Sukkot 2021 Shabbat Service Live | 9-25-2021

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[Music] shabbat shalom awesome got a lot more people coming in you're late okay anyway come on come and sit down and join us we're about to get started with the sounding of the shofar if you'll all rise [Music] be [Music] ah [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right let's go ahead and sing praises to our king [Music] [Music] watch [Music] life yes [Music] of jerusalem [Music] yes [Music] she [Music] is [Music] righteousness [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] he will say [Music] [Applause] [Music] emojis [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] it is for brothers to dwell together [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is good and how pleasant it is [Music] like [Music] [Applause] [Music] come let us praise the lord and sing him a new song come let us sing his praise together with the saints with all the righteous ones let israel rejoice in her creator let the children of idiots see on be glad in their kings let them praise his name with dancing making music with a tambourine and harp the lord takes pleasure in his people he will crown the humble with salvation let the saints rejoice in this order sing and dance unto the lord come let us praise the lord and sing him a new song come let us sing his praise together with the saints with all the righteous ones let israel rejoice in her creator let the children of edith be glad in their king let them praise his name with dancing making music with a tambourine and harp for the lord takes pleasure in his people he will crown the humble with salvation let the saints rejoice in this order sing and dance unto the lord [Music] let them praise his name with dancing making music with the tambourine and heart for the lord takes pleasure in his people he will crown the humble with salvation let the saints rejoice in this order sing and dance unto the lord sing and dance unto the lord sing and dance unto the lord [Music] shine [Music] rise and shine [Music] rise and shine for thy light is [Music] shall come unto thy light and kings to the brightness of thy rising lift up thine eyes round about and see they gather themselves all together soul rise and shine for thy life is come arise and shine for thy light is come arise and shine for thy light is come the glory of the lord is seen upon thee the glory of the lord is seen upon thee and the sons of those who afflicted thee [Music] the glory of the lord is [Applause] so arise and shine for thy life is come arise and shine for thy light is come arise and shine for thy life is come the glory of the lord is seen upon thee oh arise and shine for my life [Music] the glory of the lord is seat upon thee the glory of the lord is seen upon me the glory of the lord is seen upon thee [Music] huh [Music] how i praise you praise you lord you're the rock of my salvation you i praise from shore to shore in all your creation let it ring from mountain tops let my voice proclaim the tender mercies of my lord yeshua is his name messiah of israel is he restorer of the nation the hope of david now we see bringing us salvation rudolph jesse lion of judah job you for is joy and love that never fails [Music] rudolph jesse lion of judah judd jarvis ryan how i praise you praise you lord you're the rock of my salvation you i praise from shore to shore in all your creation let it ring from mountain tops let my voice proclaim tender mercies of my lord yeshua this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you chose [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] it's your face [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] wake up wake us up [Music] oh wake up with us [Music] wake up wake up [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're finally [Music] yes [Music] we will not live [Music] oh [Music] is try nowhere [Music] we were not built to break [Music] now [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this next one is my new song so hope you like [Music] i have no fear i have no doubt when i come before the presence of my king i have no fear i have no doubt when i come before the presence [Music] my life was always [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you're [Music] your [Music] together [Music] you're [Music] in the darkness [Music] is [Music] oh man i mean what a fantastic job by the praise steve father we come before you and we are just overwhelmed with the love and the joy that we feel from you and the love and joy we have towards you with it father we are blessed that you created these appointed times shabbat and the feasts times for us to come together and to meet with you a time to rejoice and be refreshed times to put aside all the cares all the cares and concerns of the everyday life of the world and focus completely in you to be resting in you so father we thank you we praise you we appreciate so much that you've given us these times knowing that we would need these times in order to be healthy emotionally and physically and most of all spiritually so father we want to give you glory and honor as we come before you today we ask now that you would be with us leading and guiding all things so that all things would be to your glory and your honor as we come before you now in the name above all names yeshua our messiah ah maine they are maine amen right you may be seated all right so this is the time in our tradition where we take up the prayer needs of the congregation and so did we take the mic stand the um go ahead and move that out there so they can have access to it all right if you're on live stream we've got our shamash team over there kurt and rob and so please give them your respectful attention if you want to type in some prayer needs and prayer requests you can go ahead and do that well i mentioned the shamans you guys wanted to collab with our shamish team of kurt and rob i'll tell you what maintaining peace in that chat room can be a little challenging at times and they do a fantastic job all right so if you have a praise or a prayer you can come on up here we're going to ask that you keep the back stories down to a minimum but if you kind of want to come up and share with us you know something urgent and something you know incredible praise and stuff we can do that and then of course rob will take care of those of you that are online and i'm going to go ahead and pass this over to billy where'd he go and billy's going to go ahead and lead you in the prayer time all right rabbi tom i thank you and shabbat shalom to all shabbat i'd like to ask prayer first of all for my wife robertson joanne her knees in very bad shape and she has trouble getting around and so we pray that yahweh will be away rafika to her and uh i have a praise uh i have four generations here at the feast but i don't i'd also like to uh ask prayer for paul rippy who's back in cleveland he had surgery during the feast and prayer for denise and justin rodriguez i guess denise was pretty sick at the outset and they couldn't come and also um a prayer for uh uh just a general uh blessing on everyone who's here oh also i wanna ask prayer for uh christina diaz and her kids they couldn't be here so if we ask prayer for them too i mean we can certainly do that thank you rabbi tom all right michael and ashley shabbat shalom shabbat shalom we wanted to come and give praises to the father as you know agnes had a seizure on thursday because i guess these things like to happen on thursdays but uh it was a petite mall and hallelujah the rescue actually worked for once she still had to go to the hospital they still evaluated her and everything and she looked good so i'm praising the father for that amane and she has an appointment with her neurosurgeon again up in michigan to read the mri that she had back a couple of weeks ago so we're prayerful that she will be a strong candidate for the ablation procedure that might hopefully mitigate the deformity that we suspect as being the cause of the seizures but i also wanted to give praise to the father and to this beautiful mishpakha here because we have had probably a dozen or two people come up to us and say is there anything i can do is there anything you need you know if there's anything we can do just give us a call you're on our hearts you're on our minds you're on our prayer and the outpouring of love is just it's it can't be beat and just like the the song that brianna just sang and you know when you're going through the wilderness the kind that you kindness that you've shown me i've never known it before you know i don't remember the lyric but it was it just touched me in such a way today on this shabbat so shabbat shalom and my wife wanted to say something quick too um i just wanted to um also say that it's a miracle that we're here after everything we've been done it's this is a double anniversary for us because this is our anniversary of being here for one year at the sukkot oh man um and then the other anniversary is um this is actually bigger than agnes's birthday um hershon is seven years old today it's actually big it's a big deal on the hydro zephylus community oh man i mean we can certainly pray for that thank you for that praise miss tamara shabbat shalom so it is kind of a miracle that i'm here um we weren't ex i wasn't expecting it but it all worked out so praise y'all um that's not really my praise but i mean immediate praise so rob and i have a really big praise and a prayer my oldest daughter kailyn who is not in the walk um she is pregnant and so we're going to be expecting our first grandchild and um she went to the doctor for the first time yesterday and was diagnosed with placenta previa so yeah i heard some uh you guys know what that is it's it's very dangerous it could actually uh spontaneously abort the baby so if you guys would lift her up in prayer that would be great i mean we can certainly do that is it nikki or vicky it is nikki miss nikki how are you i'm very well step right up step right up step right up here yes ma'am i have a praise and a prayer request please um my praise is that we are here i am alone in my walk where i am i have been for seven years this is the first feast that i've attended with other people since 2014. ah man [Applause] i was supposed to come to passover and something happened and i fell and i fell hard spiritually and ended up not coming and i repented of that and i prayed to the father that if he would give us the provision and the means to come to sukkot i promised i would come i was tested a lot over the last month trying to get what i needed to get to come and was ready to give up several times and i kept remembering the promise and then i thought maybe he's testing me to see how badly do you really want to go and we're here so thank you father for the perseverance to get me here amen my prayer request is for me to have the strength wisdom and courage to do what i need to do in my role as a mother for my daughter because i know that i've got very hard times ahead and i like rabbi said earlier i backed down frequently with her and that's got to stop my prayer for her is that until her bubble is popped that the father would watch over her and protect her in the darkness that she's in as he did with me until she comes into the light and he's ready to reveal himself to her i mean oh man mr john wright mr elder billy jackson um i have a praise and a continued prayer the praise is that um kayla was able to mikvah yesterday and i was able to i was able to go in with her and it was a very special time but the actual praise the real praise is that she walked up to and back down from the mikvah which is huge because um probably just a couple months ago we would have drove up there drop her off drive back down and she's just been taking huge steps forward in her healing and [Music] we're just thankful to the father and all the prayers and the prayer is just continue healing for her as we grow in the walk and submit ourselves to leadership in mtoi that she'll continue to heal as well our relationship so ah man praise yahweh praise uh miss angela shabbat shalom shabbat shalom i'd like to ask for prayer for my dad i've been getting texts and calls all morning that my family has taken him to the hospital and so just that he has a swift recovery and that they're able to do everything they need to do for him to recover so i just like to ask for prayer and thank the father in advance for us with recovery amen amen mr john shabbat shalom elder billy saban salome there is a family back in pennsylvania the frye burgers bran and daisy and their son diego has been defeased before diego's had some medical challenges and he's going in for surgery uh the month of october i think it's the 15th so prayers for the whole family and especially for the surgeons with diego i mean we can certainly lift them up in prayer yes alice and deitra she was so excited she was counting down how many people were left until mommy got to speak oh man i am lifting up my mother and my stepfather in prayer my mother thinks that he may have come down with kovid and she obviously is taking care of him and has been exposed she sent me a text please make sure your people pray for us i mean also asking prayer for myself i am um i'm struggling hormonally so we're just going to leave that there walk away oh man mr ned praise yahweh [Applause] i i am so humbled [Music] and blessed the number of people that have that i don't know that know me and and and i'll tell you it's humbling because there's a lot of people out there observing our walk i mean that i don't even i haven't known but they've known they've known us from live stream i mean these are people from all over the country and what a huge family yahweh has given us we just are glad and rejoice in it praise god hallelujah that's awesome all righty i got a praise um he's bad i just want to let everybody know thanks for the prayers it was just i don't know a flu bug or something it wasn't corona or any food poisoning or anything like just something upset my stomach and it stayed with me for several days but i'm i'm on the heel pretty much enough to come back to service today so but i'll be i'm on the light side of work duty anyway for probably the rest of the feast but i'm here and i want to let everyone know thanks to my beautiful wife who nursed me back to health and i want to say this is now for me not bad but this will be starting my eighth year with rabbi or actually it was longer but i didn't go to any fees till then but this is my eighth year of tithing starting at this time ah man thomas steve you know i wasn't going to make a comment because i didn't want to take up too much time but i have to say uh show much waffle came i think it was yesterday in the lunch line dinner line or whatever and he came up and apologized to me for not being here and for not serving and i said you're always here i can set my watch by you being here and by you doing what you do you never have to be upset ashamed or worried because you can't help as much as you want to help and this man is always always when we need help he's the first person i call because he's the first person that will respond so i appreciate you very much all right awesome thank you so much waffle all right mr bill shabbat shalom shalom um first i ask for prayer for dear friends mish baka back in maine the folks who bought our business um lovely people and jessica the wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer two small children and they're going through a lot trying to maintain so just ask for prayer for them and then i want to thank all the witnesses here that had their photograph were there for the photograph yesterday and encourage my wife beth to run whoa and she ran up those stairs and she could barely walk four months ago and i ain't just praise you all for that so does she my my mind oh man oh man there's a lot of running stupid jumping a whole lot of stuff going on in the in in this feast that is awesome to hear i mean all right live stream okay pamela shuffer prayers for my niece kristen who who may have to have her leg amputated from an accident four years ago april dykes please pray for my sister lynn she's in the hospital with colitis and a uden prayer please for our family my husband and kids are sick we also need prayers we walk through the process of selling our home thank you family christopher tisdale please pray that i'm that i okay let me start over please pray that i will overcome drug addiction [Music] amen murty win praise yahweh for another great grandson liam roy two days ago cheyenne cole thomas please pray for my continued healing from hysterectomy hysterectomy also for my marriage and family growing together kim campbell asks prayer for rick because he has coveted less than two weeks later he is completely healed and will go back to work next week we are blessed praise yah while i've been caring for rick through this cove with sickness i haven't had much as a sniffle from jesse prayer been struggling with respiratory infection this week stephen wood please pray please pray for my 76 year old mother she's in the hospital with bilateral pneumonia thank you all nina angelina prayer for joe and wife prayer for health praise for breathing situation and car situation thank you father and mtoi shelley bel perez prayers please i'm having some trait pain and sciatic sciatica pain the last few days and prayers for my dental work to be approved by insurance i praise yahweh for all he allows and causes brandon carrick prayer for healing for my daughter's face she was bitten by a dog praise the father i have tasted and seen that he is good praise his glorious name peggy came prayers for healing for our daughter-in-law she has abdominal pain and the doctors don't know why also prayers for my mom to stay well and her cough to get better nancy aragon please pray for me i'll be going to an endocrinologist for my thyroid and this doctor is very provact and i'm concerned he will be insistent on it praise abba for a favor to be with me daisy freiburger please pray for my son diego who's going through a difficult time and also is having a major surgery yeah we may pull him through safely theresa shannon shayner please our praise report it's been nine months since my granddaughter's a less a bone marrow transplant and grows stronger every day praise yahweh that she will live a long beautiful life oh man nigel phillips please pray for my 93 year old grandmother whose health condition took a turn for the worse yesterday may his will be done for her life and may my aunt who has taken care of her have shalom amen we've had many i have many unspoken uh several on some some work and job issues and and employment issues going on uh claire isaac thanks for prayers my pain has stopped we just had some general prayers for clarity general on uh just just and just for shalom for the things going on in in in the world and we are that's it caught up oh dang i mean i also want to lift up those that have reached out uh through email and through the phone the phones have been ringing while we hear the feast i'm glad that we were able to answer and help those that needed help while we were away and uh give praise and glory to our before all that he does now and continues to do while we're here all right let us pray how about yahweh we will proclaim that you are our king there is none like you in all the earth and we give you glory and honor because you're so worth it through the prayers and the praise and all that we have encountered all that we've gone through and going through even now your name is still high above the heavens and you are our king we proclaim it to every enemy every naysayer anything that we want to come against who you are in our life sitting on the throne of our heart however we give it all to you everything that we are we pour it out before you withholding nothing because you are our king and today this day this set apart day we celebrate you we celebrate all that you are we celebrate the fact that we can gather together and lift up your name and praise you because you're worthy of so much more than we could ever think or ever ask so now we set our heart and our mind on you that you would take away every care that we might have that would interfere with us receiving your word today receiving instruction for our life that we might live that we might guard that mean we might walk it out for your glory and for your honor so we give you praise in the name of yeshua our messiah amen ah man all right brianna's gonna come up and lead us in the morning scottish didn't know if we were gonna do it or not with if you were mourning the loss of a loved one we invite you to stand with us as we say the morning scottish if you want to stand with those standing you may also do that as well no there we go [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] we [Music] is [Music] say [Music] is [Music] glorified and sanctified be god's great name throughout the world which he has created according to his will ah mane may he establish his kingdom in your lifetime and during your days and within the life of the entire house of israel speedily and soon and say amen may his great name be blessed forever unto all eternity blessed and praised glorified and exalted extolled and honored adored and lauded be the name of the holy one blessed be he beyond all blessings and hymns praises and consolations that are ever spoken in the world and say amen may there be abundant peace from heaven and life for us and for all israel and say amen he who makes peace in his high heavens may he make peace for us and for all israel and again say amen but we ask that your love would just overtake us that it would comfort us and keep us knowing that all things work together for your good because we love you and are called according to your purpose we ask that you would just fill us to overflowing with the love and compassion that only can come from you and that you would keep us as we're mourning the loss of our loved one maybe we may we be encouraged that you know all and all is not all is done by your power and your authority according to your will so we thank you and we appreciate you and we ask these and the things in the names of yeshua our messiah amen all right but everyone rhymes for the liturgy [Music] bless yahweh who's blessed blessed be yahweh who's blessed forever [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] a night god [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] where i will [Music] [Applause] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is yahweh is one blessed be his name whose glorious kingdom is forever amen and you shall love yahweh your elohim with all your heart with all your being and with all your might and these words which i am commanding you today shall be in your heart and you shall impress them upon your children and shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up and shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontless between your eyes and you shall write them on the doorpost of your house and on your gates amen the hafta the and you shall love your neighbor as yourself [Music] oh [Music] who is who is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh together and the children of israel shall keep the shabbat to make the shabbat derive their generations an eternal covenant between me and the children of israel it's designed forever [Music] see i'm not making her wait this time amane all right we're going to turn around and have the clippers set up for the children billy okay as soon as the couple gets set up we'll invite the children under another few seconds here for the video team rabbi tom is going to do the blessing from in the back there so i don't know if you can get him on camera all right children go on under so okay there's lots of room over to the right or your left slide everybody in all right if you'll extend your hearts and hands to the children rabbi tom will lead us in the blessing almighty and eternal abba yahweh father we thank you and we bless you and we praise you that we can be here together with our families at this glorious time father we want to thank you for these children which you have given us children grandchildren great grandchildren whatever father we thank you that we're all together father we pray that these children father will be under your wings that while they're growing up you'll put a hedge around them but at the same time father you'll teach them to know the difference between the common and the holy and to act in a way that pleases you and father they will know how to do that through our actions through us father we pray that as parents grandparents guardians whatever we are we can live up to our responsibility to you and to these children and not just leave them run wild but to teach them the right way father we pray that you open their ears and their hearts and their minds to the instruction that they will be receiving from us and again father we thank you thank you for these children and we we love them and we know that you will grant them your protection in yeshua's name father we ask you to hear and accept this prayer amen man i mean okay children you're dismissed you're going to go out the back doors because you're going outside so you can go out the back doors your teachers are out in the lobby and they'll meet you out there the rest of you may be seated we'll give it just a minute for people to get settled all right looks like that's working out pretty good the tithe and the offerings the purpose of tithing as we understand it is to teach us to always put yahweh first in our lives in all aspects of our lives we also understand that the offerings are an expression of the blessings we've received from the almighty and so we are we always go through this opportunity to bless and ask the father to bless those who are doing the tithing and giving the offerings but especially here during sukkot it's one of the three deuteronomy 16 16 the shalosh regulating the three feasts when you were to command it actually to bring an offering to express how you feel and the out of the abundance of your heart for the blessings you receive and so i just want to encourage you again to do that we have two boxes in the back of the room here that you can use for that all right blessed are you yahweh or elohim king of the universe who commanded me promises to us concerning the tithe and the offerings may you open up the windows of heaven impart a blessing that cannot be contained as we walk in these myths vote in these commandments ah maine all right if you would like to support the work that's being done here in addition to what you already do and without actually taking any more money out of your budget than you're already spending if you use amazon we have two programs that we work with amazon with this is not breaking shabbat i'm not encouraging you to do something on shabbat you shouldn't do i am letting you know something you can do when it's not shabbat that could also you know support the work being done and so we are affiliated with amazon which means that we have a link we can put on our website so go to look for the shop with amazon link under the support tab and when you click on it and you go to amazon from our link they will know we sent you and they will give us a referral fee based on whatever you purchase we're also part of the smile program amazon smile is a program that amazon uses to support non-profits and ministries and you would go to and you would type in the four letters mtoi they'll ask you if it's in cleveland tennessee you say yes and that's all it takes to register with the program and once you register with the program you would do all of your amazon shopping by going to the new website all your other stuff will work the same if you have a smile i mean if you have a prime account or any of those other things they'll still work just fine if you have an android or iphone you can also do this in your app on your phone you just have to go first to the website the first time to set up the program once you register on the website you can go into the app inside the settings inside the app and turn on the smile program okay and again we appreciate those you that take the extra effort to do your shopping in this manner and then also you know put forth that effort to then support the work that's being done we appreciate that very much okay so let's get to our announcements first we want to welcome any guests that we have okay i'm sure we have some online how many we have online right now 527 computers logged on all right fantastic and so if you're a guest if you haven't haven't really been spending time with us if this is your first uh we usually consider your guests for the first two or three times because you might want to come and check it out a few times but if you keep coming after that we figure that you're more you know uh like family that you actually have decided to stay and be a part of what we do of course even as a guest we think of you potentially as family because after all supposed to be eventually one big family right so we do want to welcome our guests and any guests that may be here also that came to sukkot to check us out and figure us out we want to make you feel welcome after all if we're going to claim to be children of avraham avraham was known for his hospitality so we should exemplify exemplify that as well all right so for those who just found us that are new let me tell you a little bit about some of the things that we do that you can um be blessed with hopefully and they you know could be there for you we do stream our shabbat service every saturday now we did start a little bit later today because we're here on on another property during chico but normally we start at 1 15. so we started about 15 minutes later today but 1 15 at 1 o'clock actually the live stream goes on and starts streaming but it's not live until 1 15 and we start with the sounding of the shofar and then we go right into praise and the service runs about four hours and change about till 5 30. all right so keep that in mind just full disclosure so that you're prepared as you come out and wonder is there gonna be any teaching at some point yes about three o'clock or so okay but just kind of keep that in mind as you get uh involved with us that it is a relatively long time now long is a relative term because some of you don't feel like it's long at all it's exactly what it needs to be it gives you a good way to cover your shabbat time and you get to have the all the aspects that you're looking for the fellowship the praise the instruction prayer it's all together in there during that four plus hours so you're all welcome to join us for the live streams every shabbat all right we also have our torah study that is on every tuesday all right toronto is that's taurus tuesday all right hey and during torah tuesday we go through the weekly torah portion cycle that takes the books of genesis to deuteronomy and breaks them up into a one year cycle and so we read four or five chapters a week as we go through the books and then we complete right before sukkot now because sukkot the two holy days were on tuesdays we decided to kind of double up a little bit right before the end before sukkot on the tour sections finishing deuteronomy and then we got one week in there with the first torah portion for genesis for bray sheet and so when we get back okay so there won't be a torah study this tuesday but they will be on october 5th and then we'll be continuing in chapter six of genesis with noah with noah all right so usually they are every tuesday at 6 30 p.m again there could be an exception during a feast but like in this particular feast we didn't do any of them right because the holy days but we have a torah study and somebody think about why you can't do a torah study on a holy day well of course we could but there's already so much such thing else we're doing on the holy day we ran out of time to do both right all right 6 30 p.m eastern time those things run about maybe two three hours depends on how many questions and comments you guys make okay janet is applauding because she's one of the reasons why it takes three hours okay so hey she always has a lot of questions i certainly can appreciate that i like that people ask the questions how else are you gonna get answers right if you don't ask questions okay then we have a program for the children that goes along with that same torah portion cycle it's called parsha pearls because the teachings each the breaking up of the torah portions is called parsiota parshas the torah parsha and so we have a program for the children called posture pearls the children are in it uh we call them young messianic terms of industrialized they have their own website our organization is messianic tour observant israel and they have their own website and on that site it's a free program and it's for the children to engage with the word at their level and in a hopefully a very enjoyable way we have it broken up into two categories the gem seekers which are ages five through eight and the pearl seekers which is ages nine through about nineteen and we say that on the slide there it says 99 plus i think everybody can enjoy these programs anybody willing to raise their hand that you're an adult and you went through the program a little bit and you enjoyed it there you go look at those hands all right you will learn something did you learn anything you will learn something they're all shaking their heads it's a great great program all right it's free it's in the form of a pdf one for the parser one for the pro seekers one for the gem seekers and you can download them on the website there they're about 35 pages each and they have a lesson that comes out of the torah portion they have lesson questions hebrew word studies memory verses word searches crossword puzzles mazes crafts notebook pages coloring pages even a song and a snack and all of that is torah portion related it's not like we just gave you a lesson about the torah portion and just fluffed it up with all this other stuff every single one of those things the maze the crossroad puzzle the snack the song everything is connected to what's in the parsha so it's a tremendous program it's pr it's priority um propriety this is real easy for me to say right it's it's it's a proprietary thing we made it how's that we'll change it though we didn't take anybody else's stuff anybody old enough to remember foster brooks and he was like trying to say a word and couldn't say and he would just say a different word i felt like him for a half a second there prop okay we made it okay look him up funny old comedian from back in the 70s all right anyway now you may hear us use these terms a little bit more often when referring to the two groups katan and gadol and katan means small godo means large so we have the younger children are referred to as katan aleph and katan bet i figure you can figure out where we got the aleph and bed from like the younger ones are the aleph ages five through eight and then the bet is nine through 12 and then godol is 13 to 19. okay or here at the thesis 13 to 18. all right so those programs publish every sunday so you can have them for the week going forward you can use them in your sabbath school you can use them in your homeschooling and so there will be a publishing of bray sheet tomorrow okay now we already did race sheet with the adults because we were we're going to lose a bunch of tuesdays they're publishing it this sunday then they'll publish sunday and they'll be on the same cycle where we are because we on tuesday do whatever was just published usually on that previous sunday all right so genesis 1 brave sheep will be published tomorrow all right then we have audio scripture readings which are done by our own shiro wendling and she did a fantastic job of recording the word from genesis all the way to revelation and so you can enjoy those they're downloadable they're free they're on the mtoi website under audio i mean under media under audio scripture readings okay under the media tab and the first five books i know you could probably figure this out and guess are broken up by torah portion so you can listen to each parsha individually if you would like all right then we are here at sukkot yeah all right we are here at cico [Applause] and we are we're already halfway through wow i always feel a certain emotion when cause i usually have a page each for the like the print out of the schedule and when i have to go to the second page i feel like ah it's almost over [Laughter] all right so just to go over a reminder so tonight after dinner we have family time in here so if you want to come in here and just spend time together um if you want to come and and after sundown and bring some of your games again you can certainly do that and we can you can have some fun we'll put some tables out again so you can play but just don't want to have family time we'll do that tonight and we'll also do that tomorrow night after dinner okay what's still left is that tomorrow we get back to some of our classes uh billy elder billy will be doing finance class two the second class in the program okay and that was a really really good finance class one so good job there so he's gonna do two finance two on sunday and then he's gonna do finance three on monday and then i have two more classes tomorrow i'm doing one up to the challenge dealing with marriages and that'll be after billy's class and then on monday we'll be dealing with raising teenagers don't forget that we still have a few more two more sessions of our reading of deuteronomy okay tomorrow and monday yeah has that been great i know there's some of you that fit into this category of i didn't think i could ever sit for four hours and just read the word and talk about it and others are thinking i've always wanted to do this this is so good okay how many are in the second category there you go then then i'm glad you were blessed and appreciate that because we went from breakfast all the way through and then the afternoons we go from basically from 1 30 all the way to five and so that's that's three and a half hours okay so it's fantastic and as a matter of fact this morning because we had a little bit less time we didn't even get to cover chapters 19 through 21 so it just so happened we didn't get them all covered all right we'll come to the torah studies and by the way most i mean the deuteronomy readings most of you have really done a really great job of being at each session we really haven't had too much losing falling away of people from getting to the sessions this morning it started off a little slow because it was earlier in the morning i think the decision to do it in the afternoon has turned out to be pretty good all right so that's worked out don't forget on monday okay monday for the parents your children have in the afternoon there's going to be a ymca prep for their presentation okay then then monday night we're going to have more praise time and stuff going on in here as we go into the holy day and then i want to encourage all of you to get up nice and early and be ready to come here at nine o'clock on the holy day to see the ymca program presentations to see what your children learned all week it is one of my favorite parts of the whole week and so you'll definitely miss out on something if you're not here and there's one or two of you that didn't want to be here you know you are i expect you to be here okay she'll hit me later okay so um but i do it it's a great program they they did so much this week they were learning so many things from psalm 119 and the the key words that are in that psalm and they're such a and so some of you might not really understand and appreciate what goes on the teachers will come up here they'll tell you what they've been doing all week their children will sing songs and make presentations it's just going to be great all right and so i think that's going to cover it for today's announcements i'll put that aside there okay there are a few more things then on our calendar of the things that are happening there will not be an era of shabbat get together in october because it's usually the first friday of the month and we're going to be getting back just one or two days before that it's just a little much to try to do that quickly we're all going to be exhausted and recovering i'm sure all right then on october 2nd so we start our zone meetings and harold i am going to try to go through the zones in a row just kind of like we did last time okay so the zones basically we try to break the world up into time zone segments so that we can have something that's going on on shabbat where they live so here in the u.s canada mexico south and central americas and the islands that are connected in this area that is zone one and that live stream that we do every saturday is for zone one primarily because if you're in zone two or three by the time we get going in the service it's either already not shabbat or soon it is not shabbat so zone one is going to be always on the first saturday of the month right that will be live stream on youtube so it's going to be just a part of our regular service and what it is is an international shabbat q a it's a chance to ask me questions and and to mid-rush a little bit because i know over time at least once a month is probably a good time to check in and see do you have any questions you know and here's the shocker you guys always do because you learn stuff and the more you learn the more you have questions the more answers you find the more questions you get it's just the way it works out right so we do that on uh on the first saturday of the month for zone one then zone two okay zone two is like the united kingdom europe africa places that are five six seven eight hours ahead of where we are here and they are on the second saturday of the month and that's at 10 o'clock in the morning so that way it's like the middle of the afternoon for where they live okay and so it's still shabbat and i can you know have that and we do that on zoom all right so if you need a link to the zoom meeting send an email to zoom and we'll send you the link okay i think it's set up automatically to just send you the link okay so zoom you'll get the link if you've been in these meetings before same link okay just use the same link zone one first saturday on youtube just like this part of the streaming of our service zone two is on zoom all right and zone three also is on zoom so go go to zone three okay so zone three are the people that are good 12 to 16 hours ahead like australia new zealand japan the philippines malaysia china singapore indonesia these are all people and i named the places that people do attend these meetings from i didn't just name randomly you know the countries that are in that zone we have people in these me if you ever wanted to see somebody and hear from people and meet people from those countries they are in these meetings every time we do them you will have people there and from that are in australia new zealand and japan and philippines china singapore malaysia and india all those places and it's so cool the technology that eleven that we can leverage to do that okay and that's on the third friday zone one first saturday zone two second saturday zone three third friday the reason that one's on friday is because they're 11 12 16 hours ahead of us if i don't start it on friday night it will no longer be shabbat where they are and so we start that at 10 p.m eastern time on friday night now all of these zone meetings are open to everybody in any zone to attend anybody can come to any of the meetings the difference being that the people who live in the zone will be given preference or priority in asking questions simple simple as that hopefully that makes sense to everyone so if you want to attend the zone three meeting no problem i'm going to be giving the people who live there the microphone first to ask questions and if we have time usually these things run about two hours two and a half hours and so if we have time and they're they're the zone people in that zone have run out of questions and they're satisfied then we can open up the floor for other questions okay and that's our zone meetings and it's what a blessing it's fantastic we usually have in the zone meetings upwards of 80 to 100 and something computers logged on from all over the place and so it's just a fantastic thing [Applause] all right all right next rosh corres thank you rosh carlos for hesvonne that's on wednesday october 6th for those of you in the local congregation that's also when we have our praise practice so i'll praise practice first at a normal time and then we'll get ready for at eight o'clock p.m we'll broadcast the rose quarters the new moon service all right our next new moon is on wednesday october the 6th at 8 p.m and that's for hesvan and then our leadership meetings are on the 10th on sunday the 10th and we did talk about leadership quite a bit earlier today during the readings and i would ask that you would pray for the leadership we have a separate meeting for the zone two leaders and then we have the full leadership which the zone two people also are invited to but as we develop enough leadership in a zone we'll probably soon have another one that's for zone three as well a lot of leadership meetings for all of that but then we have the general session for all the leadership at noon eastern time please pray for these meetings these are men that are going to take three four hours out of their day the guys who are in zone two it's gonna be even more because they're gonna have about a two-hour meeting with me first and then do the other meeting on a sunday and all they want to do is be useful to the father and serve you guys and so it's just a wonderful thing to see right and we'll have we'll have upwards between 25 and 30 men in there from all over the world representing lots of people that are joining hands with what you're doing here at mty okay and a lot of them are on the live stream right now all right i think that's going to cover for the announcements so we're going to go ahead and get set for the message so give me a second to get that out all right you guys ready for a teaching should i pick one of you randomly to come up and give it all right so when the camera guys start the clock i'll know we're ready to go actually i'm going to get a sip of water first anyway all right okay so today we are in shiva israel return oh israel part four all right part four and again i really think this has been an appropriate teaching for the season for doing from between trumpets and atonement all the way through now because ultimately isn't that what we're we're looking at in trumpets atonement sukkot and shamini outside is this idea of returning and then becoming the people we were supposed to be the people he desired us to be the people he intended us to be to be a family a nation under elohim so let's begin here i'm just going to give you a quick little reset from the end of part three which was in ezekiel 18. okay so let's go to ezekiel 18. let's read a couple of verses at the end here we go and we'll begin in verse 23. have i any pleasure in the death of the wrong declareth the master yahweh is it not that he should turn from his ways and live that's the whole point isn't it of everything he doesn't have any joy or pleasure in punishing the wrong or that the wrongs should die or any of these things the point is that we should turn this is the idea of shiva that we should turn or return so turn from our ways return to his ways and live but when a righteous one turns away from his righteousness and does unrighteousness according to all the abominations that the wrong one has done shall he live all his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered for his trespass which he has committed and for the sin which he committed for them he shall die so you can't rest on your laurels unlike yesterday well yesterday yesterday was all well and good but of no use for today we still have to do every day oh but look at all the great things i did yesterday okay he says that's great but so what if you're not doing good today it doesn't matter verse 25 and you said the way of yahweh is not right by right here he's not saying right and wrong it's like we think of it as justice it's not it's unfair it's a trend that's their way of saying the way of yahweh is not fair that's not right i did all this righteous stuff so what if i go sideways for a few minutes i tell that story all the time i'm not going to tell it now about talking to the baptist pastor about somebody who was quote unquote saved the way they understood it and if they start going in the wrong direction they just call it backsliding and he tried to make the case that a backslider still gets in if he dies in his backsliding this verse says different this verse says you are going to reap and sow and ultimately you're going to reap where you end up not what you did last year or 12 years ago which is the good news for all the dumb things we did in the past okay he says here now o house of israel is my way not right is it not your ways that are not right when a righteous one turns away from his righteousness and does unrighteousness and he dies in it it is because of his unrighteousness which he has done that he dies and when the wrong one turns away from the wrong which he has done and he does right ruling and righteousness he keeps himself alive because he sees and turns away from all the transgressions which he has done he shall certainly live and he shall not die and the house of israel has said the way of yahweh is not right are my ways not right o house of israel so they still think wait a minute that awful person did all those things and just because they turn around here they still get to be yes the whole point is everybody should eventually get in but they have to all do the same thing they have to do righteousness so if you're doing righteousness you have to continue if you're not doing righteousness you have to fix that the house of israel said just this is not right he says are my ways not right or house of israel is it not your ways that are not right he's trying to tell them as he studied in other places my thoughts are not your thoughts as high as the heavens are above the earth there's a difference between the way we see things you're the one who's got issues that are not right not me he wants them to see things correctly clearly he says therefore i judge you o house of israel every one of you according to his ways he said i judge you each one individually according to his ways declares the master yahweh repent and turn back from all your transgressions and let not crookedness be a stumbling block to you this is the process it says the whole point is to repent own it own it i sinned i have fallen short i have transgressed and i am sorry oh yeah and if i could i would undo it and i want to commit the rest of my life to never do it again and i ask you to forgive me and strengthen me so i never do it again go listen to the repentance teaching it'll help you with all the details cast away from you all transgressions verse 31 by what you have transgressed and make for yourself a new heart and a new spirit for why should you die o house of israel for i have no pleasure in the death of one who dies declares a mess of yahweh so turn back and live isn't this pretty much the point of the conversation right at the very beginning that yahweh has with cain right he says all right you messed up and just so it's clear you did mess up this is not what i wanted and then he gets all upset he says wait a minute but if you do right won't it also be well with you that's the whole point some of you get so torn up about what you've done and i get that i have done lots of counseling with some of you that really have a hard time ever thinking you're worthy of anything how can he love me look what i did the key word there is did as long as you're not doing he's much more concerned with your doing than what you did you have to embrace that let that be a revelation right we talk about something's revealed to you and you have to accept it and walk in it i'm telling you from the microphone yahweh is incredibly i can't even give you the amount comparison for how much he is concerned about what you're doing compared to what you already did matter of fact he makes it very clear he could care less what you did once you're doing if you did right but now you're doing wrong he could care less that you did right if you did wrong and now you're doing right he doesn't care that you did wrong you have to embrace this okay don't think that what you did is going to earn you anything good or bad what you did is not going to earn you life or death what you're doing is going to bring those things what you're doing because you only have now to demonstrate where you really are now and you have to do these things all right let's go to chapter 33 here in ezekiel now that i sort of laid that foundation i'll read verse 1. and the word of yahweh came to me saying son of man speak to the children of your people and you shall say to them when i bring the sword upon the land and the people of the land shall take a man from their borders and shall make him their watchmen and he sees the sword coming upon the land that shall blow the ram's horn and shall warn the people then whoever shall hear the sound of the ramshorn and shall take the warning if the sword comes and takes him away his blood is on his own head he heard the sound of the ram's horn but he did not take warning his blood is on himself but if he who takes warning shall deliver his being but he who takes warning shall deliver his being but if the watchman sees the sword coming and shall not blow the ram's horn and the people shall not be warned and the sword comes and takes any being from among them he's taken away in his crookedness and his blood i require at the watchman's hand let's understand what's going on here first of all in case you think and start reading into this a justification for all the things you do on facebook and with your friends trying to be the watchmen okay you don't get to decide you're a watchman i've had so many people also try to tell me oh yahweh gave me this job as watchmen so they sent me emails trying to correct me about things and then and 37 page booklets and whatever just be careful if you're claiming to be set on the hill as a watchman or on the wall as a watchman is it because he did that or because you want to believe that but also remember if you're not remember we read in deuteronomy the idea that the false one is the one that says yahweh said and then it turns out yahweh didn't say it and you don't want to be claiming yahweh said something and he didn't say it and that's a problem but if you are a watchman sometimes you guys wonder why i sound like i do like today i am a watchman i am warning you what brings life and what brings death and if you don't listen your blood is on your hands but if the watchman doesn't warn you because some of you think well why does he talk this way well because if i don't warn you your blood is on my hands and he's going to require it of me i take that very seriously he says here verse 7 let me just make sure we're up to yeah verse 7 and you said a man i have made you a watchman for the house of israel and you shall hear a word from my mouth and you shall warn them for me when i say to the wrong o wrong one you shall certainly die and you have not spoken to warn the wrong from his way that the wrong one shall die in his crookedness and his blood i require at your hand so this is not just talking about literally a physical army coming with a sword and you're not and you're standing on a physical wall protecting a city he now shifts it to mindset and covenant breaking or covenant keeping because he says oh wrong one if you don't say when i say to the wrong or wrong one you shall certainly die and what has he talked about wrong he says the wrong one shall die in his crookedness i'm going to require the blood if you haven't done it right you the watchman and he says but when you have warned the wrong to turn from his way and he has not turned away from his way he shall die in his own crookedness but you have delivered your being in other words you've done your job you warned them you know i can't make you do it all i can do is warn you and tell you what you need to do or what you need to stop doing and i really appreciate the few of you that have come to me and the number doesn't matter but there are a few of you that have come to me and told me that one of the things that moves them the most is that they feel as i'm speaking from the microphone just how much all i want is for you to get there and get in okay this this is not i know i used some levity here and there to make it a little bit easier but none of this is for entertainment none of this is to have to be enjoyable all of this is the best way i know with the skill sets he's given me and the personalities he's given me to help you hear the words well done good and trustworthy servant enter into the joy of your master that's all and i take that so seriously which is why sometimes i come on maybe a little bit strong but also because i feel like he's convicted me of what that is and if i don't i'm in trouble so i have both of those things motivating me so just so you know because sometimes you've got can't you bring it down a notch and just tone it down etc he would have picked somebody else if that's what he wanted okay just why don't you think of it that way instead of asking me to be different why don't you accept that he picked me knowing this is how i am does that make any sense all right this is the tool in the toolbox he chose to use and so if you were hoping for a screwdriver and got a hammer i'm sorry that that that's your that's take that up with him okay but this is what he's decided to do now i don't come out here trying to do anything i'm just doing what i do with his word there's no real thought about the delivery style and everything this is me delivering his word okay and so here he's talking to haskell to ezekiel and he says i've chosen you to be this you're a watchman on the wall i don't know what his personality was like look what he did when he picked moses to do what he did and that personality and i have a sense that we have a lot of things in common personality-wise at least okay and so you have that going on you see the different personalities that he brought into it with the twelve clearly when you hear john talk it's very different than when you hear peter talking okay there's a very different approach and tone to their to their to their approach to everything back to ezekiel here he says and you o son of man say to the house of israel this is verse 10 this is what you have said if our transgressions and our sins lie upon us and we pine away in them how then shall we live say to them as i live declares the master yahweh there's an oath and that oath has about as much power as any oath could ever have that's the most powerful oath he's swearing by himself he says as i live declares the master yahweh i have no pleasure in the death of the wrong but the wrong but that the wrong turn from his way and live turn back turn back from your evil ways for why should you die o house of israel i need you to really consider how much pride problems you might actually have give me a minute here some of you have a real hard time being told that you're wrong so when you read this you're thinking of everybody but you the wrong of course they need to do all this we're all wrong and only he is right on some things in some ways there's parts of what we do and how we do it that are wrong and so that wrongness usually comes in what he says is evil what is evil again anything that is being used against or in a way not designed by the creator to be used so that's evil this crookedness is involved there as well is taking something and twisting it and bending it from the way it's supposed to be it doesn't line up right you know you're looking at something and you say that that thing that's over there it's it's a little off it's crooked what does that mean it means that it's not lined up correctly crookedness is when you don't line up correctly with him okay keep that in mind maybe that's i don't think i've ever given that definition that way before okay crookedness means that you're not aligned with him you're not lining up correctly with him so you're off you're crooked he says the wrong he wants the wrong to turn from his way meaning the wrong person's way turn from your own way to his way the almighty's way so that you live and when you read these sections i know you don't always love it when i do this some of you might but this is a reminder so you never have a thought to go back into the other system they teach you that the torah was done away with everywhere we read the torah is what brings life do these things and live okay not doing them he says and die don't do them die do them live that's consistent everywhere we read that all through the tanakh all through the old testament he says say to them as i live declares the mastery i have no pleasure in the death of the wrong but the wrong should turn back his way and live turn back turn back from your evil ways for why should you die a house of israel he's saying you have time you have an opportunity change turn from your ways live verse 12 and you o son of man say to the children of your people the righteousness of the righteous man shall not pay attention now the righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression that's repeating again the idea that whatever you've done up to this point it doesn't matter how wonderful you were and how righteous you were and how obedient you were in the day of your transgression it will not count at all okay he's not he's not you know marking this on a curve this is basically pass fail okay it's pass fail but also it's now not past past that's going to be judged yes he's looking at all of your work but it's where you end up that matters and if you spend the end portion of your life making the deuteronomy 8 2 effort to be humble and demonstrate that it's in your heart to keep his commandments that's what's going to be judged if you were wonderful in the last part of your life you show and demonstrate that you're not humbled and you don't have it in your heart to keep his commandments or not you're going to die and by the way if you notice it always talks about that you're going to die it doesn't say you're going to be tortured and punished they said you're going to die one behavior one set of choices brings life the other behavior and the other set of choices brings death okay he says let's go back to what says okay so the righteous man shall not deliver the day of transgression now continuing it says and as for the wrongness of the wrong he shall not stumble before because of it in the day that he turns from is wrong and the righteous shall not be able to live because of his righteousness in the day that he sins so the wrong one if he turns from what he's doing he's going to live when i say to the righteous verse 13 that he shall live and he has trusted in his righteousness and shall do unrighteousness none of his righteousness shall be remembered but because of his unrighteousness that he has done he shall die he's repeating himself because he wants to see how straightforward and simple this is now bear in mind i want you to be careful that you're not falling trapped into a christian thought that you've been given most of your life well of course our righteousness is like filthy rex which it does say but you have to understand it's your righteousness not his righteousness that means what you think is right and the way you think is doing that part is going to be like filthy rex but what he says here is in here it's not saying that your efforts are a waste of time so yeshua is going to do it all for you and that righteousness of his is going to be imputed to you he's saying you have to do what you have to do and if you do what you have to do the best you can you will live now the part yeshua brings in has to do with the death penalty that you earned even if you were righteous you were never perfectly righteous and if you weren't righteous you already know what you earned both have earned the same death penalty ultimately which is where the death of yeshua redemptively says take me instead of them allows the possibility to live forever i've told this story many times for anybody new we'll tell it again real briefly picture your life you're walking down the path hopefully you now this is after your bubble was popped okay before your bubbles popped you're just wandering all over the place and everything that looks good and there's wonderful funny things over here and this looks enjoyable over there and whatever then you find there's actually a path a narrow path in the middle of all this and you find that path and that path is the path of righteousness it's torah observance it's covenant and that there's an interesting thing above that path it's a canopy it's the blood covering of yeshua and that blood covers you while you're on the path i don't go back to all the christian stuff you were told you're not covered by the blood no matter what you do that blood covers you when you're on the path you step off the path you're not covered by anything all right however you can get back on the path and get back covered he didn't die so that everybody could live no matter what they do he died to those whom covenant could live in spite of some of the things that they did because all of us have fallen short but if we've made the covenant commitment and we've walked it out the best that we can tamim with integrity with effort with diligence with zeal that blood canopy will cover you as you walk the path and to the left and to the right when remember he says don't turn left don't turn right to left and right is every temptation you can imagine some of those temptations will not be tempting to you there's a lot of things out there in the world that you have no interest in there's a lot of things that you're interested in that you're not and you're interested in you're not and hearing but you're not it doesn't but they're not the torah stuff so some of you look off the road to the left and go i don't want that you know wait a minute what's that and then you want to head towards that little thing over there and then you're out of covering out of covenant and you're on your own now you're deciding what you think is okay and what you think is right your righteousness as opposed to his righteousness when you're observing the commandments you are in his righteousness but the definition is that you get to be declared righteous because you are doing his righteousness there's a lot of you out that are still doing things that are your righteousness you think it's right you think you're righteous and your righteousness is of no use now you're walking this path and you get to the end of it metaphorically okay and at the end of it let's say there's a door to the kingdom not the pearly gates and peter and all that junk you heard as a kid okay but there's a door an entrance to the kingdom and it's locked let's understand what has happened up to this point you have walked the path of righteousness you stepped off here and there and made some mistakes but you got back on and you finished the race you ran to the end and you got to the door all right you can clap for that right so then it's his righteousness that you walked that gets you to the door but it's your effort to do it that got you to the door you can't allow that other christianized nonsense in your head to take away the need for and the the blessing that it brings to do your effort in your part of this you must walk to the door oh you can't go through it though because what they told you has a certain amount of truth to which is you still need his righteousness because he was perfect and his redemption through his blood to unlock the door because even though you may have a white garment at this point and you've cleaned it up and you've washed it and all the other things you need to do it's still stained and you're not getting in with a stained garment but his blood will wash that stain out okay i know that's kind of kind of counterintuitive because blood stains things like permanently but you understand the metaphor okay because he takes upon himself all of the stain and now you can go in but if you never get to the door you don't get in you are fully responsible you are primarily responsible for all aspects of your life you've heard me say this you over and over again you are primarily responsible for the part of walking the path he will encourage you he'll help you at times he'll carry you a little bit here and there when you fall down but you have to walk this he's not going to do it for you i know i've said this a lot but you need to have this as something you can also tell your friends yeshua only did the things he had to do he did zero that you have to do there's nothing that you're required to do that he did oh but the scripture the way that christians read it there isn't anything you're required to do except acknowledge him as messiah no there's a whole lot more you're expected to do you're expected to become like him you're expected to transform and conform into his image aren't you amen amen right well how are you going to do that if you don't do the thing that transforms you into his image and what is that covenantal behavior in the torah context you're going to love the creator the way yeshua did that's commandment number one of the two great commands and you're gonna love each other as yeshua did and as we're instructed to do the torah is the transformational vehicle for you becoming him all right and so let's and i find myself saying this more and more lately the cure to almost everything is bringing reality or truth into it so let's live in reality the reality is number one he opened your eyes he opened your ears he called you into his light so to speak where you can see not as light in the sort of a christian everybody so that you can see and the light being yeshua the word being yeshua the truth being yeshua it says yeshua is the light of the world and so as you are in that light and he's called you truth number one reality one he opened your eyes and revealed all this stuff to you truth and reality number two he did that knowing you could finish the race he did it knowing you could get there reality three you have to accept the burden that you have to do the work to get there now he's already told you that you could right that's why that was number two number one he opened your eyes number two because you can number three now you have to do it that is reality you have to do it otherwise if you're going to stay in the wrong you're going to die if you do what you're supposed to what's right in his eyes you do his righteousness you're going to live stop playing games with this stop doing it half you know what you need to put in a full effort yeah you can clap he says to do it diligently he says to do it with all you've got all your heart this you read the scripture you can't come away thinking this is an effortless thing i know you heard that on sundays a lot oh there's nothing to do just sing sit there and bask in his glory and sing a lot and praise him no you are to do those things but that's not all there is you should be singing and praising him because you see the changes in your life because you're obeying and you're doing and you're putting in the effort and you're diligent and you're doing it with all your heart and might and being that's what's going to make the difference see we're here celebrating sukkot which is a picture of the millennium the whole millennium is going to be a time for a thousand years where there will be those from the first resurrection teaching everybody else this reality but if you want to be those in the first resurrection teaching them instead of having to walk this out in a flesh suit then you need to figure it out now blessed are those in the first resurrection because those are the ones that have already walked to the door okay you've got to walk to the door you've got to complete the journey you have to keep getting up dusting yourself off and going forward again and dusting yourself off and going forward again and if you get off the path get yourself back on that path as fast as you can all right i had to catch myself there i was only excited to get your you-know-what back on the path and i wasn't going to say you know what that's how serious this is sometimes language i think can really poke through all the noise in your head you're going to step off you better figure it out very quickly and get yourself back on and when you get back on don't keep thinking about what happened off focus ahead focus ahead you know someone had brought this up the other day i remember hearing this many times you end up where you focus you know if you're driving your car and you keep looking off the road at something off the road you're going to end up going off the road and hitting the thing you're focused on if you're skiing which was the example they say the people that ski and all they do is say they're worried about the trees is they're doing a path to throw a bunch of trees guess what you're probably going to do hit a tree if you just focus on the path though you'll stay on the path and a lot of you make your mistakes and all you want to do is keep living in the past look at what a loser i am i was so weak and i did all this stuff yes you were key word is were though if you keep focusing like you still are so what's the point of being on the path are you still leaving off living off the path if your mind is still there if the guilt is still there and all this you have to own it yes but then let it go focus on the journey ahead it needs all your attention it needs all your focus you can't be distracted with what happened in the past learn from the past but don't get caught up and stuck in the past and certainly don't allow yourself to be destroyed in your self-image remember your self-image is that he believes you can do it that's the image you must hold on to it doesn't matter if you don't believe you have to start believing because he believes don't know why he called me nobody knows why he called you except him okay i wasn't trying to make it a joke i'm just serious nobody knows why he calls i don't know why he called me i know i gave me this to do but i believe he did and i trust that you need to trust that too he called you for whatever reason he believes you can make it there and even more special not that there's a hierarchy but there's a more specialness like he says blessed are those in the first resurrection he believes you can do it now and be in that first resurrection all right he believes you can do it in spite of your health mental condition relationship challenges abuse you went through as a child financial challenges and i don't pile on every bit of excuse you can have he he knows forget he believes he knows you can do it but you still have to do it he didn't i didn't say he knows you will do it he also knows what you'll do because he's seen the end from the beginning but he called you knowing you could do it you still have to walk this out and play it out to the end he already knows where it's going to end up but he called you because you could he didn't just call only those that would he called you because you could and you have to embrace that i know sometimes we struggle this is not a game this is life and death this is not something you do and then it gets challenging and you say well it's too hard and it's not that the doing is so hard it's the dealing with the fallout from the doing that can be hard because you may lose spouses children parents best friends jobs all of the things that are important in your life's life you might lose over this choice now of course yeshua told you that so none of us should be surprised by that reality right yeshua made it very clear which is one of my favorite verses in the new testament because it proves the new testament is the word of yahweh because when he said it and it happens in our life how would he know that that would happen because when we sit around we don't understand why it happens it doesn't seem logical and rational for people to freak out the way they do because we want to walk this out but yet he said exactly that would happen didn't he and so that is not something you see in the tanakh that's not something you see in the old that's something that proves the validity of the new on on lots of levels because he said something that we can't understand why that's even i can't understand why my family is so angry well i can't understand it either but he knew it would happen and told you that 2 000 plus years ago he said you choose me and you will lose some family members it'll pit father against son mother against daughter sister against brother it'll pit people against each other because they will not understand and they will not like your choice but there's no rational understanding of why they get that angry i have a guess okay part of my guess is the idea that somewhere in their being there's a part of them that recognizes that if you're right i'm wrong so they're not just disagreeing with you but there's a sense that wow if he's right or if she's right that means i'm wrong and if i'm wrong i'm going to need to change and i don't want to do all that stuff now i'm not saying they're thinking about this consciously although some might but most of them probably aren't because i know that some of you are thinking i can't believe my mother freaked out and got lost her mind over this or my brother or my cousin or whoever it is and i got so angry because you now are a threat to their delusion bubble if you ever study psychology to understand when you deal with people in delusional states what do you see normally happen when the delusion is threatened they get violent in some way not necessarily physically they can be verbally violent physically violent whatever it is there's a strong reaction to a threat to the delusion because the delusion to them is their reality and what you're doing especially when you used to be living in their reality the same reality they're in so what you're doing now is a threat to their reality and that cannot be tolerated that will overturn like it did for you their whole world problem is for you it wasn't as big a problem because you recognized that you wanted it and needed it to flip because he popped your bubble and you all of a sudden could see the world is screwed up it doesn't match the book we're not doing this right this isn't you know this isn't what it really says and you sat there in church and you're listening to the pastor and you're looking at your book and he listens and it doesn't match or what he's saying isn't even there or whatever it is you just realize something is wrong something's not right or he's explaining it but you realize that's only part of the point something's missing here that's not the whole picture and that's the whole beginning of the journey in the journey teaching that i gave you but we have to understand we are here preparing for what we're going to be doing in the millennium go listen to the millennium and kingdom teaching we are preparing for helping others go through this journey in the millennium the kingdom is not the next stop there's a stop between now and the kingdom it's called the millennium when yeshua will be here ruling and reigning and while he's ruling and reigning human beings will still be on this planet and there will be those that are chains that are working with those human beings for a thousand years or just short of a thousand years and then we get to revelation 21 when there's a new heaven and new earth and the actual forever kingdom begins so there's one more step to this we are being trained tested and proven for the role we will have if we choose to finish the race in that millennium setting amen and you're not and you're not going to get there unless you understand what we're reading here in ezekiel you have to shuver you have to return and some of you thinking but i was never in this so what am i returning to you're joined a nation that needs to return you're a part of a nation now that's scattered and dispersed that needs to return and so when you when you make your mistakes essentially you started on a path now you have to turn back again and return to the path so all of you still have this experience none of you came into this and then didn't make a mistake ever after again some of you are so frustrated with yourselves because you do it every day i've been there you've all been there sometimes it just feels like you can't even get through a day and not mess up other times you get through a week and you feel pretty good and then boom it blows up in your face or more to the point you blow up in your face because you're the one that chooses to go off the bat and you blow the whole deal up and then you go i'm such an idiot and at that moment you are but what you do next is what's really going to determine if you are if you're really an idiot if you're really a fool you're not going to fix it you're not going to repent right away you're not going to shovel you're not going to return you're not going to tesh if i turn around and get back that's going to be the foolishness wisdom dictates that when you make the mistake that's when he's paying the most attention to see what you do next oh yeah he's watching you when you're doing right and he's happy about it but he knows that at some point you're going to make a left turn or a right turn off the path and that's when he's going to learn the most about your character how quickly do you get back and how long do you stay off the path how much are you spinning in your head the justification for what you did how much are you pointing and deflecting the finger at somebody else because you don't want to own the problem i'm trying to teach you how things really work i know you've heard a whole lot of stuff your whole life this is how it really works he is watching you and he wants to see deuteronomy 8 2 that's your test i don't know why i can't remember the very first time he gave me that verse but i've had it since the beginning of ministry anybody that remembers me all the way back to the beginning like you could ask uncle bob that's been the verse but that verse i really believe is i'm the only one i think who focuses on it i don't know any other teacher that does but i think that's the test that is the measuring stick he wants you to be humble and he wants you to demonstrate that it's in your heart to obey to keep his commandments to guard his commandments and he wants to see whether or not you're going to do these things which is why his most interest in you is when you trip and now he wants to see what you're going to do he wants to see your reaction and your reaction time and your reaction style and whether or not you're going to deflect and blame or whether you're going to fully own why is david a man after yahweh's own heart because he owned when he messed up without any sense of blaming anybody did this i own it and that's that's really the whole deal oh david wasn't perfect we all know about his mistakes but what that's why i tell you don't worry about making mistakes make every effort not to and then when you do have the heart to own it completely and then move forward and let it go repent first own it thoroughly now remember i talked about this with some of the things that husbands and wives will talk about it more tomorrow in the marriage class but understand that when you apologize which is repentance to yahweh is an apology vertically it's not an apology if you package it with any kind of you know but this or this excuse or this reason or that's not an apology you can't do that and truly repent i messed up period that's where it's got to start and i am sorry i feel horrible i feel shame i need to fix this i need to never do it again and then once you get through that process you need to release the shame the guilt all of those disappointing things and commit moving forward feeling freed from that remember your sins are separated when you repent as high as the heavens is from the earth as far as east is from west so you have to let it go i know you've heard me say this a lot but i know some of you still struggle with this letting go of the past he says it's i don't desire the wrong to die and some of you think that he does you think well how could he love me look at all the terrible things i did there are very few of you that have done really anything that terrible oh i know you think you have and i've heard some of you talk about it to me and you've counseled with it and they're bad on whatever level but these are not horrifyingly horrific things generally now maybe there's one or two of you that really have had some horrible traumatic things but most of you whatever you've gone through it's enough that it's horrible to you but to him david committed adultery and had the man killed anybody do that level problem i bet you that's worse than anything you ever did i don't think any of you've done anything on that level but that's the kind of thing david did and that thing that he did he owned it and could never function again if he couldn't have let it go he had to let it go but he made a re-commitment of his life to deuteronomy 8 2. he to humble himself he accepted it and then he was going to walk this out and show that in his heart it was his heart to do it right that's where cain failed isn't it cain could have just owned it no no he wanted to blame his brother he went over and said it's your fault you're always so mad at me because you did it right and made me look bad no it's your fault that yahweh was disappointed because you did it wrong and you didn't own it and fix it and yahweh was much more disappointed with that part than the first part matter of fact he looked at him said why are you so upset i just told you this is not what i asked for he says if you do it right won't that be acceptable then won't i accept you and be pleased with you and he should have said yeah you're right i'm going to go fix this and do it right now oh no no no too much pride too much shame completely deflecting to somebody else's default you know we have to get away from the christian mindset that everything is everybody else and not you and by everybody else i really mean hasitan or the demons for the bad stuff yeshua for the good stuff and you get nothing you're not responsible for anything you get no credit for anything it seems kind of pointless because how are you going to hear well done good and trust with your servant if you didn't do anything oh because yeshua stuff is going to be now mined that doesn't make any sense why would he bless you and gift you if you haven't done anything i mean you know let's just be serious about this for a second why would he do that you are capable he knows you can and you if you want to be there you must do it's on you you have to do it and then what you can't do not what you won't do what you can't do he will do he will do what you can't he doesn't expect you to do what you can't problem is you have a real struggle between understanding what a want is and what a camp is oh but i can't do this how many of you have done that with your children children walk up to you mommy daddy i can't do it no they can they just don't want to they want the easy way out they want you to do it and then you look at them like no you can do it no no no i'm telling you you can do it here i'll encourage you i'll sit with you and you can do it no you do it for me and then what you do is you do it for them and undermine the whole process totally destroy the benefit of the whole process i didn't do this on purpose but i'll tell you a little account so my son when he was younger i don't know maybe 10 or whatever eight or ten we used to get them these lego kits and so the kit was to make a specific thing and it came with instructions and the instructions are just pictures there's no words and you see the different pieces to put together and at some point point in the beginning of doing this he would always come to me and say i need help i can't do this and i'd usually be busy with something i tell him well go work on it i'll be with you in a few minutes by the time i got to him he'd already finished the thing he gave up quickly but then because i didn't come in and rescue him he figured it out by the second or third time i was able to tell him go try because the last couple of times you figured it out you can do this it's not like i don't want to help you i don't want him to feel like i'm just rejecting him and don't want to bother with him i said to him stephen you can do this you did it before i believe in you you're great at these things i believe in you and he went finished and did it himself and then after a while he stopped asking because he realized he could do it but we quit so quickly we get a little disappointed a little frustrated the effort seems a little hard and so we just want to throw in the towel and say i can't do this is it really camped there are some things that are cans but do you know the difference you might want to get counsel if you don't know the difference there are some things that you probably struggle with that really are can't you just can't do it but i think most of the things you think you can't do are just won'ts you're you're panicking you're giving it too easily the the efforts intimidating or something on that level so emotionally you quit do you think anybody in the kingdom is going to be a quitter no then why do you quit you expect to be there don't you you want to be there don't you that was very underwhelming you want to be there don't you well then you can't quit okay you can't quit don't give in don't give up don't quit you are capable of so much more than you think you can all right don't quit back in ezekiel where did i leave off i don't remember anybody remember 13 14. okay so let's just read 13 again so when i say to the righteous that he shall live and he has trusted in his righteousness i shall do unrighteousness none of his righteousness shall be remembered but because of his unrighteousness that he has done he shall die again when i say to the wrong you sure you certainly uh you shall certainly die if he turns from his sin and does right and righteousness if the wrong restores the pledge gives back what he has stolen walks in the laws of life without doing crookedness he shall certainly live he shall not die i love the way he words it there he walks in the laws of oppression of it's so hard nobody can do them of their they need to be nailed to the cross they're the problem the laws of life what laws could he possibly be talking about caesar's laws pharaoh's laws babylon's laws no he's talking about the torah if the wrong would do the things restore what can be restored and then walk in the laws of life without doing crookedness again the expectation is not that you're going to be perfect at this but when you do mess up you're going to fix it quickly all right he shall certainly live he shall not die none of his sins which he has committed shall be remembered against him he has done right and righteousness he shall certainly live please embrace that i know i already said it so i'm not going to repeat it to death but he says your sins when you turn to doing righteousness will not be remembered by him oh you'll remember all right he says he won't they're not going to be held against you can you please accept that reality remember revealing these things to you he's revealing to you this isn't like me interpreting something it says it's so simply i mean you can't misunderstand none of his sins which he has committed shall be remembered against him that doesn't mean he forgot that you did it they're not going to be remembered against you because what you do now is what matters not what you did before and what you do now five years from now it won't matter based on what you're doing then all right and by the way you don't get to think okay then i'll just straighten it out at the end you don't know when that is and he's going to read and know that that's your attitude your attitude is to try to skate by and do the least amount you can do that's very human to do the minimum i can't tell you how many times and it's been a while but in the past how many times people would ask me the question from christianity's point of view they would say well how much of the old transfers into the new and i'm thinking what an absurd question all of it look at me funny when i say that what do you mean all of it all of it the new has nothing to do with the old standing value and and and um need and all the other stuff the new gives you some understanding of how some of the things that the old talked about came about and how that then applies what's in the old into some of the context of the new time frame but all of the old transfers forward all of the expectations all of the obligations are all continuous and not from the old into the new from the old onto forever there is no ending point to this this is the walk of life the only place that torah does not have any strength power authority or value is if you're dead because you chose not to walk the walk of life and the dead have nothing they know nothing they don't have any there's no need for torah they're dead life is torah-based death is everything else based torah's life he says here verse 16 none of the sins which he committed shall be remembered against him he has done right and righteousness he shall certainly live verse 17 and the children of your people have said the way of yahweh is not fair but it is their way which is not fair when the righteous man turns from his righteousness and does unrighteousness he shall die because of it but when the wrong turns from his wrongness and does right and righteousness he shall live because of it now how many times has he said that in chapter 18 and now in chapter 33 the same prophet over and over again and then he still ends with and you have said the way of yahweh is not fair well that's not fair o house of israel i shall judge every one of you according to his own ways see they're still deflecting the personal responsibility can we see that that's that that is the problem the reason they're saying it's not fair it's not that they're thinking well i'm all righteous and letting a wrong one be looked at as righteous is unfair they think it's run fair in both directions i think it's unfair if a righteous turns wrong then he doesn't get to still be thought of as righteous they don't want to own that this is a race until you stop breathing or until you are changed you don't just have a quotient that if you can just get over that you're good as long as you do this much torah however many years it takes you're in that's totally irrational it makes no sense if you were in charge would you do something that foolish and that dumb look i have done this game many times probably it's the coats almost all the time and it's the you know the if you had the power game okay if you had the power and a lot of you've heard me do this some of you maybe not if you have the power and authority to live forever and you got to choose who also lives forever what kind of criteria would you use to make those choices because really that's what they're arguing about here we don't think that's fair well really what kind of criteria would you use to decide who gets to live forever yahweh uses the one i want to see that a you trust me b that when you make a mistake you fix it right away and don't decide you're going to continue going in that wrong direction so i can trust you which is basically the covenanting idea right if you agree to obey my voice but in that covenant there's also the idea that when you don't obey my voice you need to fix it otherwise you're no longer in covenant and that's his criteria and he says look in my criteria you can do this well for a period but if you're not going to keep doing it that doesn't matter and you could do wrong for a period and then do well and then the wrong doesn't matter what matters is where do you finish where do you end up ultimately and show your commitment levels that's his measuring stick but i would ask you to think about that when you go home and when you meditate on things and say if i had that if i was at yahweh and i was going to have people to live with forever what kind of criteria measuring stick would i use to decide remember forever is a long time i think that's an understatement but you understand what i'm saying i mean you're talking about forever like permanently stuck with the people you choose or blessed to have them depending on which way it plays out if you have the right measuring stick it should be blessing only if you have a bad measuring stick you might get stuck with a bunch of things he gives you the ability to have a limited life span so that he's not stuck with you he wants to only be blessed with you if you make it don't ever think that he's going to think he's stuck with you oh but i'm so awful and i'm so this and i'm so that he didn't think so when he picked you at least he didn't think that he didn't think that would be where you end up maybe that's where you were when you started he's thinking it's going to be a blessing he can't wait to spend forever with you just like you can't wait to spend forever with him but the ones that he would feel like he would be stuck with aren't going to get in people don't like it when they first find me and they hear me say things like this because they still came out of that christian mindset that i made my altar call i made my confession i'm in i'm saved rubbish nonsense go listen to the are you saved teaching he died so that you could live that you could have salvation lead to eternal life he didn't die just so that everybody because remember it says that he gave his life for the whole world so everybody gets in everybody lives forever you know that's not true there's no christian to think that that thinks that's true that everybody just gets in and everybody just lives forever so what's the difference what's the measuring stick the torah of course the thing that develops your character into his character the thing that demonstrates condemn and shows him your character how you respond to interacting with and aligning with his character because we're going to spend forever with him and his character and he needs to understand whether you're going to have an attitude do you think he wants to spend forever with someone with an attitude problem are you going to give him attitude in the forever are you going to have issues are you going to be like what we read in deuteronomy today where moses says things like you've been rebellious since the day i knew you you stiff-necked people actually yahweh said the stiffneck part moses said you've been rebellious since i knew you he always says this too go back to genesis where he said that everybody that he had made at that point except for noah their mindset their hearts are focused on evil continuously evil meaning they were going to do things that were not the way he was designed to do it's not what he intended when he made man he's not going to have that in the kingdom there will be no rebellion no talking back no arguing with him and probably not with each other either we will have grown from all of that baby drama trauma junk all right anybody want to live in a drama-free place i can get rid of my closet of war of academy awards i give out best actor in the drama here you go best supporting actress in the drama here you go it's exhausting but we have taken the simplistic and turned it all into drama and why do we turn into drama because our emotions are still not under control our emotions start running rampant and wild with the but i don't like him or her or this or that and this thing makes me mad and this is not the way i wanted and and you know it could be dumb as anything that you can imagine that you can get so angry about if you ever look back why would that anger me so much we can get so angry because somebody took something and put it in the wrong place as far as you consider what's right and wrong or didn't clean it up or didn't do this or didn't do that or they broke something that's just a thing who cares but we do we care and we lose our tempers and we lose our minds or we get hurt and offended and we get depressed over because somebody did something that we took in us how are we ever going to be ready for this kingdom and then i got all these geniuses out there saying how yeshua was coming like next week for what because when he comes he's going to gather and not rapture away but gather and the twinkling those who are in the first resurrection to go with him to where's he going he's not going to heaven where's he going mount of olives right he's going to he's going to go there for the final battle and we're going to go with them and thankfully not be in this flush suit amen [Applause] so if he's coming back now [Laughter] if you can see the phase i made right i mean this this is we're ready aren't we okay look i'll go back to my little game so i said you had the power to live forever and pick others let me ask you a question how many people right now would be on your list would it be a very long list of people you want to spend forever with for whatever your criteria ended up being i mean really would there be a lot of names on the list i'll give you a more scary thought how many people's lists do you think you would be on that's really frightening are there many people around that actually would want to live with you forever how about us how about us making it an effort to grow into the type of person that not only would he want to live with forever but others would want to live with forever because this all stemmed out of me going to guest speak somewhere many many many years ago and somebody called me up i don't know how they got my number they got it from the person who's was was a congregation leader of the venue i was going to speak at and wanted to kind of grill me over what i was going to teach because they they thought i was going to teach on a particular subject which i really was not going to teach on at all and and i said i said to them i said look you know actually they said to me whatever it was and i said look this is going on and they said because they want to make sure that this and this because they thought it might be a salvation issue or something or i said something they said to me well is that really a salvation issue somehow the question came out about salvation issue and i said i need to pray about this i didn't tell them that but i thought you know what what is a salvation issue and really there are none because salvation was already freely given to everyone as a potential to so that you could have eternal life but the way we think of the salvation meaning is is this something that will prevent us from having eternal life is really the way we normally mean that phrase so i prayed i said abba is there anything that's a salvation issue is there is there what is the issue are there many of them does it matter i mean are there things that are important and some things that are less important and he basically said there's one thing that matters becoming the type of person i want to live with forever because it's not about well i did this this this and this and this you have to let me in he does not he doesn't have to let anybody in there's nowhere in the book that says if you do this this and this he has to let you in so what does it mean to become the type of person he wants to live with forever i think the answer he gave me that that day was that you are covenanted torah observant in other words you're submissive to i will do what you say and you do what he says in the fruit of the spirit you put those two together and what do you get when you put those two together you get yeshua that's what we're talking about here becoming yeshua because we're the one being that's ever existed that we know he wants to spend forever with is yeshua and if he wants to if he wants a kingdom full of people that are like his son then we ought to get about becoming like his son and stop fighting it it's the flesh that fights the flesh doesn't want to die the flesh doesn't want to give in and doesn't want to let go we have to do that if we're going to be in the forever change your mindset on this stop thinking about check boxes and other things that you may think of in the flesh year you have to become the type of person in your character that he would want to spend forever with and that person is submitted in deuteronomy 8 2 is humble and demonstrates in their heart that they want to keep his commandments and does it in love joy peace patience etc in the fruit of the spirit that is what i believe he's told me to tell you and i say it as strongly as i can it's one hour and seven minutes in we're gonna end here and i'm gonna end by telling you again you not only must but you can do this you can do this okay father we come before you and father we are just so blessed to have our bubble popped so blessed to be given the ability to see the truth and to see reality and father help us to accept what is revealed and then to walk in what is revealed father be patient with us but at the same time keep prodding us forward and prodding us forward don't let us become complacent don't let us sit back and rest on our laurel so to speak but father keep prodding us forward and keep encouraging and reminding us through to people like myself that p that tell them that they can do it that you call them because they can do it but also to remind them that it's all in their hands to do it or not that you're not going to do it for them that they have everything they need to do it and whatever they don't have is still coming in the future as they need it and will be will be provided as needed father help them to receive that help them to truly embrace that so that all of us might transform into the image of yeshua and become the people you want us to be to live with forever so father we want to thank you we want to praise you we want to give you all glory and all honor and the name above all names yeshua our messiah amen [Music] right now there's at least one person in the room that thinks this is kind of funny and that's because grayson was with me while i was putting the notes together and how i was trying to make sure i had enough things to do today and we covered two sections [Laughter] and he kept saying to me you have more verses than you had last time i always try to get it all lined up not knowing how fast i'm going to go so it's kind of funny all right after burn if you have any comments or questions about today's teaching you can go ahead and come up to the mic there's some chairs right up here in the front row you can sit in while you wait for the mic if you're on the live stream rob's got the live stream shamashrop and he will take your comments and questions and start noting those down all right i hope that teaching was a blessing to everyone i hope that you could receive the message all right all right he is back and he is first in line mr steve waffle okay so from what you just said at the beginning and kind of how you topped it off it appears to me that righteousness is a daily effort yes it's a moment by moment effort okay okay and then there's another question i had there's maybe some that's been shown now that are alive and didn't accept what's been put before them is there an age you think or a time where that choice where they choose not to accept what they're shown becomes permanent never never never are we to get into figuring out who gets in and who doesn't get in we never get into that okay that's a dangerous place let's remember that when it talks about and it's very important that it talks about this in in matthew when we're talking about the uh the wheat and the tares he says it's not our job to pluck them out you have to wait till the reapers who come who are given the instruction on how to do this that they are the ones that come and do these things okay you do not want to start thinking well how many years do you have to be doing this or how long or how consistently or how this or how that that is between you and the father so we look at matthew 13 and he says very clearly he says look you do not get to pluck and do these things okay but it's got to be those that are there who have the job to do to do the sifting and they're the ones that are going to gather and throw into the fire and how they're going to do you do not do these things okay that same thing that applies to us trying to figure out by looking at other people thinking well you know maybe they started walking this at some age and they died fairly quickly afterwards was it enough i don't know and i don't want to be the one that has to know i think it's to everybody's benefit benefit to just not know and do this as consistently and and aggressively and fully as you possibly can not knowing when your last breath is coming none of you knows what's going to happen you know we had and it was incredibly tragic we had a couple a family that was here at sukkot drove home it was friday was getting home just so they get ready for shabbat and a person was waiting in ambush and shot the wife and they were young almost killed the rest of them couldn't see that coming right some of you were just thinking oh well i'm going to turn into my 80s and 90s and then you don't know there are people here that are older than you that will outlive you some of you and younger than you that will outlive you some of you whatever it is we don't know how this works out you have to live this moment as if it's your last moment all right let me let me say something again that those of you that follow along for over a period of time have heard me say over and over okay you need to prepare okay plan your life like he's not going to even come in your lifetime because he could be the next generation but you must live your life like he's coming today or tomorrow okay you live not knowing when the end is you can plan because a lot of people make mistakes and they don't plan thinking oh well i heard some ministry say he's coming in 2000 whatever and then of course we passed all those dates and then people made terrible decisions to either do or not do in their life well i decided not to have children because i thought he was coming or i decided not to get this job or not to do this thing plan your life like you have all of your life because you don't know every generation up to this point just thought it was them they've all been wrong eventually one of the generations will be the generation when he comes maybe it will be us we pray that it is but live your life live it every day every moment like it's your last like he's coming now that's the only way to do this read the parables of the the you know the virgins and the lamps and not having the oil then they weren't prepared and the other ones about him coming like a thief in the night like you weren't prepared and it feels like he snuck up on you because you convinced yourself and your flesh i it's like it's like people that and i was one of these people okay who would do all their stuff ready for school the last minute i'd write my paper the last minute because i always knew i had time it's not due for two months all right so i got two months to goof off till i get there you don't know what time you have but you lie to yourself and think that you have time oh i'll get this figured out eventually i'll do this when it's more convenient or some other excuse but you don't know you just don't know please take that as a word of admonishment encouragement whatever you want to take it as live every moment as your last live every moment listen enjoy each other because some of you fight with your spouses and fight with your children and you think you have forever and the next thing you know they die or something happens to you and they don't you don't get to have whatever it is you could have you waste so much time that was like the teaching i was going to do called motivated by mortality if you can accept the fact that you're going to die and you don't know when that should motivate you to not waste time and i am so guilty of wasting so much time and i apologize to my wife and my children and i've wasted so much time we all do and all those moments that we could just be enjoying each other all all upset about dumb dumb things because those dumb things irritate us until we're crazy but there really are nothing when you think about it is it really that big deal that you have a child that never picks up their stuff off the floor it's aggravating is it really that big a deal that somebody always leaves dishes in or doesn't put the seat down or doesn't put the toothpaste cap back on or whatever it is that irritates you into insane in you know insanity well that's right it's not a big deal so why can't they just do it but yeah but why do you have to get so upset about it and we all do and then we ruin relationships or we lose time when we could have been enjoying each other and we could if they would just clean up that stop that [Laughter] it doesn't work all right steve what else one one more thing i just wanted to kind of express my devotion to his righteousness because the one thing about our version our personal version of righteousness is one day someone else's version of righteousness will intrude on ours so who's right then i mean good point all right mercy shalom rabbi shalom um i have two questions for you the first one is what is the difference when you were talking about the scripture that's in the brit about um leaving father not nope sorry when you're fighting father against son and blah blah blah okay so what's the difference between that when you come out of the world and if you've gone into christianity and you do see that as opposed to when you come out of christianity and you're walking in torah what's the difference between those because i mean i've i got that when i came out of the world into christianity and i got it when i came out of christianity and to torah okay um [Music] i think that it really uh it's not as usual that that would happen okay i mean i got a lot of people thinking i was kind of strange enough when i went from what i was to coming into walking a a belief in messiah torah walk whatever and i and i came from the world into that but it was it was a torah christian based thing but still i went so i had friends and who who knew me and the mouth that i had and the things that i said and did and they looked at me like what did you do although someone comes from like wonderful little flower child you're like so nice and this and then like what happened to steve you know but they didn't get angry didn't become adversarial um and so in your case though you left the lifestyle that that caused a problem for people so if for some people that could be a backlash from leaving and then going into a belief system that in their in their in their eyes instead of just looking at you like well that's kind of weird why are you doing all that it basically they feel judged they're going to say oh so you think i'm wrong because when you went they say what i do here is wrong and now it's the same idea as when you leave christianity you'd have a group of people to now feel like you think they're wrong now generally when you leave the world the world could care less they just think you're weird and dumb and go you're going to go off and waste your life and you're going to miss out on all the fun it's when people are thinking that you're wrong that they're going to get angry okay when they think that you think they're wrong is what i want to say does that make sense yes it does okay um and and you're absolutely 100 right on that um my second question is i i know that you say this often and it makes a lot of sense and it's it's scriptural and i had this conversation with some of the ladies and i said i know this is a marathon me personally i was a sprinter in high school and i hated long distance running i just hated i didn't have the tenacity i didn't have you know the um uh the drive and the determination to or the lungs to run for long periods of time but if you wanted me to do a 100 a 200 a 400 that was my max how do you how can i personally because i notice that i do that in everything too like i'll go boom and it's the and then my yellow comes up because it's like okay well if it's not fun i don't want to do it but um how can i find a pacer to run ahead of me to keep me on pace to finish the marathon because that is it's not a fear but it is a concern that i have every now and again when i'm like yeah but i'm gonna blow out of this and i'm gonna blow my load and that's gonna be it i'm not gonna have it all to get to the end all right okay so that's a really good question first first of all it's gonna be different for everybody like in your case okay the whole point is how do we continue when we might grow weary and this verse is also to talk about do not grow weary in so doing so first of all for you it may be that you need a partner or somebody that's a that's a friend you know sort of a wing man wing woman so to speak that you're pacing with that you're encouraging each other come on let's keep going we can do this let's keep going we can do this some of you do really well going out and running by yourself some of you need someone to run with all right i did track two for a little bit and my thing was i needed someone in front of me to chase down as long as there was someone in front to chase down i could go further than i normally thought i could go and faster and keep going as long as i was determined not to lose and to not to quit but if i was out front then i would have more of a problem staying out front just going out front until someone then caught up and then it would spur me on some more so i can see that that that that idea of having someone to pace you that might not be what everybody needs some of you may just need the idea of you know what i'm a sprinter and so i normally sprint 100 i'm going to start working up to 150 and then i'll work up to 200. and then i'm just going to keep pushing myself so that my new thing that i'm used to now is 200 and then maybe it's you know half a mile maybe then it's a full mile and then you keep going until eventually because you don't start off doing a 26 mile marathon you start working your way up you know one of the things that i remember teaching people when i i was a personal trainer once upon a time and i would encourage people in their working out and one thing i said was look you're not very mobile right now you're out of shape you're not very mobile okay so let's start off with walking and you walk from here to that tree excellent do that for a couple of days then you know what why don't we find another marker a little further down and walk from here to that one in other words you keep aiming a little further and keep stretching yourself then maybe we'll jog from here to that tree or over to where it is and we'll start to do things that are going to start to grow you and strengthen you so you always have to have something that's out there that you're aiming at which is this is what works for me like i said if there was something to chase down if you keep reminding yourself that there's no arriving till you get to some other point then you can keep running to that point see when you're running the sprint that point is very clear right in front of you and not very far at all as a matter of fact is on the same side of the track you don't have to go around a turn that's not the same as having to make turns and whine through different things to eventually get to an end it's a little tougher when you can't see the end so pick markers that are i'm going to get to there and then i'll see the next marker i'm not going to get to there and then be done but i'm going to aim to get to that marker and then go from that marker to the next marker would that help well spiritually it's the same thing in other words you can be watching she said how do you do it spiritually the same thing it's the idea of how do i maintain my focus well i'm going to try to maintain my focus today and i might track that on a little tracking sheet okay good i maintained focus today i was vertical focused i did the things i needed to do and then i'm going to have a goal let me have a goal to do that every day for a whole week but i'm only going to focus on the day and i'm looking to get a little check mark for seven days and then as i see that i'm able to do that i'm going to say then let me go for 30 days and see if i can get a couple of these weeks in a row but each day i have to focus to get that check but i have now a a bigger picture so you define those little markers like did i study did i pray did i lose my temper today all the things that you're looking to fix the daily things that come up you know when i teach people personal development and they're dealing with their challenges one of the things i use is a tool i call it a 7x7 card okay and on the it's like an index card you would make and it has seven items going down and then it has seven columns going across for one for each of the days of the week and you put things on them that either you want to do every day it's got to be daily things or that you want to stop doing that you have been doing every day but you want to stop doing it and then you look at it in the morning and say okay these are the seven things i want to try to accomplish today the bigger goal is to do the whole week and the bigger goal than that is to do a whole month which is four weeks but we're gonna focus on today and then i'm gonna pull it out maybe at lunch and make sure that i'm still focused on it and then when i go to bed tonight i'm gonna look it over and see if i actually get the check mark you don't get the check mark in the middle of the day you wait till the end of the day to see how you did because it's finishing whatever section that you're talking about if it's a day you have to finish the day because maybe you were doing okay in the morning and then had a little sideways moment in the afternoon so you're going to wait till the end of the day and get your check marks so you're now making it a daily activity in the context of a bigger picture did that answer it okay by the way the section is in matthew 10 which is verses 34 to 37 where it talks about i didn't come to bring peace but i came to bring a sword for i come to bring division a man against his father daughter guess her mother et cetera that's if you want to know where that is matthew 10 and i was able to find it because i knew it was on the left page upper left corner so it was easy to find okay okay that's why i use the 98 scriptures because it's the one i know photographically where everything is even if i can't remember the address all right okay next nikki and after nicky i'll go to live stream and then we'll come back okay so in ezekiel 18 the last verse 32 for i have no pleasure in the death of one who dies declares the master yahweh so turn back and live i know you didn't bring up psalm 116 but when he said in 32 i have no pleasure in the death of one who dies it made me think of verse 15 in psalm 116 where it says precious in the eyes of yahweh is the death of his lovingly committed ones and i'm wondering can you please help me to reconcile the differences between those two verses okay so there's one thing of like saying that it brings him no joy to watch the wrong ones die now we're talking about something in terms of ultimate ending the wrong ones die and that's it he says i take no pleasure in the wrong ones dying however it moves my heart when my precious ones die knowing that that journey ended looking forward towards a resurrection but when a precious one dies just like you feel about your loved ones when you have a loved one pass and so he's giving you a comparison of the precious ones the ones that are lovingly committed to him the ones that are doing the things he says it's precious to him it doesn't mean he takes any joy into it it says that it moves his heart does that make more sense okay but he said the other one is talking about i know that i've made this system where the wrong ones die i want you to know that i take no pleasure in that kind of like the parent going over to the kids saying i'm not going to enjoy this but i'm going to spank you i get no pleasure out of this it hurts me and breaks my heart to make you cry and if you spank your kids and you get joy out of it you need to be put away all right you should not be getting pleasure out of doing that but you see the difference okay all right livestream okay justin and denise rodriguez if i understand walk out the torah in the context of the aspects of the fruit of the spirit and treat our brothers and sisters the same way is that what this is all about yes i mean i think that's what i said actually so good for you to have heard it and understood it okay we need to walk this out but it's done in a it's a private thing in a group setting right a community setting you are individually walking out your own salvation philippians 2 12 you are individually walking it out but you're walking it out in a community context because the forever is going to be a community like it's i always call it the forever community i know we call it a kingdom kingdom is something hard for us to connect to it just sounds much harsher and colder it's going to be a forever community with a king okay but it's a forever community all right next question ashley williams ezekiel 33 is this why yahweh was able to resurrect yeshua because yeshua walked out his righteousness and therefore proved we can do it as well i mean that's certainly part of it okay all right isabella ross ezekiel 33 2 says when i bring the sword upon the land and the people of the land shall take a man from their borders and shall make him their watchmen it doesn't state any criteria for who the watchmen should be so how do we choose a watchman all right so this goes back to the same kind of thing we talked about earlier today for those who want to go back and look at the scripture readings that were recorded from this date when we talked about deuteronomy 17 and we talked about that in the context of ephesians four all right you're looking for those that are anointed and appointed to that task to that role the watchmen are often going to be in a leadership role and often sound a whole lot like a prophet in other words they're going to be crying aloud and sparing not because they don't want you to end up dead that's really what it's all about okay so you have the task of looking for those five-fold diffusions forward we're talking about the five-fold ministry uh you know i think that it probably deserves repeating just a little bit i'll just read to you that little section the key piece here which is hold on he gave some emissaries some prophets some evangelists some shepherds and some teachers for the perfecting of the set apart ones to work to the work of servants who are building up the body messiah this is all to be done until we come to the unity of the belief and of the knowledge of the son of elohim to a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the completeness of messiah now the watchman part comes in because so that we should no longer be children tossed and born about by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men and cleverness onto craftiness of leading astray but maintaining the truth in love we grow up in all respects and to him who is the head messiah that's the role of watchmen so i believe an interpretation of what i do would be watchmen i'm here to warn you of the things that will kill you or lead to death okay hold on but the fact that i believe it's irrelevant in your life you have to believe it you have to come to that conclusion on your own you have to figure this out yourself my believing it doesn't matter i can't impose that on you i can say it as many times i want if you don't believe it it's not going to make any difference but he puts these things in place because he knows you need these things these elements these roles of of people that he anoints to do different things and they're there as paul explains so that we can come into a unity of belief and knowledge of the son and to a perfect man and the measure and the fullness of the measure the completeness of messiah and look if you have found anointed teachers prophets etc there should be no wind of doctrine and tossing about and confusion and some of you wonder why does he always talk the way he does he just wants everybody to listen to him and not listen to anybody else no i want you to find one person to listen to so you're not all screwed up and confused because if you listen to all of that and convince yourself i'm just trying to get an abundance of counsel and then you come to me and you have no idea what's up or down anymore because you're confused you can't go out there and just listen to everything out there and not think you're not gonna you're not gonna get confused because everything that's out there is confusion they're not saying every one of them but everything that can be given you is given on so many different ways that if you listen to it all it's confusion i'm not saying that none of it's true but if you start listening to all of it you're going to have nothing but noise and confusion that you're going to now have to sift through to figure out what's the real and what's not real what's true and what's not true okay one more rob okay tiffany white please explain ezekiel 33 15 where it says gives back what you stole okay so these this section of the verses i didn't really cover it because it's really just bringing into play some literal torah things all right so this is in verse what'd she say 33 15 15. okay so it says if the wrong one and now it's going to go into things that are in the torah restores the pledge in other words you borrowed something or that somebody gave you a pledge and you now are supposed to return it so it's starting to go into some of the more minutia and bigger elements both october observance he says if you give back what was stolen he's trying to show some of the things that were probably going on with the people that ezekiel was specifically talking to some of the issues they had okay so it's speaking of something that when the torah talks about it there's an actual section probably i believe it's in leviticus where they'll say and talk about a pledge that's given and the rules regarding that pledge and the rules about returning that pledge okay and if something is stolen restoring those things there's he's bringing you back to the torah okay michael shabbat shalom so i just had a few uh a question a few questions um the first one was when you were talking about king david and um what he had done with the wife of maria the hittite and that whole matter i remembered that i felt like his servants did that it was rather odd that he was fasting before the baby had passed away and then after the baby had passed away he he began to he broke the fast and but as we're in the as we're we're doing those these shuffle teachings um it occurs to me that through the lens of shiva it actually kind of makes a little bit of sense to do it that way well and david explains that but i mean the whole point is why did he fast because in fasting he was appealing for a an intervention in the judgment once it was clear that that wasn't going to happen because the baby died there was no point he and so they looked like why why now because the whole point of my fasting the issue is now finished the result has come about the answer to my prayer was no and so there's no point i've now got to accept that reality and move on this goes totally into what i've been teaching you so david gives you a great example of that he was appealing he was apologetic he was repenful he owned what he did and in doing so he also said if possible can you take this cup kind of like what yeshua did to some degree and the answer was no and then he fully accepted that after it happened and moved on okay amen what a great lesson and ezekiel 33 14 we're looking at this again when i say to the wrong you shall certainly die if he turns from his sin and does right and righteousness and then um but when he says you shall certainly die i said those words sound pretty familiar so i flipped back to genesis and that's exactly the words that he said to adam and so the thought occurred to me to ask was adam's bigger sin the original disobedience he did or the failure to accept responsibility for it um there's no such thing as a bigger sin let's just go that way okay i think it it was more uh damaging to his look in the father's eyes to a certain degree the not accepting of what he did because i say the same thing with all of you you make the mistake that's disappointing to yahweh you don't accept and fix it right that's even more disappointing okay so i think the disappointment level was greater sin is sin okay okay and then my last question is um about my my kids in particular um i feel like i have a certain level of parental responsibility for them and i know that you said that their bubbles are their bubbles and my bubble is my bubble but um you know i have them back there right now they're on an ipad and an iphone to keep them quiet a little bit so we can all have a peaceful service and he was wondering i appreciate that i was wondering am i responsible for them getting it before they become adults no okay you can't even make that happen okay look i've got one that gets it one that doesn't i've done the same with both of them i love them both they're both awesome and nothing i did affected the one getting it and nothing i did affected the one not getting it i had nothing to do with that you have nothing to do with it with yours you can just live this the best you can and then when they do get it they'll know who they can go see and talk to because they'll remember that you were doing this and they could see that and have that experience and the witnesses there but you you don't have the ability to cause the eyes to open in the ears to open okay they may or may not get it before they're 20. i didn't i was in my 20s when he poked my bubble some people my wife kind of had it from the time she came out of the womb i didn't does that make her better than me no does that make me better than her no it's just his choice some of you he didn't pop a bubble to your 60s that's not really relevant that's he that was the timing he felt was the right timing for whatever reason and that's when he did it whether you were six or sixty or anything in between it doesn't matter he does it i cannot take any credit for where my daughter is in this you guys all see the incredible anointing she has i take no credit for that and as great as my boy is he doesn't get it yet and he knows that he doesn't matter he doesn't bother him when i say this out loud because he's very open about it but he tries to be respectful and come and participate and do the things he does and i treat him with a lot of love and respect for that he it's got to be his timing and his thing all right and so they were both raised in the same house with the same experiences but it's not that that makes the difference it's a personal calling it says none comes unless the father hand selects timing wise when to poke that bubble period i know that's hard and it hurts mom doesn't really love watching you know her baby boy not get this the way she would like and i have to tell mom he'll get it he's just not getting it now that's not between us and him it's being him and yahweh okay now what he does have is that when he's in class he can answer all the questions he knows the verse is probably better than all of them do he pays attention he just doesn't see it the way we do yet when i was his age i didn't either and so i have a lot of hope that a kid who didn't believe anything and i had a whole lot less than he has right now you know could turn into the rabbi of a group it doesn't it doesn't take a lot for him to just when he pops pokes that bubble to take i mean i was on a very quick journey once he finally opened my eyes and so have hope for your children and be patient with it but you can't you just have to accept it it's hard you can't force the issue you can't make it happen what i can do is and i can make them behave respectfully until they get old enough to make their own choices i can ask them and appeal to them as they get older towards teenagers we'll talk about this more in the teenager class to appeal and say because of our relationship this is what i do i want you to be with me can you please just come and do it respectfully i know you don't believe this stuff but that's fine that's your journey see the problem is you're afraid you're afraid they're not going to get in you're afraid they're not going to end up there stop being afraid they're not yours they're just temporarily yours they're his don't you think he loves them more than you do or at least as much he'll figure it out and they'll figure it out and if it turns out that they make a choice and don't end up that's some people make that choice and you know what everybody that ever made that choice not to end up in has parents that will be upset and sad and disappointed about it or siblings or family members some people make the choice not to be there and nobody nobody takes pleasure in that just like he says he doesn't take pleasure in that but you can't know and you need to not be fearful of it okay don't be afraid love them pray for them and just trust that he's got it under control okay i mean all right mark just just hit me with one brother rabbi that's what i was going to say i just wanted to say brother rabbi there you go i love that brother rabbi well you know when he was talking in that teaching about that measuring stick it made me think why that we're here because before we left we was approached from some family members that said that they can't find nobody that teaches like you and that was my reply i said you you need to check your measuring stick i said because you don't check the word by man we check man by the word and um okay so wait hold on so they're saying basically that i i'm not right because other people don't teach whatever right so they couldn't find nobody to teach like you so they didn't think that she was you know teaching right so that's exactly why i'm here i'm 61 years old my daddy was a pastor my uncles was pastors all my friends i was immersed in christianity but you know i did make that one that trip to the altar and i remember i was 29 years old and i didn't really feel anything i thought well i'm not gonna make it it didn't feel real to me but you know this walk it i'm so excited because i know that i'm walking like i need to walk the torah it was a paradigm shift in my life you know the time you counseled with me and you called me and you told me about uh you said i got to bring reality in the situation uh that sounds simple but it was so profound to me because i'm thinking at my age why didn't i know that then i started reflecting back on my life and all the decisions that i've made that everything blew up in my face it's because i was doing everything which i thought was reality that's what it's talking about here somebody's gonna gonna rest on what they've already done and not put in the effort after that because they feel like i've done enough and there's no such thing as done enough you just have to always do i'm gonna spend forever doing i don't know why anybody doesn't maybe think that way but what do you think you're gonna be doing forever you're gonna be trusting him and doing whatever he says isn't that what you are going to be doing forever you're going to be trusting him and doing whatever he says that's we're pra we're practicing for that okay i mean one of the prayers that i really appreciate on shabbat is when it says in your compassion i will enter into your kingdom right and i will bow and you know fear you i you always think that shabbat for some reason i don't know but i i just have some my imagination goes in that direction and you're saying be motivated by mortality but at the same time i think we also need to keep our focus on what's coming up and you see the kin is a millennium first before the kingdom and how um that that's that's what's helping us to stay focused me knowing that there is like a vision in the future i mean we're leaving the present but with the goal of of getting there in the future and i just love that prayer it just really brings a lot to me every time we do we do that but i had a question rabbi about um it was about when you were talking about when you do not obey you need to fix it and you do not do it when you don't fix it you're not obeying and it's talking about the word but is it does it also apply when we come to you for counseling and we're not obeying uh or following kind of a direction that you're telling us because you are our anointed appointed and what you're saying in my opinion or what i believe is coming from him is that also applicable there okay actually this question came up this morning after we finished the deuteronomy section you know deuteronomy 17 you could interpret it possibly as only being over torah matters not so much over counseling which is kind of what janet's asking here when you think about it it says when any matter arises it's too hard for you to judge or determine what to do it could be between blood and blood plea and plea stroke and stroke matters of strife within your gates so matters of strife that could be husband and wife there could be other things that are issues so it's not always about walking the torah in that way this is when there's something happening and you're challenged and there's this conflict going on and you're looking for counsel and so then you go to those in leadership and you inquire and they're going to declare to you the word of right ruling they're going to say this is what you should do from a torah-based context but this is what you should do and so counseling does fit into this it's not just looking for a a judge ruling in terms of a court case it's not just going to be about that if you're going to ask for help are you going ready to do what the help is that's the guidance that you're given and so that's why you need to be very careful and select who you go to but once you go are you ready to listen and that's so important because it demonstrates how you work with a human being in a type and shadow so to speak of how you work with him when you go to him are you going to listen and so you get to practice that with me or with somebody in a leadership position okay all right pete hold on one second rob okay from yanni ezekiel 33 15 and 16 when turn back late in life is this like matthew 20 6 or 20 chapter 20 verse 6 and 12 workers about the 11 hour work and vineyard and is this like earning life and getting the same pay like one working or walk or slash walking in years okay i can't pretend that i fully understood any of that okay but i think i understand where you were going look the comparison to the workers that get paid the same at the end as the ones who got paid and got there earlier on for the work that's being done i think she's trying to connect into the idea that it doesn't matter what you did all of this time but when you how you finish at the end again it doesn't say how long you have to do it it doesn't say what kind of time frame this stuff is of course the parable about the workers is where you have to understand that you should not care what anybody else is being offered you accepted the offer for you you came and you were told if you come and you work all day we're going to pay you this some of you okay have been working this out and walking this out from a very young age and we'll have a lot longer journey and some of you will have less time to walk it out and have a shorter journey you're all you're both being offered the same thing eternal life is that fair well they may think it's unfair the other way like instead of you thinking i have to do it longer they may think you had the advantage of having it longer so we could look at it either way so it's a matter of what perspective what angle you're approaching it from that's what makes the difference okay now i do want to say this because it kind of connects up i don't think and i'm not going to name time frame i already told you that doesn't you know make any sense for us to do i don't think that in like the shortest of time frames like for example the deathbed confession that that does any good you have to walk this out i'm not saying how long you have to walk it out but you got to walk it out and so i believe and you hear that in the millennium and kingdom teaching if you did not have the time necessary to walk it out you will be given a flesh suit in the millennium to walk it out scripture talks about two deaths with two deaths it has to be two lives okay there does there's no way to die twice and not live twice that's just straightforward math right okay you're dead and we're gonna kill you again no you have to live again and i think there will be some i think not just some but like millions of people that never in their life in their flesh ever had their bubble popped and i think they get to have a flesh suit in the millennium to live this out in a flesh suit where they can die but know that they have life and death to choose from that is not a second chance by the way please listen to the teaching and understand there is no second chance the question is did they have a first chance and what defines a first chance if you lived your life and never had your bubble popped you did not have a first chance yet don't worry about your family members that never had their first chance i believe because yahweh says i'm not a respecter of persons i am fair i am just that he will not give you some you know unfair advantage and they just you know too bad on you all the billions of people that ever lived that never even heard his name are they just doomed that's dumb why would he do that why would he give them life and not give him a chance for real life and that's also why the christians are killing themselves trying to get this word out to everybody because they're thinking if we don't do it they all die that's also dumb to think that he's depending on us to do all that okay and that's it's kind of like the first time i ever heard a christian evangelist somewhat of a tv show i was on there and they're talking about you know basically needing to go out there and save souls because the devil is is winning and we're in the fourth quarter made some sort of football thing about it and i'm thinking that's dumb yahweh is losing no why would you try to convince us that god is losing it's so dumb but they do and they put a lot of pressure on you we're not doing enough he's going to lose really he depends on come on [Laughter] you can hardly depend on yourself he's going to depend on you that's he's the most brilliant mind in the universe he's not stupid his wisdom is one of his greatest attributes that's foolishness total foolishness and so let's just remember that you know when we're piecing this all together he has offered you from the moment he popped your bubble to put in your effort so that you can walk this out and you can hear those words well done good and trustworthy servant don't worry about everybody else that plank in your own eye will keep you busy all the way till you stop breathing all right it's something you can whittle at and pick at it it's big enough to keep you busy you don't need to worry about everybody else all right next one more rob um you may have answered diane hogg could you expand on ezekiel 33 9 are we to warn those close to us or who are not in this walk okay i did answer that right at the very very very very beginning it is not your job to warn anybody okay first of all who's being warned here everybody or those in covenant who those in covenant nobody's warning the gentiles here ezekiel is being told about warning israel and judah and covenanted people so no it is not your job to warn your family members and your friends and everybody else christianity taught you that that's not scriptural the watchman is watching on the wall of the coveted covenanted camp he's a guard of in the camp he's watching to protect those in the camp i'm doing that from the microphone every week all right when i tell you the things that could hurt you and derail you and cause a stumbling block for you that's the watchman role please and i said this from the beginning this is where people i'm not picking on the lady who asked the question but you guys don't listen go back to the beginning and listen first thing i said was this is not probably your role it's only a few who have an anointing to do this role and all you did was read this thing oh do i need to warn everybody no i see that listening okay it is not your job know what your job is philippians 2 12 walk out your own salvation and fear and trembling be a light and an example through your walking out your own salvation for others to see let me do the warning and others who have that job to do okay he says in chapter 33 the beginning says to ezekiel you son of man speak to the children you i've appointed as a watchman he didn't say the rest verse 7 he says and you sent him in i have made you a watchman i didn't make people watch him until everybody in israel was a watchman i said i made you a watchman for the house of israel one for the whole nation now go out there and tell everybody that danger danger will rob in sin you know warn them all right pete rabbi this whole thing came to me i think on tuesday when you were given your same trash on the same subject and what occurred to me is for all of my life i have been on this giant moving sidewalk that's yahweh sidewalk and it's going one way and i was walking the other and i had a lot of company on that walk going the wrong way and i was going towards what i was looking for but it it never was clear to me because it was dark there and i couldn't see i couldn't see the goal and even if i knew what the goal was i didn't know how to get there all i knew was that i had a lot of company going the wrong way and some of these folks had an easter basket in one hand and a pork chop in the other and it wasn't until i i looked off to one side and saw a light and it was a very narrow path which yeshua talks about a narrow path and that path is well lit and it's lit by the torah but that path is going in the direction that it's supposed to be going it's going in the direction that yahweh intends really for all of us to go if we would simply get on that path and stay in that light and what occurred to me today and worked this analogy in my head was once you're on that path you're on that moving sidewalk going that way you can't just stop and say okay i found the path and i'll get there no you like you just said a few minutes ago you have to keep walking you have to keep walking this out because that will bear fruit for one and secondly if you don't keep walking it's very easy to drift off to the side and get knocked off that path i'm made i mean thank you for pointing that out and and i do want we'll go to you one second i do want to just emphasize something that i just said about when i say something like you don't listen some of you are going to get all backed up and puffed up and defensive the first thing you should say when you hear or in your thought that you have when you hear anything corrected from the microphone is be as open as you can to say i wonder if i do that don't get offended it was not said to attack you it was not said to offend you it was said to wake you up because not listening will kill you it will lead to death it will lead to you making mistakes and so if i start saying is you guys don't listen that's what he says by the way maybe not with that tone of voice i don't know what his tone of voice was it's written right but he's like you don't listen now when you hear that you should ask am i doing that instead of going how dare him tell me i don't i live don't do that don't throw all that defensive junk up there maybe you're not guilty of that but you should at least ask the question and entertain the question i wonder if i do that am i really listening and by listening i mean are you listening so that you actually hear what's said understood what said and apply it correctly as opposed to filtering it only getting part of it and then getting the wrong conclusion like missing the point and i know how much this happens because some of the questions prove it and people call up and ask questions prove it because they'll they'll start arguing with me about something i said that i didn't even say i said tell me what minute market is in the teaching let's go back and actually listen to it because i know i didn't say that well you know rabbi in that teaching where you said this i didn't say that all right i know i know you misunderstood it because you heard part of it it triggered your conclusion and that's all you heard and you missed the rest of it when i started off this teaching i said this is not your job but you need to understand that the person doing it what their job is as far as watchmen and some of you still didn't hear that because you saw that verse and all you because you're so wanting to know what to do with your friends and family because you want to fix it you want to save them because christianity made you think that was your job and you can't do that but you need to submit to the watchmen who is your watchman because you are covenanted and you are israel and he does give you watchmen to warn you because that's for the house i mean [Applause] and your name daphne hi daphne hi so um if you've been on this walk for a while and you're doing everything you know to do you're keeping covenant and you have no interest in not keeping covenant but you're all of a sudden feeling disconnected from yah should you take that as a sign that maybe you need to examine yourself and maybe you did walk off the path a little bit and you need to maybe take it as a as like a red flag or is it just a test that everybody goes through and you can just trust that you just kind of persevere and don't listen to your feelings and it'll come back okay so what do you think the answer is to a question like that what should she do counsel some of you said counsel all right when you don't know i'm just i want to use your here as an example just so i can see if they're paying attention these are the kinds of things that you should make a call and get counsel because all of the things you said any one of them could be the problem or the right way to go but only through counsel can we unwrap it a little bit to figure out what's really going on okay so you should counsel and in that counseling we'll talk about what you've been doing what you've been feeling when you feel that way is there something triggering we can't dig underneath to figure out what the issue it may be that you just need to kind of get through this little period that might be a little test and see where you end up i don't know because i don't have enough information but if you counseled we could get there okay i mean good all right rob if you have one more anything that we could just do one more and then we'll close and give you guys a few extra minutes to kind of get over to dinner uh yeah sandy g would rabbi agree that john 6 68 and matthew 19 17 are confirmed and related to ezekiel 33 15. okay wait 13 15. ezekiel 33 15 13 15 which is talking about restoring the pledge okay john 6 68 68 okay matthew 19 17. um i don't i don't know that any of these three is connected to each other in any particular way necessarily okay so in ezekiel 33 15 it says that the wrong restores the pledge and gives back what he's stolen and walks in the laws of life without doing crookedness he'll live matthew it says why do you call me good no one is good except one elohim but if you wish to enter the lifeguard the command so the guard the commands part i guess is linked in that way and then the way they're trying to link 68 is master to whom shall we go you possess the words of life these two things okay john is trying to get you to know what source to go to for the information in matthew it's more connected to this you know the idea of being good or not and pointing out to what is good so that one's probably a little bit more connected to ezekiel it's loosely connected i guess the john verse because in order to do what ezekiel's talking about you need to have the source of the information and yeshua is the truth the source the life he says why would we go somewhere else when you have the words of life so you know what i guess from that point of view they could be be connected in that way they're not they're not actually talking about the same thing but i guess they can be connected if we kind of stretch out there and figure out their you know how we can connect them together all right all right would that be it rob are we good okay all right awesome fantastic all right since you just sat down brian i'm going to have you come up and close us in prayer [Laughter] all right robinson we have all the children here we're good it looks like they're all back there and by the way thank you children you're sitting so nicely and quietly i appreciate that very much all right we're now going to close in prayer with mr bryan bain aveno marquinho our father and our king father we come before you again on your shabbat your set apart day and we just want to express our gratitude and our love for you your torah and for getting us here safely to have another day to spend together as we practice living together in the millennium in the kingdom we thank you for giving us leadership a structure to be able to walk this under to lead us by example to give us opportunities to walk this out in a way that brings you honor and glory and to also be an example for these young ones who are the future who are going to be a light to the rest of the world as the world grows darker and darker until you come and show us the way father we love you we praise you and we thank you in the name of your son yeshua our messiah amen amen amen all right so as we close i'm going to say we could all try to yell it out together we're going to say to everybody on the stream we're going to tell them shabbat shalom have a good week shavuot and we're going to tell them we love them here we go ready one two i love you [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 6,189
Rating: 4.9291139 out of 5
Id: 1R917xqrY0M
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Length: 229min 12sec (13752 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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