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Russian roulette with a shotgun all right where's my gun what is this what can I do take the pills I'm afraid to am I in a bathroom oh oh we're in a club God hell yeah going me down there dude I don't want to play this game okay there it is I got to play I think Rush roulette with a shotgun with this guy this handsome fell please sign the waiver click point and click a strange interaction by the way this is the same Dev that made carbon steel and quite a few other really cool games with unique premises I love it uh that's an easy one not crazy have to sign a waiver what's the point waiver for what uh one live round two blank I insert the shells in an unknown order do you am I supposed to trust that uh is it m go shotgun shooting herself with the blank skips the Dealer's turn I mean the odds are in my favor right there's two blanks so if I shoot myself it skips his turn and then I have a 50% chance of shooting him right oh [ __ ] shaking dude I know this is a game but God this is a scary premise you only get one shot I'm going to die oh luck is on dude I'm a hor my luck is horrible I don't know how this is going to fair I could shoot myself but that would be stupid right cuz I got a 50% chance of doing it just shoot him just shoot him bye-bye well holy [ __ ] you can use a defibrillator for a shotgun blast all right I believe this world now wait I missed it how many no I got unlucky already this sucks I think it was three and two right so I mean if I good all right I'm going to go lucky okay I know this is a gamble right but that's the the idea of Russian Roulette right if I don't if I shoot myself right now hope that I get a blank and then I can G pretty much guarantee with a 75% chance that I'll hit him after I'm doing it this is fine you're lucky it left you with a charge get up BP the 90 is Young what is this what you son of a [ __ ] let's do this again I played a gamble that was my bad I already had bad luck I shouldn't have gambled anybody anybody who's ever been on the table you know they should know when your luck is down you just got to stop I mean you should know that most don't but I understand the game we're playing here I understand what I got to do it would have been really [ __ ] funny if it shot me all right get out of here get out of here there's no way dude there's no way that my luck is this bad there's there's just no way my luck is this bad how the hell yeah it was three and two all right well seems like a bad idea to shoot myself I have a really high chance yeah there you go see all one one [ __ ] wait are those lights or cameras I don't see any light coming off of them you have a 50% chance of getting this if you decide to oh you idiot I mean come on I deserve that I got that come on I did win that's right level two what is that a boss oh let's make this a little more interesting oh no two items each what do we get like trap cards and [ __ ] like Yu-Gi-Oh okay oh I got to click what is that is that a knife oh I get to put it somewhere two items and handcuffs do do I get to know what these [Music] do one in one [ __ ] here we go shotgun deals two damage dealer skips the next turn you know what it's one in one I'm taking a chance [ __ ] [ __ ] I should have just used the handcuffs but I feel like I need that for later we have four lives we have four lives all right buddy we get more items are you kidding me well if I had known we would get more that a cigarette uh-oh General Lisa what the [ __ ] was that I just said General release of liability signed by God wait is that him is that who I'm playing against what does the magnifying glass do 2 two okay dude this is nerve-wracking oh I can regain a charge last minute ooh ooh you know what I'm going to do I'm going to handcuff him so it skips his next turn oh that's cute if I'm lucky I'll get a hit okay now I'm not lucky but now I know I have it skips his turn so now I know I have a 67% chance so I'm going to double the damage oh no yeah that'll definitely do it dealer goodbye son take two and now I'm one up strategy man oh grows back I I just thought of that too maybe uh maybe it's double damage always cuz of the sh off a you he's oh he's got two cigarettes wait there's no way you can do two you can use as many items as you want these rules have not been expressly relay to me what does that do what did the soda do what does the soda do okay so now it's a but it's a guaranteed hit on him or did he what did the soda do did he mix up the shells give me a soda I need to find out what it does I don't know I have no idea oh we have new shells good okay three live rounds two blanks okay odds are in my favor what does this do check the current round in the chamber odds are in my favor I could deal him one damage I'll take the edge off why not right yeah smoke up baby yeah might as well that's right that's right God he's so ugly dude and very creepy very interesting uh-oh yeah he saw it was a live shell so I'm going to get hit once possibly twice and he recovers from the cigarette great I'm [Music] ready and now it's one and two yeah please hit yourself [ __ ] all right one in one okay huh oh [ __ ] why did he get oh cuz it skipped my turn duh okay well see you I didn't have a good item for that I knew what it was in the chamber I guess I don't need to regain Health right now and I'm not going to skip his turn I don't know what's up I could have a better combo ah more cigarettes great another magnifying glass fantastic 3 three I could really gamble this and get him down too yeah let me use this see what it is it's probably a it's a blank okay well that increases my chances so now I'm going to shoot myself cuz it's a blank and when I shoot myself it skips his turn right right okay now I'm going to lock him in I can't believe you agreed to that he's just willingly yeah sure I'll handcuff myself all right take that you idiot all right now it's 22 now I'm going to check the chamber again see where we're at it's live okay now I'm just going to shoot him so now he has an opportunity cuz it's one and two now he has an opportunity to shoot himself which he's probably going to do if he's smart what does the soda do oh [ __ ] he gets to push out a shell and now there's only two blanks so he's going to shoot himself which is going to skip my turn he's going to shoot himself again which is going to skip my turn into the new deal I don't how does that work this is technically like a say right do I get to go first again or is my turn still skipped I don't know how that works two handcuffs dude he's dead he's dead do me a favor oh he's so dead he is so dead no you don't have a shot no that's [ __ ] oh that's right you load it okay yeah I'm just going to skip your turn he's dead it's over uh one of these is going to hit him there's just the the odds are too yeah eat [ __ ] and die dang three lives still I don't know is that good I think that's good that's right I win is it boss time is he going to be really [ __ ] angry now he I guess he reached his maximum ugly he can't get any uglier okay no more defibrillators no more blood transfusions now me and you we are dancing on the edge of life wait is it one [Music] shot what the [ __ ] does this [Music] mean what is that [Music] mean four items each [ __ ] okay handcuffs oh I finally know what a soda does and a saw off and another soda okay you know the drill one and to okay so it's my go I am going to roll the dice here he said no more defibrillators so if I [ __ ] up right wait what does this do no wait how do I go back I can't go back I didn't check the sodas I don't know what the sodas do I'm dead oh this is so stressful you rack the shotgun ends round on last shell okay so I'll push P it out either what comes out as a blank well hopefully it's a blank okay so it's a blank so now I can shoot myself and then we can get new shells and new items that I could potentially [Music] combo this is going well this is going well okay four more items one two magnifying glass magnifying glass okay this a help me it's ought to help me 1 2 3 wait four five wait it four and four it was four and four right all right I got to use the magnifying glass got to see what it is it's a blank okay so now I am going to shoot myself why are you shaking you know what it is I know it was a blank so now that should be 3 versus 4 let me see if I can get rid of a blank I got rid of a blank okay chances are high I'm going to handsaw it and then shoot [Music] him yes yes all right come on man what you got all right he knows what it's going to be very interesting oh [ __ ] all right he regains a health I forgot he had [Music] cigarettes well I know what's happening the odds are in his favor ouch cuz now he gets another turn cuz I'm chained up up I think I might be dead here no he does no he can't kill me but he can get me really close of course of course oh he's risking that okay what what uh okay so there's been oh [ __ ] I haven't been calculating three live round or two three live rounds have gone and then three blanks so it's a 50/50 I better not take a chance I am going [Music] to find out what it is it's live okay good good good good so you're going to get handcuffed time up uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh I am going to handsaw this [ __ ] and you're going to take two more because I'm an [ __ ] take that die die die all right now he's got broken lives what does that mean I have no idea no more defibrillators all right so it's my turn it's just the blank right and then we get new stuff are you ready for [Music] what what oh [ __ ] why is he cut off what is happening well I'm not even going to give him the satisfaction I'm not shooting myself I know it's a blank but this should give us a turnover right we get new stuff yeah yeah okay good magnifying glass good another handcuffs yeah he's going to die yeah he's going to die three and two three and two I'm going to skip his turn anyway in case I'm I'm wrong if I get the blank he's still dead right even if I get the blank yeah he's dead bye nice sping that ass doll now get stepping you didn't stand a chance what the [ __ ] this dude is terrifying or was oh is that the god reward oh I Get Money do you play for money in Russian Roulette that's some high stakes I would that's a lot of money oh I get to keep the shotgun as a souvenir the magical shotgun that regenerates itself after being s off congratulations igp doors kicked four cigarettes smoked one shells ejected $65,000 dude that was totally worth it do do I get to uh is there like a another mode I guess not Mike clika I'll put a link to his ichio page in general and to Buckshot roulette so you can check out the other stuff he's done but that was a lot of fun very creative I just wish there was a little bit more I want to play more if you want to play for yourself again link is down below I think it's like a dollar a120 you should pick it up anyway that's it for this video if you want to see more from me I have a bunch of other videos they're going to be on the screen you can pick your favorite and I will join you over there
Channel: IGP
Views: 307,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buckshot roulette, buckshot roulette game, buckshot roulette gameplay, buckshot roulette ending, buckshot roulette review, buckshot roulette trailer, buckshot roulette horror game, buckshot roulette playthrough, buckshot roulette walkthrough, buckshot roulette igp, igp, buckshot roulette gameplay igp, horror games
Id: Ugrb5zue3aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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