Sukkot 2021 Scripture Readings & Midrash | 9-27-2021

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[Music] all right shalom everyone all right this is the fifth and final session of our deuteronomy readings and so we're going to have our last session we're going to read the book of deuteronomy chapters 29 through the end and so i have 11 reading spots for that today i hope this has been an enjoyable thing for you guys and you learned a lot during the readings okay so if you have if you have not read yet and still would like to read the second row right here is where we're putting people who want to read if you want to go ahead and grab a seat we'll fill up with just about all the chairs i think we have 12 chairs in the rows we'll fill up 11 of them okay if you've read before you can also fill in those seats if there's some extra ones ready to go all right so again a reminder so what we're going to do is we're going to read the torah portion so i'm going to call up a reader recite a traditional blessing over them they're gonna then be told what verses they're gonna read and they'll read the section i'll thank them and we'll bring up the next reader we'll do that till we complete the readings when we get to chapter 34 and the end of that chapter the end of the book of devarim okay and then after we finish the readings we'll go ahead and have a couple of quick announcements just to make sure everybody's aware of some of the things that are happening here as we start to get to the close of the feast okay because what is today in terms of the feast that's the last day because tomorrow is what they call shamini at sarah the eighth day festivals this is actually the last day of sukkot all right oh come on you could do better now all right i think it's been an awesome feast though right fantastic awesome all right now i did i did tell you that even though we switched to the afternoons for the readings that you may notice a slight diminishment in the number of people showing up for the readings and actually you guys have done really well so all of you that have been here for all five sessions fantastic good job congratulations on that all right so we're going to go ahead and begin it looks like we only have about six people lined up we need about five more okay that's seven so let's go ahead and fill in some of those seats and get our 11 readers okay come on up and be our first reader who do we have there gabriella see i figured that's part of why you guys met with me last night so i know your name today he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may be blessed gabriella who's coming to honor yahweh and the torah made him set apart one bless him and his family and send her and her family some blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands ah mane ah man i'm so glad i make out her name right i messed the rest of it up okay you're gonna get us started in chapter 29 and read the first 15 verses okay these are the words of the covenant which yahweh commanded moshe to make with the children of israel in the land of moab besides the covenant which he made with them in horeb and moshe called all israel and said to them you yourselves saw all that yahweh did before your eyes in the land of mitzrayim to pharaoh and to all his servants and to all his land your eyes saw the great trials the signs and those great wonders but yahweh has not given you a heart to know and eyes to see and ears to hear till this day and i have led you 40 years in the wilderness your garments have not worn out on you and your sandals have not worn out on your feet you ate no bread and drank no wine nor strong drinks so that you might know that i am yahweh your elohim and when you came to this place sihon sovereign of heshban and og sovereign of bashan came out against us to battle and we struck them and took their lands and gave it as an inheritance to the rubinites and to the gadites and half the tribe of menasha therefore you shall guard the words of this covenant and do them so that you prosper in all that you do all of you are standing today before yahweh your elohim your leaders your tribes your elders and your officers all the men of israel your little ones your wives and your sojourner who is in the midst of your camp from the one who cuts your wood to the one who draws your water so that you should enter into covenant with yahweh your elohim and into his oath which yahweh your elohim makes with you today in order to establish you today as a people for himself and he himself be your elohim as he has spoken to you and as he has sworn to your fathers to avraham to yitzhak and toyacco and not with you alone i am making this covenant and this oath but with him who stands here with us today before yahweh our elohim as well as with him who is not here with us today amen okay thank you gabriella next up i'm blanking on your name for some reason what i said i'm blanking on your name for somebody rhonda i'm thinking rhonda okay we got it okay but your name tag is in the dark and below the podiums that wouldn't help me that's not fair that's cheating that's okay all right he blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob hey bless rhonda who's going down to yahweh in the torah made a set of part one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands ah mane okay you're gonna take us now from verse 16 to the end of the chapter for you know how we dealt in the land of mitzrayim and how we put pass through the nations which you have passed through and you saw their abominations and their idols wood and stone silver and gold which were with them lest there should be among you a man or woman or clan or tribe whose heart turns away today from yahweh or elohim to go and serve the mighty ones of these nations lest there should be among you a root bearing bitterness or wormwood and it shall be when he hears the words of the curse of this curse that he should bless himself in his heart saying i have peace though i walk in the stubbornness of my heart in order to add drunkenness to thirst yahweh would not forgive him but rather the displeasure of yahweh and his jealousy shall burn against that man and every curse that is written in this book shall settle on him and yahweh shall blot out his name from under the heavens and yahweh shall separate him for evil out of the tribes of israel according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in this book of the torah and the generations to come of your children who rise up after you and the foreigner who comes from a far land shall say when they see the plagues that the land and the sicknesses which yahweh has sent into it all all its land is sulfur salt and burning it is not sown or does it bear nor does any grass grow there like the overthrow of saddam and amora adam and ses boyem and which yahweh overthrew in his displeasure and his wrath and all the nations shall say why has yahweh done this to the to this land what does the heat of this great displeasure mean and it shall be said because they have forsaken the covenant of yahweh elohim of their fathers which he made with them when he brought them out of the land of mitzrayim and they went and served other mighty ones and bowed themselves to them mighty ones that they they did not know that he had not given them therefore the displeasure of yahweh bird against the land to bring on it every curse that is written in this book and yahweh uprooted them from their land in displeasure and in wrath and in great rage and cast them into another land as it is today the secret matters belong to yahweh our elohim but what is revealed belongs to us and our children forever to do all the words of this torah amen i mean okay thank you rhonda okay next up janet who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob he blessed janitors come up down to yahweh in the torah made a set of part one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands ah mane okay going into chapter 30 and you're going to read chapter 30. and it shall be when all these words come upon you the blessing and the curse which i have set before you and you shall bring them back to your hearts among all the nations where yahweh your elohim drives you and shall turn back to yahweh your elohim and obey his voice according to all that i command you today with all your heart and with all your being you and your children then yahweh your elohim shall turn back your captivity and shall have compassion on you and he shall turn back and gather you from all the peoples where yahweh your elohim has scattered you if any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under the heavens from there yahweh your elohim thus gather you and from there he does take you and yahweh your elohim shall bring you to the land with you with your fathers possessed and you shall possess it and he shall do good to you and increase you more than your father's and yahweh your elohim shall circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed to love yahweh your elohim with all your heart and with all your being so that you might live and yahweh your elohim shall put all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate you who persecuted you and you shall turn back and obey the voice of yahweh and do all his commands which i command you today and yahweh your elohim shall make you have excess in all the work of your hand in the fruits of your body and in the fruit of your livestock and in the fruit of your ground for good for yahweh turns back to rejoice over you for good as he rejoiced over your fathers if you obey the voice of yahweh your elohim to guard his commands and his laws which are written in this book of the torah if you turn back to yahweh your elohim with all your heart and with all your being for this command which i am commanding you today it is not too hard for you nor it is far off it is not in the heavens to say who shall ascend into the heavens for us and bring it to us and cause us to hear it so that we do it nor is it beyond the sea to say who shall go over the sea for us and bring it to us and cause us to hear it so that we do it for the world is very near you in your mouth and in your heart to do it see i have said before you today life and good and death and evil in that i am commanding you today to love yahweh your elohim to walk in his ways and to guard his commands and his laws and his right rulings and you shall live and increase and yahweh your elohim shall bless you in the land which you go to possess but if your heart turns away and you do not obey and shall be drawn away and shall bow down to other mighty ones and serve them i have declared to you today that you shall certainly perish you shall not prolong your days in the land which you are passing over the yard and to enter and possess i have called the heavens and the earth as witnesses today against you i have set before you life and death the blessing and the curse therefore you shall choose life so that you live both you and your seed to love yahweh your elohim to obey his voice and to cling to him for he is your life and the length of your days to dwell in the land which i always swore to your fathers to abraham to jesus unto yakov to give them amen amen okay thank you janet next up we have pete he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless peter's come up down to yahweh and the torah made a set of part one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity on all the works of his hands ah mane okay go into chapter 31 and read where the first 15 verses and moshe went and spoke those words to all israel and he said to them i am 120 years old today i am no longer able to go out and come in and yahweh has said to me you do not pass over this yardin yahweh your elohim himself is passing over before you he shall destroy these nations from before you and you possess them yahushua himself is passing over before you as yahweh has spoken and yahweh shall do to them as he did to sihan and to og the sovereigns of the amorites and their land when he destroyed them and yahweh shall give them over to you and you shall do to them according to the command which i have commanded you be strong and courageous do not fear nor be afraid of them for it is yahweh your elohim who is going with you he does not fail you nor forsake you and moshe called yahushua and said to him before the eyes of all israel be strong and courageous for you are going with this people to the land which yahweh has sworn to their fathers to give them and you are to let them inherit it and it is yahweh who is going before you he himself is with you he does not fail you nor forsake you do not fear nor be discouraged and moshe wrote this torah and gave it to the priests the sons of levi who bore the ark of the covenant of yahweh and to all the elders of israel and moshe commanded them saying at the end of seven years at the appointed time the year of release at the festival of sukkot when all israel comes to appear before yahweh your elohim and the place which he chooses read this torah before all israel in their hearing assemble the people the men and the women and the little ones and your sojourner who is within your gates so that they hear and so that they learn to fear yahweh your elohim and to guard to do all the words of this torah and their children who have not known it should hear and learn to fear yahweh your elohim as long as you live in the land you are passing over the yard into possess and yahweh said to moshe see the days have drawn near for you all for you to die call yahushua and present yourselves in the tent of appointment so that i command him and moshe and yehoshua went and presented themselves in the tent of appointment and yahweh appeared at the ten of in a column of cloud and the column of a cloud stood over the door of the tent ah man i mean okay thank you pete okay next reader okay and your first name tammy tammy he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob maybe bless tammy who's coming up to honor yahweh in the torah made a set of part one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands amane okay you're going to take us now from verse 16 to the end of chapter 31 and yahweh said to moshe see you are about to sleep with your fathers and this people shall rise and after the mighty ones of the strangers of the land into the midst of which they shall enter and forsake me and break my covenant which i have made with them then my displeasure shall burn against them in that day and i shall forsake them and hide my face from them and they shall be consumed and many evils and distresses shall come upon them and it shall be said in that day it is not because our elohim is not in our midst that these evils have come upon us and i shall certainly hide my face in that day because of all the evil which they have done for they shall turn to other mighty ones and now write down this song for yourselves and teach it to the children of israel put it in their mouths so that the song is to me for a witness against the children of israel and i shall bring them to the land flowing with milk and honey of which i swore to their fathers and they shall eat and be satisfied and be fat then they shall turn to other mighty ones and they shall serve them and scorn me and break my covenant and it shall be when many evils and distresses come upon them that this song shall answer before them as a witness for it is not to be forgotten in the mouths of their seed for i know their thoughts which they are forming today even before i bring them to the land of which i swore to give them and moshe wrote this song the same day and taught it to the children of israel and he commanded yahushua son of nun and said be strong and courageous for you are to bring the children of israel into the land of which i swore to them and i myself am with you and it came to be when moshe had completed writing the words of this torah in a book under their completion that moshe commanded the luwhites who bore the ark of the covenant of yahweh saying take this book of the torah and you shall place it beside the ark of the covenant of yahweh your elohim and it shall be there as a witness against you for i myself know you excuse me for i myself know your rebellion and your stiff neck see while i am still alive with you today you have been rebellious against yahweh then how much more after my death assemble unto me all the elders of your tribes and your officers so that i speak these words in their hearing and call the heavens and the earth to witness against them for i know that after my death you shall do very corruptly and turn aside from the way which i have commanded you and evil shall come to you in the latter days because you do what is evil in the eyes of yahweh to provoke him through the work of your hands so moshe spoke in the hearing of all the assembly of israel the words of this song till their completion amen amen okay thank you tammy next up kendall he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless kendall who's come up tonight in the torah made his set apart one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands amen okay kendall chapter 32 verses 1 through 14. give ear o heavens and let me speak and hear o earth the words of my mouth let my instruction fall as rain my speech drop down as do as fine rain on the tender plants and as showers on the grass for i proclaim the name of yahweh ascribe greatness to our elohim the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are right ruling an el of truth and without unrighteousness righteous and straight is he a twisted and crooked generation has corrupted itself their blemish they are not his children do you do this to yahweh o foolish and unwise people is he not your father who brought you who created you and established you remember the days of old consider the years of many generations ask your father and let him show you your elders and let them say to you when the most high gave the nations their inheritance when he separated the sons of adam he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the children of israel for the portion of yahweh is his people jacob his allotted inheritance he found him in the wilderness and in a wasted howling desert he had encompassed him he made him understand he watched over him as the apple of his eye as an eagle stirs up its nest flutters over its young spreading out its wings taking them up bearing them on its wings yahweh alone led them and there was no strange mighty one with them he made him ride in the heights of the earth and he ate the fruit of the field and he made him a drawl of honey from the rock and oil from the flinty rock curds from the cattle and milk of the flock with fat of lambs and rams of the breed of bashan and goats with their choicest wheat and you drink wine the blood of grapes amen i mean okay thank you kendall okay next up who's that chris okay he blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless chris who's come up down to yahweh in the torah made a set apart one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands ah mane okay chris you're gonna take us now from verse 15 to 35. grew fat and kicked you grew fat you grew thick you are covered with fat so he forsook eloah who made him and scorned the rock of his deliverance they moved him to jealousy with foreign matters with abominations they provoked him they slaughtered to demons not eloah mighty ones they did not know new ones who came lately which your fathers did not fear you you neglected the rock who brought you forth and forgot the l who fathered you and yahweh saw and despised because of the provocation of his sons and his daughters and he said let me hide my face from them let me see what their end is for they are perverse generation children in whom there is no trusting they made me jealous by what is not ill they provoked me with their worthless matters but i make them jealous by those who are no people i provoke them with a foolish nation for a fire is kindled in my wrath and burns to the bottom of sheol and consumes the earth and its increase and sets on fire the foundations of mountains i gather evils upon them i use up my arrows upon them wasted my scarcity of food and consumed by heat and bitter destruction and the teeth of beast i spend send upon them with the poison of serpents of the dust the sword bereaves from outside in fear from within both young man and maiden nursing child with men of gray hairs i said i should blow them away i should make them remembrance of them to cease from among the men if i did not fear the enemy's taunt lest their adversaries misunderstand at least they say our hand is high and yahweh has not done all this for they are a nation lost to council and there is no understanding in them if they were wise they would understand this they would consider their latter end how would one chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight unless the rock has sold them and yahweh had given them up for the rock is not like our rock even our enemies are judges the vine is of the vine of saturn and of the fields of amore their grapes are grapes of gal their clusters are bitter their wine is the poison of serpents and the fierce venom of kobas is it not stored up within with me sealed up among my treasures vengeance is mine and repayment at their time their foot slips for near is the day of their calamity and the matters prepared are hastening to them for you hold on that's it 35. perfect thank you chris amen all right wayne he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob me bless wayne who's come up tonight in the torah made a set of part one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands ah man okay wayne you're gonna take us now from verse 36 to 52 the end of the chapter for y'all for yahweh rightly rules his people and has compassion on his servants when he sees that their power is gone and there is no one remaining shut up or at large and he shall say where are their mighty ones the rock is whom they sought refuge who ate the fat of the slaughterings and drank the wine of their drank offerings let them arise and help you let it be a hiding place for you see now that i i am he and there is no elohim besides me i put to death and i make alive i have wound it and i heal and from my hand there one delivered for i left my hand to the heavens and shall say as i live forever if i have sharpened my flesh and sword and my hand takes hold on judgment i shall return vengeance to my enemies and repay those who hate me i make my arrows drunk with blood and my sword devours flesh with the blood of the slain and the captives from the long haired enemies chiefs one nations acclaim his people for he ventures the blood of his servants and returns vengeance to his adversaries and shall pardon his land and his people then moshe came with joshua son of nun and spoke all the words of this song in the hearing of the people and when moshe ended speaking all these words to all israel he said to them set your heart on all the words which i warn you today so that you command your children to guard to do all the words of this torah for it is not a worthless word for you because it is your life and by this word you prolong your days on a soil which you pass over the yard and to possess and yami spoke to moshe that same day saying go up to this mountain on abram mount niba which is in the land of moab which is absolutely and look at the land of canaan which i give to the children of israel as a possession and die on a mountain which you ascend and be gathered to your people as aaron your brother died on mount hara and was gathered to his people because you trespassed against me in the midst of the children of israel at the waters of marab kurdish in the wilderness because you did not see my apart in the midst of the children of israel for you are to look at the land before you but do not enter that until the land which i am given to the children of jezreel amen let me okay thank you wayne all right dion you blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless dion who's come up down to yahweh in the torah made a set of part one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands amen okay dion take us now to chapter 33 and read verses 1 through 12 and this is the blessing with which moshe the man of elohim bless the children of israel before his death and he said yahweh come from sinai and rose from syr for them he shone forth from mount paran and come with 10 000 of set apart ones at his height is his right hand a law of fire for them indeed he loves the people all his set apart ones are in your hand and they they sat down at your feet receiving your words uh moshe commanded us a torah an inheritance of assembly of yaakov and he was sovereign and yeshua when the hands of the people were gathered and the tribes of israel let ruben live and not die and let his men be numbered and this of you you done and he said hear yahweh the voice of yehudah yehudah thank you and bring him to his people his hands shall shall fight for your his hand shall fight for him and you be a help against his enemies and of levi he said your [Music] belong to your lovingly command one commanded ones whom you tried at nasa thank you masha massa who with whom you connected at the waters of maribor mariba who said to his father and his and mother i have not seen them and he did not acknowledge his brothers or know his own children for they have uh guarded your word and washed over your commandment your covenant excuse me they teach your right rulings to [Music] yakub yakubo and your torah to israel they put incent before you in a complete access as ascending offering on your slaughtering place o yahweh bless his strength and accept the word of his hands smite the loins of those who rise against him and of those who hate him that they rise no more o benjamin he said let the beloved of yahweh dwell in safety by him shielding him all the day as he dwells between his shoulders i mean all right thank you dion okay next up dwayne dwayne okay he's like showing me his name tag thinking i can read it from that far all right good try though all right he'll bless our fathers abram isaac and jacob maybe he blessed duane who's come up down to yahweh in the torah made his set apart one bless him and his families and blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands ah mane okay you're gonna take us now from verse 13 to the end of the chapter of yosef he said blessed of yahweh is his land with the choices from the heavens with the dew and the deep line beneath with the choice fruits of the sun with the choice yield of the months with the finest of the ancient mountains with the choicest of the everlasting hills with the choicest of the earth and all that fills it and the good pleasure of him who dwelt in the bush let it come on the head of joseph and on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his brothers his splendor is like a first born bull and his horns are like the horns of the wild ox with them he pushes the peoples to the ends of the earth and they are the ten thousands of ephraim and they are the thousands of menasha and of zebulun he said rejoice so zebulun and you're going out in issachar in your tents they call peoples to the mountain and they slaughter slaughterings of righteousness for they draw from the riches of the seas and treasures hidden in the sand and of god he said blessed is he who enlarges gad he dwells as a lion and shall tear off the arm also the crown and he chose the best for himself for there the portion of the inscriber was hidden and he came with the heads of the people the righteousness of yahweh he did and his right rulings with israel and of dan he said dan is a lion's cub that leaps from bashan and of naftali he said oh naftali satisfied with pleasure and filled with the blessings of yahweh possess the west and the south and of asher he said asher is most blessed of sons let him be accepted by his brothers and dip his foot in oil your sandals are iron and bronze and your strength as your days oh yeshua run there is no one like l riding the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his excellency the elohim of old is a refuge and beneath our everlasting arms and he drives out the enemy from before you and says destroy thus israel dwells in safety the fountain of yaakov alone in a land of grain and new wine his heavens also drop down dew blessed are you o israel who is like you a people saved by yahweh the shield of your help and he who is the sword of your excellency and your enemies are subdued for you and you tread down their high places amen amen okay thank you duane all right our final reader all right do remind me again tammy tammy see i keep asking every time i ask it's tammy even though it's different people okay he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless tammy who's come up to hana yahweh in the torah made his set apart one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands ah mane okay chapter 34 read the whole thing and moshe went up from the desert plains of moab to mount nebo to the top of pisca which is opposite yeriho and yahweh showed him all the land of gilead as far as dan and all naftali and the land of ephraim and menachem all the land of yehuda as far as the western sea and the negeb and the plain of the valley of yereho and the city of palm trees as far as and yahweh said to him this is the land of which i swore to abraham to yitzhak and to yaakov saying to your seed i give it i have let you look at it with your eyes but you do not pass over there and moshe the servant of yahweh died there in the land of moab according to the mouth of yahweh and he buried him in a valley in the land of moab opposite beth peyor and no one knows his burial place to this day and moshe was 120 years old when he died his eyes were not dim nor his freshness gone and the children of israel wept from moshe in the desert plains of moab 30 days and the days of weeping and mourning for moshe were completed and yahushua son of nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom for moshe had laid his hands on him and the children of israel listened to him and did as yahweh had commanded moshe and since then no prophet has arisen in israel like moshe whom yahweh knew face to face for all the signs and wonders which yahweh sent him to do in the land of mitzrayim before pharaoh and before all his servants and in all his land and for all that strong hand and all the great fearsome deeds which moshe did before the eyes of all israel ah man amen all right thank you all the readers blessed are you yahweh or elohim king of the universe who has given us a torah of truth and has planted eternal life in our midst blessed are you yahweh giver of the torah now we just completed our readings we also completed a book of the of the what do you call the homage the first five books and there's a tradition that when we finish reading a book we say try one more time which means be strong be strong and may we be strengthened strengthened by what but we just heard okay by the word awesome fantastic okay let me just go over a couple of quick announcements and then we'll get into our discussion portion of this so just a quick reminder so today is the last day of sukkot oh okay so you guys did better that time on a side note it's also my and my wife's anniversary today so we're gonna go 23 years awesome all right okay so today and by the way didn't billy do a great job with the three classes for finance i wouldn't only i want to ask about the marriage of the teenager thing i probably hurt some people with that okay so all right so today we have after scripture reading we're going to have the ymca program preparation oh yeah i can mention that okay so we have the ymca presentation preparation so we are going to be ending here at four a little bit shorter session which is why i left less reading so that we can finish that up and then of course we have dinner and some praise time as the praise team comes and practices for the holy day tomorrow all right uh also a reminder that the marketplace will be closed and finished and completed for this uh sukkot and should we had sarah so after we finished this meeting today it'll be open it'll be the last chance it's open before we close it for sundown and then we'll be boxing it up packing it away and we're taking it back so if there's anything that you did not get yet from the marketplace please go ahead and take advantage of our last opportunity here all right so then tomorrow we have in the morning i know some of you are not as good in the mornings i will be here in the morning for the ymcy presentation starting at nine o'clock it is so much fun and you'll be so impressed and so proud of your children what they did and what they learned all week long and they're going to come together and present that to you all right and then after lunch we have holy day services and then after dinner we're going to start the beginning of cleanup after sundown okay sundown will be around 7 30 or so and we'll begin to clean up and get going all right and also tomorrow i'll make announcements about passover because after all once you finish this the first thing you want to do is think about the next time we get together all right all right so that should do it for those announcements so we're going to do is discuss this week's start this is what this week's i'm so used to torah time right every tuesday we're going to discuss the torah portion and um and by the way the full set of announcements of upcoming things going forward after this event i'll mention them tomorrow like we do during a normal announcements time all right so if you have a comment or question we're going to do it according to our normal sort of protocols and procedures we're going to do some of the people that are out here some on live stream we've got mr our shamish rob wyatt back there doing a fantastic job keeping track of the comments and questions from the live stream and you can come up here and shane's got the microphone for you when you come up we would like to take this chronologically which means we want to start in chapter 29 and work our way to 34. and we also are looking primarily for those things that you can take out of this and use it to help your growth as you transform from what you are into what he is amen uh maine all right we'll begin with mr steve waffle challenge steve waffle thank you all righty let's see i there's so much in this i didn't even know what to write but i i did have this eve for 29 in the beginning it seemed to me that even though all they had seen abba do he still had to open their hearts and their eyes so what did i so to me it's like even though i experienced all he did until he opened their eyes in their hearts so it's like he still had to draw them in even though they had witnessed what they had witnessed before they would recognize what he had for them amen okay so why why is it that after all that journey this is still something he needed to do what do you think the problem was i mean after all they've been 40 years could it be that he hadn't gotten to where they were ready to receive it took that long to get them ready to receive he can only reveal to you what you're ready to receive okay that's that's it so sometimes you may be like why isn't he showing me more because you're still struggling with what he's already shown you and so now they're at the end of their journey and he's has them ready for that right steve all right and then uh in 10 and he he mentions all of you so the covenant is for all whom chooses but that meant even us today because we weren't present because it indicated that as well right that's when we get to verse um 14 not with you alone but with you who stands here with us today as well as those who are not here today that covers everybody and then the last thing on 29 was it's 17 and 19. it says we saw the abomination so that we knew what that is so we're able to recognize it what we're looking at so we're not doing the same thing trying to do the same thing to him so that should be in front of our eyes that we're not going to try to do what he doesn't want done to him in our own desires uh maine i mean well said who's next wow we're back to our usual process steve and janet all right janet thank you rabbi uh verse five when it's i it just caught my eye when it says and i have let you 40 years in the wilderness so i was thinking how um you know like we're sort of in a wilderness too right trying to figure this out in our walk towards the kingdom or the millennium so it says i have let you i thought okay wow so every every single situation that happens good or bad he's leading me in that well he's allowing all that whether he like like he always tells us right he either allowed it or he caused it and i just saw i just i just love what he's i'm i mean he said i have led you well i'm in charge right i am still overseeing everything whether you want to get off the throne or not it's your deal but i'm still in charge i mean i mean i mean i i would i would just kind of expand that just one little bit with saying that as you're going through your wilderness recognize whether he caused it or allow it he is there if you would just look up and he can lead you through it i led them through it okay i mean awesome all right who's next chapter 29 rob wait are you coming up for 29 ken all right come on ken i have i have pens and i have glasses and sounds like a personal problem i'm not ready we do that in counseling i thought i was gonna be i thought surely there would be somebody first before me there was janet and steve where were you okay he's thinking i should have stayed in my seat i should have stayed in my seat i wanted so much to stay in my seat there you go um i uh i uh really like steve brought up this is a this is a very full chapter in 29-30 and it's really wrapping up so much of what we've already read but i was taking a uh a slightly different approach of something how it affected me when i read um verse 29 12. and in a way it's sort of a literary um [Music] the way a different way to read this because um just as if you are you've already talked about this in in chapter i mean in verse four when he brought out that their eyes would be open and their ears would be um would hear i i was putting myself into that situation when i was reading this and thinking well you know goodness that um all the things they've gone through they really didn't put the pieces together of the puzzle until their eyes were opened and they're to to really see the magnitude and put the emphasis on this so when i was reading then um and actually this this happened before this morning but but i've seen and wanted to bring this out uh in in verse um and starting out in in verse 10 when all of you are standing here today before yahweh your elohim colon and then i dropped down to verse 13 in order to establish excuse me verse 12. i want to say verse 12. so they're standing there and then in verse 12 so that you should enter into the covenant but when i read that i when i read it the very first time i said so that you would want to enter into the covenant and i thought how appropriate is to think of it that way because you know just even in our in our teachings where we we learn and we we think about this is a uh a free choice and we are on this path because we we purposely were drawn here but we have a free choice to stay on this path and i and i sort of sensed that that was what you know you could read that all this that you have seen all you this you have witnessed that you should want to enter into this covenant with yahweh your elohim i just want to bring that up and um i mean is that are you in agreement with absolutely because everything he does he does from from a point of view that you must choose it's a choice you have to want it and so using that word i think is perfectly appropriate it's not something you have no choice about you're not forced to do he wants to show you why it's desirable so that you'll want it because you certainly didn't want to wait to go through all the curses and all the other things that um so then with logic with just this that association i wanted to link that with the new testament matthew 21 the parable of the two sons that starts in verse 28 and just to sort of paraphrase uh you know there's the man comes to his two sons and he talked to he tells them in verse 28 go work today in my vineyard and the first one that wasn't like well will you please go work well i need some help will you please but it's go work today in my vineyard and the first says well i do not wish to but afterwards he repented and went and there's a lesson in that and then the second one said that uh he answered no i will not go um or no he said no i will go but but he did not so there's there's a lesson there and this being a parable verse 31 to me is the verse i want to bring out um the question that yeshua was asking to the pharisees which of the two did the desire of the father so this just naturally made me want to think of our father in heaven what would be his desire and his desire would have been don't say no say yes and go so that really neither one of the sons did correctly the correct answer would be receive answer yes i will go and go i mean i mean well said okay all right so there was the preferable like i said which one of these did right and they said the first right the one that said no but did it as obviously the one who said yes and didn't is not the right way but we should be striving towards the yes and do it which is the third choice that's not put there all right but he knows how we are generally we struggle with things and i think it's good to see that the ultimate result is the is really the primary thing the person that did it was the result that was desired by the person giving the instruction the yes or no at the beginning was preferred but the result was what was desired so even though he had said no but he did do what needed to be done so that's good all right chapter 29 rob okay yeah um i've got one here rabbi so 29 15 i think you have said that verse 15 it says those are not with us here today so that's talking about really us people in the future well not just us everybody beyond that point remember that okay for the next several thousand years right okay so then it you know it's going through here and how would that be what would be an example of somebody like that today when they when they uh they are blessing themselves in verse 19. he said bless himself in his heart saying i have peace and i walk in the stubbornness i walk in the stubbornness of my heart and then you know it goes down here says yeah um basically he does not forgive him and he blots his name out so so they're what would that be example if somebody they just don't is would that be like what we would consider when we learn in the church the unforgivables yeah i mean look look at the process here this is the person that has come to a decision i have peace though i walk in the stubborn tomorrow in other words i've made a decision and i'm going to be very stubborn about it i'm not going to argue about it i'm going to do what i want don't bother me i'm fine anybody deal with a family member a child especially like a teenager works out a lot of times whether you want to talk to them or a husband or a wife and they say you say what's wrong and they come nothing you know something's wrong and they don't want to deal with it they say nothing do you want some help no i'm fine and that's what's basically happening here says i have peace i don't need you i don't need anything i can keep doing what i'm doing i'm fine so yah doesn't forgive this only because there's no desire for forgiveness this person says i'm fine there's no repentance there there's no recognition of wrong i'm going to do what i want and i'm good with that it's basically the maybe the more full understanding what you said i'm okay with my choice you may talk to your child that's alcoholic or on drugs or sleeping around and they look at you saying i'm good with my choice leave me alone of course when talking about this in a covenantal sort of way the person should understand the ramifications of their choices and this is something where they're now saying basically i have peace why do we repent because we realize we don't have peace to create a place where peace can be brought back into the situation by repenting and getting back correctly in line with the covenant this is a person that's not interested in that okay did that answer the question rob okay good i don't have any more for 29. all right let me add a couple of things real quickly 29. all right so in verse 1 and in verse 9 and a couple other places we see this idea of the word covenant all right we're talking about covenant so this is why we need to understand that if you've not listened to the teaching are you covenanted you need to understand what it means and what it's about and why that's what the issue is all the way okay so therefore you shall guard the words this is verse 9 of this covenant you know verse 13 says that all of these things are being done or verse 12 so that you should enter into covenant because it's all being done so that you should enter into covenant all everything he did was to impress upon you the benefits and needs of covenant that's what he's saying to them he's saying the same thing to you because a lot of times you've been in churches and even if your church was called the first baptist covenant whatever first covenant whatever don't worry about the name on the building the people in the building with that name on it don't understand what covenant is you do and you should and you need to know what covenant is because that is you know when a husband i shouldn't say that when a man and a woman want to come into a relationship they call it marriage that's the right name for it well when you want to come to a relationship with your heavenly father he calls it covenant and so this specific type of covenant is what he desires of you and so let's make sure we understand that that's all what it's about so when people say all the things insurance oh i was saved back in 1971. listen that's not a status and you were basically sold a bill of goods the important status is are you covenanted that's a status i am covenanted or i'm not covenanted it's like saying i'm married or you're not married i mean that's an actual status okay it's not a permanent status you can and you can exit a marriage you can exit covenant but if you're in covenant and that's what he's saying here you need to understand that the reason yah did all these things was them with them was so that they would choose you know that were not being forced that they would choose to be in a relationship called covenant and so just keep that in mind when we see this also in verse 10 we can see that the vertical structure is mentioned and that they're there it says all of you are staying here today before you elohim your leaders your tribes your elders and your officers and all the men of israel and then it goes down and says also your little ones your wives and your sojourn etc all of them were there including the leadership and the structure is kind of mentioned in there okay verse 9 when it talks about all of this it says this covenant what's the purpose of it he says therefore you should guard the words of this covenant do them why because doing it will prosper you oh no that stuff was done away with it's no good it was nailed to the cross and he says it's going to prosper you when did it become this bad awful thing he never said that a bunch of popes and other christians over the years said that but he never said that he says it would prosper you do this so it will be well with you so it'll prolong your days important okay um [Music] two more things one is let's get to that verse 19. we touched on it real quickly he says it shall be when he hears the words of the curse that he shall bless himself in his heart saying bless himself as harming saying i'm going to build up my own strength bless himself i'm going to strengthen my own heart here and say i have peace now doing this i want you to understand the rest of the verses in order to add drunkenness to thirst in other words you're you're doing the opposite of what you should be doing what does alcohol do to you it dehydrates you so here you are thirsty and you're gonna do the thing that's only gonna make it worse he said oh you're thirsty and you're going to say no no i'm fine i don't need anything am i going to guzzle some alcohol and get worse because i don't need anything so just kind of that's an idiomatic phrase just saying you went from bad to worse by where you went it didn't make it better made it worse all right that should cover it then that i said one more yes the secret matters verse 29 we got to get to the secret matters all right the secret matters belong to yahweh or elohim but what is revealed belongs to us and to our children forever to do all the words of this torah it sounds like revelation acceptance and then action see when he reveals something to you it now belongs to you from the point of view that you're responsible for it not that it belongs to you so you can do whatever you want with it the secret matters belong to yahweh what is revealed belongs to you now if you're coming through certain christian filters that means that you could decide and you can change and you can alter and it's okay no it means you were responsible for okay the secret matters that he hasn't revealed to you let that go in other words stop only focusing on what you don't know and you want to know and it's just going to drive you dizzy so you figure it out i'm not saying the things you don't know you shouldn't try to figure out and you go to your teacher and you see the teacher has answers and stuff but the secret matters that he hasn't revealed it's okay be patient he'll reveal them what he wants it's his choice it doesn't say the secret matters will never be revealed because some of these things are secrets matter in fact paul says i want you to understand the secret and he shares some things that people did not understand in terms of identity in their relationship and so we have to be content that there are things that we're not going to understand along the road and at some point you might at some point you may never he may not reveal them at all to you in this physical life but everything he did reveal to you is a enough do we all understand that dayenu right dayenu it would have been enough if we just if he's just showed me everything i know right now and never showed me another thing i should be able to say dayenu oh but we are so gnostic we have this love of knowledge and information especially the stuff that other people don't know and so we get all off on these side tangents because after all it's like secret knowledge that's gnosticism he says the secret stuff belongs to me what i reveal to you belongs to you now some of the stuff i have that belongs to me i will share with you i will share it with you he says when i feel you're ready for it and when you need it and until then be content to play with and work with what i've revealed to you that's going to keep you busy enough anyway you don't need the other things so while you guys it's kind of like the plank and the twig thing you're so busy focusing on the other person's twig because you're not working on your plank well guess what you're so busy worrying about the things you don't know that you want to know all the stuff that you're not working with the stuff he's revealed to you that is being neglected at the expense of your search and your pursuit of these things you might i need to know i need to know you must know so you spent hours and hours on stuff that is of no consequence okay if you are someone who's obsessed with the shape of the earth or the calendar or you know the nephilim and giants or you know any of these things that really have zero effect on your walk be careful how much time you spend on those things at the expense then of the time you could be spending on the things he is revealing to you that is for you i learned something very important i can't remember anything else maybe from the class but when i took economics in college i learned opportunity cost in other words things that are expendable like money time and things that you can use them and when you use those resources up you can't use them for another thing you used it for the thing you used it for time is the most you know non-exchangeable replaceable or recyclable resource i mean you can use certain things that are like metals papers and things and recycle them yes but you can't recycle time and so when you spend your time you need to choose wisely how you spend your time because you don't get to use it again you only get to use it once so i'm not saying don't have a side hobby into some of these things but just be careful if you spent i'm just going to use some easy numbers if you spend 20 hours in a week on the side hobby and 10 hours in the week or less on the main course your thing is out of whack your study habits are out of what you understand what i'm saying a side hobby does not get the majority of your time it gets less of your time so i'm not saying don't look into these things if you're curious so look it's fine it's the balance that we're looking for here and if he hasn't revealed it to you and let's get into the revealing thing okay generally speaking when he reveals things to people scripturally i'm not talking individuals the whole majority of the world earth existence does he reveal individually or through a teacher a leader a prophet which one the second one right because this is something the church teaches you the opposite oh well individual revelation is something you absolutely according them should be getting everybody should be getting that something wrong with you if you're not getting individual you know revelation isn't that what they teach that's not the way scripture is scripture is you're reading it and somebody is speaking on his behalf and the light goes on because he reveals it to you as i'm speaking it as the teacher is speaking it that doesn't mean that individual revelation never happens i'm just saying that's not the primary way it's done not in the book revelation is given to a very few you know individuals and then they share it with a lot more people isn't that what happens is that the role of the prophet of the teacher of the apostle even in moses day two three million people he he revealed only to moses he didn't even reveal it to aaron and his sons he revealed it to moses moses shared it with them then the anointing on moses was shared with seventy and they were going around revealing and explaining and teaching and then that's still an incredibly small percentage of two to three million people and couldn't he just i mean if they claim in christianity that it's happening now couldn't he just have revealed to everybody individually of course he could have but he needed whatever or desired people to understand the value of structure and so he put a structure in place for them to get that information now he's still revealing to you individually that the information is his it's just coming out of the mouth of the structure does that make sense can you receive that all right chapter 30 all right steve all right in 30 it talked about blessings and curses so to me because it said you shall bring them back to your heart so i had the thought that if we don't take to heart all that abba has or can do for us we won't have the proper respect for and love for the father and what he has to offer us okay so what's happening in verse one and by the way when steve comes up you can always just look at the first verse that he's going to be going right to it okay he likes to get right to something in the first thing that said that's good he wants to catch something right away look it says and it shall be when these words come upon you the blessing and the curse which i've set before you and you shall bring them back to your heart among all the gentiles or yahweh has driven you or scattered you what is the heart it's the seat of the emotions connected to the information the mind or the thinking the brain the mind thinks the thoughts the heart attaches emotion to the thoughts and he's saying at some point your heart was somewhere else and you didn't have the emotions connected properly to these words and at some point when you're out there in the scattering and the dispersion your heart and the words are going to come back together because you're going to see it playing out you're going to go oh i get it now and then the heart can add the appropriate emotion saying this is why i need to trust yah this is why i need to believe him because what he said happens what he said happened and does happen and will happen so realize that this is a heart problem that's why we did the heart of the matter teaching all 64 parts right because the heart really is the problem it's funny because most people i talk to says you know i was listening to your teaching where you know the heart is the matter no it's the heart of the matter but that's okay well matters of the heart i said no that's a hallmark show but so um the heart is the problem so we want to get to the heart or the center the central piece of the problem let's call it the heart of the matter okay at the center of all of our issues is our emotional attachments or our emotional lack of attachment to the right things attaching to the wrong things and not attached to the right things probably he says here in verse one when you're out there at some point these words are gonna come upon you where you're to go oh look he said it and it happened i may need to have some proper emotions connected to that to motivate me to respond appropriately to the blessing and cursing that i've witnessed so they can do what brings blessing and start avoiding what brings cursing amen i mean steve all right and then uh down to chapter or verse 6 and 30 circumcision of the heart that isn't just a new testament thing if you want to talk about that where are we in verse six okay and yahweh your elohim shall circumcise your heart in the heart of your seed to love yahweh or elohim okay so this is a metaphor what is what a circumcision it's a cutting away all right and what does the force can do it covers over something right so we're cutting away something that covers over something so he's saying your heart has got some things that are covering over your heart to you know to prevent what i'm trying to tell you from being received right so we've got a circumcised art we're going to cut away the flesh because right right isn't the circumcision the physical circumcision a removing of some flesh and so from a an emotional point of view and a spiritual point of view you've got flesh covering your heart fleshly mindedness fleshly thinking fleshy emotions that are preventing you from fully embracing in your heart the things of above because the things from below are covering it and so i know that people say this all the time when i talk to people coming out of christianity and they come into this and we start talking about circumcision and their their thought that they were taught all the way along was well they circumcised the flesh in the old testament now we circumcise the heart well it's mentioned quite a few times in the old testament it's not a new testament idea it's part of the package you circumcise flesh as a sign of your covenant you circumcise heart so that you can function in covenant i don't think i've ever said that before all right you circumcise flesh as a sign of your covenant you circumcise the heart in order to function in covenant because you will be dysfunctional with a flesh-covered heart a man i mean all right all right and then uh 30-11 how old it says that the command is not hard or far off for us right that's again when you talk to your your friends out of christianity and they want to say oh nobody can do the torah it's so hard well no the answer is none of us can do it perfectly because we live in an imperfect world where we have all these temptations in flesh and we're still flesh but it's not there's nothing hard about it i challenge any one of you to tell me one command that's actually difficult to do i mean really without any emotional challenges like actually mechanically difficult is it difficult to go from sunday to saturday not really now there are challenges because we live in a world not his and family members and conveniences but is it actually physically or challenging to just say i'm going to move over a day is it really mechanically and challenging to eat differently i mean it might be a little inconvenient at first to try to figure it out but it's not really that hard to do i know you like a few things you can't eat anymore and you don't really love that you have to look at ingredients on everything well it's not really that hard is it okay especially once you've been doing it for a while you already know what's got the right ingredients which brands and which thing and then you just buy those things you never think about it again so this is something that you got to be careful that you're not getting into or still buying into a christianized mindset because the christianized mindset tells you this is hard it's not hard it's challenging to do alone it's challenging in an unequally yoked marriage it's challenging in a world not his listen to that teaching peace in the world not his but it's not challenging because it in itself is hard to do there's nothing difficult about any of this is it difficult about doing holy days instead of christmas and easter no is it difficult really to tithe no i just got to adjust myself to it's not difficult to do it's not like you have to know advanced algebra or calculus to figure it out 10 is an easy number okay gave you the simplest of ways to do these things and so it's a really good point that you need to have in mind the next time you talk to people and say look what do you think is so hard about this stuff there's nothing hard about it it's easy we only struggle because we're doing it in a world not his with people that are not doing it and it's hard to do by yourself because of your emotions because of the way you feel about the way people feel about you and the way you feel about being looked at a certain way and all those other things and standing out and being a target and having people frustrated with you because you're not doing what they're doing but the actual doing of torah and everybody was keeping it do you really think it would be simple enough all right so the torah itself isn't hard to do all right janet thank you rabbi and i were thinking about that too that is oh yes it is not hard but it's also i was thinking about yao's compassionate heart when he called us i mean if i'm just going with who we have here and even in the live stream he gave us you so it's obviously easier if you have a teacher who's going to tell us what to do and not only through the podium but also in counseling because that makes it much easier even so it's definitely doable but it's easier even when we have somebody who's helping us i mean let's let's be careful with that though you still need to be looking at what i say looking in the book and seeing if abba is revealing to you that what i said is true it is easier to have someone explain things to you but you don't just keep your book closed open your mouth and be fed like a bird all right i've watched we had we had a little nest here near my mother's house where there was and we got to watch the mama bird show up and feed the baby bird and some of that stuff that the mama bird brought was pretty frightening looking but the birds opened their mouth and took whatever she put in it they're not looking at it first they don't care mouth open can't see anything that's always so wide that's all they have is a mouth and mama bird puts the food in the baby bird eats it it's great and certainly valuable and advantageous to have a teacher but you still have to be looking at the word studying yourself and allowing abba to tell you whether or not what the teacher said is right that's the berean thing the brains aren't trying to figure out everything for themselves the brains are looking up to see what paul was saying correctly they wanted to see well he said i want to see if that's what it says that's the difference okay janet and just one more thing rabbi um for whenever he was talking about i said before you the blessing and the curse right life and death so choose life right so you live i was thinking about when you teach us about the carrot and the stick right the carrot being the blessing and the steak being the cursing so yeah just a thought that's fine thank you all right look the creator of the universe we use that word creator right he created us so he understands in our design how motivation works for us and so he motivates us to run towards and to run away that's the basic simplicity is as simple as i can make it about motivation we run towards or we run away so he gives us a combination to really motivate us he tells you if you do this this is all this wonderful stuff that you want to do it for so you run towards it then he says and by the way if you don't do it all this horrible things happens you want to run away from it use that in your life by the way if you've got anything in your life that you just seem to struggle to get done it's because you have a problem with discipline and motivation so let's just focus on the motivation part because if you're motivated enough you'll find the discipline because you want it bad enough and so what do you do you have to decide for yourself why you want to accomplish whatever it is and it's got to be a really strong and compelling carrot so to speak why you would run after it and then you need to convince yourself what it will cost you if you don't in other words the curses are the cost of disobedience the blessings are the reward of obedience so what do you get if you actually you know i want to lose weight okay well why i'm going to feel good you got to come up with a real good reason to pursue that and what's it going to cost you if you don't lose weight i want to quit smoking why what's it going to cost you if you don't well i want to get my finances fixed great why what's it going to cost you if you don't you need those two things you need that carrot and stick to motivate you if you're not accomplishing even after that that's because you do not have a compelling enough stick or carrot you could put one out there i mean i can offer you to go do some very harsh labor and say i'll pay you 10 bucks that's not going to incentivize you at all it's ten bucks to do all that work forget it but what if i offered you a thousand dollars maybe that would be enough i mean what i'm saying is you have to have something that you would desire enough if you have if your reason okay my my weight i've talked about it not that it's ridiculously out of control but it hasn't changed very much and i've been telling you i've been wanting to fix it and i haven't why but i don't want it bad enough i haven't given myself an urgent enough compelling enough reason to get it done both carrot and stick wise it's just something i want well wanting it unless it's really compelling and strong isn't enough there's lots of things in life that you want i like that i'd want that i think it'd be great if i lost some weight it'd be great if i did this i think it'd be great if that happened or that happened that's not motivating you got to pursue it aggressively whatever it is you want which means you have to have a reason that's compelling enough because some of you might watch the olympics and think why would people wreck their whole lives and commit themselves for all those years to get a little piece of gold on their neck it's not that reason it's how they're going to feel about being the best in the world how they're going to feel about being on that stage how they're going to feel about a con whatever it is for them is worth giving up their whole life for that number of years to focus on one goal same thing with your torah pursuance you're going to give up you have to give up certain things in order to keep commandments you struggle only because you don't see it in enough of a value to motivate you because you still have some motivation for the other stuff so you haven't turned the other stuff properly into if i go there there's a stick you look over there and it's still something you remember enjoying and wanting and desiring and that's where think about when people have this challenge on a regular basis especially if you're let's say you're older so you have a grandchild and a grandchild is about to get married or graduate and it's going to happen on saturday and you have both the grandchild and the child the parent of the grandchild that might really be upset that you don't show up that's a pretty strong stick you want to avoid but then you have yahweh telling you no it's shabbat and he always says that's a problem you know what if going was back in the days where you would have been stoned you would have had a bigger stick for that that you was really clear to you the problem is breaking the the commandments or breaking shabbat isn't real enough to you as a stick being threatened against you it's not as you know the grief you're going to get from your child and your grandchild and that's very real to you see whatever is more real to you you're going to go after or run away from so what do you do what he's trying to do right here is keep reminding them and making it real to them remember what i did when i brought you out of each remember what it was like going through the wilderness remember what happened here and there and everything else remember what happened in mirabar do you remember what happened at do you remember the bitter waters in other words he reminds him of some of the carrots and sticks going on this is important that you understand that you struggle in life because you're not pursuing hard enough and you're not running away from hard enough or trying to avoid i shouldn't say it that way you're absolutely doing all those things but from the wrong things oh you are running after sticks and you're running away from stuff it's just not the right stuff at times you haven't leveraged yourself now once you want something bad enough you will discipline yourself to do what must be done even when you don't want to do it because ultimately behind it you want the bigger result oh i don't want to eat less and work out and everything it's going to take to but i want the result of losing weight and being in shape but then i have to discipline myself to do the things i really don't want to do as much to get the result you see that see we're talking about here and the minute you want it bad enough whatever it is you'll do it talk to anybody that's quit smoking they they wanted to for years there's not a person that quit that just like the first time they thought of it just quit really i mean maybe there was somebody out there but most people they think about it they kind of want to do it they have an idea that they should just like me with the weight but they're really not motivated but the minute they actually decide i really don't want to do this anymore they quit and they just quit i've heard this from time after time after time now it took discipline it wasn't like when they said they quit they stopped wanting to smoke or wanting to do whatever but they wanted the other thing more and that's what discipline comes in amen amen all right next i had a quick question since i don't remember your name it must be tammy yes a quick question about verse 14. so uh it says for the word is very near you in your mouth and in your heart to do it is that connect back to what we were talking about earlier about um it being easy and accessible or does this mean that like i have a book in my hand literally yeah it's more the second thing look it is easy obviously but one of the reasons it's easy is because it's not like you don't have access to it they had access to it because they had the leadership and the 70 and moses all teaching them you have access to it in your phone in a physical form like a book you have access to it everywhere and it's posted free everywhere you don't have to buy one ever matter of fact whatever version you want you can get pretty much for free on different apps and so you could even have it that way but the thing is if you are not accessing it then it isn't really so near to you and in your mouth and in your heart that's why it tells you to pursue it to lay these things up in your heart to be studying it meditating on the word etc spending time with the word my ability to help you in your journey is greatly diminished if you are not studying and having these things in you it's greatly enhanced if you are because then your brain goes oh i read that now i get it because some of you i know are at times kind of wowed or something when you hear me go i'm over here and then all of a sudden i think of a verse and i go over there and i think another person i go over here that's not because of anything other than the fact that i've put that in i'm so aware of verses that the ruach can take uh zing ding ding and connect right this verse comes here and this verse comes here and that's why i often give you something that wasn't in my notes we were just doing the teaching the other day and all of a sudden we ended up in exodus 6. i didn't have exodus 6 in my in my notes i wasn't even thinking about it when i put the teaching together but then as i'm speaking to you that got pulled out but had i not been very familiar with that section it wouldn't have been there for me to pull out and so you have to put it in to allow it to be connected and put together all right does it make sense it'd be like if you're trying to put a picture together a puzzle and but not all the pieces are in the box you got to make sure all the stuff is already in the box or let's say on the table you left the pieces in the boxes the box is outside of you it's the source and so it's like your scriptures or something like you're trying to make a picture with the few pieces that you have well you need all the pieces so the more you pursue and you study the more the connections can be made by the ruach and by me through the ruach to you because you've put it in there does that make sense to everyone all right okay pete and then we're going to go to you rob rabbi verses 19 and 20. um i have called the heavens and the earth as witnesses today against you when i see the word witnesses the the lawyer in me interprets that a witness is anything that provides evidence of the existence of a fact and i think the heavens and the earth are evidence of the existence of god because in genesis 1 1 he created them and so the heavens and the earth are evidence that he is responsible for everything and there are witnesses against us and he explains that in verse 20 when he says for he is your life and the length of your days which i take that to mean that without him there is no us and if we need proof that he exists all we got to do is feel our own heartbeat or look outside or feel the love of our children or the love we have for our children and all of those things i think if we keep in mind that he is our life that we owe everything to him i think that is the the evidence that's the witness i mean okay so i would agree with your definition let's piece this together there are certain things he says like the book will be placed in the ark and you'll have that as a witness against you in other words part of it is this is here and available so you can't say you didn't know that's part of it because you might claim ignorance of something and then someone brings out as a witness evidence so part of it is evidential right so you bring out this evidence that says well no you knew well i never made any calls to that person they pull out the phone log that shows that you called them 15 times right and so it's the evidence on the other side of it yahweh says in many places i call the heavens and earth against you where he says as evidence this will be this covenant will be valid as long as you see the sun and the moon and the stars as evidence that this is still valid so he uses the creation as evidence that he is still sovereign and that this is still valid so really when what you're talking about is more of a validation that this is still relevant until we get to the new heavens and new earth and things are structured a little differently and the light that they're shining there is yeshua and not you know the sun and the moon okay so it's not the same thing but for right now until we get there as long as you see the sun and the moon and the stars all of this is in play it's all in play and then other places you see verse we talked about the book that he's written and how that would be a witness against you and the song is a witness against you because in the song there's things there he says you can't say you didn't know i taught you the song and in the song you said all of these things so you know and so all of that fits in together excellent excellent all right next rob i'm sorry rocky thank you rabbi i think i finally come up with a question that only probably tony can yeah you can try and bring him out oh okay good yeah i i think maybe this is just this is just um just a speculation forget about it okay so this this this uh um this color code test that we take is i wonder if if they ever figured in that test the variance of such a person like you that it's not that you don't have any blue but you're that you manage your blue so well through your red that it's more leshula like i guess that could be i mean i i still think that i struggle a lot because of the out of balance numbers i have in that personality test so but you know a lot of you that are red blue you know i interact with you and i see that you do better than the blue reds or the ones who are straight blue because the red can help to balance that okay also those of you have enough white can balance that because the white's going to look to calm things down and be less panicky and it's going to help the blue side kind of find some balance and that's really what it's about is bringing some balance to the colors the negative side of the color okay now if i had more of that white in there i may come across a little less confrontation and things because i would want to be more peaceful and things like the red tends to do so i appreciate that all right now we'll leave tony out of it for now okay good all right look you guys are like what is he talking about all right look once upon a time [Laughter] [Music] i got i got introduced at a congregation and the intro the introduction kind of went like this we're very blessed to have someone from uh one of our brothers from judah come to teach us and he's from new york you're going to love his accent and i didn't expect that kind of an introduction so i walked up and said how you doing you better be doing the torah because you're not doing it we can make you do it my name is tony tanakh all right so every feast people like is tony tanak coming i don't know forget about it apparently he's jewish italian [Laughter] and so so and by the way i got a radio show you got to listen to my radio show it's great show tony teaches torah toro time with tony tanakh so it goes kind of like this here's a sample call yeah how do i help you what do you got going on uh tony um my boss wants me to come into work on saturday and i was just wondering you know what you thought forget about it okay so all right so and it's already after three so tony's got to go all right sometimes he stays way too long but who are you gonna what are you gonna tell him to go away all right forget about it all right rob we gotta do that as like a thing and we'll put it on video do a little tour of time with tony tanak right my teenager blah blah blah tony forget about it didn't you over at the ymca i think you did a a whole night where you did answer all the questions with tony i did that's frightening let's have a midrash and have tony run the whole midrash what's the matter for you he says do it so do it all right [Laughter] and if you're not doing it we can make you do it go ahead all right don't make me stop all right go uh anna eudon anna euden deuteronomy 30 verse 17. is this what happened is this happening to the christians particularly the ones who say the law was done away with it done away with not necessarily ones who don't know about the law no none of this stuff has anything to do with anybody in christianity leave them alone don't judge them this is about those that had eyes open had ears open and left it or rejected it or neglected it in some way so when it says if your heart turns away you can't turn away unless you had it to begin with okay so no this is not applying to anybody that you have friends with that are in christianity yes they know about the bible and they've read the verses so what you read them too you didn't understand them neither do they this is about those who are covenanted turning away and he's warning them if you turn away all right he says if your heart turns away and you do not obey and shall be drawn away and shall bow down and do these other things he says you're going to certainly perish your christian friends do not fit into this verse they're still sitting doing the best they can with what they know awaiting the bubble pop and then they can understand until then they're just where he's allowing them to be okay so don't worry about them they'll be fine i don't pick on them i pick on the system really badly because the system is lying to them and i don't pick on the system and for their sake i'm picking on it for your sake so that you don't ever end up back there because i've seen people go from here to very christian minded and very christian thinking messianic congregations because they're being drawn back into that way of approaching things oh their mechanics are still basically torah observant but all the rest of their thinking is very christian and that's going to get them in trouble that's where they end up in trouble all right next question that's all i have for 30. all right 31. wait a minute did i have anything for 30 hold on maybe tony did i'm kidding i'm kidding see what you got started all right we're good let's go to 31. all righty here here for me and 31 it's i i believe that even though moshe wasn't allowed to go into the land he lifted up the one that was appointed to do so amen i mean by the way by the time we get to the end of chapter 34 you see that even though moses didn't get go into the land he was held in very high esteem by the almighty he himself buries him okay and he says wonderful things or has somebody write down wonderful things about moshe and so you know it's it's it's just that he did something that because he did it he wasn't going to be able to do the next thing there's consequences to her actions all right janet yes rabbi um verse 16. um so we always talk into moshe says see you are about to sleep with your fathers and these people shall rise and after the mighty ones of the strangers of the land and they shall forsake me and break my covenant and then the displeasure shall burn against them right so he's telling you telling him pretty much everything that is going to come to pass wait let's just a quick reminder this is for people that again like we said just before these are covenanted people that are going to go and make a directional change after being covenanted all right continue right so it that involved people like us right because he has opened our eyes correct yes and i just remember on chapter 28 when we write about verse 63 when he says something like uh leia rejoices to do good but he also rejoices to curse and so um i just i just love how when you teach us about parenting like i was connecting this with the class this morning how you were saying that we have to always be consistent somebody was asking about a discipline a question for teenagers but also for children and you were saying well if you are i tell if you're if you tell your child you're going to have this for a week don't give that don't don't give in don't don't break that you know punishment every time you teach us about parenting and even how you how you make decisions when we come to counseling or even when you have had to put people outside of the camp i just see that i don't even know how to say that word in english i mean i know the word in spanish but it's you're very righteous you know filled with integrity very you're talking about being fair you know how he is in his torah is all about being fair about being right not considering one over the other person you know what i mean i don't know how to explain it i see all that in in this chapter and even how you teach us how to be good parents because you want us to be like him he's a good father and we should learn from what he's teaching us and how he was dealing with his children of israel and how we we need to deal with our children as well i mean i mean okay 31 still anybody else rob okay from daryl betcher 3115 he came in then settled over the entrance could this be an example for how diligent i should be towards his ways and instructions um i don't think that's what the verse is talking about i mean i agree with your statement i mean i think you should be doing those things but i mean this is just simply trying to endorse the fact that when yahweh says yahweh appeared to the ten in the column of cloud and the column of a cloud stood above the door of the tent showing that endorsing that this is where he was and this is where his presence was okay and also as a warning to those who may want to enter knowing what they're that they had to be under a certain status and invitation to be there under that cloud in that way okay next anna you'd in deuteronomy 31 10 and 11 is this why we read the torah during sukkot this is absolutely it thank you one of my verses in my list to bring up when we read this it says that sukkot to read the law it's not really clear if it's genesis through deuteronomy if it's just deuteronomy but because deuteronomy is basically the legal document that summarizes everything but when it says at the end of seven years at the appointed time the year of release at the festival of booths you're going to read all these things now that being said we don't know and i've said this before exactly when the shemitah is the seventh year the year of release so we do this every year that we're gonna get it in there somewhere certainly if it's good to do once in seven years it's good to do every year so there's nothing there's no instruction against it so we find the value in reading this every year and i hope i mean how many of you have done this with me more than five years okay a couple of hands you've done this readings three years okay was it boring for you to go through it again this year no see it's never and even though we just finished deuteronomy and the weekly torah studies last month okay or a couple weeks ago so it's it's got so much to it that we can keep reminding keep reminding and refreshing in our minds and so this is that time of year where we bring everybody together theoretically i can bring all of you in here with the children and everybody what it talks about here but we have the children while we're doing this in their own program where they're going to be learning and studying the law and the word and getting to understand it as a matter of fact they're they're learning psalm 119 this week where they're focused on the words that repeat themselves the key words repeat this all throughout the psalm like right rulings and judgments and torah etc commands so they're learning those key words that pop up in all of those 176 verses that have to do with his instructions so it's powerful okay next that's all i have for 31. okay so in 31 we do see a couple of places where it covers that idea of witness so we already talked about that we see this again especially at the end of verse 26 take this book of the torah and you shall take it and place it beside the ark of the covenant of yahweh your elohim and it shall be there as a witness against you now the adventists especially and i don't know any other groups for sure but there are people that will take that idea that somehow there was a different information different laws or different stuff that was in that book outside the ark as opposed to the they think just only the ten commandments on the tablets in the ark that's not what we're talking about here why and i said this the other day i'll say it again why is this outside the ark because it's not as valuable as the things in the ark no in some ways because it's more valuable you need access to it and what's in the ark is mentioned and described in the book and so you're told about those things and so all of what moses wrote was put outside the ark and that's the copy that the priests use it's the copy that the kings would then use from the priests copy they had to have something to have access to so that they could have that original to work from okay awesome let me see in 31 8 and actually a bunch of times here in 31 you have moses instructing joshua yahushua to be strong enough good courage i would encourage that those words they were not meant for you directly but as you're being commissioned why did he say that to joshua because he was being commissioned and anointed and appointed to do something well you are commissioned and anointed and appointed to be part of this body so be strong enough good courage to do your role within that your role isn't necessarily as you were in christianity thought to have to go out there and save people and everything else but you have a role to walk this out and be there to love each other to love him in a community setting and it's going to take at times some strength and courage to do that so i would encourage all of you by saying be strong enough good courage do not fear nor be discouraged okay that's gonna cover it for let me see one more thing i think i'll skip that okay 32 you have 31 okay norma thank you i don't know if you already mentioned this but because i had to step out twice due to phone calls he had mentioned the that yahweh appeared in a physical form my question is right now he doesn't show up to us in a physical form so what would be the way that we can identify his presence uh his or our physical manifestation in the present time okay so better question would be when he did why did he okay why did he manifest that presence well when he was leaving leading them out of egypt they had to follow him they need they need to be able to see to follow so he led them out of egypt he led them through the woods he had the pillar of cloud to pillar fire then when they had the tent of meeting the tent in the wilderness the mishkan that tent they needed to know when his presence was there and that his presence was there and then that presence would leave and they would follow so again these things were connected to a purpose now it wasn't necessarily for all of them the leadership really was the ones i needed to understand so they can then have the people know okay we gotta go the cloud is moving all right and so today and really throughout the days even leading to yeshua and then of course right after there wasn't any physical presence like that until yeshua was here so there was a physical presence and then he left and so there was lots of time in history in a very only small time in history that there was a visible presence that can be looked at and pointed to and it was at a critical time of the coming together of the nation and coming out of hermit people out of egypt to form the nation in the land okay so that's when that strength of visible leadership needed to be there at that point at that time do you understand what i'm saying okay however when you come out of christianity christianity is all about trying to convince you about his presence being always with you wherever you are in the churches or in the services or when you're at your house or something that you're going to feel in some way so it then becomes this individual experience which it really never was in here the only individuals were those who were called those very few to have a unique interaction so they would have a message to deliver there's only a few of those right you have the prophets whose job it was that he gave them information directly and then they shared it you don't ever see except that sinai that one unique experience you don't really see a group having that experience i don't know what you can tell me acts chapter two different thing okay there was a wind and there was a rush and there was thundering so it was very similar to us to a degree to sinai but not in the same way in sinai they all heard the voice very different so that group of people in that unique circumstance coming out of egypt for them for 40 years until they enter into the land they had something that you did not have any other time then with the mishkan the presence was in the holy of holies the cloud was still there to follow for the 40 years but all this happened just for the 40 years in that way then the president still was over the mercy seat once they got into a more permanent location until then it wasn't and we know that there's a time when that happened because the temple that got destroyed ultimately in the end there did not have him there hadn't been there for a long time and so we have that understanding does that answer the question what do you mean on that day right okay so you didn't get the idea so she said so his presence would be on that day so that day being what we see here in revelation 21 okay so that's the really the next time that we're gonna have that full experience is going to be first when yeshua returns and lands on the mount of olives his presence will be here but when we're all going to experience it in a very unique way revelation 21 has father and son together when it says and i saw a renewed heaven and it renewed earth for the former heaven and former earth had passed away and i yochanan saw the set of part city renewed jewish delaying coming down out of the heavens adorned prepared as a bride adorned for a husband and i heard a loud voice from heaven saying see the booth of elohim is with men and he shall dwell with them and they shall be his people and elohim himself shall be with them and be their elohim that unique thing is what we're looking forward to i mean okay that hasn't happened since genesis 1. once sin and death came into that that being there now we only have the son interacting with us the father is interacting with us in a different way but not that direct presence because his protocols do not allow for him to be in contact with sin or death and so therefore revelation 21 happens after revelation 20 how convenient and revelation 20 says that sin and death were thrown in the lake of fire so none of that was existing anymore so he didn't have any problem being here okay the son has a different level of interactive protocols where he can be here when we're a mess to help bring us out of our mess to prepare us for his father remember he said his father is greater than him that i can't believe that actually got me in trouble one of the first times i said that people like oh no they're equal and this and that i said no he says my father's greater than i what's the problem why can't you it's not like it was a remez or a josh or a sewed level thing it was pashat he said my father is greater than 9. there's no way to misunderstand that but people do because christianity is into this trinitarian everybody's equal there's three different beings blah blah blah which is all wrong go listen to the do you know the father and the son teaching and understanding the ruach teaching and so when we so what we're talking about with norma is that yes there was something going on here but it was a unique presence that was there and i wasn't in physical form like a being it was a cloud so there still was a physical manifestation and that cloud would hover over the entrance to the tent of meeting or it would be over the mercy seat or it would be moving and they would follow and so now he speaks to us in dispersion through anointed appointed ephesians four people that's what we have that's why it's so important and paul makes it really clear you need these guys you got to find them find someone wearing those hats may not be five people it might be one person wearing two or three hats but find those that are doing the apostleship and the evangelism and the shepherding and the teaching and the prophecy you may first need to figure out what those five things are because christianity did not teach you correctly okay they did not teach you what an evangelist really is or a prophet really is they didn't have a problem with shepherd and teacher really i don't know if they know what an apostle was either but you know really the only two they really understood was shepherd and teacher i guess the other three they've kind of turned into their own version of what they think it is the apostle is the one sent forth and the one sent forth goes to seek those are the whoms whoever wills and to help plant the congregation the teachers are going to teach that congregation the shepherds are going to care for that congregation the evangelist is going to tell everybody hey there's an exciting thing happening over here you may want to come look at it all of you remember in your church days the evangelist was the big name speaker guy that came and spoke in the tent no that could have been a prophet or a teacher certainly not in christianity but i'm saying that person that you're coming to hear would have been a prophet or teacher the person that's getting everybody to show up is the evangelist you need somebody out there letting everybody know something's going on and then the prophet isn't speaking only about the future or every necessarily about the future they're speaking the word of yahweh with authority not the word that they uniquely got from him but what he actually said they're speaking this word with authority okay that's the prophet okay so they don't understand so today that's what you need okay you need those guys that's what you're looking for his presence and you can you should be able to feel it you should be able to know and and understand you know when yeshua spoke and i'm certainly not comparing directly that anybody speaking with authority is like on that level like yeshua but if you notice there is that one verse where they say they noticed that he spoke like someone having authority what they meant was he didn't sound like the other teachers running around with students which by the way there were a bunch he wasn't the only one it was very common for a teacher to be going around and teaching their students and using the outside world for examples to teach their lessons with etc so it was very common to see somebody walking around he would have thought wow how weird are guys walking around with a bunch of people no that was normal they didn't have big buildings and universities and places to teach so they're outside and so they were listening to him and they said no he doesn't sound like those guys he sounds like he's a prophet is what they were saying at the very least they understood that they said he sounds like someone with actual authority authority from above and that's what you're looking for okay all right we're moving to chapter 32 rob did you have any more for 31 all right 32. i got a bunch of them excited about this you guys all like songs apparently all right shalom rabbi amy so this is just a comment i really like in uh chapter 32 uh verses 46 and 47 it says set your heart on all the words which i warn you today so that you command your children to guard to do all the words of this torah for it is not a worthless word for you because it is your life and by this you prolong your days on the soil which you pass over the yard and to possess so that reminded me of deuteronomy chapter eight verses one through three especially three where it says that um you know he humbled you and let you suffer hunger fed you with manna cetera to make you know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of yahweh all his words bring life for us amen and also that where it said um you know they're pat their days would be prolonged in the soil which they were passing over the yard and to possess so it just made me think that you know we're called out of different nations and he pops our bubble to begin to understand the right way to walk and live and we're still walking over you know we're passing over lands still to a land that we want to possess i mean so i just find that very encouraging good absolutely i agree completely all right well that was very nice of you janet to let her go in front of you beth hi um this is more of a general question okay and i'm how do we know the difference between a curse and a test and a blessing and enticement from hasitan all right good questions how do we know a a blessing from an enticement from a hasitant or a curse from a test okay we'll go with the easier one actually they're both easy to some degree the curse and the test the relevance there that one's more simple is that you need to see what it's going to accomplish they both really are the same thing the curse and tests really are similar in that they're supposed to get your attention and the test is either a test to see how you're going to react in in terms of choices you make or it's going to see if you're going to wake up and recognize that you have to fix something but really they're both designed for the same thing so a test would be like a temptation to do something you shouldn't do you might think of it that way but then you would never call that a curse a curse is already going to be a result okay so something has happened around you or to you you might see that as a curse something is a choice to make and that choice is one where you're either like okay you know what i want to use to say damned if you do damned if you don't so that might you think is okay this is a test because if i do this i know i'm gonna suffer and if i don't do this and do this i'm gonna suffer so that's kind of more of a test if you find yourself suffering and things are going badly in your life that may be time and chance because there's times when things are badly in everybody's lives like the whole world can like go into a problem where there's a lot of suffering but then you can take that opportunity to ask the important question abba is there something that i'm supposed to be learning out of this or are you getting my attention about so i can fix it does that answer that part of the question okay good the second part blessing and enticement okay so the difference is very simple enticement is to make you feel like you're going to get a benefit going in a direction that takes you away from torah takes you away from yahweh and yeshua blessing is what you receive for going towards and doing what they say all right so what you're saying is not the same thing it's kind of like the curse and the testing the testing is precurse or pre-result the same thing with the enticement versus blessing blessing is something you receive after the enticement is enticing you to see if you want to receive what looks like a blessing but really isn't so if what you see is going to bring a blessing the way to know is is that blessing it's like deuteronomy 13 is it going to lead you towards yahweh and torah or away from yahweh and torah all right because i've had people say to me well abba must have wanted me to get this promotion even though i have to work every saturday because it's like i got 50 more money in my check now no that's an enticement that's not a blessing oh no but yahweh blessed me with this no hassetan created the situation to test you well hassatan wouldn't do that no he probably wouldn't do most of the things you think he does and there's a lot of things that he does you would never understand a tribute to him it says that he and the demons if you saw them you would think it was yeshua and the angels they would look like angels of light ministers of light they can as the king over the ruler of this world bless you meaning they can bestow things on you that you benefit from and that's the enticing because people will say oh but this door was opened yes it was be careful who opened the door oh but it was glowing white be careful to open the door okay and the way you look and say where is it leading to what is it generating with me where where where's my heart and my thoughts going towards well now all of a sudden you're not keeping shabbat right you're doing these other things and so therefore it was an enticement all right good question okay who's next 32 janet thank you i just wanted to mention a couple of verses that caught my attention as i was going through 32 and it's about father abba you know verse 6 when it says do you do this to yahweh foolish and wise people he is he not your father who brought you who created you and established you and then verse 18 when it says and you neglected the wrong who brought you forth i forgot the yell who fathered you and verse 20 you know you children for their perverse generation children in whom there is no trusting so it's this whole idea about our father and we've been his children and even before he said um you're not um they're their blemish they're not his children or verse five so i was thinking about this concept of being being children of him and when we're not following him we're not being his children you know and even yeshua one of the one of them one of the words that he said was something like you're not his children your children has a ton or something like that is what he said in the new testament and and all thinking about this whole thing about being his children um it just i just thought about the what you teach us in the heart of the matter you know it's all about the heart and how you were giving the example this morning one of your children brianna saying that she was talking about discipline it was more like well she has that oh and reverence i guess you didn't use these words but you know that it's just not wanting to disappoint you it's what motivates her to stay and and be obedient and that's a lot enough for her to turn from wherever she does something that is against you know the rules or whatever that she can go back to it just because she has that fear and that reverence and that relationship with you and i think it comes down to that when we when we look at the torah and following his his rulings it has it has to be has to start there with that fear and that love and that wanting to please him and to do his will because we love him not necessarily because we have to do it you know and that's what i just spoke to me when i was reading this part okay i mean i mean all right steve all right it says here at the very beginning give ear o heavens and let me speak so we should listen and then it's later down here it says let my instruction fall as rain speak my speech down as do find rain on plants so to me it's like you should allow what he's instructing us to envelop us and soak us completely so we pay attention to what he's saying amen yeah in the beginning it says here to give hero heavens and let me speak or he and uh hero earth let my words of my mouth let my instruction fall as rain so it's talking about his instruction now we get to what janet was talking about and in the um verse 5 it says a twisted and crooked generation has corrupted itself you guys do these things to yourselves corrupted itself their blemish they are not his children you know what that's like that's like the child is acting really badly and you're in a public place and you kind of walk away going that's not my kid i don't know whose that is but that's not my my mother did this to me in a supermarket when i was four i think she just walked i was screaming and kicking and throwing some tantrum or something and she just walked away i don't don't know whose kid that is you know so i think that's so we can understand what we're talking it's not that we're not his children is it that we're not acting like his children to call yourself a child of the living elohim you should act or you need to act like one okay and when we're acting corruptly when we're twisting and corrupting his words then we're not really being his children i mean by creation we're all his children everybody out there doing every dumb thing and every good thing and everything in between or his children but to be called the children of the living elohim as a designation you need to be acting in a certain way and that's where the the shema the here and do comes in amen all right rob i don't have any for 32 okay i do shockingly right all right let's see 32 2 when the when it says about the fine rain on tender plants so think about the idea that if it was hard rain on tender plants it would kill the plants so we want the this gentle rain falling that's what his word is like this gentle rain falling on tender plants and some of you thinking yeah but rabbi you talk like a fire hose well then take it slowly all right that's why there's a pause button okay first time i heard that it was many years ago when first in ministry and some guys said to me listen to you rabbis like trying to drink water out of a fire hose and i thought that was cool until i realized that would blow your head off it would just tear your face right off so they think wait maybe that's not so cool would you give me a compliment or not okay so um so it's supposed to be gentle it's supposed to be nourishing you like the fine rain now it's still going to convict you and get to you and there's other verses where he talks about how he you know put you like the the the oar that goes in the fire to be smelted so that's not so gentle okay he's also calls you clay and he's the master potters he's going to pound you a little bit but his instruction should be falling on you like a tender plant and you should be receiving it that way so that's important rabbi tom did you have something okay the the verse in uh never rain that says about rain and a fine rain on the tender plants can we justifiably connect this with zikaria 14 where it says if any one of the clans of the earth does not come up to jerusalem to bow himself to the sovereign uh that is during sukkot its reference to sukkot uh that there will be no rain on them yeah you can connect yeah and then um and i think you connect it literally he says that they'll have drought i mean he uses the physical as a metaphor for the spiritual yeah that's zechariah 14 18. yeah right and it says that the clan of mitzrayim does not come up can can we entertain no rain is from verse 17 we'll go ahead can we interpret misframe or egypt as those with a egyptian mindset would that be right yeah well i mean obviously this is not just talking about biblical mitzrayim israel is the metaphor just like babylon is a similar metaphor just like rome you know and caesar is a you know you say pharaoh you could say the king of babylon or you can say you know caesar they all have the same metaphor right that's what it was okay thank you all right thank you rabbi tom all right now in verse let's see it says in several places it refers to the rock let's talk about yeshua the rock in in essence even though it doesn't mention yeshua specifically here go listen to a teaching we have it's one part called yeshua the rock and we cover the metaphor of yeshua and the metaphor of the rock and how they connect together and so the reference here so i i explain that to you in that teaching it's only one part shouldn't intimidate anybody okay now i only say that because i know some new people go oh i'd like to listen to something it's 55 parts ah you know well i always tell everybody look listen to the first one if you don't like it stop if you like it listen to the second one if you like it listen to the third one you know not a big deal okay let's see verse five a twisted and crooked generation right has corrupted itself right they're blemished they are not his children then verse six says do you do this to yahweh oh foolish and unwise people is he not your father who brought you i mean excuse me who bought you who created you and established you so we have this twisting and corrupt so understand that the twisting and corrupt isn't necessarily a rejection there are those also that he accuses of forsaking him so on one level of challenge or problem for his people with him is the forsaking you just rejected me and decided you're just going to go your own way or go after something else then there are the corrupting and the twisting ones who really still say they want him but they want him on their terms and they want what he said to be kind of more the way they want it to be they twisted they corrupted okay these are two different same end result but two different ways to get to that end result of problematic and where he now looks at you with his displeasure okay either through rejection you rejected him or you're corrupting and twisting okay so the question is do you do this to yahweh you need to ask yourself is this a problem otherwise i mean not otherwise if that is a problem that you're going to be looked at by him as not his children okay and nobody wants that nobody wants that okay 32 and verse 7. remember the days of old consider the years of many generations ask your father and let him show you your elders and let them say to you we're not going to continue necessarily what's said there but it says listen to those who are experienced in yah those who so they have to also have the relationship listen he said listen to the elders and your father he didn't say go listen to your best friend and everybody else that you know barely and that kind of thing he said listen to the ones who have the most caring for you elders should have that level of caring that's part of their role in serving you and of course your father i know some of you have terrible fathers the role is supposed to be the most caring and protective okay it's supposed to be and all of you even if you've had bad experiences you know and that's probably increased your disappointment in the whole relationship you know what it was theoretically supposed to be like and it wasn't but here he's saying listen these are covenanted fathers they're supposed to know what they're doing listen to your fathers teach youth of the things of old listen to those experience some of you come in here and you're five minutes in this and then you go find somebody who's six minutes in this and listen to them and you think well they've been there longer than i am well how long you've been in it four months how long have they been in a year and a half that's the same amount in my opinion okay a year and a half and four months are really not any different except a year and a half person has been through one fee cycle completely but otherwise there's really not a difference it takes years years not only to understand that actually doesn't take quite as long but to unlearn and unfilter so you can understand the understanding is not that challenging like it takes years to understand the reason it takes so long is because you've got these filters and things that you need to unlearn that are preventing you from understanding i mean how many of you have taken a teaching that you've heard me do say two or three years ago or more and then you listened to it again much more recently and you can't believe how much different it sounded how much more you got out of it so why is that because you were not yet unfiltered enough to receive the first time that you are now okay so you will you will hear things if you go back and listen to something from seven eight or nine years ago now it's the first time you've heard it that's one thing but if you heard it back then and now you hear it again you will be amazed how much you're going to get out of it because you're a different person now you've grown you can receive you've let go of a bunch of things that were causing you to not hear and not receive your ears had a still a little wax in there and your eyes still had some different kind of glasses in front of them so you couldn't really see correctly so these filters are being taken away so that's an important piece of this so listen to those experienced in yeah and by experience look for anointed appointed people don't just look at someone who's got more years than you i know some people out there there's a teacher out there that's been doing this for over 30 years and he's wrong about a whole lot of things okay so that's a lot of years and he brags about how long he's been doing this that's fine but he still sounds like a baptist i'm not picking on that particularly and he still has some things that are very confused so time is not necessarily we're talking about those who actually are experienced they're living it they're walking it they understand they're anointed and they're ready and appointed to teach you all right let's see verse 18. it says here you neglected the rock who brought you forth and forgot the yellow fathered you neglected what does neglected mean it means you didn't pay attention you didn't give it the attention it needed when you neglect something it's not getting the attention it needs well it's not like the rock needs your attention but if you don't give the rock attention you end up in problem if you're not giving the rock the rock proper attention the rock being the truth yeshua the torah so you need to get the rock attention don't neglect the rock in verse 20 it says you are children this was mentioned earlier but there you are children in whom there is no trusting the word there i believe is emunah so it's really trust from the leaf point of view okay in verse 20. it says and and he said let me hide my face from them let me see what their end is for they are a perverse generation so what does perverse mean they're twisting they're taking what's true and they're making it fit with their their own agenda he says they're a perverse generation they're children in whom there's no trusting so it's not saying that they're not trustworthy they're not trusting him they're children who do not have emunah they're children whom they are not just doing what i say trusting me okay so this isn't talking about them not being trustworthy talking about how they're not trusting him all right verse 21 they made me jealous by what is not l they provoked me with their worthless matters you may think that you've got all kinds of things that are so great and wonderful and important and he says no a lot of that stuff is just worthless because it's not going to produce what's necessary what's the only thing that's necessary that you are transforming into him and so if you're doing things that don't actually transform you into him but think that they do and think they're important then they're worthless matters and he said look they okay they provoked me so we're not just talking about worthless matters like you watch movies or read books or do other he says no you're provoking him by focusing on things that should be of him and you think are connected him when they're not or they're leading you in a direction sideways away from the simplicity of what he's given you so don't provoke them i mean don't provoke him with these things let's be careful verse 28 i had a few things for this chapter for they are a nation lost to council and there's no understanding in them [Music] that hurts all of you that never counsel he's talking to you he says can you receive counsel counsel from the microphone counsel in private can you receive can i say this is when he's giving them this song to remember he says he says it's a witness against in other words if you are singing this song and you hear these words you should be going i wonder if that's me right now it's a witness to say is this you right now some of the verses that are good you have to ask is this me right now doing the good things the right things and then when he talks about mistakes or errors or crookedness or perversion or not being one willing to listen to counsel is that me right now wow that's a tough one right there and it's straightforward and right there he says they are a nation lost to counsel and there's no understanding so what is he saying there understanding tell me i'm just stretching it if you want understanding is linked to receiving counsel if you're having a challenge with counsel you also have a challenge a challenge with understanding there's a bunch you have to say i'm never going to counsel i don't need counsel well then you have a problem within your understanding there's a pride problem there's an ego problem or there's a massive insecurity problem well i don't want others to know that i actually i'm not perfect that i have you know issues and errors and you know blemishes and all that kind of stuff well you're going to struggle in your understanding all those you that counsel on a regular basis i would guess you would all raise your hands and say that in council you have gained understanding i mean okay all right so own that when he talks about it okay verse 29-31 it's talking about if they were wise they would see the curses like of leviticus 26 and deuteronomy 28 coming on them and know the cause but we are selectively blind deaf and dumb in that whole thing you know see no evil hear no evil you know that whole deal we see things happening but you don't want to connect the dots of causality cause and effect things don't just happen for no reason yes time and chance happen because that's maybe why it's happening to you and if it's not that you cause it maybe it's just stuff that's happening out there and somehow you ended up in the middle of it but there's a cause to everything everything is a reaction to something else okay the people who got hit by a hurricane and their houses got destroyed is not necessarily because of anything they did but there was a cause in terms of the weather and the patterns and the temperatures and all the right elements to make a hurricane now you received an effect from it it may have nothing to do with you but there is a cause to that effect the right temperatures in the right place over the right waters and the next thing you know you get this big storm spinning and heading your way but there's other things in life that they happen and you can realize the cause of something you did you set that in motion the hurricane was birthed in the right conditions a lot of the other things in your life that happened to you are birthed under the right conditions that you created sometimes the conditions are things you didn't create but you should be asking the question did i create this not like is this some random punishment for something but like actually did i do things that set this in motion you know when billy was elder billy was doing the class on finances you know i would have got up there and said look just so you know you are exactly where everything you have decided to do has brought you now what you need to know is it doesn't happen like what you decided yesterday got you here it's years of decisions to get you here so you need to be really careful of decisions you're making now because you're going to end up exactly where they're leading you five years from now and 10 years from now because you are experiencing the result of decisions that are from the past not things you just did today necessarily and so let's keep that in mind also with this when you see things happening you should be wondering is there a cause that i have contributed to it so that i can stop doing the thing causing the problem i mean all right you guys are silent on that i mean okay good you guys are worn out after seven days all right chapter 32 verse 35. we're almost done with my section here and we're almost to four o'clock so we're almost done okay 32 35 vengeance is mine and repayment at the time their foot slips please remember the vengeance is his not yours stop getting all upset that you can't implement vengeance that you don't necessarily get to see the vengeance it's his you will reap what you sow when you read that verse you know that the other piece of it is so that elohim will not be mocked it would be mocking him for people to do and not reap what they sow your problem is that you see things in human terms so you think that the reaping and sowing should be while you're watching it happen and if you don't see the reaping it bothers you you want to see it you're like oh i can't wait till this blows up in that person's face and i want to be there when it does somebody say that to your children oh yeah you just keep going down this path and i want to be there when this blows up and sit there go and see i told you but it doesn't work that way he says vengeance is mine you don't need to be a part of the vengeance part vengeance is mine he says let's be careful with that and then we'll wrap it up in verse 46 and 47. and that'll probably take us right to the end of the study here all right 46 and he said to them set your heart on all the words without with which i warn you today so that you command your children and guard to do all the words of this torah for it is not a worthless word for you because it is your life and by this word you prolong your days on the soil with which you pass over the yard into the ardent to possess as we conclude our reading of the book of devarim as we conclude sukkot i want to encourage you with those words you need you need to set your heart on all the words with which you are warned he didn't just say all the words which i instruct you these are warnings what does the watchmen say on the wall this danger is here you need to be aware that danger is here pointing out there's the danger in this case danger is not coming at you you're creating it yourself he says if you don't pay attention to the words and submit yourself to the words meditate on the words understand them learn them do them danger danger danger danger robinson some of you too young to know what i'm talking about danger danger lost in space right so you need to set your heart on all the words and he says it's not a worthless word oh no the law was done away with a nail to the cross and it's not only of no use it's it's really it's bad you shouldn't do it it's not a worthless word it is your life and by this word you prolong your days this is truth this is revelation i don't mean revelation like some profound thing this is incredibly profound but we think of profound things like things you've never heard of before and oh yeshua was coming next month or some other no this is the most profound thing you know what brings life what could be more profound than that it's simple he gives it to you and says it's not complicated it's not a secret obey my voice lay up in your heart set your heart on these words notice he says set your heart because he knows your emotions are going to screw this all up if you don't get your heart right that's really where this is going to go sideways if you don't get your emotions right set your heart because it's not worthless it is your life and i want to beg you and plead with you to receive that right because revelation has to be received and acted upon receive that that this is your life now if this is life this is part of our connecting yeshua to the torah because yeshua says i am life in john 14 6. and so this is yeshua pointing out how he's connected to all this remember i did that little loop as a matter of fact it was great the the teachers upstairs with the children asked them to see if they knew the three-verse loop and they did some they knew it my daughter knew it and they knew it the verse luke being john 14 6 yeshua says i am the way truth and life i am life i'm truth and then we go to psalm 119 in verse 142 and 160. he says the torah is truth the word is truth and then we go to john 1 14 it says in the word put on flesh and that loop there proves to you that yeshua is the living walking talking torah and you can't get past that there are other verses like these that endorse that and so let's truly embrace and set up in our hearts set these words up in your heart because they're not worthless they are your life amen amen all right all right let's go ahead and get one of the men to raise your hand to close us in prayer all right pete come on up and close us and for future reference all men's hands should go up you need to get to the place so i can pick anybody because you should be able to do this okay and some of you think of yeah but if i do you might call on me yes i might but you should this is your part of being a man you should be able to pray on behalf of other people okay and some of you have been in my classes before and been in other meetings before where i've told you all hands have to go up i should have the choice and then i allow abba to inspire me to pick somebody sometimes because of their enthusiasm and i want to just let them do because i can see they really want to other people i know they're putting their hand up because rob i said so i hope he doesn't pick me but i want you to really think about that and pray about that as you get ready for our next thing that you should be hands up okay amen amen okay pete's going to close us in prayer aveto melcano our father our king we thank you so much for this sukkot we thank you so much for our anointed rabbi who's been so instrumental in helping us understand your word we thank you for the fellowship of all of us who love you who love your word who love being with each other and we hope that you will continue to guide us in our walk and guide us to be what you want us to be for each other and to serve you and to serve your son in yeshua's name we pray amen amen amen all right that is our last broadcast for sukkot we will be broadcasting tomorrow for shamini at sarah the assembly of the eighth day anybody want anything at the marketplace it's open now after this and it'll be the last time it's open until once we close that that's it for the event and we'll see you guys all as we said we'll see you guys all tomorrow for holiday services [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
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Id: VO8U20uKwi0
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Length: 156min 0sec (9360 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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