MTOI Weekly Torah Study | Devarim | Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:22

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[Music] all right shalom everyone and the crowd went wild okay so and we're getting a second five four three two one do we have to try again shalom everyone [Applause] i think until you guys yell enough they're just gonna keep giving me that five four three two one okay never mind there you go another one we're stuck in the five four three two one loop all right welcome to torah tuesday so tonight we're going to go through the weekly torah portion we are excitedly anticipating the opening up of the new book which is the book of devarim deuteronomy we just finished the book of numbers last week and so we're into deuteronomy today as we launch into the last of the five books that we go in the one year cycle through which means that we're getting closer and closer to the end of the cycle which means sukkot is coming so this is great this is exciting okay so what we're going to do tonight is we're going to go through a little bit of prayer time first to see what prayer needs and praise reports you might have here in the body if you're online we have ms mercy smith on the online desk that's mercy l smith actually i'm sorry i i'm corrected there okay um and uh of course we've got our shamish team on there as well okay so please give the shamans your respect online there that would be rob and kurt as they keep peace and shalom in that chat room all right so let's hopefully uh have the right approach right attitude and be anticipating an excellent study as we sit here together to read and discuss the word of our creator amen amen okay so we'll begin with prayer time and then we'll go through the reading of the torah portion which is going to be i think we have eight readers today so i've got seven chairs okay plus rabbi tom it's perfect all right so we've got eight readers tonight and we're going to be reading deuteronomy 1 1 through 3 22 i think and so that'll get us uh through the next portion and then we'll have some quick announcements and then after the announcements we'll discuss what we're reading so first step if you've got a phone let's go ahead and turn that to silent all right let's turn that down turn it off if you're at home try to minimize distractions so we can focus on our being together as mish baja's family and then the studying and listening to the reading of the word which i think is a very you know important event every day that when we do these things especially every week when we get together for these things all right we'll begin with prayer time so who would like to get us started if you have a prayer need you can come up here paul's got a microphone is hh2 on there you go all right and then if you're online mercy will be making note of the online requests all right mr steve all right um just prayer for the court hearing it was friday the judge has taken everything under submission which means we might be a week before he knows what he decides so we'll see okay so on friday he's getting more things submitted or that's after all right so you actually should get a decision on friday maybe he may make a decision not to make a decision all right all right chris i have a praise i went to the lee university admissions office yesterday and had a very easy and productive conversation and today i finished getting a paying for my transcript to be sent over and i also uh i applied so we're going to see if that is something i can do stay here in cleveland instead of going back to minnesota and by the way um i know that you're like most recently from minnesota i know you were from places before that the it is warm outside you don't really need to wear a long sleeve with a hood okay anyway i've got a lot of the teenagers like to walk around with hoodies all summer long too here i don't get it i mean just watching makes me sweat just i don't understand but anyway michael rabbi in michigan they're still wearing shorts in february i had a gym teacher in new york that wore shorts all year long and open toe sandals it didn't matter to him what the temperature was i can't imagine walking through knee deep snow with sandals he didn't care all right go ahead mike what's up so that court hearing that we were going to have on june 29th up in michigan uh two days before that was supposed to happen or maybe a week before that was supposed to happen the other party submitted a motion that was heard um the the date for the actual trial was rescheduled for the 16th on the 9th of july we had the the another adjournment hearing for for our side because we really didn't want to do it on a prep day but the judge said we're going to go ahead and do it on the 16th anyway so we're able to take it over zoom thank you for showing us how to do that by the way rabbi you're welcome and uh this has been two years in the making so um i did want to update a little bit of praise here is that the other side actually tried to offer us a settlement today that we both drop our cases and walk away and i'm like no this has been two years i can't do that i can't pay my attorney that much out of pocket right now so um but we're we're in it now and uh we just want to pray that we keep our shalom keep our mind and if things go our way to not get too prideful about it i mean all right beth hi i have a huge praise for yahweh this is the first day in as many months as i can remember that i haven't hurt i've had some good days and some bad days but this day has been wonderful amazing huge praise it's nice to have a pain-free day right right paul just continued prayer with this for this va deal and my kidney problem okay we can certainly do that anybody else okay live stream okay we got uh kyla kayla reich she says her prayer request is my body is having a strong reaction to detox and i'm not feeling well trusting abba to supply all i need thank you amen from michael ashley condon prayer excuse me prayers for michael that he'll get into national university so he can get his master's in i.t from shequez lee asking for prayer please for wisdom on a new way to approach an ongoing health concern a permanent solution and continued patience and peace as i live with it thank you from chris and becky andrews continued prayers for my niece iris after delivering her baby she was court-ordered into a mental hospital from a rabbi from robin elbamo please pray for my family regarding work situations from wayne delancey prayer requests for my diabetes to get healthy and not to focus on my desires for sugar and prayers for south africa who i have a friend who i know her family and friend live there thank you rabbi okay just a quick note with that um it's it's unfortunate i think it's not even close to the right word um that we live in a world well we live in a country where you know we want to focus on really minut dumb things and then serious things that are happening in other parts of the world don't even get a headline don't get any notice and there's there's horrific things happening right now in south africa and i mean literally cities on fire jails being all the prisoners being let out and just i mean chaos on the streets all kinds of violence and and things and it's you know you wouldn't know about it if we didn't announce it because it wouldn't be anywhere on the news that you would hear it and that's very sad because there's more than just the u.s there's a lot of things happening in a lot of places and we should have you know concern especially because there are members of the body in all those places and they're all going through some hard things and the south africa thing has been an ongoing thing for many years i've been very aware of it especially since i visited a couple of years ago it's going on almost three years ago now and you know it was bad enough then that i was encouraging the people who were there to leave and it's only gotten worse and it's only gotten more impossible for them to leave and not because the country won't let them out is because places like here won't let them in which is another thing that's incredibly sad i said of course the thing to do would simply be to go to mexico and cross the border like everybody else but you know but you know it's it's just really it's a bad thing going on it's a huge huge thing you have the same kind of things happening now in cuba the same kind of things happening in venezuela but you got them in a lot of places that we're not being told very much about okay so certainly keep all those people in prayer because the more the people uprising the more the governments are going to slam down and lots of people are going to get hurt all right continue okay where were we uh v natural 149 shalom everyone prayers for my friend gloria who is having a big health challenge please pray for healing and peace thank you mtoi philippines jet shalom family please pray for our upcoming sukkot get together this september and they also have a praise report praise abba that he already provided for the expenses hallelujah shalom rabbi for donna stevens prayer that all mishpaka may be a blessing to abba in our walk and that our walk may be won without grumbles dread or fear amen to that maxine williams prayer for myself and my son marshall going through some tough challenges michelle shelley bel-perez prayers please for aurora and lauren de haven and for all the brothers and sisters in need here and worldwide and all praises to yah for all he has done is doing and will do from vascon prayers for rabbi leadership mtoi and my marco polo brothers and sisters chris dahlberg prayers for a job interview i have lined up on friday as i'm being laid off from my current job in october hopefully it's the right opportunity but if it's not praying for additional doors to be opened mtoi philippines jet prayer request shalom family please oh i already got that one you did that twice yet okay let's see what else we got here it's okay he's in the future anyway from kelly lutz prayer for the planning of our homeschool year prayers that there be much shalom wisdom and understanding this year and may my patience be strengthened while i teach my children amen diane delap prayers prayers need she has a prayer she needs a wheelchair accessible housing need a way to be able to afford buying a wheelchair accessible van pete and brenda lamb prayers for tony's safe arrival in cleveland tennessee he crossed the tennessee line at 5 30 p.m coming from nebraska that's that's our good friend from marco polo bob the builder that's nice we have these great nicknames on marco polo anyway so he's part of that shane shane bidwell group and everything they're coming is fantastic all right go ahead all right from let's see daughter of abraham unspoken prayers for my family relationship from kathy ishika prayers please for all the extreme testing out they out here in the world where i am alone all right kathy i did get your cards just so you know because kathy will be back at some point here she's out west and we'll be back the 31st yeah that's what she was hoping for what she said in there but i did get your cards just so you know thank you all right from michael ashley condon praise we are also officially tennesseans did the paperwork today i mean all right let's see simon gibbs this is from sarah gibbs prayers for mtoi leadership and upcoming sukkot as restrictions continue to get tighter in australia from robert robin elmo thank you rabbi for keeping all of us grounded i mean let's see thank you for telling me that that's actually working sometimes i i wonder if that's actually happening so thank you for the encouraging word there it is working okay good okay from anna uden prayers for us as my son is starting preschool and my sister is moving to tennessee not sure what yah has planned but hopefully she will come to visit you guys us guys we use guys use guys come on you were from brook brooklyn come on brooklyn in the house who's guys huge guys i mean i know you're number three but you can at least do use guys oh we're still doing that that will never end okay continue that's okay uh and that is it we have a lot of unspoken prayers as well and that's it all right i'm in i mean okay let's continue to pray for all those that have contacted us since the last time we got together which would have been on shabbat and um actually we got together the next day for our picnic which you know what it went it went really really well considering we had to redirect it to here and we didn't get to go out because of the rain and everything and and some people might have been thinking oh but it was it didn't really rain and then all of a sudden this really loud thunder blast showed up with the lightning and everything's like okay we're glad we're here but now of course the weather in hixson wasn't the same necessarily was here either okay so but the thing was it was it was a decision that you know you think oh sure we made the decision now it's not going to rain we should have gone no it was a good decision but everybody seemed to have a really good time and come here and we and you know spend some family time and picnic indoors it was good all right [Applause] look we're hoping at some point you know well not hoping we know at some point when we finished developing the the farm property the new property that it will have a place to mikva on the property i mean there already are several very large ponds on the property that we can convert into something like that so you know when we get to work to that point of the work on that project we'll be able to go there and that's only 1.7 miles from here so it's not even a you know a big deal so it's not like driving all the way to his realizing we can't even do it so so it'll be great so just keep that in prayer as we continue to work on building the fee site and the the new congregation building everything that we're doing over on the new property and so that'll be um just a tremendous blessing we have the ability to mix it there as well okay um i'm also considering as part of the project just so you know this in the future uh putting an indoor mikvah in there for the people that want to do that on bases like the ladies may want to do that on a monthly basis the things that we could rehearse and do that people have wanted to mikvah and this way no matter what the weather is and no matter what time of year it is we'll have something inside that you could go in okay so that's something that we will be working on as well okay all right so again we want to continue to pray for the situations around the world that we're now becoming aware of um as we are going through the there's two things that we're pointing out in addition we're going through the summertime which is between shavuot and trumpets it's a time when in between feasts hasitan tends to stir things up quite a bit and so be warned be ready be prepared and do not be worried or afraid or concerned but just be a warned and ready and prepared right it's also the month of of okay and we i may talk a little bit more about this on shabbat when we get to the shabbat teaching because we'll be just getting really close to the ninth of ave and the ninth of ave is historically when all the horrifically terrible things have happened in israel's history okay the destruction of the temples both happened on the month in the month of auburn the ninth ava and those kind of things so um it's called tisha b'av and the ninth of auth and so we'll talk more about it it's known as the saddest day of the year so when you consider that these are the kinds of things that happened historically in the month of of and we're in that now you know we should be not surprised that things happen again you know that are challenging in this month so we're going to be strengthened we're going to be encouraged and we're going to be prepared so that we do not have you know an adverse response to the things that are likely to come because they're going to come and really i think those are the things that are the most important things in life because the things that tell the father the most about us is how we react to those things i mean you know i've often said that the fruit of the spirit is easy for everybody when life is good we're loving we're joyful we're peaceful all that kind of stuff right patient but how do we handle things when they're not exactly so good usually not very well but if we know and we're prepared hopefully we'll do better so i want to encourage us in this prayer time that we will you know be strengthened and prepared and that we will stand in the time of challenge i mean i mean all right let's go ahead and have one of the guys raise their hands to open us in prayer all right let's go and give it to bill and also pray for the prayer needs our heavenly father we bless you and thank you for this wonderful day that you've given us to be here with together to study the torah we ask that you would bless rabbi as he presents what you have for us to hear father we pray for the people that have expressed their prayer needs there are so many father so many people rejoicing there's so many people sad there's so many people faced with so many challenges but father you you can help in all those things give us wisdom as we face the days to come especially the night of and those days surrounding them and we ask these things in yeshua's name on me amen amen all right thank you okay so we are reading deuteronomy just about one of my favorite books if not my favorite book yeah we should get excited about that all right so the name of the torah portion is devarim which is dude which is the name in hebrew for the book of deuteronomy all right devon means the names or the words excuse me these are the words the var is the word you know we talk about when someone teaches or speaks if they do well we call it a a tov davar a good word okay and so these are the words which mostly spoke to all israel's verse one so the names of books he breaking i i don't say this every time but i should so anybody knew would understand the names of the torah portions come out of one of the main word concepts in the first verse of the torah portion okay the name of the book is going to be based on the same idea so the book of numbers in the hebrew is actually the book of bibi bar which is in the wilderness okay so in the book of devarim devarim also is very important from the point of view that it's it's essentially written as a contract so it's the summary of the covenantal contract with a lot of the history about how they got to this point is it getting ready to cross the jordan and so it's in a very very critically important book it's written very much in the ancient near east form of a contract all right so it's a very very important book all right so i need eight readers seven seats are open rabbi tom's number eight or number one depending on how you want to look at it says he's going to read first i'll have you read first and there shouldn't be any concerns with any of the chapters having lots of names in it so there's a few names here and there but not too much all right we got our we got our readers lined up okay so i'm going to call up each reader rabbi tom you can come on up i'm going to call up each reader one at a time i'll recite a traditional blessing over each reader and then i'll let you know what verses you're going to read from and to and that kind of thing and then we'll go through that until we finish the torah portion and then once we finish it then we'll have a traditional closing blessing and some announcements and then we'll discuss it so since we're going to discuss this after we're done i encourage all of you that would like to participate you should have a way to take notes maybe you want to note a thing that you want to comment about that you heard or maybe have a question about something preemptively i don't do this usually in the beginning i do this at the end but i should probably do it more at the beginning i want you to be listening for those things that you can look at that the other people the people in the story that they can i don't know let's call it a story it's how it was made up the account of the events that's here in deuteronomy you get to see how people behaved how they responded and what they did or what they chose not to do and i want you to look for yourself in that what can you learn from their choices so that you can make better choices so you look for what you can glean out of this reading today this from chapter 1 1 to 322 that you can apply in your walk today amen all right we'll begin with rabbi tom all right he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless rabbi tom who's come up to honor yahweh in the torah but i said a part one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands ah mane okay you're gonna go from verse one through fifteen these are all the words which moshe spoke to all israel beyond the yardan in the wilderness in the desert plain opposite suff between paran and hophel and laban and hatsurot 11 days journey from horeb by the way of months a year to kadash barania and it came to be in the 40th year in the 11th new moon on the first day of the new moon then moshe spoke to all the children of israel according to all that yahweh had commanded him concerning them after he had stricken sion king of the amorites who dwelt in heshbon an og sovereign of beishan who dwelt at ashtaroth in edrai beyond the yard in the land of moab moshe undertook to declare this torah saying yahweh or elohim spoke to us in hareb saying you have dwelt long enough at this mountain turn and set out on your way and go into the mountains of the amorites and to all the neighboring places in the desert plain in the mountains and in the low country and in the negev and on the seacoast to the land of the canaanites and to lebanon as far as the great river of the river euphrates see i have set the land before you go in and possess the land which you always swore to your fathers to avraham to yitzhak and to yaakov to give them and their seed after them and i spoke to you at that time saying i am unable to bear you by myself yahweh your elohim has increased you and see you are today as numerous as the stars of the heavens yahweh elohim of your fathers is going to add to you a thousand more times than you are and bless you as he has spoken to you how do i bury your pressure and your burden and your strife by myself choose men wise and understanding and known to your tribes and let me appoint them as your heads and you answered me and said the word which you have spoken to us to do is good and i took the heads of your tribes wise men and knowing and made them heads over you leaders of thousands leaders of hundreds leaders of fifties and leaders of tens and officers for your tribes amen okay thank you rabbi tom all right next up we have olivier let me get this out of the way here all right here you blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may you bless olivier who's come up to under yahweh in the torah but instead of part one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity on all the works of his hands amen okay you're gonna take us now from verse 16 to 28. i recommended your judges at that time saying when a hearing between your brothers judge righteously between a man and his brother or the stranger who is with him do not show partiality in right ruling here the small as well as the great do not be afraid of anyone's face for dry ruling belongs to elohim on the case which is too hard for you bring it to me and i shall hear it and i commended you at that time all the words which you should do then we set out for more and went through all that great on awesome wilderness which you saw on the way to the mountains of the amorites as yahweh our elohim has commanded us when we came to to kadesh barnard and i said to you you have come to the mountains of the amorites which yahweh our elohim is giving us see yahweh yahweh your elohim i set the land before you go up and process it as yahweh elohim of your fathers has spoken to you do not fear nor be discouraged on all of you came near to me and said let us send men before us and let them search out the land for us and bring back word to us of the way by which we should go up one of the cities into which we should go we would come on the matter was good in my eyes so i took 12 our young men one man from each tribe and they turned and went up into the mountains and came to do what he asked called and spidey doubt and they took some of the fruit of the land in their hands and brought it down to us and they brought back brought to us saying the land which airway our elohim is giving us is good but you would not go up and rebelled against the mouth of yahweh your elohim ungrumbled in your 10th son said because yahweh was hating us he has brought us out of the land of mizrahim to give us into the land to the hand of the amorites to destroy us where are we going to our brothers have made our ass mailed saying the people are greater and taller than we the cities are great on the world up to the heavens and we saw the sounds of the anakin their jew man okay michael you blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless michael has come up tonight in the torah made a set of part one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity on all the works of his hands amen you're going to take us from verse 29 to the end of the chapter then i said to you have no dread or fear of them yahweh your elohim who is going before you he does fight for you according to all he did for you in mitzrayim before your eyes and in the wilderness where you saw how yahweh or elohim has borne you as a man bears his son in all the way that you went until you came to this place yet in this matter you are putting no trust in yahweh or elohim who is going before you in the way to seek out a place for you to pitch your tents to show you the way you should go in fire by night and in a cloud by day and yahweh heard the voice of your words and was wroth and took an oath saying not one of these men of this evil generation shall shall see that good land of which i swore to give your fathers except caleb son of yephunna he shall see it and to him and his children i give the land on which he walked because he followed yahweh completely and yahweh was enraged with me for your sakes saying you do not go in there either yahushua the son of noon who stands before you he shall go in there strengthen him for he shall cause israel to inherit and your little ones and your children who you say are for pray who today have no knowledge of good and evil they are going in there and to them i give it and they are to possess it but you turn and take your journey into the wilderness by the way of the sea of reeds then you answered and said to me we have sinned against yahweh we ourselves are going up and we shall fight as yahweh our elohim who commanded us and when each one of you had girded on his battle gear you are ready to go up into the mountain and yahweh said to me say to them do not go up nor fight for i am not in your midst lest you be smitten before your enemies so i spoke to you but you would not listen and rebelled against the mouth of yahweh and acted proudly and went up into the mountain then the amorites who dwelt in that mountain came out against you and chased you as bees do and drove you back from seire to horma and you returned and wept before yahweh but yahweh would not listen to your voice nor give ear to you so you dealt so you dwelt in kadesh many years according to the days that you dwelt amen okay thank you michael all right janet he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless janet who's come up tana yawi in the torah made to set a part one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands amen okay you're gonna take us now to chapter two and read the first 12 verses then we turned and set out in the wilderness the way of the seal reads as yahweh spoke to me and we went around mount air many days and yahweh spoke to me saying you have gone around this mountain long enough turn northward and command the people saying you are about to pass over into the border of their brothers the descendants of essa who live in saiyar and they are afraid of you so be on your guard do not strive with them for i do not give you any of their land no not so much as one's footstep because i have given mount saiyar to aeso as a possession what food you buy from them with silver you shall eat and also what water you buy from them with silver you shall drink for yahweh your elohim has blessed you in all the work of your hand he has known your wandering through this great wilderness these four years yahweh your elohim has been with you you have not lacked any matter and then we passed beyond our brothers the descendants of esau who dwell in sahir away from the way of the desert plain away from aleph and asean we turned and passed over by way of the wilderness of moab and yahweh said to me do not distress moab nor steer yourself up against them in battle for i do not give you any of their land as a possession because i have given r to the descendants of lord as a possession the e might have dwelt there formerly a people as great and numerous and tall as the anakim and they were also reckoned as rephrased rephrates like the anakim but the moabites called them emits and the horites formerly dwelled in saiyar by the descendants of esau dispossessed them and destroyed them from before them and dwelt in their place as israel did to the land of their possession which yahweh gave them amen okay shannon thank you janet okay shannon you blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless shannon who has come up to ana yawi in the torah made the set apart one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands ah man okay you're gonna take us now from verse 13 to 25. now rise up pass over the wadizaret so we passed over the wadizaret and the time we took to come from qaddash bernande how he passed over to the wadi zarid was 38 years until all the generation of the men of battle was consumed from the midst of the camp as yahweh had sworn to them and also the hand of yahweh was against them to destroy them from the midst of the camp until they were consumed and it came to be when all the men of battle have finally perished from among the people the yahweh spoke to me saying this day you are to pass over the boundary of moab and when you come near the children of amon do not distress them nor stir yourself up against them for i do not give you any of the land of the children of amman as a possession because i have given it to the descendants of lot as a possession that was also reckoned as a land of raphaites the raphites formally dwelt there but the ammonites called them the zemzumin as people as great as numerous and tall as the anakim but yahweh destroyed them before them and they dispossessed them and dwelt in their place as he had done for the descendants of esau who dwelt in seer when he destroyed the hororites from before them they dispossessed them and dwelt in their place even to this day and the awim who dwelled in villages as far as azah the kaftarim who came from kaptor destroyed them and dwelt in their place arise set out and pass over the wadi or non see i've given into your hand sihon the amorite sovereign of heshbom and his land begin to possess it and stir up yourself against him in battle this day i begin to put the dread and fear of you upon the peoples under all the heavens who when they hear the report of you shall tremble and shake because of you amen okay thank you shannon okay next up is bill you blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless billows come up to under yahweh in the torah made a set apart one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands ah man you're gonna take us from verse 26 to the end of the chapter then i sent messengers from the wilderness of kedemoth to sihon sovereign of heshman with words of peace saying let me pass over through your land on the highway i shall go on the highway and turn neither to the right nor to the left what food you sell me for silver i shall eat and what water you give me for silver i shall drink only let me pass over on foot as descendants of esau who dwell in seer and the moabites who dwell it are did for me until i pass over the yard to the land yahweh our elohim is giving us but sihon sovereign of heshman would not let us pass over for yahweh your elohim hardened his spirit and strengthened his heart to give him into your hand as it is this day and yahweh said to me see i have begun to give you sight i have begun to give sihon and his land over to you begin to possess in order to possess his land and sihon and all his people came out against us to fight at yahats and yahweh our elohim gave him over to us so he struck him and his sons and all his people and we took all his cities at that time and we put the men women and little ones of every city under the ban we left none remaining only the livestock we took as plunder for ourselves and the spoil of the cities which we captured from aurora which is on the edge of the wadi arnon and the city that is by the wadi as far as galad there was not one city too high for us yahweh our elohim gave all to us only you did not go near the land of the children of ammon anywhere along the wadi yabak as to the cities of the mountains or anywhere as yahweh our elohim commanded us i mean i mean okay thank you bill all right chris he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless chris who's come up down to yahweh in the torah made his center part one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands amen okay you're gonna take us now to chapter three and read verses one through eleven then we turned and went up the way to bashan and og sovereign of bashan came out against us he and all his people to battle at idre and he always said to me do not fear him for i have given him and all his people and his land into your hand and you shall do to him as he did to sihon sovereign of the amorites who dwelt at heshbon so yahweh or elohim also gave us into our hands all sovereign of bashan with all his people and we struck him until he had no survivors remaining and we captured all his cities at that time there was not a city which we did not take from them 60 cities all the districts of our gulp the reign of ag in bashan and all these cities were fenced with high walls gates and bars besides a great many unwalled towns and we put them under the ban as we did to see hon sovereign of heshbon putting the men the women and the children of every city under the ban but all the livestock livestock and the spoil of the cities we took as booty for ourselves and at that time we took the land from the hand of the two sovereigns of the amorites that was beyond the yard and from the wadi unknown to mount hormone sidonians called hormone syrion and the arm amorites call it senior all the cities of the plain all gilead and al-bashan as far as salka and idre cities of the reign of og and bashan for only ogg of sovereign of bashan was left of the remnant of the raphites see his bedstead was an iron bedstead is it not in rabbah of the children of ammon nine cubits is its length and four cubits its width according to the qubit of a man uh man thank you chris okay brianna he who blessed our fathers abramizing and jacob may he bless brianna who's come uptown to yahweh in the torah made a set of part one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of our hands ah maine okay you're going to take us now from verse 12 to 22. and this land which we possessed at the time from arior which is by the wadi arnon and half the mountains of gilead and its cities i gave to the reubenites and the gaddites and the rest of gilead and al-bashan the reign of og i gave to half the tribe of menasha all the district of aga with all but with all bashan called the land of the raphites yet son of menasha had taken all the district of argob as far as the border of the gershonites in the mak mag diets and called them after his own name the bashan of hawat yair to this day and to make here i gave gilead and to the reubenites and to the and the gadites i gave from gilead as far as the wadi arnon the middle of the wadi as the border as far as the wadi yaakov the border of the children of amon and the desert plain with the yarden as the border from kin kynareth as far as the sea of of the arabah the salt sea below the slopes of pisgah on the east and i command you and i commanded you at the time saying yahweh your elohim has given you this land to possess all your sons of might passover armed before your brothers the children of israel but let your wives and your little ones and your livestock i know that you have much livestock stay in your cities which i have given you until yahweh has given rest to your brothers as to you and they also possess the lamb which yahweh your elohim is giving them beyond the arden then you shall return each man to his possession which i have given you and i commanded yahushua at the time saying your eyes have seen all yahweh your elohim has done to these two sovereigns yahweh does the same to all the reigns which you are passing over do not fear them for your for yahweh your elohim himself fights for you i mean i mean thank you let me get the music they stand here maine thank you all the readers excellent job the traditional blessing after yahweh elohim not blessed are you yahweh elohim king of the universe who has given us a torah of truth has planted eternal life in our midst blessed are you yahweh giver of the torah maine amen okay so now we're going to have some quick announcements after i rearranged my desk here okay some of you think why do you move the bigger bible off of there because i i read out of the 98 version i'm more comfortable with it and that's the newer version so anyway announcements first of all i want to welcome all of our guests okay i'm sure we have some online how many people we got online right now our computers oh you weren't ready for that i wasn't 192. 192 computers logged on fantastic well welcome welcome to all of you and so we we are children of avraham we should exempl exemplify easy for me to say the trait of hospitality and help them feel welcome we also ask that as guests you act as respectful guests and for the most part you guys do there's always that one or two that come in to stir the pot and you know the shawn machine team does a great job of handling them but we do want to welcome our guests if you're new and just found us so we do this twice a week we live stream so on saturday we stream at 1 15 p.m our shabbat service every saturday right here on youtube so that's a quarter after one we do actually start a a stream at one o'clock we go live at 1 15. so there's recorded stuff and announcement slides and music and things like that that's playing starting at 1 and then 115 we start with the sounding of the shofar our service does go a good four hours plus so you know be prepared for something that's going to be a wonderful thing to take up your shabbat day because a lot of people think i don't know what to do with all this time well i can cover four or five hours of it right there okay all right and you put a meal before it and a meal afterward it took care of almost all of the time and so that's our shabbat service you're welcome to attend there it's a very interactive service kind of like this torah study where you can type in if you have questions we can answer them and we have prayer time you can type in your prayer time so we try to make this as virtually interactive as we can all right then on tuesdays if you just found us every tuesday at 6 30 we go ahead and do the weekly torah portion cycle all right and so you're welcome to come and visit with us here on tuesday nights and we also have a program for the youth that goes along with the torah portion cycle it's called parsha pearls okay we have a separate website for that so our main website is the youth program is on so you just add a why in front of it you get the right website and so the ymca parts apparels program is fantastic program for the children to engage with the torah portion cycle and to engage with the word and so we have it broken up first of all it's a free program i should have said that right up front there's a free program you can go on our website download the pdf uh for the different age groups you have two different groups and two different pdfs about 35 pages or so each and it has uh for the five to eight year olds is one and then there's one for the nine to about 19 year olds of course anybody of any age can enjoy either one of them so what you get there in the pdf is you're going to get a discussion of an aspect of the torah portion because sometimes the torah portion covers two or three different main themes so you're going to get a discussion of one of those themes then you're going to get some questions to see how much the children understood that or whoever's going through the program understood the discussion that was there hebrew word study so several of the words from that torah portion will be given to you in like hebrew flash cards you can cut out and use there's a memory verse or two there's some word searches crossword puzzles mazes crafts notebook pages coloring pages even a song and a snack all related to that week's torah portion all right now a lot of congregations do this on saturday like this is when they go through their torah portion so we do this on tuesday in advance of the one that other people are doing on saturday so devarim we're doing today a lot of people will be doing it on shabbat we post it on sunday so a couple of days ago we posted it on the ymca site so you can have it available to you all week for your homeschooling for your sabbath school when you get to saturday you have time to prepare the materials that you might need i mean if you're going to make a craft or a snack you might need to go ahead and get some of those things that you need to do these things and so we post it on sunday so that you can have it all week long fantastic program and it's all stuff that we put together uniquely ourselves it's not something we went out and just grabbed stuff off the web or anything these are all you know uniquely designed proprietarily by us so that you will be blessed you know with the torah portion and in the yeah glad for that okay um you always brought together a tremendous team of talented people you know to put this program together headed by my wife who puts you know mainly puts it together and some tremendous artists my daughter sings the songs i mean it's just some fantastic things okay all right now so enjoy that and it's available like i said on the website any questions about it you could always email with any questions about it okay then we also have audio scripture readings okay so the audio scripture readings are done by our own shira wendling and they're available on the mtoi website under media under audio scripture readings and so the entirety of the scriptures from genesis to maps i'm kidding from genesis to revelation there's nothing to read with maps and it's a joke um but from genesis to revelation has been recorded the torah portions are actually recorded by torah portion so you can listen to devarim just as a torah portion as far as going through the book of deuteronomy okay so you can enjoy that they're downloadable they're free you can listen to them at your convenience okay now let's deal with some upcoming events some calendar stuff so on friday we have our zone three meeting okay zone three if you're new and you're like what is zone three okay so we realized it didn't take us very long to figure out that when we became an international ministry there are people in time zones that are not necessarily in line with the time that we're keeping shabbat it's already after shabbat where they are and so we thought it would be really a blessing if we could do something at least once a month that's in the same time zone so so the people in those time zones could have a shabbat meeting with us so every second saturday we do zone two which is like the uk south africa or africa and europe and that kind of thing friday the third friday of the month is zone three which is like australia new zealand japan the philippines and malaysia and it starts at 10 p.m friday night my time eastern time okay here and so you got to do the math of what time it is where you are okay so it's friday night 10 p.m eastern time which should be you know anytime between say 10 in the morning until about 2 30 in the afternoon in those places that are in zone three because zone three could be as as far as even 16 hours ahead okay philippines is 12 you know places like australia could be as far as 15 or 16 hours ahead all right so that is an international shabbat q a with me and we usually have upwards of almost 100 computers logged on the last couple of meetings i've been 90 plus and so it's fantastic to see people from all over the world now you can go and attend this no matter what zone you live in the zone one would be like here between eastern eastern time and pacific time so us canada mexico etc all those in those time zones if you're in zone two you can attend it's open to everyone the thing about the zone is that whoever lives in that area is going to get the priority to ask questions and interact okay now if there's more time after they've asked all their questions we can open up the floor to people from zone two or zone one um zone one gets it actually we're gonna start doing this more consistently the first weekend of the month and so we'll be doing some more q and a's on the first weekends of the month so that you guys can ask your questions although you're here and you get to sit down and ask me questions almost any time you want most of you or the people that live here time zone wise it's easier to reach us so this is done on zoom okay and so to get the link for that if you if you already have a link from any zone meeting we've done it's the same link for all the meetings if you have not gotten the link you can email zoom and we'll send you a link to the meeting okay fantastic all right then on sunday we have our leadership meetings and again everybody in the leadership should have gotten an email from billy he will get one this week um even though he's on vacation he's still billy i know you're paying attention you get the email out okay um and the zone two we're changing the way we're doing this now we had a south africa meeting early and we changed it now to a full zone two meeting at 10 a.m and then the full general session at noon okay what you need to do is pray for it you know i highly recommend that if you would like the leadership to you know be totally focused on serving yahweh's needs and desires when it comes to this part of the body that you should be praying for him to inspire us as to what he would have us to do okay so these are meetings that have upwards of you know 40 40 congregations from around the world all connected together under the mty uh umbrella and and we we only have one thing in mind which is how can we work together to serve you in a more effective way all right and be useful in the hands of the father in doing so okay so that's zone um so that's the leadership meetings okay then the next thing coming up is our next era of shabbat which will be the first friday of the month which was our original plan which will be friday august 6th okay so we'll be doing that here and i believe are we going to go back to the everybody bring food and we'll share it type of deal forever shabbat okay so like we did last time basically everybody should be bringing food enough food like you would for a picnic style so you have all that food but we're going to put it in the kitchen area and we'll have it out there like a buffet so people could choose different things and try different things so it's it's a lot of fun with that okay so that will be on friday august the 6th we start with our shabbat service at 6 30. so if you're bringing food and you want to put in and set it up in the kitchen try to be here before 6 30 so that we can start with the service at 6 30. that's not going to be streamed that's just something for people here and so that will have that now [Music] then we have rosh hashanah okay oh wait i forgot about rose quarters you're right put that back my fault all right um on the new month coming up of leloul i know we just started the month of off so i always like to tell you when the next one's coming for elul elul the first is on monday so we had a choice we always have a choice of trying to do this either the night before when it first starts the new month or the day of problem is in the summer sundown is like 8 45. and so it gets to be a little late to try to get together to do that so what we're going to do instead is on monday we're going to have another just like the air of shabbat we're going to have another get-together for a meal and fellowship and we're going to have the rose quarter service so monday august the 9th okay service will start at 6 30. so again bring your food by six and then we'll have a service at 6 30 and then after the service we'll eat i mean okay so we're going to get together and eat a lot this coming that coming week the weekend of august night we got august 6th and then we're going to the end of the weekend we're going to have the the new month so fantastic amane right you guys get excited you don't like to eat together [Applause] all right now we get to the announcement for rosh hashanah okay rosh hashanah is in september on the 7th okay that is a tuesday okay tuesday the 7th now it's also tuesday which is torah tuesday so we're going to try to figure on i think my plan at that point would be to have our normal service runs about four hours the rosh hashanah service which is a slide driven participation service only runs about an hour and a half two hours like that it's not that long it's like an hour okay unless i give a sermon to go with it but the service itself is a structured service that's about an hour so i thought what we would do is that we would have our torah tuesday during the service in other words go ahead and have our russia center service and then right afterwards do our torah study and then we would have our meal afterwards so just like we take up the same window of time we normally take up for services did that make sense for everyone because we cover the same amount of time that way and we can effectively have a torah study and celebrate rosh hashanah at the same time which i don't think there could be anything better to do on a holy day than study the word anyway right okay i mean okay so so we'll be meeting at our normal time 1 15 and we'll stream that as well and then we're going to go right into the torah study so that tuesday night there won't be a torah study again later that night we'll already be getting together and we'll plan to eat afterwards just like we do on shabbat okay so bring your food be ready to eat afterwards okay and some of you online are going why is he calling in rosh hashanah i don't know why that accent always is what they sound like to me but to me that's what it sounds like no matter what they type it still sounds like that okay so look you could call it yo that's not what it's called in leviticus 23 leviticus 23 causes zikr which is the memorial of the blast in other places is called yom teruah and so but rosh hashanah means rosh means head hashanah is year so when you're counting years according to leviticus 25 you're announcing the new year in the month which has yom kippur because after yom kippur is when you're supposed to announce the the shemitah the seven year cycle and the jubilee this is leviticus 25 talks about that so it would be the month in which you have the counting of years so you have actually more than one calendar in your scriptures there's actually more than two but let's just deal with the two the first one tells you that in the month of aviv you start counting months you're counting months so you know when the holy days are then we're told that in leviticus 25 that in with tishrei which is the seventh month you are counting years this is when the year cycle starts and you start counting years so you have to count months and you count years differently all right okay so that's hopefully clears that up so it's appropriate to call it rosh hashanah some people say no that's just a secular jewish and that's not where they got it from okay it's not because it's a governmental official first of the year like january 1st for us or whatever okay now so that's enough of that let's go to yom kippur okay yom kippur which is actually yom hakipurim that's on thursday september the 16th and what we're going to plan to do is come here hungry bring food with you and we're going to eat after sundown after the service so we're going to have our service start later than usual at about five o'clock this way you can sleep in you can do your studies and do your prayer and whatever else you need to do in terms of the idea of yom kippur okay the day of at one minutes or atonements and then we'll come together at five o'clock again it's a a traditional i don't know i would say it's got a lot of traditional jewish elements to it which i think are just you'll love it and fantastic and we'll also then when we finish with that we'll rearrange the place and get it ready and we'll go ahead and break the fast together no eating till i say don't look and tell me it's officially sundown according to your phone or whatever i'll tell you when it's sundown you'll learn to submit and follow directions okay no no sampling your food no checking it out you'll wait till sundown okay as we get closer to it i'll give more instruction about that if you're not familiar with fasting on yom kippur fasting yom kippur is a 24 hours of no food no drink no nothing however if you have a medical condition that requires food to take medicine take food to take medicine but just take the minimum amount so you could take the medicine you don't need to eat a four course meal to take a couple of pills okay but for your medication take some food if you're diabetic and you need to maintain your sugar then do what you need to do to deal with that okay you're not expected to just say no i gotta trust yahweh you know yahweh expects you also not to be dumb and foolish all right so if you have a condition that's a health issue a real health issue do what you need to do to have your health issue handled first okay now there are those that have done done it the other way and it's worked out fine for them but other people not so well just use some wisdom you can counsel about it but it's a whole day now some of you are thinking how am i going to make it a whole day if you don't fast with no food no water ever you're hurting your body actually it's very healthy for you to take your system to have a break on a regular enough basis where you fast and don't eat or drink and i'm talking about just 24 hours until you get hungry and this is the last i'm going to say about this and i'm sure i'll say more as we get closer to it until you get hungry there was no point it's just like any other day but once you get hungry it reminds you what you're doing and who you're trying to connect to and why you're trying to why you're fasting in the first place so really the benefit starts when you get hungry see i struggle with that a little bit because i fast often enough on my own and also i've been doing this since i was like my whole life okay so i probably don't i don't get hungry really almost till the very end if at all but i still can focus knowing what i'm doing but if you get hungry it's actually an advantage because then as your stomach starts to gurgle and you start getting hungry and you're like i'm hungry it's like oh i'm doing this because i want to focus vertically i'm doing this because it's getting my attention to stay focused on him it's a wonderful you know great way to kind of get your focus and your attention in the right direction all right so five o'clock and then we'll eat afterwards okay then we get to sukkot all right so sukkot is going to be hosted this year at the ridgecrest conference center in black mountain north carolina to register you get to call the 800 number on the screen there it's also on our website on the sukkot page 800-588-7222 and so you just let them know you're coming to sukkot with mty in september it's going to be from the 20th to the 29th now that's not when the holy days are the holy days are in between that on the 21st and the 28th but we want you to be there a day early because we're going to start with dinner and sundown that night and so we're going to start there on the 20th which is a monday the holy days are on the 21st and 28th which are tuesdays and then you would leave on wednesday morning or late on tuesday night you know to go back home if you are staying on property when you call the register they will have for you housing options as well as meal plans if you're staying off property you still need to call them and register and there still is a conference fee that you'll pay to ridgecrest it's 25 a person over 12 years old and it's for the whole week so it's not like a daily thing it's just one fee if you're staying on property that fee is already priced into your housing okay so if you're not doing housing there then there is the additional 25 if you're staying off property you can still do the meal plan if you want on property you can pay for that separately without the housing and so when you call you can get this all worked out okay they're also going to ask you for a program fee that's for us not for ridgecrest and that's to help us offset our costs and bringing everything that's here over to there okay and that's a hundred dollars per 18 and up and um 25 dollars for five to 17s okay so they'll collect that when you first call you're only paying for the one night deposit for one night stays deposit or if you're not staying on property they'll probably ask you for the conference fee or something like that to register you you need to be registered because it's a um it's a gate guarded community property so you won't be able to get on property unless they know you're supposed to be there okay so you need to register and so then they'll give you what you need so you can get on the property all right it's a fantastic property we've been there before it's huge it's it's literally i don't think it's a thousand or two thousand acres that they have on two sides of the of the mountain there and um they can house lots and lots of people their dining hall seats two thousand and so we're gonna be you know a small that's not too small but a small piece of that i expect we'll be about 4-500 as of friday we had 172 registered okay and go ahead and get that done go ahead and get registered don't put it off you know so that we can kind of start making the plans especially if your children are wanting to participate in the children's program the ymca program also has a separate sort of application and fee that's on our website so you go to this code page on you download the registration form for the children please fill it out and it's now online fillable so you can online fill it out and print it or you can fill it out and save it and then once you save it you can email it to us okay and so that's not a problem either way i don't know the email that we want to do this to is it feast they can send it directly to you what's so what's that partial pearls or where do you want to just use juliet is it on the form there's a form on the table right back there brianna go grab a form right off the table oh you got it what email do you want okay julie you can mail you can mail your form to it says it on the form there also is a button that's right there next to the form on our website where you can uh click to pay with a credit card or paypal or debit card that kind of thing otherwise you can go ahead and mail us a check or you can bring cash when you show up and you can take care of it there okay all right so hopefully that works out it's a fantastic program for the children and um they will have stuff to do every day okay is they gonna just what what program are we doing this time psalm 119 so it's going to be fantastic now last time we did psalm 119 we had them memorizing sections of it and coming up to the leaders you can do that again please don't this actually it was fun to a certain degree the children would come up and grab me or rabbi tom and have to recite their memory verses but it was only the same four people that did that so anyway all right that is sukkot any other questions about it please just contact us you can call us or email us and we'll try to get that answered for you so i think that makes all of that okay let's go ahead and go to our discussion portion of the night all right so what we're going to do now is open up the floor for questions or comments please let's go chronologically so start with deuteronomy chapter one before we jump over to two or three we're going to alternate between here and live stream so mercy get ready we're going to kick it over to you at some point we'll start here to give you a chance to start accumulating stuff over there so who would like to begin for chapter one it looks like rabbi thomas is scooting up here okay all right thank you something that occurred to me in verse uh verses 29 and 30. then i said do you have no dread or fear of them verse 30 yahweh or elohim who is going before you he does fight for you and what occurred to me is that of course this is in this particular instance is talking about flesh and blood enemies but we have a lot of other enemies and down in verse 32 it says yet in this matter you are putting no trust in yahweh your elohim and in in my case sometimes a situation would arise or or an event would occur that would distress me and i would get angry you know i'd become sullen or withdrawn or i'd pout over it or whatever and instead of allowing yahweh to take care of it and and that was for me a lack of trust in yahweh i mean and uh but when the times happened that i i did encounter a situation and i just turned it over to yahweh and said yeah i'm going to leave this in your hands every single time just just out of the blue a solution came up and everything was all right awesome i mean all right let me just add a few things here that i think is really really powerful section that rabbi tom's talking about but i want to emphasize something a little differently than he did that actually the scripture emphasizes a little bit more i like the points that you made but i'm going to take it in a whole different direction of where the problem is the problem is not let me rephrase this the problem he pointed out is a real one where you may have something going on in your life and you are afraid when you shouldn't be and you're not trusting yahweh this is a whole bigger problem that's happening here verse the previous verse talks about the problem when it says in that verse it says our brothers have made our hearts melt this is not that they experienced anything themselves rabbi tom's talking about a real problem where you actually are experiencing something and that instead of trusting him you may get down about or panic about it or whatever it is this is worse this is not even something they were experiencing they're listening to others whine and complaining and panic and fear and all that stuff and this is the susceptibility that we have to the negative influences of other people it says here you know where are we going to verse 28 our brothers have made our hearts melt saying the people are great or blah blah blah they're they're not listening to the right people now granted the leaders that were sent out were really the problem so it wasn't that they were just listening to nobody they were listening to 10 of the 12 leaders but they weren't listening to the main leader moses even though he wasn't one of the 12 that went out they weren't listening to joshua and joshua and caleb either but they were allowing this fear to be contagious they were they were affected like it was a contagious thing okay and that's the worst problem and i want you to all be aware of that this happens everywhere it happens in all congregations there are those out there that will see things a certain way and then start spreading that this is where we get leshon from and this is really where when the jews talk about the examples of lashon hara this is the main example the the evil tongue of slandering yahweh because this is slander saying oh he just brought us here to hand us over to the amorites or he just called us here to die in the wilderness oh he's just that's slander he promised them a land flowing with milk and honey he promised that he would take care of them and go before them and yet they were listening to the wrong sources the wrong authorities and so you got to ask yourself am i listening to the wrong authorities this is really big this is important that's the problem they had here now bear in mind this was not an easy choice for them because these were leaders because i'm not trying to say these are just foolish people that you know just being dumb no there was ten leaders that all came back together in unison saying we are dead if we go in there we are never gonna make it and of course the two might as well not even spoke up because nobody was listening when the ten were screaming out how panicked they were even though they tried to stand up and say hold on he always says it's good what's good let's go what are we afraid of and yet they were listening to the few you know a lot of you are making these mistakes on a regular basis i don't know how often this comes up but people will come to me and say well i made this decision in life and i was doing something and then somebody on facebook told me that this is wrong and i'm in sin and all this other stuff i said well what qualifies that person is that what you've been taught from from me was that something you were taught from a leader was that some where is this coming from i mean i literally get people in a panic contacting us on a regular basis because they posted something and then somebody on facebook who claim to have some sort of level of authority not by claiming their their title or anything just acting like they have authority responding in an authoritative way and then you listen to that my first question is who is the person and they answer me i don't know just some random person online that's been interactive so you don't even have a relationship of knowing that that person has any authority and any qualification to be an expert in what they're saying but yet you'll you'll listen the men who were sent out to spy they had a mission to go use their eyes and ears to go look and come back and they were supposed to be looking for like the grapes that were so big they carried them on a pole that's what they were supposed to be looking for not to worry about all of the you know the giants and the walls and all these people yeah we already said i'll take care of all of that i want you to see the land is flowing with milk and honey but yet they were listening and they fed into their fears remember this is to give them a break here this is a bunch of slaves that are just barely out of slavery they'd already lived in fear their whole lives so i guess it's understandable that they might panic a little bit and yahweh is trying to take us we've been slaves slaves to sin slaves in every possible way to the wrong mindsets and wrong behaviors and now he's trying to set us free from all that so we can journey forward and transform from what we are into what he is and yet we have to do that by putting our trust in him which is what rabbi thomas pointing out it says in this matter you have not trusted me he says have no dread or fear of them yahweh is going before you and it's not like they hadn't already experienced that he went before them out of egypt he handled everything of the splitting of the sea he's been going before them up to this point and yet they're not trusting and that's one of the great questions that we should be asking ourselves are we trusting him so you know i have a teaching called what teaching thing i want to go to do you trust yahweh enough to obey him very good all right all right so you might want to listen to that teaching do you trust yahweh enough to obey him all right next justin well that's kind of what i was looking at there was actually verse 25 and one was that moshe's mindset of recounting the two and the rest of the people recounted the ten and it shows me how you can take a thought in your mind and then attach an emotion in your heart to it because then it shows their hearts melted and that kind of goes hand in hand with what you've been teaching us about us having a thought and then we attach emotion to it and then we do something based on that emotion which obviously out of fear they decided that things were worse than what they really were i just kind of with what rabbi tom said and you were saying is kind of everything that i thought was interesting in that good look and what's the two things that came out of that emotion it says in verse 26 they rebelled and in verse 27 they grumbled there's nowhere in scripture by the way where grumbling is a good thing okay but yet we do this all the time we're this is a real problem for us we grumble we whine we complain we panic and then it leads to rebellion and that scripturally never goes well okay this is a that's about the worst thing you can do is rebel against the creator and actually people ask sometimes what can i do to grieve you know the spirit agree with all these other rebel against yahweh that's that's literally the worst thing you can do all the other sins don't even compare because we can by our desires and our lusts and our pleasures we can do all kinds of things we shouldn't do and those are terrible and bad and worthy of death i'm not minimizing that but when we do something that's rebellion against him and look at the slander it says because yahweh was hating us and he has brought us out of the land of trying to give us into the hand of the amorites to destroy us how dare you basically that's what you always think how dare you after all i've done for you so if they had had appreciation if they were looking for the good as caleb and joshua did none of this would have happened because they went in the land and said it's exactly like yahweh said they all spied the same place but it's what are you looking for you know if you come to a congregation you'll find what you're looking for you're looking for reasons to stay you're looking for reasons to leave you're looking for this you're looking for that you'll find what you're looking for okay the guys the guys who went out there the ten they were already convinced these are leaders they knew who was in these lands they saw the walled cities and they they said okay we know what's going on here but you can't know what's going on if you're going to let the physical reality confuse you with the higher reality when yahweh says yeah that looks like it's a problem and for you it is but for me it's not and that's what i think rabbi tom's talking about when life has those opportunities for us to show our trust and our faith and our belief in his ability to handle things on our behalf and to go before us do we trust that in those opportunities because you're going to think there's no way i can i can get through this and you're right if it's just you but he says i am going before you why are you why are you listening to all that nonsense because what was really under you know how i like to do this like dig under and dig under and dig under so you can understand really what's going on what's underneath all of this they didn't know who they were dealing with they really didn't know he would handle it they really didn't know his power it doesn't matter he laid waste to egypt doesn't matter he split the sea doesn't matter all these things they still didn't fully embrace who and what he is and when you panic you do the same thing on some level you're not fully embracing who and what he is can we agree okay and that's the lesson here okay great all right uh mercy okay uh from michelle shelley bel perez regarding chapter 1 verse 10 through 11 rabbi would it be okay that i see this as me looking at all that yahweh has done for me and all he continues to do for me sure okay so 10-11 says yahweh your elohim has increased you and see you as numerous said the stars of heaven but i'm going to do more i'm going to increase you even a thousand times more okay and so in other words yes he's blessed you but he's got more coming so if you want to look at that as encouragement that's that's you know now he's not talking to you directly here and this isn't a promise directly to you there's a promise literally about what he said to abraham and there would be those that say okay there's numerous stars in heaven so to speak so therefore this is the fulfillment he's saying no no i'm not done i'm gonna increase you a thousand times this okay a thousand times this now interestingly enough if you do the math so what how many people were there in the exodus here how many how many people roughly was moses dealing with two or three million what's a thousand times that two or three billion how many people probably gonna be left alive at the end two or three billion isn't that interesting interesting anyway just thought i'd throw that out there not that that means that everybody that's left are going to be these people i'm just saying when you do the math on that it actually matches up pretty good all right mercy another one okay also from uh michelle shelley bel perez uh she has a comment chapter 1 verse 12. rabbi thank you for all you do and you are a ve and you are very appreciated and i pray for you and all our leadership because you all bear a lot of burdens and responsibilities we love our robertsons also okay i mean okay so let's let's look at that for a second so verse 12 talks about how moses is all like well how do i bear your pressure and your burden and your strife all by myself of course it was his father-in-law that kind of pointed that out but still he's recognizing there's a lot going on here but notice the fun stuff that it is it's like not how do i handle all your needs and all of this he says how do i handle your pressures burdens and strife and i can promise you nothing has changed if you're in leadership you would know okay nothing has changed it's the same right now as it was then it's it's all those challenges now notice what he says here he says choose men wise and understanding no to your tribes and let me appoint them as your heads and then we go down to verse 18 he says and i commanded you at that time all the words which you should do so you have the people at that point choosing out men of reputation at least the way they understood it to be the leaders because remember moses doesn't know all these people that well normally he would like to a point you would normally have an anointed appointed appoint the next one that's how joshua ends up getting next because he's someone moses knew yahweh put him in that place and the anointing goes from one to the next and the appointing goes from one to the next but this was leaders and notice by the way when the people picked them it didn't go very well okay not all those leaders are worked out to be the best and some of them some of them were better than others because i mean this is also leaders of thousands and hundreds etc but almost all of them ended up dead in the desert so it didn't go very well all but two but notice that it then says that moses then commanded them what they're supposed to do they were not expected to do everything on their own you also have in verse 17 which is interesting because it connects to deuteronomy chapter 17. it says do not show partiality and write ruling it says do not be afraid of everyone's face and it says in the case which is too hard if you bring it to me and i shall bear it and deuteronomy 17 8 says the same thing when there's a matter that's too hard for you to know what to do you come up up the chain of command so to speak to the next level up the vertical structure to get the answers you need so two things are there number one you are supposed to recognize the limit of what you're supposed to be dealing with you should know what should go up the chain so to speak up the up the structure that takes humility to recognize when you should go up and then of course you need to go there and get and then trust as in deuteronomy 17 that what the answer you're given is what you need to do because otherwise it's called in deuteronomy 17 arrogance when you don't do what's instructed and so we have that in there as far as this is all about that vertical structure right here in deuteronomy okay so i just interestingly verse 17 matches with deuteronomy chapter 17. okay steve okay i always like to find something in the beginning because it says these are the words which moshe spoke to all so i kind of made me think that even though we hear if it's not what we want to hear we'll filter it with what was said and sometimes we even alter it to fit our desires so that was something that kind of stuck out for me and then the next thing was uh okay wait i want to i wanted to say something this is for all of those coming from a christian background who you know believe about how the ruach does all the things that i'm not saying that the rock doesn't do but i'm saying the things that you were raised to believe that aren't exactly correct they had because people say oh well after acts chapter 2 and everything we've got the spirit and we don't need teachers and we don't know because wait a minute they literally had yahweh speaking to them when they heard his voice and yet it says these are the words which moses spoke to them yahweh chose this while the people actually said moses you talked to us in now yahweh and that's what you always been doing ever since speaking through a moses type figure whether it's the prophets right because moses said they'll be raising up prophets like on to me like me there'll be other ones and not just specifically talking about only meshiach to come but joshua and then all the other leaders that followed after joshua were going to be raised from among the brothers etc but let's understand that this is the way he has chosen to speak to us through human beings and there has been no exception all the way through even yeshua was in a flesh suit talking to them okay and that's the way he's interacting then he trained people to go out and continue his message to others so that they would be also human beings speaking the message now that doesn't mean that the rock doesn't interact with you doesn't open up your heart and your mind to certain things doesn't stir to remembrance that which is already in there at the time that you need that information look at the teaching or listen to teaching understanding the ruach for all those details but let's understand for all of you today that are listening to a bunch of people out there that are ranting and raving about we don't need teachers and blah blah blah because we've got the spirit and the spirit teaches all then you know what if that's true please do me a favor and stop asking questions i'm not being a wise guy i'm being serious if that's true why do you ask questions just go pray and let the rock tell you oh but i did and i didn't get the answer oh because it doesn't work that way at least not often you may be in a moment where you really need something the rock might inspire something but that's not the rule that's the exception all these people claiming they don't need teachers and yet they're relentlessly asking questions well why are you asking questions because i don't know why aren't you just asking the ruach because it doesn't work that way and that's something we need to really understand now that makes it really scary and hard though that means you have to find somebody you can trust is actually speaking the word of yahweh in a correct manner that's hard okay that's why i've told you guys over and over again to go find those ephesians four fivefold guys and when you find them you can listen to them and by the way for clarification i have never claimed that the fivefold exists here in this ministry like as a whole hopefully everybody knows that all i've said was i have worn several of those hats if you believe i qualify for any of those roles that's fine or not but i i do wear from occasion to occasion the teacher hat or the prophet hat of the apostle out of whatever hat i'm wearing i never claimed we have five people here with those five different roles and all anointed and appointed etc and i don't think any place has that at the moment okay i don't i don't know that there's a place with those five roles all existing in five separate you know people there may be a few out there that wear several of the hats from time to time and you may get one or two or three of them and i just don't i haven't seen this i'm not saying it doesn't exist i just haven't seen it all right just want to bring that clarification okay steve all right and then the next one is in one six and it kind of carries down to one eight and the one 6 kind of reappears in chapter 2 verse 3 but it talks about have you dwelt long enough and for me it's kind of like saying like the dog that's laying on a nail we're only willing to complain about our circumstances and then we don't want it rather than making any changes and in addition to that we think oh we're going to make changes so it's going to be easy but in fact i would think it would be the other way around once you ready to get up and do something that your challenges may be even greater to maybe frustrate you or make you think i shouldn't do anything instead you should be okay i mean that was actually the very first verse that i have in my notes that i i wanted to talk about i think it's probably one of the most important verses here in this torah portion you know as far as we can apply today in chapter 1 6 it says you have dwelt long enough at this mountain in chapter 2 verse 3 says you've gone around this mountain long enough is it time for you to move on in an area of your life okay and if the answer is yes that verse may be part of what he's talking about he said look you've dwelt okay he says dwelt in one and gone around in the other so what's dwelt mean you've you've basically laid down roots you've unpacked you've taken residency you've decided i'm staying here you've dwelt here you got comfortable this is now where i am and he says no i have things for you to do i've got growth for you to go through and process and things you need to keep moving you're going to be moving well then the way it's worded in chapter two you've gone around this mountain long enough meaning no matter how many times you go around it at some point you realize you've seen everything you've done everything you've learned everything there's nothing more to do around this mountain time to move on and so he moved them a lot you read that in numbers 33 all the places they stopped okay very important so you want to what what is the cause possibly to him needing to say this what were the people suffering from my thought is a reluctance to obey and that reluctance to obey could come from insecurities fears doubts and other things like that because after all the place i know has the things in it that i know and the things that are challenging that i know in other words i'm i'm comfortable with the things that are happening here even though i don't like everything that's happening here and there's some problems and everything else but i'm familiar with it and the unknown i don't know what's going to what that is all about i'm a most people are more afraid of the unknown than the known even if the known already is awful the unknown is more scary and he's saying trust me as they take you into the unknown you have to leave you know this is like the the the conversations yeshua had with the the people that he though the few people like the young man that said you know i want to follow you and he says fine he said but yeah well i got to go bury my father first or you know i've got all this stuff and i get all these other things and excuses see that do we do that do we say hey i'm i'm in 100 and i'm gonna follow yahweh and but then we have excuses when something comes up that's going to make it a little difficult challenging or uncomfortable and that's not easy to deal with but yet if you have the trust if you have the faith the belief shouldn't be a problem you should be able to do it all right so let's keep that in mind it's very important you you i want you to know when you're struggling to move on like you're supposed to there's a reluctance to obey and the reluctance to obey is coming from fear and doubt some sort of internal underlying issue all right okay uh chris so you mentioned numbers 33 and how it has all the different places they stopped now in this recounting uh from chapter 1 verse 6 onward until you until past this parsha we have it start at mount sinai basically and it goes and mostly talks about the the spying out of the land and so i'm i'm interested in why he chooses to start his recounting here and not with the exodus with either even mentioning korok or other aspects of his of of this account i don't know if there's a meaning to it if he's just trying to keep it short which um or if if there's a reason uh of phrasing it this way to remove that kind of like the the signs and the wonders part of the of i want to say story the account and um all right i'm just mentioning on this one okay so what happened just want to speed this up because like you said i don't want to be too long no um so what happened between the stuff that's not written and what's written the stuff you're saying that they didn't talk about like leaving egypt and all that stuff and this point what happened in between they covenanted so we start the story there okay the signs and wonders we're getting them to the covenant thing okay does that not make sense all right good all right next we go back to mercy you have still chapter one that would be good yes sierra do you have chapter one or two okay so we'll go we'll go over here finish up chapter one on live stream and then we'll come back to you okay from june enriquez help clarify where it seems in chapter 1 verse 22 to 23 it was israel's idea to spy the land and moshe decided as good and moshe decided deciding as good in his eyes while numbers 13 1-2 it is yahweh instructing moshe and lastly what lesson can we get from it okay so there's no conflict there look you have multiple accounts of things and when you add them together you can see that what likely was happening is the people a wanted to do this and yahweh said it's good that's fine go ahead and do it it just didn't happen in that order when you read numbers and then you read deuteronomy remember these books weren't necessarily meant to be done in in this exact order because deuteronomy covers from sinai forward and so moses is giving his account of the summary of the events all right and so i believe that it's very likely that the people had wanted to hate let's go ahead and send spies and find out what's going on out there yahweh just said hey listen i'm going to go ahead of you it's all going to be fine but you know what he also knew that if he sent the spies the people would show themselves for what they really were dealing with in terms of their insecurities and fears and their rebellion and so this would be a good thing to go ahead and let play out because he needed to get that address before they went into the land and so so they're actually both true they just combine up together okay another one i got a couple okay uh from donna stevens chapter 1 verse 39 your little ones and your children who you say are for prey what does this mean okay so the the the understanding that you remember this is still talking about them spying out the land and they're panicking and everything else that went on and he's saying look you know they're going to take our children they're going to do all these other things and this is really he says look and your little ones and your children who you say or pray who today have no knowledge of good and evil they are going in there in other words the ones that you look at as being the ones that are going to be heard and this and that they're going to take the children and who knows what they're going to do to the children because back then especially you know they did all kinds of horrific things to children of course today they do that too in some places and so he's saying they're going to be the ones that go in i'm going to give them the land to possess it okay so it's the way they were looking at the children not yahweh was looking at them okay next okay from michael ashley condon the same verse 139 this is so true i'm happy my children understand that and proud that agnes is asking rabbi for counseling she's smarter than her father and i can comprehend thank you rabbi for what you do i'm only laughing because i don't know how old is agnes sevens so but she she comes up to me like on a regular basis going i want a counsel and so we go over into the counseling area and she sits in the chair and her mom sits there with her and she counsels and you know and it's a lot of it's a lot of fun and she really makes her day and she really loves it and so i don't have any problem with it i enjoy it too okay any more she's smarter than most adults so she's pretty smart all right mercy got another one yes i got uh three more so from coleman white what is the meaning of the way of the sea of reeds in deuteronomy 140 okay so there was more than one way to go there were two paths that they could have gone they went that way there was a path and a a route that they could go so that's just had to do with the route that they went okay from donna stevens 1 41 to 45 carrying on from rabbi tom after grumbling and realizing they were wrong they decided to go ahead and fight after being told not to when we are given the message slash word we are moving we are to move swiftly yes but it's not just move swiftly again obedience um look this is going to be one of those things that's a leadership thing now in this case the leadership was yahweh himself there's one thing to say thou shalt or thou shalt not that wasn't what was going on here he said go into the land they didn't so then he said fine now i'm going to tell you not to go on the land because you aren't ready and there's reasons then not to go now and the point of it is whatever he says we're supposed to listen so when he said go in and they didn't and that also has to do with like doing it swiftly and and trusting and all the stuff we talked about before but then he said since you're not ready and you didn't seem to want to do what i said now i'm not ready to give you that blessing we're going to postpone this for 40 years don't go on the land and they're like oh no no no and you know if you have children you know exactly what this looks like you tell the child to do something they don't do it you tell them if they don't do it they're going to lose a privilege or have some sort of punishment then they don't do it you go to give them the punishment and now all of a sudden they want to do it you're like too late you should have done it when i told you this is our typical childlike response because we think once this is by the way probably one of the reasons why you read the verses about weeping and gnashing of teeth it's not that they're suffering but they come to realize that they're not going to get it the way they thought that it didn't go the way they intended and now all of a sudden now they're going to wake up even though they were given every opportunity to wake up does that make sense okay okay mercy from mtoi philippines jet rabbi we suffered so much in mitzrayim but now that we're freed by torah then what triggers them to grumble still the same reasons i mean we're all grumbling for the same reasons and i talked about earlier you you still don't know who you're dealing with you don't know what he's capable of you don't trust him you don't really believe in elohim the way you should you in other words you don't have the the knowledge which is a relational thing you don't have a relationship knowledge of elohim yet not that you have none of it it's just not full enough for you to make those kind of decisions so you make foolish decisions because you don't have enough a full enough understanding and relationship so that you trust all that abraham had that when he was told take your son up and offer him up and he said okay i trusted somehow some way this will be fine see you have to have that approach to everything yahweh does in your life that somehow someway it will be fine and when we don't it's always the same problem that you see playing out here it's the same problem in our lives so hopefully that we understand that there's a reluctance because there's a fear or a doubt or there's a reluctance because i didn't cover this before but i'll cover it here because the conflict is between what you want and what he wants so that's also can be a problem it doesn't matter that we got brought out of it's ryam how much of the grumbling was i want food i'm thirsty i'm hungry blah blah blah i want leaks i mean this this is the other part of it there's no dayenu right dieno means it would have been enough there's no like if he'd only taken you should have in your life right now if he never did another thing for you it would have been enough because of all the things he's already done for you but can you get to that place that place of total appreciation that just this much is a huge blessing and that's a really good stuff okay anything else one more okay this is just a general comment to chapter one from beyond ready seven yah fights for his people what does that look like for the united states today where many of his people are scattered how do we know if when it's yah's will to go to war okay so none of that has anything to do with the aisle there are world governments the united states is one of them it will make its decisions for its own political reasons its own selfish whatever reasons there are and it has nothing to do with us from a from a scriptural point of view of going to war okay we are no longer in the mix of going to war now if you as an american decide that you'd like to fight for your country that's one thing but i'm saying as far as scripturally we we are not a nation to do that we are scattered everywhere and not necessarily just here in the states there's many many many many many people scattered everywhere in the world all right so i know that sometimes the united states has the most arrogance of all the nations and thinks everything's about us and that's where everybody is and that's where all this is and that arrogance is going to blow up in our face at some point but we are amongst the most arrogant and so and even as quote unquote no the body of believers we thought we start to think that this is the end-all be-all place of believers and that's not true either so so let's stay out of the politics and let the governments do what they do knowing full well that all this will come to nothing and yeshua will come and set it all straight i mean all right okay janet had a question for chapter one and then shira oh she needs to whoa all right we'll let shira go so she can go she entered such a sweet gracious sister okay just having a little joint problem tonight um but praise yah i am verse four mentions the king sikhon and oh that were defeated and then of course in chapter 22 it's going to go into the whole story of how that all happened but in my kind of studies i came across information about sihhon and and what they actually represented to that whole known world they were such mighty undefeatable huge threat crack fighting forces nobody would want to go up against them probably not even egypt i mean they were really bywords in every household and for this bunch of former slaves to come out and just ask nicely to go through their land and oh no we're not going to let you go through our land so yahweh hardened his heart and the way it wanted to go and they got utterly destroyed and then they went and did the same thing to the giant king and the reason i go into this is that a lot of times i know for me i think for many of us it's real easy to kind of you're studying torah and you're putting yourself back in that those times and i felt father saying put yourself now you're up against things and you just said it rabbi you need to know who i am because you're everywhere you turn you've got people saying oh they're going to jab you they're going to put dna in you they're going to make you a transhuman they're going to enslave you dehumanize you technocracy and i just i just smiled because it was i felt like he was tapping me on the shoulder and saying you know what rabbi steve has said about two to three million going into the millennium and here's bill gates and those guys the global elite saying oh our goal is 500 million left and that way we can preserve the planet and it's like oh just by that i know they're not gonna they're not going to have their way but i'm saying all this because it's very rampant among messianics to want to delve deeply into what they are doing what the you know all these plans that the elite and they have all this power and all this technical thing and you know i just this week you know everybody in massachusetts looked on their cell phone and suddenly there was an app that the government put there that they didn't load and um so i mean people are you hear these things all the time the the and and we get talking about these things we get talking about them and talking about them and talking about them and a while back i started feeling depressed every time i would be with a dear brother or sister who just wanted to talk about this stuff and i just felt like this is great if we can understand who yahweh is and who sikhon and all were to those people and that he did something they could not even imagine him doing and so that victory it's like let me take that today and just say it's just like what you just said rabbi if i'm going to know who yahweh really is i have got to soak in his words and not the words and the reports of all the spies who are checking out what they want to do to us and i just praise yahweh we can pray for each other and remember that yah honored two righteous men amen he honored two righteous men he wasn't going to punish the righteous with the wicked and so let us pray for one another that we fix our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith amen all right let me let me let me add this i agree 100 with everything that shira said what i want to add though is if somebody is out by where you are and they're planting traps in the ground it's probably wise to watch and see where the traps are i'm not going to be all worried about the agenda of the person placing the traps well that's maybe that's a good metaphor for you because people are so hung up on the agenda of the whatever the powers that be trying to do whatever they're trying to do i just want to know to avoid the traps as long as i can until yeshua shows up so i'm paying attention i don't want you to think that i ever would encourage anybody not to pay attention i don't want to get caught up in the the why's in the house and who's just i want to know if they're planning something that's going to hurt me i want to be aware of it so i can avoid it if possible right and so that's the paying attention that we should be doing okay you know somebody's out there putting traps in the field well if you pay attention where they are you can hopefully not step on them and not have a problem and that's really the level that we should sort of stop at and not get overly concerned with the agenda of the new world order blah blah whatever it is it's all going on out there okay because first of all we don't really know what we do know is ultimately it's going to get so bad that yeshua shows up and sets it all straight that we know what's it really going to look like leading up to that we don't know what particular things are going to happen on the way to that we don't know we have some ideas and hints at some things but we don't really know and so i would encourage people to be paying attention you know like i did try to encourage and again i this is not a negative on anybody in the south africa situation down there but i did encourage them to you know about three years ago to say if you can i would try to get out because it's going to get real dangerous with you aren't and it did and it is right now you know getting that bad now maybe it won't get bad enough that the people you know it'll it'll calm itself down in some way or some sort of intervention by by one government or another but you can you have to follow the you know the likely path of where things are headed and make decisions to try to stay as safe as you can while you're walking this out congruently the other part of this is a verse that nobody's really gone to yet which is in verse 36 where it says about caleb he says that he followed yahweh with full integrity now it says the word completely but that's not what the word completely it's it's tamim it's the idea of that integrity so when you mention that only two righteous men but those two righteous men what made them righteous is that they followed yahweh with integrity this is the key they they made the effort to follow him completely and when they messed up i'm sure they repented of it because everybody messes up i'm not none of us believes for a second that joshua and caleb never made a mistake never did something they shouldn't do everybody did it says all have fallen short but they made the effort to follow him completely that's the key that's the difference thank you very well said okay janet i appreciate that you mentioned that verse because that was the verse i wanted to mention there you go when it said that you said that uh but i didn't say it that way right there when you said that they follow him completely or they follow him with integrity is what you said that uh it just made me think right now right how you know if i'm i'm just even looking at my own walk you know i'm actually following following him with integrity or am i maybe downsizing or minimizing some part of the torah thinking that maybe that's not important enough and i'm supposed to be very serious right in my walk yeah so um but i had a question rabbi about the last verse when it said no it was i think it's verse 45 when it says and you return and went before yahweh but yahweh would not listen to your voice nor give ear to you was that because they didn't repent that he would not they didn't trust they didn't obey so the ones who follow completely were the ones who trusted and obeyed but why why does it say that he did not he will not listen to their voice in our game all right well it says looks verse 43 so i spoke to you but you would not listen and rebelled against the mouth of yahweh and acted proudly and you went into the mountain and when you returned you wept before yahweh anybody ever get a speeding ticket you don't have to raise your hand and every single one of you has gotten a speeding ticket you got mad at the police officer for pulling you over you all all were remorseful and repentful for driving and then you went and started speeding probably a day later maybe you drove real nicely for an hour okay everybody drives perfect for the first 20 minutes afterwards it doesn't last much longer and this is the the the the crocodile tears so to speak okay this is the they weren't really repentant and remorseful here they were they were just again arrogant and proud and doing what they wanted to do and they were frustrated that it didn't work and by the way you guys whined the same way when you act proudly and do what you want and it doesn't work you get all mad but you get mad at the people that are you know that didn't let it work your way so you want to point the finger at me or you know husbands and wives have this problem okay especially if the wife acts arrogantly and proudly and then it blows up in her face and wants to blame the husband or vice you know or or boston an employee and the employee does stuff and he wants to blame somebody else everybody wants to point the finger when you act proudly and do something you shouldn't do and of course this is the bigger problem it's not just that they did what they shouldn't do they decided to interpret for themselves well yahweh wanted us to go on the land so we're going yeah but he also just said not to go pay attention is what the problem is here see this this is not likely to have been a genuine repentful moment oh yeah they were upset in weeping just like the weeping and gnashing of teeth at the end is not necessarily a repentant moment it's a realization that you're not gonna get your way and this is we all have to some degree control issues we really have a problem with anything that feels like control that's why we don't give up that sovereignty very easily submission is brutally hard for all of us because submission requires you to give over control and so they're they're weeping here because what they did didn't work not because they were repentable and so yahweh says i'm not listening i don't want to hear it i told you not to go you got spanked too bad don't come crying to me by the way every parent has done that with their child oh come crying to me i told you not to do that and you did it it blew up in your face good i don't want to hear it every parent just said that to a kid i promise you you have a kid you've said that at least at some point when they come all the way like what do you want from me i told you not to do that i told you it was going to go bad and you didn't listen so i'm sorry go go cry somewhere else that's what yahweh basically said to him i'm not i'm not listening i don't want to hear it at some point i'm hoping on behalf of what i read here so i'm hoping this is what he's hoping that we're going to figure out the reality of submission and sovereignty and stop being so arrogant because that's the behavior that's going on that's always causing the problem deuteronomy 17 mentions and everything else when you're given instruction and guidance and you refuse to follow and listen because of arrogance because of pride and you want to think oh i wasn't being arrogant yes you are okay that's what he calls it because you're choosing you over him and that's what he's calling arrogance this is really like the heart of the problem okay we talk about the heart of the matter teachings this is actually the heart of the problem i want i like i don't want i don't like all that preference stuff that comes with the word i in front of it me me me iii oh yeah yeah right so be careful with all that that's really the big thing all right bill thank you rabbi um i may not be going in the right direction with this thought but um uh i'm looking at chapter 1 verse 26 where moshe says but you would not go up and rebelled against the mouth of yahweh your elohim and grumbled in your tents i think that that's where it starts it's not it wasn't a mass thing and as a man i realized that i'm responsible for what goes on in my tent and ultimately it was the men who paid the price in verse 35 not one of these men of this evil generation shall see that good land of which i swore to give to your fathers amen it seems to me that uh if i read this correctly that the women were not judged the same way it was only the men the army that was uh held responsible the men of the homes i mean well that's a good point good point all right and by the way let me just go back to the other point about why what it means when it says yeah we wouldn't listen to their voice apply that in your life when you're whining and crying and you're all upset and things went badly he's not listening if you're not ready to truly own and be ready to start listening okay that's the key because everybody just assumes if i pray he's listening meaning like actively listening he may be just looking at you like you're reaping what you sow that's good you need to go through that oh are you ready to listen now okay i'm ready to hear you now are you going to stop ruling yourself and let me rule you are you going to submit under my authority see there may be some of that going on in your life too because some of you are thinking i keep praying but it doesn't seem like he's listening he's not hearing me well maybe you're not hearing him you're not in the right place so that he would listen to you if there's still rebellion going on if you're refusing to follow and obey him why would he listen to you i mean just think about it and so i think there's a lot to be taken out of that okay michael this caught my attention because i know that um for a long time now we've been talking about love and torah and i know there's teaching the heart of the matter we have then 128 our brothers have made our hearts melt so that right there hearkens to a heart issue but um when i read that and i look at my own life and i look at the the body as it is today i see um i see a lack of excitement for yahweh you know now i'm getting better about it but that's what he wants he wanted to send the the 12 spies into the land flowing with milk and honey so they could bring back the good fruit and the good word and people would get excited about it and they would you know half of them leave their swords behind because they'd be so excited about they grab a rock and do what they have to do that way you know but um that just wasn't the case the slanderous word came back people got overtaken with their fears and you know to kind of bounce off of what shira said the same thing is happening today when people are in the body and and they're worshiping and then they hear something about a vaccine or they hear something about a microchip or they hear you know whatever they want to hear and then all of a sudden they lose their excitement they become fearful and that's what that's what the the the kings want whether it's pharaoh whether it's the king of babylon whether it's uh these other two kings here and i don't quite remember their names but um that was just um that was just something that i've noticed good is that that that excitement that's what he wants us to have he wants us to be excited for him well we do get excited just about the wrong things that's part of the problem also we we find some little nugget of something we think is like this unique wonderful thing we discovered and that's all we're excited about instead of being excited about the overall big picture of what he's doing in your life so we can get excited i mean people discover you know what they think they've solved the magic riddle of the calendar or whether the earth is round or flat or whatever and they'll get all excited about it so it's not like they don't get excited they just get excited about stuff that they really don't need to get as excited about when there's actually real things they should be getting excited about so they're capable of it they just are putting all that emotion into things that don't need that level of emotion and to go along with that i think a good thing to do is when you start getting excited about the wrong thing you get excited about a thing in the wrong way you need to redirect that focus either towards asking him to help you through a situation or to help your city or your country wherever it is like south africa for this situation or to give him the proper praise that he deserves or whatever you're excited about amen um also can i talk on chapter two yep okay chapter two verse seven um it wraps up with these forty years yahweh your elohim has been with you you have not lacked any matter i couldn't think of anything more true in my own life you know i mean just everything has been working out especially since i since since i started coming into this walk you know about a year and a half ago you know the the blessings started coming slowly at first and and and the more i do the bigger and more frequently they come and i'm just so full of praise for that amen now let's be careful that we take the word not lacked any matter meaning anything that you needed not anything that you wanted okay and you may need to go back and find the abundantly available teachings where i mentioned this idea of a needs wants disconnect that we generally have where if we want it we need it okay he takes care of what you need not what you think you need but what you need all right and he'll also give you some of the desires of your heart you get some of your wants too but he's telling you here that you never lacked anything you needed and that's the important piece right there all right mercy chapter 2 thank you rabbi so from carolyn jw 19 chapter 2 verse 34 what does under the band mean okay well it's banned not banned because you're under the band that's a different i'm from new york so you got to put it at the end zing okay um under the ban means to utterly destroy okay it doesn't mean put police tape around and say stay away don't touch it means to be literally utterly destroyed okay the mic's on the chair right there it's all right we'll just get the camera on you one way or the other shalom oh no you always say you always say to put it right up to my mouth yeah you're gonna have to stand up they're telling me okay you always say to put it right up to my mouth but i feel when i do it it's too loud that's okay they'll adjust it in the back just keep it uh shalom everybody shalom good to see you on this tuesday um been working hard and i i won't say sorry because i'm grateful for that but uh uh 75 north has been an absolute disaster i if i try to take all the highway i get backed up there so i took old harrison pike today so i talked to some truck drivers at work and they're giving me the rundown of 18 different ways i can get down to uh ring gold um my wife brought some good uh things about this today to me like uh like reuben gad and the half tribe of menashe why they stayed i i don't i'm not good at doing chapter wise but uh why they stayed there and didn't go to the land that they were promised they wanted just what they thought was good uh but they they're like well we like this better so we'll just stay here um also it's it's kind of beautiful to know that yahweh is elohim of all because he gave the children of esau possession he gave the descendants of lot their possession and you shall not have a foot of that so uh it kind of brought me all the way back to bereshit when he told abraham that you shall they shall come into the land once the transgression or the iniquity of the amorites is fulfilled or completed um and it kind of brought me to where moshe is saying like you're not entering in by your righteousness and this is like the book of this is the book of moshe's life like this is like the climax this is the book that makes a lot of kings cry and we tear our clothes and we mourn because we're completely and utterly wicked um but i like what ms shira said about og and and see on and sometimes i feel that way about the life that we're in because you know i'm the i'm the father i'm the husband so you know people hear me say well can i speak to your wife what what's it about well i don't know well i said well i want it to be filtered through me so what's it about um and i protect my wife because uh sometimes the whole facebook thing can get real compulsive and i just want to protect her because i said listen i mean leave that alone um because i you got to keep your peace and your shalom you know and i you know that's i know about facebook that's why i'm not on facebook so uh you know so i i but i i i'm a father and sometimes i feel like we're up against organcion because okay what tv shows do i watch and the other night i watched hook with robin williams peter pan right you know i was like pixie dust and they're flying and and uh you know i started to think like father please have mercy on me you know because if we i look at the at the torah portions that we're reading and i beg for forgiveness because we can't be thinking that we're better than these people are these leaders of fifties and hundreds and thousands and i'm just thinking i'm sitting there like oh my goodness praise yahushua mashiach because i i need messiah i i mean i i have i i believe they have decent mechanics i really try i'm in my please forgive me i i didn't i i didn't want to come tonight please forgive me i was tired i took a shower and these are my pajamas they don't look like it but they're comfortable and they're soft so i was i was ready to lay down and go to sleep um but but i just felt yahweh convicted me saying you shall go uh so uh oh glad you're here yeah i appreciate that much yeah and and thank you for giaconi thank is this remember the tongue the tongue is not really good it's slow and i'm not really good well this time but i just i just was acknowledging that um i can read the torah portion three or four times throughout the week and sometimes i literally do and then but i like to reread it and i understood today and mikael and i were talking about it nobody had has or will have the relationship that moshe had with elohim and that's really what i'm feeling like whenever we get ready to say goodbye to him in the torah portions my heart breaks because he knew it he knew what the children were going to do he knew that they were wicked you've been wicked since i met you how much more after i die but yahweh had a plan because moshe spoke with yahweh face to face but when he sets so moshe you know has something in his heart praise yahweh he had the same plan he picks yahushua ben noon but he says you shall stand before elazar and inquire with the urem to meme am i saying right yes and so i find that to be so beautiful because moshe was inquiring of yahweh face to face but now we have this leader yahushua that's inquiring by the lie because he's not he does not have moche he's not moshe so i just like yahushua hamashiach moshe that's i speak please understand i understand what you're trying to say i just think that moshe was mighty uh praise be baruch moshe but the man of elohim the most he was humble may that be in me because i just want wanna listen i'm trying to because i you know what's been going through my head when i'm at work and uh there's there's lots of different personalities at work and they all make me laugh and i smile and i mean that in a good way because i just go to work and if i'm gonna be a hired servant i try to do it my best good and so uh and i'll just close with this but uh your father makes it rain on the righteous and the wicked alike your father is kind to the righteous and the wicked alike therefore as your father in the heavens is perfect be perfect so if yahweh can be kind to everybody it doesn't mean i want to because listen i'm surrounded by the the daughters of moab they're all around right take a peek um and monsieur was talking about it that's society i feel bad for the young women because that's what society training them up but i you know i just give thanks because i just want to believe and follow and uh and do the right thing all right thank you i give paul back to mike all right so let me just take what yaakov said i want to just take this moche thing for a second and i think i can give you a little bit of insight jack over what's going on there i don't disagree about moshe having a unique place but maybe i can give you a reason for that okay the reason that we have moshe in this very unique place is because there wasn't anybody to train moshe moshe trained yahushua and then there was others that went there he trained the 70 right the anointing that was on moshe so moshe had to have that unique place same thing with the prophets when a prophet was brought into the mix there wasn't anybody to train the prophet the prophet heard from yahweh and whether it was in the vision or how it was so that he would give that message you know thus said yahweh okay so there was a reason why moshe had to have this relationship somebody had to have that to be the one to then disseminate this in a trustworthy manner and then train others to do so which is why yeshua himself comes to restart that process as like a second moses to then train those that would go after him okay so does that make sense then all right as to why there was a uniqueness to that it wasn't just because moses was such a great guy although he was i mean he was a humble list of men and all these other things that we know what i'm saying is there was a necessity for the man that yahweh would use that he would talk to face to face and that he could trust in that role which is why he tested moses many times i said hey moses why don't i just start with you and get rid of everybody else i mean these are little tests for moses but there wasn't anybody to train moses and so there was a need to go this way so i just want you to consider that as well all right so who's next okay brandi and you can do chapter two or three so we can kind of speed this up a little bit thank you can you um like tie together everything from where they rebelled and put that up by your mouth sorry where they rebelled and grumbled in chapter 1 and 26 all the way through okay you've gone around this mountain enough and then where he starts to say okay go in and take what i'm giving you can you tie it up to like today for example somebody who says okay i'm doing my best to walk with integrity and obey torah and the tour of the law and the spirit um but i still feel like i'm just kind of going in circles okay so the um individual experience of feeling like you're going around in circles is something that would be best addressed in counseling so where somebody could sit with you and figure out what particular because basically when we feel like we're going around in circles it's not every area it usually ends up being certain specific areas where you just feel like you're not making any progress you're just going around in circles and so i would say that's one of those issues that would encourage you to then counsel and we can discuss okay where what is it that you feel like you're where you're stuck where does it feel like you're not going forward and then we can address the underlying reasons that that would be okay okay all right so that would be something to counsel about okay and then the part where he finally does say okay you've done this long enough is that it says where they dwelt kind of like you stayed when you were using the example of the parent saying okay there's your consequence you're gonna sit there in this is that the between that and chapter two where he says you've gone around okay fine come out i'm gonna bless you now i mean there there's not a direct correlation in here as to how the events play out and why he's you know this idea of going around the mountain as if they were literally walking around the mountain he says look you've been you've been it's an idiomatic phrase for you you've been you've been standing around here you've been doing whatever you're doing long enough it's time to move on it's time to go ahead and let's get this thing going and so that's something you would talk to your child about like okay you've been doing this this way for so long you realize you're not getting anywhere or it's only been getting this result that's not really what you want you think it might be time to try something different you may go ahead and let's go get out of this rut and move on okay and so if you want to apply that to today with the children and those kind of things okay and last question just like when you mentioned to and like christianity where people get feelings or feel led to do something and you compare it and say okay it doesn't match up with torah so i know this isn't what i need to do a particular thing like you know if somebody were maybe didn't get counseling but they felt led to do this thing and it doesn't break torah it's not hurting anybody and they do it when you deal with the consequences of it is it partly because you didn't seek counseling because maybe you should have in a situation there's absolutely a possibility that would be the case okay like you know if you should have sought counseling and didn't yahweh who's tru especially if you're reluctant to get counseling and you need to start to learn to do that he may make you go through some consequences of your choices when you don't so that you'll realize i should have done that i should have gone and gotten counsel all right just like the same reason why when you do get counsel you know almost always you end up with a blessing and a benefit from that because he wants to encourage you that that was the right thing to do and so that's it goes both directions all right okay thank you you're welcome which by the way let's add to that whole mix in verse 38 okay there's an encouragement for us to support the leadership you know hoshua the son of nun who stands before you he shall go there strengthen him for he shall cause israel to inherit all those doing the work of the fivefold are there to help cause israel to inherit they're there to help lead you into the changes from you know you and to him so you should be supporting that and strengthening that of course you've got to make sure that you're supporting and strengthening somebody that actually is doing that but you know we've all strengthened and supported the wrong ones in the past but you got to find that and understand there's an encouragement to strengthen and uplift and support your leadership once you find that leader okay when you find those people all right who's next janet rocky you in online or you're just walking around the back okay okay yes um i was thinking about uh you were thinking about something and then you said something and i i went somewhere else so maybe i'll get back to that but the first part that i wanted to ask you rabbi was just a couple of verses and um chapter two when it says you know strive with them for i do not give you any of their land you know when they're going to mount here and there's no bible's about to fall you got to tilt that stand back down there you go thank you so that's uh verse five but then there's also uh there's i think it's 30 no it's not 30. uh there's another okay 19 i think it's when it says that same thing like when you come near the children of amman do not distress them nor steer yourself up against them for i do not right but i did not give you any of the land of the children of ammon's possession my question is like in this particular case obviously they were given the land the promised land but there were some other territories or another groups that they were going to encounter that they were not supposed to fight against so like if we applied to our lives i was wondering if perhaps when there are doors are closed does that mean that maybe that's not for us i don't know if there's any relationship yeah i'm i'm not sure that what you're trying to get at is actually applies in this way i mean you know if it looks like you always close the door he's closed the door but the more important thing here is that yahweh is saying i decide i decide where you go i decide who you gonna who you're gonna put under the ban i decide who you're gonna leave alone i decide you don't just decide you're gonna start a fight with anybody i'm gonna i lead okay that's the most important part here okay okay good thank you okay rocky and then we'll get back we'll get to you but there's only one more person here that we can go let you finish up thank you rabbi you're welcome you know torah um before coming here i i i confused torah torah torah with a chinese or a japanese war call call and and i really don't have any particular verse that i can talk about right now but you said at the beginning uh that uh we should try to relate to what's happening right now in my life and i look at i came here as a spy to spy on to see if this is the way to the promised land and i really truly believe it is there's no doubt in my mind and and i've also seen that there's there's people that came here and they spied to see if this was a prominently promised land and and i see that some of them didn't like what they saw and started to complain and left and then tried to get me to say oh nate look rocky it can't be right i mean i've you know one of the persons called me yesterday i refuse to answer the call i don't even want to hear what he has to say it's just that simple but what um what also was bringing to my mind was um numbers 33 55 where it talks about um how that that or or they didn't destroy these people and they're going to be a snare to them and a thorn in their side and i wonder if that has anything to do with what we're talking about and also if if as what paul talks about his thorn into the side is that it has something to do with that whether i'm off track or not but okay for what it's worth thank you appreciate it okay you're on track about everything i think the last part doesn't actually connect i think paul's thorn in the side is a totally different thing yahweh the paul thing has to do with yahweh allows us to have that that one or two things that we tend to struggle with the most and continually just to kind of keep us humble and to keep us focused the thing that is happening in numbers 33 and i think that that's you know an excellent question i like and i like well not just because it's happening here but i think your connection is correct you know you have people that will come and spy out the group and then they'll decide they're like the 10 and they'll decide then grumble and start trying to get into your tent to get you to grumble and and i understand that and as far as it says here it says if you do not drive out the the inhabitants of the land from before you then it shall be that those whom you let remain shall be pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides and they shall trouble you in the land and where you dwell see and some of you are wondering why do i maybe allow certain people to stay knowing they're doing some of these things because they're actually being used to take the people out that need to leave okay and i want you to think i mean that you know because i i certainly could ask a few people to leave and over the years certainly lots of them that i could have asked to leave but ultimately they're going to find the others of the 10 that are grumbling and take them with them and so that's not a bad thing necessarily however you can think of it as though it's it's like pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides because it's not fun it's not convenient to have some of this stuff going on but ultimately you know i call it addition by subtraction people leave and it gets better not that we want people to leave do you understand what i'm saying but that is how hassetan brings out what was in there it's in there but it hasn't come out and then when those that get stirred up in other words yahweh allowed them to spy the land knowing full well the people were going to panic and it needed to come out and be seen and dealt with so that's why he said yep no problem send the 12 in there go ahead and do it go spy the land because i know full well that you're not ready to trust me or very few of you just two and so let's bring that out so we can see it for ourselves and so i allow a lot of things to go on so that it can be seen and some of the people see it and they get a little frustrated with it some people see it and they go with it and that's all between you and yahweh and whatever it's not fun for the rest of us but you know i want you to understand because some of you are thinking i don't understand why he doesn't do something because this is why all right it's part of the process and so that's why and i've allowed that over many many many years and we've had people that you know others have people come up with why this there was one particular one that came in and everybody was saying to me why do you let that person stay and ultimately that person left and took out a whole lot of people with them and those are people that weren't they were of us but now they were among us but not of us and so to speak okay as a matter of fact took out two whole congregations in ohio who were much more interested in going into judaism than doing this and because that person was a part of what we were doing it brought that out it was there i'm not see we want to think that a person is causing something no it's bringing out what's already there it's just exposing it just like hassetan it's a role hassatan isn't going to cause anything he brings out what's already there if you don't have it there's nothing to work with so he works with what you have which is different than what the next person has that's why you don't have the same experience as interacting with hasatan when he comes in your life and he tries to poke at and everything else he's basically there to expose and bring out of you what's in there that needs to be dealt with and that happens in every congregation and so we allow them to be here until they finish what they're here to do okay and yet in every effort to destroy this congregation i mean that literally there have been a few people that literally tried to have us thrown out of the building we were in called everybody visited everybody emailed everybody this is many years ago to try to destroy this congregation yet look where we are now okay because it's not mine it's his and no weapon formed anywhere has ever been able to go against him okay all right so more aggressive efforts that are going on now have been done and we're still here which is a testimony to him and not me okay if he didn't want this any one of those efforts could have destroyed it that's my thoughts okay and you could say of course that's what you think because you're the one who's at the microphone well that's what the evidence looks like to me anyway because there were several weeks in the last 10 years when my wife and i were going to go to services knowing what we know what was going on split wise and people leaving and all the nonsense that was going on we weren't sure anybody was going to be there literally because at that point we probably had 40 in the congregation and we were like well maybe there'll be five people who knows we didn't think anybody's gonna be there and we were surprised and pleased to see how many people showed up when these aggressive efforts were made to try to destroy but now we have you know three properties and growing you know because we have a congregation in ohio we have that property of this property here we're building this fee site people are moving here we've got we have over 200 people in the congregation here locally if everybody came we'd have a well over 200 we had 178 or 80 or something this weekend and that's after people left recently and there's still more that need to go i don't mean that in a bad way i'm not saying like i want you know there are those still that need to finish what they're doing and just or just go but apparently abba is still using them for some reason to do certain things so they'll leave at some point and it's okay it's not desired we'd like it all to stop we'd like everybody to stop the silly foolish whatever and just you know but they're not going to so just so we understand that that's part of this process and that's kind of what rocky was talking about to some degree and you know he decided that he knew exactly why this person was calling him whoever it was and he decided i'm just not even going to take the call i already know for myself i spied the land i see the milk and honey and i'm good okay all right okay and so and and so praise y'all for that okay that's well said and that's and what i mean that i'm not saying praise y'all because he likes what i'm doing or what's going on here praise jah that he stood up for his own understanding what he sees he's not going to be influenced by other people okay so i'm not saying that i'm so excited just because he wants to stay here i'm excited that he wants to stand up for what he knows what he's tasted of like joshua and caleb he knows why he's here he knows why he comes back and forth and visits as often as he does and it's not it's not anybody else's to influence and so that's that's that's why i would say praise y'all for that because that's what you need to do you got to stand up for yourself okay if you know this congregation if you know me as the leader and teacher of the congregation then why would you let anybody shake your tree on what you know okay you have your own experience especially those of you that have counseled with me and have had that experience of the the positive impact in your life and then you're listening to people that haven't counseled with me who refuse to ever talk to me and they're the ones you're going to listen to they don't know me like you do that's just a fact they can't know me like you do because they've never actually got to interact that way but those of you who have spent the time you know what you know me better than they do does that make sense okay and so why would you let anybody try to then come in with the lashon hara and continue to think otherwise of what you experienced that's why joshua and caleb said hey i know what they're saying they're saying all this stuff and you know what it's true they're big guys there and walls and so what it's the place we're supposed to go and so there might be saying things about me some of my which is probably true you know i can be a little gruff and rough and and and kind of in your face but so what and my delivery may not be the way you want it delivered you know they're also saying a bunch of stuff that isn't true but you know you're not going to know which is which necessarily and i'm not speaking anything about specific anybody that's negatively saying stuff is going to say some things that are probably true and somethings that are not it's going to be some sort of a mix but you have to make the decision for yourself and that's what's going on here in the torah portion right the torah portion is talking about in this particular area two people decided we're going to follow what we see is the anointing and the appointing sadly everybody else ended up dead that ought to tell you something okay anyway now justin was inspired he's going to come up now and mercy is like but what about me on the live stream okay we'll get to you in a minute it just sorry it takes me back to the chapter 1 and 17 here where it says do not be afraid of anyone's face and it goes back to you know some people say they don't want to counsel because they're afraid of you i don't get it but that's kind of what you're talking about here is unless you do it you don't know i mean i mean and by the way for all of you watching on live stream i'm five foot six on a good day i'm not very intimidating all right okay well no steve said it's the wisdom that intimidates no it's not what's what's the problem is they're they know that they're going to hear it straight and then they're going to be responsible for what they hear that's what that's what they're most afraid of is that i'm going to say something and they're going to now have to own that they heard it okay that's not so much the wisdom or not i mean whether it's wise or not i'm going to i'm going to bring reality into the deal and that that's not most people don't want reality okay and if there's anything that i can absolutely stand very firm on is that i'm very real and i and what i say and when i interact and when i counsel it's real okay it's not soft it's not sugar-coated it's it's not mean-spirited either it's just real okay it's just real yeah you can clap for that all right all right not politically correct it's not meant to make you make you feel wonderful it's it's what you need to hear it's maybe not in the form you want to hear it but it's what you need to hear of course i'm the delivery mechanism so it's going to be my delivery mechanism but the information was meant to be heard by you whether i delivered it in a way you liked or not it's the information was still the right information and so that's the key because i have a bunch of people telling me well rabbi i want to counsel with you but can you say it this way or that way and the answer is no you were put here with me you're supposed to hear the way i say it and need to deal with that that's not meaning i'm not i listen if you've counseled you know i can be really compassionate and gentle and all that good stuff but if you don't counsel you never know you're gonna think i'm just gonna be like in your face and which i might if you needed that okay none of you in this room has heard me do that have you some of them actually come to me and ask for the foot like right away can you give me the boot i know you're going to give me the boot but i need to have somebody kick me real hard and i don't try to kick anybody i just bring reality into it and that feels like a kick because they make you understand what's really happening in your life and why you're really struggling and why you're dealing with whatever you're dealing with and that's not always pleasant to the ears because you don't want to look in that mirror i'm i'm a very very good mirror okay you're going to see really what you need to see when i talk to you i'm going to expose and show you what you're really struggling with and why and everything else and that's why people don't want to talk to me okay because they've heard that that's what's going to happen but that's what you need haven't you had enough of the other stuff it's gotten you nowhere that's why you're still struggling you know all right enough of that mercy all right i love when we start talking about the real all right from shelly bell question for the first time tonight she's hogging it up yes she is um shelly bell chapter 3 21-22 if we're following the vertical alignment and submitting to our anointed appointed and yahweh and obeying his torah does that mean we can say yahweh fights for us when we're in need okay um i'm not sure verse 21 of 22 exactly says that look you can believe yahweh fights for you because yahweh says he fights for you okay it's a covenantal thing and actually if you listen to fear of yahweh i take you through some of those verses that talk about that specifically and some of them are in deuteronomy okay and so this this is the key here is to understand that yahweh has said that i've chosen you and part of the covenant is that i will protect you i will keep you safe i will go before you i'll put words in your mouth when you need them but you have to do your part which is the obedience part the trust obedience the belief obedience to you obeying with trust and belief with emunah okay next from tom lasordo did the 70 that moshe trained go into the land with yeshua did the 70 that moshe trained go into the land with yahushua well that's a good question um i'd have to go to the part where that happens and see where they were in this whole deal with the 70 were okay so [Music] i'm not sure where that plays out at this point in the flow of the story i'm going to guess at this point that those were ones that were going to go in the land because they were getting the anointing after all of the other bad decisions and then they were given what was on him was given to those to teach so these were not those that started out the 20 and above this is later on in the journey okay go ahead okay from mtoi philippines jet can i say that anything that is not in torah is wrong um i have to be careful with this only from look all things that are true and are right were set in motion even if they're not written in torah physics all sciences there's all these truths that are out there they're not written in your torah but you know there are there are truths and things that are right there are also things that are wrong when we try to take what yahweh created and use it for things that it wasn't designed for and those kind of things so i would be very reluctant to do that but the torah lays out what is right all things not mentioned in torah can fall into the gray areas that deuteronomy 17 might take into play where you need to get counsel from that which you don't know how to handle but the scripture doesn't cover everything in a openly direct way it covers everything sometimes direct and sometimes indirect so you have principles and concepts to handle that which is not directly addressed so yes all of that stuff is in there and if if there's something that is in there that gives you a very specific way of understanding and applying and you don't do it then you're wrong okay so he tells you the right way to apply all those things okay next okay from kelly lutz she has a comment even though joshua and caleb obeyed abba they still had to witness and deal with the consequences of the decisions of others yes they did this applies well to submitting to my unbelieving husband i don't know how that connects there but you know the submission to your unbelievable husband still has nothing i don't think it has anything to do with this i think that you're connecting things that are not necessarily connected they're both true but i don't think that they're connected in that way okay yes those like joshua caleb had to witness the ultimate you know demise of all those that made the wrong choice but your husband may make a different choice at some point here in the very near future he's going to get an opportunity to make a different choice at some other time of the future we talk about this in the millennium kingdom teaching so it's not the same thing if your husband's not in rebellion necessarily just because he hasn't had his eyes open yet in his you know had a delusion bubble popped so i i wouldn't connect it that way okay just because your husband at this point is is quote unquote non-believing as you called it or whatever it doesn't mean he's not going to get his opportunity all right next so jet from the philippines has an addition to his last question but rabbi torah is the only truth the way and the life please explain more okay so there's a lot of things that you can do for example you can eat a whole lot of stuff that's not good for you torah doesn't address because it falls under clean and unclean as being clean but that doesn't make it necessarily healthy for you and especially in in certain amounts or especially if you have certain allergies to certain things i mean so you can't say well it does say in torah that you should you know land of milk and honey so what if you're lactose intolerant you're not going to drink milk but the torah says we should be having milk and honey so i don't know that that really applies there when it comes to the things addressed in the torah the torah is the only truth so jet's not wrong they're just things in life that don't actually fit into the actual instructions in here there's a lot of things in life where you have to make choices that the torah does not address they're just your choices okay there's not a single verse talking about exercise that's for you jet okay okay so but we know that exercise is good for you and you should do it and all that kind of stuff but that truth isn't anywhere in toro there's no instruction to go work out and get in shape and do these different things but we've learned other things that are true because yahweh created us to need those things it just didn't put it in the book okay all right now of course they didn't have the problem we have which is we have cars and other ways to get around and we don't actually walk everywhere and you know we'd be in much better shape and that kind of thing okay but i want to make sure that jet understands i'm agreeing with you all things covered by scripture the scripture is the authority just not everything is covered all right next that's it we're good we're done yeah all right we're done excellent good job everybody i'll leave out the 37 things on my paper that we didn't cover actually we covered everything looks like good job all right so let's go ahead of one of the men to raise their hand and close us up in prayer okay how about justin father yahweh we just come to you we thank you we praise you for all this portion that we've gotten out of today we just thank you for everything that each one of us brings to it and we thank you for all that you show us every day how to live and how to be one of your people that hopefully one day we can live in the forever kingdom with you we thank you and praise you and all that you give and all that you do for us in the name of your son yeshua messiah amen amen amen all right come on up those you want to wave at the live stream people say hello and all that kind of stuff or say good night come on up here we need to get enough of you to come on a tuesday night so we actually have the camera stay facing out there because we almost have enough that we don't really fit back here but we still have enough i knew you're coming around to your spot right here all right and we're going to wait because i'm sure rick is going to come down once he gets it set right here he comes all right as soon as rick gets here we'll go ahead and all right so we appreciate you guys out there we know that you're watching we know that you're watching and you participate with us on a weekly basis and we think of you just as much as part of the congregation is the people that are here so we want to share that love and and appreciation with you by wishing you a leila tov which is a good night at shavuatov which is a good week and tell you that we love you and on three we'll do this here we go one two three okay i want to run up to the camera like a little kid [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 2,273
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Id: x1r1jCCp8jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 40sec (10120 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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