Sublimation On a Big Box Floor tile with The Magic Film

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[Music] okay y'all I know it's been a little while since I've done one but we're going to do a 12 by 12 trial using a matte laminate and they come out really nice sorry for the glare anyway I'm gonna have to take my mic off for a second and go get a tile I wasn't prepared was I okay here's the tile that I've got it's a light color it does have a little bit of a pattern to it but it may seem to be working fine for me about I'd say 3/16 of an inch thick twelve by twelve came from Home Depot I think they were about a dollar apiece and about a box of I think eight or ten of them anyway you get your laminate it comes in a roll what I've got now is 18 inch roll of mat it's about $35 a roll from Southwest Plastics if you call them you can order just one roll if you order it online you have to order two anyway what I've done is I've got my laminate laid out and I taped it down because it wants to curl if you don't and I'm gonna lay my tile down face down right in the center I've cut the laminate one inch bigger all the way around and what I'm going to do is trim those corners off at a 45 get over here and get this one get right up close to the corner as close as you can get then look I finally got to take this pincer yay then what you want to do is pull your laminate tight over the edge and heat tape it in place go all the way around pulling it as tight as you can get it without tearing it it doesn't tear easy by the way so you shouldn't have to worry about that talks to monk yourself this is the boring part and I've got my press set at 350 degrees just what I do almost everything at nowadays the old 400 degrees for 60 seconds may have worked for a lot of people and maybe I don't know they say foolproof but it's not it tends to overcook things in my opinion leave were horrible press marks and shirts and 350 just works better in my opinion okay now we've got it all taped up ready to go on the press and what I've got going here is I took a this is a dish drawing map so it's got a little bit of cushion but it's also got a texture on it and that texture will show up on your laminate it's not bad you don't really notice it but just in case we'll do it I put a piece of non textured fabric over the top of it I'm doing it facedown I've got the press set at 720 seconds that's 12 minutes I did the math for you protecting the press probably don't need it but I'm protecting anyway what I'm willing to do is I'm going to press this and check it at 6 minutes and see how it works how it looks if it's not glued down good with no bubbles I'll finish it up for the full 12 minutes so here we go first 6 minute press on heavy pressure okay lost count of time but that's pretty close to six minutes reason it takes longer is one thing the tile is thick and it's large so takes a little longer to get it where you need it what you want a nice smooth and that looks pretty good okay get out of the way let this cool off just a little bit I don't need this anymore but I do need more paper the mat also gives you just a little bit of cushion and it helps this laminate really get into any little crevices that there may be when you cover it with your blowout paper or protect you pet paper whatever you want to call it and then [Music] get you get your print ayuh printed not used to having this microphone that I have to hit on every time so excuse me I made my print 12-point 18 by 12-point 18 tried to choose something colorful I would normally like wait for this tile to cool down some before I put it up put it on there fact I think I will let's cook let's let the tile cool otherwise when you're trying to position it the heat inside the tile is liable to go ahead and start the sublimation process so let your tile cool and wait a little bit this is not a quick process probably 30 minutes start to finish for one of these big tiles or in my case 4 hours start to finish because you spend 3 hours and 30 minutes looking for an image that you want to use so anyway let your tile cool off and then we'll come back to it okay it's been about 10 minutes or so and I can hold my hand on it so it's not too hot all right move the camera a little bit now we're going to take the tile still got just a little bit of the texture from from the dish drying mat and when you're doing anything with the laminate you want to make sure that your paper is bigger than the tile or bigger than the wood or whatever you're doing otherwise it will leave an indentation in the laminate film making sure I'm good all the way around all right there we go ready to go piece of protective paper on top 350 degrees where are we at there we are 350 degrees 720 seconds back the last one I did I went about 30 to 45 seconds past that so it's a good little wait but it's it's worth it for these nice big tiles they come out really nice would make a great inlay on a tabletop or a pedestal top my pressure on this is a seven and that's on the hotronix fusion so I would call it medium heavy as far as your pressure is concerned all right now I'm not going to do a song and dance or anything while this is pressing so we'll just pause again and come back when it's done okay twelve minutes is about up five four three two one I like it just gives you the three second warning all right actually I'm gonna go back and give it just a little more time the first one I did last night had some light spots I don't know if it was in the image itself which it could have been because it's a vintage image but I want to make sure I get really good coverage on this one so I'm going to let it go for just a few more minutes or another maybe 30 seconds to a minute I don't know what else I was going to tell you probably nothing since my brains not working all that well heat gloves are a must and I so think and I still can't remember who it was that sent these to me but thank you again because they are lifesavers or finger sabers at least see I'm probably happy with this I'm hoping now when I do a little experiment that I haven't done yet when I open this up I want to try to get those edges down really good so while this is still hot pull this over what up as you can see I'm gonna iron those down while it's still hot I hope that does the trick he gloves are heating up this is one hot mama tile I think this is gonna do the trick pardon me pardon me and there's your finished product beautiful color I don't see anywhere anything went wrong maybe right down there at the very bottom I may have been off on my placement you could always make your image just a little bit bigger than what I did make it a quarter inch bigger or something and then when it's all done what I did was put felt on the back I got to get me some different colored felt I don't like the green but that's all I had and that covers up the the where you lap wrap to the laminate around but you get really good coverage you get a nice smooth edge no raggedy edges from trying to trim the laminate and as you can see really nice color nice finished product and the way I did the felt just laid the laid the tile in the trashcan backside up sprayed it with spray adhesive this stuff right cheer Loctite give it a good spray on the back of the tile and then a good spray on the back of the felt as well and marry the two together glue side to glue side spread it down real good with your hands get good and stuck and it will dry permanent so that that would be on there for good and it give us a better finished product one for your customers this is 12 by 12 with a personal wedding photo anniversary photo birthday a memorial plaque you could do a whole lot with them they're big enough that they're impressive but they're not too big that they're intrusive I think it's a good deal I think you could probably make some money with these wouldn't surprise me a bit for people to be able to sell them for $25 apiece if not more because they are very nice and very professional-looking when they're done let's go back over to this one that we just finished take another look sorry for the glare let's see let's look at it at an angle here we go glares not quite so bad that way you can see the color is absolutely gorgeous so anyway folks here there it is and until next time just remember think outside of the box it's a whole lot more fun out there I promise you
Channel: Sublimation Tips and Tricks From Griffith Designs
Views: 27,501
Rating: 4.9824367 out of 5
Id: xpeyL8zWmg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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