Protection Paladin PVE Guide - WotLK Classic

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prop paladins the top tier tanks of Wrath of the Lich King and that's what we're going to talk about hello hello everyone it's ego welcome back to the channel today we are going to dive into the protection Paladin for Wrath of the Lich King now paladins have been an all-time favorite for me especially going from TBC into Wrath of the Lich King paladins are overpowered when it comes to tanking healing and still can hold their own as a DPS paladins are overall a well-rounded class and I'm so excited to talk about the prop Paladin today so like with my other guides we're going to be going through talents glyphs rotation gear all that fun stuff starting of course with a class overview hey everyone before we continue don't forget to subscribe it's free it's show support and it really does help the channel grow don't forget to also leave a like before you leave thanks everyone let's get back to the video so like I mentioned before paladins are fantastic in every single aspect of Wrath of the Lich King whether it's healing tanking or DPS they all perform form well but we're talking about the prop Paladin today and when I tell you that they are the top tank I am not over exaggerating with talents that prevent them from dying and saving the raid from a wipe to a massive tool kit that allows them to mitigate damage like crazy another whole toolkit that is just designed for supporting your raid from Buffs to raid wide mitigation for damage it's insane what prop paladins bring to the table so I'm really excited to share all of this information that I've gathered with my prop Paladin from Talons to gear all that stuff if you're debating on doing a prop Paladin honestly do it it is so fun it feels rewarding to play a prop Paladin and I can't recommend a better tank to start out with if you're looking to jump into the tanking game if I'm missing anything or you have anything to add as always leave it down in the comments I always love some feedback so let's get into it alright everyone's favorite the talent so let's take a look at the protection Paladin talents so you're going to be getting 5 out of 5 in Divine strength jumping down to anticipation 5 out of 5 increasing our Dodge we're going obviously for the improved righteous Fury this is going to give us reduced damage taken whenever righteous Fury is active and as a tank that is always we're gonna go over to Divine sacrifice jump over to toughness 5 out of five grab Divine guardian and we're going to grab improved devotion Aura now improve devotion Aura a lot of people typically go for Reckoning but the reason I grab improved devotion Aura is because when you're main tanking you want to mitigate as much damage as you can so you're going to want to obviously get that increased armor bonus not to mention but it also increases the amount healed on any Target affected by your auras by six percent so this is overall gonna help your healers it's going to help your raid a lot more than your Reckoning would we're gonna go to blessing of sanctuary which will be the blessing you will always have on your character you won't really be using anything like kings and the reason why is because Sanctuary gives you Mana back whenever you um Dodge Parry or block not to mention increases um your strength and stamina by 10 and reduces the damage you take from all sources by three we're gonna go into sacred Duty two out of two three out of three one-handed weapon spec we're gonna go one into spiritual Attunement to also get Mana back for whatever we're healed we're gonna go one at the holy Shield we're gonna grab Ardent Defender which is a lifesaver so Ardent defender came with Wrath of the Lich King and it is in my opinion the reason why paladins are the best tanks in the game right now it's because of the fact that instead of you dying it actually goes and procs you up to 30 of your maximum health so it's second it's basically a second life where otherwise you would be dead and your raid would wipe as a paladin if you end up getting a fatal blow you will instead be put back up to 30 of your health which will basically let your healers get off that original heel that would have saved you okay so this is our Defender three out of three you always want this readout we're gonna go three out of three we're gonna go into combat expertise three out of three which is going to increase our expertise our stamina and chance to critically hit then we're gonna go into Touch by light which is also another amazing talent added with Wrath of Lich King which makes it that compared to TBC you no longer have to fight casters for spell power gear your spell power comes from your strength so it's going to increase your spell Power by 60 of your strength and increases the amount healed by your critical heals by 30 we don't care about the healing we care about the spell power so again three out of three Touch by the Light we're gonna go into Avengers sealed which is now or sorry Avengers shield which is now a instant cast so we're gonna grab that we're gonna go into guarded by the Light which reduces spell damage taken by six percent and gives a 100 chance to refresh the duration of your Divine plea when you hit an enemy in addition Your Divine plea spell is 100 less likely to be dispelled So Divine plea is going to allow you to regain mana and with this Talent you're going to be gaining so much Mana with your Divine plea active alongside Your Blessing of sanctuary alongside your spiritual Attunement so you should not be running out of Mana um with your Divine plea and all of these other abilities up not to mention guarded by the light is also going to prop off a glyph of divine plea which I will talk about in a moment Shield of the Templar reduces all damage taken by three percent and grants a uh silence so the silence is not so big especially against raid bosses you won't really be able to silence them at a lot of trash mobs either however it is it does give you a damage reduction of three percent flat out so you of course want to grab this and then Hammer of the righteous which makes an amazing sound effect just wait till you hear it it is totally not annoying once you've been doing it over and over and over again however it is still an amazing ability and it also is a great AOE threat ability for you as a paladin tank now moving along you don't have anything in the Holy tree you go into the retribution tree you're going to grab 5 out of 5 in deflection three out of five in benediction you're gonna go down to improve judgments which will reduce the cooldown of your judgment ability you're going to go into Vindication two seal of command which will be the seal that you use for your AOE so if you're dealing with multiple targets you're going to be using SQL of command you're going to go 2 into pursuit of Justice which reduces the duration of all disarm Effects by 50 increases your movement speed so we're really going after the movement speed here you're going to go two in to the sanctity of battle which increases your chance to critically hit with all spells and attacks by two percent and then you're going to finish off with three out of three in Crusade which is going to increase all damage caused by three percent and then an additional three percent against humanoids demons Undead and Elementals alright so then that's the talents we're gonna move into the glyphs now as I mentioned Glyph of divine plea while Divine plea is active you take three percent reduced damage from all sources so remember because of your talent uh guarded by the Light you're actually always going to have Divine plea up whenever you're in a fight so what you're going to do is always have a three percent damage reduction cool so we're going to go into seal of engine so your seal of Vengeance uh or seal of corruption also grants 10 expertise while active now your seal of vengeance is going or seal of corruption is going to be your main seal when you're doing any type of single Target damage so whenever you have a boss you're going to be using seal of corruption because seal of command doesn't work like it used to in TPC it does not give you an extra hit on the same Target it just allows you to hit two additional targets but if you only have one target to hit silica command becomes useless so you're going to want seal of corruption instead and you might as well just go for the extra expertise rating it gives you um with this glyph then you're going to go to Glyph of judgment your judgment deals 10 more damage this is going to be amazing additional initial threat whenever you're using your judgment and then paired with your Librium here you're always going to be wanting to use your judgment ability because it's going to increase the damage every seal of righteousness or your Shield of righteousness but we'll go more to that in the rotation side of the video so that's going to be your glyphs as far as any minor glyphs really the only one that I've seen for Paladin that is really worth anything is your glip of lay on hands which reduces the cooldown by five minutes that's going to be your glyph that you're going to use as a lighter glyph so that is going to be your talents for protection so you're going to go into the protection retribution your glyphs you don't touch the holy tree at all that is going to be what you're going to use as a protection Paladin now moving on to the Gear as a prop Paladin this is actually quite simple so the biggest thing I'm sure as all tanks are aware is to hit your defense cap now for raiding defense cap in Wrath is going to be 540 so you're going to be wanting to get 540 anything above that is somewhat redundant so you're gonna you're going to want to basically Chase stamina as much stamina and strength as you can those are going to be your two primary stats so right here you can see that I have the 61 strength 162 stamina temper Titan steel Helm for your meta gem you're going to be looking at the uh us I'm gonna butcher the name austere Earth Siege Diamond which gives you 32 32 stamina and two percent increased armor value from items this is going to be your meta gem for all of your gem slots besides the gems that you will need to activate your meta gem you're going to want to be putting the solid Sky sapphires this is currently phase one I believe that there is better ones that come out when epic gems come in but you're going to want to Stack stamina as much as you can the reason for this is because compared to TBC to wrath there is diminishing returns on things like Dodge parry and block now so the only way that you can truly consistently soak these hits is no longer through avoidance but through your defense cap and also the amount of stamina so your health pool okay so you're going to want to make sure that basically any instance that you have are going to either be for your defense rating or your stamina you're always going to want to put as much stamina in your gear as possible me I'm a blacksmith so I ended up putting an extra uh gem slot in my gloves I put a gem slot in my bracers when I get around to that and then of course you want your internal belt buckle on your belt and then for trinkets you're just going to want to obviously have anything that gives you stamina you're going to want anything that gives you defense uh for your weapon defense and expertise you know strength stamina same thing you're going to always be wanting as much strength and stamina as you can alright so that's going to be the basics of the gear for a prot paladin there really isn't anything you need to do as far as like weapon swapping to my knowledge or anything like that you're wanting to just make sure you hit that defense cap You're Gonna Want hit as well if you can however your main stat priority will always be your defense so do not sacrifice and go under defense cap to hit expertise or hit rating you always want to be defense cap so you don't get critically hit by Bosses because that is not what you want to do you don't want to die alright so that'll be the basics for prop palette and gearing all right so let's take a look at the rotation for the prot paladins so whenever you're engaging a Target what you're going to do is make sure you have your Divine plea up you're going to want devotion Aura and you're going to want sacred Shield you're going to open with an Avengers shield into a judgment and then you're going to proc Shield of righteousness and you're going to proc your Hammer of righteousness now depending on what you are doing okay you're going to want to manage your 2 seals you're going to always want to make sure righteous Fury is up and you're going to want to swap between corruption and command the difference between the two like I mentioned in the um in the talents section and the glyphs is that sea lift command will be used whenever you're going against multiple targets so anything that is greater than one so what's going to happen is whenever you use seal command you will hit multiple targets with your with the abilities that you are using so instead of using um for example Shield of righteousness against one single Target it'll hit two more Targets on top of the one that you are hitting now if you're going against only one target you're going to want seal of corruption and then you're going to basically be using that during your entire time now while you're fighting an enemy you're going to want to keep consecration down you're going to want to keep Hammer of righteousness on cooldown you're going to want to continue to use Shield of righteousness and you're going to always want to use your judgment your judgment will proc your Librium of obstruction which is your best in slot Librium which is going to increase your block value which is what Shield of righteousness scales off of okay so you're going to continue to do that and you're going to keep holy Shield up as well and that's going to be the basics of your rotation and of course always having Divine plea and sacred Shield up just to go a little bit deeper into the rotation of the prop Paladin so I've been using Judgment of light but you could use your judgment of wisdom if you have a Retribution Paladin or another Paladin that elects to use Judgment of light you never want to Stack the exact same judgment because it is redundant it doesn't do anybody any good because it just overlaps each other it does not stack now like I mentioned a few key points that I just want to make sure I touch on again because they are so crucial is make sure that your Divine plea and sacred Shield is always up it will give you damage reduction which will keep you alive not to mention make sure all of your abilities are consistently on cooldown to maximize the amount of threat that you are generating I'm talking about your judgment I'm talking about your Hammer of the righteous I'm talking about your Shield of the righteous I'm talking just anything and everything that you can throw at a Target make sure that you're maximizing the amount of threat that you're generating and above all else ensure that you are keeping righteous Fury up so that you have your threat generation now if you're wanting to initiate with a taunt as well because I know you could use hand of Reckoning you absolutely can do that as well ideally you could and probably should start with hand of Reckoning because you can always throw your Avengers shield afterwards but you won't do damage with your hand of Reckoning if it's already attacking you now if I missed anything be sure to let me know down in the comments as far as the rotation but I think I hit everything so that's going to be the rotation section of this guy and that's going to conclude the guide for the protection palette and I hope you all enjoy it and I hope I was able to pass along some information that you may not have known now if you made it to the end of the video thank you so much you're absolute Legend I really appreciate it if you enjoyed the content as always leave a like down below and sub to the channel and leave a comment if ever you have anything you want to add or you have any questions I'm always happy to hear some feedback and really talk with you guys so with all that being said on my Shameless plugs out of the way thanks again so much everyone for the support and I will see you all in the next video
Channel: itsego_tv
Views: 44,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrath, wrath of the lich king, wow classic, wow, wotlk, wotlk pre patch, guide, what to do, things to do, wotlk classic wrath, wrath pre patch, wow classic pre patch, wrath prepatch, wrath guide, wrath pre patch guide, wrath patch, wrath release, wrath launch, launch, release, leveling guide, level guide, leveling, fast, level, classic, of, the, lich, king, malygos, naxxramas, kt, best, spec, talents, glyphs, gear, stat prio, stats, stat, priority, paladin, prot, protection, holy, ret, retribution
Id: OdtuUOLJegI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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