They Added the ATLAS SUBMARINE to Subnautica… (Mod)

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the long-awaited atlas submarine has finally been added to subnautica and in today's video we're going to be checking it out along with two other new submarines that have been recently modded into the game now if you're not sure what the atlas is it was originally a concept for subnautica that ended up being scrapped to its size but now thanks to mods it's been added to the game and although it and the two other submarines are definitely not finished they're still really cool and i want to check them out be sure to stick around to the end because we're going to be testing out these cells with eager ganks with leviathan so without any further ado let's get into it all right let's go ahead and waste no time and build these things all right and we're in a pretty deep area of water so let's go ahead and deploy this thing and here we go we got the atlas submarine right here we have the trauma and we have the odyssey let's go ahead and start off by building ourselves the atlas submarine looks like we've got a little bit of lag here the atlas submarine is a top secret military prototype designed specially designed for bird exploration this sub features near unlimited crush depth and is able to withstand even the most dangerous creature attacks and there we go would you look at the size of this thing this thing is massive but honestly i am a little tiny bit underwhelmed i almost expected it would be a little bit bigger but anyways we got the peeper on the model here the model looks amazing i'll give it that yeah the model is definitely really well done let's see if we can go inside of this thing really quickly i wonder where these things are i think they're like some sort of batteries or something i'm not entirely sure so anyways i believe we can go on top of the atlas right here and there we go so we're on top of the atlas the hitbox is a little wonky here but anyways i believe this is where we enter over here we have some equipment on the top and then we have the engine over here oh and it looks like there's two hatches interesting okay that's good to know i am getting stuck while i'm walking around this thing but i'm assuming this is just because it's a work in progress all right and this diagnostics complete all systems online okay as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted this is the inside of the sub as you can see it's not really finished but we got a ton of rooms and stuff in here i can't enter this room though interesting okay now i do have one question can we actually build stuff inside of here let's see if we can build a fabricator we can that's actually so amazing i'm not sure why there's a loud beeping noise going on right now either i'm assuming that's also a bug but yeah we can basically just turn all of these rooms into a massive area with tons of lockers and a fabricator and a radio and all that that's actually really super cool but yeah it's definitely not finished as we can see so up here are the controls coming soon it says so i believe this works like the altera c voyage i believe it's called i do actually believe it used the same code so we press forward and our sub goes forward we can turn it off like this we can go sideways backwards which will make it go diagonal so yeah the controls are pretty basic i'm assuming this will be improved on of course but yeah i honestly love the model and this is honestly a great first step in the right direction i believe we just exit right here now i do want to talk about the model being used in this mod just a little bit i'm guessing there are some of you in the audience who actually recognize the atlas model that's used in this mod and that's because if you do a quick google search for the atlas subnautica model you'll come up with two results one from and one from i'm not sure if they're made by the same person but this is the model that's being used in this mod how the story goes is the people making this mod hired someone to create a model similar to these models but they ended up getting ripped off as whoever they hired simply stole the model from one of these websites and sold it to them whether this is actually true or not i'm not exactly sure but i'd like to give credit to the people who actually made the model they've seriously done an amazing job on this thing the resulting drama from this revelation resulted in the disbanding of the team who actually made this mod so unfortunately there will be no more updates or improvements to it however i have heard rumors that the architects of the unknown or the people who made the gargantuan leviathan mod are planning on adding the atlas to their mod hopefully the rumors are true and hopefully it will be a lot better than what we have right now because quite frankly this thing is not so good seriously though there's a lot of improvements i'd love to see if the architects of the unknown end up actually picking up this project but anyways let's go ahead and build ourselves the a trauma vehicle all right here we go it says a submarine built for construction it is quite sluggish but has an enormous storage capacity interesting there's no lag for this one which is very good and this one's also taking a lot longer than the atlas stuck i was actually very surprised by how quick that was all right and there we go let's go ahead and take a look at the outside really quickly it honestly looks a little silly i'm not sure why it's designed like this we got two little things on the outside and then a sort of main pod on the inside or whatever i think this is where we enter the vehicle see if there's anything else i'm missing it doesn't look like it anyways let's go ahead well that's a new voice okay we got vehicle batteries here and a fabricator built into the submarine which is very nice if access upgrades right here and it looks like it's just the bronze suit upgrades for now interesting okay i wonder if you can actually build upgrades for this thing i'm not entirely sure so right here we have toggle headlights toggle interior lighting oh wow yeah there's a big difference toggle floodlights toggle nav lights i'm not sure what that is of no use of no use toggle power oh interesting of no use and autopilot to do so yeah this is definitely a work in progress because there are buttons that simply don't do anything admittedly it is a little rougher on the edges but this is definitely an awesome step in the right direction i'm really excited for there to be more submarines added to this game i think it's gonna be super cool okay let's start piloting this thing so we're moving forward now it is a little bit sluggish like it said it's actually not that slow though interesting i'm not a huge fan of how the submarine controls i wish it was more like the sea moth or something but i still think this submarine is super cool and i'm curious if it actually interacts with the urgency in the life and mod i guess we'll see that later though angle is too steep double tap exit button to auto level okay and now we can exit interesting that's a cool little feature all right let's go ahead and check out the odyssey now i'm assuming it's going to be very similar to this of course a different model but yeah all right here we go we have the odyssey it says a submarine built for exploration it is nimble for its size it fits into small corridors and its flood lights are extremely powerful interesting let's go ahead and build this thing again there's no lag for this one and it's also taking a lot longer all right and here we go all right so i'm definitely liking how this looks a lot better we have an altera logo and it says odyssey that's awesome yeah the model for this thing is actually a lot better than the other one in my opinion we got little thingies on the top like the atlas and the cyclops and i think this is where we enter we'll see if there's anything else we can see one thing is i wish this was like transparent so we could see the inside i'm assuming of course that's just because it's a work in progress but anyways let's go ahead and enter the vehicle now this looks very similar to the trauma of course you have a fabricator you have vehicle batteries it upgrades again and again it's the proxy we have more slots i think we have storage which is actually very nice oh wow that's actually a ton of storage holy and i'm curious can we actually build stuff in here we cannot build stuff in here and i'm assuming that's the same with the trauma i hope i'm saying that right i'm honestly not sure but anyways we have toggle headlights toggle interior lighting toggle floodlights of no use of no use toggle nav lights autopilot of no use and toggle power let's start piloting this thing it's very similar to the trauma from what i'm noticing again the controls are not my favorite it almost feels like a hybrid between the prawn suit and the seamoth it's really weird this is the part of the submarine that i think needs to be polished the most because it's basically the most important part the submarine can look really weird or whatever but as long as you can use it it doesn't really matter this is so weird it's almost unusable but of course this is a work in progress i'm not too worried about it and yeah i definitely think all three of these submarines are really awesome and i think the fact that we can now mod submarines into the game easily is really good for the subnautica modding community anyways next up i want to try each of these out with the argentine leviathan in the void all right we've got ourselves an alice submarine right by the voids go ahead and head inside oh i just realized we can't actually use this hatch or something not sure what's going on with that anyways here we go we can enter through this one still and well it looks a little weird awesome it is a little hard to see out of this thing let's go ahead and turn it this way so we can head towards the void all right i believe we are facing the void so let's go ahead and head inside and see what happens all right i'm just gonna stand right here and have that go forward so we can see what happens i might stop it once we actually enter the void and i can hear the gargantuan leviathan there's a ghost leviathan probably going to stop it in just a minute here whoa hello fishies all right we're probably far enough in the void where's the organic in the life and i heard him somewhere down there is that him it's really hard to see outside this thing let's go ahead and actually exit the sub so we can actually see what's going on oh yeah there he is he's definitely here i can't see him very well i'm actually curious as to whether he's actually going to attack this thing oh he just rammed into it there yeah it's getting knocked around did he just attack it i'm not exactly sure all right i'm just gonna leave this guy here and spawn in the trauma and the odyssey to see if he's gonna attack those and then of course we'll also be seeing at the same time if he will attack the atlas oh boy i'm inside the trauma right now i'm gonna try and head towards the gargantuan leviathan get him to attack me there's not a whole lot of offensive we can do with this thing but i'm really curious if it'll actually attack these oh boy oh okay yeah it looks like it does attack them oh boy and i'm still alive because this is creative but i'm sure if this was survival i would be dead wow i was actually not really expecting it to attack me oh and there's a reaper leviathan hello okay you just jump scared me i was not expecting that wow oh wow yeah okay so i'm super surprised because both the reaper leviathan and i'm assuming the other leviathans and the argentine levites and attack this thing that's awesome i'm assuming since the atrauma can get attacked the odyssey can also get attacked where is it way over there yeah it definitely looks like it got attacked but let's head inside of it and see if we can see the attack first hand i don't think this guy's been attacked at all he's just kind of been batted around but of course i could be wrong oh as soon as i come over here i think my drama is getting attacked or something interesting okay that odyssey was not working because i'm assuming it got beaten up by the ranch and leviathan and i just noticed my trauma is 1 200 meters below me so yeah that's interesting it definitely had some fun with the urgency and leviathan yeah i think when it gets attacked we can't actually enter it because i was over there at the other one and i couldn't enter it which is interesting i almost wish there was like uh a model for when it was broken too but i guess there isn't oh hello there how are you doing oh okay and there we go okay we're dead if we were in survival at least well and we're still getting beat up oh wow look at that the atlas is also here what is going on okay yeah so it looks like the atlas can only get like beat around by the garg i don't think it can actually be attacked but of course i could be wrong i guess and yeah once the odyssey gets destroyed i can't exit it so i'm just gonna have to like warp out of here so yeah it looks like for the atlas there's no really animation of it attacking it for everything else there is oh speaking of which uh it's attacking something oh there goes my odyssey that is unfortunate but this guy can still definitely be batted around and i think it can still take damage but anyways i think that's going to do it for this video if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing it's free and it helps me out on huge thanks to my patrons over at patreon baby yoda moonlord cybot john skeptic and then nothing if you want to be awesome become patreon support today and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: SpeedyMouse
Views: 345,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: they, added, add, mod, modded, the, atlas, submarine, sub, subs, to, subnautica, modding, long, awaited, finally, concept, scrapped, below, zero, gargantuan, leviathan, leviathans, atrama, vehicle, vehicles, odyssey, oddyssey, oddysey, framework, model, return, of, ancients, mods, speedymouse, survival, horror, igp, anthomnia, aci, last, bacon, prawn, suit, seamoth, cyclops, mobile, bay, submarines
Id: d0TUgj-6Po0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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