyway and as far as that whole greasy grace thing maybe we should call it teflon grace because everything you do doesn't stick you know [Laughter] it's teflon grace whatever i do doesn't matter it doesn't write right off see but you gotta wonder though we'll handle the temperatures in the oven no never mind that was a whole different that we don't believe in that okay nevermind okay and i wonder if the lake of fire is too hot for that teflon i'm just saying you know like they say those pots and pans with the teflon coating and you can even put it in the oven up to 350 degrees i think the fire will be more than that okay i don't think your teflon coating will help then okay anyway that's a joke all right next greg thank you rabbi you're welcome okay i'm sitting over there and there's about i don't know how many things are going through my mind and one of the first scriptures where well one of the first ones was the tearing of the heart not the garments and i had enough thoughts on that and you moved on to it talked about the shabbat and your own words and i thought about some time after that and you said own it fix it and release it or it varies but those words are yours and with the ruach it's like the the core of your words if they're um brought if the intent that's it if the intent is brought through your words then the ruach is in them and all everything's there so that was one thing that i got and then i had a bunch of other things and i came and sat down and then the the uh the fruit of the spirit and those aspects came out again and it was just popping my circuit breakers over and over and so just in thinking about those things they've they've passed on and i need to study more of it of my thoughts and and then just while i was sitting there that tearing of the heart it's it's as if what you've been saying about the the revelation it'll sink into a heart way before it'll if you tear your garments you're it's not at your heart yet and i think maybe that's his the core or the intent of the father for every aspect of our life right because we have we're pers we're responsible for every aspect i mean and you help that a lot okay thank you i mean very well said very well said [Applause] okay nikki i'm not sure how to properly word this so please bear with me on the topic of self-forgiveness for me personally it's easy to forgive myself for something that i did previously and i don't have to face and live with it every day but in my role as a mother i've made more mistakes than i've done what's right and i find that the problem i have with self-forgiveness is that i have to live every day looking at the fruit and the results of those things i've done so that's why the guilt comes and i can't forgive myself because i'm seeing the evidence of those mistakes every day in my face how do i deal with that okay so those of you that counsel with me even those you that have heard me on the teaching but if you counsel me you know that one of the first things i do whenever you have a challenge like this or any other challenge is say the cure always comes from bringing the reality into it we have to bring reality into it so how do we bring reality into this okay so when you're looking at their your parenting situation and you look at your daughter and you know that a lot of what's happening is because of what you did but you did it when you didn't have counsel you did it when you didn't know better you did it when you had no examples to show you you did it out of all your ignorance like we had other people mentioned before so what you need to do is look at that and say wow that's the fruit that happens without all those things because i didn't have all that but now i have an opportunity to maybe do a lot better and fix it because now i have counsel i have guidance i have some people that can set a better example and so that's how you do it you don't have guilt for something that is there any way you could have done it better no you did what you could with what little you had to do it with so why blame yourself yes what you did caused a lot of your problems but why have guilt for something that you especially now there are things that you do on purpose and you knew and you then and that guilt needs to be released also that's a different problem and in this case it's a little easier because you know that you did only as you knew what to do and you really didn't know what to do you told me that and so don't own that yes own that you did the things and own that they have created quite a mess but also own that you are now on a path where there's an opportunity to fix the mess and as long as your daughter and you are both alive and still have any level of communication there's an opportunity to fix the mess i mean now and not just an opportunity but you actually have new resources to bring into the mix you're counseling with me you're hearing these teachings you're meeting with other people that are living a whole different way than you used to live and so all of that okay this is important for all of you sometimes things in life feel the same and you don't realize they're different but it seems the same like you deal with your daughter and all of a sudden it blows up in your face and you think see this is just like it always was but no there are elements that are the same but there are absolutely things that are different you had no counselor before that by default makes it different you had less information than you have now by default that makes it different i've had couples that i've counseled who are really i mean they were really at it ready on divorce really at it and one would call me after they kind of got some things settled down and it seemed like things were going okay for a little while and it would blow up by something that had happened in the past happened again and the person will call see i'm like hold on they said see it's still the same no something similar and to what's happened past it just happened but it's different because in the past did you have anybody to call no but you just called me so by default this is potentially different it is different all right so everything with your daughter now has the potential to be different because there are things that actually are different in the equation does that make sense yes okay and i just wanted to add a comment um on things earlier about what rocky was saying and other people um bragging on you and talking highly of you um at this piece this was the first piece i've had with mtoi and this was the first time i've met with you and counseled with you face to face prior to that i think i had one conversation a year ago over the phone with you and with someone that i had no established one-on-one relationship with in person when i laid out a confession to you that i needed to unburden myself with something that i would have expected anybody else to condemn me for and tell me shame on you you were very kind to me and you never raised your voice and you made me feel safe and that alone makes me feel like i i can trust you and that's not something i have found anywhere else amane i mean thank you thank you i appreciate that very much and like i said i do this same thing for all we have lots of people that come and get counsel that are incredibly challenged damaged abused and all kinds of things and they need the truth but it has to still be packaged with kindness and those kind of things but see she would not know had she not tried she could have just figured he's just going to condemn me and judge me and all this other stuff why would i even bother or she could do what she did would say well i'll give it a try and i still expect it to go that way but i'll give it a try and so that you get praise for okay this may sound like an oversimplification he cannot speak to you through an anointed appointed if you don't go see the anointed appointed mean he could speak in general like from the microphone like i'm teaching and you can get a lot out of that but i'm saying but the things that you need counsel-wise he really can't speak to you the way he has designed it if you don't go to his mouthpiece i mean but i don't trust that well you're hearing testimonies that hopefully will give you some potential to give it a shot anyway and then maybe you can see you know it's not to my benefit okay that i counsel from seven o'clock to midnight every night this week or just about every night it doesn't benefit me at all in any way except maybe having a little less issues in the body so to speak but i'm not counseling enough people for that to be a big enough percentage it's because i care about you okay i understand you need somebody to be in this role and being extremely red i want to be able to provide what is needed and i tell you what abba's really interesting because from my personality and from my upbringing i didn't have enough emotional capacity to want to counsel because i didn't care enough and yet he forced me to do so much of it that i got very good at it and i actually like doing it from the point of view that i realize i'm helping people okay and being very very red reds are all about results okay that's all we care about is it going to get the result that's why everything i say is to get you to the kingdom because that's the result that has me focused and obsessed well when i counsel it gives you an opportunity to focus on the result of helping can i ease some pain help you release some things help you fix some things give you a guidance and instruction to do certain things differently whatever it is and i can tell you but i promise you when i first started doing this i was thinking if i've got to do this all the time i'm not really wanting to do this and it wasn't because it was so awful in the beginning i just didn't know what i was doing necessarily i hadn't done it before i also had the disadvantage of only being married for a year or two and having no kid so i didn't have enough experiences to relate to a lot of your stuff so i'm as of yesterday i'm married 23 years and well you can clap for that i guess all right and i've got two teenage children so i have something to glean off of and have some sense as well as all the hours and hours and hours hours of counseling and learning about these things so i just wanted to share that out there with you so i really want us to you know i think we should praise yah for for nikki giving me the opportunity okay and all the rest who didn't come up that also it was a big deal because there were a few this week it was a big deal to make that first step and so i want to this for all of you okay i want to encourage you that i appreciate how big a step that may have been for some of you okay all right rob and we're starting to run out of time so we'll try to get something from livestream and then we'll come back and maybe finish up with isaiah over here okay from leanne is the difference between our righteousness being as filthy rags as in isaiah 64 and being cleansed from all sin is that confessing sin and teshuva ask it again because i'm not really sure is the difference between our righteousness being as filthy rags and being cleansed from all sin confessing sin and testified i know i covered this i'm trying to think of where i covered it was either the last part or something like that look the righteousness thing your righteousness can be looked at in two ways i have to find the verse i'm in isaiah 64 and i'm not saying which verse number it is verse six okay give me a second okay there you go all right so let's let's look at what this verse really says it says and all of us have become as one unclean and all our righteousness is our soiled rags and all of us fade like a leaf and our crookedness is like the wind have taken us away and there's no one who calls on your name who serves himself up to take hold of you so that verse doesn't say what you've been taught all the time oh well we need his righteousness because our rights is like like soiled rags like filthy rags it doesn't say that it's completely consistent with ezekiel 18 and ezekiel 33 where he says if you were righteous and now you as are as one unclean your righteousness is of no use it's like soiled rags isn't that what it says way out of context for what people claim isn't it and actually because i didn't read it when we kind of brought it up i was taking a different take on it that was kind of similar but not exactly this is the real take because you read the verse and see he's saying listen you guys you guys think you're so righteous you did all these things but you've become as unclean you've made choices to go off the track you've turned left you've turned right so your righteousness might as well be soiled rags in other words it what you did has no value to you now if you're not doing it now so hopefully that answers the question i don't remember the rest of the question but just we have to understand that if we recognize that our our righteousness has become soiled rags that's when we have to return and make the shoe we have to own it and fix it and get back on the path okay one more rob that'll be the last one so pick one good because we're going to finish that and i'm going to come and get isaiah um okay justin denise rodriguez joel chapter 2 verse 13 with the tyrion of the heart put us in a similar place as a broken and contrite heart i guess the answer is yes but i think it's different in some ways the answer ultimately the result will be the same okay and i saw so the broken and contrite heart and the tearing of the heart let's just leave it as yes because me to explain the subtle differences i may say it may take me too long but ultimately it's yes okay good good question okay isaiah let's go ahead and close out with you amen thank you yeah we're called the righteousness of elohim in yeshua mashiach and i've been blessing him all day just sitting here like father thank you just thinking about the course and the path like um before we came here like we prayed and prayed and prayed some more and nobody pointed us at mtoi except the rock dash and we just started pouring over your teachings you know like i've asked myself multiple times why don't i think to like call and talk to you like i called and talked to rabbi tom it's because i've seen so much of what you've had to say in your teachings and i'm i'm going to go ahead and jump on that bandwagon because i'm thankful i've never been a part of something like this i've been able to share some things with you where it's the ultimate rejection but i i have been trying to put myself in this place where i'm like i don't i don't care about giving this flesh that retreat because i really want to move on and i i'm so i've been blessing the father for tishava and blessing the father for really giving the opportunity to be part of mishpochah and have a place where we have that defy full ministry where we have where we have you training not training others but also the users training us and pointing us to perfection pointing us to repentance from dead works from the doc you know pointing us at the doctrine of baptisms pointing us at you know the things that hebrews 6 talk about and man this is the answer to our prayer and i realized i barely know what to pray for the father knows even with the little it's like i'm a baby and i'm barely i'm just i'm a baby fumbling to say his name this trying to say his name you know but i'm the same thing with everybody that they're saying i'm thankful for you i've come to love you as a man as prophet god i am i am so deeply thankful that you are doing what he told you to do that i can actually point my kids right at you oh man yeah good enough hallelujah thank you appreciate that thank you amane i mean all right so that's going to close us out as far as sukkot i mean he had sarah and i think it only appropriate that we go ahead and close in prayer i will pray and i'm going to start off with the aaronic blessing so if you'll all rise yahweh bless you and keep you yahweh make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of yeshua our messiah who alone is our prince of peace we pray ah mane and father we ask us i ask a very special blessing on all your children who are keeping your feasts around the world all those that are pursuing covenant with you that father you would keep them in the light and out of darkness that you would keep them safe from all harm as they walk this journey that you would inspire them to own what needs to be owned and to release what needs to be released and that father that they would seek you through the anointed ones so they can get the word they need and the counsel that they need father bless them keep them and bring them safely to your next feast and the name above all names yeshua our messiah [Applause] amen all right as long as we have the camera on the on the on the uh the congregation of the assembly let's let's go ahead to everybody on the live stream let's go ahead and tell them and we love them right is a great have a great feast shavuot have a great week and then tell them we love them on three here we go one two [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 3,731
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Id: rPcrz2NRaMM
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Length: 243min 25sec (14605 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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