Classic WoW: Rogue PvE DPS Guide - Talents, Pre-Raid BiS & Rotation

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[Music] alright guys my name is Mehta Goblin and today I'm going to be giving you a rogue PvE DPS guide for classic Wow it's important to know that this video will be relevant for every single phase of the game this video shall cover a number of topics stat priority pre-read best in slot enchants consumables talents and lastly we'll finish off for the optimal dps rotation demonstration just for jumping guys please do give me a quick full and twitch as I'm streaming over there every single night I go live about evening peak time for American time so that'd be like a little bit later run for UK time so in a way let's jump in the first thing we're going to talk about is stats so start priority is as it's done so the hit cap is 9% when the weapon skill cap is a 310 then is agility strength and crit chance okay so let's talk about each individual section of this start priority first of all we have a hit cap of 9% it's pretty much no way around the head cap this basically means about none of your yellow attacks are going to miss when you're facing the boss a function of a hit cap for white hits is actually a ridiculously high number you'll never be able to achieve it with your gear so don't even think about it all you need to do is get your 9% hit chance luckily you get a 5% of that from your talents so it is pretty easy getting a hit cap as a rogue next we have to work on the skill cap which is again very easy to achieve because you get a bump in five skill points to your weapon skill from the weapon expertise tell them which is on swords daggers and fist weapons obviously if you play human you do get +5 weapon skill bow bump on maces and swords so you never actually have to worry about this glint this weapon skill cap because you just have to get your talents how the human racial they stack together they go jobs good and Bob's your uncle but if you're playing a different race then you have to try and prioritize items that increase probably your sword skill or your dagger skill okay talk about a little bit more bad I'm a-tellin DPS section but the reason why you it is essential to get this weapon skill cap is because a glancing blow is a very simple mechanic in the game is unavoidable mechanic basically when a mob or an enemy is a little like free levels high of a new basically boss mobs you have a 40% chance for every single one of your white hits your normal melee hits to be a glancing blow which means they doubt the damage your butt hit is reduced by 30% and it will never crit so what you do when you lose your weapon score higher is you reduce fat damage debuff and when you get 310 for damage debuff will be 0% if it's for engine 5 it'll be 15% because it increases like 3% for every one weapon skill over 300 and that's basically the gist of a cleansing blows so the next part of this top priority is agility the reason why agility is higher than crit chance is because it basically kills two birds with one stone right agility well 29 points of agility grants 1% crit chance and obviously when you increase your agility and massively increasing your attack power as well and you don't want to be prioritizing pieces with high crit chance while sacrificing basically agility and attack power because if you do that then far enough you'll have an increased chance to actually critical strike but your critical strikes won't have that damage in about raw damage both from agility and strength and that's why I've basically put strength after agility as well because I draw a TAC power and strength is actually more valuable crit chance is just kind of like an extra stat like an icing on the cake kind of thing and it will eventually like basically graham term eventually conclude in a soft cap and that soft cap is essentially about 38.8% so it is going to be difficult for you actually to achieve that critical strike softcup and it actually increases to 95.4% when you're hitting the boss from behind which obviously you can't always do anyway let's move on as always with my PvE guides I've made a really big rogue nuts-and-bolts guide like my warrior guide and all the other guides interestingly all of the pre best in slot gear is pretty much exactly the same as to worry apart from all I really had to do with this section is basically copy paste it over and literally take away to play gear and the male gear because it is pretty much exactly the same so you will be competing with warriors a lot when it comes to rolling on gear the only thing I want to draw attention to you obviously is the men hand an offhand section here I have obviously the best in slot main hand sword option but there's also dagger options we will talk about this a little bit more of a talent section enough see how I info vary as well because the thing with iron fo is it is best in slot mainly for warriors and tanks because there are raid options which basically have better than iron fo but nonetheless is obviously the best pre read option and when a you know visibly there's options here so you may not have this this weapon in your main hand but you might have mirrors song so just because these options ever envy obviously this is an offhand weapon so you can't use it physically you know you can actually physically use it in the main hand but these two options here very very good got good main hand options you know if you if you haven't got dower ends yeah these are also good main hand options you could just dual wield mirrors song and doom fold straight edge so that's just something to bear in mind obviously we also have talents right here and the corresponding phases as the game you know progresses on there are basically you have access to better enchants in the game silver is a obviously signified with this section just want to quickly answer a frequently asked question of what weapon should I put in the main hand what weapon should I put in your hunt the general rule for this is put a slow main hand in the sorry a slow weapon in the main hand even a faster weapon in the offhand the reason why we do this because a slower hand in the main hand will increase since a strike damage and goes the strike damage and backstab damage so even if you know if he'd gone for a dagger build is better to put the slow dagger in the main hand and then in the offhand you are allegedly supposed to use a fast weapon because that will increase your chance of basically poisons applying to the target so that's where you put fast weapon in the offhand here we have the consumable list obviously we have the fissile T as a vehicle specific one here's a cooking recipe but you need to basically get four your level I think is low it's level 20 is it love or 20 poison quest and then when it comes to poisons just want to clarify us quickly basically if you're playing hall do you only want to pour instant poison on your offhand because it'll basically because you're going to get buffed by a wind fury and you won't win for it to be the win for your children to be buffed on your main hand you basically can't stack the effects unfortunately and I'm saying this part I have all the optimal talent builds but nonetheless I'm gonna move up the classic database and talk about a little more depth now so now let's move into talents today I have three main viable talent builds for you which primarily depend on when you're playing the game you know what raids are actually out will phase you're playing in and what weapons have dropped dropped for you so we have to combat sword spec for combat dagger spec and the seal fates dagger spec so you may be thinking well ant swords just automatically better than daggers and you will be correct by saying that however the issue is you know sometimes really good dagger drops are just gonna drop right in raids and it'll be such a waste for you know those daggers to just be vended or disenchanted or something you want to make use of them so if you get a really good dagger drop then respec right I would recommend respecting into a dagger build because when you can utilize the effectiveness of that really huge bump in DPS that you've just been given by having a dagger drop okay so always have lots of daggers and lots of swords in your inventory while in your bank waiting for these like moments where you have have to kind of like respect your specialization technically the combat dagger spec is actually better but there's one condition of playing daggers you have to be behind the target because your rotation is all going to be about backstop and obviously in a lot of rate situations it is just generally well extremely very unsafe for you to behind a boss because of you know certain mechanics and stuff like that so you can't be out behind a boss overtime but if you could combat daggers would actually take over on the DPS meters anyway here is the combat SpecOps in the main you've got your standard combat talent points to just flat-out increase your damage and then you've got some utility options of improved sprinting endurance which are really useful but a main thing with this builders obviously sword spec and weapon expertise because these are second increases where the sword damage by a significant portion of a new off spec into assassination but when it comes to combat spec it's a little bit different so first of all the different series obviously getting backed up because we want to be using backs I want to be behind the target talk about a rotation you know in the next section and we also get opportunity again that gives a basically a flat damage buff to your backstab this increases its critical strike chance which is obviously fanta by Josie and then obviously we get dagger specialization instead and we sacrifice some points like aggression and lethality into you know over backstab towns because I'll just be a flat-out better damage up increasing better damage increasing option so here we have the wild card seal feted daggers build so you're probably wondering you know what the hell is this build all about this is basically an alternative build for when you have more gear if your crit chance is over 50% and then this build is competitive on DPS meters and at the end of the day you may be bored of your build because you've been playing it for like the first four phases of a game you may want to switch it up a bit this is a really good build to go for because it's a really high DPS build the only slight modification you should make if you're playing horde is to spec out or some points from improved poisons if I do that quickly if it's gonna let me yeah it's gonna let me so if I get free points and improved poisons instead and then get a little points in improve s eviscerate instead the reason why you do that is because you're not going to be using your poisons on both weapons because like I said before you will not use your poison on your main hand weapon you're only gonna use on your offhand so that's why when you're playing horde it's probably better to go for improved in viscera eviscerate instead so let us show you the rotation and rotations fairly straightforward the main principle what you're trying to accomplish is increasing your auto attack damage the main way to obviously do that is with slice and dice that is your main focus autoattacks and slice and dice evan eviscerate only really becomes a filler a bit filler finish your ability obviously to build up your combo points to burn them on slice and dice niversary you're basically going to be spamming sit-ins a strike so I'll show you the typical rotation and then I'll show you like how to open in basically a boss fight so a 5 combo point so you burn 5 combo points on slice and dice and then at about it really depends because depends on your time and depends on look you get of hits and misses but you really want to be using eviscerate when slice and dice has 20 seconds left because it takes about 16 seconds to build up to 5 combo points of in a little extra seconds for you to obviously use those combo points on a slice and dice so as you see the sweet spot is about now I've got like 4 seconds left and I'm refreshing it but then hey let's do it again and see how long it takes for me to build a buzz combo points again you see the thing is like sometimes you can miss have your sins to strike right that happens quite often and that can kind of really your DPS so I'm gonna use eviscerate on free combo points vert because I know it's going to take about 16 seconds for me to ramp up 5 combo points to use them again on the slice and dice because you wanna be maintaining with slice and dice buff 24/7 as you can see and get really unlucky with kind of like misses here so the slice and dice has just totally fallen off but honestly I think these training dummies on this private server I kind of like really ski whiff to be honest you probably won't miss on Special Attack - this much - efef and a real issue there with you no sense of strikes but strikes were missing because obviously I'm hit capped on this character but they were getting dodged and parried so when they get bulged and parry as he kind of delays it by a global cooldown for you to generate that combo coin or to burn those combo points but anyway let let's recap that slightly I would recommend using slice and dice on 5 combo points and then burning eviscerate on 3 - 4 combo points depending on you know how look here getting with hits but let's actually go through the opening cuz openers obviously a little bit different so let's talk about the opening burst rotation first of all pretty straightforward you open to your sense of strikes and you both immediately with slice and dice you're not both to be up like obviously 24/7 then after that you can start to pop your cooldowns you pop adrenaline rush blade flurry if you don't have to use blade for real light you're in a fight for a cleave situation and you pop any DPS trinkets that you may have equipped the important thing to know about drilling brush is vote you should pop it less than a second before a new energy energy tick otherwise you will only get 7 energetics during the whole rotate duration of journalling rush so if you use it one second before an energy tick you will actually get eight energy takes over 40 energy so obviously that is really beneficial you I would recommend getting an add-on to track your energy ticks and use it precisely before the new energy take well just you're basically using in a small time window like a second before the any tip energetic basically happens so ya don't use it like after an energetic like straight after use it a little bit before like less than a second and then from there you know you go to sensor strike and you pretty much just caret basically carrion burrow tation we're talking out talking about earlier the only thing to know after that is obviously if you're really starved and energy and you feel like you're going to lose your slice and dice buff then obviously use a fissile T to kind of remedy of our situation they show you this rotation in action I'll do it fairly slow you know since the strike twice slice and dice or mark or downs pop it now and then you just fall over a standard rotation but the standard rotation is much easier to pull off because you have insane and you know obviously energy regeneration so the opposite of rotation changes because you can actually fit in and basically hire damaging eviscerate because you're able to stack combo points faster obviously at about 17 second mark oh that's when you need to stop using abyss array and basically consume it I think at your slider you know your your combo points backup to use them on slice and dice because as you can see the sweet spot is around about now okay add a slice and dice on me but I had it off my character for about you know half a second you can kind of live without again a sweet spot is about 17 to 20 seconds that wink that's when you want start stacking up combo points all over again to use them on slice and dice so for the dagger build spec the rotation is much much simpler pretty straightforward all you can do is use backed up and slice and dice and that's pretty much it because it's better to basically use all your at pour all your energy into using backstab because backstab damage is so ridiculous basically that is literally all you're gonna do and backstab up see cost quite a significant amount of energy cost 60 energy rather than you know citrus sinensis try costing about forty five energy Evan also you just pop your cooldowns in the opener spam backstab spar then you basically power your combo points and slice and dice and that is pretty much Bob's your uncle V rotation for a dagger spec when it comes to the seal fate dagger spec the only thing I can really add is if you get lucky with the sealing fate proc stops up rocks off crit then you may be able to fit in a cheeky eviscerate now and again just make sure you are actually spending all of your comment you know keep it maintaining your slice and dice board other people probably gonna ask about stealth openers generally stealth openers are quite dangerous to do because ambush hit one hits for a ridiculous amount of damage so you may pull aggro off the boss so I would wait until basically your tank has some decent gear you know has some decent DPS again is able to maintain significant a pop portion of our grow in the opener and the end of the day just feel the waters a bit if you wipe the red group don't do it if the tank is able to deal with it then you know open with ambush but when it comes to actually using combat salty it's just better to just jump in with your default swords back using ambush is not we don't use humble you can't use em brush because you don't have a dagger in your main hand ever knob viously Cairo to consumes a debuff slot and you know your raid leaders probably gonna slap your wrist fit out and get annoyed at you so I wouldn't recommend doing that last thing to know obviously is keep using feint to drop your fret very be very mindful of the fret table because as a rogue you are doing you know seriously high damage when you get very lucky with crits you make that you know generating a bit too much a Grove drop it with feint it was getting really out of hand drop it with vanish obviously you can also use vanish to basically do a second stealth opener you can do ambush again and there are some people out there who claim but you can basically use the vanish to swap out your trinket so if you've got like trinkets but you know unused trinkets like a number of different ones you can use vanish quickly equip the new trinket and then make use of the you know whatever other trinkets you have bought that needs some experimentation with anyway guys about sorry I'm gonna in Nvidia over my name is a metal goblin until my next video ciao
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 132,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow guide, vanilla wow guide, classic wow priest leveling guide, classic wow warrior leveling guide, classic wow shaman leveling guide, classic wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow warlock leveling guide, classic wow mage leveling guide, classic wow druid leveling guide, classic wow paladin leveling guide, classic wow rogue leveling guide, classic wow tips, how to level faster in vanilla wow, how to level faster in classic wow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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