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hey guys how's it going it's Nui man here and today we're gonna answer the age-old question of what happens if the Sunbeam rescues you early on in the game now I will have to warn you there are going to be some spoilers ahead for the early part of the subnautica story so if you haven't played it yet and you don't want to find out what's gonna happen during the early sections of the game please stop watching now however if you're still here and you still want to find out what we're going to do is we're gonna cure ourselves we're gonna head over to the precursor base which is also the land in sight of the Sunbeam ship that's sent to rescue you and we're gonna disable the weapon and see what happens now if any look we'll be rescued by the Sunbeam we'll be able to leave this godforsaken planet and my fear of deep water will finally be put to an end but without much further ado we'll head out the base we'll get ourselves killed we'll go over we'll call in the Sunbeam and let's see what happens [Music] okay guys so as you can see we've just been infected by the virus where infections state four which means we get all these horrible green things all over our skin so we are actually completely infected now but we've also got the zombie mission you can see we've got the land in sight over there so what we're going to do is we're going to get ourselves killed and then we're going to make our way over there disable the gun and then hopefully the Sunbeam will be able to pick us up so we're completely cured now I've made my way over to some beam landing site in my seam off we've just got to get up onto the surface and then it's just a waiting game first so that massive energy signature reading is actually the gun that the precursors of built which if we pop out the water we should be able to see there you go just there so we're gonna go in we're gonna disable that gun now that we're nice and cured we're going to land and then we're just gonna play the nice waiting game and you know we'll wait for our rescue to inevitably arrive we've made it to the land in sight and we've still got 26 minutes to spare so the next thing we have to do is we've basically going to have to disable this very large precursor quarantine enforcement weapon this is where the spoilers starts coming in a little bit so basically what happens is as the Sun beam reaches about 30 seconds on the countdown timer we can see it descend through the atmosphere at which point this gun engages it blows it out the sky spreading debris right the way across the ocean so as you can see from our lovely hands we are cured I'm gonna head inside the primary containment facility which this is not sorry this is the quarantine enforcement platform I'll head inside I'll disable the firearm and then we play the waiting game for our lovely Sunbeam rescue so I suppose we just have to head inside and do the easy step [Music] the gun is now disabled and therefore it shouldn't shoot down the Sunbeam when it finally arrives so let's head topside I'll meet you guys there we're back at the London site we've got 15 minutes to go my lovely seam off is beached and waiting in case something bad happens but now we can just sit back enjoy the lovely sandy beaches stare at the beautiful unpowered gun and just have some fun while we wait for our lovely Sunbeam to arrive so we've got a minute remaining let's sit back let's find out what happens I'm going to be quiet for this portion because we're just gonna watch and in about 20 seconds or so we should see the Sunbeam started to send through the atmosphere so it sounds like the gun is booting up but still no sight of the Sunbeam just yet survivor we see you man I don't know how you held out down there we broken it after descending towards the landing site touching down it ten nine eight it's coming from the building change course set thrusters before [Music] so guys as we can see it unfortunately did not work which means we're gonna have no other choice but to escape from this planet the normal way you can see the gun did solve a weird thing there where it sounded like it was booting up it suddenly snapped in position to lock onto the Sun beam and now has returned to its dormant state which is unfortunate but there are still ways that we can get off this planet but guys thank you very much for watching this video I am as good as you are that I'm still trapped on this godforsaken planet well if you liked the video please feel free to give it a like subscribe if you can and also hit the notification bell if you really like my videos and thank you for watching guys I've been Nui man and have a good day [Music]
Channel: NouieMan
Views: 1,570,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cured before sunbeam, subnautica cured before sunbeam lands, sunbeam cured, subnautica sunbeam wreckage, subnautica sunbeam gun disabled, subnautica sunbeam landing scene, subnautica escaping with sunbeam, subnautica saving the sunbeam, subnautica ending, subnautica cured before the sunbeam lands, subnautica getting cured before the sunbeam, disabling gun to save sunbeam, SUNBEAM ALTERNATE ENDING SUBNAUTICA, subnautica curing yourself before sunbeam
Id: dqzjDt7ybL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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